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THIS MOU is being executed at New Delhi on this 08th

day of July, 2024 between Sh. Atul Yadav S/o Shri Harbir

Singh Yadav, R/o 6-B, Pocket-B, Mayur Vihar Phase 2, Delhi-

110091 hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY /



Smt. Jyoti Yadav W/o Sh. Atul Yadav D/o Sh. Mahavir

Singh Yadav R/o 150, S Block, Yashoda Nagar, Kidwai Nagar,

Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh (hereinafter referred to as the SECOND


WHEREAS the First Party and the Second Party got

married to each other on 21.11.2021 in accordance with Hindu

rites and ceremonies at Delhi. The marriage between the

parties was duly consummated and out of this wedlock no child

was born.

WHEREAS after marriage, due to the difference of

opinion, feelings, personal preference, liking, temperamental

attitudes, disputes arose between the parties and the parties

started living separately since 17.12.2023.

WHEREAS the marriage between the parties has

irretrievably broken down due to irreconcilable differences in

temperament and they have been living separately now.

WHEREAS due to the intervention of respectable persons

of the society both the parties have settled their all disputes,

differences amicably and peacefully on or amongst the

following condition:-


1. That both the parties out of their free will and consent and

voluntarily have taken the decision to dissolve their

marriage on the ground of mutual consent and the mutual


consent of both the parties shall remain in operation till

the marriage is dissolved between the parties by a decree

of divorce on the ground of mutual consent and both the

parties shall not revoke their consent for obtaining the

divorce by mutual consent at any point of time.

2. That both the parties declare and affirms their consent

for obtaining the divorce by mutual consent has not been

obtained by any threat, force and coercion from any

corner whatsoever.

3. That the Second Party has settled all their claims in

respect of istridhan, past, present and future

maintenance, permanent alimony, marriage expenses for

sum of Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lakhs Only)

with the First party. It is agreed between the parties that

the First party will pay sum of Rs.12,50,000/- (Rupees

Twelve Lakhs and Fifty Thousand Only) to the Second

Party at the time of recording the statement of first

motion of divorce. It is agreed that the First party will


pay the remaining 50% i.e Rs.12,50,000/- (Rupees

Twelve Lakhs and Fifty Thousand Only) of the aforesaid

amount i.e Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Lakhs

Only) at the time of recording the statement of second


4. That the Second Party will be having no right, title and

interest in the moveable and immovable properties of the

First party and his family members at any point of time.

5. That the First Party undertake to withdraw the case under

section 9 of Hindu Marriage Act,1955 after recording the

statement of first motion petition.

6. That after passing of the order in the first motion

petition, the First party and Second Party undertake that

they shall file the proceedings under section 13-B (2) of

HMA for obtaining the divorce by mutual consent within

one month and undertake to appear before the concerned

court for recording their statements.


7. That the First party and Second Party shall not withdraw

their consent for obtaining the divorce by mutual consent

till they obtain the divorce by mutual consent and First

party and Second Party have surrendered their rights to

withdraw their consent for obtaining the divorce by

mutual consent.

8. That the First party and Second Party undertakes to

appear before the concerned Family Court/matrimonial

court for obtaining the divorce by mutual consent and

making their statement before that court

9. That the First party and Second Party undertakes to sign

all the petition, application, affidavit for obtaining the

divorce by mutual consent and both the parties

undertakes that they will give due cooperation to their

counsel for obtaining the divorce by mutual consent.

10. That both the parties shall undertake abide by the terms

and conditions of the settlement.


11. That both the parties shall not challenge the validity and

legality of this settlement before any court of law,

authority and police authority or any other authority

established under the law.

12. That after obtaining the divorce by mutual consent, all

the parties undertake that they will not interfere in future

life of each other and their respective family members,

relatives and friends and shall not claim any interest in

the moveable and immovable properties, business of all

the parties and their family members and all the parties

shall not make any kind of correspondence, complaints,

etc. with any family member, relative or friend of either

of the parties, against each other before any other

authority and police authority and court of law in India. It

is categorically understood that all the parties and their

family members shall refrain from contacting or

communicating with the other party, their relatives and

friends, including social media sites.


13. That all the parties out of their free will and consent has

settled all their disputes, grievances, and differences with

each other.

14. That all the parties undertake that they shall not cause any

kind of variation and addition in the terms and condition

of the Settlement Deed at any point of time.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, all the parties have signed their

respective hands on this Memorandum of Understanding in the

presence of the under mentioned witnesses, on the date, month,

year and place first mentioned above.




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