Hove, E. (2023). the Importance of Literature Review in Educational Research. GZU_103748

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LEVEL: 2:1


QUESTION: Discuss the importance of reviewing literature in educational research.




DUE DATE: 27/09/2023

Every researcher is required to review literal works related to his or her topic when carrying out
a dissertation, article, thesis and journals. Reviewing literature is important as this help authors
or a researcher to identify research gaps, build theoretical framework, avoid duplication and
redundancy, inform research methodology, provide evidence-based support, enhance research
quality as well as identify research and measurement tools. However, reviewing literature in
educational research lead to plagiarism if a researcher lacks interpreting, paraphrasing and
analytical skills. This paper will firstly define the key terms which are literature, literature review
and educational research. A conclusion paragraph shall mark the end of main discussion.

Rettberg (2019) suggest that, literature is a method of recording, preserving, and transmitting
knowledge and entertainment, and can also have a social, psychological, spiritual, or political
role. Literature is a form of human expression, but not everything expressed in words even when
organized and written down is counted as literature.

Macmillan and Schumacher (1997) submit that, literature review is the comprehensive study and
interpretation of literature that relates to a particular topic. Aveyard (2010) attests to this by
saying that literature review is a comprehensive summary of previous research on a topic. Based
on the views of Macmillan, Schumacher and Aveyard literature review can be understood as
reviewing of the previous written or scholarly work in trying to relate such information to a
certain current research topic.

Educational research can then be viewed as ‘the collection and analysis of information on the
world of education so as to understand and explain it better. With a significance for practicing
teachers in that it should be viewed as a critical, reflexive, and professionally orientated
activity ... regarded as a crucial ingredient in the teacher’s professional role, generating self-
knowledge and personal development in such a way that practice can be improved. (Yates, 2004)

To start with, identification of research gaps is one amongst the importance of reviewing
literature in educational research. Reviewing already existed literature enables researchers to take
note of gaps in knowledge and understanding within their chosen field of study (Ridley, 2008).
Given that, the researcher come up with a research topic which reads “The efficacy of field work
in the teaching and learning of History.” A researcher may notice that, the previous written work
of various scholars was focused on Masvingo urban, Harare urban, Mash West and Triangle case
studies. The researcher may choose to carry out his or her study in areas which has not yet been
touched such as Kwekwe urban thus gap identification and filling. Identifying of unanswered
questions, conflicting findings or areas that require further investigation is done through
examining previous writings. For example, the researcher may find out that the previous writings
have just asked the views of learners and teachers only to determine the efficacy of fieldwork in
teaching and learning of History. Through these findings a researcher may want to know the
views of parents, School Development Committee and Headmasters thus the identification of
questions yet to get answers. This process is critical for guiding the research design and focus on
addressing relevant and significant gaps in the existing body of knowledge so literature review is
very important.

Connecting to the above paragraph, the goal of review of literature in educational research is to
provide a justification of the proposed research and this can be achieved through main
objectives. The objectives involve reviewing of published literature thus to identify and
summaries relevant theories and researches. Another objective is to critique the literature
meaning the identification of arguments for and against theories, assess value of research claims,
and identify limitations in previous research (Aveyard, 2010). Also, objectively to identify gaps
in literature thus to identify the gap in knowledge and areas that have only been partially
researched. and to inform proposed research meaning to provide a rationale, background or
context for proposed research and guide selection for an appropriate design and methodology,
(Ridley, 2008).

Also, reviewing literature is important in educational research because it enables building of a

theoretical framework. The development of a solid theoretical framework of their study is done
by researchers on the basis of literature review. Reviewing literature provides some basis of
existing theories, concepts and models that researchers can draw upon to formulate their research
questions, hypothesis and research design (Machi and McEvoy, 2009). For example, a researcher
can find the existing psychological, philosophical and sociological paradigm which can be used
for laying down theoretical framework about the challenges and opportunities on the
implementation of CALA in the teaching and learning of ChiShona. Understanding the existing
theories and concepts also enables researchers to position their work within the broader scholarly
discourse. Regarding to the information given above it is clear that, reviewing literature is critical
in educational research as it enables building of a theoretical framework.

Avoiding duplication and redundancy is another reason for reviewing literature in educational
research. A thorough literature review helps researchers avoid duplicating previous studies. A
thorough literature review in involves the application of reading, analytical, interpretation and
understanding skills on various written works (Leedy and Ormrod, 2001). Critical analysis
enables the researcher to come across all the information written by other scholars so they will be
low chances of bring the old information into your dissertation, journal, article and other written
works. By examining what has already been done, researchers can ensure that their research
questions are original and contribute something new to the field. This minimizes redundancy and
ensures that research effort is focused on advancing knowledge rather than replicating existing
study. Thus in other words, reviewing literature is important in educational research because it
ensure the originality of your work in terms of research questions and data collection,
presentation and analysis.

Reviewing literature is critical in educational research since it informs research methodology.

The literature review influences the selection of appropriate research methodologies and
methods. It exposes researchers to the different research designs, data collection techniques,
analytical approaches employed in previous studies Boote and Beile, P. (2005). By critically
evaluating the strengths and limitations of these methodologies, researchers can make informed
decisions about the most suitable approach for their own study (Kirby, Greaves and Reid, 2006).
For example, a researcher can review someone’s published dissertation related to his research
topic and take note of the loophole of quantitative research method as it demands too much use
of numerals and statistics and it is not able to present data in detail and understandable way. The
researcher may suitably choose qualitative research method which collect and present data in
descriptive form and demands less use of numbers. In this regard, credits should be given to
literature review which determines the selection of research methodologies and approaches.

Same applies as research methodology, the criticality of reviewing literature in educational

research is based on identification of effective research and measurement tools. Literature review
exposes researchers to various research and measurement tools employed in previous studies
Jesson, Matheson and Lacey, 2011). This enables researchers to select appropriate instruments
and techniques for data collection and analysis by utilizing validated and reliable tools.
Researchers enhance the reliability and validity of their own research through appropriate
selection of research instruments. Through reviewing literature, the researcher has the
opportunity to find out the pros and cons of each and every research instrument. For instance,
researcher may rather choose questionnaire than focus group discussions, participant
observations and interviews in order to reduce time cost. Or else a researcher may identify
interviews noting that, they are best instruments enables the researcher to collect all required data
through interpreting verbal communication and gestures from the respondents. Regarding to this,
it is undeniable that literature review is critical in educational research because it allows us to
identify determine the strength and weaknesses of various research instruments.

Providing evidence based support is also a reason behind the reviewing of literature in
educational research. Literature review gives researchers evidence based support for their
research claims and findings. By reviewing and synthesizing existing studies, researchers can
identify patterns, trends and empirical evidence that support or challenge their research
hypothesis (Hart, 1998). This strengthens the credibility and validity of their findings and helps
to establish a solid basis for arguments and conclusions. Let’s say the data gathered indicated
that literature itself is important in the teaching and learning of Shona culture. The reviewed
literature will then stand as an evidence which support the views of participants or it will show
the contradictions between participants and other scholars. Hence reviewing literature is critical
in educational research as such process provides evidence based support to the claims and

Literature review is of paramount importance because it enhances research quality. An

understandable literature review contributes to the overall quality of educational research. By
engaging with existing literature, researchers gain a deeper understanding of a research
landscape, the evolution of ideas and the key debates within their field. This enables them to
situate their work within the broader context, acknowledge, existing limitations and
controversies and produce more rigorous and informed research outcomes (Hall and Ridley,
2008). For example, a research project’s chapter two requires a researcher to give quality
information about the subject matter and at the same time a researcher is required to
acknowledge as many as possible scholars to produce a work of quality. This indicates that, a
researcher is much concerned about the views of various scholars related to your topic when
carrying out an educational research. Based on the enhancement of research quality, reviewing
literature should not be taken for granted in educational researches.

Specifically, the purpose of what we call systematic literature review is to provide as complete a
list as possible of all the published and unpublished studies relating to a particular subject area.
This shows that, all the sources of information should be acknowledged on reference. It is
different with traditional reviews that attempt to summarize results of a number of studies
(Cooper, 1998). Systematic reviews use explicit and rigorous criteria to identify, critically
evaluate and synthesize all the literature on a particular topic (Cronin, et al, 2008). Primary
purpose of literature review is to provide the reader with a comprehensive background for
understanding current knowledge and highlighting the significance of new research. It can
inspire research ideas by identifying gaps or inconsistencies in a body of knowledge. Thus,
helping the researcher to determine or define research questions or hypotheses so literature
review is important.

Literature review is also important as it can contextualize research findings by obtaining answers
for the research questions as easy in academic research. Ridley (2008) saw the challenges based
on how to examine the research findings in the existing body of knowledge? How to answer the
research questions compared to what other researchers concluded? What is the new knowledge
contribution from the research work? How are the findings distinguished from those of other
researchers? Literature review is accountable for answering all these questions so there is need to
go back to the review of literature. It is important to put the findings in the context of what is
already known and understood in the field of research interest, (Ridley, 2008). All what is
already known is acquired through reviewing literature so there is no room for underrating
literature review in educational research.

Lastly, literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and
sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. A literature
review of a mature topic addresses the need for a critique of, and the potential
reconceptualization of, the expanding and more diversified knowledge base of the topic as it
continues to develop. The systematic literature review addresses new topics that would benefit
from a holistic conceptualization and synthesis of the literature. The review is more likely to lead
to an initial or preliminary conceptualization of the topic like a new model or framework,
because these topics are relatively new and have not yet undergone a comprehensive review of
the literature, (Cooper, 1989). Thus to say, reviewing literature is more important in academic

However, reviewing literature is done successfully done by a researcher who has the ability to
research, read, understand analyzing and interpreting. Without those skills it’s impossible to
review literature perfectly. Those skills help the researcher to keep away from plagiarism and
replication of information which has already published. In this regard, originality of educational
research is ensured by a person who possess understanding, analyzing, interpreting and
paraphrasing techniques.

Judging from above discussion, the literature review is very cardinal in educational research. In
the main discussion section, reviewing literature is having been credited for the identification of
gaps on the previous studies, identification of appropriate research methodologies and
instruments, provision of the evidence based support among others. Nevertheless, a good
literature review requires a researcher to possess analytical, interpretation and paraphrasing skills
to avert the cases of plagiarism and improve the originality of work.

Aveyard, H. (2010). Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical
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Boote, D.N. & Beile, P. (2005). Scholars before researchers: On the centrality of the dissertation
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Cooper, H. (1998). Synthesizing research: A guide for literature reviews. Thousand Oaks,
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Cooper, H. M. (1989). Integrating research: A guide for literature reviews (2nd ed.). Newbury
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Hall. G. and Ridley, D. (2008). The Literature Review: A Step-by-step Guide for Students.
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Hart, C. (1998). Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination.
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Jesson, J., Matheson, L. and Lacey, F.M. (2011). Doing your Literature Review: Traditional and
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Ridley, D. (2008). The Literature Review: A Step-by-step Guide for Students. London: Sage.

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