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1. Let me die alone is a play written by __________ (a) John K. Sargbo (b) John
K. Kargbo (c) Johnson Kargbo (d) Kargbo John Kenneth

2. Madam Yoko married _______ husbands before she died (a) three (b) two
(c) four (f) five

3. Madam Yoko is in love to have _______ as her daughter (a) Nalapi (b)
Jeneba (c) Jilo (d) Lavalie

4. ____ is known as a warrior (a) Musa (b) Lamboi (c) Yoko (d) Rowe

5. Gbanya was the ruler of Mened (a) Maine (b) Mende (d) Maned

6. She joined the secret dreaded cult called _________ cult (a) Polo (b) Porro
(c) Puoro

7. Lamboi is against Madam Yoko because he ______ (a) hates her so much
(b) dislikes her attitude (c) wants to rule the community (d) she was loved
by her husband

8. The visit of Governor _______ is to humiliate _____9____ (a) John Calliker (b)
Roweh (c) Rowe (d) John

9. (a) Gbanya (b) Yoko (c) Lamboi (d) Musa

10. Gbanya was fined to pay ________ in equivalent of _________ (a) fifteen
pounds or three sheep and four cows (b) fifty pounds or three cattle and
rice and beans (c) fifty pounds or cattle and rice (d) fifty pounds or two he
goats and three sheep

11. “By the time I get to the next chiefdom to deal with another brute oif
your type” This satatement was made by ________ (a) the warriors (b)
Gbanya (c) Lamboi (d) Rowe

12. The playwright of this play is from _______ (a) Nigeria (b) Sierra Leone
(c) Ghana (d) Senegal

13.”Now woman, hurry. Get some hot water to calm the wound on his back”
The above statement was made by _________ (a) Musa (b) Ndapi (c) Lamboi
(d) Gbanya

14. The above statement was made to who? (a) (a) The servant girl (b)
Jeneba (c) Yoko (d) a woman
15.“She has gone to fetch some hot water to wash the blood off ……..” Who
made the statement? (a) Musa (b) Ndapi (c) Lamboi (d) Gbanya

17. Gbanya ruled from ______ (a) Mende (b) Senehun (c) Ashanti (d) Gahu

18. “Yes indeed, in the river of blood rich and hot human blood” The
statement was made by ______ (a) Jeneba (b) Ndapi (c) Lamboi (d) Gbanya

19. _______ was the father of Jeneba in the play (a) Ndapi (b) Musa (c)
Lavalin (d) Lamboi

20. _________ is Jilo’s lover in the play (a) Fanneh (b) Lansana (c) massager
(d) Ndapi

Section B: Essay
Answer any four questions of your choice

1. Discuss Madam Yoko as the tragic heroine of the play

2. In what ways does the play threat the theme of colonization?
3. Write short notes on the following characters: (a) Gbanya (b) Yoko (c)
Lamboi (d) Musa
4. Madam Yoko sacrifices her womanhood to beget a throne. Discuss with
exact illustration from the play
5. Write in details of the three genres of literature
6. Summarize the play “Let me Die Alone”


1. The duke to Athens is ________ (a) Duke (b) Demetrius (c) Thesus (d)

2. The king of fairies is __________ (a) Duke (b) Demetrius (c) Thesus (d)

3. Who is betrothed to Duke? (a) Helena (b) Hermia (c) Titania (d)

4. Lysander is in love and wants to marry _____ (a) Helena (b) Hermia (c)
Titania (d) Hippolyta

5. _______ is the queen of the fairies (a) Helena (b) Hermia (c) Titania (d)

6.”Now, fair Hippolyta, our nuptial hour draws on a pace; four happy days
bring in another moon: but, O! me thinks, how slow this moon wanes; she
lingers my desires” Who made this statement? (a) Theseus (b) Demetrius
(c) Egeus (d) Lysander

7. Which character is noted for his mischievous antics and playful pranks?
(a) Oberon (b) Puck (c) Egeus (d) Bottom

8. As the play opens, Oberon and Titania are fighting over whom? (a) A
fairy princess (b) a duke of Athens (c) An Indian princess (d) An atternian

9. Hermia is self-conscious about which physical characteristics? (a) Her

height (b) her hair (c) her teeth (d) her weight

10. As a character, what does Theseus represent? (a) The power of love (b)
the importance of obedience to one’s parents (c) power and orders (d)
imagination and creativity

11. With whom do Hermia and Helena eventually pair off? (a) Hermia with
Demetrius, Helena with Lysander (b) Hermia with puck, Helena with
Bottom (c) Hermia with Theseus, Helena with Oberon (d) Hermia with
Lysander, Helena with Demetrius

12. Which character is responsible for setting most of the plays event into
action? (a) Puck (b) Theseus (c) Helena (d) Titania
13. How does Puck differ from his fellow fairies? (a) He is beautiful but sad
(b) he is semi-human (c) he is allergic to the magical flower (d) he is coarse
and bizarre-looking

14. Of the four Athenians, which one thinks and worries the most about
love? (A) Hermia (b) Helena (c) Demetrius (d) Lysander

15. What worries many of the characters? (a) Whether Puck’s love portion
will wear off (b) whether they are lovable enough (c) whether the woods
are full of evil spirits (d) whether their lovers will be faithful

16. Upon waking, with whom does Titania fall in love? (a) Puck (b) Theseus
(b) Bottom (d) Lysander

17. At the end of the play, what does Puck urge the audience to do? (a) To
remember the play as if it had been a dream (b) to go to sleep and dream
about the play (c) to think of the play whenever they fall in love (d) to
remember that love is like a dream

18. What does the love portion in the play symbolize? (a) The fantastic
nature of dreams (b) the seriousness and gravity of love (c) the
supernatural wisdom of the fairies (d) love’s power to cause irrational and
even bizarre behavior

19. What object does Oberon, the fairy king, send Puck to acquire? (a) A
crown, which gives its weaver magical powers (b) a flower, with magical
juice (c) a fruit, with magical seeds (d) a flute, which plays magical songs

20. What makes Bottom such a conical character? (a) He has an infectious
laugh and good sense of humor (b) he receives a small part in the play, even
though he is a great actor (c) he is wholly unaware of his own
ridiculousness (d) he tries to get the fairies to make him king

Section B: Essay
Answer any four questions of your choice

1. Summarize act one and act three

2. Write short note on the following: (i) Theseus (ii) Hermia (iii) Demetrius
(iv) Egeus (v) Oberon (vi) Puck (vii) Titania (viii) Helena (ix) Bottom (x)
3. Explain the relationship that exist between Oberon and Titania
4. Differentiate the laws that exist between Athens and the wood
5. Write on the dramatist of “A midsummer night’s dream”
6. Summarize the entire a Midsummer night’s dream and why the title?


1. The poet of this poem is ________ (a) Farouk George (b) Oumar Farouk S. (c) Sesay
George Farouk (d) Farouk John Sesay

2. The setting of the poem can be traced to ________ (a) Southern Sierra Leone (b)
Northern Sierra Leone (c) Western Sierra Leone (d) Eastern Sierra Leone

3. When servitude cuffed the ankles of their soul……. What type of speech is used above?
(a) Paradox (b) alliteration (c) metaphor (d) simile

4. The forlorn field …… The tune tuning the tenor …… What part of speech is used here?
(a) Paradox (b) alliteration (c) metaphor (d) simile

5. The dirge of their lives, is what part of speech used? (a) Paradox (b) alliteration (c)
metaphor (d) simile

6. Like a sculptor chipping away at bits of wood, time diesels away bits of their memory.
The above lines mean the following: (a) time can take important things away from us
(b) time wears away the memory of the content of the song of the women being spoken
about (c) time wears away the sorrow that the women had been passing through their
song (d) time keeps away the labor and their income from the women to their country
and homes

7. Yet time strips the lyrics and scars the time, leaving a dying song. Dead! This
statement implies that _______ (a) sometimes the women are being carried away by the
lyrics of the song (b) the meaning of the song and what the women passed are forgotten
and without meaning by the people (c) the lyrics of the song of the women are dead so it
has no meaning (d) the time of the lyric are so difficult to understand by the listeners
making it dewed

8. One of the themes we can derive from the poem could be _______ (a) the power of the
women (b) the power of time (c) the present time power (d) the present time

9. One of the importances of the song is ____ (a) entertainment purpose (b) listeners are
happy (c) the lyrics are very good (d) to teach us to bear

10. The poem consists of ______ lines (a) forty-four (b) forty-five (c) forty-six (d) forty-

11. It has ______ unequal stanzas (a) eight (b) nine (c) ten (d) eleven

12. How many line stanzas is/are the shortest stanza? (a) One (b) two (c) three (d) four

13. How many lines have the longest stanzas? (a) nine (b) ten (c) eleven (d) twelve

14. The tone of the poem is that of _____ (a) happy (b) fight (c) lament (d) desires

15. One of the subject matter could be ________ (a) lyric of the song (b) meditation on the
plight of African women (c) desires that were derived through song (d) men of the land
should join the women in their song too
16. The poet hails from ______ (a) Senegal (b) Liberia (c) Sierra Leone (d) Cameroun

17. One of the importance of literature is to _______ (a) it serves as the means we learn
the cultural norms of other people (b) literature is expressive (c) it is aesthetic (d) it
mine the setting of the place

18. ______ Are all the actors and actresses that perform different roles in the play (a)
protagonist (b) antagonist (c) players (d) dramatic personae

19. Refers to the artistic techniques used by a poet in writing his work (a) mood (b) tone
(c) diction device

20. _______ is the repetition of the same sound syllables at the end lines of a poem (a)
tone (b) mood (c) rhyme (d) theme

21. _________ is a serious play with a sad ending written in an elevated style (a) comedy
(b) tragic-comedy (c) tragedy (d) mime

22. _____ is the mindset or state of the mind of the poet in the course of writing (a) rhyme
(b) mood (c) tone (d) diction

23. ______ is the way the poet expresses his attitude towards the subject and his audience
(a) rhyme (b) mood (c) tone (d) diction

24. ____ is a play which combines the qualities of a tragedy together with that of a
comedy (a) tragic comedy (b) sonnet (c) devices (d) play wright

25. _______ is a branch of literature that is usually acted on stage (a) drama (b) prose (c)
novel (d) poem

26. One of the types of drama we have in _____ (a) farce (b) melody (c) soliloquy (d)

27. ______ is the concluding part of a literary work mostly in drama (a) soliloquy (b)
prologue (c) epilogue (d) Epic

28. One of the elements of drama is ______ (a) setting (b) melo-drama (c) epilogue (d)

29. ______ is a type of drama that is designed only to be read and not for acting (a) closet
drama (b) melo drama (c) epic drama (d) mime drama

30. _____ is the introductory art of a play (a) soliloquy (b) prologue (c) epilogue (d) epic

Section B: Essay
Answer four questions of your choice

1. Discuss the theme of women oppression in the poem

2. Closely examine the use of any three devices in the poem
3. How effective is the use of imagery is the poem?
4. The use or simile dominates the poem. Do you think its use is crucial to the success of
the poem?
5. Time is presented in the poem as quite powerful. Do you agree?
6. Why do you think the poet uses the word “song” in giving the title of the poem?


From the list of words lettered A-D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in
meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time correctly filled the gap
in the sentence.
1. I am very hopeful about the outcome of the talks, but some of my ______ friends think
they’re a waste of time (a) realistic (b) extremist (c) egoistic (d) pessimistic

2. Precious and his friends are queer worshippers; they sing both sacred and ______
songs (a) holy (b) divine (c) profane (d) great

3. The new government’s foreign policy was well formulated but the ______ problems
were growing (a) common (b) native (c) interior (d) domestic

4. The secretary gave the original document to her boss and field the _____ copy (a)
genuine (b) excess (c) duplicate (d) draft

5. The level of poverty in other Asian countries contrasts sharply with the ____ of Japan
(a) affluence (b) richness (c) goodwill (d) well-being

Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence:
6. It is quite obvious that God’swill has bitten off more than he can chew. This means
that God’swill ______ (a) is too greedy (b) puts too much food in his mouth (c) has
terrible table manners (d) is trying to achieve too much

7. After listening to all his complaints, his mother told him not to make a mountain out
of a mole hill. This means that he should _______ (a) be polite (b) realize that a molehill is
too small to become a mountain (c) not attempt to do the impossible (d) do not make
things appear more important than they really are

8. Mr. Noble was told to hold the fort in his boss’s absence. This means that Mr. Noble
was told to __________ (a) take change of the office (b) control the security (c) make sure
there were no arguments (d) look after the company

9. The minister’s son was called to the bar last year. This means that the minister’s son
______ (a) went to the bar to have a drink (b) was told to serve drink at the bar (c)
became a barrister (d) was called to settle a quarrel

10. The guest speaker arrived in the nick of time. This means that the guest speaker
arrived _______ (a) very late (b) too early (c) just at the right moment (d) when the
occasion was over

From the words lettered A-D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one
represented by the letters underlined
11. Pool (a) poll (b) pull (c) shoe (d) foot
12. Dog (a) don (b) dawn (c) dam (d) done
13. Work (a) wear (b) walk (c) pork (d) girl
14. Split (a) clean (b) five (c) pile (d) spite
15. Pet (a) paid (b) scud (c) said (d) pale
From the options lettered A-D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the
appropriate answer
16. Anointed lives alone in a TWO-STOREY building (a) does John live with his brother?
(b) Does anointed live with his brother? (c) Has anointed moved from the two-storey
building? (d) Does anointed live alone in bungalow?

17. Mary-Divine and Goodluck were friends at the university (a) were Mary Divine and
Goodluck FRIENDS at the university? (b) Were Mary Divine and Goodluck ENEMIES at
the university? (c) Were Mary Divine and Goodluck friends from childhood? (d) Were
Mary Divine and Goodluck friends at the university?

18. OUR club won the 1994 football competition (a) did their club win the 1994 football
competition? (b) Did our school win the 1994 football competition? (c) Did their club
lose the 1994 football competition? (d) Did our clubs win the 1994 Hockey competition?

19. The minister TRAVELLED to Abuja this morning? (a) Did the minister arrive from
Abuja this morning? (b) Did the minister travel to Kano this morning? (c) Did the
director travel to Abuja? (d) When did the minister travel to Abuja?

20. Betty LOVES keeping pets (a) Does John love keeping pets? (b) Does Betty love
keeping flowers? (c) Does Betty always destroy pets? (d) Does Betty hate keeping pets?

In each of the following questions, stress is indicated by writing the syllable in capital
letters. From the words lettered A-D, choose the one that has the correct stress
21. Federation (a) FE-de-ra-tion (b) fe-DE-ra-tion (c) fe-de-RA-tion (d) fe-de-ra-TION
22. Legislature (a) le-gis-LA-ture (b) LE-gis-la-ture(c) le-gis-la-TURE (d) le-GIS-la-ture
23. Judiciary (a) ju-di-CIA-ry (b) ju-di-cia-RY (c) JU-di-cia-ry (d) ju-DI-cia-ry
24. Congratulate (a) con-GRA-tu-late (b) con-gra-TU-late (c) CON-gra-tu-late (d) con-
25. Dictionary (a) dic-TIO-na-ry (b) DIC-tio-na-ry (c) dic-tio-na-RY (d) dic-tio-NA-ry

In the following options A-D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern.
Identify the one with the different stress pattern.

(a) away (b) apart (c) behind (d) river

Options A, B, and C are all stressed on the second syllable while option D is the only
stressed on the first syllable. So D is the correct answer

Now answer the questions that follows:

26. (a) invite (b) schedule (c) agree (d) complain
27. (a) simple (b) hinder (c) father (d) success
28. (a) genuine (b) believe (c) revise (d) dismay
29. (a) mother (b) baby (c) despite (d) fever
30. (a) contribute (b) contemplate (c) competence (d) diplomat

Section B: Essay
Answer 1 and 2 questions and any other two questions

Barely, literate Beauty and Goodluck did not have any relations in Lagos, but she had
heard so much about the city from those of her kinsmen who returned from their
different stations to celebrate the Easter back home in the east. Those from Lagos
caught her fancy, what with the exotic attire and cars they paraded on such occasions.
Goodluck was fed up with the rustic life in the village. So she gathered enough
money and headed for Lagos. She believed that the city must offer so much, given the
lifestyle of his kinsmen she saw each time they visited the village.
Being the commercial nerve centre of the country, Lagos, famed as a megacity,
plays a strategic role in offering endless opportunities to the residents. Some arrived in
Lagos from their villages only to see the arduous task of survival stare them in the face.
Again, the city throws up other realities, where some bread winners who hither to
were gainfully employed were sacked due to one reason or another from their places of
work. And for those in these categories, the rat-race for survival begins. This becomes
more excruciating if such people are not educated, as there seems to be a limit to which
they could go in search of white-collar jobs. Since survival is a natural instinct to man
everybody wants to survive. So, they devise ways of surviving and in the process, many
take to street trading.
During recent raids by the men of KAI (kick against indiscipline) many of these
traders were arrested and prosecuted in KAI court situated at Alausa. Some street
traders who could not pay the fines imposed on them had ended up in kirikiri prison.
Besides, those arrested usually have their goods confiscated
Despite incessant raids, the culture of street trading has refused to die, however,
divergent views are being expressed about the phenomenon. While some believe that
street trading is a result of the failure of government to provide employment and
introduce social security for the unemployed, some have come to see it as an alternate
market, where it satisfies a need.

Comprehension questions

1. What view of Lagos do people in the village have?

b. What realities are faced by residents of Lagos?
c. How are street traders punished when arrested?
d. How has the government contributed to street trading?
e. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same
and can replace it as it is used in the passage: (i) kinsmen (ii) endless (iii) arduous (iv)
excruciating (v) device (vi) confiscated (vii) divergent
2. Write your own application in response to the same advertisement. Ensure your
letter conforms to the format and style needed for formal letters
3. Explain what are active and passive voices
b. What are the functions of passive voice?
4. Transcribe the following words: (i) Day (ii) dough (iii) those (iv) other (v) daine
b. What are meaning of the following words: (i) Cartography (ii) Astronomy (iii)
Philosophy (iv) Botany (v) Episternology
5. Make five sentences of (i) Active voice (ii) Passive voice
b. What is sequence of tenses and make sentences with it
6. Write ten sentences that contains words which are difficult to pronounce
b. Summary:
(i) Find another suitable title or heading of the above comprehension
(ii) In four sentences one for each of the paragraphs, summarize the entire passage


From the options A-D, choose the correct answer that fits in to the sentences
1. Milk ______ in Holland (a) was produced (b) has been produced (c) as produced (d)
will be produced

2. During the stampede at the stadium, many people _______ (a) are injured (b) was
injured (c) were injured (d) they were injured

3. You have to wait till the bell is ___ by the perfect in charge (a) ringing (b) rung (c) rang
(d) ring

4. In the library everybody is _____ (a) being watched (b) been watched (c) been watch
(d) been watched

5. The boys have gone home. They _____ to watch the game on television (a) have (b) will
have (c) needed (d) needs

6. The quest promised to send the items when he _____ back home (a) gets (b) got (c) has
got (d) has gotten

7. Mr. Elvis told us last week that the earth ______ around the sun (a) is revolving (b)
revolved (c) revolves (d) revolving

8. Daniel claimed that they ______ know each for three years (a) had (b) knew (c) have
(d) been

9. Were you also told that light _______ the fastest entity on earth (a) was (b) could be (c)
is (d) will

10. Though Chisom was tired yesterday, she ______ sleep (a) cannot (b) could not (c)
should (d) might not

Pick the correct answer from the options A-D, the one that has same sound
11. /әtӕk/ (a) attached (b) attacked (c) attack (d) adapt
12. /әbses/ (a) oblige (b) obsess (c) observe (d) above
13. /әb˄v/ (a) oblige (b) about (c) about to (d) above
14. /treэә/ (a) treasure (b) measure (c) treak (d) track suit
15. /piktʃә/ (a) pick up (b) peak (c) picture (d) positive

From the options A-D, choose the correct answer in the following questions
16. Isong killed a rat. The statement is known as _______ (a) passive voice (b) active voice
(c) action (d) objective
17. A rat was killed by Isong. The above statement is known as _____ (a) passive voice (b)
active voice (c) subjective (d) objective
18. Active voice is used in a sentence where ______ performs the ______ (a) object/doer (b)
subject/action (c) passive/was (d) participle/was
19. Identify the possessive as a modifier in the sentences below (a) young rich man (b)
our school is far (c) a man of honor (d) the sick man slept soundly
20. Identify the adverb as a modifier in the sentences below (a) young rich man (b) our
school is far from our home (c) a man of honor (d) the sick man slept soundly

Section B: Essay
Answer only four questions, but questions 1 and 2 are compulsory


By six O’clock the next morning, which was Sunday, Chisom left the campus for
Umeubulu. First, she took a taxi cab back to Enugu from where she boarded a bus for
Umeubulu. She chose a seat beside the driver so that she could have a good view of the
places they would pass through. The driver was tall and thin but looked kind. Next to
Chisom sat a young young girl of about fifteen. As the bus speed along the road to
Umeubulu, Chisom became tormented by doubts about her mission, but she soon
realized that it was too late to reconsider or to go back on it. They were now passing
through towns whose names she had never heard at home or in school.
After they had travelled for about an hour and a half in a direction southeast of
Enugu, the driver of the bus turned to Chisom and asked: which part of Umeubulu?
“Anywhere”, she said at last.
“Anywhere?” The driver was surprised at the vague answer. “Yes, anywhere in
the town” she affirmed. ‘Umeubulu is a very large town’ the driver explained. “if I drop
you at one end of the town and you’re going to the other end, you’ll need another bus to
take you there. But if you tell me exactly which part of the town you’re going to, I’ll drop
you where it will be most convenient for you”.
Chisom thought for a while then she told the driver to drop her at the church
down the road. It was a leap in the dark as she was not sure there was a church along
the road. “Which church?” asked the driver. “There many of them along this road. It
seems you don’t know the town very well”. He changed gear as they were approaching a
“I don’t really know the town much; Chisom admitted at last”. The driver
frowned, “You should have told me that long ago, we have been passing through
Umeubulu for some time now. Which village are you going to? Certainly you must know
that I hope we haven’t passed it already!”
“So this is Umuebulu my hometown!” Chisom said to herself, and to the driver,
she said “I’ll tell you where to stop” A wave of feeling she could not express in words
passed through her and she began to take more interest in the scenery as she imagined
to herself frequent visits to the town after she must have traced her father. Then,
suddenly, her heart sank; suppose she did not succeeded in tracing him?
They were now on top of the hill and Chisom could spot a church building down
the road. Its tower shot into the sky, and there were cars parked on the premises, she
made a quick decision to stop at the church and make inquiries from there as she saw
no other option left for her.
“I’ll get down when we get to that church down the road”, she told the driver
A few minutes later, the bus came to a halt in front of the church premises.
Chisom alighted and thanked the driver standing by the roadside, she watched the bus
disappear round the bend and then walked into the church premises, poised to begin
her quest.


1. What was the mission of Chisom at Umeubulu?

b. Why did Chisom sit next to the driver?
c. Did she consider her decision as wise? Quote an expression in the passage to support
your answer
d. Why do you think Chisom did not disclose her ignorance to the driver? Was she right?
e. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same
and can replace it as it is used in the passage (i) tormented (ii) realized (iii) exactly (iv)
convenient (v) admitted
2. Write a story to illustrate the saying: Too many cooks spoil the broth
3. Make 5 sentences with word modifiers
b. Transcribe the following words: (i) mercy (ii) herd (iii) service (iv) verb (v) first (vi)
occur (vii) hurl (viii) purpose
4. What is narrative Essay?
b. Write out the qualities of a narrative essay
5. Explain the following: (i) Topic sentences (ii) supportive sentences (iii) conclusion
6. What are the meaning of the following words? (i) Cardigan (ii) newspeak (iii) odussay
(iv) tangene (v) blitziareg (vi) google (vii) pasteunse (viii) scrourage (ix) jovial (x)


1. Fill in the gaps in the passage below with the best options from the table below.
By the end of the sixteenth century, Islam had spread southwards right to the
fringes of the forest belt. Christianity on the other hand, though an older ____1___ had
been largely ____2____ from North Africa. The spread of Islam in west Africa is unrivalled
partly in it’s ___3___ of ____4____, it’s ____5____ of ____6____ African religions, it’s simplicity of
____7____ and mode of ____8____ the trans-Saharan trade was equally a means of ____9____
Islam. The Muslim traders built ____10____ on their routes as they moved to and fro.

1. Religion tradition custom worship
2. Displaced formed established structural
3. Rejection acceptance replacement tradition
4. Polysemy polyandry polygamy monogamy
5. Play attenuation recommendation tolerance
6. Traditional Judaism tribalistic cultural
7. Morale doctrine dancing praises
8. Salutation revocation worshipping fasting
9. Structuring propagating alienating formalizing
10. Mansions shrines temples mosques

Complete each of the following with the appropriate verb form

11. The jacket _______ after the laundry man had washed it (a) shrink (b) shrenk (c)
shrunk (d) shranked
12. The children ______ the ball in a corner (a) hide (b) hid (c) hidden (d) hided
13. The artist has ______ a market scene (a) draw (b) drawn (c) drawed (d) drawon
14. Who ______ this picture? (a) hung (b) hanged (c) hunged (d) hang
15. When the students got to the cinema, the films had just _______ (a) begun (b) began
(c) beginning (d) start

From the option A-D, choose the correct transcription that suits the stand of the word,
given below
16. /trӕʃ/ (a) stuff (b) smart (c) trash (d) stand
17. /stәend/ (a) straight (b) splash (c) spread (d) stand
18. /skrӕmbl/ (a) scribble (b) splash (c) straight (d) sculpts
20. /sju:dnts/ (a) scrumdonts (b) students (c) straight (d) slumps

Section B: Essay
Answer four questions in all but the comprehension and letter writing are

Most human beings use at least one and sometimes two or more languages. So
languages are a very important part of everyday life for every human being. Everyone
should be denied the pain or even the horror of the inability to speak at least one
language. Their mother tongue or native language. It is difficult to imagine what the
world of a person would be like without being able to use at least one language. It would
obviously be a very odd world indeed!
Yet, there are thousands of thousands or even millions of people who cannot
make use of spoken language. Most people in this category are referred to as deaf and
dumb. Nowadays there are specialists who are able to communicate with deaf and
dumb people by suing symbols signs and gestures, a kind of unspoken language. We see
them on television and other cable networks.
Does the speaker of a language understand it and use it fully? It is very doubtful
that the speaker of any language does. That is because all languages are very complex.
They are also very dynamic, constantly adapting and changing, at a slower or faster rate.
It is no wonder that no one can fully understand a language.
Language is also, perhaps more than any other concept, very difficult to define.
That might sound odd, considering that we use language every day. Those who
understand languages very well, though not fully, are called language specialist. They
spend all their lives studying language and how it works in great depth. That’s precisely
the primary duty of language scholar.
Some say that the study of language brings us closer to understanding the human
essence, the distinctive qualities of mind that are unique to human beings. Because we
use language every day of our lives, this definition is relevant to ordinary users of
language as well. If through language, we approach what is human essence, we can use
language to define man in his nature, characteristics, life and all that he stands for in a
simple way, this appears to mean that language is man and man is language.


1. What does the writer liken the inability to use a language to?
b. Does the writer believe anyone understands the language he/she usefully? Support
your answer from the passage
c. How will a person who is unable to use a language feel?
d. Who do we refer to as deaf and dumb?
e. For each of the following words, find other words or phrase that means the same that
can replace it as it is used in the paragraph: (i) obviously (ii) doubtful (iii) odd (iv)
precisely (v) category (vi) scholar
2. Write a letter to your friend, inviting him for your birthday party
3. Transcribe the following words: (i) trash (ii) group (iii) brain (iv) principal (v) train
(vi) stuff (vii) smart (viii) stand (ix) start (x) place
4. What is a complex tense forms and make seven sentences with it
5. Write and explain the features of (i) semi-formal letter (ii) formal letter
6. What is a consonant cluster at the end of words?
b. Give examples of words with the consonant clusters

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