EG2002 - Heat Exchanger

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EG2002 Process Engineering Continuous Assessment Report

<Heat Exchange Laboratory>

By <Faisal Al Humaidi> <51013981>

School of Engineering University of Aberdeen Kings College 2011-12

<Insert Exercise Name>

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... I List of Figures ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. List of Tables .................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Symbols and Abbreviations........................................................................................................................... II 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Aims and Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.3 Structure of the Report ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Background Theory .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1 <Insert Sub-section 1> ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Experimental Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 <Insert Sub-section 1> ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 <Insert Sub-section 1> ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Discussion and Analysis............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 <Insert Sub-section 1> ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Conclusions and Recommendations .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. References .................................................................................................................................................... 6 Appendix A ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.


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Description Efficiency of the exchanger Heating Cooling Specific heat capacity Mass flow rate (heating) Mass flow rate (cooling) The temperature difference between 2 stream at inlet The temperature difference between 2 stream at outlet Log mean temperature difference Area

Units W W KJ/Kg.k Kg/s Kg/s



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1. Introduction:
In this experiment we will study how to investigate the effect of counter-current and co-current flow on the performance of one of heat exchangers which are (concentric tube, shell and tube and plate. Then we will investigate the efficiency of the exchanger. We will calculate the log mean temperature difference in co-current and counter current operation. In this experiment the temperature of exchangers (cool stream of hot water) inlet will be around 50 - 45 .

1.1 Background theory:

There are many types of heat exchangers but in our experiment we will use three types of heat exchangers to investigate the effect of counter-current flow on their performance, but the heat exchangers we use in our experiment shell and tube, and the other heat exchangers: Shell and tube Plate Concentric tube

A heat exchanger is a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another. The media may be separated by a solid wall, so that they never mix, or they may be on direct contact. They are widely used in space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning and etc In this experiment we will use some formulas to calculate , , and LMTD )

= Tin) :The duty of the exchanger = Cp.gc.(Tout Tin) : The heat taken by the cold stream = = : The eciency of the exchange : The driving force

1.2 Aims and Objectives:

In this lab our objectives are to understand the concept of the heat exchangers use and to understand the basic principle of using heat exchangers, and how to investigate the heat exchangers efficiency. Investigate the effect of co- current and counter- current flow and Develop our knowledge of the principle heat exchangers.


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3. Experimental Methodology:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. We divide into groups and start the work at one the heat exchangers. Click on the armfield icon to start the software (control the heat exchanger by pc). Chose counter-current operation then chose the diagram icon. Put the heater to automatic control and should be set up at set point 50 . Put the flow rate of the hot and cold-water to manual and 50% capacity then chose the power on icon the diagram then we chose the GO button to start recording. Plot the inlet and outlet temperatures graph by click on the y=mx+c button and set up our graph where the inlet and outlet on one of the Y-axis and on the other the two flow rate. Watch the temperatures behaviour till the steady-state achieved. Save our data an excel for processing. Repeat the same steps with co-current operation.

4. Results:

The graph of co-current operation:


<Insert your name>

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Calculations: first we will calculate to co-current operation by using simple 65:

Driving force: = = = 31.77

The duty of the exchanger: =1.089726 KJ/s

= Tin) = 4.180 * 0.079 * (49.5 46.2)

The heat taken by the cold stream =1.05462 KJ/s The efficiency of the exchange: =

= Cp.gc.(Tout Tin) = 4.185 *0.036 *(19.3 12.3)

*100 =

*100= 96.78%


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*Second we will calculate the counter-current operation by using simple 102:

Driving force: = = = 32.3588

The duty of the exchanger: =1.083456 KJ/s

= Tin) =4.180 * 0.081 * (49.6 46.6)

The heat taken by the cold stream =1.05462 KJ/s The eciency of the exchange: =

= Cp.gc.(Tout Tin) = 4.185 *0.035 * (19.2 12)

*100 =

*100 = 97.33%


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5. Discussion and Analysis:

We learned in this experiment the counter- current operation more efficient than co-current because the counter-current driving force greater than driving force in the co-current according this formula: Q = UATlm where U and A are constants and the in the counter- current greater that mean Q will be greater in the counter-current and this why more efficient. According our results we got the efficiency counter-current: =97.33% And efficiency co-current: =96.78%, that mean the counter-current more efficient than co-current. The results we calculated for LMTD very similar to the results we measured in the experiment.

6. Executive summary:
We learned in this lab the principle of the heat exchanger and we develop our knowledge about how it use. We learned in this experiment the counter-current more efficient than the co-current but in real we cant get 100% efficiency because some heat will lose in the tubes. The results we calculated for LMTD very similar to these we measured in the experiment that mean there s very small error because of the approximation.


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