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fag Ascent OF Sap [ Balsam plant —-eepevimant “Bi ieee a Te damonskalr that —_Upuxmcl mowrant of water toss atte Ligh xylan, _ tontinovs_Crarinils Hiowugln_ushich, _twaikra is _ conducted. REQUIREMENTS - - PROEDURE . 1k yt bain “urking | A Now Hat ap at tn sli om. A To TS 4 ater nck Crane urd, Hae __Micnoswpe. alee. TE ue se the pot uu us con Wke te tad steak Wy An stern Pebiole and Veins of Me bat. 14 the ons —Sction a, tia ster _is_ examined _undin micnoscope ule Can Hoa Albne —1g_thvolved —it_the Conducfiton sf; uote, 2 hd so thot uses ‘i6 to Wise ae pant cher te Pre auylorn of, the veols than the ative —_dbsorption of “ae, ‘s ail “thant ak. 4a tenstin. What is _apopastic ol sync eanspoxt of water? - _ Apo nostic transport involves Hu trowmant unk my thee dy yooks — Plays a 0 ans —Hour_twol prossvrta helps ascant of sup Po nS i lt tahssiva _notchawisny that _cholen the efticient__tvangort tata Sor tr nots to tte luowes iin _soasuilon plants Rost__pressuow is a _Winor force Compan tp tha howstivotional pull Np Deheination Of Water Potential pT etc, tet iw To datevrvine the waler. pokakiol of, lot Auber call, “Ranga Lu Tra_orngy portale; uoter \s bamin_o fcr pkatel s_usvally @pressed yn _poassune units —sucln os —_hens_ov atmnsphow puintial 1s lowed oy _thy addition of; solu tes because pater aft tobe plas ‘in fo _wrmnkic_ Ov ota systems rom a eeeenes | Es va Conditions fm Yui is coluuloded by By = Bm te + We ai ani Wt = Swe Perit a ae TTT iii i = We eaaiainaiae aaa eeerom iit salu (ase dal tungor Passo Pen | sa\ Cy + Us) Soin ull ae “ic _equal to suite nl | — Press. wales | Artal gy | Fi) wag | Grange tm | Rocroge | | ‘ valk blaight (9) | in Change } Comcarion | Vals ( high) 9) no | | | iM | e | 53 +03 | by. | | a ay ee aa —__ | Re dae oS +05 lol. | | Se i ZZ | {ston || | | | | tem | oo lif | | So | D | oo | ) ome | | | ie CS he | | = -o. - | | Sa ef ee | ee bom | S ‘bs Lae 4 | tk | ce Roquinercents - - _ Potato tuber. Gonk borwr . Cant sugen . beabms -Tosunare, Jos. shandond tacks + tolona outth uinights , tRartometer cle sas Proce dure. - és (4M sucrone solution is_prepenod ard fromthe 1M. __ __Greantation dM 0.2 M BO 3M, O4 MOSM sugin Duutions z x proporad os inthe _finsk_caxperrnust . Now 0 potmte tuber is tokun cmd Has tam, lage al SS _tylin dtetcal_pieaa ona _cut — 8. Fis Sample, ocho _uasdghad wt Te Using batting, —_Pupess__thuyy cna _—_devied ard Oyickay _ Poted tnt differant —_Conwntvakions of, sues Siuutigns Aer om tun. the cylindins one uonmntsd Soro fae L _ glution .Hotted dtvy and _heuighad es Te srrmpln atic dines no shou We uwight | Se el ee lee ia tuhose tual patito ort abner bolances ths woker potutial ef Ha a sop of, potolo cats —_____ = - Now groph is conshutted faking taba — - ——___|__ sug: Solution om X= onus. and -/_-gain or Loss‘ t_tiatight Leb tn uasight) onthe Y- Onis. a Bom Ye gyaph , botonic contentvation is found nok Using Hh fottousing formula he Yu is coleulated. _ —— cou ——_ g 2 ee 4 bcm } be —Sdlution Weer tends to maw om anaos of higuan water _prtentia tuna be trots _Gikity fo mows into He 0-2 M Suonse scluubion th_water potential © Define osmosis interme sh, water potential 2 Oirasic canbe dativad interme st, waiter polential_ @_the movment of Waler acs a cen ~ permuable _mmnabro ne __ ~ fon Hao high water potential team ; wotey poteintiol » dviuun by differance in presuns potential ar Slate potential. Nb. 08 EMect of Quantity of hight on Photosynthesis ake { Aire | Paina Binns tt Et Cravelca| ery Daning _Photosynbiasis —drygen 1 Diva This_is_atn_importont __bymoduct in photosy nthesis | prota synthesis photo syn thesis __is_Maastnod in thie empevimant . Thine ‘ie i A i j are bondition “Ti (rein) dss Guolity, gt Atter Sting | Lornins Israins | Dirac Sunlight] ES los | \so | Ort fused,” | (Neondoy. 3 33 Is | Lai Pa Darvkntgs 3 1 6 | Faery ier ellleleeteenesiireadeiaeel somites _| fokanand_an_anage ik fokan, s Nea ha_setup_is bark _diftue tek Coanda) bulls ore taunted Conclusion ke ” * » || tal ol, rhotosyntiusis is high 7 1 Protosynthesis ic the ubbinae Samus}, cnigy forall the S._WhayHydritle, lant is selected —fov His burp 2 d =, Uhh _Contitons . TH can theta in both laee light and high tight Wa ita. Efect _of Cog Conesnbraationy or Phi atone T Preedine - 7 . : ballad and cools ster z 2 sR 2.09. 4-59. 64 of seddum biombonda am ;—bidignd and tokon. 8. Mow 15g af, sodium bicorbonab is added te S00 ml oh Sub Log Contarteation fate at, ohana | eres | ae 2 | 309 (oor 7” | sy” 8 | ksg (oa) ts ose 84,01 g/l __ Moan Mas of Nala, i pote mal. a | | aoe | | i | | Stan Sse es | A Bom| YS [: he | | L —| | RB 205 tH) 235 | {| its Lipase octyity = BOA Lypase activihy 1g, Carter sued ™ Thal pea bi indidhaeto_eack ond ~tibath ite® te Olle 1b. Mh toma it Hin ala ah A ocd —eoyud\_to_enzypar activity The czy activity te : Activiby 6 comecsed Resulk Too enesy in. ockwity ic eapvosed tw titre cb Hissar pes houn 1 I Conclusion: \. Fopalin the _faretion ef tipase 2 @Shpeci i v __yareodg hic erveymen 2 | | Th Higher _Lpusc_octiviby in gexrsinaded — Gite sede asks —brunkdoun highy idan into fatty aude ard yeaah, i ing Seed bing, Sty nase octvity ig il in some “A? A

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