Cakes and Desserts

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Cakes and Desserts

• Do you like eating cakes?

• Have you ever made a cake?

• Do you like having desserts?

• What desserts are popular in your country?

1. Do you like eating cakes?

I absolutely love them. In fact. I have a sweet tooth and I am a chocoholic, so

whenever I can, I will just treat myself a bar of chocolate or a chiffon cake. I relish
chocolate cakes. Not good for my health. I know, but I can't help it. Every time I
pass a bakery, I often stand there for a few minutes so that the freshly baked
chocolate cakes with sugar dusting would whiff through my senses, and makes
me feel so happy.

Absolutely ‫قطعا‬
in fact ‫در حقیقت‬
a sweet tooth ‫کسی که عاشق شیرینی جات هست‬
a chocoholic ‫کسی که معتاد و عاشق شکالته‬
whenever ‫هر زمان‬
treat myself a bar of chocolate ‫من خودم رو به یک عدد شکالت مهمان میکنم‬
a chiffon cake ‫یک کیک شبفون‬
relish ‫لذت بردن‬
chocolate cakes ‫کیکهای شکالتی‬
health ‫سالم‬
I can't help it ‫نمیتونم جلوی خودمو بگیرم‬
Every time I pass a bakery ‫هر زمان که از جلوی یک نانوایی رد میشم‬
stand ‫ایستادن‬
freshly baked chocolate cakes ‫کیکهای شکالتی تازه پخته شده‬
sugar dusting ‫پودر قند‬
whiff through my senses ‫از طریق حواسم استشمام میکنم‬
it makes me feel so happy ‫اون باعث میشه که من حس خوشحالی کنم‬
2. Have you ever made a cake?

Yes. I have made a cake on a stove. I put all my creativity into it. I sprinkled dried
fruits, almond kernels and pistachios into the batter and the chocolate cake
tasted just great!

I have made a cake on a stove ‫من (قبال) روی اجاق گاز کیک درست کردم‬
I put all my creativity into it ‫من تمام خالقیتم را روی آن گذاشتم‬
I sprinkled dried fruits ‫میوه های خشک را روی آن پخش کردم‬
almond kernels ‫مغز بادام‬
pistachios ‫پسته ها‬
batter ‫مایع کیک‬
it tasted just great ‫طعمش بسیار عالی بود‬
3. Do you like having desserts?

Be it a cake or ice cream or some traditional recipes, I would love to try them all. I
would call it the best part of the meal.

dessert ‫دسر‬
Be it a cake or ice cream ‫خواه کیک باشه یا بستنی‬
traditional recipes ‫دستور پخت سنتی‬
I would love to try them all ‫من واقعا میخوام که آنها را امتحان کنم‬
I would call it the best part of the meal ‫من آن را بهترین قسمت غذا می نامم‬
4. What desserts are popular in your country?

People in my country don't hesitate to try out anything sugary. They love cookies,
pastries, candies, cakes.

popular ‫محبوب‬
hesitate ‫شک کردن‬
try out ‫امتحان کردن‬
sugary ‫شیرین‬
cookies ‫کلوچه‬
pastries ‫شیرینی‬
candies ‫آب نبات‬
5. Do you like sweets now compared to when you were a child?

When I was a kid, my parents were so strict with me that they didn't allow me to
eat any sweets or cakes. They were worried that I would end up getting
overweight. So maybe at that time. I had no interests in eating cakes or sweets.

sweets ‫شیرینی جات‬

compared to ‫در مقایسه با‬
When I was a kid ‫وقتی که بچه بودم‬
strict ‫سختگیر‬
allow ‫اجازه داد‬
They were worried ‫آنها نگران بودند‬
end up ‫نهایتا‬
get overweight ‫چاق شدن‬
maybe ‫شاید‬
at that time ‫در آن زمان‬
I had no interests in eating cakes or sweets
‫من عالقه ای به خوردن کیکها و شیرینی ها نداشتم‬
6. Why do people like sweets?

This is rather complicated and abstract, I think. Simply put, I suppose people crave
sugar for the sake of it. Or maybe a candy bar can actually provide us with energy
to work and study more effectively.

rather complicated ‫نسبتا پیچیده‬

abstract ‫انتزاعی‬
Simply put ‫ ساده بگم‬.‫به زبان ساده‬
I suppose ‫من گمان میکنم‬
crave ‫هوس چیزی کردن‬
sugar ‫ شکر‬- ‫قند‬
for the sake of it ‫به خاطر چیزهای مفیدی که داره‬
maybe ‫شاید‬
a candy bar ‫یک آب نبات‬
provide ‫فراهم کردن‬
energy ‫انرژی‬
more effectively ‫موثرتر‬
7. Do you like sweet food?

Well, I’m no longer a big fan of them. When I was a kid, I would throw a tantrum
whenever my mom refused to buy me an ice-cream or a flan cake. Now, I believe I
can live without them all. Perhaps, my appetite has changed a bit.

I’m no longer a big fan of them ‫من دیگر طرفدار دو آتیشه انها نیستم‬
When I was a kid ‫وقتی که بچه بودم‬
I would throw a tantrum ‫ پرخاشگری میکردم‬. ‫عصبانی میشم‬
Refuse ‫ امتناع کردن‬- ‫نپدیرفتن‬
a flan cake ‫نوعی کیک‬
my appetite has changed a bit ‫اشتهای کمی کمی تغییر کرده است‬

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