BBA Proforma 2023-26 (Formated) Semester I 231120 144137

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Program Academic
BBA 2023-26

The Student Handbook

© ADYP University | June

Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Table of Contents
Section 1:Program Overview
Reputation 3
Revenue 4
Resources 4
Section2:ProgramGeneralInformation 5
Name 5
Level 5
Section3:Program Educational Objective 5
Section4:Program Outcomes 5
Section5:International Standards And Subject Benchmarks 7
Referred URL 7
Section6:Credit Allocation 7
Credit Registration 7
Section7: Program Structure 7
Semester 01 8
Semester 02 8
Semester 03 9
Semester 04 9
Semester 05 9
Semester 06 10
Total Program Course Distribution 10
Total Program Credit Distribution 10
Section8:Program Core 11
Section9:Specialization Sequence 11
Section10:Program Evaluation Matrix 13
Section11:Individual Course Information 16
Course Title 16
Level 16
Credits 16
Outcome Related Course Objectives 16
Course outcomes 16
Syllabus Details 17
Textbooks 18
Reference Books 18

Course Evaluation Matrix 19

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Section1:Program Overview


1 Market Need (Brief note highlighting necessity of the Program looking at current
market situation)
Marketing is the most important function in any organization. It is this function which,
if properly performed, not only helps the organization to survive, but also thrive in
competitive situations. The function needs to be performed by knowledgeable and
trained manpower. BBA in Sales and Marketing is an effort towards creating such
trained manpower.
The entrepreneurs are considered change agents‘ in the process of industrial and
economic development of an economy. The premium role that entrepreneurs play in
promoting industrial and economic development of an economy is well deduced across
the countries. Hence, for the development of the economy and creation of jobs,
entrepreneurship development is crucial. Entrepreneurship comes with innovation as
Innovation changes the way we live our lives.
Hence the program of BBA in Entrepreneurship and Innovation is an attempt to
encourage young students to consider entrepreneurship as their possible career choice.

2 Industry Demand–
There is a great demand from the industry for specialists in the sales and marketing
function. Those seeking jobs, entry level positions are at Executive level or Graduate
Trainee level on a managerial cadre, depending on the organizational structure of
various companies

Entry Level positions and occupations
The students are expected to start their own ventures or join their family businesses
by the end of this program after a few years of industry experience.

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Those seeking jobs, entry-level positions are at Junior Executive Level or Graduate
Trainee level in a managerial cadre, depending on the organizational structure of
various companies. There are a lot of opportunities in startups.

There is a great demand from the industry for specialists in finance. Those seeking jobs,
entry level positions are at Executive level or Graduate Trainee level in a managerial
cadre, depending on the organizational structure of various companies.

3 Target

Any, FMCG, BFSI, Consumer Durables, Hospitality, Travel and Tourism, IT

and ITES, Real Estate and Digital firms
4 Expected Occupation at the Entry Level after completion of course
Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneur, Innovation Agent
5 Areas Of Research
Finance, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Strategy
6 Name of the probable higher degree programs which student can enroll after
program completion
7 Competitive Programs at other Universities in India (BBA, BBM)

7.1 No of institutes/ universities offering similar program:5

7.2 2 to 3 leading institutes offering same program:SIU, MIT WPU, Flame University and
Christ University
7.3 Annual Fees (Rs.In Lakhs):Rs.200000=00 plus Rs, 20000 for international
emulsion program (optional)


1. Proposed student strength & expected number admissions in first year: 60

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

2. Proposed Annual fees (Rs. In Lakhs): Rs.1.2 cr


Sr. Infrastructure Requirement Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

1. No. of Classrooms 1 1 1
2. Business Laboratory 1

3. Area (sq.ft) As per UGC Requirements

4. Computer hardware required (No.s) 30 - -
5. Software required (Rs. In Lakhs) 2 2 2
6. Any other specifiedequipment’s NA NA NA
required (Details)
7. Faculty requirement(No.s) 3 3 3
8. Any other Infrastructure 1. Library 500 500
requirement (Details) 2. Digital Ebsco Scopus and ABDC
Database ProQuest indexed journals

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Section 1: Program General Information

Level Under-Graduate Program
Section 2: Program Educational Objectives
Broad goals that address institutional and program mission statements and are responsive to
the expressed interest of various groups of various groups program stakeholders.
To prepare students to be future business leaders to understand the comprehensive
1 nature of business and business challenges.
To make students appreciate that business situations are a complex mix of management,
marketing, finance, manufacturing, finance, and technology issues for effective decision

2 To make students learn the key concepts and develop skills of using tools of analysis, and
also develop a thinking pattern which goes beyond analysis and focuses on problem
solving skills through innovative thinking and imagination.
3 To enable an awareness of the role and significance entrepreneurship, startups, SME
growth to national economies and government policies

4 To develop students ‘appreciation of the significance and role of creativity,

entrepreneurship and innovation in organizations, our societies and economies today.
To develop understanding and application of the skills necessary for starting a new
5 venture, included but not limited to: new ventures in finance, marketing, social media and
e- commerce.
Section 3: Program outcomes
After completing the BBA course, the students would be able to

PO1 Business Knowledge: Graduates will acquire a comprehensive understanding of

fundamental business concepts, theories, and practices across multiple disciplines,
including marketing, finance, accounting, operations, and management.
PO2 Problem solving & Negotiation Skills: Problem-solving and negotiation skills are essential
competencies as they enable individuals to tackle complex challenges, resolve conflicts,
and reach mutually beneficial agreements. These skills empowers the graduates to
navigate through difficult situations effectively, fostering positive outcomes and
constructive relationships.
Critical Thinking: Graduates will develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills,
PO3 allowing them to critically evaluate complex business situations, identify alternative
solutions, and make well-informed decisions.

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Effective Communication: Graduates will demonstrate exceptional verbal and written

PO4 communication skills, enabling them to articulate ideas, convey information, and present
persuasive arguments within a business context.
Ethical Leadership: Graduates will exhibit a keen awareness of ethical issues in business
PO5 and possess the ability to apply ethical frameworks to decision-making, emphasizing the
importance of integrity and corporate social responsibility.
PO6 Collaborative Teamwork: Graduates will demonstrate the capacity to effectively work in
diverse teams, exhibit leadership qualities, and foster cooperation to accomplish shared
objectives and resolve conflicts constructively.
PO7 Global Business Acumen: Graduates will develop a global mindset, understanding the
intricacies of the international business landscape, including cultural nuances, economic
factors, and political influences, and apply this knowledge to navigate global challenges.
PO8 Entrepreneurial Mindset: Graduates will cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset
characterized by innovation, creativity, and a proactive approach to identifying and
capitalizing on business opportunities.
PO9 Technological Proficiency: Graduates will attain proficiency in utilizing a wide range of
technology tools and platforms relevant to contemporary business operations, including
business software, data analytics tools, and digital marketing platforms.

PO10 Digitalization of Business Functionaries: The Digital Transformation in Business

Functionaries aims to equip the graduates with the knowledge, skills, and practical
insights to leverage digital technologies and strategies for enhancing various aspects of
business operations.
PO11 Professionalism and Adaptability: Graduates will demonstrate professionalism, ethical
conduct, and adaptability, exhibiting strong work ethics, time management skills, and
the ability to thrive in dynamic and rapidly evolving business environments.
PO12 Lifelong Learning Orientation: Graduates will embrace a commitment to lifelong
learning, recognizing the significance of continuous personal and professional
development, and possessing the skills to independently pursue learning opportunities
to stay abreast of emerging business practices and trends.

Program Specific Outcomes

1 Marketing
PSO1. Ability to integrate various marketing concepts for effective marketing decisions and
PSO2. Ability to acquire skills for Sales professionalism

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

PSO3 Ability to assess the role of Technology in the context of real-world marketing
dynamics in the real world.
2 Entrepreneurship
PSO1. To develop Innovative and Entrepreneurship skills to start new ventures to bring
positive change in economic growth and prosperity in society.
PSO2. To make students able to pursue their personalized career in entrepreneurship.
PSO3 To identify solutions to create sustainable growth and value for entrepreneurial career
3 Finance
PSO1. Ability to analyze, use financial data to make knowledgeable decisions about the
Working performance, working capital, resources apportionment and financial position
of a company in a short term and long-term financial decision-making.

PSO2. Ability to remain updated with respect to economic reforms and financial markets.The
student will be able to understand the various aspects of financial planning, wealth
management and advisory aspects for different clientele. Students should be able
develop financial plans for different types of clients based on the client’s risk profiling,
investment psychology, life stage

PSO3 Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the legal framework of International Financial

reporting standards, Goods and Services tax, income tax and filing of the returns

4. Fintech Specialization

PSO1 Demonstrate a high level of technological competence in financial technologies,

digital platforms, and data analytics tools used in the Fintech industry.

PSO2 Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills to analyze complex financial
challenges, evaluate technological solutions, and propose innovative strategies for
Fintech applications.
PSO3 Equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and readiness to pursue careers in
the Fintech industry, adapting to the evolving technological landscape and
contributing to organizational success.

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Graduate Attributes (GAs): At the end of the BBA programme the learner shall exhibit
GA1: Effective Business Communication Skills: effective listening , reading and understanding
relevant texts and research papers analytically and present complex information in a
clear and concise manner to different groups/audiences by using modern
communication tools.
GA2: Knowledge of Business, Management and Digital Literacy: Be prepared with the latest
disciplinary and interdisciplinary business and management knowledge with the support of
the digital and technology literacy, to aid planning and control in a volatile
global environment. Situations.
GA3: Environmental awareness and action: having knowledge of effective waste management,
conservation of biological diversity, management of biological resources and biodiversity,
forest and wildlife conservation, sustainable development and living, effect of environmental
degradation, climate change and pollution.
GA4: Managerial and leadership competencies: Management competencies are the skills, habits,
motives, knowledge and attitudes necessary to successfully manage people.
When developed, management competencies promote better leadership and contribute to
business success. Better leadership refers to leading the people in the organization to achieve
the organizational goals in an effective way in a diverse environment.
GA5: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Develop an innovative and entrepreneurial approach
to analyze problems in new ways, identify disruptive solutions to create sustainable
growth and value.
GA6: Empathy: The graduates should be able to demonstrate the ability to identify with or
understand the perspective, experiences, or points of view of another individual or groups,
and to identify and understand other people’s emotions.
GA7: Ethical Decision making: Develop skills and judgment to make ethical decisions in complex
business situations, by understanding and demonstrating the sound business principles,
needs and goals of different stakeholders in diverse cultures.
GA8: Research orientation: Be equipped with the principles and methods of research for the
purpose of responsible investigation from an applied perspective in the field of management
and business.
GA9 Multicultural competence: the acquisition of knowledge of the values and beliefs of
multiple cultures and a global perspective to honor diversity, capability to effectively engage
in a multicultural group/society and interact respectfully with diverse groups, capability to
lead a diverse team to accomplish common group tasks and goals.

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Section 4: Program Benchmarking

Details of the international standards/subject benchmark statements referred and weblink for the
International standards/subject URL
Benchmarks statements referred
IQS School of Management IQS School of Management, Undergraduate Program, Spain
Undergraduate Programmes, Spain
Harvard Business School Harvard Business School
The university of Queensland, Australia University of Queensland, Australia
Babson College Babson College

Wharton BBA Program Wharton BBA Program

S.P Jain School of Global Management S.P. Jain School of Global Management

Section 6 : Credit Allocation

Sr. No Legend Course Weightage Credits

Basket (%)

1 Distribution Courses DC 10 12

2 Direct Electives DE 60 76

3 Free Electives FE 5 6

4 General Education GE 25 32

5 Multi-Disciplinary M 18

6 Minor M 20

Credit Registration

Unless approved otherwise by the Director of the concerned School, a student will normally not
be allowed to register for more than 24 credits in a term. Students must enroll for minimum 24

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

credits to fulfill the norm of a full time course. 24 credits are normally offered to the students in
every term.

Section 7 : Program Structure

CL: Class room lecturing and P: Practical’s TU: Tutorials
Classroom Interaction
GE: General Education SF: Subject Fundamentals CC: Core Courses

DE: Specialization Sequence with FE: Free Electives CA: Continuous

Directed Electives Assessments Evaluation
ETE: End Term Examination FW: Field Work DC: Distribution Courses

RW -research projects/ work PBL -problem based Learning RH -Response Hours

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

BBA Program Structure – 2023-26

Semester One
Sr. Course Name of the Course Course No. of Contact Hours
No Code type Credits CL TU RH/FW P Total
1 MG101M Principles of Management DC 4 3 1 6 10
2 GID359 Business GE 4 3 1 6 10
3 MG127M Legal Aspects of Business DE 4 3 1 6 10
4 MG128M Principles of Accounting DE 4 3 1 6 10
5 MG102M Excel Applications for FE 2 2 4 6
6 GLO194 Business Mathematics GE 4 3 1 6 10
Total Credits 22
Semester Two
Sr. Course Name of the Course Course No. of Contact Hours
No Code type Credits CL TU RH/FW P Total
7 MG129M Human Resource DE 4 3 1 6 10
8 MG108M Fundamentals of DC 4 3 1 6 10
9 MG130M Cost & Management DE 4 3 1 6 10
10 MG107M Business Economics GE 4 3 1 6 10
11 GLO195 Research Methodology GE 4 3 1 6 10
12 MG131M Principles of FE 2 2 1 3 6
Environmental & Social
Total Credits 22
Semester Three
Sr. Course Name of the Course Course No. of Contact Hours
No Code type Credits CL TU RH/FW P Total
13 MG201M Business Strategy DC 4 3 1 6 10
14 MG202M Financial Management DE 4 3 1 6 10
15 Consumer Buying DE 4 3 1 6 10
16 MG204M Technology in Business FE 2 2 1 3 6
17 MG205M Digital HR Transformation DE 4 3 1 6 10
18 GLO196 Business Analytics GE 4 3 1 6 10
19 Managing Corporate GE 4 3 1 6 10
GID407 Entrepreneurship
Total 26
Semester Four
Sr. Course Name of the Course Course No. of Contact Hours
No Code type Credits CL TU RH/ P Total
20 GID408 International Business GE 4 3 1 6 10
21 Directed Elective I DE 4 3 1 6 10
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22 Directed Elective II DE 4 3 1 6 10
23 Directed Elective III DE 4 3 1 6 10
24 Directed Elective IV DE 4 3 1 6 10
25 Minor I DE 4 3 1 6 10
26 Minor II DE 4 3 1 6 10
Total 28
Semester Five
Sr. Course Name of the Course Course No. of Contact Hours
No Code type Credits CL TU RH/FW P Total
27 GID409 Business Leadership & GE 4 3 1 6 10
28 Directed Elective I DE 4 3 1 6 10
29 Directed Elective II DE 4 3 1 6 10
30 Directed Elective III DE 4 3 1 6 10
31 Directed Elective IV DE 4 3 1 6 10
32 Minor I DE 4 3 1 6 10
33 Minor II DE 4 3 1 6 10
Total 28
Semester Six
Sr. Course Name of the Course Course No. of Contact Hours
No Code type Credits CL TU RH/FW P Total
34 MG301M Bachelor Thesis DE 4 1 9 10
35 Directed Elective I DE 4 3 1 6 10
36 Directed Elective II DE 4 3 1 6 10
37 Directed Elective III DE 4 3 1 6 10
38 Minor I DE 4 3 1 6 10

Directed Electives – Bucket List (Entrepreneurship and Marketing)

Sr. No Group A - Entrepreneurship Course Code Group B - Marketing
Advertising & Sales
DE 1 ET201M Entrepreneurial Ecosystem MM201M
DE 2 ET202M Social Entrepreneurship MM202M Services Marketing
Strategies for New Business Product & Brand
DE 3 ET203M MM203M
Management Management
DE 4 ET204M Enterprises Growth & Success MM204M Marketing Research
DE 5 ET301M Business & Social Innovation MM301M International Marketing
DE 6 ET302M Venture Capital MM302M Rural Marketing
DE 7 ET303M Sustainable Entrepreneurship MM303M Marketing Communication
Marketing in Emerging
DE 8 ET304M Building Entrepreneurial Team MM304M
Contemporary Marketing
DE 9 ET305M Family Business Management MM305M

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DE 10 ET306M Entrepreneurial Success & Failure MM306M Marketing Strategy

DE 11 ET307M Entrepreneurship in global Business MM307M Retail Marketing
DE 12 ET205M Business Modeling & Business Plan MM205M E-Commerce Marketing
Digital & Social Media
DE 13 ET206M Spirit of Entrepreneurship MM206M
DE 14 ET207M Innovation Management MM207M Sales & Distribution
DE 15 ET308M Rural Entrepreneurship MM308M Marketing Analytics
DE 16 ET309M Building Lean Startup MM309M Competitive Marketing
DE 17 ET310M Entrepreneurial Practice MM310M Fundamentals of Branding
DE 18 ET311M Marketing for Entrepreneurs MM311M Personal Selling Lab
Small Business Management in Indian Advertising and Public
DE 19 ET312M MM312M
Scenario Relations

Directed Electives – Bucket List (Finance and FinTech)

Sr. No Course Code Group C - Finance Course Code Group D - FinTech
Fundamentals of Financial
DE 1 FM201M Management Accounting FT201M
DE 2 FM202M Business Taxation FT202M Introduction to Fintech
DE 3 FM203M Banking & Finance FT203M Python for Fintech
DE 4 FM204M Financial Markets FT204M Basics of Data Analytics
DE 5 FM301M Financial Services FT301M Digital payments in BFSI
DE 6 FM302M International Finance FT302M R in data modeling
DE 7 FM303M Personal Portfolio Management FT303M Financial Cloud Computing
DE 8 FM304M Financial Risk Compliances FT304M Big Data Analytics
DE 9 FM305M Behavioral Finance FT305M Cryptocurrency
DE 10 FM306M Actuarial Management FT306M Block chain Technology
DE 11 FM307M Digital Banking FT307M Cyber Security
Introduction to Data
DE 12 FM205M Mergers and Acquisition FT205M
management system
Data analytics using MS -
DE 13 FM206M Micro Finance FT206M
DE 14 FM207M Investment Banking FT207M Advanced MS-Excel
DE 15 FM308M Tax Planning & Wealth Creation FT308M Basics of Database
Data analysis and
DE 16 FM309M Investment Simulation Lab FT309M
DE 17 FM310M Banking Operation FT310M Tableau for Analytics
Digital Tools for Quantitative
DE 18 FM311M Corporate Accounting FT311M
Digitalization of Mergers and
DE 19 FM312M Corporate Finance FT312M

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Section 8 : Total Program Credit Distribution

S.No Year Semester Credits Assigned
1 I 22
2 II 22
3 III 26
4 IV 28
5 V 28
6 VI 20
TOTAL Semesters – Six 146

Section 9 : Program Core

A set of courses in the program curriculum designated to address the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
specified in the outcomes.

Business Administration (Leadership Skills, Innovation, General Management, Finance, Marketing,

Economics, Business Environment, Business Laws)
Marketing (Marketing Research, Sales and Distribution, Retail Marketing, Rural Marketing, Marketing
Communication, Advertising and Sales Promotion)
Entrepreneurship(Spirit of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial
Skills,CreativityandInnovation,EntrepreneurshipOpportunity,SocialInnovation,New Venture Design,
Business Innovation, Business Plan Preparation)
Finance: Business Accounting, Banking & Finance, Financial Services, Personal Financial Planning

Section 10 : Major and Minor Specialisation

Specializations offered: The following specializations shall be offered as MAJOR
1. Marketing
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Finance
4. Fintech
1. School may offer ONLY SELECTED specializations based on industry needs, faculty strength & competencies,
student demands, employability potential, etc.
2. School MAY NOT offer a specialization if a minimum of 15 students are not registered for that specialization
3. The School MAY NOT offer an elective course if a minimum of 15 students are not registered for that
elective course.

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

4. Minor Specialization will be offered from different schools/programs.

Major Specialization + Minor Specialization Combination:

1. For a Major + Minor Specialization combination the learner shall complete
a) Major Specialization – Courses: Total 12
b) Minor Specialization – Courses: Total 5

Students shall be permitted to opt for ANY Major + ANY Minor specialization combination, subject to
school norms and guidelines, issued from time to time.


● Attendance: The student must meet the requirement of 75% attendance per semester per course for
grant of the term. The institute shall have the right to withhold the student from appearing for
examination of a specific course if the above requirement is not fulfilled.
● Medium of Instruction: The medium of Instruction & Evaluation shall be English.
● LTP indicated in the syllabus is indicative.
● Numbers indicated against each unit indicate L+T+RH. These are indicative in nature. Course teachers
may modify based on teaching & assessment; evaluation methods adopted.
● Textbooks and Reference Books refer to the latest edition.
● The continuous evaluation would be evaluated for 40 marks and the end Semester would be
evaluated for 60 marks.
● Attendance would carry 5 marks and the extracurricular activities would carry 5 marks under
Continuous evaluation.
● The different continuous evaluation methods include different subject wise activities as per the
discretion of the course.
● Question paper Format:

Section Description Marks

Section A Knowledge & Understanding ( No Choice) 5 X 2 = 10 Marks

Section B Application & Synthesis (Answer 2 out of 3 questions) 2 X 5 = 10 Marks

Section C Analysis (Any 3 out of 4 Questions) 3 X 4 = 12 Marks

Section D Evaluation ( No Choice) 2 X 4 =8 Marks

Section E Case Study Analysis 20 Marks

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Section 11 : Program Evaluation Matrix

S.No Courses P P P P P P P P P P P P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 1
0 1 2
1 Principles of Management
2 Business Entrepreneurship
3 Legal Aspects of Business
4 Principles of Accounting
5 Excel Applications for Business
6 Business Mathematics
7 Human Resource Management
8 Basics of Marketing
9 Cost & Management Accounting
10 Business Economics
11 Research Methodology
12 Principles of Environmental & Social
13 Business Strategy
14 Financial Management
15 Consumer Buying Behaviour
16 Technology in Business

17 Digital HR Transformation
18 Business Analytics
19 Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship
20 International Business
21 Business Leadership & Culture
22 Dissertation

1 = Objective addressed slightly

2= Moderately

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3= Substantive
PO: Program Outcome

Section 12 : Individual Course Information

First Year
Semester One
Principles of Management
Course Code MG101M Course Title Principles of Management
Course Type DC Sessions in TT per week 04
No. of Credits 04 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern(LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 To understand the nature, purpose & scope of management
CO2 To understand what the management principles of Planning, Organizing, and Leading & Control are &
how they are applied in different situations.
CO3 To be able to work independently in teams and groups through different techniques.

CO4 To be able to work through strong interpersonal skills.

CO5 To make students plan and apply the learnings for effective decision making

Course Syllabus:
Syllabus Number of
1 Introduction Fundamentals to Management Definition of management 7
Nature & Characteristics of Management Levels of ManagementFunction of
Management. Management: An Art or Science
2 Evolution of Management Thought: Fredrick Taylor & Scientific Management Henry 7
Fayol- General Principles ofManagement, Modern Theory and Contemporary issues
in Life.
3 Planning: The Concept of Planning Nature and Scope of Planning Types of Plans 7
Advantages and Limitations of Planning Measures to Overcome Limitations of
Planning Principles of Planning. Steps in Planning

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4 Decision Making: Introduction. Characteristics of Decision Making Importance of 8

DecisionMaking Decision-Making Process. Types of Decisions. Techniques of Decision

5 Organizing: Meaning and Characteristics of Organization Nature of Organization 7

4 Steps in the Process of Organizing Formal and Informal OrganizationForms of
Organization Structure (Line & Staff Organization)
Departmentalization. Centralization & Decentralization Authority &Responsibility
Delegation. Span of Control
6 Motivation: Definitions of Motivation Process of Motivation Sources of Motivation 8
Theories of Motivation (Maslow‘s Management by Objectives, Need Hierarchy
theory, Herzberg theory, theory X and Y, Carrot and Stick Theory.
7 Leadership: Background. What is Leadership? Leadership Styles Approaches to the 8
Study of Leadership Styles.
8 Controlling: Definition & Importance Controlling and Other Functions The Control 8
ProcessControlling techniques Scope of Control

Text & Reference Books

Sr. Name of the book Author Edition / volume /

No Publisher
1 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz, O‘Donnell and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill
2 Principles of Management Tripathi & Reddy Tata McGraw Hill
3 Organization and R.D. Agrawal Tata McGraw Hill
4 Management: A Global Harold Koontz, Heinz Tata McGraw Hill
Perspective Weihrich

Legal Aspects of Business

Course Code MG127M Course Title Legal Aspects of Business
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

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CO1 To understand the legal principles and concepts relevant to business.

CO2 To develop strategies to ensure legal compliance in different business contexts and to and analyze
their impact on decision-making.
CO3 To analyze and evaluate the potential legal risks and liabilities associated with specific business
CO4 To develop legal strategies in resolving business conflicts and to evaluate the impact of legal
decisions on business operations.
CO5 To create comprehensive legal solutions and strategies to inscribe complex business challenges.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

Unit 1: The Indian Contract Act, 1872: The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Introduction –
Definition of contract – agreement – offer – acceptance – consideration, capacity 7
to contract, Legality of Contract
Unit I The Indian Contract Act, 1872: Contingent contract – Quasi contract –
performance – Discharge – Remedies for breach of contract. 7

Unit II Sale of Goods Act,1930: Rights and duties of Sellers, Rights and duties of Buyers.
Sale and Agreement to sell, Transfer of Property- Distinguish between immovable 12
& movable property, Lease & Mortgage.
Unit II Sale of Goods Act,1930: Finder of goods, Performance of contract of sale, Rights
of an unpaid seller, Remedies for the Breach of contract
Unit III The Negotiable Instruments Act,1881: Introduction, Definition, dishonourment
of cheque
Unit IV The Company’s Act, 2013: Formation – Memorandum – Articles – Prospectus-
Shares & debentures
Unit V Directors – appointment – Powers, duties and liabilities. Meetings – Proceedings
– Management – Accounts – audit – oppression & mismanagement – winding

Unit Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books 1. Business legislation for management M.C. Kuchal and Deepa Prakash, Vikas Publish House
PVT Ltd.,
2. Legal aspects of Business, Ravinder kumar, Cengage learning.
3. Business law, Sathish B, Matur Tata Mcgraw Hill.
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4. Business law, D. Chandra Bose, PHI learning PVT Ltd.,

5. Legal aspects of Business by Akhileshwar Pathak. Tata Mcgraw Hill. 6. Legal aspects of
Business by kubendran.
Journals 1. Law of Business contracts in India by Sairam Bhat, Sage, www.
2. Company law, Ashok K Bagrial Vikas publishing House.
3. Business Law, chandra Bose, PHI learning India PVT Ltd
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Case Study Analysis/IRAC Analysis
2. Group Project/MOOT court
3. Report Writing
4. Presentations

Principles of Accounting
Course Code MG128M Course Title Principles of
Course Type CC Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3 -1 -1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60
Course Outcome:
CO 1 Elaborate the accounting principles and recording of business transactions in Journal.
Understand basic accounting principle in business operations till preparation of final
CO 2
Develop their skills for analyzing and presenting financial statements for taking business
CO 3
decisions in contemporary environment.
Project financial health of business with the help of tools like ratio analysis and trend
CO 4
Prepare organizational budgets and evaluate and evaluate the financial impact of the
CO 5
Syllabus details
Unit Syllabus Hours
An Overview of Accounting
- Definition of terms - Types of accounting - Accounting and business - Basic
1 Concepts of Accounting; - Principles of Accounting; GAAP, Basic Components of 10
Financial Statements - Accounting cycle - Accounts - Subsidiary accounts,
Subsidiary books -Basic accounting equation
Journalizing sale, purchase, collection, and payment transactions
2 10
- Double entry bookkeeping (the terms debit and credit) - General journal and
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journal entries - General ledger and posting

Journalizing Transactions Related to Expenses
- Cost accounting accounts - Cost accounting records - Transferring cost
accounting records to financial accounting by using transfer accounts.
End of Period Procedures
3 - Closing the temporary accounts - Trial balance - Rectification of Errors - Closing 10
entries - Preparation of Manufacturing account & Trading Account
Preparation of Financial Statements: Balance Sheet: Preparation of Income
4 statements and Balance Sheet – Limitations of Balance Sheet – Vertical form of 10
Financial Statement – Analysis of Balance Sheet
5 Capital and Revenue Expenditure and Bank Reconciliation Statement 10
Ratio analysis - Meaning of accounting ratio, Advantages and Objectives of Ratio
6 analysis, Limitations and Types of ratios, Computation, and Interpretations of 10

Text & Reference Books

Sr.No. Particulars
T1. Shukla, S.M. & Gupta, S.P.; ―Advanced Accounting‖, Vol 1, Edition 2008, Sahitya
Bhawan Publications, Agra
Text Books
T2. Cost Accounting, Ravi M Kishore Taxman Publishers
T3. Management Accounting, Khan and Jain Tata McGraw Hill
R1. Maheshwari, S.N.: ―Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand, New Delhi
R2. M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal, and S.C. Gupta, Advanced Accountancy‖; S Chand & Sons
R3. A.N. Agarwala, ―Higher Sciences of Accounting, KitabMahal, Allahabad
R4. R.L. Gupta & M. Radhaswamy, ―Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand, New Delhi
Reference R5. Hanif& Mukherjee, ―Financial Accounting‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Books R6. Shukla, M.B., ―Financial Accounting, KitabMahal, Allahabad
R7. Shah, Paresh; ―Basic Financial Accounting, Oxford university Press, (Forthcoming)
R8. Arulanandan, Raman &Srinivasan; ―Advanced Accountancy‖, Revised Edition-2,
Himalaya Publishing House
R9. Dr. V.K. Goyal; ―Financial Accounting, 2nd Edition, Excel Books, 2018
J1. Accounting (JFA) provides a forum for sharing timely and up-to-date publication of
scientific research and review articles
Journals J2. MUDRA: Journal of Finance and Accounting; Double-blind Peer-reviewed
(Refereed) Journal; Published By: Journal Press India;Print ISSN: 2347-4467;e-
ISSN: 2395-2598
Cases 1.

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Online 1.
Course 2.
E- content/uploads/sites/51/2021/01/09020435/Accounts-CSEC-Syllabus1.pdf
resources 2.

Suggested Evaluation Methods

Home Written Assignments
Case Study
Presentation on the current market happenings
Class Test
Article/ Research paper writing
Live Projects

Course evaluation matrix


Sr. No (CO) PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6
1 CO1 M H H M H L L M L
2 CO2 L H M L H M L M H
3 CO3 L L L H M L H M L
4 CO4 M H H M H L L M L
5 CO5 H H M H L M M L H
6 CO6 M L L H M H L M H
Excel Applications for Business
Course Code MG102M Course Title Ms-Excel for Beginners
Course Type FE Sessions in TT per week 2
No. of Credits 2 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 1-0-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Recall and understand the basic features and functions of Microsoft Excel.
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CO2 Explain the purpose and significance of various Excel tools and features.
CO3 Create charts and graphs to visualize data effectively.
CO4 Evaluate and compare data using pivot tables
CO5 Design and create customized Excel templates and spreadsheets for specific purposes.
CO6 Evaluate the effectiveness of different Excel techniques for specific data analysis tasks.

Course Syllabus:

Unit. & Number of

Sub Syllabus Sessions

1. Introduction to Excel – About Excel, Features of MS-Excel, The Excel

Environment; Quick Access Toolbar, Title Bar, Ribbon Tabs, Name Box,
Formula Bar, Scroll Bars, Status Bar, Page Views, Zoom Tool. Ribbon Display
Options Button, Excel Workspace, Cells. Creating Worksheets and Workbooks
– Creating and Renaming Worksheets, Saving Workbook, Copying and
Moving a Worksheet. Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns, Inserting 7
Header and Footer in a Worksheet. Formatting Cells; Selecting Cells, Entering
Text and Numeric Data into the Cells, Applying Fonts and Background Colour,
Aligning Data, Merging Cells, Text Wrapping, Number Formatting – Text,
Percentage, Currency, Dates. Creating Series, Resizing Columns Width and
Rows Height. Excel Shortcuts – Using Keyboard Shortcuts
2. Excel Formulas and Functions – Performing Basic Mathematical Operations
using Formulas, Applying Formulas using Cell Names and Range, Formatting
Text using Different Text Functions, Performing Calculation using Numerical
and Mathematical Functions. If Function, Logical Functions- AND, OR, NOT.
Tables - Creating a Table, Applying Styles to Tables, Adding and Editing
Records, Inserting Records and Fields, Deleting Records and Fields.
3. Filters, Grouping and Charts in Excel- Filtering Records, Sorting Data by Single
and Multiple Columns, Custom Sort, Changing Sort Order, Eliminating
Duplicate Records. Chart Preparation – Creating Charts, Selecting Charts and
Chart Elements, Moving and Resizing Charts, Changing the Chart Type. Apply 8
Custom Data Formats and Layouts- Changing the Data Range, Switching
Column and Row Data, Choosing a Chart Layout, Choosing a Chart Style,
Printing Charts, Deleting Charts, Applying Word Art Styles to Chart Elements.

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4. Introduction to Pivot Tables- Creating Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts,

Manipulating a PivotTable, Changing Calculated Value Fields, Applying 8
PivotTable Styles, Creating a PivotChart, Setting PivotTable Options.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Microsoft Excel Bible: The Comprehensive Tutorial Resource, John
Excel: Quick Start Guide from Beginner to Expert (Excel, Microsoft Office)
Other Resources: Journal of Business Analytics
Journals Journal of Data Science
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Lab Practical
2. Live Project

CO-PO-PSO Mapping


CO1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
CO2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
CO4 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3
CO5 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3
CO6 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2

Business Mathematics
Course Code GLO194 Course Title Business Mathematics
Course Type GE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 1-0-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define and understand fundamental mathematical concepts used in business.
CO2 Understand basic statistical measures and their relevance to business decision-making.

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CO3 Apply mathematical techniques to solve business problems

CO4 Analyze business data using mathematical tools and techniques to identify patterns and trends.
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of mathematical techniques in solving real-world business problems.
CO6 Create business forecasts and projections using mathematical techniques and data analysis.
Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
(a) Mean, Median, Mode, Mean Deviation (b) Quartiles and Quartile Deviation 7
(c) Standard Deviation (d) Co-efficient of Variation, Coefficient of Quartile
2. Correlation and Regression
(a) Scatter diagram (b) Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation (c) Rank Correlation
(d) Regression lines, Regression equations, Regression coefficients
3. Index Numbers
(a) Uses of Index Numbers (b) Problems involved in the construction of Index 8
Numbers (c) Methods of construction of Index Numbers
4. Time Series Analysis – basic application including Moving Average
(a) Moving Average Method (b) Method of Least Squares
5. Probability
(a) Independent and dependent events; Mutually exclusive events 8
(b) Total and Compound Probability; Baye’s theorem; Mathematical Expectation
6. Theoretical Distribution
(a) Binomial Distribution, Poisson Distribution – basic application 7
(b) Normal Distribution – basic application
7. Calculus: (a) Constant and variables, Functions, Limit & Continuity (b)
Differentiability & Differentiation, Partial Differentiation (c) Derivatives – First order
and Second order Derivatives (d) Maxima & Minima – without constraints and with
constraints using Lagrange transform (e) Indefinite Integrals: as primitives,
integration by substitution, integration by part (f) Definite Integrals: evaluation of
standard integrals, area under curve
8. Determinants and Matrices 7
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Business Mathematics by Gary Clendenen and Stanley A. Salzman

Reference Books Business Mathematics by N. P. Bali and P. N. Goyal
Business Mathematics by Charles D. Miller, Stanley A. Salzman, and Gary Clendenen
Other Resources: International Journal of Business Mathematics and Computer Science

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Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Problem Solving Assignments
2. Written Tests
3. Case Study Analysis
CO-PO Mapping
CO1 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
CO2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2
CO3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
CO4 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3
CO5 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 3
CO6 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2

Semester Two
Human Resource Management
Course Code MG129M Course Title Human Resource
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60
(LTP) Marks
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 To understand the concept, functions, process, and roles of Human resource
CO2 To apply the ability to use acquired knowledge and concepts in practical situations.
CO3 To analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of HR strategies in addressing organizational
CO4 To assess and evaluate the effectiveness of HR programs in fostering diversity and
CO5 To design and formulate various innovative HRM strategies to address emerging
workplace trends.
Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

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Unit I Human Resource Management - Definition - Objectives - Functions -

Scope - Importance - HRM in India - Evolution of HRM – Contemporary
issues in HRM
Unit 2 Quality of a good Human Resource Managers – Digital Transformation in
HRM- Human Resource Planning - Job Analysis, Job description and Job
Unit 3 Recruitment and Selection - Sources of Recruitment - Selection Process - 9
Types - Interview Types- Case Studies.
Unit 4 Career Planning - VS Manpower- Difference, Concept, Planning and
succession Planning - Career Planning - Process - Career Development -
Placement and Induction.
Unit 5 Training - Methods of Training- on the job and off the job- Executive
Development - Performance Appraisal - Methods of Performance
Appraisal Traditional & Modern- Transfers - Promotion
Unit 6 Wage & Salary Administration - Wage Boards and Pay Commission -
Wage Incentive - Fringe Benefits –Employees Welfare - Safety and Health
Measures - Grievance Procedures - Redressal of Grievances.
Unit 7 Industrial Relations - Meaning & Characteristics Industrial Relations - 15
Parties to Industrial relations - Nature of Trade Unions - Problems of
Trade Union - Measures to Strengthen Trade Union Movement in India -
Causes for Industrial Disputes - Settlement of Industrial Disputes-
Arbitration & conciliation Process.
Unit 8 Collective - Bargaining - Features – Process-Pre-requisite of Collective 6
Bargaining - Workers Participation in Management
Learning Resources:

Human Resource Management - Dr. C.B. Gupta - Sultan and Sons

Aswathappa, K. E. M. A. L. (2017). Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata
McGraw-Hill Education.
Books Rao, V. S. P., & Krishna, V. H. (2009). Management: Text and cases. Excel Books India.
Singh, P. (2019). TLP for Industrial Relations and Labor Welfare 2018-2019.
Human Resource Management – P. Subba Rao
Human Resource Management – Dr P. Jyothi and Dr D.N Venkatesh – Oxford
Wood, S. (1999). Human resource management and performance. International
journal of management reviews, 1(4), 367-413.

Chapter1687.pdf (

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Other Bernardin, H. J., & Russell, J. E. (2006). Human resource management (p. 736). New
Resource York: Tata McGraw-Hill.
Journals Becker, B., & Gerhart, B. (1996). The impact of human resource management on
organizational performance: Progress and prospects. Academy of management
journal, 39(4), 779-801.
Stone, R. J., Cox, A., & Gavin, M. (2020). Human resource management. John Wiley &
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Case Study Analysis
2. White Paper
3. Field Report
4. Presentations
Fundamentals of Marketing
Course Code MG108M Course Title Basics of Marketing
Course Type DC Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of marketing.
CO2 Interpret and explain the key elements of marketing and their interrelationships.
CO3 Apply marketing concepts and techniques to real-world scenarios.
CO4 Analyze marketing situations, consumer behavior, and market research data.
CO5 Evaluate marketing strategies and make informed marketing decisions.
Course Syllabus
Unit. & Number
Sub Syllabus of
Unit Sessions

Introduction to Marketing
Definition and scope of marketing. Marketing and Sales.
1. Core marketing concepts 6
Evolution of marketing. Introduction to Digital Marketing.
Marketing environment analysis
Marketing mix elements
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Careers in marketing
Understanding Consumer Behavior
Factors influencing consumer behavior
Consumer decision-making process
Market segmentation and targeting
Consumer research and data analysis
Psychological and sociocultural influences
Ethical considerations in consumer behavior
Case Study.

Marketing Research and Analysis

Importance of marketing research
Research process and methods
3 Data collection techniques 10
Data analysis and interpretation
Market trends and competitive analysis
SWOT analysis and marketing planning
Case studies on marketing research
Product and Brand Management
Product life cycle and new product development
Branding strategies and brand equity
4 Product positioning and differentiation 12
Product packaging and labeling
Product portfolio management
Brand communication and integrated marketing
Case studies on product and brand management
Marketing Mix: Price and Place
Pricing strategies and factors influencing pricing decisions. 5P’s of marketing.
Pricing methods and approaches
Distribution channels and channel management
Retailing and e-commerce
Supply chain management
Logistics and transportation
Case Study.

Marketing Communication and Promotion

6 Integrated marketing communication 8
Advertising and public relations
Sales promotion techniques

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Personal selling and sales management

Direct marketing and digital marketing
Social media marketing
Measuring marketing communication effectiveness
Case Study.
Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility
Importance of marketing ethics and social responsibility
Ethical issues in marketing
Consumer rights and protection 6
7 Sustainable marketing practices
Corporate social responsibility
Ethical decision-making in marketing
Case Study.

International Marketing
Global marketing environment
International market entry strategies. Market Promotions.
8 Cultural considerations in international marketing 6
International product and pricing strategies
International distribution and promotion
Challenges and opportunities in international marketing
Case studies on international marketing

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Principles of Marketing" by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
2 "Marketing: An Introduction" by Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler
3 "Marketing Management" by Kevin Keller and Philip Kotler
4 "Essentials of Marketing" by William Perreault Jr., Joseph Cannon, and E. Jerome
5 "Contemporary Marketing" by Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Marketing
2 Journal of Consumer Research
3 Journal of Advertising
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4 Marketing Science

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Evaluation methods

1 Written examinations
2 Group presentations
3 Case study analysis
4 Marketing campaign simulations

Cost & Management Accounting

Course Code MG130M Course Title Cost & Management
Course Type DC Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Recall and explain the fundamental concepts and principles of cost and management
CO2 Interpret and explain the relevance and application of cost and management
accounting in business decision-making.
CO3 Apply budgeting and variance analysis techniques to assess performance and identify
areas for improvement.
CO4 Evaluate the impact of cost management decisions on profitability and financial
CO5 Create cost reduction strategies and cost improvement programs.
CO6 Evaluate the effectiveness of cost and management accounting techniques in
supporting decision-making.

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Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Cost Accounting: Definition - Meaning and scope - Objectives - Cost
classification - Elements of cost - Cost units -Cost centre - Types - Methods
and Techniques of Costing - Management Accounting: Meaning and scope 8+2
- Objectives - Difference between cost Accounting, Financial accounting,
and Management accounting – Significance of Cost Accounting
2. Material and Labor: Material- Meaning and types. Computation of: Stock
levels- EOQ - Pricing of Issue of materials - FIFO, LIFO, Simple and
Weighted Average methods. Labor: Computation of Labor cost - Time rate
and piece rate system.
3. Overheads and Preparation of Cost Sheet: Overhead Meaning and
Definition – concepts of overhead Allocation, Apportionment and
Absorption of overheads. Preparation of Cost Sheet-Format – objects and
methods of cost sheet preparation.
4. Methods of Costing: - Job order costing: Meaning – Features – preparation
of job cost sheet - Process Costing: Meaning – Features- normal and 8+2
abnormal loss.
5. Marginal Costing & Budgetary Control: Marginal costing- Concept-
Meaning and computation of contribution, PV ratio, margin of safety and
BEP - Construction of Break-Even Chart - Profit planning. Budgetary 8+2
Control: Concepts of Budget and Budgetary Control preparation of cash
and flexible budget
6. Standard Costing & Variance Analysis: Standard costing – Advantages,
Limitations -Variance -Meaning & importance, Kinds of variance – 8+2
Material, Sales, Labor, Overhead.
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Ravi M Kishore: Cost and Management accounting, Taxmann’s Publications
Books Debarshi Bhattacharyya, Cost and Management, Pearson
Dr. S.N. Maheswari : Management Accounting, Vikas Publishing
Sharma and ShahiK Gupta : Management Accounting, Kalyani Publishers.
Other Journal of Cost Management
Resources: Cost Management
Journals International Journal of Cost and Management Accounting
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Problem Solving Assignments
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2. Group Projects and Presentations

3. Case Study Analysis
4. Written Tests

Business Economics
Course Code MG107M Course Title Business Economics
Course Type DC Sessions in TT per week 04
No. of Credits 04 Continuous Assessment 40 Marks
Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60Marks
(LTP) Marks

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Demonstrate knowledge and application of basic Principles, tools and techniques of
Economics in the competitive business world.
CO2 Understand different market structures, competition in corporate world.
CO3 To understand and apply demand & supply analysis, marginal utility of different factors
of production.
CO4 To apply economic models to examine current economic issues and evaluate policy
CO5 To familiarize with the concepts of government budget, balance of payments and its
application in the corporate word for decision making.

Course Syllabus:

Modules Number of
& Unit Sessions
1 Introduction: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Business Economics – Micro 10
and Macro Basic Economic Problems Market forces in solving economic
problems, Circular Flow of Income and Expenditure; Production Function
2 Demand Analysis: Concept of Demand & its types; Elasticity of Demand and 10
their types; Law of demand; Exceptions
Supply Analysis Concept and Law of Supply Factors Affecting Supply,
Elasticity Of Supply

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3 Cost Analysis: Accounting Costs and Economic Costs, Short Run Cost 10
Analysis: Fixed, Variable and Total Cost Curves, Average and Marginal Costs
Long Run Cost Analysis: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale and Long Run
Average and Marginal Cost Curves. Utility Analysis - Meaning, Total Utility,
marginal utility, Law of diminishing marginal utility
4 Pricing Under Various Market Conditions 10
Perfect Competition - Equilibrium of Firm and Industry under Perfect
Competition; Monopoly - Price Determination under Monopoly;
Monopolistic Competition - Price and Output Determination under
Monopolistic Competition
5 Aggregates related to National Income 10
Gross National Product (GNP) Net National Product (NNP)
Gross and Net Domestic Product (GDP and NDP) - at market price, at factor
cost; National Disposable Income (gross and net), Private Income, Personal
Income and Personal Disposable Income; Real and Nominal GDP; Trade
Cycle; Balance of Payment
6 Government Budget and the Economy 10
Government budget - meaning, objectives and components.
Classification of receipts - revenue receipts and capital receipts;
classification of expenditure - revenue expenditure and capital expenditure;
RBI organisation; structure, role and functions; Inflation Deflation
Text & Reference Books
Sr.No. Particulars
T1. Business Economics; Dr. V. C. Sinha ,Dr. P. C. Maheshwari , Dr. B. B. Maheshwari;
Revised Edition (2021)
Text Books T2. Micro Economics;M.L. Jhingan, Vrinda Publications Pvt Ltd
T2. Geetika, Ghosh & Choudhury Managerial Economics, Tata Mc Graw Hills, New
Delhi, 2011
R1. “Managerial Economics: Concepts and Cases” by Adhikari M and Chandan J.
R2. Managerial Economics by H. L. Ahuja
Reference R3. Yogesh Maheswari, Managerial Economics, Phi Learning, New Delhi, 2005 Gupta
Books G.S.
R3. Managerial Economics, Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi Moyer &Harris,
R4. Managerial Economics, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2005
J1. Journal of Monetary Economics
J2. Journal of Economic Literature
MOOC/ “Microeconomics: The Power of Markets” by University of Pennsylvania (edX)
Online “Economics of Money and Banking” by Columbia University (Coursera)
Courses “Managerial Economics” by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Coursera)

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Research Methodology
Course Code GLO195 Course Title Research Methodology

Course Type CC Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern (LTP) 2:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the role and importance of research in business and management studies

CO2 Develop skills in formulating research questions and objectives

CO3 Select appropriate research designs and data collection methods

CO4 Analyze and interpret research data using statistical tools.

CO5 Develop skills in report writing and presentation of research findings

Syllabus details
Unit. Number of
Syllabus Sessions
1 Introduction to Research Methodology and research process: 10
Definition and scope of research methodology, The role of research in
business and management, Types of research: exploratory, descriptive,
and causal, Steps in the research process, Identifying research problems
and formulating research questions, Developing research objectives and
hypotheses, Parametric and non-parametric tests
2 Research Design and Sampling Techniques: Experimental, quasi- 10
experimental, and non-experimental designs, Cross-sectional and
longitudinal designs, Case study and survey designs, Probability and non-
probability sampling methods, Sample size determination, Sampling
errors and their impact on research findings
3 Data Collection, Measurement and Scaling: Sources of data, Primary 9
and secondary data sources, Questionnaire design and survey methods,
Interviews, focus groups, and observation techniques, Types of
measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio, Validity and
reliability of measurement instruments, Data coding and data entry
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4 Data Analysis and Interpretation: Descriptive statistics: measures of 9

central tendency and variability, Inferential statistics: hypothesis testing
and significance levels, Introduction to statistical software for data
analysis (e.g., SPSS, Excel)
5 Survey Research and Questionnaire Design: Principles of survey 5
research, Questionnaire design: question types and structure, Pre-testing
and pilot testing of questionnaires
6 Data Visualization, Report Writing and Presentation: Tabular and 7
graphical representation of research findings, Effective use of charts,
graphs, and diagrams, Data visualization tools and techniques, Structure
and components of a research report, Writing an executive summary
and introduction, Presenting research findings effectively
7 Ethical Considerations in Research: Ethics in research: human subjects 3
and data confidentiality, Plagiarism and academic integrity
Ethical guidelines and considerations in business research
8 Research Project 7

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

"Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners" by Ranjit Kumar

Textbooks "Research Methods for Business Students" by Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis,
and Adrian Thornhill
Reference Books "Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches"
by John W. Creswell and J. David Creswell
Other Resources: Research Methodology Crash Course on YouTube by Simplilearn
MOOC Excel for Business Statistics by Udemy

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Assignment

2. Research Paper

3. Research Project

4. Presentation

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Semester Three
Business Strategy
Course Code MG201M Course Title Business Strategy
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern End Semester Assessment Marks
3-1-1 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 ▪ To develop students’ foundation in understanding the concept of strategy in business

and it’s day to day functioning.
CO2 To develop students capacity to think strategically about business as a whole its
current position long term directions; its resources and competencies.
CO3 To provide an opportunity to the students to get a hands on experience in crafting
business strategy in different scenarios to get best alternatives.
CO4 To understand and manage the complex ethical and social issues faced by business
as they design and implement their strategies.
CO5 ▪ To help students in developing their managerial judgments to understand business
strategies and ability to design better strategies for sound business decision with
effective outcomes for modern business.
Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
Introduction to Strategy: Meaning of Strategy, Concept and importance
of strategic management, importance of strategic decisions, elements of
1 8
strategic management, Need for strategy, company values, levels of
Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Strategy: Developing strategic vision,
communicating the strategic vision, crafting a mission statement, linking
2 8
vision and mission with company values, levels of objectives, crafting
Strategic Analysis: Concept, the general environment; scanning,
3 monitoring and forecasting the environment, Scenario planning, PESTLE 8
analysis; The competitive environment- Porter’s Five Forces Framework,

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the value net, strategic groups, hyper competition, Internal environment

analysis- value-chain-analysis, evaluating Value chain, Blue Ocean
Analyzing the Business Environment – External environment – industry
level analysis – internal analysis of the firm – learning curve and
4 experience curve – vulnerability analysis – strategic analysis – SWOT 8
analysis – profit impact of market strategies – formulating long term
strategies – behavioral considerations affecting choice
Strategy Formulation: Concept, Business level strategy- Generic
competitive strategies, a resource-based view to strategy formulation,
the industry life-cycle; corporate level strategies- Growth strategies,
5 8
related and unrelated diversification, implementing growth strategies,
portfolio analysis- Boston Consulting Group Matrix and The General
Electric-Mckinsey Matrix, strategy evaluation. Porter’s Generic Strategy.
Strategy Implementation: Concept, organizational structures- the
entrepreneurial, functional, divisional, matrix and network, strategic
leadership, leadership and management, the learning organization,
6 8
emotional intelligence and leadership performance, leadership
capabilities, impact of leadership on vision, values and culture, corporate
culture and leadership, leading strategic change.
Case Study:
1. A Case Study on Business Analysis and Business Strategy of Gitanjali
7 6
2. Strategy behind the Business Success of Amazon: A Case Study
3. Development of Business strategy through Blue Ocean Strategy (CASE
Case Study:
1. Business Model and Strategy: A Case Study Analysis of TikTok
2. The Fall of World's Best Airline: A Case Study Of Air India
8 6
3. NETFLIX: A Case study on international Business strategy
4. South West Airlines.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
1. H. Volberda, R. Morgan, P. Reinmoller, R. Ireland, R. Hoskisson,
Reference Books Strategic Management. Competitiveness and Globalization.
Concepts and Cases, Cengage Learning, 2011

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2. Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary Strategy Analysis. UK: John

Wiley & Sons Ltd. (UCL access)
3. Puranam, P. and B. Vanneste (2016). Corporate Strategy.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
1. Business Strategy: A Guide to effective decision making, Jeremy
Kourdi, The Economist, 2003, London
2. Business Strategy Formulation: Theory Process and the intellectual
Text Books
Revolution, Anthony W. Ulwick, Quorum Books.USA.
Journal of Business Strategy, Emerald insights
Strategic Planning and Execution:
Online Course /
1.How I Sold My Start-Up To Lululemon For $500 Million:
Online Video
2. How Tyson broke the meat Supply Chain:

Financial Management
Course Code MG202M Course Title Financial Management
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Explain the concept of fundamental financial concepts, especially time value of
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CO2 Apply capital budgeting projects using traditional methods.

CO3 Analyze he main ways of raising capital and their respective advantages and
disadvantages in different circumstances.
CO4 Integrate the concept and apply the financial concepts to calculate ratios and
do the capital budgeting.

Syllabus details
Syllabus Number of
/ Units
1 Introduction to Financial Management
Meaning and Definition of Financial Management, Goals of Financial
Management, fundamental principles of finance, finance funtions 10
objectives tools for financial analysis, capitalization, over
capitalization and under capitalization, Risk-return trade off
2 Working capital: Introduction to working capital, Defination,
components of working capital
Time value of money: Time Value of Money: Future Value, Present
Value, Annuity
3 Techniques of Capital Budgeting : Capital Budgeting – Meaning,
Capital budgeting Process; Project Classification; Evaluation
Techniques – Payback period, ARR, Discounted payback period; NPV,
PI , IRR, Accept/reject criteria
4 Cost of capital
Cost of equity, cost of preference sharescost of debt, Retained 10
Earnings WACC
5 Funds Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement and Ratio Analysis 10
6 Capital structure: 10
Meaning of Capital Structure, factors determining capital structure,
capital structure planning and policy, approaches to establish target
capital structure
Text & Reference Books :
Sr. No. Particulars
Text Books T1. Pandey , I.M,(2015), “Financial Management”, 11th Edition,Vikas
Publication, New Delhi.
T2.Sinha, Pradeep Kumar, (2009) ,”Financial Management”, 5th Edition, The
World Press, Calcutta.
Reference Books R1. Chandra, Prasanna, (2011),”Financial Management Theory and Practice”,
8th Edition, TMH, New Delhi.
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R2. Vanhorne, J, (2015),” Financial Management & Policy”, 13th Edition,

Pearson Education, Delhi.
R 3. Brealey and Myers, (2017),” Principles of Corporate Finance”, 10th
Edition , McGraw Hill, India
R4.Principles of corporate finance, Richard and Franklin, 11th edition
Journals J1. Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions
ISSN (online): 2282-717X
J2. International Journal of Financial Management
Publisher: Publishing India Group; ISSN Number: 2229-5682
Other Resources:

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Online MOOC courses

2. Group presentation
3. Class test
4. Case Study Analysis
5. Creative Assignment

Consumer Buying Behavior

Course Code Course Title Consumer Buying Behavior
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 60
Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 40

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 UNDERSTAND the Consumer Buying Behavior concepts.
CO2 DEMONSTRATE the relevance of marketing management concepts and frameworks to
a new or existing business across wide variety of sectors
CO3 APPLY marketing principles and theories to the demands of marketing function and
practice in contemporary real world scenarios.
CO4 DISCUSS alternative approaches to segmentation, targeting and positioning, the
marketing environment and consumer buying behavior

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CO5 EXPLAIN the interrelationships between segmentation, targeting and positioning,

marketing environment and consumer buying behavior

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit Syllabus
Unit 1 Consumer Behavior: Meaning & importance of consumer behavior,
Comparison between Organizational Buying behavior and consumer
buying behavior, Buying roles, Five steps consumer buyer decision 7
process – Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of
Alternatives, Purchase Decision, Post Purchase behavior.
Unit 2 Segmenting Consumers: Defining Market Segmentation, Bases for
Segmentation: Geographic Segmentation, Demographic
Segmentation, Psychological Segmentation, Psychographic
Segmentation, Socio– Cultural Segmentation, Use–Related 7
Segmentation, Use–Situation Segmentation, Benefit Segmentation,
Hybrid Segmentation Approaches, Criteria for Effective Targeting of
Market Segments, Market Segment Strategies
Unit 3 Consumer Buying Motive & Motivation: Definition, Process of
Motivation, Dynamic Nature of Motivation, Motives: Types of
Motives, Classification of Motives: Motives Identified By Mcguire*
Henry Murray, Theories of Motivation: Maslow’s Theory, Trio of
Needs, Motivational Theories and Marketing Strategies: Motivational
Research Marketing Strategies Based on Motivation and Motive
Combinations, Involvement: Antecedents of Involvements and Types
of Involvement, Techniques of Motivational Research: Qualitative
Research Tools in Motivational Research.
Personality: Definition, and Nature of Personality, Theories of
Personality: Freudian, Neo–Freudian and Traits Theories, the Concept
of Self: Single and Multiple Selves, Self and Situational Self, Methods
of Self–Concept Assessment the Concept of Self: Single and Multiple
Selves, Self and Situational Self, Methods of Self– Concept Assessment
Unit 4 Learning Theories: Definition of Learning and Characteristics of
Learning: Motivation, Cues, Response, Reinforcement, Behavioral
Learning Theories: Classical Conditioning, Instrumental Conditioning,
Cognitive Learning Theories: Information Processing, Theory of 8
Involvement, Brand Loyalty: Brand Equity, Product Positioning, and
Brand Leverage.
Attitude: Characteristics of Attitude, Functional Theories of Attitude:

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Utilitarian, Value–Expressive, Ego–Defense, Knowledge, Combination

of Function, Attitude Model, Formation of Attitude: Classical
Condition, Instrumental Conditioning, Cognitive Learning Theory,
Measurement of Attitude: Semantic Differential Scale, Likert Scale,
Theories of Attitude Development: Theory of Cognitive Dissonance,
Self–Perception Theory, Social Judgment Theory, Balance Theory,
Attitude Change, Involvement: Strategies Followed By Marketers to
Increase The Involvement of Consumers.
Unit 5 Perception and Information Processing: Definition of Perception,
Elements of Perception: Sensation, Absolute Threshold, Differential
Threshold or Just Noticeable Difference (JND), Subliminal Perception,
Process of Perception and Information Processing: Exposure,
Attention, Interpretation, Consumer Imagery: Product Image, Service
Image, Perception in Marketing: Brand Development and Perceptual
Mapping, Retail Stores. Product Mapping
Organizational Consumer
Nature of Organizational Buying: Organization’s Business Center,
Organizations’ Buying Situations, Organizational Buying Process:
Problem Recognition, Need Description, Product Specification,
Supplier Search and Evaluation, Proposal Solicitation, Supplier
Selection, Order and Post–Purchase Evaluation, Factors Influencing
Organizational Buying Behavior: Internal Factors and External Factors.
Unit 6 Consumer in Social Context Reference Groups and Opinion
Definition and Importance of Reference Groups, Defining Opinion
Leadership: Dynamics of Opinion Leadership, The Motivation Behind
Leadership, Types of Opinion Leaders, Identifying an Opinion Leader:
Self–Designing Method, Sociometric Method, Key Informant Method,
Objective Method, Communication and Opinion Leadership: Creating
Family Influences: Defining Family, Types of Family Structures, 8
Nontraditional Households, Pets as Family Members, Role of Family,
Family Lifecycle: Traditional FLC, Non–Traditional FLC, Family Decision
Making: Household Decisions, Sex–Role and Decision Making,
Children as Decision Makers.
Social Class and Consumer Behavior: Defining Income, Defining Social
Class, Social Stratification: Social Class in India, Social Class Mobility,
Social Class Measurement: Subjective Approach, Reputational
Approach, Objective Approach, Problems with Measurement of Social
Class Geodemographics Clustering, Social Class and Consumer
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Behavior: Cultural Capital, the Affluent Consumer, Old Money and the
Nouveaux Riche, Techno Class, Status Symbol.
Cultural Influences: Defining Culture, the Dynamics of Culture,
Measuring Culture: Content Analysis, Consumer Fieldwork, Value
Measurement Survey Instruments, Core Values, Defining Sub–
culture, Defining Cross – Cultural Influences: Country of Origin
Effects, Targeting Consumers across Cultures, Global Versus Local,
Cross – Cultural Marketing Mistakes.
Unit 7 Consumer as Decision Maker - Diffusion of Innovation
The Diffusion Concept: Innovation, Channels of Communication,
Social System, Time a Profile of Consumer Innovator: Innovator as an
Opinion Leader and Change Leader.
Consumer Decision Making: Defining Consumer Decisions, Consumer
as Decision Makers: Types of Consumer Decisions, Consumer Decision
Making Process: Problem Recognition, Information Search,
Alternative Evaluation and Selection, Modeling Consumer Decision–
Making: Howard – Sheth Model of Buying Behavior, The Nicosia
Model, Engel – Blackwell – Miniard Model.
Consumer in Market Place: Introduction to Retailing, the Retail Scene 7
in India, Unconventional Sources of Purchase, Factors Affecting Outlet
Selection: Store Image, Store Brands, Retail Advertising and
Promotion, Store Location, Perceived Risk Shopping Orientation, In–
Store Influences: In–Store Displays. Markdown and Price Promotions,
Store Atmosphere, Stock – Outs, Sales Staff, Final Transaction.
Post Purchase Behavior: Defining Post– Purchase Consumer Behavior,
Consumer’s Post Purchase Dissonance: Product Usage, Disposal,
Product / Service Evaluation and Consumer Satisfaction /
Dissatisfaction: Consumer Complaint Behavior, Satisfaction and Brand
Loyalty, Loyalty Marketing.
Unit 8 Consumer and Marketer
Marketing Communication and Persuasion Nature of
Communication: Elements of Communication, Factors Affecting
Communication: Credibility of The Source, Comprehension and Mood
of The Receiver, Barriers to Communication. Developing Persuasive
Communication: The Target Audience, the Objective, the Message 7
Design, the Media.
Marketing Regulation: Concerns of The Consumers: Consumerism,
Privacy Concerns, Impact of Advertising, Social Marketing, Marketing
to Children, Concerns of the Marketers: Consumer Fraud, Consumer
Terrorism Anti–Consumption, The Role of Government and Non–

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Government Bodies: Government Regulations, the Advertising

Standards Council of India, Consumer Action Groups.
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books
1. Consumer Behavior, 5e Leon’g Schiffmann and Leslie Kanuk Prentice–Hall, India
2. Consumer Behavior Peter D Bennet And Harold H Kassarjian Prentice–Hall,
3. Marketing and Consumer Behavior Research in the Public Interest Ronald Paul
Hill Sage Publications, New Delhi
4. Consumer Behavior: Behavioral Aspects of Marketing Chris Rice Butterworth
5. Consumer Behavior: Concepts and Application David Loydon Albert Bitta Tata
Mcgraw Hill
Other Resources: Consumer Behavior Tutorial (
Journals Marketing: Consumer Behavior - javatpoint

Technology in Business
Course Code MG204M Course Title Technology in
Course Type FE Sessions in TT per week 2
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Identify and define important terms and concepts related to technology in business.
CO2 Explain the significance and impact of technology on various aspects of business
operations and strategy.
CO3 Apply technological tools and solutions to solve business problems and optimize
operational processes.
CO4 Evaluate the impact of technology on different functional areas, such as marketing,
operations, finance, and human resources.
CO5 Design and propose innovative strategies for leveraging technology to drive business
growth and competitive advantage.
CO6 Evaluate emerging technologies and their potential impact on future business
practices and strategies.
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Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Importance of technology in the business environment-Overview of key
technologies transforming industries-Digital Transformation and
Business Strategy-Understanding digital disruption and its impact on
business models-Developing digital strategies for competitive advantage 7
Technology in Ethics and Security -Privacy and data protection
considerations -Cybersecurity best practices- Ethical implications of
technology use in business
2. Technology in Marketing and Customer Engagement-Digital marketing
tools and techniques-Social media marketing and online advertising-
Customer relationship management (CRM) systems Digital marketing
strategies and tools - E-commerce and online retailing
Technology in Operations and Supply Chain Management -Automation 8
and robotics in manufacturing and operations-Supply chain optimization
through technology- Inventory management and logistics systems -
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems-Internet of Things (IoT) in
supply chain
3. Technology in Finance and Accounting - Financial software and tools for
budgeting, forecasting, and analysis - Automated accounting processes -
Fintech and digital payments - Blockchain and its impact on financial
transactions 8
Technology in Human Resource Management -HR information systems
(HRIS) and talent management platforms- E-recruitment and applicant
tracking systems -Employee engagement and collaboration technologies
4. Data Analytics and Business Intelligence -Data collection, storage, and
analysis methods -Data Sources – Data Sets - Data visualization and
reporting tools -Predictive analytics and machine learning in business
Managing Technology Implementation and Change -Project
management methodologies for technology initiatives -Change
management strategies for successful technology adoption -Overcoming 7
resistance to technology-driven change
Emerging Technologies and Future Trends-Artificial intelligence and
machine learning in business -Internet of Things (IoT) and connected
devices -Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and their potential
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
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Reference Books Technology & Society: Second Edition , Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson
M. Wetmore
A Textbook Of Technology Management, U. Ravikiran
Information Technology and Its Application in Business, Dr. Anantkumar
Other Resources: MIS Quarterly (Management Information Systems)
Journals Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Information Systems Journal
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Article Writing
2. Case Study analysis
3. Research paper writing
4. Group projects and Presentations

Digital HR Transformation
Course Code MG205M Course Title Digital HR Transformation
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60
(LTP) Marks

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 To introduce students to the concept of digital HR transformation and its significance in
the contemporary business landscape.
CO2 To explore the digital technologies and tools that are commonly used in HR processes
and functions.
CO3 To examine the impact of digital transformation on talent acquisition, onboarding,
training and development, performance management, and employee engagement.
CO4 To analyze the challenges and opportunities associated with digital HR transformation
and develop strategies to address them.
CO5 To understand the ethical and legal considerations in the context of digital HR
CO6 To provide students with hands-on experience in utilizing digital HR tools and

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Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1 Introduction to HRM and Digital Transformation-

• Meaning, Conceptual Origin • The exponential context • Acceleration of
innovation and transformation • Digital Transformation and usual suspects
• Digital Transformation happens everywhere • Digital Transformation
myths and realities • Importance of Digital Transformation for future leaders
• Advantages to firm and challenges in digital transformation
2 Design Thinking & Employee Experience : Design thinking at the 8+2
workplace, employee experience first helping to improve .Redefining EX
with Design Thinking : Redefining employee experience: How to create a
“new normal” Creating Impactful Employee Experiences The tools of talent
management — hiring, on-boarding, performance reviews — are changing,
some for now, others for good. Teamwork, collaboration, and tacit
Building an EX Strategy and Function: 7 Steps to Implement and Manage a
Successful EX Strategy
1. Make EX an important part of your company culture.
2. Assess your current people management strategy.
3. Identify the bottlenecks and define objectives.
4. Define employee personas.
5. Create employee journey maps.
3 Automation in HR : Enable hyper-personalized HRMS for your organization to 8+2
manage your hire-to-retire process. Leverage our end-to-end solution to
manage your next gen workforce with measurable ROI.
HR Automation: Principles & Benefits - Intelligent automation technologies
way to transform life. Benefits such as Less waste., Data-driven decision-
making, Transparency and consistency, Increased productivity and better
resource allocation, Better security practices.
The 4D Framework for Optimizing HR Processes : Design a new workforce
framework with optimal flexibility and value now and into the future
4 Digital Change Management: Digital change management process , change 8+2
management principles in the context of digital transformation. Change
management adaptation and welcome, accept, and execute change.
Digital Change Management Fundamentals:
Understand Change. Plan Change. Implement Change.
Communication Change.
Driving Digital Adoption Strategies:
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Educating your employees before go-live. Investing in proper training

and ongoing support. Train within the application. Provide
contextual and personalized training to each user. Define a
continuous training strategy. Track digital adoption progress.
5 HR: Developing Digital Expertise, Digital HR Skills - Use of data and 5
analytics, futureproof recruitment, improve the employee experience,
offer self-service tools to employees, and be competitive and a largely
candidate-driven job market. Developing Digital Agility : organization can
adapt to changing business needs, leveraging digital technologies.
optimizing current digital processes and upgrading hardware and software,
or embracing completely new technologies and channels.
6 Capstone Project : Students to work on their idea related to the subject 15
matter and submit report . Description Human resources, Work Place,
Work of an organization, business sector, industry, or economy. Few
examples for Capstone Project. Employee Benefits and Work Culture.
Digitalization and HRM. Effective elements of HRM
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Digital Transformation: Online guide to Digital transformation -
WHITE PAPER The 3rd Platform: Enabling Digital ... - TCS-
Leading Digital- by George Westerman, Didier Bonnet, and Andrew McAfee
Digital Transformation –US edition, Case studies 2014 IMD – International
Institute for Management Development
Other Digitalisation and innovation in human resource management in the global
Resources: economy
Change management and digital transformation - analyzing important factors and
strategies for successful implementation of digital projects
A case study at volvo group trucks operations
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Achievement Test

2. Case study Analysis

3. Group Activity and Report Submission

4. Report Submission and Presentations

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Business Analytics

Course Code GLO196 Course Title Business Analytics

Course Type GE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern (LTP) 2:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the concepts of business analytics and Big Data
CO2 Analyze the components of business analytics and database management
CO3 Evaluate different business scenario through data visualization and analytical software
CO4 Apply business analytics in key business processes (e.g. Marketing, Finance, HR)
CO5 Create Infographics

Syllabus details

Unit. Number of
1 Introduction: Business view of Information Technology, Introduction to 12
Business Analytics and its terminology, Business Analytics vs data
analytics vs data science, Business Analytics Lifecycle and its framework,
Classification of business analytics with real world examples
2 Big Data and Database Management: Data, Information and Knowledge 12
management, Big data and Business Analytics, Types of Digital Data, Data
Mining, Providers of Big data Services, Database and Business Analytics,
Functions and Components of Database System
3 Data Visualization: Overview of Data Visualization, Common 10
Visualization Idioms –Charts and Graphs, Data Reduction, Popular
Software and tools for Business Analytics
4 Application of Business Analytics: Application of Business Analytics as 10
Predictive (e.g. marketing) and Evaluative (e.g. accounting) tool, and to
Learning Resources:
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identify causality, Scope and Careers in Analytics

5 Role of ethics in business analytics: Privacy issues, bias and fairness in 4
the collection and analysis of big data.
6 Case Studies and final Project: Real-world applications of business 12
analytics, Case studies from various industries, Scope, and Careers in
Sr. No. Particulars

Books Fundamentals of Business Analytics, RN Prasad and Seema Acharya

Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling by Wayne L. Winston
Other Resources: Introduction to Business Analytics: Communicating with Data At

Suggested Evaluation Method

1. Assignment
2. Project
3. Case Study

4. Dashboard Creation/presentation

Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship

Course Code GID407 Course Title Managing Corporate
Course Type GE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment 60

(LTP) Marks

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of corporate entrepreneurship.
CO2 Interpret and explain the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in corporate

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CO3 Apply strategies and tools for fostering innovation and managing corporate
CO4 Analyze market opportunities and evaluate the feasibility of entrepreneurial ventures.
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurial strategies and innovation management.

Syllabus details

Unit. & Number

Sub Syllabus of
Unit Sessions

Introduction to Corporate Entrepreneurship

Definition and significance of corporate entrepreneurship
Characteristics of successful corporate entrepreneurs
Corporate entrepreneurship vs. traditional entrepreneurship 6
Benefits and Challenges of corporate entrepreneurship
Role of Innovation in corporate entrepreneurship
Ethical Considerations in corporate entrepreneurship
Corporate Intrapreneurship and Culture.
Creating a Culture of Innovation
Importance of an innovation culture
Leadership and its Impact on fostering innovation
2 Building an Entrepreneurial mindset 8
Encouraging creativity and idea generation
Risk-taking and failure tolerance
Organizational structures and systems that support innovation
Opportunity Recognition and Evaluation
Identifying market opportunities
Assessing feasibility and viability of opportunities
Market research and analysis
3 10
Competitive analysis and benchmarking
Intellectual property rights and protection
Tools and Techniques for opportunity evaluation
Case studies on opportunity recognition and evaluation
Entrepreneurial Strategy and Business Models
4 Developing entrepreneurial strategies 12
Business model canvas and value proposition design
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Differentiating factors and sustainable competitive advantage

Strategic planning and execution
Strategic Alliances and partnerships
Scalability and growth strategies
Case studies on entrepreneurial strategy and business models
Managing Innovation and Change
Innovation management process
New product development and commercialization
Managing disruptive innovations 10
Organizational change and change management
Managing resistance to change
Measuring and evaluating innovation performance
Case Study
Entrepreneurial Finance and Funding
Financial considerations for entrepreneurial ventures
Funding options for startups and small businesses
Venture capital and angel investment
6 8
Bootstrapping and alternative financing methods
Financial planning and forecasting for entrepreneurship
Managing financial risks and challenges
Case studies on entrepreneurial finance and funding
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Team Building
Leadership Styles and skills for Entrepreneurs
Building and leading high-performance teams
7 Motivating and empowering team members 6
Conflict resolution and decision-making in entrepreneurial settings
Managing diversity in entrepreneurial teams
Case studies on entrepreneurial leadership and team building
Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility
Social entrepreneurship and its impact
Ethical considerations in entrepreneurial ventures
8 Sustainable business practices and social responsibility 6
Corporate philanthropy and community engagement
Measuring social and environmental impact
Case studies on entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility

Learning Resources:

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Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Corporate Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Strategy in Large Organizations" by Paul

Burns and Maciej Lesniak
2 "The Corporate Entrepreneur: Building and Sustaining Entrepreneurial Organizations"
by Véronique Bouchard and Jean-François Renaud
3 "Managing Corporate Entrepreneurship: A Strategic Perspective" by Shaker A. Zahra

4 "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy: Knowledge, Technology and

Internationalization" by Charlie Karlsson and Urban Gråsjö
5 "Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures" by Bruce R. Barringer and R.
Duane Ireland

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Business Venturing

2 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

3 Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

4 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr. No Evaluation methods

1 Written examinations
2 Business plan presentations
3 Case study analysis
4 Entrepreneurial simulations

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Semester Four
International Business
Course Code GID408 Course Title International Business
Course Type GE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define and explain the concept of international business and its significance in the
global economy.
CO2 Understand the impact of cultural, social, political, and economic factors that influence
international business operations.
CO3 Apply the various modes of entry and strategies into the international market as per
the real-world scenarios.
CO4 Analyze the risks and benefits of foreign direct investment in different countries.
CO5 Evaluate the role of multinational corporations in the global economy.
CO6 Formulate international business plans considering market entry modes, distribution
channels, and product adaptation.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. International Business: An Overview – Evolution of International
Business, Drivers of Globalization, Influences of International Business,
Stages of Internationalization, Differences between Domestic and 8+2
International Business, International Business Approaches, Advantages
of International Business.
2. Theories of International Trade – Mercantilism, Theory of absolute cost
advantage, Comparative cost advantage theory, Relative factor
endowment theory, Country similarity theory, Product life cycle
theory. World Trade Organization – General Agreement on Tariffs and 8+2
Trade (GATT), Establishment of World Trade Organization, The
Uruguay Round Package: Organization Structure of the WTO, WTO –
The Third Pillar in the Global Business – International Treaties
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3. International Business Environment – Social and Cultural Environment,

Technological Environment, Economic Environment, Political 8+2
4. Modes of Entering International Business – Modes of Entry, Exporting,
licensing, franchising, contract manufacturing, management contracts,
turnkey projects, foreign direct investment, alliances like mergers and
acquisitions, joint ventures, Comparison of Different Modes of Entry. 8+2
Foreign Direct Investment – Factors Influencing FDI, Reasons for FDI,
Costs and Benefits of FDI, Trends in FDI, Foreign Direct Investment in
India – International Strategic Alliances
5. Basics of International Marketing, Basics of Global HRM, Basics of
International Financial Management, Basics of International
Accounting. International Production and Logistics Management – 8+2
Generic Strategies of the International Business, Acquisition of
Resources, Location Decisions, International Logistics Management.
6. Global Strategic Management and Business Ethics – Peculiarities of
Global Strategic Management, Value Creation, Global Strategic
Management Process, Collaborative Strategies, Ethics and Global
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace" by Charles W.
L. Hill and G. Tomas M. Hult
International Business: Environments and Operations" by John D. Daniels,
Lee H. Radebaugh, and Daniel P. Sullivan
International Business: Strategy, Management, and the New Realities" by S.
Tamer Cavusgil, Gary Knight, and John Riesenberger
Other Resources: Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS)
Journal of World Business (JWB)
International Business Review (IBR)
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Exams/Quizzes
2. Research Papers/Case Studies
3. Group Projects/Presentations
4. Critical Analysis/Essay Writing

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Group A – Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Course Code ET201M Course Title Entrepreneurial
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the concept of an entrepreneurial ecosystem and identify the key stakeholders
in an entrepreneurial ecosystem.
CO2 Interpret the functions and benefits of incubators, accelerators, and co-working
CO3 Analyze the impact of government policies on the development of an entrepreneurial
CO4 Evaluate the effectiveness of different types of incubators, accelerators, and support
CO5 Apply networking strategies to establish meaningful connections within an
entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Course Syllabus:
Unit. Number
Syllabus of
Introduction to Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Understanding the concept of an entrepreneurial ecosystem
Identifying the key stakeholders in an entrepreneurial ecosystem
Exploring the interrelationships between ecosystem elements
1. Analyzing the role of entrepreneurial ecosystems in economic development 6
Examining the factors influencing the growth of entrepreneurial ecosystems
Assessing the impact of technology on entrepreneurial ecosystems
Understanding the global trends in entrepreneurial ecosystems. Social
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Startup Ecosystems and Ecosystem Players

Characteristics of successful startup ecosystems
Analysis of prominent startup ecosystems worldwide
Role of entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors in the ecosystem 7
Identifying support organizations and their contributions
Exploring emerging trends in startup ecosystems
Evaluating the impact of cultural factors on startup ecosystems
Case Study.

Government Policies and Regulations

Government initiatives to support entrepreneurship
Understanding regulatory frameworks and their impact on startups
Analyzing policies for attracting foreign investment and fostering innovation
Case studies on successful government interventions in entrepreneurial 7
3 ecosystems
Examining the role of intellectual property rights in fostering innovation
Assessing the impact of tax policies on entrepreneurial activities
Exploring the ethical and social responsibilities of government in supporting
Case Study.
Incubators, Accelerators, and Co-working Spaces
Role and functions of incubators and accelerators
Identifying different types of incubation models. Funding Sources.
Exploring the benefits of co-working spaces for startups 7
4 Evaluating the effectiveness of incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces
Analyzing the role of mentorship in supporting early-stage ventures
Understanding the importance of community building in co-working spaces
Examining the impact of virtual incubators and remote work on ecosystems.
Case Study.
Funding Sources and Investment Landscape
Overview of funding options for startups
Angel investors and venture capital funding
Crowdfunding and alternative financing methods 7
Assessing investment readiness and attracting investors
Exploring the impact of impact investing and social entrepreneurship
Analyzing the Role of corporate venture capital in supporting startups
Case Study.
Networking and Collaboration
6 6
Importance of networking in the entrepreneurial ecosystem

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Strategies for effective networking and relationship building

Collaborative Initiatives and their impact on ecosystem development
Building and leveraging professional networks
Examining the Role of industry clusters and Associations in fostering
Exploring the benefits of cross-sector partnerships in entrepreneurial
Case Study.
Support Services for Entrepreneurs
Business development services and mentorship programs
Legal and accounting services for startups
Marketing and branding support for entrepreneurs
7 Evaluating the value of support services in the ecosystem
Understanding the role of technology incubators and tech transfer offices
Analyzing the role of market research and feasibility studies in supporting
Case Study.
Evaluating Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Metrics and indicators used to measure ecosystem performance
Evaluating the Impact of government interventions on ecosystem development
Case Studies on Successful and failed entrepreneurial ecosystems
8 Assessing the value and effectiveness of support services for entrepreneurs 6
Developing strategies for enhancing and strengthening the entrepreneurial
Ethical Considerations in ecosystem Evaluation and Development

Learning Resources:

No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company" by
Steve Blank and Bob Dorf
2 "The Startup Community Way: Evolving an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem" by Brad Feld and Ian
3 "Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City" by Brad Feld
4 "The Art of Startup Fundraising: Pitching Investors, Negotiating the Deal, and Everything Else
Entrepreneurs Need to Know" by Alejandro Cremades
5 "The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create
Radically Successful Businesses" by Eric Ries
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Other Resources: Journals

1 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
2 Journal of Business Venturing
3 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
4 Journal of Small Business Management

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr. No Evaluation Methods:

1 Written examinations
2 Case study analysis
3 Group projects and presentations
4 Entrepreneurial business plan evaluation

Social Entrepreneurship
Course Code ET202M Course Title Social Entrepreneurship
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 The students will relate to social innovation and its uses and importance

CO2 The students will understand different types of social enterprises and their functioning.
CO3 The students will study bottom of pyramid and frugal innovation.
CO4 The students will study UN sustainable development goals and how to meet them with
social entrepreneurship
CO5 The students will start a social enterprise

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Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship. Importance of Social
Entrepreneurship in India. Types of Social Entrepreneurship
2. Bottom of Pyramid. Frugal Innovation. Case Study 1. 10
3. Social Impact Wheel. UN Sustainable Development Goals. Scalability of
Social Innovation.
4. Social Impact Intentions Mapper. Revenue Model for Social Enterprise.
Micro – Business
5. Case Study 2 Frugal Innovation for MNC. 10
6, Business Model Canvas for Social Innovation. Government and Private
funding for Social Innovation. Industry Tour.
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books
1 Fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid – CK Prahalad
2. Essentials of Business Economics – Dwivedi
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Poster Making
2. Presentation
3. Case Study
4. Research Paper Writing

Strategies for New Business Management

Course Code ET203M Course Title Strategies for New

Business Management
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

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Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 To make students understand the importance of strategic management in the
context of new businesses.
CO2 To make students prudent enough to develop a clear vision, mission, and set of
objectives for a new business.
CO3 To help students in formulating and implementing business-level strategies suitable
for a new business.
CO4 To help students to foster innovation and entrepreneurial thinking within a new
CO5 To enable students to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of strategic plans and
make necessary adjustments for a new business.

Course Syllabus:
Unit. Syllabus Number of
1 Introduction to developing new business strategy: Definition and
importance of strategic management for small businesses,
Understanding the strategic management process for small business, 10
Key differences between strategic management in small and large
2 Recognizing Opportunities and Generating ideas: Conducting a
comprehensive analysis of the external and internal business
environment, Evaluating industry trends, competition and market
dynamics, identifying opportunities and threats for small businesses.
3 Strategies for Small Business: Differentiating strategies for small
businesses, Cost leadership and differentiation strategies, Niche and
focus strategies, Creating and sustaining competitive advantage, 10
Developing a unique value proposition for the target market,
Positioning strategies for small businesses, Blue ocean strategies.
4 Industry and Competitive Analysis: Identifying growth opportunities
for small businesses, Organic growth strategies (market penetration,
product development, market expansion), Inorganic growth strategies
(partnerships, alliances, mergers, acquisitions)
5 Developing an effective Business Model: Fostering innovation in small 10

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businesses, creating an entrepreneurial culture, managing and

commercializing new ideas and opportunities. Preparing small
business model.
6 Financial Analysis strategies for new business: Financial analysis and
decision-making for small businesses, Budgeting, forecasting, and 10
financial planning, Capital structure and funding strategies

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books 1. Small Business Management Entrepreneurship and Beyond, Timothy
S. Hettan, South-Western Cenage Learning.
2. Strategic Business Management, Gori Kekin, Wiley, 9781937352356
Textbook: 1. Entrepreneurial Small Business, Jerome Katz and Richard Green, Mc
Graw Hill
Other Resources: 1. Strategic Management Journal,
2. Business Strategy and Development, ISSN:2572-3170 ,
E-Resources: Introduction & Overview of business plan:

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Methods
1 Test
2 Individual Projects
3 Group Projects
4 Assignments

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Enterprises Growth & Success

Course Code ET204M Course Title Enterprises Growth
and Success

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Students will understand the key concepts and theories related to entrepreneurship
growth and success.
CO2 To help the students to develop skills in opportunity recognition and innovation for
entrepreneurial growth and success.
CO3 Students will gain knowledge of different financing options available for entrepreneurial
CO4 To make them learn effective marketing strategies for entrepreneurial growth and
Explore strategies for scaling and managing growth in entrepreneurial ventures
CO5 Students will be able to analyze and learn from case studies of successful entrepreneurs
and their paths to success.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
I Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Overview of entrepreneurship and
its importance in driving economic growth and innovation.
Characteristics and skills of successful entrepreneurs. Exploring
different types of entrepreneurship (e.g., small business, social
entrepreneurship, tech startups). Various types of Business Growth,
Challenges and opportunities in entrepreneurial ventures,
II Rationale for Business Growth: Creating a comprehensive business
plan that aligns with long-term goals. Setting SMART (Specific,
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Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) objectives and key

performance indicators (KPIs). Developing strategies for competitive
advantage and sustainable growth. The 4ps of Growth: Planning,
Prioritization, Process and Pace
III The Business Plan for Growth: Developing a customer-centric
marketing strategy. Identifying target markets and customer
segments. Implementing effective marketing tactics, such as
branding, pricing, promotion, and customer relationship 10
management. Setting entrepreneurial goals and objectives,
Developing a strategic plan for growth and success of entrepreneurial
ventures, Analyzing the competitive landscape and industry trends.
IV Preparing a Human Resources Plan for Growth: Creating a positive
company culture and fostering employee engagement. Leadership
and communication skills for entrepreneurs. Scaling and Managing
Growth, Strategies for scaling a business, Managing operations,
supply chains, and logistics during growth, Hiring and managing a
growing team.
V Marketing and financial planning: Identifying target markets
and customer segments. Implementing effective marketing tactics,
such as branding, pricing, promotion, and customer relationship
management. Budgeting, cash flow management, and financial 10
Funding options and strategies for raising capital. Challenges of
enterprise Growth
VI International Expansion and Global Entrepreneurship: Exploring
opportunities for international growth, Understanding cultural and
regulatory challenges, Developing a global entrepreneurial mindset,
Exit Strategies and Harvesting Value, Exploring exit options: IPO,
acquisition, succession planning, Maximizing value for investors and

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books 1. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous
Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses, Eric Ries,

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2. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great

Firms to Fail, Clayton M. Christensen, Harvard Business Review
Textbooks 1. Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Bruce R.
Barringer and R. Duane Ireland, Pearson.

2. Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest
Don't, Verne Harnish, Gazelles, Inc.
Other Resources: 1. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Wiley
2. Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Publishing

Business Modelling & Business Plan

Course Code Course Title Business Modelling
and Business Plan

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 To make students understand the key elements of a business plan and how to develop
CO2 To help students in conducting market research and competitor analysis to identify
opportunities and challenges.
CO3 To help the students in knowing financial projections that accurately reflects the
growth potential of the business.
CO4 To give the students an insight to understand and evaluate the feasibility of the
business plan.
CO5 To enable students in preparing business plans

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Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
I Introduction to Business Modeling: Introduction to Business
Modeling and Business Plans, Importance and purpose of business
modeling and business plans, difference between a business model 10
and a business plan, Understanding the relationship between business
modeling and planning. Types of Business Models
II Business Process Modeling and Optimization: Introduction to the
Business Model Canvas framework. Analyzing and defining key
elements of a business model, including value proposition, customer
segments, revenue streams, and cost structure.
III Market Analysis and Customer Validation: Conducting market
research to identify target markets, customer needs, and market
trends. Analyzing the competitive landscape and conducting a SWOT.
Validating the business idea and value proposition with potential
customers. Creating financial projections, including revenue forecasts,
expense budgets, and cash flow statements. Analyzing financial
indicators, such as break-even point, return on investment (ROI), and
IV Marketing and Sales Strategy: Developing a comprehensive
marketing and sales plan. Defining marketing objectives, target
markets, and positioning strategies. Determining marketing channels,
pricing strategies, and promotional activities. Designing operational
processes and systems.
Identifying resource requirements, such as facilities, equipment, and
human resources. Creating an implementation timeline and
operational milestones, STP.
V Risk Management and Mitigation: Identifying and assessing potential
risks and uncertainties. Developing risk mitigation strategies and
contingency plans. Addressing legal and regulatory compliance
considerations. Exploring different funding options, such as 10
bootstrapping, loans, or venture capital. Understanding the
requirements for securing funding and preparing an investor pitch.
Developing a funding strategy and financial plan.
VI Business Plan Writing: Guidelines for structuring and writing an
effective business plan. Creating an executive summary, company 10
description, market analysis, financial projections, and other key
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sections. Reviewing and revising the business plan based on feedback

and insights. Creating a compelling business presentation to showcase
the business plan. Practicing effective presentation skills, including
storytelling and visual aids. Delivering a convincing pitch to potential
stakeholders, such as investors or partners.

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books 1. Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services
Customers Want, Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Gregory
Bernarda, and Alan Smith, Wiley.
2. The Definitive Business Plan: The Fast Track to Intelligent Business
Planning for Executives and Entrepreneurs, Richard Stutely, FT
3. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game
Changers, and Challengers by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves
4. Strategy and Business Models: A Process Approach by David J. Teece
Textbook: 1. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game
Changers, and Challengers, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves
Pigneur, Wiley.
2. The Business Plan Workbook: A Practical Guide to New Venture
Creation and Development, Colin Barrow, Paul Barrow, and Robert
Brown, Kogan Page.
Other Resources: 1. Journal of Business Model:
Journals 2. Journal of Business Venturing, Elsevier:

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Particular
1 Assignments and Quizzes
2 Case Study Analysis
3 Team Projects
4 Presentations

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Spirit of Entrepreneurship
Course Code ET206M Course Title Spirit of Entrepreneurship
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment 60
(LTP) Marks
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and theories related to
CO2 Explain the process of opportunity identification and evaluation in entrepreneurship.
CO3 Analyze the risks and challenges associated with entrepreneurship and develop
strategies to mitigate them.
CO4 Evaluate the human characteristics required to be an entrepreneur
CO5 Develop a business plan with a clear mission, vision, and objectives.

Course Syllabus:

No. of
Unit Syllabus
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Mindset
Introduction to entrepreneurship: Evolution, importance, and relevance in the
modern economy. Characteristics and traits of successful entrepreneurs:
Identifying the personal qualities, skills, and mindset required for
entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurial mindset development: Cultivating
creativity, innovation, and a growth mindset for entrepreneurial endeavors.
1 8
Entrepreneurial opportunities and ideation: Techniques for generating and
recognizing business ideas. Assessing entrepreneurial potential: Self-
assessment tools and methods for evaluating one's suitability for
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial ecosystems and support structures:
Understanding the role of incubators, accelerators, and government initiatives
in fostering entrepreneurship.
Opportunity Identification and Evaluation
• Identifying and assessing innovative business opportunities: Exploring
emerging trends, disruptive technologies, and market gaps.
2 • Market research and analysis: Conduct primary and secondary market 8
research to identify target markets, customer needs, and competitors.
• Opportunity evaluation and feasibility: Applying advanced frameworks and
methodologies to assess the viability and potential of business ideas.
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• Lean startup principles: Implementing lean startup methods such as Minimum

Viable Product (MVP) and rapid prototyping for iterative development.
• Scalability and growth potential: Analyzing the scalability and growth
prospects of entrepreneurial ventures in different industries.
Strategic Planning and Business Development
• Strategic thinking and entrepreneurial vision: Developing a strategic mindset
to align business goals with market opportunities.
• Business model innovation: Exploring innovative business models and value
propositions for sustainable competitive advantage.
3 • Strategic partnerships and alliances: Evaluating strategic collaborations, joint 8
ventures, and partnerships to enhance market reach and capabilities.
• Internationalization strategies: Assessing the opportunities and challenges of
entering global markets and expanding internationally.
• Change management and adaptability: Strategies for managing change,
embracing innovation, and adapting to evolving market conditions.
Marketing and Sales Strategies for Entrepreneurs
• Integrated marketing communication: Developing comprehensive marketing
strategies that leverage traditional and digital channels.
• Branding and positioning: Creating strong brand identities and effectively
positioning products/services in the market.
4 • Customer relationship management: Building customer-centric approaches 8
for acquiring, retaining, and maximizing customer value.
• Growth hacking and digital marketing: Utilizing innovative and cost-effective
strategies to rapidly grow and scale ventures.
• Sales management and negotiation: Mastering sales techniques, managing
sales teams, and negotiating successful deals.
Financial Management for Entrepreneurial Ventures
• Financial planning and forecasting: Creating financial projections, cash flow
analysis, and financial risk assessment.
• Funding strategies: Evaluating different funding options, including venture
5 capital, angel investors, crowdfunding, and bootstrapping. 8
• Valuation methods and exit strategies: Understanding how to value a startup
and plan for potential exits or acquisitions.
• Financial decision-making and resource allocation: Applying financial analysis
techniques to optimize resource allocation and investment decisions.
Leadership and Team Building in Entrepreneurship
6 • Transformational leadership: Developing leadership skills to inspire and 8
motivate teams towards entrepreneurial goals.

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• Team dynamics and collaboration: Building high-performing teams, managing

conflicts, and fostering a culture of collaboration.
• Talent acquisition and retention: Recruiting, selecting, and retaining the right
talent for entrepreneurial ventures.
• Coaching and mentorship: Leveraging coaching and mentorship relationships
to enhance personal and professional growth.
• Ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility: Integrating ethical
practices and social responsibility into entrepreneurial ventures.
Risk Management, Innovation, and Intellectual Property
• Risk assessment and mitigation strategies: Identifying and managing
entrepreneurial risks, including financial, operational, and reputational risks.
• Innovation strategies and disruptive thinking: Encouraging innovation through
7 design thinking, creativity techniques, and open innovation. 4
• Intellectual property protection: Understanding intellectual property rights,
patents, trademarks, and copyrights for entrepreneurial ventures.
• Crisis management and resilience: Developing strategies to navigate crises,
disruptions, and unforeseen challenges.
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and Policy Environment
• Entrepreneurial ecosystem analysis: Examining the components of an
entrepreneurial ecosystem, including government policies, support
organizations, and funding sources.
• Policy and regulatory considerations: Understanding the impact of
regulations, laws, and government policies on entrepreneurial ventures.
8 8
• Social entrepreneurship and sustainable business practices: Exploring social
and environmental entrepreneurship models that contribute to sustainable
• Corporate innovation and entrepreneurship: Investigating the role of
corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in fostering innovation
within established organizations.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation
to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries, Crown Publishing
1 Group
2 Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers,
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and Challengers" Authors: Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur

Publisher: Wiley,
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to
Fail" Author: Clayton M. Christensen Publisher: Harvard Business Review
Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures" Authors: Bruce R.
Barringer and R. Duane Ireland Publisher: Pearson,
4 Ventures-
Other Resources:

1. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice-
2. Journal of Small Business Management,
3. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business,
4. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, https://innovation-

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Written test
2. Chart Paper Making on Topic
3. Book Review
4. Presentation on Topic.
5. Case Studies and Analysis

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Innovation Management
Course Code ET207M Course Title Innovation

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define innovation management and its role in organizational success.

CO2 Explain the concepts and frameworks used in innovation management.

CO3 Apply creativity techniques to generate innovative ideas.

CO4 Analyze the risks and challenges associated with innovation management.

CO5 Evaluate different approaches to managing the innovation process.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit Syllabus
1. Introduction to Innovation Management - Definition and importance of
innovation in organizations - Types of innovation (e.g., product, process,
organizational, business model) - The innovation ecosystem and its key
stakeholders - Role of innovation in driving competitive advantage
2. Innovation Strategies and Frameworks - Innovation strategy development
and alignment with organizational goals - Open innovation and collaboration
- Design thinking and human-centered innovation - Technology and 8+2
disruptive innovation - Blue ocean strategy and market creation – Case
3. Managing the Innovation Process - Idea generation and creativity techniques
- Idea screening and selection - Concept development and prototyping -
Testing and validation of new ideas - Intellectual property and patent
management – Case studies
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4. Managing Innovation in Organizations - Innovation culture and leadership -

Organizational structures and processes for innovation - Managing risk and
uncertainty in innovation - Innovation metrics and performance
measurement - Innovation diffusion and adoption -Case Studies
5. Implementing and Commercializing Innovations - New product development
and commercialization strategies - Market analysis and positioning for new
products/services - Innovation in marketing and branding - Supply chain and 8+2
operations management for innovation - Launching and scaling innovative
ventures – Case studies
6. Managing Change and Continuous Innovation - Change management and
overcoming resistance to innovation - Organizational learning and
knowledge management - Managing innovation in a global context - 8+2
Sustaining innovation and fostering a culture of continuous improvement -
Ethical considerations in innovation management – Case studies
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Textbooks Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational
Change by Joe Tidd and John Bessant
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by
Clayton M. Christensen
Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value by
Thomas Lockwood and Edgar Papke
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to
Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries
Reference Books
Other 1. Research-Technology Management
Resources: 2. Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journals 3. Journal of Innovation Management
4. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
5. International Journal of Innovation Management
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Presentation
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Industry Visit
4. Article Writing

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Group B – Marketing
Advertising & Sales Promotion
Course Code MM201M Course Title Advertising & Sales

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 To be able to understand the fundamentals of advertising.

CO2 To able to understand Advertising agency and its function

CO3 To be able to gain basic insights in advertising campaign planning process.

CO4 To familiarize with the types of advertising media.

CO5 To understand the impact of advertising on society.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
I Introduction to Advertising: Meaning & Definition of Advertising,
Importance & Role of Advertising, Advertising & Its Concepts, Advertising
Functions, Advertising Pyramid, Advertising Classification, Different between
Advertising & Marketing & and Sales Promotion
II Evolution of Advertising: Evolution of American Advertising (From BC era till
the 21st century) Evolution of Indian Advertising (From BC era till the 21st
century). Advertising Agency Meaning, need and importance of Advertising
Agency , Timeline of advertising agencies in India & World Types of 10
advertising agencies, Structure of advertising agencies, Client-agency
relationship, Revenue models of advertising agencies, Functions of
advertising agencies, Top Advertising Agencies in the World, History,

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founder, top professionals, functions, clients, corporate office, successful,

advertising campaigns etc. Top Advertising agencies in India, History,
founder, top professionals, functions, clients, corporate office, successful,
advertising campaigns etc. Case Studies
III Advertising Campaigns: Meaning, need and importance of advertising
campaigns, Types of advertising campaigns, Steps in advertising campaign,
Advertising Campaign Planning and Process(An Exercise) Successful 8
advertising campaigns in India. Case study of advertising campaigns of top
IV Advertising Media: Advertising Media & Its Types, Above the line and
below the line advertising, Advantages & Disadvantages of Advertising
Media. Print Media Advertising: Types of print media advertising,
Newspaper advertisements, Magazine advertisements, Calculation of print
media ads, Structure of a Print Media Advertisement, Top print media
advertising agencies Case studies
V Electronic Media Advertising: Electronic Media advertising in India &
aboard, Types of television advertising, Types of radio advertising, Top ad
production agencies in India, Case studies. Evaluation and Control of
Advertising Effectiveness: Importance and Difficulties, Methods Of
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness i) According To Time ( Pre And Post
Testing) ii) According To Objective (Communication And Sales) iii) According 12
to technique (experiment And Survey). Pre-testing Method i) Measuring
Consumer Awareness ii)Direct Mail Test iii)Mechanical Method iv)
Psychological Scoring Method v) Sales Experiment • Post- testing Method
i)Recognition Method ii)Recall Test iii)Attitude Change Rating iv) Sales Test
v)Enquiry Test
VI Advertising Ethics & Its Impact on Society: Impact of Advertising,
Advertising & Women, Advertising & Children, Ethics in Advertising,
Regulatory bodies in advertising. Sales Promotion:
Sales Promotions & the Communication Mix, Definition of Sales Promotions
,Types of sales promotion ,Advantages and Disadvantages of Sales
Promotion , Sales Promotion Campaign Plan Case studies
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Advertising: Planning & Implementation Sangeeta Sharma and Raghuvir
Singh Pearson Publishers
2 Strategic Advertising Management Larry Percy, Richard Rosenbaum-Elliot
(4th edition (Oxford Books)
3 Advertising Principles and Practice: Wells W. Burnett J & Moriarity.
Prentice Hall)
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Rajeev Batra, John G. Myers, David A. Aaker, Advertising Management,

Pearson Education •
Manendra Mohan- Advertising Management; Tata McGraw Hill
Other Resources: Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication by Vir Bala Aggarwal,
Journals V.S. Gupta • Mass Communication in India- Keval J. Kumar
Advertising Management: Concepts and Cases Manendra Mohan, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Poster Presentation
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Q&A assignment
4. Live Project

Services Marketing
Course Code MM202M Course Title Services Marketing

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern (LTP) 2:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Students will gain a sound understanding of marketing of services and understand the
expectations of the customers from service providers.
CO2 Students will develop an understanding of the overall marketing mix for services and how
they differ from the marketing mix of products.
CO3 Students will be able to develop a services marketing plan and a services marketing
CO4 Students will learn the different marketing strategies of different service specific industries

CO5 Students will be equipped to start their own service business.

Syllabus details
Unit Syllabus Number of

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Introduction to Services Marketing

1 10
Understanding Services: Factors Influencing the Growth of the
Service Sectors: Demographic Changes, Social Changes, Economic
Changes, Technological Changes, Political and Legal Changes, Policy
Changes–Services Defined – Tangibility Spectrum – Characteristics of
Services: Intangibility, Heterogeneity, Inseparability and Perishability
– Generic Difference Between Goods and Services: Nature of the
Product, Problems in Quality Control ,Involvement of the Customer
in Production and Delivery, Absence of Inventories, Structure and
Nature of Distribution Channels, Importance of Prompt Service,
Difficulty in Evaluating Service Quality– Classification of Services:
Degree of Involvement of Customer, Service Tangibility, Skills and
Expertise Required, the Business Orientation of Service Provider, the
Typeof End – User – Developing Frameworks for Analyzing Services –
Myths About Services.

The Nature of Services Marketing: Evolution of Service Firms – a

Different Approach for Marketing Services: Narrow Definitions of
Marketing, Lack of Appreciation for Marketing Skills, Different
Organizational Structures, Problems in Determining Costs for
Pricing, Constraints and Opportunities for Not–for–Profit
Organizations, Other Challenges – the Services Marketing Triangle
– the Services Marketing Mix: People, Physical Evidence, Process –
Key Marketing Issues before a Service Organization: Managing
Differentiation, Managing Productivity, Managing Service Quality –
New Avenues in Services Marketing, Contemporary issues in
services marketing, cases

The Customer Experience

2 Consumer Behavior in Services: Differences between 7
Characteristics of Goods and Services: Search Qualities,
Experience Qualities, Credence Qualities – Consumer Decision –
Making Process: Need Perception, Search for Information and
Perceived Risk, Evaluation of Alternatives, Purchase Behaviorand
Post Purchase Evaluation – External Factors Influencing
Consumer Behavior – Implications for Service Providers.
Customer Expectations and Perceptions: Understanding Customer
Requirements – Customer Expectations – Types of Service
Expectations –Factors that influence Customer Expectations of

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Service: Desired Services, Adequate Services, Both Desired and

Predicted Service Expectations, Criteria to Evaluate a Service Based
on Customers Service Expectations – Managing Customer Service
Expectations: Managing Promises, Reliability – “Getting it right the
first time”, Effective Communication
– Exceeding Customer Service Expectations– Customer
Perceptions – Factors that Influence Customer Perceptions:
Service Encounter, Service Evidence, Image, Price – Strategies for
influencing Customer Perceptions.
Listening To Customers: Using Marketing Research in Services –
Approaches to Services Research: Post Transactional Surveys,
Customer Complaint, Comment and Inquiry Surveys, Total Market
Surveys,Employee Surveys – Stages in Marketing Research – Use of
Marketing Research Information – Upward Communications.
Strategic Issues in Services Marketing
3 8
Market Segmentation and Targeting: Market Segmentation in
Services: Undifferentiated Marketing Approach, Differentiated
Marketing Approach, Concentrated Marketing Approach – Bases
for Market Segmentation: Demographic, Geographic,
Psychographic, Behavioristic – Requirements for Effective
Segmentation: Measurability, Accessibility, Substantiability,
Actionability – Process of Market Segmentation – Market
Targeting in Services: On what Basis Do Marketers Target the
Identified Segments? Targeting Strategies– Mass Customization:
What are the Factors that Companies Need to Consider before
adopting Mass Customization? What are the Various Approaches
to Mass Customization?
Positioning and Differentiation of Services: Definition and
Concept – Positioning Strategies – Value Chain in Services –
Differentiation – Role of Positioning in Marketing Strategy – Steps
in Developing a Positioning Strategy: Determining Levels of
Positioning, Identification of Attributes, Location of Attributes on
Positioning Map, Evaluating Positioning Options, Implementing the
Managing Demand and Capacity: Concept of Demand:
Contraction and Recession, Expansion or Boom, Technological
Developments, Demographics, Natural and Other Disasters –
Demand Patterns: Sketching Demand Patterns, Foreseeable
Cycles, Random Demand Variations, Demand Patterns by Market
Segment – Capacity Constraints – Strategies to Match Demand
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and Capacity: Demand Shift, Adjusting Capacity to Meet Demand

– Creating Demand Inventory: Queuing System, Reservation
System – Yield Management: Yield Management Process,
Application Areas of Yield Management, Benefits of Yield

Services and the Marketing Mix

4 The Marketing Mix Elements: Marketing Mix in Traditional 8
Marketing – Inadequacy of Four PS – Expanded Marketing Mix:
Product, Pricing, Promotion, Place, People, Process, Physical
Evidence. Product: Packaging the Service: Service Product Level: The
Core Product, The Actual Product, The Augmented Product, The
Potential Product– Service Product Decisions: Market Penetration,
Market Development, Product/Service Development, Diversification
– Branding in Services: Types of Branding
– Categories for New Service Development – New Service
Development Process – Product Life Cycle:Introduction, Growth,
Maturity, and Decline.
Pricing Services: Key Characteristics of Pricing in Services – Pricing
Objectives – Approaches to Pricing Services: Cost Based Pricing,
Market Oriented Pricing or Demand – Based Pricing, Competition
Based Pricing – Incorporating Perceived Value into Service Pricing –
Value Strategies in Pricing of Services: Satisfaction Based Pricing,
Relationship Pricing, Efficiency Pricing – Issues in Pricing of Services.
Promotion and Communication of Services: Importance of
Communication and its Types: Internal Communication, External
Communication – Communication Issues for Service Marketers –
Objectives ofPromotions – Elements of the Promotion Mix: Personal
Selling, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relations
(PR), Direct Marketing – Promotional Strategies for Services – How to
Design a Service Promotion – Strategies for Effective Promotion.
Place in Services: Significance of Location – Channel Decisions –
Direct Distribution – Types of Intermediaries for Service Delivery:
Franchising, Agents and Brokers, Electronic Channels – Strategies
for Effective Service Delivery through Intermediaries: Control
Strategies, Empowerment Strategies, Partnering Strategies.
People in Services: Classification of Service Personnel – Problems
Faced by Service Personnel – Types of Conflict in Service
Organizations: Individual – Role Conflict, Customer – Employee

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Conflict, Inter – Employee Conflict, Client – Organization Conflict,

Inter – Client Conflict – People Strategies: Attractingthe Best Talent,
Motivation, Training, and Retaining.
Process in Services: Characteristics of Service Process Design and
Implementation – Types of Process: Line or Flow Operations, Job
Shop Process – Planning a Service Process – Service Blueprinting:
Elements of Blueprinting, Reading a Service Blueprint, Developing a
Service Blueprint – Factors Influencing Process Efficiency: Planning,
Service Personnel, Technology, Location and Décor, Customer’s Role
– Service Positioning Through Structural Change: Reduced
Complexity, Increased Complexity, Reduced Divergence, Increased
Physical Evidence in Services: Elements of Physical Evidence –
Types of Physical Evidence: EssentialEvidence, Peripheral Evidence
– Significance of Physical Evidence.
Maximizing Services Marketing Potential
5 Relationship Marketing: Relationship Marketing Defined – Benefits 7
of Relationship Marketing: for the Firm, to Customers – Relationship
Marketing and Transactional Marketing – Six Markets Model:
Customer Markets, Internal Markets, Supplier Markets, Referral
Markets, Recruitment Markets, Influence Markets – Strategy in
Relationship Marketing Management: Mission and Vision, SWOT
Analysis, Strategy Formulation, Quality and Relationship Marketing –
Retention Strategies: Four Level Retention Strategy, Monitor
Relationships, Value Addition to the Service – Increased Customer
Contact: Enhanced Customer Service – Recovery of Customers: Rack
and Anticipate Recovery Opportunities, Solve Problem Quickly, Train
and Empower Front Line Employees – Communication and
Relationship Marketing: The Four R’s of Rewarding Relationship.
Internal Marketing: Definition of Internal Marketing – The Role of
Internal Marketing – Componentsof Internal Marketing Program –
Developing and Implementing an Internal Marketing Program:
Recruitment and Selection, Motivation, Education and Training,
Coordination, Empowerment, Rewards, Communication, Knowledge
Sharing through Knowledge Management.
Supplementary Services: Importance of Supplementary Services –
Classification of Supplementary Services: Offering Consultation,
Hospitality, Safekeeping of Customer Belongings, Providing
Information to Customers, Taking Orders from Customers,
Payments, Billing – Special Services –Implications of Supplementary
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Services: Designing Special Packages, Outsourcing Non-core Services,

Converting Supplementary Services into Core Services.

6 Challenges for Senior Management 10

Developing and Managing the Customer– Service Function:
Customer – Service Definition – Improving Customer – Service –
Technology to Improve Customer Service – Customer – Service
Management Cycle – Offering Supplementary Services in Addition to
Core Service – Enhancing Customer – Service through Improved
Service Delivery Process: Factors Influencing Service Delivery – Steps
to Implement an Effective Customer – Service Program.
Marketing Planning for Services: Marketing Planning Process:
Establishing Strategic Context, Situation Review, Marketing Strategy
Formulation, Resource Allocation and Detailed Planning.
Service Quality: Definitions of Quality and its Significance –
Measuring Service Quality – Service Quality Gap Model – Service
Quality Standards – Benchmarking – Total Quality Management –
Strategies for improving Service Quality – Monitoring Service Quality.
Globalization of Services: The Growth in Global Service Markets –
Factors Influencing Globalization: Social Factors, Technology,
Political Conditions, Competition in the Market, Competitive
Advantage, Regulations in Home Country, Lack of Demand in Home
Country – Overseas Market Entry Decisions: Exporting, Turnkey
Projects, Licensing, Franchising, Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliance,
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries, Mergers and Acquisitions, Piggyback–
Assessing Globalization – Challenges in the Global Market: Legal
Barriers, Cultural Barriers, Financial Barriers – Factors Influencing
Success of Global Service Firm– Prospects for the Global Marketing
of Services.

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7 Services Marketing - Specific Industries 10

Tourism & Travel Services Marketing (Hotel, Tourism&
Transportation Services): Major Characteristics of Hotel Industry –
Market Segmentation: Geographic, Demographic – Marketing
Strategy – Marketing Mix – Recent Trends in Hotel Industry – Hotel
Industry in India. Tourism Industry: Characteristics of Tourism
Industry – Market Segmentation – the Tourism Marketing Mix –
Recent Trends in Tourism – Tourism Industry in India. Transportation
Industry: Characteristics of the Industry– Transportation Marketing
Mix– Transportation Industry in India.
Marketing of Financial Services (Banking, Insurance, Mutual Fund&
Portfolio Management Services): Banking Industry: Definition –
Market Segmentation in Banking Industry – Marketing Mix – Recent
Trends in Banking. Insurance Industry: Market Segmentation in
Insurance Industry – Marketing Mix for Insurance Industry – Recent
Trends in Insurance Marketing. Mutual Fund Industry: Definition –
Market Segmentation – Marketing Mix of Mutual Fund Industry –
Recent Trends in Mutual Fund Industry. Portfolio Management:
Definition of Portfolio Management – Market Segmentation and
Marketing Mix – Recent Trends in Portfolio Management Industry in
Communication and Information Services (Telecom& Courier
Industries): Characteristics of Telecom Industry – Market
Segmentation – Marketing Strategy – Marketing Mix – Recent Trends
in Telecom Industry – Future of Telecom Industry in India. Courier
Industry: Characteristics of Courier Industry – Market Segmentation
– Marketing Strategy – Marketing Mix –Recent Trends in Courier
Industry – Indian Courier Industry.

Media Services Marketing (Broadcasting, Entertainment & Print

Media Industries): Broadcasting Services: Media Services and
Broadcasting – Consumer Behavior in Response to Broadcasting
Services– Market Segmentation in Broadcasting – Marketing
Strategy of Broadcasting Firms – Marketing Mix for Broadcasting
Services – Recent Trends in Broadcasting – Broadcasting Industry in
India. Entertainment Services: Market Segmentation in
Entertainment – Marketing Strategy for Entertainment Firms –
Marketing Mix for Entertainment Services – Recent Trends in
Entertainment – Entertainment Industry in India. Print Media:
Characteristics of Print Industry – Marketing Segmentation –

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Marketing Strategy – Marketing Mix – Recent Trends – Print Industry

in India.
Professional Services Marketing (IT Services, Consultancy,
Healthcare, Advertising & Retailing Industries): Evolution of IT
Services – Market Segmentation – Market Strategy – Marketing Mix
– IT Industry in India: Challenges before the Indian IT Industry.
Consultancy Services: Characteristics of Consultancy Industry–
Market Segmentation and Strategy – Marketing Mix – Challenges
before the Indian Consultancy Industry. Healthcare Services: Market
Segmentation – Marketing Strategy – Marketing Mix – Recent Trends
in Indian Healthcare Industry. Advertising Services: Evolution of the
Advertising Industry – Segmentation & Marketing Strategy –
Marketing Mix – Advertising Industry in India. Retailing Industry:
Characteristics of Retailing Industry – Market Segmentation –
Marketing Strategy – Marketing Mix – Recent Trends – Retailing
Industry in India.
Marketing of Education Services: Classification of Education
Services– Market for Educational Service– Characteristics of
Education Services and Implications for Marketing – Education and
Strategic Marketing – Marketing Mix and Education Service –
Technology and its Role in Education – Educationin India.
Charities Marketing: The Role of Marketing in Charities – Business
Functions in Charities Marketing – Management Tasks in Charities
Marketing – Marketing Planning and the Marketing Mix – Charity
Organizations in India

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Textbooks Services Marketing Valerie Zeithaml & Mary Jo Bitner– Tata McGraw–Hill
Services Marketing, 3e Christopher Lovelock– Prentice Hall, International Edition
Marketing Services: Competing Through Quality Leonard L berry and A Parasuraman
Reference Services Marketing Text & Cases Rajendra Nargandkar, Tata McGraw Hill
Books Services Marketing Text & Readings, Indian Perspective Ravi Shankar, Excel Books
Services Marketing Helen Woodruffe–Macmillan India Ltd

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Product & Brand Management

Course Code MM203M Course Title Product & Brand Management

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 REMEMBERING - Familiarize students with applications of new product management,

planning and policy techniques, essentials of branding and approaches to effective
branding strategy.
CO2 UNDERSTANDING- The students will better understand what is necessary to build and
maintain strong and powerful brands, one of the most valuable asset a company can
have today.
CO3 APPLYING- The students will develop the necessary knowledge and skills needed to
attain and maintain strong brand equity in a competitive marketplace.
CO4 ANALYSING- ANALYZE the real life scenarios of brand management.

CO5 EVALUATING- EVALUATE the product designing & branding strategies and approaches.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1 Product Management:
Introduction to Product Management: Meaning of Product, Product
Management, Role of a Product Manager, Product Management Approaches,
Value of Product, Layers of Product, Essential features of product and Services
Management of New Product Development Process: Reasons for launching
new products, Role of new product development process in organizations, New 5
product development process, Reasons for failure of new products, Reasons for
adding new products, Factors determining scope of product lines, Improve, Buy
or Drop decisions for products, Consumer Diffusion process, Consumer
Adoption process. Models

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Managing Product Life Cycle: Levels of Productivity Life Cycle, Shapes of PLC,
Concept of PLC, Strategic considerations in PLC, Marketing Strategies and PLC,
Marketing Strategies at PLC stages, Guidelines for formulation and
implementation of Marketing Strategy, Reasons for changes in PLC patterns.
2 Brand Management :
Introduction to Brand Management: Commodities, products and brands,
Meaning and Importance of Branding, Brand Spectrum, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Branding, Branding Decisions, Elements of Branding, Brand to
Power Brand – Graduation process, Types of Brands.
Brand Management Process: Brand Management Process, Market Analysis,
Brand Situation Analysis, Targeting Future Positions, Testing New Offers,
Planning and Evaluation of Brand Performance, Managing Brands over a period
of time, Brand Switching
Brand Identity: Concept of Brand Identity, Brand Equity and Brand Identity,
Essence of Brand Identity, David Aaker‟s proposition on brand identity, Keller‟s
approach to brand equity, David Aaiker‟s dimensions of Brand Equity, Brand
name decisions, Brand name creation process.
3 Brand Establishment:
Brand Communication: Purpose, Building strategies with integrated brand
communication, Communication process, Factors affecting choice of brand
communication tools, Brand Communication decisions
Brand Positioning: Product Position vs Brand Position, Qualities of successful
positions, Key decisions in brand positioning, Approaches to brand positioning
strategies, Problems of positioning.
Brand Image and Personality: Motivation to buy, Dimensions of Brand Appeal,
Brand Image, Brand Identity vs Brand Image, Role of various factors in building
brand image, Brand Image development process, Integrating brand identity
with brand image, Brand Image system, Brand Personality, Building meaningful
personalities of brands, Elements of Brand Personality, Dimensions of Brand
4 Brand Building:
Brand Valuation: Concept of Brand Equity, Nature of Brand Equity, Methods of
Brand Equity Valuation, Value of Brands, Business and Finance oriented models,
Behavior based brand valuation models, Composite brand valuation models.
Brand Tracking and Monitoring: Brand Audit, Brand Tracking, Tracking
Evaluation Measures, Elements of Tracking, Idea of Measurement and Scales, 10
Process of Conducting Tracking Studies, Brand Tracking Products, Qualitative
research techniques.
Building Brands in Indian Market: Problems of Market Responsive Behavior,
Managing Multinational Brands in Indian Market, Paradigms of Brand Building,
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Brand Building and Advertising, Problems of Sameness, Cultivating Brands in

Customers‟ Minds.
Launching a New Brand: New Product vs New Brand, Evolution of New Brands,
Ansoff‟s Growth Share Matrix, Launching New Brands, New Brand and Social
Media. Cases
Revitalizing Brands: Mature Brand, Situations for Brand Revitalization, Causes
of Decline, Brand Revitalization Strategy.Cases
5 Brand Portfolio Management:
Brand Portfolio Management: Importance, Corporate Strategy and Brand
Portfolio Management, Portfolio Concept, Types of Portfolio Matrices, Brand
Portfolio Strategy, Strategic Orientation in Brand Portfolio Management, Brand 5
Architecture, Brand Relationship within Brand Portfolios, Characteristics of Ideal
Brand Portfolio, Brand Portfolio and Prioritization of Segments
6 Global Branding:
Managing Brands across Geographical Borders: Barriers to global branding,
Common approaches to global branding, Role of technology in global branding,
Global brand offer, Tangible benefits of global branding, Strategic implications
of global branding. Cross Cultural Boundaries 6
Managing Brand Experience: Experiential Economy, Experiential Marketing,
Experiential Branding, Consumer Experience, Brand Experience, Brand
Experience in Digital Age.
7 Digital Branding & Brand Equity:
Digital Branding: Changing face of Marketing in Digital Era, Emergence of
Virtual Organization, Internet, E-Commerce and Mobile Commerce, Creating
value in Digital World, Forms of Digital Interactivity, Digital Branding, Web
Branding, Brand Positioning in Digital World, Critical success factors for digital
branding, Challenges for managing digital brands, Digital branding strategies.
Employment Branding: Concept of Value Proposition, Foundations of
Employment Branding, Brand Equity and Employment Branding, Principal Assets
in Employment Branding, Approaches to Employment Branding, Employment
Branding Process, Employment Branding and Performance Technology, Role of
Communication in Employment Branding.
8 Co-Branding
Co-Branding: Introduction, Levels of Co-Branding, Rationale of Co-Branding,
Psychology of Co-Branding, Objectives of Co-Branding, Forms of Co-Branding,
Co-Branding and Value Proposition, Approaches to Co-Branding, Co-Branding
Process, Co-Branding Strategies.

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Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books
1 Product and Brand Management Tapan K Panda Oxford University Press
2 PRODUCT LAUNCH 360° : Requisites of launching a Product across the Globe by Dr. TA
SRINIVASEN. Notion Press
3 Product Policy And Brand Management Text And Cases, by Chitale A. K. (Author), Gupta
Ravi (Author), PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books
1 Strategic Brand Management: Building Measuring and Managing Brand Equity Kevin
Lane Keller Global Edition/ Pearson
2 Strategic Brand Management and Development: Creating and Marketing Successful
Brands, by Sotiris T. Lalaounis, Routledge Publisher
3 The Origin of Brands: How Product Evolution Creates Endless Possibilities for New
Brands by Al Ries (Author), Laura Ries (Author), Harper Business Publication.
1 Using your sales force to jump-start growth by Hancock, Maryanne; Hatami,
Homayoun; Rayan, Sunil. McKinsey Quarterly, 2011, Issue 2
2 Franchising: An Overview by Windeshausen H. Nicholas; Joyce, Mary L., American
Journal of Small Business, Jan77, Vol. 1 Issue 3
3 Sales Employees Compensation: An Optimal Balance Between Fixed and Variable Pay
by Madhani, Pankaj M., Compensation & Benefits Review., Jul/Aug2009, Vol. 41 Issue
4, p44-51

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Live Project
2. Presentation
4. Case Study Analysis

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Marketing Research
Course Code MM204M Course Title Marketing Research

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern (LTP) 2:1:1 End Semester Assessment 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the purpose, significance, and
process of marketing research
CO2 Students will acquire the skills to design effective marketing research studies

CO3 Students will learn how to identify consumer needs and preferences, understand
market trends, and predict consumer behavior
CO4 Students will apply marketing research methods and techniques to real-world
marketing scenarios
CO5 Students will learn to work effectively in teams, as marketing research often involves
collaboration with colleagues and clients

Syllabus details
Unit. Tentative
& Sub Syllabus Number of
Unit Sessions
1 Introduction to Marketing Research: Definition and importance of 5
marketing research, Role of marketing research in decision-making
Evolution of marketing research, Ethical considerations in marketing
2 Research Design: Types of research designs (exploratory, descriptive, 10
causal), Research objectives and hypotheses, Sampling techniques and
sample size determination, Questionnaire design and measurement
Experimental design and test marketing

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3 Data Collection Methods: Primary data collection methods (surveys, 6

interviews, observations, experiments), Secondary data collection
methods (internal and external sources), Online research methods and
social media analytics, Data collection challenges and techniques to
enhance response rates
4 Data Analysis and Interpretation: Data coding and cleaning, 9
Quantitative data analysis techniques (descriptive statistics, inferential
statistics, hypothesis testing), Qualitative data analysis techniques
(content analysis, thematic analysis), Data visualization and
presentation of findings
5 Market Segmentation and Targeting: Importance of market 6
segmentation, Segmentation bases and criteria, Approaches to market
segmentation (geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral),
Target market selection and positioning strategies
6 Consumer Behavior Research: Factors influencing consumer behavior, 6
Consumer decision-making process, Motivation and attitude research,
Perception, learning, and memory in consumer behavior
7 Brand and Product Research: Brand equity and brand positioning 6
research, New product development and concept testing, Product
testing and consumer acceptance research, Packaging and labeling
8 Advertising and Promotional Research: Advertising effectiveness 6
research, Message and creative testing, Media planning and
effectiveness, Public relations and customer relationship management
9 Application of Marketing Research: Application of research findings in 6
marketing decision-making, Competitive analysis and market
intelligence, International marketing research, Emerging trends in
marketing research (e.g., big data, artificial intelligence)

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books "Marketing Research" by Aaker, Kumar, and Day

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"Marketing Research: Tools and Techniques" by McDaniel and Gates

Reference Books "Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation" by Malhotra and Birks
Other Resources: Coursera: "Marketing Research and Consumer Insights" by IE Business School
Udemy: "Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior Fundamentals" by
Chris Bankes

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Assignment

2. Research Paper

3. Research Project

4. Presentation

E-Commerce Marketing
Course Code MM204M Course Title E-Commerce
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the key concepts and principles of e-commerce marketing.

CO2 Apply e-commerce marketing strategies in a variety of business settings.

CO3 Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of e-commerce marketing campaigns.

Course Syllabus:
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CO4 Develop innovative e-commerce marketing solutions to meet business objectives.

CO5 Critically assess ethical and legal issues in e-commerce marketing practices.

Unit. Number
& Sub Syllabus of
Unit Sessions

Introduction to E-Commerce Marketing

Definition and scope of e-commerce marketing
Evolution of e-commerce and its impact
1. Types of e-commerce business models 4
E-commerce marketing strategies and trends
E-commerce consumer behavior
Ethical and legal considerations in e-commerce marketing
E-Commerce Website Design and User Experience
Website design principles for e-commerce
User interface and user experience (UI/UX) design
2 Navigation and site structure 3
Mobile responsiveness and optimization
Conversion rate optimization (CRO)
A/B testing and website analytics
E-Commerce Product and Pricing Strategies
Product selection and sourcing for e-commerce
Product presentation and descriptions
3 Pricing strategies in e-commerce 3
Dynamic pricing and price optimization
Cross-selling and upselling techniques
Product reviews and ratings
E-Commerce Digital Marketing Channels
Search engine optimization (SEO) for e-commerce
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and Google AdWords
4 Social media marketing for e-commerce 4
Email marketing and customer relationship management (CRM)
Influencer marketing and affiliate marketing
Content marketing strategies for e-commerce
5 E-Commerce Customer Relationship Management 3
Customer segmentation and targeting in e-commerce. STP Model.

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Personalization and customization in e-commerce

Customer retention and loyalty programs
Online reputation management and customer reviews
Customer support and post-purchase services
Customer data analytics and insights
E-Commerce Analytics and Performance Measurement
Key performance indicators (KPIs) for e-commerce
Web analytics and data tracking tools
6 Conversion tracking and funnel analysis 4
Customer lifetime value (CLV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC)
E-commerce dashboard and reporting
Performance optimization and continuous improvement
E-Commerce Mobile Marketing (3 Hours)
Mobile commerce (m-commerce) trends and opportunities
Mobile app development and optimization
7 Mobile advertising and in-app marketing 3
Mobile payment systems and security
Location-based marketing and beacon technology
Mobile marketing analytics and metrics
E-Commerce Security and Trust
Online payment systems and security protocols
Data privacy and protection in e-commerce
8 Fraud prevention and risk management 4
Trust signals and customer confidence
Legal and regulatory issues in e-commerce
Building and maintaining trust in e-commerce

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "E-Commerce 2020: Business, Technology, and Society" by Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol
Guercio Traver
2 "E-Commerce: Business, Technology, Society" by Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, and Kate
3 "E-Commerce Essentials" by Kenneth C. Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver

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4 "E-Commerce: An Introduction" by Amir Manzoor

5 "E-Commerce Strategy: Text and Cases" by Sanjay Mohapatra

Other Resources: Journals

1 a) Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
b) International Journal of Electronic Commerce
c) Journal of Internet Commerce
d) Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr. No Evaluation Methods:

1 Written exams

2 Case study analysis

3 Website design and optimization projects

4 E-commerce marketing campaign simulations

Digital & Social Media Marketing

Course Code MG206M Course Title Digital and Social
Media Marketing

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 3

No. of Credits 3 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 DEFINE the key terms and concepts in Digital and Social Media Marketing

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CO2 EXPLAIN various social media platforms and their role in digital marketing.

CO3 MAKE USE OF appropriate tools for content designing as per the requirement of the
social media platform and target audience.
CO4 CLASSIFY the different tools and techniques of digital Marketing with respect to SEO,
SEM and SMM to increase customer acquisition and retention.
CO5 COMPARE various social media platforms and measure the impact of advertising or
marketing through those.
CO6 DEVELOP appropriate Social media marketing campaign using an appropriate mix of
Facebook, Google Ad words, YouTube and Email

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit Syllabus

1 Introduction to Digital Marketing

• Strategies in Digital Marketing • Aligning Internet with Business objectives
• Examples of Great Case Studies • User Behavior & Navigation • Branding &
User Experience
2 Search Engine Optimization
• Keyword Research • How Google Works • Search Engine Factors • On
Page & Off Page Optimization • Meta Tags, Images, Content, Video • Links
and How to Get Them • Search Engine Marketing • How to Create a PPC
Campaign • Implementing Your PPC Budget • Targeting Your Advertising
• Measuring & Managing Your Campaigns
3 Web Site Analytics
• What is Website Analytics? • How to Analyze Your Campaign Effectively
for greater ROI • Email Marketing • Creating Optimized Campaigns • How 5
to Measure Success • Managing Your Database • Best Practice Case Studies
• Choosing 3rd Party Email Providers
4 Mobile Marketing
• The Development of Mobile Marketing • Various Forms of Mobile
Marketing • Geo-Targeting Your Campaign for Smart Phones • How
Consumers Use Mobile Marketing • Examples & Case Studies
5 Introduction to social media marketing:
• Introduction to the concept of social Media- Definition, Characteristics and
Scope, History. • Social media marketing- Definition, Uses and Scope, Social 10
media platforms - Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter,
Pinterest, Blogs. • Importance of Social Media Marketing. • Social Media

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Marketing advantages and limitations. • Introduction to social media

marketing strategies. • Content designing for social media platforms:
• Terminologies-basics of content creation, process • Identification of target
audience and social media platform • Defining content mix using sales posts
• Interactive posts and informative posts • Impact of colors, images on the
customer • Tools used for content creation like Canva, GIFs, Instagram
stories, pin templates, tall pins, image cut outs, YouTube video Thumbnail,
6 Facebook and Instagram advertising and marketing
• Introduction to Facebook and Instagram platforms as advertising and
marketing media • Characteristics of Facebook and Instagram marketing
• Target audience, page set up • Post types and dimensions, competitor
analysis, case studies. • Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest
advertising and marketing: • Introduction and overview of platforms •
• How to use these platforms • Target audience, profile/account building, 15
how to pin. • Crafting summary for marketing • Creating and uploading
videos, use of hashtags • Case studies.
• Metrics of social media marketing:
• What is to be measured? • Parameters to measure impact • Volume,
reach and Engagement (engagement rates, & metrics). • Influence, the
share of voice (volume and sentiment), referrals and conversions, response
rate and time. • Case studies.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Text Books 1. Internet age - Marketing with social media Dr Apoorva Palkar, Amit Jadhav
Himalaya publication
2. Social Media Marketing Tracy tuten Sage Publications
3. Social Media Marketing 1st Edition Michael R. Solomon, Tracy Tuten - Pearson
4. Social Media Marketing - A Strategic Approach 1st Edition Nicholas Bormann,
Donald Barker, Krista Neher, Melissa Barker Cengage
5. Social Media Marketing All-in-One for Dummies Zimmerman Jan John Wiley and
Sons Inc.
Reference Books Advance Social Media Marketing Tom Funk
Social Media Marketing Kristina Lane Lap Lambert Publishing
Social Media & Mobile Marketing: (Includes Online Worksheets) Puneet Singh
Bhatia Wiley

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Marketing and Social Media – A guide for libraries, museums and archives Christie
Koontz and Lorrie Mon Rowman and Littlefield
Social media marketing for dummies Shiv Singh John Wiley & Sons
Google Adwords for Beginners: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to PPC Advertising, Cory
Email Persuasion: Captivate and Engage Your Audience, Build Authority and
Generate More Sales With Email Marketing, Ian Brodie
Social Media Marketing All-In-One for Dummies, Jan Zimmerman and Deborah"
Other 1 The future of social media in marketing- Article -
Journals 2 Journal of Digital & Social Media Marketing -Journal-
3 Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The
Differentiating Role of Platform Type- Article -
4 Social Media Marketing: Social media marketing: advantages and disadvantages
-Article -
5 The future of social media in marketing- Article -
6 The complete guide to social media design- Article-
7 Social Media Marketing - Digital Platforms - PPT Youtube-
8 Social Media Marketing PowerPoint Presentation Slides -Youtube-
9 Introduction to Social Media Marketing (Coursera) -Mooc- https://www.mooc-
10 Google Ads for Beginners Mooc
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Practical
2. Live Project
3. Project
4. Presentation

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Sales & Distribution

Course Code MG207M Course Title Sales & Distribution
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the key concepts and principles of sales and distribution.
CO2 Explain the different sales strategies and distribution channels.
CO3 Apply sales techniques to effectively manage customer relationships.
CO4 Analyze sales data and performance to make informed decisions.
CO5 Develop sales and distribution plans and evaluate their effectiveness.

Course Syllabus: (8 Units for 4 Credits Course is expected, 6 units for 3 credits Course)

Unit. Syllabus of

Introduction to Sales and Distribution

- Overview of sales and distribution functions
1. - Sales process and its components 8
- Role of distribution channels in marketing
- Types of distribution channels
- Customer relationship management in sales
Sales Strategies and Techniques
- Sales planning and target setting
2 - Sales forecasting and budgeting 8
- Sales presentation and negotiation skills
- Relationship selling and consultative selling
- Sales ethics and legal considerations

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Case Study

Channel Management and Retailing

- Channel design and selection
- Retailing and its importance in distribution 8
3 - Retail formats and store layout
- Retail marketing mix and merchandising
- Omnichannel retailing and e-commerce
Case Study
Sales Force Management
- Sales force organization and structure
- Sales force recruitment, training, and motivation
4 - Sales force performance evaluation and compensation
- Territory management and sales quotas
- Sales force automation and technology
Case Study
Key Account Management
- Understanding key accounts and their significance
- Key account identification and classification
5 - Developing and managing key account relationships
- Key account planning and profitability analysis
- Customer retention and loyalty strategies
Case Study
Sales Analytics and Performance Measurement
- Sales metrics and performance indicators
- Sales data analysis and interpretation
6 - Sales dashboards and reporting tools
- Salesforce effectiveness assessment
- Continuous improvement in sales performance
Case Study
International Sales and Global Distribution
- International sales strategies and market entry modes
- Exporting, licensing, and franchising
7 - Sales in emerging markets and cross-cultural selling
- Global distribution challenges and logistics
- Managing global sales teams and channels
Case Study
Sales Leadership and Sales Excellence
8 4
- Sales leadership and its role in driving performance

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- Sales team motivation and development

- Sales coaching and mentoring
- Sales excellence frameworks and best practices
- Sales innovation and future trends

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Sales Management. Simplified.: The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results
from Your Sales Team" by Mike Weinberg
2 "The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation" by Matthew Dixon
and Brent Adamson
3 "Strategic Selling: The Unique Sales System Proven Successful by America's Best
Companies" by Robert B. Miller, Stephen E. Heiman, and Tad Tuleja
4 "Sales Growth: Five Proven Strategies from the World's Sales Leaders" by Thomas
Baumgartner and Homayoun Hatami
5 "The Sales Acceleration Formula: Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from
$0 to $100 Million" by Mark Roberge

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management
2 Journal of Retailing
3 Journal of Marketing Channels
4 International Journal of Sales, Retailing, and Marketing

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1 Sales Presentations and Role Plays
2 Case Studies on Sales Strategy and Execution
3 Sales Quizzes and Examinations
4 Group Projects on Sales and Distribution Planning

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Group C – Finance
Management Accounting
Course Code FM201M Course Title Management Accounting
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60
(LTP) Marks

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Critically analyze and provide recommendations to improve the operations of

organizations through the application of management accounting techniques;
CO2 Demonstrate mastery of costing systems, cost management systems, budgeting systems
and performance measurement systems
CO3 Demonstrate the need for a balance between financial and non-financial information in
decision making, control and performance evaluation applications of management
CO4 Evaluate the costs and benefits of different conventional and contemporary costing

Syllabus details
Number of
Units Syllabus
Introduction to Management Accounting: Definition, scope, and objectives of
management accounting; Differences between financial accounting and
1 management accounting; Role of management accounting in organizational 10
decision-making; Relationship of Management Accounting with Other Branches
of Accounting and Other Disciplines of Studies.
Cost Concepts and Behavior: Types of costs (fixed, variable, semi-variable);
Cost behavior analysis (cost-volume-profit analysis); Cost estimation and cost
drivers. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Analysis; Break-even analysis; Contribution
2 10
margin analysis; Profit planning and target costing
Margin of safety, Angle of Incidence, Assumptions & Limitations of Break-even
3 Costing Systems; Job order costing; Process costing; Activity-based costing. 10

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Budgeting and Control; Budgeting process and types of budgets; Flexible

4 10
budgeting and performance evaluation; Standard costing and variance analysis
Decision-Making Techniques; Capital budgeting and investment decisions;
5 Marginal Costing as a Tool for Decision Making; Make or Buy Decision, Change 10
in product Mix, Pricing Decisions, Exploring a New Market, Shut-down Decisions
Analysis & Interpretation of Financial Statements: Meaning, Definition, 10
importance, steps, procedure of analysis and Interpretation, trend analysis &
Ratio Analysis; Funds Flow and Cash Flow Analysis, other financial forecasting

Text & Reference Books:

Sr. No. Particulars
Text Books T1. Pandey , I.M,(2015), “Financial Management”, 11th Edition,Vikas Publication, New
Delhi. T2.Sinha, Pradeep Kumar, (2009) ,”Financial Management”, 5th Edition, The
World Press, Calcutta.
Reference R1. Chandra, Prasanna, (2011),”Financial Management Theory and Practice”, 8th
Books Edition, TMH, New Delhi. R2. Vanhorne, J, (2015),” Financial Management & Policy”,
13th Edition, Pearson Education, Delhi. R 3. Brealey and Myers, (2017),” Principles of
Corporate Finance”, 10th Edition , McGraw Hill, India. R4.Principles of corporate
finance, Richard and Franklin, 11th edition. R5. Srivastava, UK. Quantitative Techniques
for Managerial Decision Making
Journals J1. Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions ISSN (online): 2282-
717X. J2. International Journal of Financial Management Publisher: Publishing India
Group; ISSN Number: 2229-5682
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Online MOOC courses
2. Group presentation
3. Class test
4. Case Study Analysis
5. Creative Assignment

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Business Taxation
Course Code FM202M Course Title Business Taxation
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Elaborate basic knowledge and equip students with application of principles and
provisions of Income-tax Act, 1961
CO2 Compute incomes from business and professions and capital gains is taxed
CO3 File Income tax return and compute the tax liability of individuals
CO4 Apply the income tax laws for computation of an individual’s adjusted gross
CO5 evaluate individual income computation statement
CO6 Prepare aggregate income after set-off and carry forward of losses, and deductions
allowed under the Income Tax Act
Course Syllabus:
Number of
Units Syllabus

1 Basic Concepts and Residential Status: Basic concept: Income, Capital and
Revenue Income and expenditure; agricultural income, person, assessed,
assessment year, previous year, Heads of Income, gross total income, 10
Taxable income, maximum marginal rate of tax. Residential status:
Residential status and its effect on tax incidence. Exempted incomes under
section 10; Agricultural Income;
2 Incomes from Salary: Meaning of salary income, basic of charge, different
forms of salary, allowances, perquisites, provident fund, gratuity, voluntary
retirement, Computation of taxable income under the head salary income
tax. Income from Business and Profession: Basis of charge, Basic Principles 10
for arriving at business income, Scheme of Business Deductions and
Allowances, Computation of taxable income under the head profits and gains
of business and profession
3 Income from capital gains
Capital Gains- Basis of Charge, Capital Assets, Short-term and long-term 11
capital gain, Full Value of Consideration, Expenses on Transfer, Cost of
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Acquisition, and Improvement; Indexed cost of acquisition and

improvement; Computation of taxable income under the head capital gains.
Incomes from Other Sources and Total Income: Income from other
sources-Basis of charge, Computation of taxable income under income from
other source
4 Deductions u/s 80 and Exclusions from the Total Income Deductions.
Income of other persons included in assesses total income; Aggregation of
income and set-off and carry forward of losses, Deductions from gross total 11
income; Surcharge Rebates and reliefs, Computation of total income of
individuals and firms;
5 Computation of Income and Tax of Individual, Firm and Company (Excluding
MAT) and Provisions for Filing Return of Income - Sec 139(1) and Sec 139(5); 10
E-Filling of income tax;
6 Clubbing of Income; Tax Deducted at Source (TDS); Advance Tax and Self-
Assessment; Tax Planning and Tax Management 8

Text & Reference Books

Sr.No. Particulars
T1. Students Guide to Income Tax Dr. Vinod Singhania Taxmann
T2. Income Tax Law and Practices V.P. Gaur, D.B. Narang, Puja Ghai& Rajiv
Text Books Puri Kalyani Publication
T3. GST Acts, Rules & Forms with Reference Ashok Batra
T4. Income Tax T.N. Manoharan& G.R. Hari
Reference Books R1. "Income Tax Law" by Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta
Journals tax-law-weekly
Online Course / 1.
E-resources 1.

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Banking and Finance

Course Code FM203M Course Title Banking & Finance
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define key banking and financial terms, concepts, and principles.

CO2 Understand different financial products and services offered by banks.

CO3 Apply financial management techniques to make informed decisions regarding

capital allocation.
CO4 Analyze the effects of monetary policies on interest rates and credit availability.

CO5 Evaluate the performance of investment portfolios and recommend adjustments

based on risk-return trade-offs.
CO6 Develop strategies for effective risk management in banking and finance.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Banking and Financial Systems - Functions and roles of
banks in the economy - Overview of the financial system and its
components - Regulatory framework for banks and financial institutions
– Federal Banks -Types of financial intermediaries and their functions -
Trends and developments in the banking industry - Technological
advancements in banking operations
2. Types of banking institutions: commercial banks, central banks, etc. -
Deposit and lending operations - Payment systems and electronic
banking - Banking services: trade finance, foreign exchange, etc.- 8+2
Relationship management and customer service in banking - Impact of
digitalization on banking services
3. Financial Markets and Instruments - Money markets, capital markets,
and derivatives markets - Types of financial instruments: stocks, bonds,
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derivatives, etc. - Primary and secondary markets - Market efficiency and

behavioral finance - Financial market participants and their roles -
Trends in financial market innovations
4. Risk Management in Banking - Credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and
operational risk - Risk measurement and assessment techniques -Credit
analysis and loan management - Basel Accords and regulatory 8+2
requirements for risk management - Enterprise risk management in
banking - Emerging risks in the banking sector
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management - Time value of money
and discounting techniques - Valuation of stocks and bonds - Portfolio
theory and asset allocation - Performance evaluation and portfolio 8+2
rebalancing - Behavioral aspects of investment decision-making -
Sustainable and responsible investing
6. International Banking and Global Finance - Introduction to international
banking - Foreign exchange markets and currency risk management -
International trade finance and documentary credit - International
financial institutions and their role in global finance - Cross-border
capital flows and their impact on financial markets - Global financial
crises and their implications for international banking
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Bank Management and Financial Services" by Peter S. Rose and Sylvia C.

Principles of Banking by Moorad Choudhry

Banking and Financial Institutions: A Guide for Directors, Investors, and
Borrowers" by Benton E. Gup
Other Resources: Journal of Banking and Finance
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Economics
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Written examinations
2. Group projects and Presentations
3. Case studies
4. Online quizzes

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Financial Markets
Course Code FM204M Course Title Financial Markets
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define and explain the fundamental concepts and principles of financial markets.
CO2 Understand the impact of regulatory frameworks on financial markets.
CO3 Apply financial market theories to evaluate investment opportunities.
CO4 Analyze the characteristics and risk-return profiles of various financial instruments.
CO5 Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of financial markets.
CO6 Develop and implement investment strategies based on market analysis.
Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Financial Markets - Definition and functions of financial
markets - Types of financial markets (money market, capital market,
derivatives market, etc.) - Market participants and their roles - Market
infrastructure and trading mechanisms - Efficient market hypothesis and
market efficiency - Factors influencing market liquidity - Impact of
technological advancements on financial markets
2. Money Market - Structure and characteristics of the money market -
Instruments traded in the money market (Treasury bills, commercial
paper, etc.) - Money market interest rates and yield curves - Money
market funds and their role - Central bank operations and monetary policy
implementation - Role of money market in short-term funding and
liquidity management - Money market regulation and reforms
3. Capital Market - Structure and components of the capital market - Primary
and secondary markets - Equities: stocks, stock exchanges, and stock
indices - Fixed income securities: bonds, government securities, corporate
bonds - Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) - Role of capital
market in corporate financing and capital raising - Initial public offerings
(IPOs) and secondary offerings (Live Trading Sessions to be included)

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4. Foreign Exchange Market - Overview of the foreign exchange market -

Exchange rate determination and quoting conventions - Spot and forward
foreign exchange transactions - Currency hedging techniques - Role of 8+2
central banks in the foreign exchange market - Carry trade and currency
speculation - Impact of geopolitical events on foreign exchange market
5. Derivatives Market - Types of derivative instruments (futures, forwards,
options, swaps) - Mechanics of derivatives trading and clearing - Pricing
and valuation of derivatives - Hedging and speculative strategies using
derivatives - Derivatives market regulation and risk management - Role of
derivatives in managing financial risk - Application of derivatives in
portfolio management
6. Financial Market Regulations and Emerging Trends - Regulatory
frameworks and oversight of financial markets - Securities and exchange
commissions - Market abuse and insider trading regulations -
Technological advancements and electronic trading platforms - Impact of 8+2
globalization and financial innovation on financial markets - Fintech and
blockchain technology in financial markets - Sustainable finance and ESG
considerations in investment decisions
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Indian Securities Markets: A Comprehensive Guide" by Bhalla V.K. and Rachna
Indian Financial Market: An Introduction by Kevin D'Souza and Divya Sharma
Financial Markets and Institutions in India by Tapan Panda and Pradeep
Other Resources: Journal of Financial Markets
Journals Journal of Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Live Trading Sessions
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Group Projects and Presentations
4. Research Paper or Literature Review

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Mergers and Acquisition

Course Code FM205M Course Title Mergers & Acquisitions
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define mergers and acquisitions and recognize the sources of financing and funding
strategies for mergers and acquisitions.
CO2 Understand the motivations and drivers behind mergers and acquisitions.
CO3 Apply strategic planning principles to analyze and select suitable merger and
acquisition targets.
CO4 Analyze the legal and regulatory implications of mergers and acquisitions on market
CO5 Evaluate the financial feasibility and value creation potential of mergers and
CO6 Design and propose merger and acquisition strategies aligned with corporate

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions: Definition and Scope of Mergers and
Acquisitions - Differentiating mergers and acquisitions - Types of mergers
(horizontal, vertical, conglomerate) - Motivations behind mergers and 8+1
acquisitions. Legal and Regulatory Framework - Overview of relevant laws and
regulations - Antitrust considerations and competition laws - Role of regulatory
bodies in approving mergers and acquisitions
2. Merger and Acquisition Strategies: Strategic Planning and Objectives - Aligning
mergers and acquisitions with corporate strategy - Identifying strategic objectives 8+2
(market expansion, diversification, synergy creation) - Evaluating strategic fit and
compatibility of target companies

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2.2 Valuation Methods - Financial valuation techniques (DCF, comparable company

analysis) - Evaluating target company's financial performance and potential
synergies - Assessing the value of intangible assets and goodwill

3. Due Diligence and Deal Structuring: Due Diligence Process - Conducting

comprehensive due diligence investigations - Evaluating target company's financial,
legal, and operational aspects - Assessing risks and liabilities associated with the 9+2
transaction. Deal Structuring and Negotiation - Negotiating deal terms and
conditions - Structuring mergers and acquisitions (stock purchase, asset purchase,
merger) - Legal and financial considerations in deal structuring
4. Financing Mergers and Acquisitions: Sources of Financing - Equity financing
(issuing shares, private equity) - Debt financing (bank loans, bonds, mezzanine
financing) -Leveraged buyouts and management buyouts. Financial Analysis 8+2
and Funding Strategies - Analyzing financial feasibility and funding
requirements - Determining optimal capital structure post-merger - Evaluating
the impact of financing choices on shareholder value
5. Integration and Post-Merger Management
5.1 Integration Planning and Execution - Developing integration strategies
and plans - Managing cultural integration and change management -
Achieving operational efficiencies and synergy realization. 8+2
5.2 Post-Merger Performance Evaluation - Evaluating the success of mergers
and acquisitions - Assessing financial performance and value creation -
Addressing challenges and managing post-merger risks.
6. Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
6.1 Global M&A Landscape - Trends and dynamics in cross-border mergers and
acquisitions - Opportunities and challenges in international deals - Cultural, legal,
and regulatory considerations in cross-border transactions 8+2
6.2 Cross-Border Deal Execution and Integration - Cross-border deal structuring
and negotiation strategies - Addressing cultural differences and integration
challenges - Managing international regulatory compliance and risk factors
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Mergers and Acquisitions: Concepts, Analysis and Cases" by Sudarsanam S
Mergers and Acquisitions: Strategy, Valuation, and Integration" by Peter
Morris and Toby Roe
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities" by Donald

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Other Resources: Journal of Mergers & Acquisitions

Journals Journal of Corporate Finance
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Written assignments
2. Article Writing
3. Presentations
4. Case Study Analysis

Micro Finance
Course Code FM206M Course Title Micro Finance
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define microfinance and its principles.

CO2 Understand the principles and practices of microfinance operations.

CO3 Apply microfinance concepts to promote entrepreneurship and social development.
CO4 Analyze different microfinance models and their suitability for specific contexts.
CO5 Evaluate the risk management practices and governance structures of MFIs.
CO6 Develop risk management policies and procedures for a microfinance institution.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Microfinance: Overview of Microfinance - Definition and
principles of microfinance - Evolution and significance of microfinance in
poverty alleviation - Role of microfinance institutions (MFIs) and their impact
1.2 Microfinance Models and Approaches - Self-help groups (SHGs) and village
banking models - Grameen Bank model and its principles – Bangladesh Model -
Microfinance as a tool for financial inclusion
2. Microfinance Institutions and Products 8+2

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2.1 Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) - Types of MFIs (NGOs, cooperative societies,

microfinance banks) - Legal and regulatory framework for MFIs - Governance and
sustainability of MFIs – Bank Linkages
2.2 Microfinance Products and Services - Microcredit and small business loans -
Savings and deposit services - Microinsurance and other risk mitigation products
3. Microfinance Operations and Practices
3.1 Client Assessment and Selection - Group lending methodology and borrower
evaluation - Social collateral and repayment mechanisms - Assessing client capacity
and financial viability 9+2
3.2 Microfinance Risk Management - Credit risk assessment and management -
Interest rate and liquidity risk management - Operational and governance risk in
4. Social Impact and Performance Measurement
4.1 Social Performance of MFIs - Measuring social impact and poverty outreach
-Social performance indicators and rating systems - Client protection and
responsible finance practices 8+2
4.2 Financial Performance and Sustainability - Financial ratios and performance
indicators for MFIs - Cost management and operational efficiency - Balancing
social mission and financial viability
5. Microfinance and Entrepreneurship
5.1 Microenterprise Development - Role of microfinance in promoting
entrepreneurship - Business development services and capacity building for
microentrepreneurs = Success factors and challenges in microenterprise
5.2 Microfinance and Social Development - Women empowerment and
gender equality - Education and health initiatives through microfinance -
Environmental sustainability in microfinance practices
6. Emerging Trends and Future Directions in Microfinance
6.1 Technological Innovations in Microfinance - Digital finance and mobile banking
in microfinance - Fintech partnerships and innovative delivery channels -
Blockchain technology and its potential in microfinance
6.2 Microfinance and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Aligning
microfinance with the United Nations' SDGs - Microfinance as a tool for poverty
eradication and inclusive growth - Impact investing and sustainable finance in
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Microfinance: Evolution, Achievements, and Challenges" by B. Srinivasa

Reference Books
Reddy and G. Ram Reddy

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Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective" by

Joanna Ledgerwood and Victoria White
Microfinance in Developing Countries: Issues, Policies, and Performance
Evaluation" by Arvind Ashta and Alain Servet
Other Resources: Journal of Microfinance
Journals Small Enterprise Development
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Group Projects
2. Article Writing
3. Presentations
4. Case Study Analysis

Investment Banking
Course Code FM207M Course Title Investment Banking
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define investment banking and explain its role and importance in financial markets.
CO2 Identify the key players in the investment banking industry.
CO3 Apply the principles of capital markets to analyze equity and debt offerings.
CO4 Analyze the impact of economic factors on financial markets.
CO5 Evaluate financial ratios to assess company performance and financial health.
CO6 Create risk mitigation strategies for investment banking transactions.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Investment Banking: Overview of Investment Banking - Role
and Importance of Investment Banking in Financial Markets - Evolution and
History of Investment Banking – Investment Banking Theories and practices 8+2
- Key Players in Investment Banking - Regulatory Environment and
Compliance in Investment Banking

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2. Investment Banking Services

Capital Markets: Equity and Debt Offerings – Investment Banking Products
and Services - Advisory Services: Corporate Restructuring and Valuation - 8+2
Underwriting and Syndication - Asset Management and Wealth
Management - Trading and Sales
3. Financial Analysis for Investment Banking
Financial Statement Analysis - Ratio Analysis - Valuation Methods:
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Comparable - Companies, and Precedent 8+2
Transactions - Financial Modeling for Investment Decisions - Due Diligence
Process in Investment Banking
4. Investment Banking and Risk Management
Risk and Return analysis in Investment Banking - Credit Risk Analysis and
Management - Market Risk Analysis and Management - Operational Risk 8+2
Analysis and Management Financial Risk in Investment Banking- Risk
Mitigation Strategies in Investment Banking
5. Investment Banking and Financial Markets
Overview of Financial Markets: Equity, Debt, Derivatives, and
Commodities - Market Structure and Trading Mechanisms - Primary and 8+2
Secondary Market Operations - Market Efficiency and Anomalies - Impact
of Economic Factors on Financial Markets - CRISIL
6. Investment Banking and Regulatory Framework
Overview of Financial Regulations - Basel Accords and Capital Adequacy -
Insider Trading and Market Abuse Regulations - Anti-Money Laundering 8+2
(AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Regulations - Compliance and Ethics
in Investment Banking

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers &
Acquisitions by Joshua Pearl and Joshua Rosenbaum
Investment Banking: Concepts, Analyses, and Cases by A. Joseph Warburton
Investment Banking: Institutions, Politics, and Law by Alan D. Morrison and
William J. Wilhelm Jr.
Other Resources: Journal of Investment Banking
Journals Journal of Banking and Finance
International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance

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Group D – Fintech
Fundamentals of Financial Technology
Course Code FT201M Course Title Fundamentals of Financial
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment 40 Marks
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60Marks
(LTP) Marks

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the fundamental concepts and components of Financial Technology
(FinTech) and its impact on the financial industry.

CO2 Identify the key drivers and trends shaping the evolution of FinTech.
And describe the various technologies and platforms used in digital payments, e-
commerce, and blockchain.

CO3 Analyze the role of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts in the financial ecosystem.

CO4 Evaluate the benefits and challenges associated with robo-advisory platforms and
automated wealth management strategies.

CO5 Explain the mechanisms and risks involved in peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding.

CO6 Explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in finance, including machine learning and
algorithmic trading.

Course Syllabus:

Syllabus Number of
& Unit
1 Introduction to FinTech 10
• Overview of FinTech and its evolution
• Role of technology in the financial industry
• Key drivers and trends in FinTech
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Digital Payments and E-commerce

• Digital payment systems and their functionalities
• E-commerce platforms and their impact on traditional retail
• Mobile payment solutions and digital wallets

2 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies 10

• Introduction to blockchain technology
• Cryptocurrencies and their features
• Smart contracts and decentralized applications
Robo-advisory and Wealth Management
• Robo-advisory platforms and their benefits
• Automated investment strategies and portfolio management
• Challenges and regulatory considerations in robo-advisory

3 Peer-to-Peer Lending and Crowdfunding 10

• Peer-to-peer lending platforms and their mechanisms
• Crowdfunding models and their applications
• Risks and regulations in P2P lending and crowdfunding
InsurTech and Risk Management
• Technological advancements in the insurance industry
• Application of AI and data analytics in risk assessment
• Challenges and opportunities in InsurTech

4 RegTech and Compliance 10

• Regulatory technology and its importance in compliance
• Anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer
(KYC) solutions
• Data privacy and security considerations
Artificial Intelligence in Finance
• Machine learning and its applications in finance
• Chatbots and virtual assistants in customer service
• Algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading

5 Open Banking and APIs 10

• Open Banking initiatives and their impact
• API (Application Programming Interface) economy
• Open banking platforms and ecosystem
Financial Inclusion and Emerging Markets
• FinTech solutions for financial inclusion
• Digital identity and access to financial services
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• Opportunities and challenges in emerging markets

6 Cybersecurity and Fraud Prevention 10

• Cyber threats and vulnerabilities in the financial sector
• Fraud detection and prevention techniques
• Biometrics and other authentication methods
Future Trends in FinTech
• Emerging technologies and their potential in FinTech
• Ethical considerations in the use of FinTech
• Future prospects and career opportunities in FinTech

Text & Reference Books

Sr.No. Particulars
• "Fintech: The Beginner's Guide to Financial Technology" by
Jacob William
• "The FinTech Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for
Investors, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries" edited by Susanne
Chishti and Janos Barberis
Text Books
• "Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps"
by Daniel Drescher
• "The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money
Are Challenging the Global Economic Order" by Paul Vigna
and Michael J. Casey

• "Financial Technology: Case Studies on FinTech Innovation"

edited by Richard Lumb, David Shrier, and Alex Pentland
Reference Books
• "FinTech Innovation: From Robo-Advisors to Goal Based
Investing and Gamification" by Paolo Sironi

Course evaluation matrix

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Presentation
2. Report Writing
3. MCQ
4. Case Study
5. Creative Assignments

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Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

Introduction to Fintech
Course Code FT202M Course Title Introduction to Fintech
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define the concept of fintech and its significance in the financial services industry.
CO2 Understand the evolution of fintech and its impact on traditional financial systems.
CO3 Apply fintech principles to analyze and evaluate digital payment systems and mobile
banking solutions.
CO4 Analyze the impact of fintech on traditional financial services and business models.
CO5 Evaluate the potential of blockchain and cryptocurrencies in enhancing security and
CO6 Develop a business plan for implementing a fintech startup or innovation within an
existing organization.
Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Fintech. Definition and scope of fintech. Evolution and
growth of fintech. Fintech's impact on traditional financial services 8+1
Fintech regulatory landscape
2. Digital Payments and Mobile Banking. Overview of digital payment systems
Mobile wallets and payment apps. Peer-to-peer payments and remittances
Security and fraud prevention in digital payments ( Practical on Digital
3. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Understanding blockchain technology.
Cryptocurrencies and their characteristics. Smart contracts and decentralized 9+2
applications. Use cases of blockchain in finance and beyond
4. Alternative Lending and Crowdfunding. Peer-to-peer lending platforms
Marketplace lending and crowdfunding models. Credit scoring and risk
assessment in alternative lending. Regulatory considerations in alternative
5. Robo-advisory and Portfolio Wealth Management. Introduction to robo-
advisory platforms. Algorithmic trading and portfolio management

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Robo-advisors vs. traditional wealth management. Challenges and ethical

considerations in automated investing (Practical included)
6. Insurtech and Regtech. Technological innovations in the insurance industry
Usage-based insurance and digital claims processing. Regulatory technology and
compliance automation. Impact of insurtech and regtech on insurance
operations ( Problems included)
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books: Fintech: The Beginner's Guide to Financial Technology by Jacob Morgan
Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel
The Fintech Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors,
Entrepreneurs and Visionaries" edited by Susanne Chishti and Janos
Other Resources: Journal of Financial Technology Research (JFTR)
Journals International Journal of Fintech and Innovation (IJFI)
Journal of Fintech, Social Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (JFSIE)
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Group Projects and Presentations on Fintech Topics
4. Written assignments or research papers on specific fintech sectors

Python for Fintech

Course Code FT203M Course Title Python for Fintech
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define the fundamental concepts and syntax of Python programming.
CO2 Explain the application of Python in the fintech industry.

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CO3 Apply Python programming techniques to solve financial problems and automate tasks.
CO4 Analyze financial data using Python libraries and modules.
CO5 Develop Python-based solutions for fintech applications and evaluate their

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
Introduction to Python Programming
- Introduction to Python and its features
1. - Setting up Python environment and IDE 8
- Variables, data types, and operators
- Control structures: conditionals and loops
- Functions and modules in Python
Data Manipulation with Python
- Working with data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries
2 - File handling and data input/output operations 8
- String manipulation and regular expressions
- Error handling and exception handling in Python
- Python libraries for data manipulation (e.g., NumPy, Pandas)
Data Visualization with Python
- Introduction to data visualization in fintech
3 - Data visualization libraries in Python (e.g., Matplotlib, Seaborn) 8
- Creating charts, graphs, and plots
- Customizing visualizations and adding annotations
- Interactive data visualization with plotting.
Financial Data Analysis with Python
- Retrieving financial data using APIs
4 - Data preprocessing and cleaning techniques 8
- Financial calculations and indicators
- Time series analysis and forecasting
- Portfolio analysis and risk management
Machine Learning in Finance with Python
5 - Introduction to machine learning in finance 8
- Supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms
- Model evaluation and validation techniques

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- Regression and classification models in finance

- Applications of machine learning in fintech
Web Scraping and Data Automation
- Web scraping fundamentals and tools
6 - Extracting financial data from websites 8
- Data automation using Python scripts
- Working with APIs for data integration
- Building data pipelines with Python
Algorithmic Trading with Python
- Introduction to algorithmic trading
7 - Designing trading strategies and back testing 8
- Order execution and risk management
- Analyzing market data and making trading decisions
- Simulation and live trading using Python libraries
Fintech Applications with Python
- Introduction to fintech innovations
8 - Cryptocurrency analysis and blockchain applications 4
- Robo-advisors and automated financial services
- Chatbots and natural language processing in fintech
- Case studies and emerging trends in Python for fintech

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Python for Finance: Mastering Data-Driven Finance" by Yves Hilpisch
2 "Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming" by Eric
3 "Mastering Python for Finance" by James Ma Weiming
4 "Python Fintech Cookbook" by Jannes Klaas
5 "Financial Modeling in Python" by Shayne Fletcher

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Financial Data Science
2 Journal of Computational Finance
3 Journal of Financial Econometrics
4 International Journal of Fintech and Innovation

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Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr. No
1 Programming Assignments and Coding Projects
2 Fintech Case Studies and Analysis
3 Group Projects and Presentations
4 Fintech Application Development

Basics of Data Analytics

Course Code FT204M Course Title Basics of Data Analytics
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the basic concepts and principles of data analytics.
CO2 Explain the key components and processes involved in data analytics.
CO3 Apply data analytics techniques to analyze and interpret data.
CO4 Evaluate different data visualization methods for effective communication.
CO5 Develop data-driven insights and recommendations based on data analysis.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus

Introduction to Data Analytics

- Introduction to data analytics and its applications
1. - Overview of data analytics lifecycle 8
- Types of data analytics: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and

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- Data collection, data sources, and data quality considerations

- Introduction to data exploration and visualization
Data Preparation, validation and Cleaning
- Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques
2 - Handling missing data and outliers 8
- Data transformation and feature engineering
- Data integration and data reduction techniques
- Data validation and quality assurance
Exploratory Data Analysis
- Data visualization techniques and best practices
3 - Descriptive statistics and data summarization 8
- Correlation and association analysis
- Data profiling and data profiling tools
- Introduction to statistical analysis in data analytics
Predictive Analytics
- Introduction to predictive modeling
- Regression analysis and model building
4 - Classification techniques (decision trees, logistic regression). Decision 8
- Model evaluation and performance metrics
- Introduction to machine learning algorithms
Data Visualization and Communication
- Principles of data visualization and effective communication
5 - Data visualization tools and software 8
- Designing charts, graphs, and dashboards
- Interactive data visualization techniques
- Storytelling with data
Data Mining and Text Analytics
- Introduction to data mining concepts
6 - Association rules and frequent pattern mining 8
- Clustering techniques for data segmentation
- Text mining and sentiment analysis
- Social media analytics and sentiment analysis
Big Data Analytics
- Introduction to big data and its characteristics
7 - Big data storage and processing technologies 8
- Hadoop ecosystem and MapReduce framework
- Introduction to NoSQL databases
- Challenges and opportunities in big data analytics
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Ethical and Legal Considerations in Data Analytics

- Privacy and data protection regulations
8 - Ethical considerations in data analytics 4
- Bias and fairness in data analytics
- Responsible data handling and governance
- Social and ethical implications of data analytics

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Data Science for Business" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett
2 "Python for Data Analysis" by Wes McKinney
3 "Data Analytics Made Accessible" by Anil Maheshwari
4 "Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques" by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei
5 "The Big Data-Driven Business" by Russell Glass and Sean Callahan

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Data Science
2 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
3 Harvard Data Science Review
4 International Journal of Data Science and Analytics

Introduction to Data Management System

Course Code FT205M Course Title Introduction to Data
Management System
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Recall the fundamental concepts and principles of data management systems.

CO2 Demonstrate the comprehension of data normalization techniques.

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CO3 Apply data modeling techniques to design and create a relational database.

CO4 Analyze complex data scenarios to determine appropriate database structures.

CO5 Compare and contrast various database management systems based on their features
and capabilities.
CO6 Develop a data management strategy for a real-world scenario, considering scalability
and data integrity.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Data Management in Fintech
1.1 Data Sources and Data sets
1.2 Overview of Fintech and its impact on the financial industry
1.3 Role of data management in fintech
1.4 Importance of data quality and data governance in fintech
1.5 Ethical considerations in data management for fintech applications
2. Data Storage and Retrieval
2.1 Introduction to database systems in fintech
2.2 Relational databases and SQL queries
2.3 Data Mining 8+2
2.4 NoSQL databases and their applications in fintech
2.5 Data warehousing and data lakes for financial data
2.6 Introduction to cloud-based data storage solutions
3. Data Modeling and Design
3.1 Fundamentals of data modeling for fintech applications
3.2 Entity-relationship modeling and normalization 9+2
3.3 Conceptual, logical, and physical data models
3.4 Design considerations for financial data systems
4. Data Integration and Transformation
4.1 Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes in fintech
4.2 Data integration techniques and tools
4.3 Data cleansing and transformation for financial data
4.4 Real-time data integration for fintech applications
4.5 Data integration challenges and best practices in fintech
5. Data Analytics and Visualization
5.1 Introduction to data analytics in fintech 8+2
5.2 Descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics for financial data

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5.3 Data visualization techniques for financial insights

5.4 Machine learning and artificial intelligence in fintech data analytics
5.5 Data-driven decision-making in fintech applications
5.6 Cryptocurrency
6. Data Security and Privacy in Fintech
6.1 Overview of data security and privacy concerns in fintech
6.2 Data protection regulations and compliance (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
6.3 Encryption and data masking techniques for financial data
6.4 Secure data sharing and access controls in fintech
6.5 Ethical considerations in data security and privacy for fintech applications
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, and S.
Reference Sudarshan
Books Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke
Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe
Other ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
Journal of the ACM (JACM)
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and examinations
2. Individual or group projects
3. Practical assignments and case studies
Data Analytics using Ms-Excel
Course Code FT206M Course Title Data Analytics using Ms-Excel
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment 40 Marks
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60 Marks

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Recall the fundamental concepts and terminology related to data analytics using MS-
CO2 Understand the features and capabilities of MS-Excel for data analysis.

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CO3 Apply data visualization techniques to present insights derived from data in a meaningful
CO4 Analyze data sets using MS-Excel to identify patterns, trends, and outliers.
CO5 Evaluate the relevance and reliability of data analytics results for business decision-
CO6 Develop predictive models using Excel's what-if analysis and forecasting features.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Data Analytics and Excel. Understanding the role of data
analytics in business decision-making. Introduction to Microsoft Excel and
its data analysis capabilities. Data types and data sources. Data cleaning
and preparation techniques in Excel (Practical Session)
2. Data Manipulation and Transformation. Sorting, filtering, and conditional
formatting in Excel. Working with functions and formulas for data
manipulation. PivotTables and Pivot Charts for summarizing and analyzing 8+2
data. Data validation and protection techniques (Practical Session with
3. Data Visualization and Reporting. Creating effective charts and graphs in
Excel. Using advanced charting techniques for data visualization
Designing dynamic dashboards and interactive reports. Customizing and
formatting visualizations for presentation (Practical Session with Problems)
4. Statistical Analysis with Excel. Descriptive statistics and measures of central
tendency. Probability distributions and sampling techniques Hypothesis
testing and confidence intervals. Regression analysis and correlation in
Excel (Practical Session with Problems)
5. Advanced Analytics with Excel. What-if analysis and goal-seeking
Scenario analysis and sensitivity analysis. Optimization techniques using
Excel Solver. Time series analysis and forecasting. Scenario Planning &
6. Data Analytics in Business Decision-making. Identifying business problems
suitable for data analysis. Analyzing market trends and customer behavior.
Risk analysis and decision-making under uncertainty (Market Risk/ 8+2
Operating Risk/ Financial Risk). Ethical considerations in data analytics
(Practical Session with Problems)
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

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Reference Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office 365" by Michael Alexander
Books and Richard Kusleika
Excel Data Analysis: Modeling and Simulation" by Hector Guerrero
Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-
Analytic Thinking" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett
Other Journal of Business Analytics
Resources: Journal of Data and Information Quality
Journals Journal of Big Data
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and examinations
2. Individual or group projects
3. Practical assignments and case studies
4. Class participation and discussions

Advanced Ms-Excel
Course Code FT207M Course Title Advanced MS Excel
Course Type Theory Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Apply fundamental Excel functions and formulas to solve financial problems
CO2 Analyze financial data using advanced Excel features and tools
CO3 Evaluate and interpret financial models and scenarios using Excel
CO4 Create dynamic financial reports and dashboards using Excel
CO5 Demonstrate critical thinking and problem-solving skills in financial decision-making
using Excel

Course Syllabus: (8 Units for 4 Credits Course is expected, 6 units for 3 credits Course)

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Number of
Unit. Syllabus
Unit 1: Introduction to Advanced Excel and Financial Functions
Excel Overview and Interface. Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions.
1. 8
Financial Functions: PV, FV, NPV, IRR, etc. Data Validation and Error Handling.
Advanced Lookup Functions. Array Formulas and Matrix Operations
Unit 2: Data Analysis and Visualization
Sorting, Filtering, and Data Validation. Conditional Formatting and Sparklines.
2 8
PivotTables and PivotCharts. Data Tables and What-If Analysis. Advanced
Chart Types and Customization. Advanced-Data Visualization Techniques.
Unit 3: Financial Modeling and Scenario Analysis
Building Financial Models in Excel. Sensitivity Analysis and Goal Seek.
3 8
Scenario Manager and Data Tables. Monte Carlo Simulation in Excel.
Advanced Scenario Analysis Techniques. Advanced Solver Techniques
Unit 4: Advanced Data Analysis Tools
Solver and Optimization Techniques. Regression Analysis in Excel. What-If
4 8
Analysis and Scenario Manager. Advanced Statistical Functions. Data Analysis
with Power Query. Advanced-Data Cleaning and Transformation Techniques.
Unit 5: Advanced Charting Techniques
Advanced Chart Types and Customization. Trendlines and Data Labels.
5 Interactive Charts and Dashboards. Dynamic Charting with Form Controls. 8
Advanced Charting Techniques for Financial Analysis. Customizing and
Formatting Dashboards
Unit 6: Power Query and Data Integration
Introduction to Power Query. Data Importing and Transformation. Data
6 8
Integration with External Sources. Combining Data from Multiple Sources.
Advanced Query Editor Techniques. Web Scraping and Data Refresh Options.
Unit 7: Automation and Macros
Introduction to Macros and VBA. Recording and Editing Macros. Automating
7 8
Tasks with Macros. Advanced VBA Programming Techniques. User-Defined
Functions in Excel. Creating Custom Add-ins.
Unit 8: Financial Reporting and Collaboration
Advanced Functions for Financial Reporting. Data Validation and Protection.
8 Collaboration and Sharing Workbooks. Customizing and Automating Financial 4
Reports. Data Consolidation and Linking Workbooks. Documenting and
Auditing Excel Models

Learning Resources:

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Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 “Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA" by Michael Alexander and Richard Kusleika
2 "Financial Modeling in Excel For Dummies" by Danielle Stein Fairhurst
3 "Excel 2019 Bible" by Michael Alexander, Richard Kusleika, and John Walkenbach
4 "Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel" by Gordon S. Linoff
5 "Excel Dashboards and Reports" by Michael Alexander and John Walkenbach
Other Resources: Journals
1 Journal of Financial Economics
2 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
3 Review of Financial Studies
4 Journal of Banking and Finance

Semester V
Business Leadership & Culture
Course Code GID409 Course Title Business Leadership &
Course Type GE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60
Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 To remember and recognize the key concepts related to business leadership and
CO2 To understand the fundamental principles and theories of business leadership and
CO3 To analyze and apply business leadership strategies and cultural principles to real-world
CO4 To examine and evaluate the impact of business leadership and culture on
organizational success.
CO5 To evaluate and assess different approaches to business leadership and culture,
considering ethical and social implications

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus Sessions

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1 Business: Introduction-Definition and nature of business-Forms of business

ownership- Role of business in society- Definition and Importance of Business
Leadership- Leadership Styles and Approaches- Ethical Leadership- Servant
Leadership- Leadership in a Global Context-Leadership and Emotional
Intelligence- EI Daniel Coleman Model-Leadership and Organizational
2 Trait Theories of Leadership- Behavioral Theories of Leadership- Contingency
Theories of Leadership- Transformational Leadership- Authentic Leadership- 8
Situational Leadership- Charismatic Leadership
3 Understanding Organizational Culture-Elements of Organizational Culture-
Types of Organizational Culture-Cultural Change and Adaptation-Culture and
Diversity- High-Performance Organizational Culture- Organizational Culture 7
and Innovation- Organizational Culture and Decision-Making.
4 Team Building and Team Dynamics- Communication and Collaboration in
Teams- Leading Virtual Teams- Conflict Resolution and Negotiation-
Empowering and Motivating Teams- Cross-Cultural Team Leadership-Leading 7
Multigenerational Teams-Team Decision-Making and Problem-Solving.
5 Leadership Development Programs- Mentoring and Coaching- Succession
Planning- Leadership Challenges in a Digital Age- Gender and Leadership-
Leadership and Talent Management- Ethical Leadership Development- 7
Leadership and Personal Branding
6 Change Management Theories and Models- Leading Change in Organizations-
Managing Resistance to Change- Innovation and Entrepreneurship- Leading in
a Disruptive Business Environment- Digital Transformation Leadership-
Sustainable Change Leadership
Ethical Decision Making in Leadership- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-
Sustainable Leadership Practices- Socially Responsible Investing- Leadership
and Environmental Sustainability- Ethical Leadership and Governance-
Leadership and Corporate Citizenship- Leadership and Ethical Dilemmas
7 Overview of Fintech and its Impact- Fintech Disruption and Innovation-
Fintech Regulations and Compliance- Fintech Leadership Challenges- Future
Trends in Fintech Leadership- Fintech Startups and Entrepreneurial 7
Leadership- Fintech Risk Management and Leadership- Fintech Ecosystem
and Collaborative Leadership

Learning Resources:

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Sr. No. Particulars

Reference "Leadership and Culture at Work: Theories and Practices" by David L. Collinson and
Books Jeff Hearn
"The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in
Organizations" by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
“Organizational Culture and Leadership" by Edgar H. Schein
"Leadership: Theory and Practice" by Peter G. Northouse
"The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups" by Daniel Coyle
Other Harvard Business Review
Resources: Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies
Journals Journal of Business Ethics
Leadership Quarterly. International Journal of Leadership Studies

Semester V
Group A - Entrepreneurship
Business & Social Innovation
Course Code ET301M Course Title Business & Social
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define the concept of business and social innovation.

CO2 Understand the sustainable development goals and their connection to business.
CO3 Apply design thinking principles to develop innovative solutions for social
CO4 Analyze social problems and identify opportunities for social innovation.
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of social impact measurement methodologies.

Course Syllabus:

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Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Business & Social Innovation- Definition and scope of

business and social innovation - Understanding the role of business in
addressing social and environmental challenges - Historical context and 8+2
evolution of social innovation - The triple bottom line: People, Planet,
Profit - Sustainable development goals and their relevance to business
2. Social Entrepreneurship - Characteristics and qualities of social
entrepreneurs - Identifying social problems and opportunities for
innovation - Models of social entrepreneurship - Non-profit organizations
and NGOs - Social enterprises and hybrid models - B Corps and benefit
corporations - Social impact assessment and measurement - Strategies for
scaling and sustaining social ventures
3. Scaling and Implementation of Social Innovation - Scaling Social Innovation
- Strategies for scaling social innovation - Overcoming barriers to scaling -
Replication vs. adaptation in scaling social innovation.
Social Innovation in Different Sectors - Social innovation in healthcare -
Social innovation in education - Social innovation in environmental
sustainability. Policy and Legal Frameworks for Social Innovation - 8+2
Government policies supporting social innovation - Legal considerations for
social innovation projects - Intellectual property rights and social innovation
Managing Change and Resilience -Change management in social innovation
initiatives - Building resilience in social innovation organizations - Learning
from failures and adapting to challenges
4. Business Models for Social Innovation - Overview of business model canvas
and value proposition canvas - Adapting business models for social ventures.
Revenue generation strategies for social enterprises - Financial sustainability 8+2
and impact investing - Collaboration and partnerships for shared value
5. Social Innovation in Practice - Case studies of successful social innovations -
Social innovation ecosystems and support networks - Legal and regulatory
considerations for social enterprises - Overcoming challenges in scaling and 8+2
replicating social innovations - Ethical dilemmas and responsible leadership
in social entrepreneurship
6. Impact Measurement and Reporting - Key concepts and frameworks for
impact measurement - Outcome evaluation and social return on
investment (SROI) - Reporting standards and guidelines for social 8+2
enterprises - Communicating impact to stakeholders and funders -
Continuous improvement and adaptive management in social innovation

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Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books Social Innovation and New Business Models: Creating Shared Value in Low-
Income Markets by Christian Seelos and Johanna Mair
Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and
Innovation by Patrick Van Der Pijl, Justin Lokitz, and Lisa Kay Solomon
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail
by Clayton M. Christensen
Reference Books Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don't by Verne
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to
Create Radically Successful Businesses" by Eric Ries
Other Resources: 1. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
Journals 2. Harvard Business Review
3. Journal of Business Venturing
4. Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization
5. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Presentation
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Industry Visit
4. Article Writing

Venture Capital
Course Code ET302M Course Title Venture Capital
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern (LTP) 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 To help students understand the fundamental concepts and principles of venture
capital and its role in the startup ecosystem.
CO2 To help students to understand, analyze and negotiate deal structures, term sheets,
and investment agreements in venture capital transactions.
CO3 To help student to develop strategies for portfolio management and value creation in
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venture capital investments

CO4 To help student to understand the principles and practices of impact investing and
social venture capital.
CO5 To enable student to stay updated on emerging trends and disruptions in the venture
capital industry.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
I Introduction to Venture Capital: Overview of venture capital and its role
in the startup ecosystem, Key players and stakeholders in the venture
capital industry, Trends and dynamics in the venture capital market,
Stages of, venture capital financing: seed, early-stage, and growth-stage
investments, Deal sourcing and screening: identifying investment
opportunities, due diligence and investment evaluation processes
II Venture Capital Valuation Methods: Valuation methodologies for
startups and early-stage companies, Assessing the potential of
innovative business models, Understanding risk and return
considerations in venture capital investments, Term sheets and deal 10
structuring in venture capital transactions, Negotiation strategies and
tactics for venture capital investments, Key terms and provisions in
venture capital agreements
III Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Legal framework and regulations
for venture capital investments, Investor protection and securities laws
Intellectual property and technology transfer considerations, Managing 10
a venture capital portfolio, Value-add strategies and support for portfolio
companies, Building and scaling startups for success
IV Exit Strategies and Liquidity Events: Entry Strategies for Companies, exit
options for venture capital investments: IPOs, acquisitions, and
secondary markets, Exit planning and timing considerations, Maximizing
returns through successful exits, Sector-focused venture capital
investing, Understanding industry-specific dynamics and investment
criteria, Emerging sectors and opportunities in venture capital
V International Venture Capital: Global venture capital trends and cross-
border investments, Challenges and opportunities in international
venture capital deals, Cultural, legal, and regulatory considerations in 10
global investments, Socially responsible investing and impact investing
strategies Social venture capital and impact-focused funds, Measuring

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and evaluating impact in venture capital investments

VI Due Diligence and Risk Management: Conducting comprehensive due
diligence on potential investments, Risk assessment and mitigation
strategies in venture capital, Evaluating management teams and
assessing operational risks, Emerging trends and disruptions in the 10
venture capital industry, Technological advancements shaping venture
capital investments
Future outlook and challenges for venture capital.
Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books 1. "Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Casebook" by Josh Lerner,
Felda Hardymon, and Ann Leamon
2. "Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture
Capitalist" by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson
Textbooks 1. "Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation" Authors: Andrew
Metrick and Ayako YasudaTop
2. "Venture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of
Entrepreneurship" by Josh Lerner and Antoinette Schoar
Other Resources: 1. Venture Capital, Taylor & Francis,
2. Venture Capital Journal,
E-Resource: Venture Capital and Private Equity - moderated by William A. Sahlman :

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Methods
1 Test
2 Projects
3 Assignment
4 Quiz

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Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Course Code ET303M Course Title Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60
Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship and its importance in
addressing societal and environmental challenges.
CO2 Identify sustainable business opportunities and develop strategies for creating and
managing sustainable ventures.
CO3 Develop ethical frameworks for decision-making in sustainable business contexts
CO4 Analyze and measure social and environmental impact in entrepreneurial ventures.
CO5 Develop skills in sustainable innovation and responsible business practices.

Syllabus details

Unit. Number of
1 Introduction to Sustainable Entrepreneurship and The Triple Bottom 9
Line: Defining sustainable entrepreneurship, Importance and
motivations for sustainable entrepreneurship, Sustainable
development goals and their relevance to entrepreneurship,
Understanding the triple bottom line concept: People, Planet, and
Profit, Balancing economic, social, and environmental objectives,
Evaluating the impact of sustainable entrepreneurship on society and
the environment
2 Sustainable Business Models and Opportunity Identification: Types of 9
sustainable business models, Innovation for sustainability, Business
model canvas for sustainable ventures, Identifying sustainable business
opportunities, Market analysis for sustainable ventures, Assessing
environmental and social trends
3 Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investing: Understanding social 9
entrepreneurship and its role in sustainable development, Impact
investing and funding sources for sustainable ventures, Measuring and
communicating social impact, Ethical frameworks and responsible
decision-making, Business ethics in sustainable ventures, Corporate
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social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability reporting

4 Sustainable Operations and Financing: Sustainable sourcing and 9
supply chain management, Greening operations and reducing
environmental impact, Circular economy principles in
entrepreneurship, Financing options for sustainable entrepreneurship,
Sustainable finance and impact investment trends, Building a business
case for sustainable ventures
5 Sustainable Marketing and Branding: Marketing strategies for 4
sustainable ventures, communicating sustainability to customers,
Building a sustainable brand and reputation
6 Sustainable Innovation and Technology: Innovation for sustainability, 4
Clean technologies and green innovations, Managing and scaling
sustainable innovation
7 Policy and Regulatory Environment for Sustainable Entrepreneurship: 4
Government policies and incentives for sustainable entrepreneurship,
Environmental regulations and compliance, Advocacy and lobbying for
sustainable business
8 Business Planning for Sustainable Ventures: Developing a business 12
plan for a sustainable venture, Financial projections and sustainability
metrics, Pitching and presenting a sustainable business idea
Case Studies and Future Trends and Opportunities in Sustainable
Entrepreneurship: Analyzing successful sustainable entrepreneurship
ventures, Learning from real-world examples and best practices,
Lessons and challenges in sustainable business, Emerging trends and
opportunities in sustainable entrepreneurship, Reflection on the role
of entrepreneurs in creating a sustainable future

Learning Sources:
No. Particulars
Textbook "Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Business Success through Sustainability" by Paul
N. Hague and Mikael Søndergaard
Reference "The Green Entrepreneur Handbook: The Guide to Building and Growing a
Book Green and Clean Business" by Eric Koester
Case Studies Harvard Business School Case Studies on sustainable entrepreneurship

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Building Entrepreneurial Team

Course Code ET304M Course Title Building Entrepreneurial Team
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 To give an insight to the students about team and its importance in any work.
CO2 To provide them critical insights into the often overlooked basics of founding-team
CO3 To imbibe the culture of working in team and leading a team.
CO4 To help them design evidence-based decisions about founding partners, early hires first
managers and distribution of ownership for their business.
CO5 To help them in preparing and understanding position for their start-up for success.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
I Introduction to Team: Teams / effective groups. Types of teams. Team
dynamics, key management and responsibilities of team,
characteristics of team members, evaluating team effectiveness
Essentials of an effective.
II Team Development: Developing high performance work teams,
winning teams. Self managed team, The importance of the founding 10
team. Importance of hiring functional team.
III Entrepreneurial Team: Stages of team, team formation, team
building, team work & functional familiarity and team maturity. Points 10
to be considered for building entrepreneurial team,
IV Virtual Team Building: Micro team, Task Allocation, Mid-level team
and their jobs, High-level team and their work
V Creating a Comprehensive Hiring Strategy, Plan development ,
Identify roles and responsibilities of new hires, Define roles and 10
expectations, Job description, tasks and functions, and roles and
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responsibilities, skills, capabilities, and capacity, Education and

experience, Performance management and indicators, Organizational
audit and Organizational chart.
VI Strategies for Building Entrepreneurial Team: Focusing on completing
employees, reducing doubling down of work, Building collaborative 10
team, Managing during transition,

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Entrepreneur’s Guide to Hiring and Building Team, Ken Tanner & CJ Rhoads,
Books Praeger Publishers Inc
"Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World" by General
Stanley McChrystal, Portfolio, USA
Textbook "Hiring for Attitude: A Revolutionary Approach to Recruiting and Selecting People
with Both Tremendous Skills and Superb Attitude" Authors: Mark Murphy Publisher:
McGraw-Hill Education
Other Frontiers in Psychology : Entrepreneurial Team Knowledge Diversity and Creativity:
Resources: A Multilevel Analysis of Knowledge Sharing, Individual Creativity, and Team
Journals Creativity
Front. Psychol., 01 September 2021
Sec. Organizational Psychology
Volume 12 - 2021 |
E-Resources: Harvard i-lab | Startup Secrets: Hiring and Team Building :

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Methods
1 Written Test
2 Assignments
3 Presentations
4 Quiz

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Family Business Management

Course Code ET305M Course Title Family Business Management
Course Type Core Courses Sessions in TT per week NA
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment 40 Marks
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment 60 Marks

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 The students will be able to recognize challenges within the family business and
reasons for business success and failure with an emphasis on the benefits of
CO2 Students will develop an understanding of the dynamics of joining a family firm
CO3 Students should be able to teach some importance of family businesses and how
they can be improved in the business sector.
CO4 The students will be able to develop and demonstrate how to transition the family
business to new leadership that promotes a revitalized business vision and strategy.
CO5 The students will be able to utilize in securing your value and opportunities within
your Family Business
Course Syllabus:

Unit. Syllabus
of Sessions
Unit 01 Overview of Entrepreneurship- Concept of Entrepreneurship and
Entrepreneur-Nature and Importance-Benefits and potential risks of
Entrepreneurship — Traits, qualities, and competencies of an
Entrepreneur-Types of Entrepreneurs
Unit 02 Fundamentals of management and economics in the context of family
firms, family business governance, innovation, growth, and 8
entrepreneurial management
Unit 03 Introduction to succession and generational transitions, family-centered
goals and goal setting processes, strategic management and decision 8
making in family firms,
Unit 04 Family business dynamics: People, system and growing complexity:
Family culture, organizational culture, conflict and culture change, Family
business people – Founders, Women in family businesses, Multifamily
ownership, Non-family employees.
Unit 05 Growth of entrepreneurship in India, the role of entrepreneurship in 7
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economic development, Need for and Importance of Entrepreneurship

1.3. Enterprise v/s Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment v/s
Unit 06 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics for Family Businesses, Crisis
Family business life cycles: a story of growing complexity - Life-cycle
stages, A customer-active paradigm, Ownership transitions.
Unit 07 Making the most of outside resources: The Perspective of nonfamily
managers, Career opportunities for nonfamily managers, Non-family 7
managers - Relationship with the family, Introducing external executives
Unit 08 Motivating and retaining non-family managers, Non-executive directors –
Selecting the right candidate, Board practices. Professional advisers and 7
consultants - advisers keeping pace with the needs.
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference 1. Poza, E.J., Family Business, Thomson 2. Gimeno, A., Bualenas, G. and Coma-C
Books 2.Ibrahim, B. and W. Ellis. (2004). Family Business Management: Concepts and
Practice, Kendall Hunt, Second Edition.
3. Entrepreneurship 6 th edition. Robert D Hisrich , Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Gimeno, A., Bualenas, G. and Coma-Cros, J., Family Business Models
Web links
Other Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Resources Academy of Management Review
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Two (2) Case Study submissions
2. Opportunity and Business Plan Evaluation
3. End-Term Exam
4. One Reflection Paper

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Entrepreneurial Success & Failure

Course Code ET306M Course Title Entrepreneurial
Success & Failure
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define entrepreneurship and its significance in the economy.

CO2 Identify the characteristics and skills required for successful entrepreneurship.

CO3 Apply market analysis techniques to identify potential target markets and consumer
CO4 Analyze factors contributing to entrepreneurial success and failure.

CO5 Evaluate the feasibility and viability of business ideas using appropriate criteria.

Course Syllabus: (8 units for 4 credit course is expected, 6 units for 3 credit course)

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship - Definition of entrepreneurship -

Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs - Importance of
entrepreneurship in the economy - Types of entrepreneurs (e.g., small 8+2
business owners, social entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurs) -
Entrepreneurship versus traditional employment
2. Entrepreneurial Mindset and Skills - Developing an entrepreneurial
mindset - Creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship - Risk-taking
and decision-making - Problem-solving skills for entrepreneurs - 8+2
Emotional intelligence and resilience - Time management and
organizational skills

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3. Identifying Business Opportunities - Opportunity recognition and

evaluation - Market analysis and consumer research - Identifying
emerging trends and niches - Competitive analysis and positioning -
Evaluating feasibility and viability of business ideas
4. Planning and Launching a Business - Business plan development - Setting
objectives and goals - Legal and regulatory considerations - Financing
options and sources of funding - Resource allocation and budgeting -
Building a team and leadership skills
5. Managing and Growing a Business - Operations and supply chain
management - Marketing and sales strategies - Financial management
and accounting principles - Managing human resources - Customer
relationship management - Scaling and expansion strategies
6. Analyzing Entrepreneurial Success and Failure - Factors contributing to
entrepreneurial success - Common reasons for entrepreneurial failure -
Learning from failures and adapting - Measuring and evaluating 8+2
entrepreneurial performance - Case studies of successful entrepreneurs
- Ethical considerations in entrepreneurship
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures by Bruce R.

Barringer and R. Duane Ireland
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation
to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries
Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice" by Donald F. Kuratko
Reference Books Effectual Entrepreneurship by Stuart Read, Saras Sarasvathy, Nick Dew,
Robert Wiltbank, and Anne-Valérie Ohlsson

Other Resources: Journal of Business Venturing

Journals Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Academy of Management Review
Journal of Small Business Management
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Presentation
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Industry Visit
4. Article Writing

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Entrepreneurship in Global Business

Course Code ET307M Course Title Entrepreneurship in
Global Business
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts, theories, and practices
employed in the field of international entrepreneurship and of the role
entrepreneurship plays in the global economy and society.
CO2 Design and build an operational marketing strategy for a start-up business or new
product, making best use of limited resources to ensure that the firm can establish a
viable presence in the overseas market.
CO3 Develop an understanding of global ventures, which have customers and suppliers
spread across multiple countries across the globe, and examine the various entry
modes entrepreneurs use to enter global business.
CO4 Develop an understanding of a typology of global opportunities that are created on
account of historical, economic, political, social, and cultural differences among
national contexts, and develop skills to identify and screen global opportunities.
CO5 Identify new international business opportunities for value creation.
Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
Unit 01 Introduction to Global Entrepreneurship:
Motivations to go global. When is a company ready to go global? 10
Foreign market entry methods. International Pricing
Unit 02 International Markets: opportunities and challenges
Recent trends in international markets. Characteristics of big Emerging
markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Common traits of Emerging 10
markets. Discussion: Comparing opportunities in Central and Western
Entrepreneurs in International markets
Unit 03 Competencies required to compete in global markets. Emerging market 10
strategies. Key success factors in international markets
Unit 04 Funding your global startup 10
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Challenges for startups in international markets. Accelerators, incubators

and venture capital. Pitching your global entrepreneurial startup
Unit 05 Strategy and Opportunity Assessment
Strategy and organization in the international firm. Organizational
structures for international operations. Assessing global market
opportunities. Global production, outsourcing, and logistics
Unit 06 Entering and Operating in International Markets
Entry strategies and strategic alliances in international business.
Exporting and Countertrade. Licensing, Franchising and other 5
contractual Strategies. Foreign Direct Investment flows and rationale
and collaborative ventures. Global Sourcing
Unit 07 The Environment of International Business: issues
The cultural environment of International Business. The effect of
globalization on culture: are cultures converging? Types and scope of
ethical dilemmas in international business
Unit 08 Cross Cultural issues and Entrepreneurship
The role of culture in international Business. Understanding cultural
differences and their impact on startups. Working in multi-cultural
teams: concepts, processes and performance

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books 1. "New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century", by
Stephen Spinelli andRob Adams, McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 9 edition, Latest
2. International Entrepreneurship 2 Rev ed Edition (English, Paperback,
Hisrich Robert A.)
3. International Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and Managing a
Global Venture Paperback – 31 July 2015 by Robert D. Hisrich
Web links 1.
Other Resources: 1. Antoncic, Bostjan & Hisrich, Robert D. (2000). AN INTEGRATIVE
Journals CONCEPTUALMODEL. Journal of Euromarketing.
2. Geursen, Gus M. & Dana, Leo Paul (2001). INTERNATIONAL

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3. McDougall, Patricia & Oviatt, Benjamin (2000) INTERNATIONAL

PATHS. Academy of Management Journal, 43
4. Reynolds, Paul D., Bygrave, William, Autio, Erkko, Cox, Larry W. &

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. One Reflection Paper
2. Mid-Term
3. Opportunity and Business Plan Evaluation
4. End-Term Exam

Group B – Marketing
International Marketing
Course Code MM301M Course Title International Marketing

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 ENUMERATE various terms and key concepts associated with international
CO2 EXPLAIN various key concepts used in all aspects of international marketing.
CO3 APPLY all stages in international marketing management process.
CO4 EXAMINE various facets of international marketing environment and the relevant
aspects of international marketing management process from a data driven decision
CO5 JUDGE suitability of alternative market segmentation bases, target market selection,
market entry strategies, positioning strategies and international marketing mix
strategies based on Assessment of international marketing environment.

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CO6 DESIGN appropriate market segmentation, target market, market entry strategies,
positioning strategies and international marketing mix strategies for business

Course Syllabus:
No. of
Unit. Syllabus
Introduction to International Marketing:
Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance of International Marketing;
Management Orientations in the context of International Marketing – EPRG
International Marketing Distinguished from Domestic Marketing.
Overview of International Marketing Management Process;
International Marketing Environment and Its Effect on International Marketing
1 Economic Environment, Trade Environment, Social and Cultural Environment, 10
Political Environment, Legal and Regulatory Environment,
Demographic Environment, Natural Environment, Technological Environment.
tariff and non-tariff barriers
WTO, UNCTAD, Generalized system of preferences (GSP), regional economic
groupings European Union(EU), NAFTA, ASEAN, facilities and incentives for

International Product
Market Selection and Entry Modes
Selection of Products, Selection of Market,
2 various modes of entry into international markets and their evaluation
export licensing franchising, Contracting, Joint venture, setting up a wholly-
owned subsidiary.
Product in an international context
Approaching International Marketing
International Marketing Information System and International Marketing
3 International Market Segmentation
Target Market Selection 5
International Market Entry Strategies, Entry & Exit Policy
International Positioning Strategies, Import & Export Procedures
International Marketing Mix I:
4 a) International Product Planning: Major Product Decisions-Product Features
and Quality, Product Design, Branding, Packaging, Labeling, and Product

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Support Services
Product Standardization vs. Adaptation
New Product Development
branding after-sales services
ISO 9001:2000 quality system standard
IPR Issues; International Product Life Cycle
Managing Product Mix and Product Line
b) Pricing for International Markets: Factors affecting International Price
Pricing Strategies and processes for International Markets;
Price Quotations and Terms of Sale, Delivery and Payment;
Dumping; Gray Market; Transfer Pricing.
International Marketing Mix II:
a) Managing International Promotion: International Promotion
Mix Decisions: Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relations and Publicity,
Personal Selling, Direct Marketing;
Standardization vs. Adaptation issue;
5 Developing International Promotion Campaign, Selection of media,
Selection of agency, Measuring advertising effectiveness.
b) Managing International Distribution: Designing International Distribution
Management of International Distribution Channel;
Distribution Channel Dynamics; International Logistics Management
Managing International Marketing in 21st Century
Patterns of International Marketing Organization;
6 Leadership; Digital Revolution and International Marketing; Developing
International Competitiveness;
Ethics, CSR and Social Responsiveness in the Globalization Era.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Text Books Global Marketing Management by Keegan Warren J. and Green M.C. Pearson Education.
International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy by SakOnk visit and John Shaw, Prentice
Hall of India.
International Marketing by Cateora, Graham and Salwan, McGraw-Hill.
International Marketing Management by Subhash Jain, CBS Publishers &Distributors.
International Marketing by Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Oxford University Press.
International Marketing by Rajgopal, Vikas Publishing House
Reference Books International Marketing by Czinkota and Ronkainen, Cengage Learning.
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Global Marketing Management by Kotabe and Helsen, Wiley Publication.

International Marketing by Terpstra Vern and Sarathy Ravi, The Dryden Press.
Global Marketing by Svend Hollensen, Prentice Hall.
International Marketing: An Indian Perspective by Varshney R. L. and Bhattacharya B.,
Sultan Chand and Sons.
International Marketing by PK Vasudeva, Excel Books.

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Case Study
2. Mooc Courses + Viva Voca
3. Report Writing
4. Presentation

Rural Marketing
Course Code MM302M Course Title Rural Marketing
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 3 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Understand the concepts and principles of rural marketing.
CO2 Identify the key factors influencing rural consumer behavior.
CO3 Apply marketing concepts and strategies to address rural market challenges.
CO4 Analyze rural consumer behavior and develop targeted marketing campaigns
CO5 Create innovative marketing solutions for targeting and serving rural customers.

Course Syllabus:
Unit. & Number of
Subunit Sessions
Introduction to Rural Marketing
Understanding rural markets
1 Characteristics and Importance of rural markets 8
Challenges and opportunities in rural marketing
Rural market segmentation
Market entry strategies for rural markets
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Role of Government in rural development

Sustainable marketing practices in rural areas
Rural Consumer Behavior
Socio-economic and cultural factors influencing rural consumers
Decision-making process in rural markets
Segmenting and targeting rural consumers
2 8
Buying motives and behavior in rural markets
Brand perception and loyalty in rural areas
Influence of social networks and reference groups
Gender and generational dynamics in rural consumer behavior
Marketing Strategies for Rural Markets
Product development and positioning in rural markets
Pricing strategies for rural products and services
Promotion and communication in rural marketing
3. 8
Rural sales force management and training
Rural marketing mix adaptation
Building Trust and Credibility in rural markets
Niche marketing and product customization for rural consumers
Distribution and Supply Chain Management in Rural Markets
Rural distribution channels and logistics
Role of Intermediaries in rural marketing
Managing supply chains in rural areas
4 7
Warehousing and transportation in rural markets
Rural retailing and merchandising strategies
Direct selling and door-to-door marketing in rural areas
Rural e-commerce and last-mile delivery solutions
Technology and Digital Marketing in Rural Markets
Digital Divide and technology adoption in rural areas
Role of e-commerce and m-commerce in rural marketing
Leveraging social media and online platforms for rural marketing
5 7
Mobile marketing and apps for rural consumers
Digital payment solutions for rural transactions
Use of data analytics and market research in rural marketing
Technology-enabled agricultural marketing initiatives
Case Studies and Best Practices in Rural Marketing
Analysis of successful rural marketing campaigns
6 Lessons Learned from rural marketing failures 7
Ethical and social considerations in rural marketing
Innovative marketing approaches for rural development
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Role of CSR in rural marketing initiatives

Rural marketing in emerging economies
International experiences in rural marketing

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Rural Marketing: Concepts and Practices, by Dogra Balram, Karminder Ghuman, McGraw
Books Hill Education.
Rural Marketing 3 ED, by Pradeep Kashyap, Pearson Education India.
RURAL MARKETING: TEXT AND CASES, by Krishnamacharyulu, Pearson Education India.
Rural Marketing in India: Texts and Cases, by Debarun Chakrabaorty, Soumya Kanti
Dhara, Adrinil Santra. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors Pvt Ltd

Other Journal of Rural Studies,

Journals International Journal of Rural Management.
Journal of Rural Marketing and Development.

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Written Examinations
2. Case Studies
3. Field Research and Reports
4. Presentations

Marketing Communication
Course Code MM303M Course Title Marketing
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

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Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the scope and importance of marketing communications.

CO2 Explain the role of marketing communications in achieving organizational objectives.

CO3 Assess the effectiveness of various sales promotion techniques.

CO4 Analyze and develop effective advertising strategies and creative elements.

CO5 Evaluate different communication channels and media for marketing purposes.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus

Unit 01 Introduction to Marketing Communications - Definition and scope of

marketing communications - Importance of marketing
communications in business - Integrated Marketing Communications 8
(IMC) approach - Evolution of marketing communications - Role of
marketing communications in achieving organizational objectives

Unit 02 Consumer Behavior and Communication - Understanding consumer

behavior and its relevance to marketing communications - The
communication process and models - Factors influencing consumer
perception and attitude formation - Message development and
persuasive techniques - Communication channels and media
Advertising and Public Relations - Role and functions of advertising -
Advertising objectives and strategies - Creative elements in
Unit 03 advertising - Advertising media planning and buying - Public relations 8
and its impact on marketing communications - Public relations tools
and tactics
Unit 04 Sales Promotion and Personal Selling - Types and objectives of sales
promotions - Sales promotion strategies and techniques - Trade
promotions and consumer promotions - Personal selling process and 7
techniques - Relationship building through personal selling - Sales
force management and evaluation
Unit 05 Branding and Brand Communications - Understanding branding and
its importance - Brand positioning and differentiation - Brand 7
identity development and management - Brand communication

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strategies and messaging - Brand equity and brand value

measurement & leveraging brand value
Unit 06 Marketing Communications in the Digital Age - Mobile marketing and
location-based advertising - Content marketing and native
advertising - Social media influencers and brand collaborations - 7
Virtual and augmented reality in marketing communications - Ethics
and privacy considerations in digital marketing
Unit 07 Crisis Communications and Reputation Management -
Understanding crisis communications and its importance - Crisis
communication planning and response strategies - Reputation
management and brand recovery - Online reputation management
and social listening - Case studies of successful crisis communication
and reputation management
Unit 08 International and Cross-Cultural Marketing Communications - Global
marketing communications strategies - Cultural considerations in
marketing communications - Adapting and localizing campaigns for 8
different markets - Cross-cultural communication challenges and
solutions - International advertising regulations and ethics
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications by

Kenneth E. Clow and Donald E. Baack

Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications

Perspective by George E. Belch and Michael A. Belch

Marketing Communications: Interactivity, Communities, and Content by

Chris Fill and Sarah Turnbull
Web links

Other Resources: 1. Journal of Advertising

Journals 2. Journal of Marketing Communications
3. Journal of Interactive Marketing
4. Journal of Public Relations Research
5. International Journal of Advertising
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. One Reflection Paper 20%

2. Mid-Term 20%

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3. Opportunity and Business Plan Evaluation 20%

4. End-Term Exam 40%

Marketing in Emerging Technologies

Course Code MM304M Course Title Marketing In Emerging

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 06

No. of Credits 04 Continuous AssessmentMarks 40
Credit 3-1-1 End Semester AssessmentMarks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest emerging technologies relevant
to marketing
CO2 Students will develop a strong foundation in digital marketing strategies and tactics that are
effective in leveraging emerging technologies.
CO3 Students will learn how to critically evaluate and select technology solutions that are relevant
to marketing objectives.
CO4 Students will gain hands-on experience in applying emerging technologies to solve marketing
CO5 Students will understand the ethical and legal implications associated with marketing in
emerging technologies

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Syllabus Sessions
1 Introduction to Marketing In Emerging Technologies, Understanding the need 7
and trends of Technology in market, Digital Marketing: Definition, Strategies &
Example, The Evolution & Growth of Digital Marketing

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2 Marketing Environment, external influence on market, Integrated Marketing 8

Communications & Global Advertising, Customer Life Cycle & Marketing:
Communication, Stages & Example, Customer Segmentation & Targeting in
Digital Marketing by latest trends in technology
3 Search Engines, Keywords & Web Portals, Improving On-Page SEO: 7
Components & Design, Next generation Technology changes impact globally

4 Impact of Incorporating Social Media Into a Marketing Campaign, Measuring 7

the Success of Social Media Marketing, Increasing User Engagement with
Digital and technological Marketing
5 Virtual and Augmented Reality, Native Advertising's Role in emerging 8
technology in Marketing, Marketing Analytics & Metrics, Creativity in marketing
with emerging trends in technology
6 Data and Research Through Mobile and Gaming, New generation and 8
behavioral study towards marketing with latest technologies, Risks and
Challenges of technologies in market,
7 Ethical, professionalism and Legal Aspects of technologies in marketing, Code 7
of Conduct of the News Broadcasters Association, Concept of Service Quality,
case studies
8 The future of marketing, Technologies in Digital world, : Upcoming Customer 8
Relationship Cycle, AI tools and platforms in marketing, Internet of things (IOT)
impact on marketing

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Short Question and Answer
2. Presentation
3. Mind maps
4. Case Study

Contemporary Marketing Management

Course Code Course Title Contemporary Marketing Management

Course Type Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment 40


Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment 60

(LTP) Marks

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Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand the fundamental principles and concepts of contemporary marketing

CO2 Apply marketing strategies and tactics to real-world business scenarios.

CO3 Analyze and evaluate marketing campaigns and their impact on consumer behavior.

CO4 Develop creative and innovative marketing solutions to meet organizational goals.

CO5 Critically assess ethical issues and challenges in marketing practices.

Course Syllabus
Unit. Syllabus of

Introduction to Contemporary Marketing Management

Definition and scope of marketing
Evolution of marketing concepts
1. Marketing environment and its impact 6
Customer behavior and market segmentation
Marketing information systems
Marketing ethics and social responsibility
Marketing Planning and Strategy
Strategic planning process
Marketing objectives and goals
2 Market analysis and research 6
Target market selection and positioning
Marketing mix: product, price, place, and promotion
Competitive analysis and differentiation
Consumer Behavior
3 Factors influencing consumer behavior 6
Buying decision process
Consumer perception and learning

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Motivation and personality in consumer behavior

Consumer attitudes and decision-making
Cultural and social influences on consumer behavior
Case Study

Product and Brand Management

Product life cycle and new product development
Product positioning and branding strategies
Product design and packaging 6
Brand equity and brand loyalty
Product line and portfolio management
Product pricing strategies
Case Study

Marketing Communication and Promotion

Integrated marketing communication (IMC)
Advertising and public relations
Sales promotion and personal selling 6
Direct marketing and e-commerce
Digital marketing and social media strategies
Measuring the effectiveness of promotional campaigns
Case Study

Distribution and Channel Management

Channel design and management
Retailing and wholesaling
Supply chain management 6
Logistics and transportation
E-commerce and online distribution
International distribution strategies
Case Study

Marketing Research and Analytics

Marketing research process
Research design and data collection
Data analysis and interpretation 6
Market forecasting and trend analysis
Customer relationship management (CRM)
Big data and marketing analytics
Case Study

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Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility

Ethical issues in marketing
Consumer rights and protection
8 Sustainability and green marketing 6
Cause-related marketing
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Ethical decision-making in marketing

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Principles of Marketing" by Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong
2 "Contemporary Marketing" by Louis E. Boone and David L. Kurtz
3 "Marketing Management" by Kevin Lane Keller and Philip Kotler
4 “Marketing: An Introduction" by Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler
5 "Strategic Marketing Management: Building a Foundation for Your Future" by Alexander
Other Resources: Journals
1. Journal of Marketing
2. Harvard Business Review
3. Journal of Consumer Research
4. Journal of Marketing Research

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr. No Evaluation Methods:

1 Written exams
2 Case study analysis
3 Group projects/presentations
4 Research papers

Marketing Strategy
Course Code MM306M Course Title Marketing Strategy

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

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Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand and analyze complex marketing decisions.

CO2 Comprehend and demonstrate a clear understanding of the investigation and

application of marketing models and practices, outline the process required to develop
marketing strategies
CO3 Understand the various methods to collect data and gain customer insight.

CO4 Know how to use and interpret key marketing/financial profitability ratios.

CO5 Comprehend and demonstrate a clear understanding of how to apply marketing

strategy, models, and principles to a real company for which they will develop a
strategic marketing plan.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1 Marketing strategy: introduction and overview • Introduction • Market
drivers • Impact of competition • Nature of competitive strategy • The
classic approach to the formulation of strategy • Process for formulating a 7
competitive strategy • Strategy identification and selection

2 Portfolio analysis • Introduction • The product life cycle • Product life cycle 7
stages • The product/service portfolio • Portfolio models
3 Market analysis • Introduction • Dimensions of market analysis • Actual and
potential market size • Market growth • Key success factors— bases of 7
competition • Risks in high growth, Financial Risk
4 Analysing competition • Introduction • Nature of competition and
identification of an organization’s competitors • Understanding competitors’
strategies • Identifying competitors • Sources of information about
competitors • Benchmarking
5 Analyzing the customer in the market place • Introduction • Models of
consumer behaviour • Psychological factors influencing the buying decision
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process • Social factors influencing the buying decision process

6 Market analysis • Introduction • Dimensions of market analysis • Actual and
potential market size • Market growth • Key success factors— bases of 7
competition • Risk
7 Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP) • The Nature and
Purpose of Segmentation • Approaches to Segmenting Markets • Factors
Affecting the Feasibility of Segmentation • Approaches to Segmentation •
The Bases for Segmentation • Geographic and Geodemographic Techniques 10
• Demographic Segmentation • Behavioural Segmentation • Psychographic
and Lifestyle Segmentation • Approaches to Segmenting Industrial Markets •
Market Targeting • Deciding on the Breadth of Market Coverage • Product
Positioning, Cases
8 Digital Marketing • Mobile market, • Designing e-commerce solutions for
mobile • SEM • Referencement (SEO) • Advertising • SEA • Social media & 8
Curation • SMO • Building a landing page and develop, Cases
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Strategic Marketing Planning, Second Edition, 2nd Edition by Colin Gilligan, Richard M.S.
Books Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage (Anglais) Broché – 9 avril 2015, de
Douglas West (Auteur), John Ford (Auteur), Essam Ibrahim (Auteur)
Strategic Marketing Management, 15 juin 2014, de Alexander Chernev (Auteur), Philip
Kotler (Préface)
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Assignment
2. Field Report
3. Live Project

Retail Marketing
Course Code MM307M Course Title Retail Marketing

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


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Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Students will understand the business of retailing as a whole and also get familiar with
different types of retailing.
CO2 Students will be able to formulate different retail marketing strategies.

CO3 Students will appreciate the importance of store location and will be able to do the site
CO4 Students will able to apply Information System in Retailing

CO5 Students can analyze Retail Market in India

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

I Introduction to Retailing – An Overview: Definition and scope– Retailer–

History & Evolution of retailing industry – Factors behind the change of
Indian Retailing industry– Economic growth Retailers‘ role in distribution
channels– benefits of retailing– Retailing Environment – The legal
Environment Economic Environment, technological Environment,
competitive environment. 12

Understanding the Retail Customer: The Market Structure: structure of

buying population and their behavior. Consumer buying behavior – Buying
consideration, Buying situations. Buying Centers – Buying influences,
Consumer buying process, Types of consumer decision making, Buying
II Retail Strategy Retail Market Strategy: Definition of retail market Strategy–
Target Market and retail Format– building sustainable competitive
advantage: location, merchandise, price, service, communication achieving.
Strategic positioning, nature of strategic planning. Strategic planning
process: Developing the mission, establishing objectives, situational analysis,
identifying strategic alternatives, selecting the target markets, obtaining 12
resources needed to compete, developing positioning strategy,
implementation, evaluation and controlling. Store Location and Site
Evaluation: Selecting the store location, market area analysis, factors
affecting attractiveness of market areas and trade areas, Estimating Sales
potential, Trade area analysis, measurement and definition of trade area,
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Site evaluation and selection: types of locations, choosing general location,

Multi attribute weighted Check list
III Unit 3: Retail promotion mix: Promotion– Nature and scope:-relationship
marketing, market strategies, retail research Understanding the retail
customer:- retail market, population analysis, demographic analysis,
consumer behavior.

Retail promotion program, Methods for communicating with customers:

advertising, sales promotion, Public relations, Personal selling, Store 12
atmosphere planning, Retail communication program; Thumb rule method –
Assigning the promotional budget, Implementing the advertising programs,
Creating message, Selecting advertising media, Determining the frequency
and timing of advertising, Evaluating the effectiveness of advertisement,
Implementing the sales promotion and publicity program.

IV Managing the Retail Store Store management: Store management, Role of

Store managers, Retail Personnel Management Process, legal and ethical
issues in managing store personnel, cost controls, reducing inventory
shrinkage, detecting and preventing shoplifting. Store layout, design and
visual merchandise: Creating a store image, creating a buying environment,
The Exterior: Marquee, Entrance, Door types, Walk ways, Display windows,
Size of building, Colors and materials theft preventions, Store: Interiors,
Merchandise presentation techniques, Visual merchandising Store security,
supplier pilferage, credit management. Customer service: Gaining Strategic
advantage through customers, Nature of customer service, Customer service
strategies, types of customer services, Model for improving the quality of
service, Service recovery. Retail selling: Role of Retail Sales person– Retail
promotion mix, requirement for effective selling, Retail selling Process,
Evaluation of sales person.

V Information system in retailing: Acquiring and using information strategies, 2

technology in retail, information sources, retail information system.
VI Retailing in India: Evolution and trends in organised retailing, Indian
organised retail market, FDI in Indian organised retail sector, retail scenario
in India, future trends of retail in India. Ethical and legal issues in Retailing: 10
Dealing with ethical issues, social responsibility, environmental orientation,
waste reduction at retail stores.
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

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Reference Books Retail Management a Strategic Approach Berman, Barry and Joel R Evans–
Prentice Hall, Seventh edition, 1998

Retail Management Hasty and Ron James Reardon – McGraw Hill,

International Edition, 1997
Retailing Management, 3e Levy, Michael Barton A. Weitz– Irwin McGraw Hill
Chetan Bajaj, Tuli & Srivastava, RETAIL MANAGEMENT, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi.2010
Giridhar Joshi, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR RETAIL, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi 2009
Other Resources:
Economic Times intelligence Group Retail 2000– 01 The Economic Times
Knowledge Series
Swapna Pradhan, RETAIL MANAGEMENT, TEXT & CASES, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co, New Delhi, 2008

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Home Assignment

2. Field Project

3. Case Study


Group C – Finance
Financial Services
Course Code FM301M Course Title Financial Services

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

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CO1 Define and explain the fundamental concepts and principles of financial services.

CO2 Understand and describe the various financial products and services available in the
CO3 Evaluate and apply suitable financial services as per the requirement of the individuals.

CO4 Analyze and compare different investment options and strategies.

CO5 Design and propose financial service solutions to meet specific client requirements.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Financial Services - Definition and Scope of Financial

Services - Regulatory Framework and Compliance - Ethical
Considerations in Financial Services - Financial Institutions and 8+1
Intermediaries - Financial Markets and Instruments - Technological
Advancements in Financial Services

2. Retail Banking Services - Deposit and Savings Accounts - Retail Lending

Services - Credit Cards and Payment Systems - Wealth Management
Services - Personal Financial Planning - Customer Relationship Management
in Banking

3. Investment Services - Introduction to Investment Services - Stocks, Bonds,

and Mutual Funds - Portfolio Management - Investment Analysis and 9+2
Valuation - Risk and Return in Investments - Trading and Brokerage Services

4. Strategic Cost Management and Operations Management in Financial

Services - Cost concepts and classifications - Cost analysis techniques for
financial service organizations - Cost management strategies and
decision-making - Budgeting and cost control in financial services - 8+2
Operations Management in Financial Services - Operations strategy and
process design - Service quality and customer satisfaction - Risk
management in financial service operations - Technology and innovation
in financial services
5. Other Financial Services - Financial Advisory Services - Retirement
Planning and Pension Funds - International Financial Services - Islamic 8+2
Finance and Banking - Fintech and Innovation in Financial Services -
Financial Education and Literacy
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6. Risk Governance in Financial Services - Introduction to Risk Management -

Types of Financial Risks - Risk Identification and Measurement - Risk
Mitigation and Hedging Strategies - Credit Risk Management - Market Risk 8+2
Management - Operational Risk Management - Regulatory Compliance and
Risk Governance
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Introduction to Financial Services by Edwin L. Cox School of Business
Financial Services: Concepts, Models, and Strategies by David L. Kurtz and
Dee Ann Chandler
Financial Services Marketing: An International Guide to Principles and
Practice by Christine Ennew and Nigel Waite
Other Resources: Journal of Financial Services Research
Journals Journal of Financial Services Research
Journal of Banking and Finance
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Case Studies
2. MCQ’s and Quizzes
3. Article Writing
4. Group projects and presentation

International Finance
Course Code FM302M Course Title International Finance
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define and explain the fundamental concepts and theories of international finance.

CO2 Understand the dynamics of foreign exchange markets and exchange rate
CO3 Apply international finance theories to analyze and interpret real-world financial
CO4 Analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of foreign exchange market interventions.

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CO5 Design international investment portfolios considering risk and return trade-offs.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to International Finance - Definition and scope of

international finance - Evolution of the international monetary system -
Balance of payments and its components - Foreign exchange markets and
exchange rate regimes

2. Exchange Rate Determination - Determination of exchange rates -

Purchasing power parity theory - Interest rate parity theory - The monetary 8+2
approach to exchange rate determination - Exchange rate forecasting
techniques - Impact of exchange rate movements on international trade
3. International Financial Markets - Global money markets and bond markets
- International equity markets - International capital budgeting and
investment decisions - Cost of capital for multinational corporations -
International portfolio diversification

4. International Financial Risk Management - Currency risk and exposure

management - Country risk assessment and management - Hedging
techniques: forwards, futures, options, and swaps - Managing transaction 8+2
exposure and translation exposure - Interest rate and commodity price risk

5. International Capital Budgeting and Financing Decisions - Capital budgeting

for international projects - Financing international operations: equity and
debt financing - Capital structure decisions in a global context - 8+2
Multinational capital budgeting and cost of capital - International mergers
and acquisitions
6. International Financial Institutions and Global Financial Environment -
International financial institutions: IMF, World Bank, regional
development banks - Global financial markets and financial integration -
Financial crises and their impact on global markets - International financial
regulations and regulatory bodies - FEMA - Ethical considerations in
international finance

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

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Reference Books International Financial Management by P.G. Apte

International Finance: A Business Perspective by Rajwinder Singh

International Financial Management: Indian Perspective" by V. Sharan and
P. Vijayalakshmi
Other Resources: Journal of International Money and Finance
International Review of Financial Analysis
Journal of International Economics
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Group Projects and Presentations

4. Research Paper or Literature Review

Personal Portfolio Management

Course Code FM303M Course Title Personal Portfolio
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define and explain the key concepts and theories related to personal portfolio
CO2 Understand the different types of investment instruments and their characteristics.

CO3 Apply portfolio optimization techniques to achieve specific investment objectives.

CO4 Analyze and select suitable investment strategies based on market conditions and
investor preferences.
CO5 Evaluate the impact of external factors, such as regulatory changes or geopolitical
events, on portfolio management strategies.

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CO6 Design customized investment plans and portfolios tailored to specific investor goals
and constraints.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Personal Portfolio Management - Definition and scope of

personal portfolio management - Investment objectives and risk tolerance
assessment - Investment process and financial planning and Portfolio
Management - Ethical considerations in personal portfolio management - Role 8+1
of behavioral finance in personal portfolio management - Impact of
macroeconomic factors on portfolio management - Technological
advancements in personal portfolio management

2. Asset Allocation and Diversification - Principles of asset allocation and portfolio

diversification - Risk and return relationship - Modern Portfolio Theory and
efficient frontier - Tactical and strategic asset allocation strategies - Impact of 8+2
geopolitical events on asset allocation - Role of alternative investments in portfolio
diversification - Asset allocation models for different life stages and financial goals

3. Security Analysis and Selection - Fundamental analysis techniques for equity

valuation - Bond analysis and fixed income securities selection - Analysis of
alternative investment instruments - Security selection strategies and tools - Role
of quantitative analysis in security selection - Impact of ESG (Environmental, Social,
and Governance) factors on security analysis - Behavioral biases in security
selection and decision-making

4. Risk Management in Personal Portfolio - Risk measurement and evaluation

methods - Portfolio risk management techniques - Hedging strategies and
derivatives in portfolio management - Behavioral biases and their impact on 8+2
risk management - Risk management in global portfolio investing - Role of
insurance products in portfolio risk mitigation - Use of stress testing and
scenario analysis in risk management
5. Portfolio Performance Evaluation - Performance measurement and
attribution analysis - Benchmarks and performance evaluation metrics -
Portfolio monitoring and tracking - Performance reporting and investor 8+2
communication - Evaluation of risk-adjusted performance measures -
Evaluation of performance in different market conditions - Role of artificial
intelligence and machine learning in performance evaluation
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6. Contemporary Issues in Personal Portfolio Management - Impact of technology

and digitalization on portfolio management - Sustainable and socially responsible
investing - Global portfolio diversification and emerging markets - Regulatory and
legal considerations in personal portfolio management - Impact of geopolitical 8+2
risks on personal portfolio management - Cryptocurrencies and blockchain
technology in portfolio management - Role of financial advisors and robot-
advisors in personal portfolio management
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Portfolio Management: Theory and Application" by Maheshwari S. N
Personal Financial Planning" by Lawrence J. Gitman, Michael D. Joehnk, and
Randy Billingsley
The Intelligent Asset Allocator: How to Build Your Portfolio to Maximize
Returns and Minimize Risk" by William J. Bernstein
Other Resources: Journal of Portfolio Management
Journals Journal of Financial Planning
Journal of Investment Management
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Group Projects
2. Article Writing
3. Presentations
4. Case Study Analysis

Financial Risk Compliances

Course Code FM304M Course Title Financial Risk
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define risk management and its importance in organizations.

CO2 Understand the relationship between risk and organizational objectives.

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CO3 Apply risk management principles to identify and assess risks in a given organizational
CO4 Analyze the effectiveness of risk identification and assessment techniques.
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of risk management practices in achieving organizational
CO6 Develop risk mitigation plans and strategies tailored to specific risk scenarios.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Risk Management

1.1 Definition and Importance of Risk Management - Understanding risk and its
significance in organizations - Objectives and benefits of effective risk
management - Role of risk management in strategic decision-making 8+1
1.2 Types of Risks - Financial risks (credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk) -
Operational risks (technology risk, process risk, legal and compliance risk) -
Strategic risks (competitive risk, reputation risk, regulatory risk)

2. Risk Management Frameworks

2.1 Risk Management Process - Steps involved in the risk management process -
Risk identification, assessment, mitigation, and monitoring - Risk appetite and risk
2.2 COSO ERM Framework - Overview of the COSO Enterprise Risk Management
framework - Components of the COSO ERM framework (internal environment,
objective setting, risk assessment, risk response, control activities, information and
communication, monitoring)

3. Risk Assessment and Analysis

3.1 Risk Identification - Techniques for identifying and categorizing risks - Risk
registers and risk documentation - Risk assessment tools (probability and impact
matrix, risk scoring)
3.2 Risk Analysis and Evaluation - Quantitative and qualitative methods for risk
analysis - Probability and impact assessment - Risk prioritization and ranking

4. Risk Mitigation and Response Strategies

4.1 Risk Mitigation Techniques - Risk avoidance, risk reduction, risk transfer, risk 8+2
acceptance - Developing risk mitigation plans and strategies - Controls and
safeguards to minimize risks

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4.2 Business Continuity Planning - Importance of business continuity planning in

risk management - Developing and implementing business continuity plans -
Crisis management and disaster recovery (Problems to be included)
5. Introduction to Financial Risk Compliance

5.1 Overview of Financial Risk Compliance - Definition and importance of

financial risk compliance - Role of regulatory bodies and compliance
frameworks - Key objectives and principles of financial risk compliance
5.2 Regulatory Landscape - Introduction to financial regulations and standards
(e.g., Basel III, Sarbanes-Oxley Act) - Global regulatory bodies and their
mandates - Compliance requirements for financial institutions - Fraud
Prevention and Detection
5.3 Corporate Governance and Compliance - Role of corporate governance
in mitigating fraud risks - Compliance with corporate governance principles
and regulations - Internal and external auditing for fraud prevention
6. Compliance in Financial Institutions
6.1 Compliance Culture and Ethics - Importance of compliance culture in financial
institutions - Ethical considerations and professional standards in financial risk
compliance - Codes of conduct and whistleblowing mechanisms 8+2
6.2 Compliance Monitoring and Reporting - Designing compliance monitoring
programs - Implementing internal controls and risk mitigation strategies - Reporting
obligations and compliance documentation
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Financial Risk Management: A Practitioner's Guide to Managing Market and
Credit Risk" by Steve L. Allen

Practical Risk Management: An Executive Guide to Avoiding Surprises and

Losses" by Erik Banks
Other Resources: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Journal of Financial Risk Management
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Problem-solving exercises

2. Research papers

3. Practical assignments

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4. Case studies

Behavioral Finance
Course Code FM305M Course Title Behavioral Finance

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define behavioral finance and explain its significance in the field of finance.

CO2 Understand the underlying principles and theories of behavioral finance.

CO3 Apply behavioral finance theories to identify and explain investor behavior.

CO4 Analyze the impact of behavioral biases and heuristics on investment decision-making.

CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral finance theories in explaining market

phenomena and investment behavior.
CO6 Develop strategies to overcome behavioral biases in investment decision-making.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Behavioral Finance

1.1 Overview of Behavioral Finance
Definition and scope of behavioral finance - Historical development and
key contributors - Comparison with traditional finance theories 8+1
1.2 Behavioral Biases and Heuristics - Introduction to cognitive biases and
heuristics - Availability bias -Overconfidence bias - Confirmation bias -
Anchoring and adjustment heuristic - Representativeness heuristic -

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Mental accounting - Loss aversion - Regret aversion

2. Prospect Theory and Framing

2.1 Prospect Theory - Foundations of prospect theory - Value function and
reference point - Risk aversion and risk-seeking behavior - Probability
weighting function - Certainty effect and reflection effect 8+2
2.2 Framing - Definition and examples of framing - Framing effects on
decision-making - Framing and investor behavior - Framing in marketing and

3. Market Efficiency and Investor Rationality

3.1 Efficient Market Hypothesis - Overview and assumptions of the efficient
market hypothesis - Empirical evidence and challenges to market efficiency
3.2 Investor Rationality - Rational expectations theory - Limits to rationality
- Behavioral challenges to investor rationality - Implications for asset pricing
and market efficiency

4. Behavioral Biases in Investment Decision-Making

4.1 Loss Aversion and Prospect Theory - Loss aversion and its impact on
investment decisions - Prospect theory and investment behavior 8+2
4.2 Herding Behavior - Explanation and causes of herding behavior -
Herding behavior and market dynamics - Consequences for individual
and market outcomes
5. Behavioral Finance and Investment Strategies
5.1 Behavioral Factors in Portfolio Selection - Investor risk preferences
and behavioral biases - Behavioral asset pricing models - Behavioral
portfolio theory 8+2
5.2 Behavioral Finance and Market Anomalies - Identification and
explanation of market anomalies - Strategies to exploit market
anomalies - Limitations and risks associated with behavioral investing
6. Behavioral Finance in Personal Financial Management
6.1 Behavioral Biases in Personal Finance - Behavioral biases in budgeting
and spending - Behavioral biases in savings and investment decisions -
Behavioral biases and retirement planning 8+2
6.2 Behavioral Finance Tools and Techniques - Nudging and choice
architecture - Financial education and awareness - Technological
applications in behavioral finance

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Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Behavioural Finance: A Study of Investors' Behaviour and Trading Patterns
by Rama Krishna Reddy.

Behavioural Finance: Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets" by Jayant

R. Kale and Sanjay Sehgal
Behavioral Finance and Investor Types: Managing Behavior to Make Better
Investment Decisions by Arvind Paranjape
Other Resources: Journal of Behavioral Finance
Review of Behavioral Finance
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Case Studies

2. MCQ’s and Quizzes

3. Article Writing

4. Group projects and presentation

Actuarial Management
Course Code FM306M Course Title Actuarial Management

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Recall the basic principles and provisions of life insurance and annuities.

CO2 Understand the application of actuarial science in risk management and insurance.

CO3 Apply financial mathematics principles to investment analysis and portfolio

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CO4 Analyze the factors affecting premium determination in life insurance and annuities.

CO5 Evaluate the performance of investment strategies in achieving actuarial objectives.

CO6 Synthesize actuarial principles and techniques to address complex insurance and
financial problems.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Actuarial Science

1.1 Overview of Actuarial Science – Principles and History of Insurance -
Definition and scope of actuarial science - Role of actuaries in the
insurance and financial industry - Actuarial organizations and
professional qualifications
1.2 Actuarial Mathematics and Techniques - Time value of money and
compound interest - Basic probability theory and statistics - Actuarial
models and calculations

2. Principles of Insurance

2.1 Introduction to Insurance - Definition and characteristics of insurance -

Types of insurance products (life, health, property, etc.) - Insurance market
and regulation 8+2
2.2 Risk Management in Insurance - Risk and uncertainty in insurance - Risk
management techniques in insurance industry - Actuarial roles in risk
assessment and mitigation

3. Life Insurance and Annuities

3.1 Life Insurance Principles and Products - Life insurance contracts and
policy provisions - Premium calculation and reserves - Underwriting and
mortality risk assessment 9+2
3.2 Annuities and Retirement Planning - Annuity products and features -
Actuarial calculations for annuities - Retirement planning and pension

4. General Insurance and Risk Modeling

4.1 General Insurance Principles and Products - Property and casualty
insurance - Insurance policies and coverage - Pricing and underwriting in
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general insurance.
4.2 Risk Modeling and Claims Reserving - Claims reserving and loss
reserving methods - Risk modeling techniques (e.g., frequency and
severity models) - Actuarial applications in claims analysis and
5. Financial Mathematics and Insurance
5.1 Financial Mathematics - Time value of money in investment
analysis - Yield and valuation of bonds and other fixed-income
securities - Derivatives and options pricing 8+2
5.2 Investment and Asset Liability Management - Investment
strategies and portfolio management - Asset liability management in
insurance companies - Actuarial considerations in investment
6. Actuarial Practice and Professional Ethics
6.1 Actuarial Practice and Standards - Actuarial roles and responsibilities -
Actuarial reporting and documentation - Actuarial standards and guidelines 8+2
6.2 Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct - Ethical principles and
dilemmas in actuarial practice - Code of conduct for actuaries - Professional
development and continuing education
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Actuarial Mathematics and Life-Table Statistics by S. C. Gupta

Actuarial Science: Theory and Practice by B. C. Madan

Principles of Actuarial Science by S. S. N. Murthy
Other Resources: North American Actuarial Journal
Annals of Actuarial Science
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Written examinations

2. Case studies

3. Group projects and Presentations

4. Practical assignments

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Digital Banking
Course Code FM307M Course Title Digital Banking

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define digital banking and explain its significance in the banking industry.

CO2 Understand the impact of digital banking on the banking industry and customer
CO3 Apply digital banking technologies to design and develop user-friendly banking
CO4 Analyze the impact of digital banking on traditional banking practices and business
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of digital banking technologies in improving customer
CO6 Design user-friendly digital banking interfaces and platforms.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Digital Banking

1.1 Overview of Digital Banking - Definition and scope of digital banking -
Evolution of digital banking and its impact on the banking industry -
Digital transformation in financial services 8+1
1.2 Digital Banking Technologies - Mobile banking applications and
features - Online banking platforms and services - Emerging technologies
in digital banking (e.g., blockchain, artificial intelligence)

2. Digital Payment Systems 8+2

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2.1 Types of Digital Payment Systems - Card-based payments (credit, debit,

and prepaid cards) - Mobile payment systems (e-wallets, mobile apps, QR
code payments) - Peer-to-peer payment platforms
2.2 Security and Risk in Digital Payments - Authentication and encryption
methods - Fraud prevention and detection techniques - Regulatory and
compliance considerations

3. Digital Customer Experience

3.1 User-Centric Design in Digital Banking - Customer journey mapping and
user experience design - Personalization and customization in digital
banking - Omni-channel banking and seamless customer experience 9+2
3.2 Digital Banking Channels - Online banking portals and interfaces - Mobile
banking applications and features - Chatbots and virtual assistants in
customer service

4. Digital Lending and Credit

4.1 Digital Loan Origination - Online loan application processes - Credit
assessment and underwriting in digital lending - Automated decision-
making and risk scoring models. 8+2
4.2 Peer-to-Peer Lending and Crowdfunding - Concepts and platforms for
P2P lending - Crowdfunding models and platforms - Risks and
opportunities in alternative lending
5. Data Analytics and Insights in Digital Banking
5.1 Big Data and Data Analytics - Data collection and storage in digital
banking - Data analytics techniques for customer insights - Predictive
analytics and data-driven decision-making 8+2
5.2 Personal Financial Management Tools - Budgeting and expense
tracking applications - Goal-setting and financial planning tools - Data
privacy and security considerations ( Problems)
6. Regulatory Landscape and Future of Digital Banking
6.1 Regulatory Challenges in Digital Banking - Data protection and privacy
regulations - Anti-money laundering and know-your-customer
requirements - Compliance with banking and financial regulations. 8+2
6.2 Future Trends in Digital Banking - Open banking and API integration -
Fintech partnerships and collaborations - Artificial intelligence and
automation in banking

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Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Digital Banking: Concepts and Practice by Pradeep Singh and Anupama

Digital Banking: Enhancing Customer Experience, Improving Processes and

Reducing Costs by Tolga Tavlas
Digital Banking: Leveraging Digital Technologies for Financial Success by
Luca Casablanca
Other Resources: Journal of Digital Banking
International Journal of Bank Marketing
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Group Projects and Presentations

4. Research Paper or Literature Review

Group D – FinTech
Digital Payments in BFSI
Course Code FT301M Course Title Digital payments in

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Describe the significance and impact of digital payments in the BFSI sector.

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CO2 Understand the regulatory framework governing digital payments.

CO3 Apply knowledge of mobile payments, online payments, card-based payments, and
other payment technologies.
CO4 Analyze the infrastructure required for digital payments, such as point-of-sale systems
and payment gateways.
CO5 Evaluate the features and functionalities of different digital payment instruments like
digital wallets, prepaid cards, and cryptocurrencies.
CO6 Create innovative approaches for utilizing emerging technologies in digital payments,
such as AI, biometrics, and IoT.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Digital Payments

Overview of Digital Payments - Significance of Digital Payments in the

BFSI Sector - Types of Digital Payment Systems - Advantages and 8+2
Challenges of Digital Payments - Regulatory Framework for Digital

2. Payment Technologies and Infrastructure

Evolution of Digital payment system – Issues and challenges - Mobile
Payments - Online Payments - Card-Based Payments - Peer-to-Peer 8+2
(P2P) Payments - Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems - Payment Gateways
and Processors
3. Digital Payment Instruments

Digital Wallets and e-Wallets - Prepaid Cards and Virtual Cards -

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology - Biometric Payments - 8+2
Wearable Payments – payment gateway installation and procedures -
Internet of Things (IoT) Payments

4. Security and Risk Management in Digital Payments

Payment Security Threats and Vulnerabilities - Encryption and

Tokenization Techniques - Authentication and Authorization 8+2
Mechanisms - Fraud Detection and Prevention - Data Privacy and
Compliance - Cybersecurity and Risk Mitigation Strategies

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5. Digital Payment Ecosystem

Role of Banks and Financial Institutions in Digital Payments - Payment
Networks and Interoperability - Merchant Acquiring and Payment 8+2
Aggregators - Payment Service Providers (PSPs) - Central Bank Digital
Currencies (CBDCs) - Open Banking and APIs in Digital Payments
6. Emerging Trends in Digital Payments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in Payments -

Biometrics and Facial Recognition - Contactless Payments and Near
Field Communication (NFC) - Voice-Activated Payments - Social 8+2
Payments and Peer-to-Peer Lending - Cross-Border and International
Payments – Digital data analysis using R, digital data analysis using

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Digital Payments and Financial Inclusion: Perspectives from Developing
Countries by Malavika Raghavan

Mobile Payments and Digital Wallets: Key Trends, Market Opportunities,

and Challenges by David Bakke
Digital Bank: Strategies to Launch or Become a Digital Bank" by Chris Skinner
Other Resources: Journal of Digital Banking
Journal of Payment Strategy and Systems
Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Group Projects and Presentations

4. Research Paper or Literature Review

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R in Data Modeling
Course Code FT302M Course Title R in data modeling

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the fundamental concepts and principles of data modeling using R.

CO2 Explain the key functions and capabilities of R for data modeling.

CO3 Apply various data modeling techniques in R to analyze and interpret data.

CO4 Evaluate different statistical models and algorithms for data modeling in R.

CO5 Develop and implement data models using R to solve real-world business problems.

Course Syllabus: (8 Units for 4 Credits Course is expected, 6 units for 3 credits Course)

Unit. Syllabus of

Introduction to R and Data Modeling

- Introduction to R programming language
- Introduction to Data modelling structure.
1. - Setting up R environment and RStudio 8
- Data types and data structures in R
- Data import and manipulation in R
- Exploratory data analysis in R
- Overview of data modeling concepts and techniques

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- Introduction to statistical modeling in R

Unit 2: Descriptive Statistics and Visualization in R
- Summary statistics and measures of central tendency
- Data visualization using base graphics in R
2 - Advanced data visualization with ggplot2 package 8
- Handling missing data and outliers in R
- Correlation and covariance analysis in R
- Data transformation and scaling techniques
Unit 3: Linear Regression and Modeling in R
- Simple linear regression in R
- Multiple linear regression in R
3 - Assumptions and diagnostics in linear regression 8
- Model selection and variable transformation
- Model interpretation and prediction in R
- Handling categorical predictors in regression models
- Extensions to linear regression (e.g., polynomial regression)
Unit 4: Classification and Logistic Regression in R
- Binary classification concepts and methods
- Logistic regression in R
4 - Model evaluation and performance metrics 8
- Handling imbalanced datasets in classification
- Feature selection and regularization techniques
- Multiclass classification in R
- Decision trees and random forests for classification
Unit 5: Cluster Analysis and Unsupervised Learning in R
- Introduction to clustering techniques
- K-means clustering in R
5 - Hierarchical clustering in R 8
- Evaluating cluster quality and validation measures
- Dimensionality reduction techniques (PCA, t-SNE)
- Association rule mining and market basket analysis
- Anomaly detection and outlier analysis in R
Unit 6: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in R
- Time series data and components
- Time series visualization and decomposition in R
6 - Smoothing techniques and exponential smoothing models 8
- ARIMA models for time series forecasting
- Seasonal decomposition of time series. Algorithms.
- Handling trends and seasonality in time series analysis
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- Model selection and evaluation in time series forecasting

Unit 7: Advanced Topics in R Modeling
- Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) in R
- Nonlinear regression models in R
7 - Survival analysis and event prediction 8
- Text mining and sentiment analysis in R
- Network analysis and social network modeling
- Machine learning algorithms in R (e.g., SVM, ensemble methods)
- Introduction to deep learning with R
Unit 8: R Packages and Applications in Data Modeling
- Popular R packages for data modeling
- Reproducible research and R Markdown
8 - Building interactive dashboards with Shiny 4
- R in big data analytics and cloud computing
- Case studies and applications of R in data modeling
- Ethical considerations and best practices in R modeling

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "R for Data Science" by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund

2 "Applied Predictive Modeling" by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson

3 "Hands-On Programming with R" by Garrett Grolemund

4 "The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction" by Trevor
Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman
5 "Data Science for Business" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Statistical Software

2 R Journal

3 Journal of Machine Learning Research

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4 Journal of Data Science

Suggested Evaluation Methods:


1 Programming Assignments and Coding Projects

2 Data Modeling Case Studies and Analysis

3 Data Modeling Project Reports

4 Peer Code Review and Evaluation

Financial Cloud Computing

Course Code FT303M Course Title Financial Cloud

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the concept of cloud computing and its relevance to the financial services
CO2 Understand the various cloud computing models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and their
applications in finance.
CO3 Apply cloud computing models to design and implement cloud-based banking and
payment systems.
CO4 Analyze the suitability of different cloud computing models for financial organizations.

CO5 Evaluate the security and compliance implications of cloud-based financial systems.

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CO6 Design and propose a cloud-based solution for a specific financial service or industry

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Financial Cloud Computing

Definition and key characteristics of cloud computing
Cloud deployment models: public, private, and hybrid clouds 8+1
Benefits and challenges of adopting cloud computing in finance
Cloud computing industry trends and future directions
2. Cloud Computing Models for Financial Services
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and its applications in finance
Platform as a Service (PaaS) and its use cases in financial systems
Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-based financial applications
Comparison of cloud computing models and their suitability for
financial organizations

3. Cloud Security and Compliance in Finance

Cloud security considerations and best practices for financial data
Regulatory compliance and legal aspects of cloud computing in 9+2
Risk assessment and management in cloud-based financial systems
Cloud service provider selection and evaluation criteria

4. Cloud-Based Banking and Payment Systems

Core banking systems and cloud adoption in banking institutions
Cloud-based payment processing and digital wallets 8+2
Open banking and API integration in the cloud environment
Customer relationship management and cloud-based banking
5. Cloud Computing in Insurance and Risk Management 8+2
Cloud-based claims processing and underwriting platforms

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Risk modeling and analytics using cloud infrastructure

Insurtech and cloud-based innovations in insurance products and
Cloud-based fraud detection and cybersecurity in the insurance sector
6. Cloud-Based Investment and Financial Planning
Cloud-based portfolio management and robo-advisory services
Algorithmic trading and high-frequency trading in the cloud 8+2
Financial planning tools and wealth management platforms in the
Cloud-based market data analysis and investment decision support
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Cloud Computing for Financial Services by Venkat N. Gudivada and
Gopalakrishnan Srinivasan

Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture by Thomas Erl

Financial Services Information System by Jessica Keyes

Other Resources: Journal of Cloud Computing and its Applications in Finance


Journal of Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics for Financial Services

Journal of Financial Transformation (Special Issue: Cloud Computing in

Financial Services)
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Practical exercises involving cloud computing platforms

4. Group projects to design and present cloud-based financial solutions

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Big Data Analytics

Course Code FT304M Course Title Big Data Analytics

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Identify the fundamental concepts and principles of big data analytics in the context of
CO2 Explain the various techniques and technologies used in big data analytics for financial
CO3 Evaluate the effectiveness of different big data analytics models and algorithms for fintech
CO4 Design and develop big data analytics solutions to address specific challenges in the
fintech industry.
CO5 Apply big data analytics techniques to analyze financial data and extract valuable insights.

Course Syllabus:

Unit. Syllabus Sessions

Introduction to Big Data Analytics and Fintech

Introduction to big data analytics
Overview of the fintech industry
Role of big data analytics in fintech
1. Ethical considerations in big data analytics 6
Trends and prospects in big data analytics for fintech
Regulatory challenges and Compliance in the fintech industry. Think and
Use cases of big data analytics in financial risk management
Impact of big data analytics on customer experience in fintech
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Data Collection and Preprocessing

Data collection methods and sources
Data preprocessing techniques
Data quality assessment and improvement
2 Data integration and transformation 8
Web scraping and data acquisition techniques
Handling missing data in financial datasets
Data sampling techniques for big data analytics
Real-time data processing and data streams in fintech
Big Data Technologies and Tools
Hadoop ecosystem and MapReduce
Apache Spark for big data processing
NoSQL databases and their applications
3 Stream processing and real-time analytics 10
Cloud computing for big data analytics in fintech
Distributed file systems for handling large financial datasets
In-memory databases for high-performance analytics
Data virtualization and data federation in fintech
Data Exploration and Visualization
Exploratory data analysis techniques
Data visualization tools and techniques
Interactive dashboards for financial analysis
4 Visual analytics for fintech applications 8
Time series analysis and forecasting in finance
Clustering and segmentation techniques for customer profiling
Network analysis for fraud detection in financial transactions
Geospatial data analysis in location-based fintech services
Predictive Analytics in Fintech
Regression analysis and forecasting
Classification techniques for fraud detection
Time series analysis in financial forecasting
5 Machine learning algorithms for fintech applications 10
Ensemble methods and model combination in finance
Feature engineering and feature selection for predictive modeling
Deep learning approaches in financial analytics
Reinforcement learning for algorithmic trading strategies
Text Analytics, Sentiment Analysis and Data Minning.
6 Text mining techniques for financial documents 8
Sentiment analysis in social media data
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Natural language processing for fintech applications

Text classification and clustering
Named entity recognition in financial text data
Opinion mining and sentiment scoring in financial news
Text summarization and topic modeling in finance
Text analytics for regulatory compliance in fintech
Data Privacy and Security in Fintech
Privacy challenges in big data analytics
Data anonymization and de-identification techniques
Security measures for protecting financial data
7 Compliance with data protection regulations 6
Privacy-preserving techniques in machine learning
Blockchain technology for secure financial transactions
Cybersecurity in fintech and fraud prevention
Ethical considerations in data privacy and security
Case Studies and Applications
Case studies on big data analytics in fintech
8 Application of big data analytics in banking and finance 4
Fintech startups and their use of big data analytics
Emerging trends in big data analytics for fintech
Robo-advisory and automated investment platforms

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Big Data Analytics for Financial Services" by Marco Aiello

2 "Big Data and Business Analytics" by Jay Liebowitz

3 "Data Analytics in Finance" by Michael Rechenthin

4 "Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics" by Bernard
5 "Financial Analytics with R: Building a Laptop Laboratory for Data Science" by Mark
Bennett and Dirk Hugen
Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Big Data

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2 Journal of Financial Data Science

3 International Journal of Data Science and Analytics

4 Journal of Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments

Suggested Evaluation Methods:


1 Written examinations

2 Practical assignments

3 Group projects and presentations

4 Case study analysis

Course Code FT305M Course Title Cryptocurrency

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Describe the fundamental concepts and principles of cryptocurrencies and blockchain
CO2 Explain the key features and components of cryptocurrency ecosystems.

CO3 Analyze the impact of cryptocurrencies on the financial industry and global economies.

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CO4 Evaluate different cryptocurrency investment strategies and risks.

CO5 Develop and propose innovative solutions for real-world challenges in the
cryptocurrency and fintech domains.

Course Syllabus:

Unit. Syllabus of

Unit 1: Introduction to Cryptocurrencies

Definition and history of cryptocurrencies
Blockchain technology and decentralized networks
1. Cryptocurrency mining and consensus mechanisms 7
Digital wallets and secure storage of cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms. Live Trading.
Legal and regulatory considerations in the cryptocurrency space
Impact of cryptocurrencies on traditional financial systems
Unit 2: Types of Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin and its underlying technology
Altcoins: Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, and others
2 Stablecoins and their role in the crypto market 8
Privacy-focused cryptocurrencies (e.g., Monero, Zcash)
Utility tokens and security tokens
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and tokenization
Unit 3: Cryptocurrency Technologies
Smart contracts and their applications
Decentralized finance (DeFi) and its impact
3 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and digital collectibles 8
Layer-2 scaling solutions (e.g., Lightning Network)
Interoperability and cross-chain communication
Governance models in decentralized systems
Unit 4: Cryptocurrency Investment and Trading
Fundamental and technical analysis of cryptocurrencies
4 Risk management and portfolio diversification 8
Long-term investing vs. short-term trading strategies
Cryptocurrency market trends and indicators

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Order types and trading strategies on exchanges

Algorithmic trading and trading bots
Unit 5: Cryptocurrency Regulations and Security
Global regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) policies
5 Security risks and best practices for securing cryptocurrencies 8
Cryptocurrency scams and fraud prevention
Legal and ethical considerations in cryptocurrency transactions
Future regulatory challenges and potential solutions
Unit 6: Cryptocurrency and Fintech Innovation
Cryptocurrency applications in remittances and cross-border transactions
Decentralized applications (DApps) and their use cases
6 Stablecoin-based payment systems and digital currencies by central banks 8
Tokenization of assets and real-world use cases
Blockchain in supply chain management and traceability
Cryptocurrency crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending platforms
Unit 7: Cryptocurrency and Society
Social and economic implications of cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrency adoption and financial inclusion
7 Cryptocurrencies and the unbanked population 8
Environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining
Cryptocurrency philanthropy and charitable initiatives
Cryptocurrency in the gig economy and freelancing
Emerging Trends and Future of Cryptocurrencies
Evolution of blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their implications
8 Integration of cryptocurrencies in traditional financial institutions 5
Scalability and performance improvements in blockchain networks
Interplay between artificial intelligence and cryptocurrencies
Forecasting the future of cryptocurrencies and their role in finance

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies" by Andreas M. Antonopoulos

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2 "Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps" by Daniel Drescher

3 "Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global Economic
Order" by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey
4 "The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and Digital Money are Challenging the Global
Economic Order" by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey
5 "Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond" by Chris Burniske
and Jack Tatar
Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Digital Banking

2 International Journal of Fintech and Cryptocurrency

3 Journal of Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Law

4 Cryptoeconomics: An International Journal

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1 Individual or Group Projects
2 Presentations or Case Studies
3 Participation in Online Discussion Forums
4 Practical Assignments or Coding Exercises

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Block chain Technology

Course Code FT306M Course Title Block chain Technology

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the fundamental concepts and principles of blockchain technology.

CO2 Explain the components and architecture of blockchain networks.

CO3 Analyze the impact of blockchain technology on various industries, including finance.

CO4 Evaluate different use cases and applications of blockchain technology.

CO5 Develop and propose innovative solutions leveraging blockchain technology in real-
world scenarios.

Course Syllabus:

Unit. Syllabus Sessions

Unit 1: Introduction to Blockchain Technology

- Definition, history of blockchain and models.
- Cryptography and digital signatures
- Types of blockchains: public, private, and consortium
1. - Consensus mechanisms: proof of work, proof of stake, etc. 8
- Decentralization and immutability in blockchain networks
- Smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps)
- Blockchain interoperability and scalability challenges
- Impact of blockchain on traditional financial systems
Unit 2: Blockchain Architecture and Components

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- Blocks, transactions, and the blockchain data structure

- Peer-to-peer network and nodes in blockchain
- Cryptographic hash functions and Merkle trees
2 - Public and private keys in blockchain 8
- Wallets and addresses for managing cryptocurrencies
- Mining and validation of transactions
- Forks, consensus forks, and hard forks
Unit 3: Cryptocurrencies and Tokens
- Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain
- Altcoins and tokenization
3 - Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and token sales 8
- Security tokens and utility tokens
- Stablecoins and their role in the crypto market
- Decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain-based lending
- Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and digital collectibles
Unit 4: Blockchain Development Platforms
- Ethereum and Solidity programming language
- Other blockchain platforms (e.g., Hyperledger, Corda, EOS)
4 - Smart contract development and deployment 8
- Interacting with blockchain networks using APIs
- Testing and debugging smart contracts
- Security considerations in smart contract development
- Introduction to Web3.js and blockchain front-end development
Unit 5: Blockchain Use Cases and Applications
- Supply chain management and traceability
- Identity management and authentication
5 - Digital voting and governance systems 8
- Intellectual property rights and ownership
- Blockchain in healthcare and patient data management
- Real estate and land registry applications
- Tokenization of assets and fractional ownership
Unit 6: Blockchain and Financial Services
- Cross-border payments and remittances
- Trade finance and supply chain finance
6 - Asset tokenization and digital securities 8
- Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) on
- Decentralized exchanges and peer-to-peer lending
- Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and their implications
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- Regulatory challenges and considerations in blockchain-based finance

Unit 7: Blockchain Security and Privacy
- Cryptographic techniques in blockchain security
- Security vulnerabilities and attacks on blockchain networks
7 - Privacy and anonymity considerations in blockchain 8
- Permissioned vs. permissionless blockchains
- Zero-knowledge proofs and privacy-enhancing technologies
- Auditing and compliance in blockchain systems
- Blockchain forensic investigations and digital evidence
Unit 8: Emerging Trends and Future of Blockchain
- Interplay between blockchain and other technologies (AI, IoT)
- Scalability and performance improvements in blockchain networks
8 - Governance models in decentralized systems 4
- Blockchain in government services and public administration
- Social and ethical implications of blockchain technology
- Forecasting the future of blockchain and its potential impact

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Mastering Blockchain: Unlocking the Power of Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and

Decentralized Applications" by Imran Bashir
2 "Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps" by Daniel Drescher

3 "Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies is
changing the World" by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott
4 "Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy" by Melanie Swan

5 "The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet
Technology" by William Mougayar
Other Resources: Journals

1 Blockchain Research Journal

2 Journal of Blockchain Technology

3 International Journal of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology

4 Journal of Digital Banking

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Suggested Evaluation Methods:


1 Individual or Group Projects

2 Coding Assignments or Smart Contract Development

3 Presentations or Case Studies

4 Participation in Blockchain-related Forums or Discussion Boards

Cyber Security
Course Code FT307M Course Title Cyber Security

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define fundamental terms and concepts related to cyber security.

CO2 Describe the different types of cyber threats and attacks.

CO3 Apply security measures and controls to protect against common cyber threats.

CO4 Analyze the impact of cyber attacks on businesses and organizations.

CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of different security solutions and technologies.

CO6 Develop a comprehensive cyber security strategy for an organization.

Course Syllabus:

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Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. 1.1 Introduction to Cyber Security and Network Security: Importance

of Cyber Security - Evolution of Cyber Threats – PEST of Cyber Security
- Cybersecurity Frameworks and Standards - Legal and Ethical
Considerations in Cyber Security - Cyber Security Policies and
1.2 Network Security - Network Architecture and Protocols - Network
Vulnerabilities and Threats - Firewalls and Intrusion Detection
Systems - Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and Secure Network
Communications - Wireless Network Security - Network Security
Monitoring and Incident Response
2. 2.1 Data Security and Privacy - Data Encryption and Cryptography - Access
Control and Authentication Methods - Database Security and Secure Data
Storage - Data Privacy Regulations and Compliance - Data Leakage
Prevention and Data Loss Mitigation - Secure Data Disposal and Destruction
2.2 Application Security - Web Application Security - Mobile Application
Security - Secure Software Development Lifecycle - Secure Coding Practices
and Vulnerability Assessment - Application Security Testing Techniques -
Secure Application Deployment and Configuration

3. Threat Detection and Incident Response - Threat Intelligence and Cyber

Threat Hunting - Incident Response Planning and Execution - Digital
Forensics and Incident Investigation - Malware Analysis and Reverse
Engineering - Incident Reporting and Communication

4. Fintech Security - Security Challenges in Fintech Applications - Payment

Security and Fraud Prevention - Blockchain Technology and Security
Implications - Secure Digital Identity and Authentication in Fintech - 8+2
Regulatory Compliance in Fintech Security - Secure Mobile Banking and
Digital Wallets
5. Cloud Security and Virtualization - Cloud Computing Security Concepts -
Cloud Service Models and Deployment Models - Virtualization Security
Considerations - Cloud Security Best Practices and Risk Management - Cloud 8+2
Identity and Access Management - Cloud Incident Response and Recovery -
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
6. Risk Management and Compliance - Risk Assessment and Mitigation 8+2
Strategies - Compliance Frameworks (e.g., GDPR, PCI DSS) - Business
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Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning - Security Audits and

Assessments - Vendor Risk Management - Security Awareness and
Training Programs – Risk control and audit
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know" by P.W. Singer
and Allan Friedman

Cybersecurity for Beginners" by Raef Meeuwisse

Cyber Security Essentials" by James Graham

Other Resources: Journal of Cybersecurity


Journal of Computer Security

Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Quizzes and Examinations

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Group Projects and Presentations

4. Research Paper or Literature Review

Semester VI
Group A – Entrepreneurship
Course Code ET308M Course Title Rural Entrepreneurship

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60


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Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Recall and explain the concepts of rural entrepreneurship.

CO2 Analyze the factors influencing rural entrepreneurship and its significance.

CO3 Apply entrepreneurial skills and principles in the context of rural settings.

CO4 Evaluate the challenges and opportunities of rural entrepreneurship.

CO5 Design innovative strategies for promoting and supporting rural entrepreneurship.

Course Syllabus:
Unit. Syllabus of

Introduction to Rural Entrepreneurship

Definition and characteristics of rural entrepreneurship
Importance and relevance of rural entrepreneurship
1. Role of entrepreneurship in rural development 6
Challenges and opportunities in rural entrepreneurship
Rural-urban divide and its impact on entrepreneurship
Global trends in rural entrepreneurship
Policy initiatives for promoting rural entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Mindset in Rural Context
Developing an entrepreneurial mindset
Identifying and evaluating rural business opportunities
2 Creativity and innovation in rural entrepreneurship 6
Risk-taking and decision-making in rural business ventures
Ethical considerations in rural entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial leadership in rural settings
Rural Market Analysis and Customer Identification
3 Understanding rural market dynamics 6
Conducting market research in rural areas
Segmenting and targeting rural customers
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Developing effective marketing strategies for rural markets

Branding and positioning in rural contexts
Pricing strategies for rural products and services
Distribution channels and rural market access
Financing and Resource Mobilization in Rural Ventures
Sources of finance for rural entrepreneurs
Government schemes and initiatives for rural enterprise development
4 Managing financial resources in rural ventures 6
Microfinance and rural credit systems
Crowdfunding and alternative financing options
Resource mobilization through partnerships and collaborations
Financial management and budgeting in rural enterprises
Managing Operations and Supply Chain in Rural Businesses
Operations management in rural enterprises
Supply chain management and logistics in rural settings
5 Technology adoption and automation in rural businesses 6
Enhancing productivity and efficiency in rural operations
Quality control and process improvement in rural ventures
Inventory management and stock control in rural contexts
Building a Sustainable Rural Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Role of institutions and support organizations in rural entrepreneurship
Networking and collaboration for rural enterprise development
Policy interventions and regulatory framework for promoting rural
6 entrepreneurship 6
Social and environmental sustainability in rural ventures
Mentorship and coaching for rural entrepreneurs
Access to resources and infrastructure in rural areas
Evaluating the impact of rural entrepreneurship programs
Scaling and Growth Strategies for Rural Enterprises
Strategies for scaling up rural businesses
Franchising and replication models in rural entrepreneurship
7 Diversification and expansion in rural ventures 6
Managing growth challenges in rural enterprises
Accessing new markets and export opportunities
Strategic Partnerships and alliances for Growth
Innovation and adaptation for sustainable growth
Case Studies and Best Practices in Rural Entrepreneurship
8 Analysis of successful rural entrepreneurship cases 6
Learning from failures and challenges in rural ventures
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Best Practices and lessons learned in rural enterprise development

Role models and inspiring stories of rural entrepreneurs
Implications for future research and Practice in rural entrepreneurship
Creating a personal action plan for rural entrepreneurial success

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1. "Rural Entrepreneurship: A Case Study Approach" by Mark S. Henry

2. "Rural Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities" by Peter H. Wengert

3. "Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas: The Role of Education, Training, and Government

Support" by Michael R. Santamaria
4. "Rural Development: Principles, Policies, and Management" by G. Edward Schuh

5. "The Rural Entrepreneur's Toolkit: Insights and Advice for Starting and Growing a Business
in the Countryside" by Kevin Walker

Other Resources: Journals

1. Journal of Rural Studies

2. Rural Sociology

3. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development

4. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr. No Evaluation Methods:

1. Written examinations

2. Business plan development and presentation

3. Case study analysis

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4. Group projects and presentations

Building Lean Startup

Course Code ET309M Course Title Building Lean Start

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Students will actively and independently acquire, apply, and adapt skills and knowledge
with an awareness of global contexts.
CO2 Students will think analytically and creatively to explore ideas, make connections, draw
conclusions and solve problems.
CO3 Students will act purposefully, reflectively, and ethically in diverse and complex
CO4 Students will exchange ideas and information with clarity in multiple contexts.

CO5 Students will be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to
locate, evaluate, and use it effectively and Students will demonstrate fluency in the
application and use of technologies in multiple contexts.
Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

I Introduction to Lean Startups: - Definition of Lean Startups, Key

Principles of Lean Startups, Evolution of Lean Startup Methodology 10
and importance of Lean Startups.

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II Ideation and Problem Identification: Ideation Process, Identifying

Problems and Pain Points, Ideation Techniques, Lean Canvas 10
Methodology, Commercialization, Gathering Customer Feedback
III Market Research and Competition Analysis: - Conducting Market
Research, Analyzing Competition, Understanding Target Audience,
Identifying Market Segments, Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and 10
Prototyping, - Developing MVP, Concept of Prototyping, Validating
MVP, Reducing Waste in the Prototyping Process

IV Funding and Financing for Lean Startups: - Funding options for Lean
Startups, Attracting Investors with Lean Startups, Financial Planning 10
for Lean Startups, Bootstrapping Strategies for Lean Startups

V Legal Issues and Intellectual Property Rights: Legal Structures for a

Lean Startup, Intellectual Property Protection , Hiring, Employment, 8
and Contracts , Avoiding Legal Pitfalls

VI Case Studies and Successful Lean Start Ups & Industrial Visit 12

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books 1. Lean Analytics: Use data to Build up better Start Ups Faster, Alistair
Croll & Benjamin Yoskovitz, (Lien O’Reilly)
2. "The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous
Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses", Eric Ries,
Crown Business
Textbook 1. "Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works", Ash
Maurya, O'Reilly Media
2. "The Lean Entrepreneur: How Visionaries Create Products, Innovate
with New Ventures, and Disrupt Markets", Brant Cooper and
Patrick Vlaskovits, Wiley
E-Resources: Harvard i-lab | Startup Secrets: Turning Products into Companies:
Other Resources: The Lean Startup Framework: Closing the Academic–Practitioner Divide:


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Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Methods

1 Presentation

2 Assignment

3 Written test

4 Projects

Entrepreneurial Practice
Course Code ET310M Course Title Entrepreneurial

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the concept of entrepreneurial practice and its relevance.

CO2 Understand the key elements of an entrepreneurial mindset.

CO3 Apply marketing strategies and financial planning techniques to a real-world business
CO4 Analyze market gaps and customer needs to identify business opportunities.

CO5 Evaluate the feasibility and viability of business ideas using appropriate criteria.

Course Syllabus:

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Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Entrepreneurial Practice - Definition and scope of

entrepreneurial practice - Entrepreneurial mindset and personal
development - Importance of entrepreneurship in society -
Entrepreneurial ethics and social responsibility

2. Ideation and Opportunity Identification - Idea generation techniques

and creativity - Identifying market gaps and customer needs - 8+2
Assessing the feasibility and viability of business ideas - Opportunity
recognition and evaluation – Case studies
3. Business Planning and Strategy - Developing a comprehensive
business plan - Setting objectives and goals - Market analysis and
competitive positioning - Financial planning and resource allocation -
Strategic decision-making and risk management – Case studies

4. Launching and Managing a Business - Legal and regulatory

considerations for startups - Financing options and funding sources -
Building a team and managing human resources - Operations and 8+2
supply chain management - Marketing and sales strategies – Case

5. Growth and Scalability - Scaling strategies for startups - Managing

growth and expansion - Innovation and product development - 8+2
Managing partnerships and collaborations - Internationalization and
global opportunities – Case studies
6. Entrepreneurial Leadership and Success - Leadership styles and
qualities - Building a strong organizational culture - Managing change 8+2
and overcoming challenges - Building and managing a brand -
Evaluating entrepreneurial success and measuring impact

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great
Company by Steve Blank and Bob Dorf

Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup" by Bill Aulet

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The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to

Create Radically Successful Businesses" by Eric Ries

Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income

Streams, and Thrive" by Dorie Clark

Reference Books

Other Resources: 1. Journal of Small Business Management

Journals 2. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
3. Journal of Business Venturing
4. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Presentation

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Industry Visit

4. Article Writing

Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Course Code ET311M Course Title Marketing for

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the role and importance of marketing in entrepreneurial ventures.

CO2 Explain the elements of the marketing mix and their significance for startups.

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CO3 Apply market segmentation techniques to identify target customer segments.

CO4 Analyze market trends, competition, and consumer insights.

CO5 Critically analyze case studies and real-world examples of successful entrepreneurial

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Marketing for Entrepreneurs - Understanding the

role of marketing in entrepreneurship - Key marketing concepts and
terminology - The marketing process for startups - Importance of
market research and customer analysis

2. Market Segmentation and Targeting - Identifying target markets and

customer segments - Market segmentation strategies - Assessing 8+2
market attractiveness and selecting target segments - Positioning
strategies for startups
3. Developing a Compelling Value Proposition - Defining and creating a
unique value proposition - Differentiation and competitive advantage
- Crafting effective marketing messages - Building a strong brand

4. Product and Service Strategies - Product development and innovation

for startups - Product life cycle management - Pricing strategies and 8+2
tactics - Designing product/service bundles and pricing models

5. Promotion and Communication Strategies - Integrated marketing

communications - Digital marketing strategies for startups - Social 8+2
media marketing and influencer marketing - Advertising and public
relations for startups
6. Distribution and Channel Management - Selecting distribution
channels for startups - Retailing and e-commerce strategies - Supply 8+2
chain management for entrepreneurs - Managing channel
relationships and partnerships
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

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Text Books Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller

Entrepreneurial Marketing: Sustaining Growth in All Organisations by Ian


The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to

Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries

Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age by Jonah Berger

Reference Books

Other Resources: 1. Journal of Marketing

Journals 2. Journal of Marketing Research
3. Journal of Consumer Research
4. Journal of Advertising Research
5. International Journal of Research in Marketing
6. Journal of Interactive Marketing
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Presentation

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Industry Visit

4. Article Writing

Small Business Management in Indian Scenario

Course Code ET312M Course Title Small Business
Management in Indian

Course Type DE3 Sessions in TT per week

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 2-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


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Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 To make students aware of small business idea by conducting market research, analyzing
industry trends and competition, and assessing financial viability.
CO2 To help students to develop a comprehensive business plan that includes a mission
statement, marketing strategy, operational plan, and financial projections.
CO3 To make students understand the legal and regulatory requirements of operating a small
business, including taxes, licensing, employment laws, and insurance.
CO4 To help the students to develop effective leadership and management skills to motivate
employees, foster innovation, and ensure operational efficiency.
CO5 To Make informed decisions about financing options, such as loans, grants, and
crowdfunding, and manage cash flow and budgeting effectively.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus

I Introduction to Small Business Management: Definition and characteristics

of small businesses, Importance of small businesses in the Indian economy,
Challenges and opportunities in the Indian small business sector, Types of

II Idea Generation and Feasibility Analysis: Identifying business opportunities

in the Indian market, Assessing the feasibility and viability of a small business
idea, Business Planning and Legal Considerations, Legal and regulatory 10
requirements for starting a small business in India, Understanding licenses,
permits, and registrations
III Financing and Marketing strategies for Small Business: Overview of
financing options for small businesses, Traditional and alternative sources of
funding, Government schemes and subsidies for small business financing, 10
Marketing and Sales Strategies, Developing a marketing plan and budget
Effective sales techniques and customer relationship management
IV Operations and Supply Chain Management: Managing day-to-day
operations and processes, Efficient inventory management and supply chain 10
optimization, Quality control and improvement in small businesses, Human
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Resource Management, Employee motivation and performance

management, Legal and ethical considerations in HR management

V Financial Management and Leveraging technology for business growth:

Financial statements and analysis for small businesses, Budgeting and cash
flow management, Taxation and compliance for small businesses in India,
Technology and Digital Transformation, Scaling up a small business in the
Indian market, Franchising, mergers, and acquisitions, Succession planning
and exit strategies

VI Analyzing case studies of successful small businesses in India: Inviting guest

speakers from the industry to share their experiences, Group discussions and
presentations on real-life small business scenarios, Identifying emerging 10
trends and opportunities in the Indian market and sustainable business

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books 1. Small Business Management in 21st Century, David Cadden,

Quinnipiac University, Sandra L. Lueder, Southern Connecticut State
University, ISBN 13: 9781453345566, Saylor Foundation
2. Small Business Management, Justin G. Longenecker, J. William Petty,
Leslie E. Palich , Frank Hoy , Cengage Learning, 978-1133947752
Textbook: 1. Small Business Management, Theory and Practice, Tim
Mazzarol , Sophie Reboud, Springer, 978-981-13-9509-3
Other Resources: 1. Aloulou, W. and A. Fayolle. 2005. “A Conceptual Approach of
Journals Entrepreneurial Orientation within Small Business Context.” Journal
of Enterprising Culture,
2. Journal for Small Business Management, Emerald Insight,
E-Resources: 1. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management | VI Sem |
B.B.A | Meaning & Definition ,

MOOC: Coursera

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Suggested Evaluation Methods:

Sr.No Methods

1 Assignment

2 Quiz

3 Presentation

4 Case study

Group B – Marketing
Marketing Analytics
Course Code MM308M Course Title Marketing Analytics

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 2:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Understand marketing analytics concepts, theories, and techniques used in the field

CO2 Understand the need and framework of marketing analytics and customer analytics

CO3 llustrate the use of various software for analyzing marketing strategies

CO4 Evaluate marketing mix, segmentation, targeting, positioning and service quality using
CO5 Optimize marketing campaigns through data-driven decision-making

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Number of
Unit. Syllabus

Unit 1 Basics of Analytics: Definition of Analytics, Need of Analytics in

Marketing, Differences between data, information and knowledge,
7 Sessions
Types of Analytics (Descriptive, Diagnostic, Predictive and
Prescriptive) and its uses in improving Marketing

Unit 2 Role of Analytics in Services Marketing: Analytics for Marketing

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning of Services [ Concepts and
Cases], Use of Analytics in improving Service Marketing Mix 8 Sessions
Elements: Process, People and Physical Evidence [Concepts and
Cases], Analytics in Managing Consumer Behaviour & Service Quality
Unit 3 Analytics for Product/Service Design: The Relevance of Trade-off
Approaches, Conjoint Analysis, Approaches to Conjoint Analysis,
7 Sessions
Interpreting Conjoint Results, Optimizing Design using Conjoint

Unit 4 Segmentation Analytics: Market Segmentation Variables, Market

Segmentation Types, Marketing Data Landscape, Data for
Segmentation, Analytics for Need Based Segmentation - Voice of the
Customer, Managing “Voice of the Customer” Data, Customer Co-
8 Sessions
Creation, RFM Analysis, Life Cycle Segmentation, Cross Tabulation
Segmentation, Regression based segmentation, Clustering, Conjoint
Analysis Segmentation, The Cluster Analysis + Discriminant Analysis

Unit 5 Tableau Analytics Strategies: Tableau - data connections, organizing

and simplifying data, creating charts and sharing Insights through
dashboards, Implement Service Analytics Strategies using Tableau-
Continuous improvement in every customer touch point (using 8 Sessions
chatbots, phone technology, call centers etc), Aligning service
metrics to vision, Enabling career growth in service, Turning
customer service into everyone’s responsibility
Unit 6 Customer Analytics: Definition of Customer Analytics, Need of
Customer Analytics, Type of Customer Analytics, Process/ Framework
of Customer Analytics, , Best Practices and Trends in Customer 7 Sessions
Analytics, Tools and Software used for Customer Analytics, Analytics
for Customer Retention, enhancing Customer experience, acquiring
new customer, etc – Case Studies)
Unit 7 Marketing analysis techniques 8 Sessions

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Analysis of online and offline activity. Understanding the current skill

requirement and challenges faced by the organisation in gathering the
data and analysing it. Determine the barriers to competitive
advantage. Compare and contrast between conventional and
disruptive marketing models.Explain the concepts of having social
presence. (6 sessions)

Unit 8 Use of Analytics in Services Application domain: Hospitality,

Aviation, Education, Financial Services, Travel & Tourism including
hotels & restaurants, Shipping, Storage services(warehouses), 7 Sessions
Telecom & related services, Real estate services, IT services
(BPO),Legal services, Transportation, Media, Entertainment, Sports,
Healthcare, E-commerce.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars


1. Marketing Analytics: Strategic Models and Metrics, Stephan Sorger

2. Marketing Analytics: Data-Driven Techniques with Microsoft Excel, Wayne

L. Winston
3. Marketing Analytics: A Practical Guide to Improving Consumer Insights
Using Data Techniques, Mike Grigsby
4. Customer Analytics for Dummies, by Jeff Sauro

Other Resources:

1. Dark Side of Customer Analytics (HBR Case Study), Thomas H. Davenport,

Jeanne G. Harris
2. WeWork - Service Excellence through Business Model Innovation: Creating
Outstanding Customer Experiences by Leveraging Data, Analytics and
Digital Technologies, Wolfgang Ulaga, Joerg Niessing, Nancy J. Br
3. Carolinas HealthCare System: Consumer Analytics John A. Quelch,
Margaret Rodriguez
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Project

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2. Case Study analysis

3. Dashboard / Reports

4. Assignment

Competitive Marketing
Course Code MM309M Course Title Competitive Marketing

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern (LTP) 2:1:1 End Semester Assessment 60


Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles, concepts, and
strategies of competitive marketing
CO2 Students will learn how to assess competitors' strategies, strengths, weaknesses,
and market positions to identify competitive threats and opportunities
CO3 Students will be able to analyze competitors' customer relationship strategies and
develop effective customer retention and loyalty programs
CO4 Students will gain knowledge of digital marketing strategies and tactics in the
context of competitive marketing
CO5 Students will learn about ethical practices in competitive analysis, market
positioning, and customer relationships

Syllabus details
Unit. Number
Syllabus of
Introduction to Competitive Marketing: Definition and importance
1 of competitive marketing, Competitive advantage and its role in 4
marketing strategy, Competitive analysis frameworks and tools

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Competitive Intelligence: Gathering and analyzing information on

2 competitors, Tools and techniques for competitive intelligence, Ethical 4
considerations in competitive intelligence

Industry Analysis: Understanding industry dynamics and

3 competitive forces, Porter's Five Forces framework, Identifying 5
and analyzing key industry trends

4 Competitor Analysis: Identifying direct and indirect competitors, 5

Evaluating competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses,
SWOT analysis and competitive positioning

5 Market Segmentation and Targeting: Segmenting the market 4

based on customer needs and characteristics, Assessing
competitors' target markets and positioning, Developing target
market strategies for competitive advantage

6 Product and Service Differentiation: Creating and communicating 5

unique value propositions, Differentiation strategies and
positioning, Assessing competitors' product offerings and

7 Pricing Strategies and Competitive Pricing Analysis: Pricing as a 5

competitive tool, Pricing strategies (e.g., cost-based pricing, value-
based pricing), Analyzing competitors' pricing strategies and
setting competitive prices

8 Promotional Strategies and Competitive Advertising Analysis: 4

Integrated marketing communications, Analyzing competitors'
advertising and promotional activities, Creating effective
competitive advertising strategies

9 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Competitive 4

Customer Analysis: Managing customer relationships to gain a
competitive edge, Analyzing competitors' customer relationship
strategies, Customer retention and loyalty programs

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10 Digital Marketing and Online Competition: Digital marketing 5

strategies and tactics, Analyzing competitors' online presence and
performance, Search engine optimization (SEO), social media, and
online advertising

11 International Competition and Global Marketing: Understanding 4

competition in global markets, Analyzing competitors in
international markets, Adapting marketing strategies for
international competition

12 Competitive Strategy and Planning: Formulating competitive 5

marketing strategies, Competitive positioning and differentiation,
Implementation and monitoring of competitive marketing plans

13 Case Studies and Real-World Applications: Analyzing real-world 6

examples of competitive marketing challenges and strategies,
Case studies on successful competitive marketing campaigns,
Group discussions and presentations on competitive marketing

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Particulars

Text Books "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and

Competitors" by Michael E. Porter
"Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition" by Jack Trout
and Steve Rivkin
Online Resources: Coursera: "Competitive Strategy" by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
MOOC München
LinkedIn Learning: "Competitive Analysis" by Brad Batesole

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Assignment

2. Case study

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3. Project

4. Presentation

Fundamentals of Branding
Course Code MM311M Course Title Fundamentals of Branding

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment 40


Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment 60

(LTP) Marks

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the concepts and principles of branding.

CO2 Explain the importance of branding in marketing strategy.

CO3 Apply branding strategies to develop and position a brand.

CO4 Analyze brand elements and their impact on consumer behavior.

CO5 Develop a comprehensive brand strategy and evaluate its effectiveness.

Course Syllabus:

Unit. Syllabus of

1. Introduction to Branding 8
- Definition and importance of branding
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- Branding vs. marketing

- Brand equity and its components
- Branding challenges and opportunities. Brand switching.
- Branding in the digital age
Brand Strategy Development
- Brand vision, mission, and values
- Brand positioning and differentiation 8
2 - Target audience identification
- Brand architecture and portfolio management
- Brand extension and co-branding
- Case Study

Brand Identity and Elements

- Brand name development and selection
- Logo design and visual identity 8
3 - Brand colors, typography, and imagery
- Brand voice and tone
- Packaging and labeling considerations
- Case Study

Brand Communication and Promotion

- Integrated marketing communications (IMC)
- Advertising and public relations 8
4 - Social media and digital marketing
- Brand storytelling and narrative
- Influencer marketing and brand partnerships
- Case Study

Brand Experience and Touchpoints

- Customer journey mapping
- Brand touchpoints and interactions 8
5 - Retail and physical brand experiences
- Online user experience (UX)
- Customer service and brand loyalty
- Case Study

Brand Measurement and Evaluation

6 - Brand tracking and performance metrics 8
- Brand awareness and brand recall
- Brand perception and brand associations

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- Customer satisfaction and loyalty measurement

- Brand audits and brand health assessment
- Case Study

Brand Management and Brand Equity

- Brand leadership and brand stewardship. Brand loyalty.
- Brand consistency and brand guidelines 8
7 - Brand crises and reputation management
- Brand revitalization and rebranding
- Brand valuation and financial implications
- Case Study

Global Branding and Ethical Considerations

- International branding strategies
- Cross-cultural branding challenges 4
8 - Global brand management and localization
- Ethical issues in branding
- Sustainable branding and corporate social responsibility
- Case Study

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Building Strong Brands" by David A. Aaker

2 "Brand Management: Research, Theory, and Practice" by Tilde Heding, Charlotte F.

Knudtzen, and Mogens Bjerre
3 "Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity" by Kevin
Lane Keller
4 "The Brand Gap: How to Bridge the Distance Between Business Strategy and Design" by
Marty Neumeier
5 "Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits" by Debbie Millman

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Brand Management

2 Journal of Marketing Research

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3 Journal of Consumer Psychology

4 Journal of Advertising

Suggested Evaluation Methods:


1 Branding Case Studies and Analysis

2 Brand Strategy Development Projects

3 Brand Audit and Evaluation Reports

4 Group Presentations on Branding Campaigns

Advertising & Public Relations

Course Code MM312M Course Title Advertising & PR

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3:1:1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 To familiarize students to the Fundamental concepts in Public Relations and

Advertising, Their Importance, Functions and Applications.
CO2 Understand the basic components of advertising and public relations process that
include research, planning, goals and objectives, strategies, messages, media, issues
CO3 To Develop the Critical and Analytical thinking for PR and Advertising.

CO4 Know the different areas of public relations work such as employee relations, media
relations, community relations, investor relations and member relations

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CO5 To Sensitize the students towards the Ethical and Social Obligations of the Profession.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

I Introduction to Advertisement:

Advertising – Advertising Today, Types of Advertising & Evolution of

Advertising and Media
Partnerships Advertising Appeals: Emotional and Rational, 10
Utilization and Impact on Consumers

Advertising and Society: Impact of Ads on Children, Portrayal of

Women in Ads, Social Impact, Psychological Impact

II Advertising: Working Definition and Classification: On the basis of

Media, On the basis of Industry.

Advertising in Marketing and Business: Importance, Role and

Function. Evolution of Advertising in India and the world: Growth
and Development: Advertising Through the Years. Advertising 10
Media: Print media, Electronic Media, Outdoor media, Digital Media,
Characteristics of Different Media. Advertising Agencies: Function,
Structure and Types; Full- Service agency, Creative Boutique, Media
Boutique, Composite Agency

III Advertisement & Creativity:

Understanding the Creative Process- Copywriting: Copywriting for
Different Media, Kinds of Copy, Elements of Copy and Layout: Stages 10
of Layout.
Apex Bodies of Advertising: AAAI, ASCI, TAM, NARB, NARC, BARC;
Structure, Functions and Roles
IV Introduction to Public Relations:
Public Relations: Concept, Meaning, Definitions, Role of PR Public
Relations: Nature, Function and Scope. Understanding Public

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Relations, Advertising, Propaganda and Publicity: Concept,

Dimensions and Distinctions

Lobbying: Lobbying as a part of PR, Functions of Lobbyists, Lobbying

Scenario in India

Media and Public Relations: Different Media used for PR; Print.
Electronic, Digital, Functions of Different Media

V Development in Public Relations:

History and Growth of PR: Evolution of PR in Indian and Global

Context, Edward Bernays, Ivy Lee’s role in Establishing PR.

Professionalism in PR: Professionalism before the British rule and after 10

the British rule, Growth of Public Sector. Professional Bodies: PRSI,
IPRA, PRSA; Structure, Function and Role Recent Trends in PR: Digital
PR, Social Media, Internet tools for PR, Digital PR Campaigns Ethics of
PR: IPRA, PRSI Code of Conduct

VI Public Relations: Practice and Process:

Principles of Public Relations: Application of Principles in the Industry.

Process of Public Relations: RPCE(Research, Planning,

Communication, Evaluation) Model, PEST Analysis, SWOT Analysis
Tools of Public Relations: Press Releases, Press Conference, Media
Tours, Newsletters, House Journals, Exhibitions, Events, Online Tools.

Publics of Public Relations: Internal Publics; Employees, Investors,

Suppliers and External Publics; Customers, Media, Government,
Importance of Communicating with the Publics
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Altstiel, Tom & Grow, Jean . Advertising Creative Strategy, Copy & Design,
3rdedition. India: Sage

Bovee & Arens. Contemporary Advertising. USA: Irwin.

Chunawala & Sethia. Foundations of Advertising ,8th edition . India:

Himalaya Publishing house

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Dennison, Dell (2006). The Advertising Handbook. India: Jaico

Lesly,Philip.(2002).Handbook of Public Relations and

Communication.Delhi.,India: Jaico Publishing House.
Reddi,C V Narasimha.(2009). Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy.
New Delhi, India: PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.

Other Resources:

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Home Assignment

2. Presentation

3. Live Project

4. Field Report

Group C – Finance
Tax Planning & Wealth Creation
Course Code FM308M Course Title Tax Planning & Wealth

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define wealth management and explain its significance in personal finance.

CO2 Comprehend the concepts and tools of estate planning for wealth transfer.

CO3 Apply client discovery techniques to understand client needs and preferences.

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CO4 Analyze tax implications and develop tax-efficient investment structures.

CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of wealth management strategies in achieving client goals.

CO6 Create comprehensive wealth management plans tailored to individual client needs.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. 1.Introduction to Tax Planning and Wealth Creation:

1.1 Overview of the tax system and its components - Differentiating
between tax planning and tax evasion - Understanding the importance
of tax planning for individuals and businesses 8+1
1.2 Wealth Creation and Regulatory Environment - Evolution of the
wealth management industry - Key players and their roles (private
banks, family offices, etc.) - Regulatory frameworks and compliance
2. 2. Tax Planning and Wealth Preservation
2.1 Tax Planning Strategies - Tax-efficient investment structures - Tax
planning for high-net-worth individuals - International tax
considerations 8+2

2.2 Risk Management and Insurance Planning - Identification and

mitigation of personal and financial risks - Insurance planning for
wealth protection - Assessing insurance products and coverage
3. 3. Investment Strategies and Personal Portfolio Management
3.1 Investment Analysis and Selection - Fundamental and technical analysis
for investment decisions - Evaluation of various investment options
(equities, fixed income, alternatives) - Investment strategies for wealth
preservation and growth
3.2 Personal Portfolio Management and Performance Evaluation - Portfolio
construction and rebalancing techniques - Performance measurement and
benchmarking - Monitoring and reviewing investment portfolios

4. 4. Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer 8+2

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4.1 Estate Planning Concepts and Tools - Understanding estate planning

and its objectives - Estate planning tools (wills, trusts, powers of attorney)
- Minimizing estate taxes and ensuring smooth wealth transfer
4.2 Succession Planning and Family Governance - Family business
succession planning - Establishing family governance structures and
protocols - Managing intergenerational wealth transfer challenges
5. Retirement Planning and Taxation - Retirement planning options
(pensions, 401(k), IRAs, annuities) - Tax implications of retirement 8+2
plan contributions and withdrawals - Strategies for tax-efficient
retirement income generation - Social Security and Medicare taxation
6. 6. Social Wealth Investment:
6.1 Philanthropic Strategies and Charitable Giving - Understanding
philanthropy and its role in wealth management - Creating effective
philanthropic strategies - Impact assessment and evaluation of
charitable giving. 8+2
6.2 Social Impact Investing and Sustainable Wealth Management -
Principles and approaches of social impact investing - Integrating
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors - Sustainable
wealth management practices
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Principles of Wealth Management by Jean L. P. Brunel

Wealth Creation: A Modern Approach to Investing in Equities by S.P. Prabhu

The New Wealth Management: The Financial Advisor's Guide to Managing

and Investing Client Assets" by Harold Evensky, Stephen M. Horan, and
Thomas R. Robinson
Other Resources: Journal of Wealth Management

Wealth Management Review

Journal of Personal Finance

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Group Projects

2. Article Writing

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3. Presentations

4. Case Study Analysis

Investment Simulation Lab

Course Code FM309M Course Title Investment Simulation

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define and explain the purpose of an investment simulation lab.

CO2 Understand the importance of experiential learning in investment decision-making.

CO3 Use fundamental and technical analysis to select stocks and construct a stock portfolio.

CO4 Analyze financial statements and company fundamentals for stock selection.

CO5 Evaluate the performance of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds in the investment
simulation lab.
CO6 Generate investment performance reports and presentations based on simulated
investment outcomes.

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. 1. Introduction to Investment Simulation

1.1 Overview of Investment Simulation Lab - Introduction to
investment simulation and its purpose - Importance of experiential

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learning in investment decision-making - Introduction to the

investment simulation software/platform
1.2 Basic Concepts of Investments - Understanding key investment
terms and concepts - Overview of different asset classes (stocks,
bonds, mutual funds, etc.) - Introduction to risk and return in
investment management (Practical on the Problems based on Risk and
2. 2. Portfolio Construction and Asset Allocation
2.1 Building an Investment Portfolio - Overview of portfolio management
and diversification - Factors influencing portfolio construction decisions -
Introduction to modern portfolio theory and asset allocation strategies
2.2 Risk Management in Portfolio Construction - Techniques for measuring
and managing investment risk - Determining risk tolerance and risk-adjusted
return objectives - Asset allocation based on risk profiles and investment
goals ( Practical on the Portfolio Construction)

3. 3. Trading Online: Pre requirements and documentation, Online trading and

mobile applications, verifying trades, contract notes, bills, demands 9+2
Verifying margin requirements and balance in trading account

4. 4. Analysis using online information: Using online reports and charts for
analysis and decision making (daily, monthly) creating data base for your 8+2
portfolio, Understanding Trading, Clearing & settlement, and Risk
Management related to each product in Capital Market
5. 5. Profit Management: Managing online 3 portfolios and related customized 8+2
market watch (e.g. My NSE) along with related detailed MIS in excel
6. 6. Investment Simulation and Performance Evaluation
6.1 Investment Simulation Exercises - Hands-on investment
simulation activities using the designated software/platform -
Making investment decisions based on assigned objectives and
constraints 8+2
Monitoring and adjusting investment portfolios over time
6.2 Performance Evaluation and Reporting - Calculating and
interpreting investment performance measures (ROI, CAGR, etc.)
Preparing investment performance reports and presentations -
Reflecting on investment simulation experiences and lessons learned
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

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Reference Books Investment Science by David G. Luenberger and William T. Ziemba

Quantitative Investment Analysis by Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. Mc

Leavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle

Other Resources: Journal of Investment Management

Financial Analysts Journal
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Practical assignments

2. Simulation exercises

3. Problem-solving exercises

4. Group projects

Banking Operation
Course Code FM310M Course Title Banking Operations

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Recall and explain the key functions and roles of banks in the economy.

CO2 Interpret and explain the regulatory framework governing the banking industry.

CO3 Apply knowledge of payment systems to facilitate transactions.

CO4 Evaluate the effectiveness of loan disbursement and recovery processes.

CO5 Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of retail banking operations.

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CO6 Design risk management frameworks to address operational risks in banking


Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Banking Operations

1.1 Overview of Banking System - Introduction to the banking sector
and its role in the economy - Types of banks and their functions -
Regulatory framework and central banking 8+1
1.2 Banking Products and Services - Overview of various banking
products (deposits, loans, cards, etc.) - Introduction to different types
of accounts and their features - Understanding banking services such
as remittances, trade finance, and treasury operations
2. Retail Banking Operations
2.1 Account Opening and Customer Relationship Management - Know Your
Customer (KYC) norms and customer due diligence - Procedures and
documentation for opening and maintaining bank accounts - Customer
relationship management and customer service in retail banking 8+2
2.2 Payments and Fund Transfer Services - Overview of payment systems
(RTGS, NEFT, IMPS, UPI, etc.) - Clearing and settlement processes for checks,
drafts, and electronic transactions - Fund transfer services and digital
payment platforms – Underwriting of Banks

3. Credit and Lending Operations

3.1 Loan Processing and Documentation - Overview of loan products and
credit facilities - Loan origination, appraisal, and documentation processes -
Credit risk assessment and loan monitoring 9+2
3.2 Loan Disbursement and Recovery - Loan disbursement procedures and
disbursement controls - Loan recovery strategies and non-performing asset
management - Debt restructuring and loan foreclosure processes

4. Treasury Markets and Investment Operations

4.1 Treasury Market Functions and Financial Market Operations -
Introduction to treasury management and its role in banks - Money market 8+2
and capital market instruments - Treasury operations, including dealing,
trading, and risk management

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4.2 Investment Portfolio Management - Types of investments and their risk-

return characteristics - Portfolio management techniques for optimizing
returns and managing risks - Investment appraisal and performance
5. Risk Management in Banking Operations
5.1 Credit Risk Management - Credit risk assessment, measurement, and
mitigation techniques - Credit risk policies and procedures - Basel framework
for credit risk management
5.2 Operational Risk Management - Identifying, assessing, and managing 8+2
operational risks in banking operations - Fraud prevention and operational
control mechanisms - Business continuity planning and disaster recovery in
5.3 Financial Risk and Market Risk
6. Regulatory and Compliance Framework
6.1 Regulatory Environment in Banking - Overview of banking regulations
and compliance requirements - Role of central banks and regulatory
authorities - Anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC)
regulations 8+2
6.2 Ethics and Governance in Banking Operations - Professional ethics and
codes of conduct in banking - Corporate governance principles and best
practices - Role of internal controls and risk management in promoting
ethical banking practices
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Banking Principles and Operations by M.N. Gopinath and Shrikant G.

Banking Operations in India: Current Scenario and Future Perspectives by

Sanjiv Das
Banking Operations: Theory and Practice by Vasant Desai

Other Resources: Journal of Indian Banking Association


Indian Journal of Banking and Finance

IBA Banking Technology Bulletin

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

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1. Group projects

2. Case studies

3. Presentations

4. Research papers

Corporate Accounting
Course Code FM311M Course Title
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 5
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3 -1 -1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcome:
Develop a comprehensive understanding of financial statements, including the
CO 1
income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement.
Apply financial information and analysis to make informed decisions related to
CO 2
investment, financing, and capital budgeting.
Develop their skills for analyzing and presenting financial statements for taking
CO 3
business decisions in contemporary environment.
Project financial health of business with the help of tools like ratio analysis and
CO 4
trend analysis
Prepare organizational budgets and evaluate and evaluate the financial impact
CO 5
of the decisions

Syllabus details
Unit Contents Hours
Accounting for Share Capital: Kinds of Shares – Types of Preference Shares –
1 Issue of Shares at Par, Discount and Premium - Forfeiture and Reissue of 12
Shares (including problems
Issue and Redemption of Debentures and Issue of Bonus Shares: Accounting
2 Treatment for Debentures Issued and Repayable at Par, Discount and 12
Premium -Issue of Bonus Shares - Buyback of Shares - (including problems)
3 Valuation of Goodwill: Need and Methods - Average Profit Method, Super 12
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Profits Method – Capitalization Method and Annuity Method (Including

4 Valuation Shares: Need for Valuation - Methods of Valuation - Net Assets 12
Method, Yield Basis Method, Fair Value Method (including problems)
Company Final Accounts: Provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 - Preparation
of Final Accounts – Adjustments Relating to Preparation of Final Accounts –
5 12
Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet – (including problems with simple

Text & Reference Books

Sr.No. Particulars
• B. M. Lal Nigam & G. L. Sharma: Advanced Accountancy
• Jain &Narang: Corporate Accounting
• M. A. Arunachalam & K. S Raman: Advanced Accountancy
Text Books
• Maheshwari: Advanced Accountancy Vol. I & II
• Rup Ram Gupta: Advanced Accountancy
• S. N. Maheshwari: Corporate Accounting
1. Corporate Accounting – T.S Reddy and Murthy, MarghamPublications,
2. Advanced Accounts: M C Shukla, T S Grewal and S C Gupta, S Chand
3. Corporate Accounting – Haneef & Mukherji, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books Publications.
4. Corporate Accounting – RL Gupta & Radha Swami,Sultan Chand & sons
5. Corporate Accounting – P.C. Tulsian, S.Chand Publishers
6. Advanced Accountancy: Jain and Narang,,Kalyani Publishers
7. Advanced Accountancy: R.L. Gupta and M.Radhaswamy, S Chand

J1. Accounting (JFA) provides a forum for sharing timely and up-to-date
publication of scientific research and review articles
Journals J2. MUDRA: Journal of Finance and Accounting; Double-blind Peer-
reviewed (Refereed) Journal; Published By: Journal Press India;Print
ISSN: 2347-4467;e-ISSN: 2395-2598
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Online Course / fundamentals
MOOC 4. Some other Coursera courses offered in association with ADYPU
E-resources Syllabus1.pdf

Course evaluation matrix

Suggested Evaluation Methods
Home Written Assignments
Case Study
Presentation on the current market happenings
Class Test
MOOC course Completion
Article/ Research paper writing
Live Projects

Corporate Finance
Course Code FM312M Course Title Corporate Finance

Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4

No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40

Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60


Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Recall and describe the key principles and concepts of corporate finance.

CO2 Explain the fundamental theories and models used in corporate finance.

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CO3 Apply financial analysis techniques to evaluate investment opportunities and make
informed capital budgeting decisions.
CO4 Critically evaluate the impact of different capital structures on a firm's cost of capital
and value.
CO5 Assess the impact of different dividend policies on shareholder value and firm

Course Syllabus:

Number of
Unit. Syllabus

1. Introduction to Corporate Finance

1.1 Overview of Corporate Finance - Introduction to the field of
corporate finance - Role of financial management in corporations -
Objectives and functions of corporate finance 8+1
1.2 Financial Statements and Analysis - Understanding financial
statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement) -
Financial ratio analysis and interpretation - Evaluating a company's
financial performance (Problems)
2. Time Value of Money and Valuation
2.1 Time Value of Money - Future value and present value concepts -
Calculation of compound interest and discounting - Time value of money
applications in corporate finance
2.2 Valuation Techniques - Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis - Valuation
of bonds and stocks - Estimating the cost of capital (Problems)

3. Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions

3.1 Capital Budgeting Process - Importance of capital budgeting decisions -
Identification and evaluation of investment opportunities - Cash flow
estimation and project analysis techniques 9+2
3.2 Investment Decision Criteria - Net Present Value (NPV) method - Internal
Rate of Return (IRR) method - Payback period and profitability index

4. Capital Structure and Financing Decisions

4.1 Capital Structure Theories - Modigliani-Miller theorem and its 8+2
implications - Trade-off theory and pecking order theory - Optimal capital
structure considerations.

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4.2 Financing Options and Instruments - Debt and equity financing - Issuing
stocks and bonds - Lease financing and other alternatives
5. Dividend Policy and Working Capital Management
5.1 Dividend Policy - Dividend policy theories - Dividend payout ratio and
retention ratio - Dividend payment methods 8+2
5.2 Working Capital Management - Working capital components and their
management - Cash management and liquidity considerations - Credit
management and inventory control (Problems)
6. Risk and Return in Corporate Finance
6.1 Risk and Return Concepts - Risk and its types in corporate finance
Calculation and measurement of risk - Relationship between risk and
return 8+2
6.2 Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) -
Diversification and portfolio risk reduction - CAPM and its
applications in estimating the required rate of return - Risk-adjusted
decision making (Problems)
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars

Reference Books Principles of Corporate Finance by Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, and
Franklin Allen

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance" by Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W.

Westerfield, and Bradford D. Jordan
Essentials of Corporate Finance" by Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W.
Westerfield, and Bradford D. Jordan
Other Resources: Journal of Corporate Finance
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Journal of Finance
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations

2. Case Study Analysis

3. Group Projects and Presentations

4. Research Paper or Literature Review

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Group D – Fintech
Basics of Database
Course Code FT308M Course Title Basics of Database
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Recall the fundamental concepts and terminology related to databases and database
management systems.
CO2 Understand the relational model and its components: entities, attributes, and
CO3 Apply the principles of database design to create a well-structured relational database.
CO4 Analyze database requirements and design a database schema based on given
CO5 Assess the performance and efficiency of a database design based on normalization
CO6 Design and implement a database management system for a given business scenario.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Databases and DBMS
Evolution of databases and their significance in modern businesses
Components and architecture of a DBMS
Types of database models: hierarchical, network, relational, and
Advantages and limitations of using a DBMS in business operations
2. Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Understanding the relational model and relational algebra
Relational database design principles: entities, attributes, and relationships 8+2
Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) and their role in database design
Normalization techniques for eliminating data redundancy
3. Structured Query Language (SQL)
Introduction to SQL and its role in database operations
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Different software available for database operations

Creating and manipulating database objects: tables, views, indexes, and
Writing SQL queries to retrieve, filter, and sort data
Aggregation and grouping in SQL queries
4. Data Manipulation and Transaction Management
Inserting, updating, and deleting records in a database
Ensuring data integrity through constraints and triggers 8+2
ACID properties and transaction management in a DBMS
Rollback, commit, and savepoint operations
5. Database Administration and Security
Roles and responsibilities of a database administrator (DBA)
Database backup and recovery techniques 8+2
User management and access control in a DBMS
Database security measures and best practices
6. Emerging Trends in Databases
Introduction to NoSQL databases: document, key-value, columnar, and
graph databases
Cloud-based databases and their advantages in modern business
Big data and its impact on database management
Data analytics and business intelligence in database systems
Artificial Intelligence in Database Management
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management by Carlos
Coronel, Steven Morris, and Peter Rob
Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes
Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B.
Other Resources: ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS)
Journals IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
Journal of Database Management (JDM)

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1. Quizzes and examinations
2. Individual or group projects
3. Practical assignments and case studies

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4. Class participation and discussions

Data Analysis and Visualization

Course Code FT309M Course Title Data analysis and
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Recall the fundamental concepts and terminology related to data analysis and
CO2 Understand the use of data analysis tools and software in interpreting and visualizing
CO3 Apply statistical analysis techniques and hypothesis testing to draw conclusions from
CO4 Analyze and interpret patterns, trends, and outliers in data using exploratory data
analysis techniques.
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of different data visualization
techniques for specific datasets.
CO6 Design and create visually appealing and informative data visualizations using
appropriate software.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization:
Understanding the role of data analysis and visualization in business
decision-making. Exploring different types of data (quantitative,
qualitative, categorical, etc.) Introduction to data analysis tools and
software – various Data Analysis software offered by different
companies Data visualization principles and best practices
2. Exploratory Data Analysis:
Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency, dispersion, and 8+2
distribution. Data cleaning and preprocessing techniques

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Time Series. Data exploration and visualization techniques (histograms, box

plots, scatter plots, etc.). Identifying outliers and missing values in data
3. Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing : Statistical inference:
population vs. sample, sampling methods, and confidence intervals
Hypothesis testing: null and alternative hypotheses, type I and type II
errors Parametric and non-parametric tests (t-tests, chi-square test,
ANOVA, etc.). Interpreting statistical results and drawing conclusions on Big
4. Data Visualization Techniques: Principles of effective data visualization
and storytelling with data Creating charts, graphs, and infographics using
data visualization software (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) Interactive and 8+2
dynamic visualizations for data exploration Designing visually appealing
and informative dashboards.
5. Advanced Data Analysis Methods
Regression analysis: linear regression, multiple regression, and logistic
regression. Time series analysis and forecasting techniques Cluster analysis 8+2
and segmentation methods. Text mining and sentiment analysis for
unstructured data
6. Data Analytics in Business Decision-making: Applying data analysis
and visualization techniques to solve business problems. Identifying
patterns and trends in market data, customer behavior, and sales 8+2
Communicating data-driven insights to stakeholders effectively
Ethical considerations in data analysis and visualization

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Visualizing Data by Ben Fry
Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business
Professionals" by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction by Kieran Healy
Other Resources: Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) - Data Science section
Journals IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and examinations
2. Individual or group projects
3. Practical assignments and case studies
4. Class participation and discussions

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Tableau for Analytics

Course Code FT310M Course Title Tableau for Analytics
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern LTP End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:

Sr. No. Particulars

CO1 Define the fundamental concepts and principles of Tableau for data analytics.
CO2 Explain the key features and functionalities of Tableau software.
CO3 Apply Tableau to analyze and visualize data effectively.
CO4 Evaluate different visualization techniques and best practices for data storytelling.
CO5 Develop interactive dashboards and reports using Tableau to address real-world business

Course Syllabus

Unit. Syllabus of
Introduction to Tableau and Data Visualization
- Introduction to Tableau Software and Data sets.
- Data visualization principles and best practices
- Understanding data types and sources
1. - Connecting to data and data preparation 8
- Creating basic visualizations in Tableau
- Applying filters, sorting, and grouping data
- Introduction to calculated fields and parameters
- Introduction to Tableau dashboards and storytelling
Exploring Data with Tableau
- Data exploration and analysis in Tableau
2 - Working with multiple data sources and joins 8
- Hierarchies, sets, and groups in Tableau
- Aggregating and disaggregating data

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- Working with time series data in Tableau

- Advanced calculations and table calculations
- Creating interactive filters and quick filters
- Building advanced visualizations (treemaps, heat maps, etc.)
Unit 3: Advanced Visualization Techniques
- Geographic mapping and spatial analysis in Tableau
- Dual-axis and blended visualizations
- Visual analytics with reference lines, bands, and distributions
3 - Highlighting and annotating data in Tableau 8
- Advanced chart types and custom visualizations
- Using actions and filters for interactivity
- Building interactive dashboards in Tableau
- Designing effective data stories with Tableau
Unit 4: Data Analytics and Modeling with Tableau
- Data blending and data blending challenges
- Data modeling and calculations in Tableau
- Forecasting and trend analysis in Tableau
4 8
- Clustering and segmentation analysis
- Statistical analysis and advanced analytics
- Integrating R and Python scripts in Tableau
- Web data connectors and data extraction
Unit 5: Advanced Data Preparation and Integration
- Data preparation techniques in Tableau
- Working with data connectors and data sources
- Cleaning and transforming data in Tableau
5 8
- Advanced data blending and data reshaping
- Combining and unionizing data in Tableau
- Joins and relationships in Tableau
- Data governance and data quality considerations
Unit 6: Collaboration and Sharing in Tableau
- Publishing and sharing Tableau visualizations
- Tableau Server and Tableau Online overview
- User management and permissions in Tableau
6 8
- Scheduling and refreshing data in Tableau
- Collaborating with Tableau Workbooks and Projects
- Embedding Tableau visualizations in other applications
- Security and privacy considerations in Tableau
Unit 7: Tableau Extensions and Integration
7 8
- Introduction to Tableau Extensions API
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- Using pre-built extensions in Tableau

- Creating custom extensions in Tableau
- Integrating Tableau with other tools and platforms
- Using Tableau with scripting languages (Python, R, etc.)
- Exploring Tableau add-ons and integrations
- Tableau Mobile and mobile app deployment
Unit 8: Advanced Topics in Tableau
- Performance optimization and best practices in Tableau
- Tableau Prep for data preparation and cleaning
- Data storytelling and effective communication in Tableau
8 4
- Advanced security and authentication options in Tableau
- Tableau in the era of Big Data and IoT
- Ethical considerations and data governance in Tableau
- Future trends and developments in Tableau

Learning Resources:

Sr. No. Reference Books Particulars

1 "Tableau Your Data!: Fast and Easy Visual Analysis with Tableau Software" by Dan Murray
2 "Tableau Cookbook: Recipes for Data Visualization Success" by Shweta Sankhe-Savale and
Packt publishing
3 "Tableau Data Visualization Cookbook" by Ashutosh Nandeshwar
4 "Learning Tableau 2020: Tools for Business Intelligence, data prep, and visual analytics" by
Joshua N. Milligan
5 "Tableau For Dummies" by Molly Monsey and Paul Sochan

Other Resources: Journals

1 Journal of Data Visualization
2 International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
3 Journal of Big Data Analytics in Finance
4 Information Visualization Journal

Suggested Evaluation Methods:

1 Practical Assignments and Projects
2 Interactive Dashboard Development
3 Data Visualization Critiques and Presentations
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4 Peer Assessments and Feedback

Digital Tools for Quantitative Analysis

Course Code FT311M Course Title Digital Tools for
Quantitative Analysis
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Identify and describe various digital tools used for quantitative analysis.

CO2 Interpret and explain the role of digital tools in data analysis and modeling.
CO3 Utilize programming languages to manipulate data, build statistical models, and
perform analysis.
CO4 Analyze data using digital tools to derive meaningful insights and make informed
CO5 Evaluate the appropriateness of different digital tools for specific quantitative analysis
CO6 Develop custom analytical solutions using programming languages for specific business

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Quantitative Analysis and Digital Tools
• Overview of quantitative analysis and its importance in business
• Introduction to digital tools and their role in data analysis and
modeling 8+1
• Understanding the steps involved in the quantitative analysis
• Ethical considerations and best practices in using digital tools for
quantitative analysis
2. Spreadsheet Software for Data Analysis 8+2

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• Introduction to spreadsheet software (e.g., Microsoft Excel, Google

Sheets, Microsoft Excel
• Google Sheets
• Apple Numbers, LibreOffice Calc, Apache OpenOffice Calc , Zoho
Sheet , WPS Office Spreadsheets , Quip Spreadsheets , Smartsheet ,
Airtable , OnlyOffice Spreadsheet , Thinkfree Office Spreadsheet,
Collabora Online – Spreadsheet, EtherCalc, Calligra Sheets)
• Data import, cleaning, and manipulation techniques
• Formulas, functions, and macros for data analysis and calculations
• Data visualization and charting capabilities in spreadsheets
3. • Statistical Analysis with Software
• Introduction to statistical software packages (e.g., SPSS, R, Python)
• Descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency, variability, and
data visualization
• Inferential statistics: hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and
regression analysis
• Conducting statistical analyses and interpreting the results using
4. Data Visualization and Presentation
• Principles of effective data visualization
• Using software tools (e.g., Tableau, Power BI) for creating interactive
• Designing charts, graphs, and dashboards for data exploration and
• Presenting quantitative analysis findings using digital tools
• Data Mining
5. Programming Languages for Quantitative Analysis
• Introduction to programming languages (e.g., R, Python) for data
• Data manipulation, transformation, and wrangling using
programming languages
• Statistical modeling and machine learning techniques in
programming languages
• Building custom analytical solutions using programming languages
6. Advanced Topics in Digital Tools for Quantitative Analysis
• Big data analytics: tools and techniques for handling large datasets
• Text mining and sentiment analysis using digital tools
• Time series analysis and forecasting with software applications

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• Ethical considerations and challenges in using digital tools for

quantitative analysis
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Data Science for Business by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett
R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund
Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney
Other Resources: Journal of Marketing Research
Journals Journal of Data Science
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations
2. Case studies and group projects involving quantitative analysis and data
3. Hands-on exercises and practical assignments using digital tools
4. Class participation and engagement

Digitalization of Mergers and Acquisitions

Course Code FT312M Course Title Digitalization of
Mergers and
Course Type DE Sessions in TT per week 4
No. of Credits 4 Continuous Assessment Marks 40
Credit Pattern 3-1-1 End Semester Assessment Marks 60

Course Outcomes:
Sr. No. Particulars
CO1 Define and explain the concept of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and their
significance in the business world.
CO2 Understand the different types of M&A transactions and their motivations.
CO3 Apply digital tools and techniques for conducting due diligence in M&A transactions.
CO4 Analyze the role of technology in enhancing due diligence processes in M&A
CO5 Evaluate the effectiveness of digital communication strategies in managing stakeholder
relationships during M&A activities.

© ADYP University | June 2023

Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

CO6 Design and propose innovative approaches for digital valuation and deal structuring.

Course Syllabus:
Number of
Unit. Syllabus
1. Introduction to Digitalization of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
Overview of Mergers and Acquisitions – Digitalization of M & A, Data
Analysis, Data sets, big data Analysis of M & A, Types of M&A 8+2
Transactions - Motivations for M&A - Legal and Regulatory Framework
for M&A - Role of Digitalization in M&A
2. Digital Due Diligence
Importance and Process of Due Diligence - Leveraging Technology for
Due Diligence - Data Analytics and Automation in Due Diligence - 8+2
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Considerations - Integration of
Financial and Non-Financial Due Diligence
3. Digital Valuation and Deal Structuring
Valuation Methods and Techniques in M&A - Role of Big Data and AI
in Valuation - Digital Tools for Deal Structuring and Negotiations - 8+2
Financial Modeling and Simulation in M&A - Synergy Analysis and
Value Creation Strategies
4. Digital Deal Sourcing and Target Identification
Digital Platforms and Technologies for Deal Sourcing - Data Mining
and Market Research in Identifying Targets - Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning in Target Screening - Social Media and Network
Analysis in Deal Sourcing - Deal Origination and Relationship
Management Tools
5. Digital Integration and Post-Merger Integration (PMI)
IT Infrastructure Integration - Data Integration and Management -
Process Automation and Streamlining – Digital Change Management 8+2
and Cultural Integration - Performance Measurement and Evaluation
in PMI
6. Digital Communication and Stakeholder Management
Communication Strategies for M&A - Digital Tools for Stakeholder
Engagement - Investor Relations and Reporting - Managing Employee
Communications – IFRS - Reputation Management in the Digital Era
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Particulars
Reference Books Digital M&A: Transforming the Deal Process by Joachim Lauterbach and Rudi

© ADYP University | June 2023

Programs Academic Information, 2023-26

M&A Information Technology Best Practices by Janice M. Roehl-Anderson

and Steven D. Bragg
Digital Deal Making: Strategies, Valuation, and Integration by Richard P.
Other Resources: Journal of Mergers & Acquisitions
Journals Journal of Digital Transformation
M&A Review
Suggested Evaluation Methods:
1. Quizzes and Examinations
2. Case Study Analysis
3. Group Projects and Presentations
4. Research Paper or Literature Review

© ADYP University | June 2023

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