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Short Answer Questions:

1. Define Software Engineering, SDLC, Prototype, Feasibility Study.

2. Explain the types of software.
3. List the components of software engineering.
4. Define Requirement analysis.
5. What is Extreme Programming?
6. What is cleanroom strategy?
7. Define Unit testing.
8. What is Box structure specification?
9. What are the types of box structure?
10.Define Software scope.
11.Define Software Project Management.
12.Mention 4P’s of Management Spectrum.
13.Define software testing.
14.Define Verification and Validation in software testing.
15.Define manual and automation testing.
16.Define Black box and White box testing.
17.What is Alpha and Beta testing?
18.What are the project risks.
19.Define Software Project Scheduling,Gantt Chart, EVA(Earned Value Analysis)
20.What is Top-Down and Bottom-Up Integration testing?
21.What is Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)?
22.Define risk management.
23.Mention the types of software risks.
24.Define project risks, technical risks, business risks, known risks.
25.Define Software Maintenance.
26.What are the categories of software maintenance?
27.Define Code Restructuring and Data Restructuring.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain the Evolution of Software Engineering.

2. Compare Classical waterfall model and iterative waterfall model.
3. Explain software process.
4. Explain the importance of software testing.
5. discuss the types of formal specification language.
6. Explain the phases of SDLC.
7. Explain Waterfall Model with a neat diagram.
8. Explain the principles of risk management.
9. Explain the ISO standards.
10.Explain features of Agile Process.
11.Give the differences between Black box and White box testing.
12.Explain Software Configuration Management and its concepts.
13.Explain the need for software project management.
14.Explain 4P’s of management spectrum / management spectrum.
15.Explain W5HH principle.
16.What are the roles of project manager?
17.Explain waterfall model.
18.Explain Re-engineering.
19.Explain the types of Feasibility Study.
20.Explain different ways of requirements gathering / Requirements Gathering
21.Explain Software Project Scheduling Process.
22.Give the importance of project scheduling.
23.Explain project scheduling tools and techniques.
24.What is Reverse Engineering? Explain.
25.Explain Restructuring and types.

Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Two marks

1. Define Algorithm. List the methods for specifying the algorithm.

2. What is best case efficiency?
3. What is Huffman codes?
4. What are divide and conquer techniques?
5. Define time complexity and space complexity.
6. List two graph traversal algorithm and write one difference between them
7. What is optimality? .
8. Write the differences between recursive and non-recursive algorithm.
9. Define minimum cost spanning tree.
10.Define binary tree. List three types of binary tree traversal.
11.What is hashing? Define hash table.
12.Define Backtracking and Branch-Bond Technique.
13.What is recursive algorithm?
14.What is Decision tree?
15.Define Hamilton circuit problem.
16.Define Binary Tree and Complete Binary tree.
17.Define Brute face method.
18.What is P and NP problems?
19.What is Knapsack problem ?
20.List the different types of control structures.
21.Compare DFS and BFS
22.Illustrate asymptotic notations.

Big questions
1. Write the algorithm for Merge 39,27,43,3,9, g2, IO. 23. Find the shortest path
from node 1 algorithm. Sort
2. Explain worst case, best case and average case efficiencies.
3. Explain Pre-order Tree Traversal.
4. Write a program to solve tower of Hanoi problem.
5. Explain Hashing function.
6. Explain strassen’s matrix multiplication method.
7. Explain DFS traversal algorithm
8. Explain topological sorting. Find topological sort of a given graph using removal

9. Analyze time efficiency for finding a factorial number.

10. What are the differences between mathematical and empirical analysis of
11. Solve sum of subsets using backtracking for S={3,4,5,6},M=13 by constructing a
solution tree.
12. Expalin knapsack problem .
13. Explain Prim’s algorithm.
14. Explain Asymptotic Notations use to describe the running time of the algorithm.
15. Trace the quick sort algorithm for the following numbers
16. Explain Dijikstra’s algorithm.
17. Solve 4 – Queens problem by back tracking technique. Draw solution state –
space tree.
18. Find the optimal solution for a Knapsack problem using Branch and bound
method with M=40, N=4.
19. Find the minimum weight spanning tree using prim’s algorithm.

20.Write Kruskal's algorithm to obtain minimum cost spanning tree with example.
21.What is dynamic programming ? Mention the difference between divide and
conquer and dynamic programming.
22.What are thc different strategics to solve Knapsack problem ? Mention its
23.Explain 4-queen's problem.
24.Write the advantages and disadvantages of divide and conquer technique



Short Answer Questions:

1. Define Internet, LAN, MAN, WAN, GIANT WAN, WEB, DNS, Web Browser,
Search Engine, WWW, Domain.
2. Define DNS.
3. What is peer to peer network?
4. Mention any two types of P2P network?
5. What is web service?
6. Mention any two characteristics of big data.
7. Write the steps to create variable in PHP.
8. Discuss the classification of Networks.
9. What is micro blogging?
10.Give the usage of CSS.
11.What is Ajax?
12.What are Server Side Technologies?
13.Mention any two Server Side Technologies.
14.What is PHP?
15.How to create variable in PHP? Give an example.
16.Give the usage of TCP / IP in Internet.
17.Role of routers in Internet.
18.Define text mining.
19.What is Web Page? Give an example.
20.What is Web Site? Give an example.
21.Role of Web Server in Internet.
22.Mention any two Client Side scripting language.
23.Mention any two Server Side scripting language.
24.Give any two examples of Scripting language.
25.Define Web Mining, Data Mining, Video Mining, Audio Mining.

Long Answer Questions:

1. Explain the evolution of the Internet.
2. Explain the different versions of HTTP.
3. Explain the different types of network connectivity.
4. Explain different ways of communicating over Internet.
5. How Email works? Explain with examples.
6. Explain OSI reference model.
7. Differentiate between LAN, MAN and WAN.
8. What are the characteristics of cookies?
9. Distinguish the difference between Client side scripting and server side scripting.
10.Differentiate between two tier and three tier web architecture.
11.Explain different types of internet access.
12.Explain internet service providers (ISP).
13.Explain any five internet organisations.
14.What are the basic functions of File transfer protocol.
15.Explain confuse matrix and performance matrix.
16.What is a simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP)? Explain.
17.Explain the Model-View-Template Architecture of Django.
18.Explain working of an email with an example.
19.Explain types of connections and modes in FTP.
20.Explain web architecture.
21.Write a short note on challenges in world wide web.
22.Write the characteristics of HTTP.
23.Explain the features or characteristics of HTML.
24.Explain basic HTML tags with examples.
25.Explain the types of style sheets or levels of CSS with an example.

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