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• What is the hardest part about making plans?

• What is the most recent plan you made?
• Do you make plans every day?
• Are you good at managing your time?
1. What is the hardest part of making plans?

It's about prioritizing. It isn't easy to decide the order in which you have to take
up the tasks. I often keep wondering whether I should do yoga first or prepare

prioritizing ‫اولویت بندی کردن‬

decide ‫تصمیم گرفتن‬
take up the tasks ‫کارها را شروع کردن به انجام دادن‬
I often keep wondering whether I should do yoga first or prepare breakfast.
‫من اغلب به این فکر می کنم که آیا ابتدا باید یوگا انجام دهم یا صبحانه را آماده کنم‬
2. What is the most recent plan you made?

I made a travel plan to Gilan, which is on the way to the north of Iran. We were a
group of four. We planned to travel in my car, and I made the hotel arrangements
too. Since it is a local place, we were on the lookout for authentic Gilaki food. I
was successful in booking a lodging near a Gilaki restaurant. It was a walkable
distance to the restaurant, and my friends appreciated me for it.

the most recent plan ‫جدیدترین برنامه‬

I made a travel plan ‫من یک برنامه سفر گذاشتم‬
I made the hotel arrangements ‫هماهنگی هتل را انجام دادم‬
Since ‫ چونکه‬- ‫از آنجایی که‬
we were on the lookout for authentic Gilaki food
‫ما به دنبال غذاهای اصیل هندی بودیم‬
I was successful in booking a lodging ‫من در رزرو اقامتگاه موفق بودم‬
a walkable distance ‫مسافت قابل پیاده روی‬
my friends appreciated me for it ‫دوستانم از من برای آن قدردانی کردند‬
3. Do you make plans every day?

Well, it's not that I make a plan, but things seem to work out in order. I would say
I got used to the routine. I rarely do anything out of the ordinary, so you can call
me well-planned too.

make plans ‫برنامه ریختن‬

things seem to work out in order ‫به نظر می رسد همه چیز به ترتیب پیش می رود‬
I got used to the routine ‫من به روتین عادت کردم‬
I rarely do anything out of the ordinary ‫من به ندرت کار غیرعادی انجام می دهم‬
well-planned ‫خوب برنامه ریزی شده‬
4. Are you good at managing your time?

I don't make any effort towards it. I follow my routine, and if anything is a priority,
be it at work or home, I do that first. Time gets managed automatically.

manage time ‫مدیریت کردن زمان‬

I don't make any effort towards it ‫من هیچ تالشی برای آن نمیکنم‬
I follow my routine ‫من روتینم را دنبال میکنم‬
a priority ‫یک اولویت‬
Time gets managed automatically ‫زمان به طور خودکار مدیریت میشه‬

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