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Goals to be accomplished, Action Plan for 2023, Life Changing year for Chandra Shekhar Rathipelly

C language by Jenny's lectures 20 hours 45 minutes 18 seconds

DSA by Jenny's lectures 36 hours

GATE Smasher DBMS 11 hours, 46 minutes, 25 seconds

GATE Smasher OS 10 hours, 4 minutes, 13 seconds

GATE Smasher COA 4 hours, 49 minutes, 50 seconds

GATE COA 1 day, 9 hours, 20 minutes, 17 seconds


GATE Smasher TOC 5 hours, 13 minutes, 36 seconds

GATE Smasher CD 2 hours, 59 minutes, 1 second

GATE Smasher computer network 9 hours, 4 minutes, 59 seconds

GATE Smasher DLD 3 hours, 43 seconds

GATE wallah engineering mathematics 37h44m39s

Code help DSA 100 hours

Jenny's DSA 41 hours

Code with Harry DSA 32 hours

Code Help CS Fundamental 30 hours

30-day app dev challenge 36 hours

DevOps 450 Plus Hours of Workout
Web Development 180 Plus Hours of Workout

Ability of Burning desire is for Consistent efforts to Dedicate and deserve for the Effective
Communication and Feeling the Goal statement Highly Indicating Joyfully Kinetic energy toward Life
with high self-Motivation

I need to love myself and I must improve my grooming standards, behaviour, attractiveness,
patience, striving for excellence with perfection, hard work, proper direction, setting up priorities,
accomplishing daily tasks, working on weakness, earning dollars, high paying jobs, remote work,
work from home,
1. To troubleshoot a network connectivity issue, I would start by checking the physical
connections, verifying the IP configuration, ensuring proper DNS settings, checking for
firewall or antivirus restrictions, and performing diagnostic tests using tools like ping or
2. A VPN is a secure network connection that allows user to access to private networks over a
public network, such as the internet. It encrypts data, ensuring privacy and security. In the
context of customer support, a VPN can be essential for troubleshooting remote customer
issues and security accessing customer networks.
3. Configuring a VPN connections on their device.
I would guide the customer through the necessary step, which typically involve installing the
VPN client software entering the server address and login credentials, and configuring any
additional settings like authentication protocols or split tunnelling. Screenshots or step-by-
step instructions can be shared to simplify the process.
4. IP Address and its relationship between troubleshooting
An IP address is a unique numerical identifier assigned to devices on a network. It is crucial
for communication between devices. In troubleshooting, understanding IP addressing helps
identify issues such as conflicts, misconfiguration, or routing problems that may be causing
network connectivity problems.
5. If a customer is unable to access a specific website, what basic troubleshooting step would
you suggest I would recommend clearing the customer’s browser cache and cookies.
Sometimes, stored data can cause conflicts and prevent access to certain websites.
6. How would you assist a customer in configuring a VPN connection on their smart phone I
would ask the customer to download a VPN app form their device’s app store. Then, I would
guid them through the installation process and help them set un the VPN connection within
the app.
7. How can a customer determine if their internet connection is slow or if it’s an issue with a
specific website, I would ask the customer to try accessing other websites or perform a
speed test using an online tool, if other websites load fine and the speed test shows
expected results, the issue may lie with the specific website.
8. What is the significance of subnetting in troubleshooting network issues? Subnetting helps
organize and segment larger networks into smaller, more management subnetworks it can
assist in identifying specific areas where network issues might be occurring, making
troubleshooting more efficient.
9. How would you guide a customer to configure a static IP address on their computer
running macOS I would ask the customer to got to System Preference, select network,
choose their network connection type (Ethernet or Wi-Fi), click Advanced, go to the TCP/IP
tab and enter the desired static IP address details.
10. If a customer reports VPN connection issues, what simple step would you suggest they try
first I would recommend asking the customer to disconnect from the VPN and then
reconnect. Sometimes, a temporary network glitch can be resolved by reestablishing the
VPN connection.

Its 4:44 AM on July 12, 2023 and exactly I am having 30 days to manifest everything

I am getting different chances to prove myself and I have been participating in different screening
phone calls, online assessment, Video Interviews, etc, and in this journey I would like to thank all my
dear mama’s especially Mahesh mama maths lecturer for making me to learn English and
concentrate only on placements and one more Mahesh mama police for making me strong and Ravi
mama to make me realize my mistakes
Today I am going to give a video interview for sales and marketing side and I will be very confident
and highly active person in this interview for utilizing this wonderful opportunity

I would like to concentrate for at least for 45 days very seriously for Web dev / Android dev primarily
using MERN stack by taking the help from CODEHELP, YouTube, Udemy, etc and REACT NATIVE

I am really a confident person in all aspects and I wish to improve myself in all aspects by analysing
every minute.

I want to speak very confidently in English with proactive voice

Its 5:22 AM July 14, 2023 It has been really 13 days for making myself involved in different activities
like vlogs, video editing, cooking, communications, attending walk-ins and interviews. Final analysis is
to be very brave and confident. I am going to be very stronger person in future and I will be the very
strongest person to be in this world physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc,

Today’s goal is to apply for at least 99 companies and make myself the best person for today’s
interview panel. I must be in the situation to negotiate the salary for my survival and livelihood in
this nice and beautiful world.

I must complete HTML/CSS videos of Code Help, Shraddha Didi, etc, and I will be spending at least 4
to 5 hours for only web dev. I am going crack 10+ LPA by the end of Sep 3, 2023 and 20+ LPA base by
the end of Dec 30, 2023

Its 5:45 AM July 15, 2023

I have been thinking about my life and what phase of life I am going to experience. So, I am left with
169 days for completing this year and I have kept those big goals above as well as thinking very big as
I am going to get 20+ LPA base salary. So, I came to one conclusion that “Irrespective of anything
going in my life I must spend at least 3 hours for learning Information Technology subjects”

July 18, 2023

So, my body, mind, soul is healing properly. I am concentrating on my life properly and
understanding the divine living and want to consume only water as liquid intake and want to eat only
veg. So, planning to stop cooldrinks, junk foods, alcohol, heavy meals, reducing food, concentrating
only on the breathing for my better livelihood. I want to ensure my every blood cell is running for the
purpose of believing and imagining myself as a luxurious life and rich man with wealthy person. Every
cell in body is in my control.

My priority is to complete Master the coding interviews Udemy course within this week with the
practical implementation using Leet code, Geeks for Geeks, Interview Bit, etc, and I must spend at
least 72 hours in this week. I must complete DSA and CS fundamentals with live project to get 20+
LPA in the year 2023 and 2024.

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