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Email: Mobile: +91 8383052920 LinkedIn: saumil-shankar Coding Profile : Saumil_16

Qualification Institute/Board CGPA/Percentage Passing Year
Bachelor of Technology
National Institute of Technology, Delhi 9.07 2021-Present
(Computer Science and Engineering)
Senior Secondary School The Air Force School, Subroto Park 95.2 2020
Secondary School The Air Force School, Subroto Park 88.8 2018
Work Experience___________________________________________________________
Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) Ltd. | Internship | (June 2023 – July 2023)
• Full-Stack developer, Developed Web App modules on ASP.NET (FAME II Portal), ASP.NET MVC 3 (SDF Portal) and MS SQL Server.
• Developed Charts and Software Flow diagrams in Power BI.
Palanam Technology Pvt. Ltd. | Internship | (September 2022 – January 2023)
• Research based project on identifying violent clips in videos through state of the art technology.
• Recognising network packets and analysing them through a Machine Learning Model.
SciQuest (2024) || Website Link - | GitHub Link - Tech stack: Python, MongoDb, Atlas
• An LLM model providing comprehensive answers to diverse science queries, demonstrating expertise in AI driven solutions
MyKart (2023) || Website Link - | GitHub Link - Tech stack: React Js, Node Js, MongoDb
• A full-stack e-commerce platform built using the MERN stack provides users a seamless online shopping experience.
• Implemented user authentication, product catalog, shopping cart, secure checkout with payment gateway and responsive design.
ChatApp (2023) || GitHub Link - Tech stack: Java, Java Swing
• A one to one and group chatting application developed on the lines of socket programming and Java swing for User Interface.
• The application works on the basis of client server model, where each message is passed through a server to reach the other node.
Café In (2022) Tech stack: Python, Django, Bootstrap, MySQL
• Café In provides a one stop ordering web platform for all canteen in colleges, it generate tokens for each order placed.
Position of Responsibility___________________________________________________
Training and Placement Cell | (Core Committee Member) April 2022 - Present
• Serving as a Point of Contact (POC) for multiple companies, member of communication as well as database management team
Startup Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SCIE) | (Deputy General Secretary) Dec 2021 – May 2023
• Organized various events for students to help them pitch and develop new and innovative ideas
National Service Scheme (NSS) | (Volunteer) August 2022 – August 2023
• Providing Services to the nation in the field of education, cleanliness, health, etc.
Language and Framework - , C++, C, Java, Python, C#, React Js, Node Js, MongoDb, Linux, Django, HTML, CSS, DAX
Soft Skills - Leadership, Punctual, Responsible, Public Speaking, Team Player, Problem Solving
Tools – Visual Studio, Android Studio, MySQL, MS SQL Server, Power BI, Google Cloud, SolidWorks, MatLab, GitHub, LLM
GOOGLE CLOUD Arcade Facilitator Program October, 2023
• Learned the use of various features and services provided by Google Cloud.
• Implemented BigQuery, Virtual Machines, Networking Fundamentals, NLP API’s, BigLake.
NIT ConclaveX Ideathon NIT, Trichy
Runner up (CodVoice) - Link March 4,2022
• Ranked 5th among participants from 50 colleges around India
• Presented a prototype for an employment app to solve the problem of Financial Inclusion of Women
Football Tournaments
• Gold Medalist in Malviya Sports tournament held at MNIT, Jaipur.
• Participated in Inter NIT Football Tournament held at NIT, Rourkela and NIT, Durgapur.

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