8.25-大作文Tingyu's Class-IELTS 01(8.24) (1) 2

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过去式 所有的介词都有⼀个⾃⼰的灵魂(要想达成⽬的就必须得

• Just +V(ed) 有介词)

• Run:ran 介词:作为介质的那个词 at to with in on under from
• Fly: flew through….
• 语法错误、逻辑混乱
Walk: walk across/crossing; path(⼩道)

• Read:read

• See: mustard芥末monster

• Travel:

• 主谓宾SVO

• S V V(降级) O, Ving(like going…) V to do

• S S(降级) V O,and/,/that/of/’s

• S V O O(降级), and/,/that/of/’s

• I like go to school.

• Swim: I like to swimming in a pool.(like doing=like to do)

IELTS Goal: 6.5-7
Lesson Focus: Writing & Reading
Bella 🐻
Writing, Task II
IELTS Writing
Improvement Focus
• 词汇:增加同义词、正确/灵活使⽤词组
• 语法:减少简单句语法错误,或者掌握更多⻓难句并正确使⽤
• 逻辑:过渡段的衔接问题 (强调内部逻辑,非显性衔接词)
• ⼤作⽂的字数不应少于250字。

• ⼤作⽂部分的分数占作⽂总分的66%。


• Task Response 写作任务回应情况 (25%)

• Coherence and Cohesion 连贯与衔接 (25%)

• Lexical Resources 词汇丰富程度 (25%)

• Grammatical Range and Accuracy 语法多样性及准确性 (25%)

• ⼤作⽂的题材都是正式题材。⼀般常⻅的作⽂类型有:

• 观点型 (agree or disagree)

• 讨论型 (discuss both views)

• 利弊型 (advantages and disadvantages) (positive or negative)

• 两种问题型 (2-part question)

观点型(Agree or disagree)
• 观点型题⽬⼀般的提问⽅式是:

• What is your opinion?

• Do you agree or disagree?
• To what extent do you agree or disagree?
• Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory
part of high school programs (for example working for a charity, improving the
neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children).
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Prison is the best punishment for
criminals. Discuss.
•停⽌犯罪繼續發⽣ :囚禁犯⼈在监狱⾥限制凡⼈⾃由,导致罪犯⽆法出去外⾯做坏事,减少/停⽌犯罪发⽣
•In the prison(S,) =Locking criminals in the prison can limit criminals’ activities [that results in+ 例句] criminal‘’s being unable to conduct crime] outside+the
cells., which then [stop] criminal from [happening] again. (S O V)
•Stop someone from doing/ stop someone to do
•Subject: n(ving) swim-swimming is XXX; hotdog is
•Go swim is bad. Going swimming is bad.
•Clean tooth is not She doesn’t want making dinnecessary. Cleaning tooth is not necessary.
•I hate shop clothes. I hate shopping.
•ner for us.
•She doesn’t want.
•I like the shopping mall. The shopping mall is there. I like the shopping mall which/that is there.

•连接词前后:SVO 链接 SVO (S V⼀致,省略)

•I like swimming. I hate eating apples.
•I like swimming but hate eating apples.

In the prison could stop the criminal happened again, limite criminals’ activities.
punishing criminals going to prison and limiting criminals’ freedom, remaining the safety of society.
• ⽤什么⽅式/⼿段/措施,达到什么⽬的,实现什么效果(⼩&⼤)
• SOV结构+伴随
•學習正確社會價值觀 : 囚禁犯⼈后,监狱⾥的课程会教导正确价值观,所以惩罚犯

⼈好; 当他们重返社会的社会
some criminals can learn life skills, helping them back to society.
punishing them in prison as another chance to fix their faults.
Prison is the best punishment for
criminals. Discuss.
•It is a common situation that people go to jail when they crimes, such as washing money, robbery, and killing.
Many people thought that it is the best way to punish those criminals.【 I tend to agree with this opinion and in
this essay I will support my views with examples. 】
•【To begin with, punishing criminals going to prison and limiting criminals’ freedom, remaining the safety of
society.】【The criminals can not go or connect with the outside world. They live in a specific room, and follow
a regular schedule or many serious rules from prison in the period. 】In Taiwan, people who live in the jail could
not be allowed to use smartphones or computers to connect outside, and also be rejected to bring weapons
inside. Moreover, they are required to follow with the prison’s rules, limiting their time to do some activities,
such as taking a break or doing some sports at a specific time. Preventing the dangers happened again.
•On top of that, punishing them in prison as another chance to fix their faults.They required learning about the
correct rules of society and making contributions to the country. For example, the government arranges some
courses about mental healthy, law knowledge in their prison period. Also, they can choose learn some technique
skills or jobs during the time. Helping them back to society with renewable life.
•In conclusion, the government needs to maintain citizens safe, punish people who do crime with limit their own
freedom and give another chance to change their behaviors. Due to those reasons, I agree going to prison is a
best way to punishment for criminals.
Most repetitive words: ❑ 罪犯(n):
"Criminals" ❑ 犯罪(v):
"Prison" ❑ 把某⼈关在监狱⾥:
❑ 惩罚(v)某⼈/措施:
§ 罪犯(n):
§ 犯罪(v):
o 名词:prisoner/criminal/lawbreaker/inmate
o 动名词词组:commit a crime/conduct a crime/ break
o 形容词:an imprisoned person/jailed individual/
the law
confined individual/incarcerated people o 形容词词组:commit criminal damage, behaviors,
o 词穷上句⼦:
wrongdoing/commit unlawful behaviors/commit illegal
§ a person who is guilty of a crime/responsible for a behaviors/conduct lawbreaking behaviors
§ a person who is in prison/in custody
§ a person who is put in jail/prison § 惩罚(v)某⼈/措施:
§ someone behind bars o 动词词组:Punish someone
§ someone who is subject to confinement o 名词词组:Someone under punishment
§ someone who is confined to a prison o 形容词词组:Punitive actions/measures
§ someone who is serving to sentence
§ someone who is under imprisonment

§ 把某⼈关在监狱⾥:
o 动词词组:incarcerate someone
o 动名词词组:Put someone in prison/lock behind the
bars/sentence someone to imprisonment/confine
someone in prison
It is a common situation that people go to jail when they crimes, such as washing
money, robbery, and killing. Many people thought that it is the best way to punish those
criminals.【 I tend to agree with this opinion and in this essay I will support my views
with examples. 】

Many individuals who commit crimes such as money laundering, robbery, and even murder end
up being sent to prison.
There is a prevailing belief that putting criminals in jail is the right way to punish them.
This essay agrees with this idea and provides some reasons and examples.

It's a common scenario that individuals who engage in criminal activities, such as money
laundering, robbery, and even homicide, find themselves incarcerated.
Many believe that imprisonment serves as an appropriate measure to discipline these
This essay lends its support to this viewpoint and substantiates it with pertinent examples.
5.5 6.5

Many individuals who commit 很多⼈犯罪 It's a common scenario that 從事犯罪活動的個⼈是⼀
crimes individuals who engage in 種常⾒的情況
criminal activities,

such as money laundering, 例如洗錢、搶劫, such as money laundering, 例如洗錢、搶劫,甚至殺

robbery, and even murder 甚至謀殺 robbery, and even homicide ⼈

end up being sent to prison 最終被送入監獄 ,find themselves incarcerated 發現⾃⼰被監禁

There is a prevailing belief that ⼈們普遍認為 Many believe that 許多⼈認為

putting criminals in jail 把犯⼈送入監獄 imprisonment serves 監禁服務

is the right way 是正確的⾏為 as an appropriate measure 作為⼀項適當的措施

to punish them. 去處罰他們 to discipline these wrongdoers. 來懲戒這些不法分⼦

This essay agrees with 這篇⽂章贊同 This essay lends its support to 這篇⽂章⽀持了

this idea 這個觀點 this viewpoint 這個觀點

some reasons and examples. ⼀些原因和例⼦ and substantiates it with 並⽤相關事例加以證實
pertinent examples.
【To begin with, punishing criminals going to prison and limiting criminals’
freedom, remaining the safety of society.】【The criminals can not go or connect with
the outside world. They live in a specific room, and follow a regular schedule or many
serious rules from prison in the period. 】In Taiwan, people who live in the jail could not
be allowed to use smartphones or computers to connect outside, and also be rejected to
bring weapons inside. Moreover, they are required to follow with the prison’s rules,
limiting their time to do some activities, such as taking a break or doing some sports
at a specific time. Preventing the dangers happened again.
(ing作主语; ing做状语:伴随/原因)
1. 先看这3个视频理解ing什么时候⽤:https://www.youtube.com/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC7jNRvxqb4 、
ING 做定状补: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI3slfwcoec
2. 回家完成这个练习,⾃⼰对答案,对完答案发我看下对错情况,圈出不理解的句型下
One reason for sending criminals to jail is to deter them from committing more crimes.
When they are in prison, they can't do the same bad things they did before.
In Taiwan, prisoners are not allowed to use smartphones or computers, so they can't
communicate with people outside.
They also can't have weapons, which makes it safer for everyone. This helps to stop them from
doing dangerous things again.

First and foremost, incarcerating criminals helps to ensure the safety of society by limiting
their freedom.
Inside the confines of a prison, these offenders are detached from the outside world, confined to
designated cells, and compelled to adhere to strict rules and schedules.
In Taiwan, inmates are denied access to smartphones and computers, thus preventing them
from maintaining connections with the external world.
Furthermore, the prohibition of weapons in prisons contributes to a secure environment,
reducing the risk of reoffending and the resurgence of criminal activities.
5.5 6.5
One reason for sending criminals to 將罪犯送進監獄的原因之⼀ First and foremost, incarcerating ⾸先,監禁罪犯有助於
jail is to 是 criminals helps to

deter them from committing more 以阻⽌他們犯下更多的罪 ensure the safety of society by limiting 通過限制他們的⾃由來確保社會
crimes. ⾏。 their freedom 的安全

When they are in prison, 當他們在監獄裡時, Inside the confines of a prison, 在監獄的範圍內,

they can't do the same bad things they 他們不能再做以前做過的壞 these offenders are detached from the 這些罪犯與外界隔絕,被限制在
did before. 事了。 outside world, confined to designated 指定的牢房裡,並被迫遵守嚴格
cells, and compelled to adhere to strict 的規則和時間表。
rules and schedules.
(offend 冒犯 offender 冒犯者=罪犯
offending 動名詞= offence(n.) )
In Taiwan, prisoners are not allowed 在台灣,囚犯不准使⽤智能 In Taiwan, inmates are denied access to 在台灣,囚犯不允許使⽤智能⼿
to use smartphones or computers, ⼿機或電腦, smartphones and computers, 機或電腦,
so they can't communicate with people 所以他們無法與外⾯的⼈交 thus preventing them from maintaining 因此他們無法與外界交流。
outside. 流。 connections with the external world.
(Prevent sb from doing sth)
They also can't have weapons, which 他們也不能擁有武器,這對 Furthermore, the prohibition of weapons 此外,監獄內禁⽌攜帶武器有助
makes it safer for everyone. 每個⼈來說都更安全。 in prisons contributes to a secure 於營造安全的環境,
(prohibit sb from doing sth)
This helps to stop them from doing 這有助於阻⽌他們再次做危 reducing the risk of reoffending and the 減少再次犯罪和犯罪活動死灰復
dangerous things again. 險的事情。 resurgence of criminal activities. 燃的風險。
(Help to…/ to…, to...是⼩⽕⾞) (Ving 當主詞)
On top of that, punishing them in prison as another chance to fix their faults. They
required learning about the correct rules of society and making contributions to
the country. For example, the government arranges some courses about mental healthy,
law knowledge in their prison period. Also, they can choose learn some technique skills or
jobs during the time. Helping them back to society with renewable life.


Another reason to put criminals in prison is to give them a chance to change.
Inmates can learn about how to be good members of society and get new skills.
For example, they can take classes about mental health and laws.
They can also learn how to do different jobs. This might help them become better people when
they leave prison.

Additionally, imprisonment provides a window of opportunity for criminals to reform and
rectify their behavior.
Incarcerated individuals are offered access to various programs aimed at enhancing their
understanding of societal norms and laws.
Courses on mental health and legal literacy are conducted within prison walls,
empowering inmates with knowledge that could facilitate their reintegration into
society as responsible citizens.
Moreover, vocational training and educational pursuits within prison can equip them with
employable skills, thereby increasing the chances of leading productive lives upon
5.5 6.5
Another reason 另⼀個原因 Additionally, 此外,
to put criminals in prison is to give them a chance 將罪犯關進監獄是給他 imprisonment provides a window of opportunity for 監禁還為犯罪分⼦提供了機會
們機會。 criminals 之窗。
to change. 去改變 to reform and rectify their behavior. 去改造和糾正⾏為
Inmates 囚犯 Incarcerated individuals 被監禁者
can learn about 可以學習 are offered access to 可以參加
(be offered to 被給予... = offer sb sth= give sb an
opportunity to sth)
how to be good members of society and get new skills. 如何成為社會的好成員 various programs aimed at enhancing their understanding 各種旨在增強他們對社會規範
- normal 正常的 並獲得新技能。 of societal norms and laws. 和法律的理解的計劃。
- people(=citizen=human beings) who will not conduct
crime (⽤句⼦解釋)
For example, they can take classes about mental 例如,他們可以參加有 Courses on mental health and legal literacy are conducted ⼼理健康和法律素養課程在監
health and laws. 關⼼理健康和法律的課 within prison walls,(=cells) 獄圍牆內被進⾏,
Learn lesson about (+ing) 學到⼀課
Losing sth= forgetting sth
empowering inmates with knowledge that could facilitate 為囚犯提供知識,幫助他們作
their reintegration into society as responsible citizens. 為負責任的公民重新融入社
(Empower sb with sth 為sb提供/賦予 sth) 會。
They can also learn 他們還可以學習 Moreover, vocational training and educational pursuits 此外,監獄內的職業培訓和教
within prison 育活動
(Pursuit of education 變名詞詞組)
how to do different jobs. 如何從事不同的⼯作。 can equip them with employable skills, 可以使他們具備就業技能,
(Equip sb with sth=provide sb with sth 提供sb sth)
Employable 可以被雇⽤的/employ 雇⽤/ employee 員⼯/
employer 雇主 trainee 培訓員
This might help them become better people 這可能會幫助他們成為 thereby increasing the chances of leading productive lives 從⽽增加過上富有成效的⽣活
(useful people 有⽤的⼈/可僱⽤的⼈/有貢獻的⼈ 更好的⼈。 的機會。
contributing people=contributor of society)
when they leave prison. 在出獄後 upon release. 獲釋後
release CO2
In conclusion, the government needs to maintain citizens safe, punish people who
do crime with limit their own freedom and give another chance to change their
behaviors. Due to those reasons, I agree going to prison is a best way to punishment for

Need to做什么措施的逻辑怎么改
In conclusion, sending criminals to prison is a way to stop them from doing more crimes and
give them a chance to improve themselves.
It keeps society safe and helps criminals learn new things.
This is why putting criminals in jail can be a good idea.

In conclusion, the notion of imprisoning individuals who commit crimes stands as a method of
punishment that not only safeguards the populace but also offers the possibility of
By curtailing their freedom and imparting knowledge and skills, prisons can potentially
contribute to the transformation of offenders into contributing members of society.
Therefore, the belief in the efficacy of imprisonment as a punitive measure is well-founded.
5.5 6.5
In conclusion, sending criminals to 總之,將罪犯送進監獄 In conclusion, the notion of 總之,監禁犯罪者的概念
prison imprisoning individuals who commit
is a way to stop them from doing more 是⼀種⽅法去阻⽌他們繼續 stands as (站有...⽴場) a method of 是⼀種懲罰⽅法,不僅可以保護
crimes 犯罪、 punishment that not only safeguards 民眾,
the populace
and give them a chance to improve 給他們提⾼⾃我的機會。 but also offers the possibility of ⽽且還提供了改造的可能性。
themselves. rehabilitation.

It keeps society safe 它維護社會安全 By curtailing their freedom 通過限制罪犯的⾃由

curtail 減少;限制=confine 限制
and helps criminals learn new things. 並幫助犯罪分⼦學習新事 and imparting knowledge and skills, 並傳授知識和技能,
物。 Impart 給某⼈植入
implant botox 植入玻尿酸
prisons can potentially contribute to 監獄有可能有助於將罪犯轉變為
the transformation of offenders into 對社會有貢獻的成員。
contributing members of society.

This is why putting criminals in jail 這就是為什麼將罪犯關進監 Therefore, the belief in the efficacy of 因此,相信監禁的功效
獄 imprisonment

can be a good idea. 是個好主意。 as a punitive measure is well-founded. 作為懲罰措施是有充分根據的。

1. 先看这3个视频理解ing什么时候⽤:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1X14ya5oq_w
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC7jNRvxqb4 、
ING 做定状补: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI3slfwcoec
2. 回家完成这个练习,⾃⼰对答案,对完答案发我看下对错情况,圈出不理解的句型下节课

3. 这份写作作业对比5.5&6.5的,整理两个⽂章写的好的固定搭配、单词、词组(建议按照段

It will be better to have wide use of driverless cars for individuals and society. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
Prison is the best punishment for
criminals. Discuss. 修改版 modify version
•It is a common situation that people go to jail when they commit crimes, such as money laundering, robbery,
and homicide. Many people thought that it is the best way to punish those wrongdoers.【 I tend to agree with
this opinion in this essay and I will support my views with examples. 】
•【To begin with, imprison inmates and limit their freedom, ensuring the safety of society.】【The prisoners can
not access to connecting with outside world. They live in a specific room, and follow a strict rules and schedule
in the period. 】In Taiwan, people who live in the cell not only prohibited smartphones or computers to
connecting external world, but also rejected holding weapons within prison wall. Moreover, they are required to
following with the prison’s rules which confining their activities time. For example, take a break or do some
sports at a specific time. In order to prevent the environment of prison from dangers.
•On top of that, imprisonment as another chance to fix inmates’ faults. They are required learning about the
correct rules of society and making contributions to the country. For example, the government arranges some
courses on mental healthy, law knowledge in imprisonment period. Also, they can choose learning some
technique skills or jobs during the time. facilitate them into society with employable skill and renewable life.
•In conclusion, the government needs to maintain citizens safe, punish people who do crime with limit their own
freedom and give another chance to change their behaviors. Due to those reasons, the belief in the efficacy of
imprisonment as a appropriate punitive measure is well-founded .
犯⼈ n.: 犯罪: 使正確和改造 促使重新融合
• prisoner • Commit crime • facilitate/promote reintegration
• reoffending • rectify and reform
• inmats
• offenders
• criminals 殺⼈: • Vocational training
• Homicide
被監禁者: • strict
• Imprisonment individuals 洗錢: • Educational pursuits
Money laundering
表⽰⼈/⼈民的替換 • Pursuit of education 變名詞詞組
監獄 n.:
• prison(較重罪⾏) 搶劫: - people(=citizen=human beings) 就業技能
• jail (較輕的罪⾏) Robbery - who will not conduct crime (⽤句⼦解釋) • Employable skills
• cell - Populace 民眾
• within prison walls 懲罰: • Employable 可以被雇⽤的
• within prison • punish
• legal literacy 法律素養 • employ 雇⽤/ employee 員⼯/
• discipline
監禁 v. • employer 雇主
指定的: 實施
• Incarcerate <> librate 釋放 • conduct
• designated • trainee 培訓員
• Imprison

外界: 負責任的公民
監禁 n. • Responsible citizen …的概念
• Imprisonment serve • An external world
• Incarceration • Outside world • The notion of
• upon release
不法份⼦ n.: 禁⽌:
• wrongdoers • Prohibit 保障 Impart 給某⼈植入
• Safeguard implant botox 植入玻尿酸
• curtail =confine
• ⽚語:

• detached from … 與...隔絕

• confined to 限制於...
• compelled to adhere 被迫遵守
• confines of … …的範圍內
• denied access to … 拒絕使⽤/訪問...
• prevent sb from doing sth 禁⽌sb做sth
• prohibit sb from doing sth 禁⽌sb做sth
• provides a window of opportunity for sb 為sb提供了新機會
• be offered to 被給予... = offer sb sth= give sb an
opportunity to sth
• aimed at…. ⽬的為...
• Courses on… …的課程
• Empower sb with sth 為sb提供/賦予 sth
• Equip sb with sth = provide sb with sth 提供sb sth
好句搭配: 好句搭配:
As an appropriate measure 作為適合的措施 監禁犯罪者的概念
the notion of imprisoning individuals who
strict rules 嚴格的規定 commit crimes stands as (站有...⽴場)

maintaining connections with 與...保持聯絡 是⼀種懲罰⽅法,不

a method of punishment that not only
safeguards the populace 僅可以保護民眾,
contributes to a secure environment 營造安全的環境

reducing the risk of reoffending 減少再次犯罪的風險 but also offers the possibility of ⽽且還提供了改造的
rehabilitation. 可能性。
the resurgence of criminal activities 犯罪活動死灰復燃

reform and rectify their behavior 改造和糾正的⾏為

imparting knowledge and skills, 傳授知識和技能
various programs 各式各樣的活動
prisons can potentially contribute to the 監獄有可能有助於將
enhancing sb understanding of…. 增強sb對於...的理解 transformation of offenders into 罪犯轉變為對社會有
contributing members of society.
societal norms and laws. 社會規範與法律 貢獻的成員。

take classes about … 上到⼀課

Therefore, the belief in the efficacy of 因此,相信監禁的功
Courses on mental health and legal literacy ⼼理健康和法律素養課 imprisonment 效
are conducted within prison walls,(=cells) 程在監獄圍牆內進⾏
as a punitive measure is well-founded. 作為懲罰措施是有充
facilitate their reintegration into society 促使他們重新融入社會
can equip them with employable skills, 可以使他們具備就業技能

thereby increasing the chances of 從⽽增加...的機會

leading productive lives 過上富有成效的⽣活


• First and foremost, ⾸先也是最重要的,

• Additionally 此外
• Furthermore 此外
• Moreover 此外
• thereby 從⽽
• In conclusion, 總之
• Not only… but also 不僅...還...
• By…. 透過....
• Therefore, 因此
• Task 1

增加: 顯著的: 平緩的

• rise • significantly • slightly
• increase • dramatically • slowly
• climb • quickly • gradually
• go up • rapidly • steady (adv)
• growth • considerably • steadily (adj)

達到⾼點: 起伏不定 保持不變:

• reach a peck • fluctuation (n.) • remain
• to a peck • fluctuate (v.) • stable
• remained / stable at…
減少: 超過: • relatively stable
• curtail sth • overtook • remained at the level
• reduce sth • overwhelming •
• sth diminish
• cut back A和B⼀樣多:
• decrease • A as large / much / high as B
• fall down(fall / fell / had fallen)
• scale down 最多/少的
• decline • the largest
• the highest
• the lowest

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