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BLGD-RM Code Form

Region: _______________
Province __________________

Objective Results

Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance

05 N/A 00 01 Corruption Reduced 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs compliant with the Full Disclosure Policy increased 01 00 05-00-01-01-00-01-00
People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance No. of LGUs conferred with Seal of Good Local Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Corruption Reduced 01 N/A 00 02 00 05-00-01-01-00-02-00
Attained (SGLG) award increased
People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Corruption Reduced 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs provided with Performance Challenge Fund (PCF) 03 00 05-00-01-01-00-03-00
People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 No. of LGUs complying to the new BPLS standards 01 00 05-00-01-02-00-01-00
People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 Local revenues increased by 9% percent annually (in billion Php) 02 00 05-00-01-02-00-02-00
People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance Internal Revenue Allotment dependency ratio of LGUs reduced by
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 03 00 05-00-01-02-00-03-00
Attained 3% annually

No. of LGUs submitted Assessment Report as part of the Public

People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 Financial Management Standards compliance (once every three 04 00 05-00-01-02-00-04-00
years) increased/maintained

No. of LGUs submitted Improvement Plan as part of the Public

People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 Financial Management Standards compliance (once every three 05 00 05-00-01-02-00-05-00
years) increased/maintained

No. of LGUs submitted PFMIP Tracking Table Report as part of the

People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 Public Financial Management Standards compliance (once every 06 00 05-00-01-02-00-06-00
three years) increased/maintained

No. of LGUs increased Assessment Tool Scores as part of the

People-Centered, Clean and Efficient Governance
05 N/A 00 01 Seamless Service Delivery Achieved 02 N/A 00 Public Financial Management Standards compliance (once every 07 00 05-00-01-02-00-07-00
three years)

Jail population density ratio of inmate per square meter space

06 N/A 00 Fair and Swift Administration of Justice Pursued 01 Sector efficiency and accountability improved 01 N/A 00 01 00 06-00-01-01-00-01-00
attained (ideal atio of 4.7 sq. m. per inmate)

No. of component C/M and HUCs providing financial support to

06 N/A 00 Fair and Swift Administration of Justice Pursued 01 Sector efficiency and accountability improved 01 N/A 00 02 00 06-00-01-01-00-02-00
Katarungang Pambarangay (KP) increased

No. of important cultural heritage sites and structures preserved

07 N/A 00 Traditional Values, Culture and Heritage Preserved 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 00 07-00-01-00-00-01-00
and/or restored
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

07 N/A 00 Traditional Values, Culture and Heritage Preserved 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of schools of living traditions established 02 00 07-00-01-00-00-02-00

No. of DOT-sanctioned standard promotional materials

07 N/A 00 Traditional Values, Culture and Heritage Preserved 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 03 00 07-00-01-00-00-03-00
incorporating local history and culture developed and disseminated

No. of local activities promoting local culture and history like

07 N/A 00 Traditional Values, Culture and Heritage Preserved 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 04 00 07-00-01-00-00-04-00
diverse culture valued

No. of local activities promoting local culture and history like values
07 N/A 00 Traditional Values, Culture and Heritage Preserved 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 05 00 07-00-01-00-00-05-00
for the common good inculcated

No. of local activities promoting local culture and history like

07 N/A 00 Traditional Values, Culture and Heritage Preserved 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 06 00 07-00-01-00-00-06-00
creative excellence advanced
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased annual agriculture and fisher gross value added and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 01 00 08-00-01-01-00-01-00
Diversified export
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased yield of major commodities from 2017 level (MT/Ha) of
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 02 00 08-00-01-01-00-02-00
Diversified Palay (Target Yield)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased yield of major commodities from 2017 level (MT/Ha) of
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 03 00 08-00-01-01-00-03-00
Diversified Corn (white)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased yield of major commodities from 2017 level (MT/Ha) of
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 04 00 08-00-01-01-00-04-00
Diversified Corn (yellow)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 05 00 08-00-01-01-00-05-00
Diversified in sugarcane
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 06 00 08-00-01-01-00-06-00
Diversified in banana
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 07 00 08-00-01-01-00-07-00
Diversified in mango
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 08 00 08-00-01-01-00-08-00
Diversified in coffee
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 09 00 08-00-01-01-00-09-00
Diversified in pineapple
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 10 00 08-00-01-01-00-10-00
Diversified in watermelon
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 11 00 08-00-01-01-00-11-00
Diversified in tomato
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 12 00 08-00-01-01-00-12-00
Diversified in eggplant
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 13 00 08-00-01-01-00-13-00
Diversified in ampalaya
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 14 00 08-00-01-01-00-14-00
Diversified in squash
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 15 00 08-00-01-01-00-15-00
Diversified in stringbeans
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of crop production( metric ton) from 2017 level
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 16 00 08-00-01-01-00-16-00
Diversified in okra
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of fisheries production(‘000 metric ton) from
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 17 00 08-00-01-01-00-17-00
Diversified 2017 level (commercial)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of fisheries production(‘000 metric ton) from
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 18 00 08-00-01-01-00-18-00
Diversified 2017 level (municipal)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of fisheries production(‘000 metric ton) from
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 19 00 08-00-01-01-00-19-00
Diversified 2017 level (aquaculture)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of fisheries production(‘000 metric ton) from
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 20 00 08-00-01-01-00-20-00
Diversified 2017 level (seaweeds)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased volume of fisheries production(‘000 metric ton) from
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 21 00 08-00-01-01-00-21-00
Diversified 2017 level (oyster)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of heads on swine increase in livestock and poultry production 22 00 08-00-01-01-00-22-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of heads on goat increase in livestock and poultry production 23 00 08-00-01-01-00-23-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of heads on chicken increase in livestock and poultry
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 24 00 08-00-01-01-00-24-00
Diversified production
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of heads on cattle increase in livestock and poultry production 25 00 08-00-01-01-00-25-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of heads on carabao increase in livestock and poultry
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 26 00 08-00-01-01-00-26-00
Diversified production
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Volume of goat (live weight) production increase in livestock and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 27 00 08-00-01-01-00-27-00
Diversified poultry production
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Volume of pork production increase in livestock and poultry
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 28 00 08-00-01-01-00-28-00
Diversified production
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Volume of chicken meat production increase in livestock and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 29 00 08-00-01-01-00-29-00
Diversified poultry production
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Self-sufficiency improved on rice 30 00 08-00-01-01-00-30-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Self-sufficiency improved on corn (white) 31 00 08-00-01-01-00-31-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Self-sufficiency improved on corn (yellow) 32 00 08-00-01-01-00-32-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Self-sufficiency improved on fish 33 00 08-00-01-01-00-33-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of resolved cases involving landholdings covered under land
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 34 01 08-00-01-01-00-34-01
Diversified acquisition and distribution
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Irrigation service coverage (% of total potential irrigable area) 35 00 08-00-01-01-00-35-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Irrigation service area coverage increased (%) in cropping intensity 36 00 08-00-01-01-00-36-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of extension workers support strengthened and community-
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 37 00 08-00-01-01-00-37-00
Diversified based participatory approach promoted

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Ratio of extension workers to farmers support strengthened and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 38 00 08-00-01-01-00-38-00
Diversified community-based participatory approach promoted

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and

08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (tractor) 39 00 08-00-01-01-00-39-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (floating
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 40 00 08-00-01-01-00-40-00
Diversified tiller)
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 41 00 08-00-01-01-00-41-00
Diversified (transplanter)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (harvester) 42 00 08-00-01-01-00-42-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (thresher) 43 00 08-00-01-01-00-43-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (dryer) 44 00 08-00-01-01-00-44-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (reaper) 45 00 08-00-01-01-00-45-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (paddy
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 46 00 08-00-01-01-00-46-00
Diversified huller)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (corn
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 47 00 08-00-01-01-00-47-00
Diversified sheller)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (corn mill) 48 00 08-00-01-01-00-48-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 49 00 08-00-01-01-00-49-00
Diversified (greenhouse)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 50 00 08-00-01-01-00-50-00
Diversified (rainshelter)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 51 00 08-00-01-01-00-51-00
Diversified (screenhouse)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (seed
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 52 00 08-00-01-01-00-52-00
Diversified storage)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (coffee
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 53 00 08-00-01-01-00-53-00
Diversified roaster)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (coffee
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 54 00 08-00-01-01-00-54-00
Diversified dehuller)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (coffee
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 55 00 08-00-01-01-00-55-00
Diversified grinder)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (coffee
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 56 00 08-00-01-01-00-56-00
Diversified dryer)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (spindle
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 57 00 08-00-01-01-00-57-00
Diversified stripping machine)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (deco
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 58 00 08-00-01-01-00-58-00
Diversified machine)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of practical and appropriate machineries distributed (multi-fiber
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 59 00 08-00-01-01-00-59-00
Diversified deco machine)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of infrastructure ensured for Diversion Dam/SWIP/DD 60 00 08-00-01-01-00-60-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of infrastructure ensured for OSS/STW/STW/(PISOS) 61 00 08-00-01-01-00-61-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 No. of infrastructure ensured for Solar Powered IP 62 00 08-00-01-01-00-62-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in coconut
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 63 00 08-00-01-01-00-63-00
Diversified seedlings
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in Seeds in
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 64 00 08-00-01-01-00-64-00
Diversified kgs.
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in fingerlings 65 00 08-00-01-01-00-65-00
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in fertilizers
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 66 00 08-00-01-01-00-66-00
Diversified (bags)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in fertilizers
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 67 00 08-00-01-01-00-67-00
Diversified (kgs)
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in corns 68 00 08-00-01-01-00-68-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 Availability of other agricultural, fishery inputs ensured in suckers 69 00 08-00-01-01-00-69-00
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of convergence projects implemented among NGAs
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 70 00 08-00-01-01-00-70-00
Diversified strengthened
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of fishponds/fish farms accredited in good agriculture and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 71 00 08-00-01-01-00-71-00
Diversified aquaculture practices promoted and institutionalized
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of fish plants HACCP accredited in good agriculture and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 72 00 08-00-01-01-00-72-00
Diversified aquaculture practices promoted and institutionalized

No. of farms assisted for for GAP & GAHP Certification in good
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 agriculture and aquaculture practices promoted and 73 00 08-00-01-01-00-73-00

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No of crop calendars and suitability maps updated distributed to
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 74 00 08-00-01-01-00-74-00
Diversified provinces

No. of sites established in development of farming

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 models/schemes that will facilitate consolidation of farmers’ 75 00 08-00-01-01-00-75-00
produce advocated

No of hectares covered in development of farming

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 models/schemes that will facilitate consolidation of farmers’ 76 00 08-00-01-01-00-76-00
produce advocated

No. of ARBs, ARBOs involved in development of farming

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 models/schemes that will facilitate consolidation of farmers’ 77 00 08-00-01-01-00-77-00
produce advocated

No. of seaweed fisherfolk association organized/assisted in

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 development of farming models/schemes that will facilitate 78 00 08-00-01-01-00-78-00
consolidation of farmers’ produce advocated

No. of Rural Based Organization assisted in development of

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 Increased production and profitability 01 N/A 00 farming models/schemes that will facilitate consolidation of 79 00 08-00-01-01-00-79-00
farmers’ produce advocated

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 No. of agriculture- and fishery-based MSMEs 01 00 08-00-01-02-00-01-00
Diversified sector

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 02 00 08-00-01-02-00-02-00
Diversified sector

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 03 00 08-00-01-02-00-03-00
Diversified sector

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 04 00 08-00-01-02-00-04-00
Diversified sector

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 05 00 08-00-01-02-00-05-00
Diversified sector
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 06 00 08-00-01-02-00-06-00
Diversified sector

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 07 00 08-00-01-02-00-07-00
Diversified sector

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 08 00 08-00-01-02-00-08-00
Diversified sector
lowland vegetables like ampalaya

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 09 00 08-00-01-02-00-09-00
Diversified sector
lowland vegetables like eggplant

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 10 00 08-00-01-02-00-10-00
Diversified sector
lowland vegetables like okra

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 11 00 08-00-01-02-00-11-00
Diversified sector
lowland vegetables like squash fruit

Areas planted to priority commodity crops (with greater prospects

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00 01 02 N/A 00 for market expansion and value-adding) increased (hectares) for 12 00 08-00-01-02-00-12-00
Diversified sector
lowland vegetables like string beans

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00
02 N/A 00 Percent increase of budget for priority commodities (%) 13 00 08-00-01-02-00-13-00

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00
02 N/A 00 No of market linkaging activities undertaken (by commodity) 14 00 08-00-01-02-00-14-00

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00
02 N/A 00 No. of market consolidators assisted/ supported 15 00 08-00-01-02-00-15-00

No. of IEC materials developed to enhance access of

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00
02 N/A 00 farmers to market information, technologies and weather 16 00 08-00-01-02-00-16-00
data strengthened
Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and More diversified agriculture and fishery
08 N/A 00
02 N/A 00 No. of areas identified seaweed culture 17 00 08-00-01-02-00-17-00

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00
01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 No. of Interventions to reduce production/post-harvest losses 01 00 08-00-01-03-00-01-00
resilient agricultural practices

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00 01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 Percent Decrease in production or post-harvest losses 02 00 08-00-01-03-00-02-00
resilient agricultural practices

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00
01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 No. of modules developed on DRR CCA 03 00 08-00-01-03-00-03-00
resilient agricultural practices

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00
01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 No. of modules developed on business development 04 00 08-00-01-03-00-04-00
resilient agricultural practices
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00
01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 No. of modules developed/updated on value adding 05 00 08-00-01-03-00-05-00
resilient agricultural practices

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and No. of capacity building trainings conducted on values
08 N/A 00 01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 06 00 08-00-01-03-00-06-00
resilient agricultural practices formation

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and
08 N/A 00
01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 No. of farmers/ ARBs trained 07 00 08-00-01-03-00-07-00
resilient agricultural practices

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Increased engagement of LGUs, NGOs to support plans for
08 N/A 00 01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 08 00 08-00-01-03-00-08-00
Diversified agriculture
resilient agricultural practices

Enhanced capacity to implement sustainable

Opportunites in Agriculture and Fisheries Expanded and Laboratories and research facilities towards ISO accreditation
08 N/A 00 01 food and non-food production systems and 03 N/A 00 09 00 08-00-01-03-00-09-00
Diversified established/ upgraded
resilient agricultural practices

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No of trade and investment missions conducted 01 00 09-00-01-01-00-01-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of technology fora conducted 02 00 09-00-01-01-00-02-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No of product display areas where region 6 products are
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 03 00 09-00-01-01-00-03-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded displayed/sold
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No of “Bagsakan” centers established 04 00 09-00-01-01-00-04-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUS assisted in the development of promotional collaterals 05 00 09-00-01-01-00-05-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. promotional collaterals developed per cluster 06 00 09-00-01-01-00-06-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Services expanded
01 N/A 00 No. of MSME websites with e-commerce enabled 07 00 09-00-01-01-00-07-00

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of MSMEs assisted in online marketing 08 00 09-00-01-01-00-08-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 Percentage of LIIC formulated/updated 09 00 09-00-01-01-00-09-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 Percentage of operational LIIB 10 00 09-00-01-01-00-10-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of viable sites as agro-industrial manufacturing zones identified 11 00 09-00-01-01-00-11-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of assistance provided for development of new industrial
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 12 00 09-00-01-01-00-12-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded estates and agri-industrial economic zones
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of assistance provided for putting up of new manufacturing
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 13 00 09-00-01-01-00-13-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded enterprises

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of MSMEs developed as exporters through RIPPLES
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 14 00 09-00-01-01-00-14-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded (Regional interactive Platform for Philippine Exporters RIPPLEs)
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of skills and productivity trainings conducted 15 00 09-00-01-01-00-15-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of beneficiaries trained 16 00 09-00-01-01-00-16-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of HRD trainings provided to IT/BPOs 17 00 09-00-01-01-00-17-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded

No. of tie-ups, coordination activities with universities and training

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 institutions to meet the human resource qualification and demand 18 00 09-00-01-01-00-18-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
of the IT/BPO

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs compliant with the new BPLS 19 00 09-00-01-01-00-19-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded

Reduce time for processing business requirements (backroom-fire,

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 sanitary, solid waste, occupancy, zoning clearance, building 20 00 09-00-01-01-00-20-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
permit) granting of new business licenses in LGUs decreased

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and Implementation of the Integrated Business Registry System (IBRS)
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 21 00 09-00-01-01-00-21-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded reducing time in starting a business
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and Percentage of LGUs with automated assessment and online
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 22 00 09-00-01-01-00-22-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded payment system (Business licensing)
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs with enhanced protocol for entertaining investors 23 00 09-00-01-01-00-23-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGU frontline service officers trained 24 00 09-00-01-01-00-24-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs complying with CMCI requirements 25 00 09-00-01-01-00-25-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs participating in the CMCI survey 26 00 09-00-01-01-00-26-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of LGUs with rationalized backroom process for granting of
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 27 00 09-00-01-01-00-27-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded construction permits
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of grants for MSMEs development and innovation 28 00 09-00-01-01-00-28-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of loans for MSMEs 29 00 09-00-01-01-00-29-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of counterpart funding provided for MSMEs 30 00 09-00-01-01-00-30-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of monitoring activities on compliance to technical regulations
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 31 00 09-00-01-01-00-31-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded by manufacturers and suppliers conducted
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of consumers rights activities conducted 32 00 09-00-01-01-00-32-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of partnerships with professional associations and consumer
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 33 00 09-00-01-01-00-33-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded organizations for consumer concerns established

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of consumer complaints addressed through partnerships with
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 34 00 09-00-01-01-00-34-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded professional associations and consumer organizations

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and No. of sanctions strictly enforced against erring business
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 35 00 09-00-01-01-00-35-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded establishments
Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of LGUs with computerized BPLS 36 00 09-00-01-01-00-36-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Economic Opportunities in industry and
09 N/A 00 01 01 N/A 00 No. of Business Continuity Planning Workshops conducted 37 00 09-00-01-01-00-37-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased Services expanded

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 No. of producers matched/linked with established markets 01 00 09-00-01-02-00-01-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and Website developed and maintained for regional products display
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 02 00 09-00-01-02-00-02-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased and advertisement
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and No. of activities that provide guidance to investors and exporters to
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 03 00 09-00-01-02-00-03-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased capital access
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 No. of industries provided with capital 04 00 09-00-01-02-00-04-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 No. of shared service facilities established 05 00 09-00-01-02-00-05-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 No. of satellite laboratories established 06 00 09-00-01-02-00-06-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 No. of incubation and innovation hubs established 07 00 09-00-01-02-00-07-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 No. of start-up businesses assisted 08 00 09-00-01-02-00-08-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Access to Economic Opportunities in

Opportunities in Industries and Services Expanded and
09 N/A 00 01 Industry and Services for MSMEs, 02 N/A 00 Directory of experts per priority commodity established 09 00 09-00-01-02-00-09-00
Access to Economic Opportunities Increased
Coopertaives and Ofs Increased

Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and

10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of tourist arrivals increased (in million) 01 00 10-00-01-00-00-01-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Tourist revenues increased (in billion pesos) 02 00 10-00-01-00-00-02-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of employment from tourism-oriented establishments generated 03 00 10-00-01-00-00-03-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and Government and private sector investments in tourism generated*
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 04 00 10-00-01-00-00-04-00
Foreign Tourists (in billion pesos)
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of tourism and frontline service workers trained 05 00 10-00-01-00-00-05-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number and kind of new tourism areas/ destinations developed 06 00 10-00-01-00-00-06-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and No. of DOT-accredited establishments/ pasalubong centers/
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 07 00 10-00-01-00-00-07-00
Foreign Tourists tourism operators
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of tourism signage established 08 00 10-00-01-00-00-08-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs with Tourism Code or Tourism Master Plans 09 00 10-00-01-00-00-09-00
Foreign Tourists
Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and No. of local and international tourism investment and marketing
10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 10 00 10-00-01-00-00-10-00
Foreign Tourists missions conducted/ participated in
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Western Visayas a Top Destination Among Domestic and

10 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number and kind of new tourism areas/ destinations identified 11 00 10-00-01-00-00-11-00
Foreign Tourists

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Households enrolled in NHIP increased 01 00 11-00-01-01-00-01-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Percentage of functional RHUs increased (with resident health
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 02 00 11-00-01-01-00-02-00
Services Enhanced professionals and basic medical facilities)**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of functional information and service delivery network
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 03 00 11-00-01-01-00-03-00
Services Enhanced (ISDNs) increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Number of medical student scholars increased** 04 00 11-00-01-01-00-04-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Capability-building trainings conducted for health allieds
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 05 00 11-00-01-01-00-05-00
Services Enhanced increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Medical Doctor) 06 00 11-00-01-01-00-06-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Public Health Nurse) 07 00 11-00-01-01-00-07-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Dentist) 08 00 11-00-01-01-00-08-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Midwife) 09 00 11-00-01-01-00-09-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Nutritionist) 10 00 11-00-01-01-00-10-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Health professional-to population improved** (Medical
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 11 00 11-00-01-01-00-11-00
Services Enhanced Technologist)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Sanitary Inspector) 12 00 11-00-01-01-00-12-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Health professional-to population improved** (Brgy. Health Worker) 13 00 11-00-01-01-00-13-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Facility-based births increased* 14 01 11-00-01-01-00-14-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Births attended by skilled personnel increased* 15 01 11-00-01-01-00-15-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) improved* 16 00 11-00-01-01-00-16-00
Services Enhanced
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Infant mortality ratio (per 1,000 live births) improved* 17 01 11-00-01-01-00-17-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Under five mortality ratio (per 1,000 live births) improved* 18 01 11-00-01-01-00-18-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Neonatal mortality rate improved* 19 01 11-00-01-01-00-19-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Number of fully-immunized children increased 20 01 11-00-01-01-00-20-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Newborns initiated to breastfeeding within one hour after birth
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 21 00 11-00-01-01-00-21-00
Services Enhanced increased

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding improved* 22 01 11-00-01-01-00-22-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Incidence of mosquito-borne diseases decreased 23 00 11-00-01-01-00-23-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social % Coverage of Target Pop in endemic area(s) w/ mass treatment
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 24 00 11-00-01-01-00-24-00
Services Enhanced for filariasis improved

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Malaria cases eliminated 25 01 11-00-01-01-00-25-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of LGUs with trained HWs on Drug Rehabilitation and
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 26 00 11-00-01-01-00-26-00
Services Enhanced aftercare increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of families assisted under the Responsible Parenthood
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 27 00 11-00-01-01-00-27-00
Services Enhanced and Natural Family Planning Program increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Contraceptive prevalence rate increased* 28 01 11-00-01-01-00-28-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Unmet need for family planning (FP) reduced 29 01 11-00-01-01-00-29-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Incidence of teenage pregnancy decreased** 30 01 11-00-01-01-00-30-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Number of persons living with HIV/AIDS maintained 31 00 11-00-01-01-00-31-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of new HIV infections (newly diagnosed cases/year)
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 32 01 11-00-01-01-00-32-01
Services Enhanced decreased*
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of mental health patients provided with mental health care
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 33 00 11-00-01-01-00-33-00
Services Enhanced services increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of RHUs with mental health care service providers
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 34 00 11-00-01-01-00-34-00
Services Enhanced increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of capability building activities for health allieds on drug
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 35 00 11-00-01-01-00-35-00
Services Enhanced rehabilitation aftercare and psychosocial services increased**

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 population improved* 36 01 11-00-01-01-00-36-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Proportion of families with access to safe water supply increased* 37 01 11-00-01-01-00-37-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Proportion of families with sanitary toilet increased* 38 01 11-00-01-01-00-38-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 39 01 11-00-01-01-00-39-01
Services Enhanced or chronic respiratory disease decreased*

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological,

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercase services) for 40 00 11-00-01-01-00-40-00
Services Enhanced
Improved substance use disorders increased*

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Percentage of drug abuse cases or drug users who completed
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 41 00 11-00-01-01-00-41-00
Services Enhanced treatment increased*

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Death rate due to road traffic injuries decreased* 42 01 11-00-01-01-00-42-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of schools implementing supplemental feeding program
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 43 00 11-00-01-01-00-43-00
Services Enhanced increased

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of Day Care children provided with supplementary feeding
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 44 00 11-00-01-01-00-44-00
Services Enhanced increased

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Prevalence of malnutrition among children (0-5 years old)
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 45 00 11-00-01-01-00-45-00
Services Enhanced decreased

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Prevalence of malnutrition among children (5-10 years old)
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 46 00 11-00-01-01-00-46-00
Services Enhanced decreased (Severely wasted/wasted)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic Prevalence of stunting (height for age <-2 standard deviation from
Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 the median of the World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth 47 01 11-00-01-01-00-47-01
Services Enhanced
Improved Standards) among children under 5 years of age decreased*

Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or <-2 standard

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic
Human Capital Development and Access to Social deviation from the median of the WHO Child Growth Standards)
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 48 01 11-00-01-01-00-48-01
Services Enhanced among children under 5 years of age, by type (wasting and
overweight decreased*
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Prevalence of malnutrition for children under 5 years <-2 SD from
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 49 01 11-00-01-01-00-49-01
Services Enhanced the median of the WHO CGS (wasting) decreased *

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Prevalence of malnutrition for children under 5 years <+2 SD from
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 50 01 11-00-01-01-00-50-01
Services Enhanced the median of the WHO CGS (overweight) decreased *

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies (Vit. A, Iron, Iodine)
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 51 01 11-00-01-01-00-51-01
Services Enhanced decreased *

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Teacher-to-student ratio improved in Elementary level 52 00 11-00-01-01-00-52-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Teacher-to-student ratio improved in Secondary level 53 00 11-00-01-01-00-53-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Teacher-to-student ratio improved in SPED level 54 00 11-00-01-01-00-54-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Net enrolment rate increased in Kindergarten level 55 01 11-00-01-01-00-55-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Net enrolment rate increased in Elementary level 56 01 11-00-01-01-00-56-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Net enrolment rate increased in Secondary level 57 01 11-00-01-01-00-57-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Cohort survival rate increased in Elementary level 58 01 11-00-01-01-00-58-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Cohort survival rate increased in Elementary level 59 01 11-00-01-01-00-59-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Completion rate increased in Elementary level 60 01 11-00-01-01-00-60-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Completion rate increased in Secondary level 61 01 11-00-01-01-00-61-01
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Achievement rate increased in Elementary level 62 00 11-00-01-01-00-62-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Achievement rate increased in Secondary level 63 00 11-00-01-01-00-63-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Number of ALS learners increased in Elementary level 64 00 11-00-01-01-00-64-00
Services Enhanced
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 Number of ALS learners increased in Secondary level 65 00 11-00-01-01-00-65-00
Services Enhanced

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Proportion of children under five in children development
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 66 01 11-00-01-01-00-66-01
Services Enhanced centers/day care centers improved*

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Percentage of LGUs with an operational Disaster Risk Reduction
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 67 00 11-00-01-01-00-67-00
Services Enhanced and Management for Health (DRRMH Plan)

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social No. of HIV & AIDS Local Response Core Criteria adopted by
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 68 00 11-00-01-01-00-68-00
Services Enhanced city/mun. for the year

Outcomes in Health, Nutrition and Basic

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Provision of full hazard pay, subsistence & laundry allowances to
11 N/A 00 01 Education for Inclusive Human Development 01 N/A 00 69 00 11-00-01-01-00-69-00
Services Enhanced health workers under the Magna Carta for Public Health Workers

Human Capital Development and Access to Social

11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of students enrolled in higher education increased in SUCs 01 00 11-00-01-00-00-01-00
Services Enhanced
Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of students enrolled in higher education increased in
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 02 00 11-00-01-00-00-02-00
Services Enhanced Private HEIs
Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of students enrolled in higher education increased in Local
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 03 00 11-00-01-00-00-03-00
Services Enhanced Colleges (LUCs)
Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of scholarship grants to poor but deserving students
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 04 00 11-00-01-00-00-04-00
Services Enhanced increased**

Human Capital Development and Access to Social Number of youth beneficiaries provided employment thru Special
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 05 00 11-00-01-00-00-05-00
Services Enhanced Program for the Employment of Students (SPES) increased

Number of faculty/instructors who underwent skills development

Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 programs (along communication, Mathematics and logical thinking) 06 00 11-00-01-00-00-06-00
Services Enhanced

Human Capital Development and Access to Social

11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Passing rate in licensure exam (HEd) improved* 07 01 11-00-01-00-00-07-01
Services Enhanced
Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Certificate rate(TVET) improved * 08 01 11-00-01-00-00-08-01
Services Enhanced
Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Proportion of population with exposure to internet increases* 09 01 11-00-01-00-00-09-01
Services Enhanced

Proportion of schools with access to: (a) electricity; (b) the internet
Human Capital Development and Access to Social for pedagogical purposes; (c) computers for pedagogical purposes;
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 10 01 11-00-01-00-00-10-01
Services Enhanced (d) basic hand washing facilities(as per the WASH indicator
definitions increased*

Human Capital Development and Access to Social

11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of poor but deserving PWD scholars increase 11 00 11-00-01-00-00-11-00
Services Enhanced
Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of poor but deserving IP scholars increase 12 00 11-00-01-00-00-12-00
Services Enhanced
Human Capital Development and Access to Social Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 13 01 11-00-01-00-00-13-01
Services Enhanced improved*
Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Employment rate of TVET graduates increased 14 00 11-00-01-00-00-14-00
Services Enhanced
Human Capital Development and Access to Social
11 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of trainings conducted for TVET increased 15 00 11-00-01-00-00-15-00
Services Enhanced
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Proportion of population living below the national poverty line, by
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 01 12-00-01-00-00-01-01
Communities Built sex and age decreased*
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of 4Ps beneficiaries increased 02 00 12-00-01-00-00-02-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of CCT and 4Ps beneficiaries graduated increased 03 00 12-00-01-00-00-03-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of Sustainable Livelihood Program beneficiaries increased 04 00 12-00-01-00-00-04-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program beneficiaries
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 05 00 12-00-01-00-00-05-00
Communities Built increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of Social Security Protection beneficiaries increased 06 00 12-00-01-00-00-06-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of livelihood assistance beneficiaries increased 07 00 12-00-01-00-00-07-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of capability building trainings conducted 08 00 12-00-01-00-00-08-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of Social Pension Beneficiaries increased 09 00 12-00-01-00-00-09-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Proportion of poor senior citizens covered by social pension
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 10 00 12-00-01-00-00-10-00
Communities Built increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of persons with disability assisted increased 11 00 12-00-01-00-00-11-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of families in crisis situations (AICS) assisted increased 12 00 12-00-01-00-00-12-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Emergency shelter assistance provided (when needed) 13 00 12-00-01-00-00-13-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of trafficked persons provided with recovery and
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 14 00 12-00-01-00-00-14-00
Communities Built reintegration assistance increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of street children/families/IP assisted increased 15 00 12-00-01-00-00-15-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of parents of child laborers assisted increased 16 00 12-00-01-00-00-16-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of reported gender-based violence cases decreased
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 17 01 12-00-01-00-00-17-01
Communities Built (includes e-VAW)
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of cases served by DSWD on violence against women
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 18 01 12-00-01-00-00-18-01
Communities Built and child abuse decreased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of establishments assessed on labor laws increased 19 00 12-00-01-00-00-19-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Labor laws compliance rate improved 20 00 12-00-01-00-00-20-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of emergency employment beneficiaries increased 21 00 12-00-01-00-00-21-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Proportion of families with owned or owned-like possession of
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 22 01 12-00-01-00-00-22-01
Communities Built housing units increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 23 01 12-00-01-00-00-23-01
Communities Built or inadequate housing decreased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of YOLANDA permanent resettlement housing units
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 24 00 12-00-01-00-00-24-00
Communities Built completed
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs provided with TA on CLUP updating increased 25 00 12-00-01-00-00-25-00
Communities Built
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of LGUs with updated DRR/CCA-enhanced local plans
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 26 00 12-00-01-00-00-26-00
Communities Built increased for DRR/CCA-enhanced PDPFPs
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of LGUs with updated DRR/CCA-enhanced local plans
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 27 00 12-00-01-00-00-27-00
Communities Built increased for LDRRMPs
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of LGUs with updated DRR/CCA-enhanced local plans
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 28 00 12-00-01-00-00-28-00
Communities Built increased for Contingency Plans
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of LGUs with updated DRR/CCA-enhanced local plans
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 29 00 12-00-01-00-00-29-00
Communities Built increased for DRR/CCA-enhanced CLUPs
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of LGUs with updated DRR/CCA-enhanced local plans
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 30 00 12-00-01-00-00-30-00
Communities Built increased for FLUPs
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of households living in hazard-prone areas decreased
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 31 00 12-00-01-00-00-31-00
Communities Built (resettled)
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure No. of LGUs provided with technical assistance in the updating of
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 32 00 12-00-01-00-00-32-00
Communities Built their Local Shelter Plan increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure No. of LGUs provided with trainings on subdivision plan processing
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 33 00 12-00-01-00-00-33-00
Communities Built increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of capability building trainings on disaster management
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 34 00 12-00-01-00-00-34-00
Communities Built conducted increased for PDRRMCs
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of LGUs with functional LIACs increased 35 00 12-00-01-00-00-35-00
Communities Built

Proportion of local government units that adopts and implement

Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster 36 01 12-00-01-00-00-36-00
Communities Built
risk reduction strategies

Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of overseas Filipinos (OFs) and families covered with
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 37 00 12-00-01-00-00-37-00
Communities Built health insurance increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of M&D committees under local councils created increased 38 00 12-00-01-00-00-38-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of migrant resource centers or OFW desks established
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 39 00 12-00-01-00-00-39-00
Communities Built increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of web portals for diaspora philanthropy and investments
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 40 00 12-00-01-00-00-40-00
Communities Built established increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of OF organizations established increased 41 00 12-00-01-00-00-41-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs with database on M&D increased 42 00 12-00-01-00-00-42-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure No. of OFs/OF organization reps are PSR members of committees
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 43 00 12-00-01-00-00-43-00
Communities Built local development councils
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure % of organized OF/OF family members have undergone financial
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 44 00 12-00-01-00-00-44-00
Communities Built literacy training increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of returning OFs availed of reintegration and
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 45 00 12-00-01-00-00-45-00
Communities Built preparedness programs increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of beneificiaries for Sustainable Livelihood through
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 46 00 12-00-01-00-00-46-00
Communities Built Practical Skills Trainings increase
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of capability building/ trainings conducted 47 00 12-00-01-00-00-47-00
Communities Built
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of persons with disability provided with wheelchairs and
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 48 00 12-00-01-00-00-48-00
Communities Built other mobility devices increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of families in crisis situations (AICS) assisted increased 49 00 12-00-01-00-00-49-00
Communities Built
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Proportion of trafficked persons provided with recovery and
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 50 00 12-00-01-00-00-50-00
Communities Built reintegration assistance increased
Vulnerabilities Reduced and Safe and Secure Number of cases served by IPDCWC on violence against women
12 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 51 01 12-00-01-00-00-51-01
Communities Built and child abuse decreased*
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Population Growth Rate (%) 01 00 13-00-01-00-00-01-00
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Fertility Rate (%) 02 00 13-00-01-00-00-02-00
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (%) 03 01 13-00-01-00-00-03-01
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Incidence of Teenage Pregnancy (%) 04 01 13-00-01-00-00-04-01
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Underemployment Rate (%) 05 00 13-00-01-00-00-05-00

13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Prevalence of Underweight Under Five Children (5 years old) 06 00 13-00-01-00-00-06-00

13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Prevalence of Wasting among Children 07 00 13-00-01-00-00-07-00
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Prevalence of Stunting among Children 08 01 13-00-01-00-00-08-00
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Net Enrolment/Participation Rate in Elementary 09 01 13-00-01-00-00-09-01
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Net Enrolment/Participation Rate in Secondary 10 01 13-00-01-00-00-10-01
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Cohort Survival Rate in Elementary 11 01 13-00-01-00-00-11-01
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Cohort Survival Rate in Secondary 12 01 13-00-01-00-00-12-01
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Prevalence of malnutrition among children (0-5 years old) 13 01 13-00-01-00-00-13-01

13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Prevalence of malnutrition among children (5-10 years old) 14 00 13-00-01-00-00-14-00

13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Employment rate of TVET graduates 15 00 13-00-01-00-00-15-00
13 N/A 00 Benefits from Demographic Dividend Maximized 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of trainings conducted for TVET 16 00 13-00-01-00-00-16-00
Creative capacity for knowledge and
Number of S&T scholarships granted (MS and PhD) candidates
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 technology generation, acquisition and 01 N/A 00 01 00 14-00-00-01-00-01-00
provided with financial support on Thesis Grant (2011-2016)
adoption enhanced

Creative capacity for knowledge and

Number of S&T scholarships granted (MS and PhD) candidates
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 technology generation, acquisition and 01 N/A 00 02 00 14-00-00-01-00-02-00
provided with financial support on Dissertation Grant (2011-2016)
adoption enhanced

Creative capacity for knowledge and

14 N/A 00 N/A 00 technology generation, acquisition and 01 N/A 00 Number of participants to Balik Scientist program in Region VI (FIC) 03 00 14-00-00-01-00-03-00
adoption enhanced

Creative capacity for knowledge and

Number of participants to Balik Scientist program in Region VI
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 technology generation, acquisition and 01 N/A 00 04 00 14-00-00-01-00-04-00
adoption enhanced

Creative capacity for knowledge and

Number of participants to Balik Scientist program in Region VI
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 technology generation, acquisition and 01 N/A 00 05 00 14-00-00-01-00-05-00
(Other innovation Centers)
adoption enhanced

STI Utilization in agriculture, industry and

14 N/A 00 N/A 00 02 N/A 00 101 LGUs capacitated on Quantum GIS for hazard mapping 01 00 14-00-00-02-00-01-00
services increased
STI Utilization in agriculture, industry and
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 02 N/A 00 101 LGUs trained on CBMS 02 00 14-00-00-02-00-02-00
services increased
STI Utilization in agriculture, industry and
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 02 N/A 00 101 LGUs oriented on BPLS automation 03 00 14-00-00-02-00-03-00
services increased
Increased investments in STI-based
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 03 N/A 00 Number of S&T related services provided 01 00 14-00-00-03-00-01-00
startups, enterprises and spinoffs
Strengthen open collaboration among actors Number of government-industry-academe councils established
14 N/A 00 N/A 00 04 N/A 00 01 00 14-00-00-04-00-01-00
in the STI ecosystem (1/province)
Percentage of LGUs covered/assessed or participated in the
16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 00 15-00-01-00-00-01-00
survey under CMCI
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Overall competitiveness index ratings ranking of Province 02 00 15-00-01-00-00-02-00

16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Overall competitiveness index ratings ranking of HUC 03 00 15-00-01-00-00-03-00

16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Overall competitiveness index ratings ranking of Component Cities 04 00 15-00-01-00-00-04-00

No. of capacity-building activities conducted for government

16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 05 00 15-00-01-00-00-05-00
agencies and local government units
No of cities and municipalities with Local Investments and
16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 06 00 15-00-01-00-00-06-00
Incentives Code
No. of LGUs conferred with Seal of Good Local Governance
16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 07 00 15-00-01-00-00-07-00
(SGLG) award increased

16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No of LGUs complying to the new BPLS standards 08 00 15-00-01-00-00-08-00

16 N/A 00 National Competition Policy Suported and Advocated 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Local revenues increased by 9% percent annually (in billion PhP) 09 00 15-00-01-00-00-09-00

Criminality and legal drugs significantly

18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 01 N/A 00 Percent of Crime Volume Reduced (per 100,000 Population) 01 00 18-00-01-01-00-01-00
Criminality and legal drugs significantly
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 01 N/A 00 Ave. Monthly Crime Rate Reduced 02 01 18-00-01-01-00-02-01
Criminality and legal drugs significantly
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 01 N/A 00 Crime Solution Efficiency (CSE) Improved 03 00 18-00-01-01-00-03-00
Criminality and legal drugs significantly
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 01 N/A 00 Police to Population Ratio Improved in Province 04 00 18-00-01-01-00-04-00
Criminality and legal drugs significantly
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 01 N/A 00 No. of Drug-Affected Barangays Reduced 05 00 18-00-01-01-00-05-00
Criminality and legal drugs significantly
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 01 N/A 00 No. of Drug-Cleared Barangays Increased 06 00 18-00-01-01-00-06-00
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 Public Safety Ensured 02 N/A 00 Fire Incidents decreased by 10% annually 01 00 18-00-01-02-00-01-00
Percentage of buildings and establishments inspected against total
18 N/A 00 Security, Public Order, Safety Ensured 01 Public Safety Ensured 02 N/A 00 02 00 18-00-01-02-00-02-00
no. of BPLO-registered establishments

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Increase total length of paved roads by 75 kilometers annually 01 00 19-00-01-01-00-01-00

Increase length of permanent bridges along national arterial roads

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 02 00 19-00-01-01-00-02-00
by 750 linear meters annually
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Number of ports upgraded/ rehabilitated maintained 03 00 19-00-01-01-00-03-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Number of airports upgraded/rehabilitated/ maintained (Domestic) 04 00 19-00-01-01-00-04-00

Increase number of sea passengers by trend projection for the last

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 05 00 19-00-01-01-00-05-00
5 years (2013-2017)

Increase number of rest areas along major highways with facilities

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 06 00 19-00-01-01-00-06-00
responsive to people with special needs improved/established

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Number of passenger terminals constructed 07 00 19-00-01-01-00-07-00
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Number of passenger terminals rehabilitated 08 00 19-00-01-01-00-08-00
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Number of passenger terminals maintained 09 00 19-00-01-01-00-09-00
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Connectivity and Mobility Enhanced 01 N/A 00 Increase number of tourism signages 10 00 19-00-01-01-00-10-00
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of water districts provided with assistance 01 00 19-00-01-02-00-01-00
Supply ensured
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Reliable and Adequate Power and Water Households access to water supply increased (in % of total
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 02 01 19-00-01-02-00-02-01
Supply ensured number of HHs)
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water Increase by 10% annually the number of households with access
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 03 01 19-00-01-02-00-03-01
Supply ensured to safe water
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of new irrigation systems established 04 00 19-00-01-02-00-04-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of irrigation systems rehabilitated/restored 05 00 19-00-01-02-00-05-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of irrigation systems maintained (NIS) 06 00 19-00-01-02-00-06-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of new irrigation areas generated (hectares) 07 00 19-00-01-02-00-07-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of irrigation systems rehabilitated (hectares) 08 00 19-00-01-02-00-08-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of irrigation areas restored (hectares) 09 00 19-00-01-02-00-09-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of household provided with Solar power 10 00 19-00-01-02-00-10-00
Supply ensured
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water Number of LGUs implementing water related projects on potable
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 11 00 19-00-01-02-00-11-00
Supply ensured water
Reliable and Adequate Power and Water
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 02 N/A 00 Number of LGUs implementing water related projects on agriculture 12 00 19-00-01-02-00-12-00
Supply ensured

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Reduce housing backlogs by 2 percent annually 01 00 19-00-01-03-00-01-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Increase number of socialized housing units 02 00 19-00-01-03-00-02-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of evacuation centers constructed (1 per province) 03 00 19-00-01-03-00-03-00

Percentage of pupils enrolled in primary schools and secondary

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 schools providing basic drinking water, adequate sanitation and 04 00 19-00-01-03-00-04-00
adequate hygiene services

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Additional instructional rooms provided (primary) 05 00 19-00-01-03-00-05-00

Additional instructional rooms provided (secondary - SHS &

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 06 00 19-00-01-03-00-06-00
Techvoc Bldgs )

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of seating facilities provided 07 00 19-00-01-03-00-07-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Classroom-to-pupil ratio improved (PDP indicator) 08 00 19-00-01-03-00-08-00

Access to ICT in public schools increased (in % of total number of

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 09 00 19-00-01-03-00-09-00
public schools)
Percentage of new health care facilities built in compliance with
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 10 00 19-00-01-03-00-10-00
building codes and standards
Number of government hospitals and other health facilities
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 11 00 19-00-01-03-00-11-00
upgraded/ rehabilitated
Number of government hospitals and other health facilities
19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 12 00 19-00-01-03-00-12-00
upgraded/ rehabilitated

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of treatment facilities for hospital wastes constructed 13 00 19-00-01-03-00-13-00
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of jails constructed, upgraded, maintained 14 00 19-00-01-03-00-14-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of flood control project constructed 15 00 19-00-01-03-00-15-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of flood control project maintained 16 00 19-00-01-03-00-16-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of households with access to basic sanitation increased 17 00 19-00-01-03-00-17-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Percentage of households with access to sanitary toilet facilities 18 01 19-00-01-03-00-18-01

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of municipalities with localized septage treatment plants 19 00 19-00-01-03-00-19-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of municipalities with sewerage systems 20 00 19-00-01-03-00-20-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of LGUs with 10-year SWMP 21 00 19-00-01-03-00-21-00

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of LGUs with sanitary landfills 22 00 19-00-01-03-00-21-00

Percentage of urban solid waste regularly collected and well

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 23 00 19-00-01-03-00-23-00
managed (SDG indicator)

19 N/A 00 Infrastructure Development Accelerated 01 Resiliency of Communities Strengthened 03 N/A 00 Number of LGUs with operational materials recovery facility (MRF) 24 00 19-00-01-03-00-24-00

Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure No. of LGUs with Forest Land Use Plans prepared and
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 00 20-00-01-00-00-01-00
Ecological Integrity implemented
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of hectares of forest area planted (ha) 02 00 20-00-01-00-00-02-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Total Forest Cover (ha) 03 00 20-00-01-00-00-03-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Percent Forest Cover 04 01 20-00-01-00-00-04-01
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area with agroforestry system (ha) 05 00 20-00-01-00-00-05-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area of bamboo plantation established 06 00 20-00-01-00-00-06-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Development of Biodiversity-Friendly Enterprise (BDFE) 07 00 20-00-01-00-00-07-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of ecotourism sites/areas developed 08 00 20-00-01-00-00-08-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of established and operational air sheds 09 00 20-00-01-00-00-09-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure No. of LGUs with approved 10-year solid waste management plan
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 10 00 20-00-01-00-00-10-00
Ecological Integrity (SWMP)
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs with operational sanitary landfill 11 00 20-00-01-00-00-11-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure Percent of urban solid waste regularly collected and well-managed
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 12 01 20-00-01-00-00-12-01
Ecological Integrity (SDG indicator)
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs with operational materials recovery facilities (MRF) 13 00 20-00-01-00-00-13-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure Number of geohazard/vulnerability/risk assessment/mapping
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 14 00 20-00-01-00-00-14-00
Ecological Integrity conducted
Objective Result-Indicator-SDGI
Intermediate Goal Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code Code
Description (6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)
(2.1) (7)

Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure

20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of Agroforestry Sites established 15 00 20-00-01-00-00-15-00
Ecological Integrity

Number of LGUs with existing program/Legislation to

Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 divert/minimize or eliminate the use of plastics, polystyrene 16 00 20-00-01-00-00-16-00
Ecological Integrity
materials and styrofoam

Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure

20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of LGUs with ENROs established 17 00 20-00-01-00-00-17-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure Number of establishments with Waste Water Treatment
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 18 00 20-00-01-00-00-18-00
Ecological Integrity System/Facility/Plant
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure Number of LGUs (P/C/M) with Anti-smoking Ordinance (Tobacco
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 19 00 20-00-01-00-00-19-00
Ecological Integrity smoke, vaping)
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of coastal municipalities with CRM plans 20 00 20-00-01-00-00-20-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Number of marine protected areas established 21 00 20-00-01-00-00-21-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure Number of resorts compliant with Environmental Standards (ECC,
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 22 00 20-00-01-00-00-22-00
Ecological Integrity Easements, permits, etc.)
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs (P/C/M) with budget allocation for ENR programs 23 00 20-00-01-00-00-23-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 No. of LGUs (P/C/M) with LCCAP 24 00 20-00-01-00-00-24-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure No. of LGUs (P/C/M) with approved and adopted environment
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 25 00 20-00-01-00-00-25-00
Ecological Integrity Code
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area planted with mangroves 26 00 20-00-01-00-00-26-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Conduct of GHG inventory 27 00 20-00-01-00-00-27-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area planted with Endemic Tree species 28 00 20-00-01-00-00-28-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area planted with Cacao 29 00 20-00-01-00-00-29-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area planted with Coffee 30 00 20-00-01-00-00-30-00
Ecological Integrity
Environment and Natural Resources Managed to Ensure
20 N/A 00 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Area planted with Other fruit trees 31 00 20-00-01-00-00-31-00
Ecological Integrity

Prepared by: Evaluated by:

Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator DILG Regional Director

Annex B.2
BLGD-RM Code Form (Instruction)

A.1 The unique codes are derived from the sequential numbering of each of the major title headings of relevant chapters (i.e Intermediate Goal, Sector Outcome, Sub-Sector Outcome, Sub-Sector Output
and Indicators) attached to committed targets of the province/NCR LGU. All of the numbered items will essentially correspond to relevant entries attached to committed targets in the PRM/NCR LGU RM.
A.2 It is suggested that another "Working File" be created to facilitate numbering of the PRM and accomplishment of the BLGD-RM-CODE. To make it more manageable, truncate column 5 onwards of the
PRM worksheets and save it in another file. Use said file in numbering relevant entries as illustrated under Steps 1-7.

1. For each worksheet corresponding to a chapter of the PRM/NCR LGU RM, add a column (Column 0) on the leftmost side of the table. The Column 0 will contain the sequential numbering of relevant
headings/subheadings or entries (i.e. Intermediate Goal, Sector Ouctome, Sub-sector Outcome, Sub-sector Outputs, Indicators) within the Chapter that are attached to committed targets of the
Province/NCR LGU constituting PRM commitments within that Chapter.
2. Indicators with value of 1 under Column 4 are attached to Provincial/NCR LGU committed targets in the PRM/NCR LGU RM. Hide all rows of indicators that does not contain the value 1 in Column 4 of the
3. Retain the ff : (i) rows of indicators that contain the value 1 in Column 4 (ii) rows containing Intermediate Goal, Sector Outcome, Sub-sector Outcome, Sub-sector Output (if any) wherein which said
indicators are subsumed . What will essentially remain are rows constituting relevant entries comprising PRM/NCR LGU RM commitments and targets in the said chapter.
4. Sequentially number the retained Intermediate Goal starting with , Sector Outcome, Sub-sector Outcome, Sub-sector Output (if any), and Indicators numbering all Intermediate Goals first followed by
Sector Outcomes.
5. Under each Sector Outcome, sequentially number all Sub-sector Outcomes starting with "01" and ending in n (where n = total number of Sub-sector Outcomes within the said Sector Qutcome). Do this
for all retained Sector Outcomes under each chapter (Usually there is only one Sector Outcome in each chapter).
6. If there are any Sub-sector Outputs, under each Sub-sector Outcome, sequentially number all Sub-sector Outputs starting with 01 and ending in n ( where n=total number of Sub-sector Outputs within
the said Sub-sector Outcome). Do this for all numbered Sub-sector Outcomes with Sub-sector Outputs in each Chapter
7. Under each Sub-sector Outcome/Output, sequentially number all Indicators starting with "01" and ending in n (where n = total number of Indicators within the said Sub-sector Outcome/ Output) .Do this
for all numbered Sub-sector Outcomes/ Outputs in each chapter.

Use descriptions of headings in retained rows and assigned numbers in Column 0 as reference for accomplishing the table in the BLGD-RM Code Form :
Column 1 Indicate specific Chapter of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP)/Regional Development Plan (RDP).

Column 2.1 Indicate Intermediate Goal Description (If there are no indicated Intermediate Goal/s, check RM or if none, put N/A)

Column 2.2 Indicate assigned number of said Intermediate Goal (If there are no indicated Intermediate Goal/s, assign a value of "00")

Column 3.1 Indicate Sector Ouctome description (If there are no indicated Sector Outcome/s under the Intermediate Goal/s, put N/A)
Annex B.2
BLGD-RM Code Form (Instruction)

Column 3.2 Indicate assigned number of said Sector Outcome(If there are no indicated Sector Outcome/s under the Intermediate Goal/s, assign a value of "00") .

Column 4.1 Indicate Sub-sector Ouctome description (If there are no Sub-sector Outcomes under the Sector Outcome , put N/A).

Column 4.2 Indicate assigned number of said Sub-sector Outcome (If there are no Sub-sector Outcomes under the Sector Outcome , assign a value of "00").

Column 5.1 Indicate description of the Sub-sector Output (If there are no Sub-sector outputs under the Sub-sector Outcome, put N/A)

Column 5.2 Indicate assigned number of Sub-sector Output (If there are no Sub-sector outputs under the Sub-sector Outcome, assign a value of '00')

Column 6.1 Indicate description of Indicator

Column 6.2 Indicate assigned number of said Indicator .

Put a value of "01" if indicators in Column 5.1 is a Philippine Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator, and "00" if otherwise. The list of all Tier 1 SDG indicators is
Column 7
attached to DILG-NEDA Circular 2018-1 dated November 26, 2018
6. Derive the Objective-Result-Indicator-SDGI code through the following standardized code structure using dash(-) as separator for each number (i.e. _ _ -_ _-_ _-_ _-_ _-_ _)
(Two (2) digits are allocated for each number. Add "0" in front for single digit numbers i.e. 01 to 09):
a. First 2-digit number refers to the corresponding PRM Chapter (i.e. 01-22). Please refer to column 1. 2 .

b. Second 2-digit number corresponds to assigned number of the Intermediate Goal . Please refer to column 2.2
Column 8 c. Third 2-digit number corresponds to assigned number of the Sector Outcome. Please refer to column 3.2
d. Fourth 2-digit number corresponds to assigned number of the Sub-sector Outcome, Please refer to Column 4.2
e. Fifth 2-digit number corresponds to assigned number of Sub-sector Output. Please refer to column 5.2
f. Sixth 2-digit number correponds to assigned number of indicator. Please refer to column 6.2
g. Seventh 2 digit number has a value of "00" or "01". Please refer to Column 7
Example 3: Chapter 9
XX Region
Province: XYZProvince: XYZ

SDG Indicator? Provincial RM?

Column 0 Objectives/Results Indicator
(1=Yes; 0=No) (1=Yes; 0=No)

(0) (1) (2) (3) (4)

09 PDP/RDP Chapter 9
Societal Goal
To lay down the foundation for inclusive growth, a high-trust and
resilient society and a globally-competitive knowledge economy
01 Intermediate Goal (Pillar 2)
Reducing inequality in economic opportunities
01 Sector Outcome 1
hide row Economic opportunities in industry and services expanded GVA growth of the industry sector (at constant 2000 prices) 0 0
01 GVA growth of the services sector (at constant 2000 prices) 0 1
01 Sub-sector Outcome 1
01 Investments increased Paid up Capital of Cooperatives 0 1
hide row Loan Portfolio (for investment purposes) 1 0
02 Paid up Capital of Corporations 1 1
03 Number of business name registrations 0 1
hide row Percentage of firms owned by women (through business permits and licensing systems) 1 0
04 Number of registered cooperatives 1 1
hide row Sub-sector Outcome 2
hide row Access to markets improved Value of exports (foreign) ( in USD) 1 0
02 Sector Outcome 2
01 Access to Economic opportunities of MSMEs and cooperative Proportion of MSMEs value added to total industry value added 0 1
hide row expanded Proportion of cooperatives value added to total industry value added 1 0
01 Sub-sector Outcome 1
01 Access to production networks improved Access road to ecozones/industry 0 1
02 Sub-sector Outcome 2
01 Access to financing increased Percentage of MSMEs provided with financing 0 1
02 Percentage of cooperatives provided with financing 1 1

Objective Results
Objective Result-Indicator-
Indicator Code Philippine SDGI
Chapter Code Intermediate Goal Description Code Sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Outcome Code Sub-sector Output Code SDGI Code
(6.1) (6.2) (01=Yes; 00=No)
(1.1) (2.1) (2.2) (3.1) (3.2) (4.1) (4.2) (5.1) (5.2) (8)

Percentage of P/C/M/Brgys with organized

People-centered, clean, efficient, and effective Citizenry fully engaged Involvement of citizens in
05 Enhancing the social fabric 01 01 01 01 ADAC Teams with CSOs/POs/NGOs as 01 01 05-01-01-01-01-01-01
governance ensured and empowered governance improved

People-centered, clean, efficient, and effective Citizenry fully engaged Involvement of citizens in Percentage of P/C/M/Brgys with CSOs as
05 Enhancing the social fabric 01 01 01 01 02 00 05-01-01-01-01-02-00
governance ensured and empowered governance improved member of the Local Development Councils

Number of PCMs fully

People-centered, clean, efficient, and effective Citizenry fully engaged Percentage of P/C/M/Brgys with CSOs as
05 Enhancing the social fabric 01 01 01 disclosing financial documents 02 01 00 05-01-01-01-02-01-00
governance ensured and empowered member of the Local Development Councils
to the public
No. of cities and municipalities with
People-centered, clean, efficient, and effective Seamless service
05 Enhancing the social fabric 01 01 02 Business process streamlined 01 streamlined process on issuance of 01 01 05-01-01-02-01-01-01
governance ensured delivery achieved
new/renewal permits
People-centered, clean, efficient, and effective Seamless service Domestic resource mobilization
05 Enhancing the social fabric 01 01 02 02 Total government revenue by source (P) 01 00 05-01-01-02-02-01-00
governance ensured delivery achieved strengthened
Growth of Gross Value Added (GVA) in
Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in agriculture and
08 01 01 N/A 00 N/A 00 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (in real 01 00 08-01-01-00-00-01-00
opportunities fisheries expanded
terms, in percent)

Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in agriculture and AF based enterprises Number of AF Based enterprises (barangay
08 01 02 01 N/A 00 01 01 08-01-01-01-00-01-01
opportunities fisheries expanded Increased and municipal food terminals) monitored

Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in agriculture and AF based enterprises Number of proponent groups assisted and funded
08 01 02 01 N/A 00 02 00 08-01-01-01-00-02-00
opportunities fisheries expanded Increased (PRDP)
Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in agriculture and AF based enterprises
08 01 02 01 N/A 00 Number of establishments 03 01 08-01-01-01-00-03-01
opportunities fisheries expanded Increased

Reducing inequality in economic Access to economic opportunities of farmers and Growth in the value of output of AFF-based
08 01 03 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 00 08-01-02-00-00-01-00
opportunities fisherfolks increased enterprises in real terms (in percent)

Reducing inequality in economic Access to economic opportunities of farmers and Access to technology Program areas for perennial crops provided
08 01 03 01 N/A 00 01 01 08-01-02-01-00-01-01
opportunities fisherfolks increased increased with technical support services (in has)

Reducing inequality in economic Access to economic opportunities by small Growth in labor and productivity of farmers
08 01 03 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 01 08-01-01-00-00-01-01
opportunities farmers and fishers increased and fisherfolk increased (%, in real terms)

Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in industry and services GVA growth of the services sector (at
09 01 01 N/A 00 NA 00 01 00 09-01-01-00-00-01-00
opportunities expanded constant 2000 prices)
Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in industry and services Paid up Capital of Cooperatives
09 01 01 Investments increased 01 N/A 00 01 00 09-01-01-01-00-01-00
opportunities expanded
Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in industry and services Paid up Capital of Corporations
09 01 01 Investments increased 01 N/A 00 02 01 09-01-01-01-00-02-01
opportunities expanded
Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in industry and services Number of business name registrations
09 01 01 Investments increased 01 N/A 00 03 00 09-01-01-01-00-03-00
opportunities expanded
Reducing inequality in economic Economic opportunities in industry and services Number of registered cooperatives
09 01 01 Investments increased 01 N/A 00 04 01 09-01-01-01-00-04-01
opportunities expanded
Reducing inequality in economic Access to Economic opportunities of MSMEs and Proportion of MSMEs value added to total
09 01 02 N/A 00 N/A 00 01 00 09-01-02-00-00-01-00
opportunities cooperative expanded industry value added
Reducing inequality in economic Access to Economic opportunities of MSMEs and Access to production
09 01 02 01 N/A 00 Access road to ecozones/industry 01 00 09-01-02-01-00-01-00
opportunities cooperative expanded networks improved
Reducing inequality in economic Access to Economic opportunities of MSMEs and Access to financing Percentage of MSMEs provided with
09 01 02 02 N/A 00 01 00 09-01-02-02-00-01-00
opportunities cooperative expanded increased financing
Reducing inequality in economic Access to Economic opportunities of MSMEs and Access to financing Percentage of cooperatives provided with
09 01 02 02 N/A 00 02 01 09-01-02-02-00-02-01
opportunities cooperative expanded increased financing

Prepared by: Evaluated by:

Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator DILG Regional Director

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