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Nestlé India Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

(Last amended on 17th February 2022)

I. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy of CSR efforts will be in the local areas and areas around it where
Nestlé India Limited (“the Company”) is a publicly listed Company in the Company operates, the Company may also undertake projects
India. where societal needs are high or in special situations (such as in the
case of natural disasters etc.).
This document articulates the Company’s Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) Policy (the “Policy”). This Policy applies to all
CSR expenditure will include all expenditure incurred by the
CSR activities of the Company in India and conforms to the
Company on CSR Programmes undertaken in accordance with
requirements of Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 (as
the approved Annual Action Plan. The CSR activities undertaken
amended from time to time), rules notified thereunder and any other
by the Company are not expected to lead to any additional surplus
applicable statutory provision(s) (collectively referred hereafter as
beyond what would accrue to the Company in the course of
“CSR Provisions”). The Policy is guided at all times by the Company’s
normal operations. However, surplus if any arising out of the CSR
Corporate Business Principles and the Code of Conduct.
Projects or Programs shall not form part of the business profit of
The Company is a leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company. the Company and shall be dealt with in accordance with the
As a responsible Company, it has since its inception, participated in applicable CSR Provisions. Likewise, any excess amount spent
business activities which help in improving the quality of life for the on CSR activities may be set off against the requirement to
communities where it operates. This also includes creating better spend in the succeeding financial years in accordance with the
livelihood opportunities. applicable CSR Provisions. In the event the Company creates or
In consultation with stakeholders, the Company has decided to focus acquires capital asset out of the CSR spend, such capital asset
its activities on the following areas, where it is in a position to create will be dealt with in terms of the applicable CSR Provisions.
maximum value. These focus areas are:
II. Governance
• Nutrition: A large part of our population is impacted by the The Company’s CSR Governance structure is headed by the CSR
double burden of malnutrition. Improving nutrition awareness of Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company. This
communities is a focus area. Committee reports to the Board of Directors of the Company. The
• Water and Sanitation: India is among the world’s most water CSR Committee consists of four directors of which, two are
stressed regions. Additionally, safe drinking water is a concern in independent directors. The CSR Committee provides oversight
many parts of the country. The Company would focus on helping and guidance on CSR performance and monitor compliance with
farmers reduce water usage in agriculture, raising awareness on the CSR Policy, commitments and the applicable CSR Provisions.
water conservation and providing access to water and sanitation. The CSR Committee formulates and recommends to the Board an
• Rural Development: Supporting the sustainable development of annual action plan which includes the modalities of utilisation of
farmers will be the third focus area. the CSR funds and implantation schedules for the projects or
• Livelihood: Unemployment is a major issue impacting programmes, monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects
development and health outcomes. The Company would focus or programmes and details of need and impact assessment for the
on livelihood enhancement through trainings. projects undertaken by the Company. The CSR Committee also
• Education: The Company would focus on supporting education, recommends any alteration in the annual action plan at any time
with a special focus on education for the girl child. The Company during the year and update, if any, required to the CSR Policy.
would encourage enhancement skill-set/ awareness and support
The CSR Committee determines the overall scope of, provide
research/academic activities.
input on, and recommend adoption of the CSR report to the Board

of Directors of the Company and reviews the effectiveness of the
• Environment: The Company would focus on activities that have
CSR Policy and activities included in the Policy.
a positive impact on environment.
The Board monitors and reviews the performance and impact of
The Company will continue to engage with stakeholders including
the CSR programmes, provides input and course corrections if
farmers, experts, NGOs and the Government and would take up
required and satisfies itself that the CSR funds so disbursed have
such other CSR activities in line with Government’s intent and which
been utilized for the purposes and in the manner as approved by
are important for society.
it. The Executive Director – Finance & Control and CFO shall
The above areas are mapped with the activities as prescribed in certify to the fact that CSR funds so disbursed have been utilised
Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013 in the Nestlé India Guiding for the purposes and in the manner approved by the Board.
Principles for the formulation of Annual Action Plan. While the focus
Nestlé India Limited
[CIN: L15202DL1959PLC003786]
Registered Office: 100/101, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi – 110 001
III. Selection and Implementation of CSR Activities mode with defined objectives and deliverables, clarity on target
beneficiaries, implementation plans with schedule of timeline
The Company’s CSR programmes are guided by this Policy. The
agreed prior to commencement of activities.
Company will undertake CSR activities as stated in the
ANNEXURE with their execution modalities and implementation
The Company would implement the CSR programmes through
Company personnel and partnerships with expert agencies,
NGOs and Government. In cases where the implementation is
The CSR Committee may under the above areas identify and
through external implementing agencies, the Company would
recommend to the Board “Ongoing Project/s” that requires
monitor the implementation.
multi-year implementation but not having timelines exceeding
The CSR Policy issued pursuant to the Act has been
three years excluding the financial year in which it commences,
recommended by the CSR Committee of the Board of Directors
and also may designate some of the existing CSR projects as an
and approved by the Board of Directors and shall be placed on the
Ongoing Project and such Ongoing Projects shall be selected,
Company’s website
implemented, monitored and reported in accordance with the
applicable CSR Provisions.
IV. Amendments
The CSR Committee may, if required, recommend to the Board of Amendments from time to time to the CSR Policy, if any, shall be
Directors as part of the CSR Policy, activities outside of the above- considered by the Board of Directors based on the
mentioned focus areas. All activities will be undertaken in project recommendations of the CSR Committee.

Nestlé India Limited

[CIN: L15202DL1959PLC003786]
Registered Office: 100/101, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi – 110 001
Nestle India - Guiding Principles for the formulation of Annual Action Plan

Programmes/Activities/Initiatives Project Name Schedule VII, Modalities of Implementati Monitoring, Evaluation and
Section 135 Execution on Criteria* / Impact
Companies Act, Schedule
Nutrition Awareness
The Company aims to create awareness regarding Nestlé Healthy (i) In collaboration The  Pre and Post Evaluation
nutrition, good cooking practices, good hygiene and the Kids with external programme is  Annual Report
importance of physical activity among children in Programme agency: conducted  Change in knowledge,
schools particularly village schools through various Academic basis the attitudes and practices of
programmes. The school based programme/s will Universities school year students
involve students receiving focused nutrition training and starting Apr  Number of students covered
will be based on a multi-partnership approach in – June and
collaboration with leading regional universities, NGOs ending Dec-
and other stakeholders. This will enable joint Jan.
development and regional customisation of the content.

The Company aims to create awareness about nutrition Nestlé Healthy (i) In collaboration The  Impact Reports
and healthy habits, importance of food, water and Kids with external programme is  Project Progress and
personal hygiene, utilising health services and the Programme agency: conducted in Financial Reports
importance of physical activity. These programmes will Universities; accordance  Change in knowledge,
be designed for school going children and conducted in NGO with the attitudes and practices of
partnership with NGOs/experts/government based on the school year beneficiaries
learning through sports and conducted in the schools starting Apr –  Number of beneficiaries
and/ or communities. Each child will receive specified June and covered
hours of training throughout the year. ending Dec-
the year in the

The Company aims to reach out to children with access Nestlé (i) Directly; In Throughout  Knowledge increment
to the internet and engage them in learning about Healthy Kids collaboration the year  Number of students
nutrition and healthy habits. Programme with NGO covered
The Company aims to create awareness about nutrition Project (i) In collaboration Throughout  Impact Reports
and health among adolescents, young couples and Jagriti with external the year  Project Progress and
caregivers among marginalised communities. The agency: NGO Financial Reports
programme will be developed in partnership with NGOs  Change in awareness and
and designed to develop community support for behaviour
improved health.  Metrics including: number
of persons covered,
nutrition and health
awareness, delay in age of
marriage, family planning,
breastfeeding practices.
The Company aims to create awareness about Nestlé (i) Directly; In As and when  Change in awareness and
prevention and management of diseases like Cancer, Healthy Kids collaboration required behaviour
Non-Communicable Diseases, etc Programme; with NGO
Nestlé India Limited
[CIN: L15202DL1959PLC003786]
Registered Office: 100/101, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi – 110 001
Water and Sanitation
Sanitation Projects: Construct sanitation facilities for girl Sanitation (i) Directly; In Throughout  Number of schools
students in rural schools to encourage attendance. Projects collaboration the year  Number of students using
Through this initiative, the Company endeavours to with NGO the facilities
facilitate and remove what is considered to be the  Number of facilities
major cause of dropout rate among girl students in constructed
village schools. Creating access to sanitation facilities
for specially abled people/vulnerable groups.

Clean Drinking Water Projects: The Company aims to Clean (i) Directly; In Throughout  Number of schools and
construct drinking water facilities in schools and locations Drinking collaboration the year locations
which lack access to drinking water. Water with NGO  Number of beneficiaries
Projects using the facilities
 Number of facilities
Water awareness for students: The Company aims to Water (iv) Directly; In Throughout  Number of students
create awareness among students regarding water Awareness collaboration the year covered
conservation and protection of water resources to ensure Programme with NGO.
the responsible utilisation of water for a sustainable

Water awareness for farmers: The Company aims to (iv) Directly Throughout  Number of farmers reached
enable farmers to reduce water use in agriculture in the year
collaboration with the Universities / Experts / NGOs /

The Company aims to undertake projects for plastic and Hilldaari (iv) In collaboration Throughout  Project Progress and
solid waste management and/or water conservation with external the year Financial Reports
agency:  Outreach through
Government/ awareness programme
NGO/ Directly
The Company aims to undertake projects on Climate (iv) In collaboration Throughout  Reduction in GHG
Change like afforestation, enhancing activities within with external the year emissions
ongoing initiatives agency:
NGO/ Directly
Hygiene and Food Safety Training: The Company aims Project (ii) In collaboration Throughout  Number of street food
to create awareness about good hygiene and food Serve Safe with external the year vendors trained
safety among street/ other food vendors help the Food agency:
safety, culture and enhance the livelihood of food Government and
operators. NGO

Education: The Company would focus on supporting (ii) In collaboration Throughout  Number of beneficiaries
education, with a special focus on education for the girl with external the year
child. The Company would encourage enhancement agency: NGO
skill-set/awareness and support research/academic
Nestlé India Limited
[CIN: L15202DL1959PLC003786]
Registered Office: 100/101, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi – 110 001
The Company aims to set up Library, Science lab and (ii) In collaboration Throughout  Number of schools and
provide infrastructure in schools. with external the year students
agency: NGO
Employee Volunteering Programme
Employees engage with beneficiaries from Employee (i) In collaboration Throughout  Number of employees
marginalised communities and in creating awareness Volunteering with external the year volunteering/ hours spent
about nutrition, healthy habits, and good hygiene Programme agency: NGO
through sports and other activities.
Creating awareness around managing plastic waste
through sports and other various activities including
Volunteering day, World Oceans Day, etc
Village / Local area adoption in any state
Project will focus on any or all the above components Project (x) Directly; In Throughout  Impact Reports
of CSR activities Vriddhi collaboration the year  Project Progress and
with NGO Financial Reports
 Improved access to water
& sanitation
 Change in knowledge and
practice amongst students
 Change in awareness and
behaviour amongst
 Empowered communities
who access government
programs to lead village
development activities
Disaster Management/ Relief funds/ efforts
1. Contribution to Relief funds ( including Covid (viii) Directly; In As and  Contribution in cash
relief efforts) or efforts set up by the Central collaboration when
Government for socio-economic development with NGO required
and relief and welfare of the Scheduled
Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other
backward classes, minorities and women.
2. Disaster Management Including relief,
rehabilitation and reconstruction activities (xii)

Other Funds
Other Funds set up by the Central or State (i) and (iv) Directly As and  Contribution in cash
Government for any of the Programmes / activities / when
initiatives listed above including Swach Bharat Kosh. required

Funds created for prevention and management of Directly As and  Contribution in cash
diseases like Cancer, Non-Communicable Diseases, when
etc required
*Implementation through Sec 8 Co., Registered PUBLIC Trust and Registered Society.
1. Implementing partners to be independent having established track record of at least 3 years in undertaking SIMILAR ACTIVITIES
2. Registration under 12 A and 80G of Income Tax Act.
3. To register with MCA (Form CSR 1) and have Unique CSR Number.
a. CSR initiatives are undertaken based on consultation with the communities and baseline studies in the community. These are continuously monitored
with periodic reporting. The Company will continue to implement other societal and community related initiatives.
b. In the event the overall outlay in any of the above CSR Projects is Rs. One(1) crore or more it has completed not less than one year before undertaking
the impact study, an Impact Assessment of such projects will be undertaken by the Company through an Independent Agency and the same shall be
placed before the Board and annexed to the annual report on CSR of the Company.

Nestlé India Limited

[CIN: L15202DL1959PLC003786]
Registered Office: 100/101, World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi – 110 001
Nestlé India Limited
CSR Projects and Programmes for the year 2022
S. No. Name of the Item from the Particulars of the Projects/ Mode of Mode of Budgeted
Projects/ list of Programmes Implementation Implementation – amount
Programmes activities in Direct (Yes/No) through for the
Schedule VII Implementing year 2022
to the Agency (Rs. In
Companies Million)
Act, 2013 (‘the
1 Project Jagriti i Project Jagriti encourages No MAMTA - Health 100.5
good nutrition and feeding Institute for Mother
practices, to improve nutrition and Child
and health at key life stages –
adolescents, young couples,
pregnant women and lactating
The project will be undertaken
in various states such as
Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Himachal Pradesh, Odisha,
Bihar Jharkhand
2 Nestlé Healthy i Nestlé Healthy Kids No Magic Bus India 155.5
Kids Programme aims to nurture Foundation
Programme communities by promoting
healthier lifestyles and good
health for children from
government schools and
marginalized communities.
The project will be undertaken
in various states such as
Andhra Pradesh, Assam,
Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Gujarat,
Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir,
Jharkhand, Ladakh,
Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan,
Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar
Pradesh, West Bengal,
Mizoram, Bihar,
i The Project is implemented No Punjab Agriculture 6.2
through seven regional University,
universities in Punjab, National Institute of
Haryana, Goa, Uttarakhand, Food Technology
Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Entrepreneurship and
Karnataka Management,
Goa College of Home
Alumni Almamater
CSK Himachal
Pradesh Agriculture
Gujarat University,
University of
Agricultural Sciences
4 Employee i, iv It is an initiative where the No Magic Bus India 0.37
Volunteering employee volunteer to spend Foundation
Programme a day interacting with children
from underprivileged
communities to help create
awareness regarding nutrition
and a healthy lifestyle. The
project will be undertaken in
various states such as Delhi,
Maharashtra, West Bengal,
Tamil Nadu, Haryana
5 Project Vriddhi x Project Vriddhi is the initiative No S.M. Sehgal 12.8
of village adoption that aims Foundation
to bring positive change in the
lives of the locals in the area
of nutrition and health,
education, water and
sanitation and
agriculture practices.
The project will be undertaken
in the state of Haryana.
6 Project Serve ii Project Serve Safe Food aims No Nidan 27.0
Safe Food to provide training to the
street food vendors to enable
them to voluntarily adopt the
hygiene practices.
The project will be undertaken
in various states such as
Bihar, Haryana, Punjab, J&K,
Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Manipur, Tripura, Jharkhand,
Madhya Pradesh.
7 Clean Drinking i The project aims to provide No Enable Health 13.6
Water access to clean drinking water Society (EHS)
in government schools around
our factory locations.
The project will be undertaken
in various states such as
Haryana; Tamil Nadu; Punjab;
Rajasthan; Maharashtra;
Karnataka; West Bengal
Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Yes - 16.0
Goa, Karnataka
8 Sanitation i The project supports Yes - 36.0
construction of modern, easy
to maintain modular toilets,
contributing to health, well-
being. The project will be
undertaken in various states
such as Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa,
Tamil Nadu, Haryana,
Karnataka, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Gujarat, Telangana,
Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal.
9 Hilldaari iv The Project aims at better No Stree Mukti 35.5
management of waste, Sanghatana
empowering waste workers
and focuses on working
collectively with multiple
stakeholders like urban local
bodies, institutions, residents,
households, hotels and
restaurants, and waste
workers. The project will be
undertaken in various states
such as Uttarakhand,
Himachal Pradesh, Goa,
Maharashtra, Kerala,
10 Environment iv To maintain the clean and Yes - 0.9
green environment for
It will be undertaken in states
of Punjab and Himachal
11 Science Lab in ii The project aims to increase No Agastya International 3.7
Schools access to practical, hands-on Foundation
science based activity
sessions in government
schools around our factory
The project will be undertaken
in the states of Goa and
12 Disaster i and xii The project is undertaken No Multiple NGOs/ 120.0
Management where societal needs are high Akshaya Patra
and COVID-19 or in special situations such Charities Aid
Relief Efforts as natural calamities/disaster. Foundation
The project will be undertaken BOSCONET
in various states such as Nidan
Himachal, Uttar Pradesh, Indian Jaycees
Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Charitable Trust
West Bengal, West Bengal, Indian Association for
Assam, Karnataka, Bihar, the Blind
Tamil Nadu, Kerala,
Jharkhand, Punjab,
Maharashtra, Madhya
Pradesh, Odisha; Chandigarh,
Delhi, J&K.
13 Impact - As per requirement, impact - - 0.7
Assessment assessment of
Nestlé Healthy Kids Bihar and
Gujarat (as per clause i of the
Schedule VII of the Act) will
be undertaken during the
* The abovementioned projects are standalone/ ongoing projects. The budgeted amount is for the year 2022.

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