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This proposed two-bed residential building is designed for those seeking for simple yet modern,
sustainable buildings. And this house makes use of sustainable materials, great air flow for cooling, and
most importantly catering every inch of the given lot area of 110 sq. m.

In the entrance, what you’ll first notice is the driveway leading to a carport. This carport measures 3.5
meters by 5 meters. When parking your car in your carport, you can go choose between two doors. The
first door leading to the house foyer, and the second door leading directly to the kitchen area. But the
question is why is their a second door? Well, when buying groceries in the market, when you get home
and park, as you hop out of your car to get the groceries, you won’t have to go from the main door,
through the foyer, and then reach your pantry or storage area. So, the second door is there for reasons
such as mentioned. Now, after the carport, you’ll see a small porch before the main entrance. And as you
enter the house, you will pass through the building foyer which measures 3.5 meters by 1.5 meters. After
this you will see a simple living room which contains sustainable furniture to make the living space look
bigger and cooler. the kitchen and dining are somehow close to each other. The kitchen having a glass
sliding window to make cooking and working inside the kitchen feel cool and comfortable. Beside the
kitchen is the house pantry or storage.

The pantry/storage has no door because that is a utility area, that is where the house maids do their daily
routine in mending the house, but as you enter you will see a door leading to the back area of the house.
that door has a double purpose, it will serve as a fire exit. As you go through that door you will see the
semi enclosed part of the house, which is the laundry area, and beside that area is the maid’s quarters or
the maid’s room. The maid’s room having the area of 2 meters by 4.5 meters and having its own toilet
and bath. The maid’s room has its own toilet and bath because it won’t be so convenient for the maid to
go inside and back just to relief them self and to take a bath.

Going back inside the living space, you can see a toilet and bathroom in between two rooms. The toilet
and bathroom is there for the guest to use and for the individuals staying in bedroom 1. In bedroom 1 it
measures 3 meters by 3 meters. Having its own sliding window, and a single bed and a small cabinet. But
the furniture inside the bedroom can be replaced as to what the individual has on mind. Moving on to the
other room, or the master’s bedroom. The master’s bedroom measures 3.5 meters by 4.5 meters. Having
a king-sized bed and its own toilet and bath for privacy.

The building itself is not just for aesthetic convenience but also for sustainable and affordable reasons.
The house is made up mostly of concrete walls. Concrete is a great material when talking about
sustainability, the industry has made significant progress in reducing its carbon dioxide emission by 19
percent since 1990. It is long lasting, affordable, and can adopt to any designs you like.
The walls aren’t the only affordable and sustainable material in this project. The proper selection of the
type of roof to use is a must if you want to achieve a cool and well-ventilated home. This house has
corrugated roofing. The average life span of a corrugated metal roofing is about 30-45 years and can go
beyond that with careful maintenance, talk about sustainability. we usually think that metal roof are hot
and can make the whole house into a sauna, well you surely got that all wrong. Metal roofs are not hotter
than you think and not hotter than any other standard materials such as asphalt or slate for example,
though all roofs do heat up in direct sunlight. Corrugated roofing are quite and eliminates water build up,
it is long lasting, tough yet light weight, can cope with adverse weather conditions.

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