Political Science-Assignment 1

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As someone who has recently begun learning about the multiple facets of Political
Science, I find it remarkably interesting how topics such as history, psychology, and philosophy
can be used in order to better help us understand governments, societies, and the people who
make them up. I have learned that political science is not simply about studying governments and
their extensive histories but about understanding how things such as power, influence, and
authority affect a society and its people. By analyzing politics and societies this way, you
achieve a unique outlook on them and truly learn how they affect our everyday lives.

We may believe that politics solely affect our lives when we get into legal trouble or
when we’re badgered by ads for political campaigns during election season. However, the way
we live, the taxes we pay and our surroundings are all shaped by our government. The decisions
made by politicians and policymakers such as our educational system, the state of the economy,
and simply, our rights are shaped by the people we put in positions of power. While the
complexity of the United States political system is often reduced to choosing one of two major
parties to support, it is important to educate ourselves on the underlying infrastructure that
shapes our day-to-day. Being increasingly engaged in political science and its evolution through
time is necessary to ensure that dark histories cease to repeat themselves and we shape the
political future that is best for us and generations to come.

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