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DATE / DAY : SUNDAY / 11.6.2023 WEEK : 11

CLASS / TIME 2 ILMU / 8.45-9.45

TOPIC / LANGUAGE UNIT 6 - The old house
OBJECTIVE / 1. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to understand with support very short simple
LEARNING narratives.
STANDARD 2. By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to understand with support specific information and
details of simple sentences.
ACTIVITIES 1.Read a description of a house on board.
2.Teacher distributes worksheet. (CBA)
3.Read again. Pupils listen and point to the sentence. (21st CA)
4.In pairs, they listen to their partner and draw items in a bedroom. (HOTS)
5.Model this by listen to your describing a house first.
6.Pupils compare their worksheet in pairs.
REFLECTION / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s).
Lesson is postponed due to : ________________________________________________

CLASS / TIME 1 AMAL / 11.15-12.15

OBJECTIVE / By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to:
LEARNING 1. Name people, things or places of interest in illustrations accompanying texts.
STANDARD 2. Understand with support specific information and details of very simple phrases and sentences.
ACTIVITIES 1.Put up the toy flashcards on the board. Ask the pupils what they are and review the colours, e.g. It’s a red
monster.(21st CA)
2.Ask the pupils how old they think the characters are. Write various suggestions (including the correct answer)
on the board under the characters’ names. (HOTS)
3.Ask the pupils to listen (or read) about the boy and girl and to tell you how old they are and what their favourite
toys are.
4.Ask pupils what other information they remember about the characters. Ask them to write a sentence in pairs in
their notebooks. (CBA)

REFLECTION / pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s).
/ pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s).
Lesson is postponed due to : ________________________________________________


Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid dapat:

Membandingkan dan menentukan kuantiti dua kumpulan objek nombor hingga 100.

AKTIVITI 1. Murid diterangkan perkataan “lebih daripada” dan “kurang daripada” digunakan untuk membandingkan bilangan
PENGAJARAN objek dan nombor.
2. Murid ditegaskan bahawa kemahiran membilang ialah langkah penting untuk kemahiran membanding.
3. Murid menjalankan aktiviti menjawab soalan dalam buku teks ms 28 untuk membandingkan bilangan ikan dengan
bilangan ulat. (KBAT)
4. Murid menjalankan aktiviti secara berpasangan. Murid menjalankan aktiviti membandingkan bilangan dua
kumpulan objek berpandukan kad imbasan yang diberikan kepada setiap pasangan. Murid diminta menggunkaan perkataan
“lebih daripada” dan “kurang daripada”. (PAK 21)
5. Murid menjawab soalan ‘Uji Diri’ yang diberi dalam buku latihan. (PBD)
6. Murid membuat soalan dalam buku aktiviti.
/ murid dapat mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan.
REFLEKSI / murid diberikan bimbingan dan peneguhan
/ murid tidak dapat menguasai objektif pembelajaran.


HARI AHAD TARIKH 11.6.2023 MASA 12.15-1.15

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