To Class. C1. Sustainable Products

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C h a p te r 1 .

S u st a i n a b l e P r o d u c t s
A . S u st a i n a b l e P r o d u c t s
Example of
sustainable product & unsustainable products
Example measures
for assessing product sustainability
B . S u st a i n a b l e P r o d u c t D e s i g n
Definition _ Sustainable product design

• Sustainable product design is effectively combining

solutions that address environmental issues while
elevating user experience and achieving success in
the marketplace. (Lobos)
Definition _ Eco-efficiency

• Eco-efficiency is achieved by the delivery of competitively

priced goods and services that satisfy human needs and
bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological
impacts and resource intensity throughout the life cycle to a
level at least in line with the earth’s estimated carrying
capacity. (WBSCD)
Definition _ Eco-effectiveness

• Eco-effectiveness positively defines beneficial

environmental, social and economic traits

of goods and services. (WBSCD)

Design for X
It is received attention as “sustainable design”, “green design”, “eco-design” or “environmental design”
Redesigning product characteristics
Design for Manufacture

Design for Assembly

Design for Logistics

Design for Disassembly

Design for Disposal

DfX* principles
A basic directive is to minimise the amount of material used in products and packaging in general. Include the following:
1.1. Minimise material content
1. Minimise 1.2. Minimise residues, scraps and discards
material 1.3. Minimise or avoid packaging
consumption 1.4. Engage more consumption-efcient systems
1.5. Engage systems of flexible materials consumption
1.6. Minimise materials consumption during the product development phase
Minimise the consumption of energy during the different product life-cycle stages. Depending on the specifc product, it
may be possible to focus on one or more specifc product life-cycle stage(s) for optimising energy use. Criterions:
2. Minimise 2.1. Minimise energy consumption during pre-production and production
energy 2.2. Minimise energy consumption during transportation and storage
consumption 2.3. Select systems with energy-efcient operation stages
2.4. Engage dynamic consumption of energy
2.5. Minimise energy consumption during product development
This principle includes the use of materials with ample supply and low rates of depletion, high potential for recycling and
3. Optimise
low or no toxicity.
3.1. Minimising toxic emissions
3.2. Use renewable and bio-compatible resources
* Design for Excellence, or Design for X

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