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咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

甲 方:义乌市鸿米贸易有限公司
Party A :Yiwu Hongmi Trade Co, Ltd.
乙 方:
Party B :

Number :
After positioning the market research clearly , Party B proposes application
to Party A , the two sides in the friendly consultations, equality and mutual
benefit and common development principles, In accordance with the
Contract Law of People ' Republic of China and other related laws and
regulations , to clarify the rights and obligations of two parties , the
following terms are formulated and obeyed by both two parties. (this
contract is overseas version , all of the closing unit of foreign currencies to
exchange is RMB.)

第一条 当事人
Article I : parties
Party A accepts the application of Party B , with the purpose of extending
the market of XIMIVOGUE . Each party is equal and independent , with full
capacity for corresponding civil rights and civil capacity . The two parties
should have a relationship of cooperation subject to this contract. There is
a cooperation between both parties by the contract formed by the parties,
Party B shall provide Party A with a valid identity card or other valid


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

1. Party B takes the solely responsibility of its own operations as a
independent operator , while Party A shall not be liable for any joint liability
, Party B shall choose the right way to make proper business decision .

2. If Party B uses the store without Party A’s assessment or the flow of
people data , Party B shall bear fully risk of late operation.
第二条 经销内容、范围、区域保护
Article II : content and scope of franchise , regional protections .
1、甲方承认乙方在 (国) (市 /省) 区/县/路
(房租为 /年)的经营权(此地址格式必须全部填写,少填任何一项或写错
1.Party A authorizes Party B to have the management right in
______________(house number) at ___ street, on ___ road, in ___
city , in ___ country, (the room charge is_______per year) , ( Party B
must fill in the address , both writing one less and writing in a wrong way
will not have business district protection ) , Party A makes following
commitments to Party B’s business district protection:

(1)街道店:甲方保证在乙方经营的街道店同一条街道内两店之间步行距离 1000
(1) the store along the street : Party A commits Party B not to operate
competing stores of same brands within the distance of 1,000 meters in the
same street from a store of Party B 's .

(2)乙方后期补货必须达到 100 平方以下每个月不低于 100000 元、150 平方以下

每个月不低于 150000 元、150 平方以上每个月不低于 200000 元(从收到货第二个
(2) the amount of money of Party B’s store replenishment must not be
lower than 100,000 RMB per month if Party B's store is 100 square meters
or lower than 100. If Party B's store area is lower than 150 square meters ,
the amount of money of Party B’s store replenishment is not lower than
150,000 RMB per month . If Party B's store area is more than 150 square
meters, the amount of money of Party B’s store replenishment must not be
200,000 RMB per month (from the second month after you received the
first batch of products from Party A) , otherwise Party B’s protection policy


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

of the business district shall not be protected, Party A reserves the right to
investigate and pursues any rule-breaking responsibility of Party B.

息全额退还定金 。
2.If Party B is not clear about their own store 's specific address when Party
B signs the contract (the address must be detailed to the house number ) ,
Party B shall provide the detailed address for Party A in a written
application after Party B ensures the specific address of their own store.
Business district protection of Party B comes into effect after the approval
of Party A, and Party B can operate their own shops. If Party B operate their
own shops without Party A 's approval , Party A has the right to stop
supplying the products and retract the dealer's authorization. All of
resulting loss is borne by Party B. If the contract has been signed but Party
B’s franchisees’ locations do not pass the audit and cannot be opened,
Party B can choose to continue to find a new store or terminate the
contract, if terminate the contract, Party A will fully refunds deposit
without any interest to Party B.

第三条 相关费用
Article III : related costs
乙方加盟熙美诚品,乙方需向甲方支付加盟费 / 元整(大写: ),该费
1. Franchisee fee
Party B joins in XIMIVOGUE, and becomes the franchisee of Party A. Party B
needs to pay Party A / for the franchisee fee, which is used as brand
development, integrated service and management costs, and Party B must
pay franchise fee in lump sum.



咨询热线:+86 400850 5888


采购,乙方需支付履约金 元,合同期内如果乙方无损害甲方品牌名誉及违反

2.Performance bond
To ensure that Party B fulfills the contract and maintain the brand image of
Party A, Party B is not allowed to purchase products not from Party A , and
Party B has to pay RMB for performance bond . If Party B does not do
anything harmful for Party A 's brand and honesty , and it does not do
something against the contract items during the contract period , Party A
will return Party B all of performance bond at the expiration of the

首次进货标准按照乙方店面面积不低于每平方 4000 元;根据运距的长短周期做出
适当的调整,由甲乙双方协商决定,甲方给予乙方 6 折的统一供货折扣(零售价的
3.The first payments
The first purchase standard is according to the area of Party B's store,
which cannot be lower than 4000 RMB per square meter according to the
length of the distance between both countries to make appropriate
adjustments, decided after the negotiation agreed by Party A and Party B.
Party A will provide a unified supply discount of 40 % off to Party B( based
on the retail prices), Party A will give 5% to Party B next month according to
late replenishment on the basis of the total purchase , and there is no
rebate for the first batch.

4、货柜金额 ,装修押金、培训押金
The amount of the counter, decoration deposit, and training deposit

(1)乙方向甲方交纳货柜金额 (大写: ),按店面面积


线路,门头,背景墙基础),收银机(含收银软件) 元一台,乙方必须使用甲



咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

(1) Party B pays Party A of the container, according to the store

area of RMB per square meter,[including the related materials of

counters, but does not include the basic decoration (wall, ground, top,
lamps, circuit, door, background wall foundation) and a cash register
(including cashier software) which is RMB, Party B must use the cashier
software that Party A provides.


柜,并在合同签订前向甲方支付店面装修押金 元整(大写:贰万元整),乙

方在店面施工后将所拍店面内外形象照片 5 张以上发甲方审核,若店面装修符合甲
(1)To ensure the decoration quality and unified brand image of Party B' s ,
Party B has to purchase unified standardized counters and light box LOGO
signs and so on , and pay the decoration deposit which is RMB to Party
A before sign the contract. Party B shall send Party A five pictures from
outdoors and indoors to check out after the store has been constructed . If
the store decoration is fit for the decoration standard and requirement of
Party A's , Party A will return all of the decoration deposit to Party B . If the
decoration is not qualified , Party A has the right to ask Party B to change in
prescribed time. If that is qualified , Party A will return all of the decoration
deposit to Party B. If Party B does not change in a prescribed time , it will
destroy the brand image, and Party A has the right to deprive and
confiscate the decoration deposit and the store will be warned, fined and
even canceled the protection of the business until closing the account order

5. 乙方在其国家货品的销售价格由甲方定价,甲方了解完运费,报关费用后定价,


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

5.The sale prices of goods in Party B’s country is decided by Party A after
Party A has known about the shipping fee and custom fee, and Party B shall
sell the goods according to the price that has been decided by Party A, if
Party B cannot satisfied with the prices that has been decided by Party A,
both parties can negotiate to determine the unified sales price in the
country or the area. And if there are any other XIMIVOGUE stores opened
in Party B’s country, Party B’s stores shall sell the products according to the
final prices that have been agreed by Party B and Party A.

6. The prices of Party A's customer who has opened store must be in
accordance with the unified sale prices of Party A's Company in the country
( area ) of Party A's customer. Party B should sell the products according to
the unified prices of customer of Party A's Company who has opened store
in Party B's country ( area ). Party B cannot cut or rise up the prices. If Party
B does not sell the products according to the unified prices of customer of
Party A's Company who has opened store in Party B's country ( area ), Party
A has the right to terminate the contract, stop supplying goods to Party B,
and retain Party A’s legal liability to investigate and pursue Party B's
violating treaty responsibility.

7.The method of the settlement of payment can be RMB or USD, if Party B
needs to transfer the money to Party A’s foreign bank account, Party B
needs to entrust another shipping company to deal with the custom in the
name of Party A’s company and is responsible for the cost.

8.The products prices provided by Party A is not including tax, if Party B
needs Party A to provide the invoice, the tax rate should be discussed with
Party A, and the tax rate should be borne by Party B.


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

第四条 配货、供货、补货
Article IV :distribution , restocking and replenishment

1.Party A is responsible for supplying the goods chronically to Party B
during the long contract period. Taking into account the time of shipment
and order confirmation, Party B shall inform Party A about the purchase
plan by fax or e-mail more than ten days in advance to inform Party A and
to make it convenient for both two parties to sure about it. Party A is
responsible for delivering the goods within the fifteen days since received
the payments of goods from Party B or deliver it according to the time that
both two parties agreed on. In order to make it possible for franchisees to
gain profit, the first batch of products will be distributed by Party A

2.Whenever Party A delivered the goods, Party B must check and receive
the goods according to Party A’s shipment list of goods receipt . If it has
objections , Party B shall inform Party A through fax or email in writing at
the day when Party B received the goods, and make sure about it. Or Party
A will consider Party B has already received all the goods from the shipping
list, and will not ask about it, (the received day is the day when Party B
receipted in logistics company ).

3.Party B is responsible for restocking freight cost of the first batch of
products, counters and replenishment after the store is opened.

第五条 合同的解除和续约
Article V : cancellation and renewal of contract


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1.Party A is entitled to discharge this contract upon the occurrence of any
of the following events:

(1) If Party B does not purchase two month continuously, Party B needs to
put forward the written reports to Party A, and it will be fine when Party A
approve it. If Party B does not put forward the written reports to Party A
and does not purchase two months continuously, Party A would consider
Party B cancel the contract unilaterally and forsake the management right
and business district protection of this area, and Party A has the right to
authorize other customers to open store here.

(2) During the valid period of this contract, Party B has to commit that they
just sell the products which are provided by Party A. If Party B purchases
the goods privately which is not from Party A 's company, Party A will
consider Party B cancel the contract unilaterally, Party A would not return
the franchise fee, performance bond .

(3)乙方要变更开店地址,需向甲方写书面申请,经甲方批准后方可实施,否则 ,
(3) If Party B want to change the site of the store, Party B needs to write
written application, and Party B can implement when Party A approve
about it, or Party A will cancel the contract with Party B .

2.Throughout the valid duration of this contract is two years and after the
effective period of time, Party B can renew. If Party B asks for renewal, it
should put the written application to Party A one month in advance before
the contract is expired , otherwiase Party A would consider Party B forsakes
this, and the contract will be ended on its own.



咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

3.After the valid date, if both of Parties do not reach an agreement on the
problem of renewal, this contract will be ended on its own .

4.If Party B asks for canceling in the middle of this contract time, Party B
must put forward the written application to Party B one month in advance.
To dismantle the store on their own, break all the light boxes, facade
plaques and all brand image designs, ( and it has each three pictures before
and after dismantling). After Party A checks it and agrees with it, Party B
has to return the related documentations, gifts and other thing to Party A,
and stop related management activities immediately and then go to the
company for termination procedures.

5.乙方自合同签订 7 日内,可以单方解除合同,但甲方将收取全部到款金额的
5.Since the contract has been signed within 7 days, Party B can cancel the
contract unilaterally, but Party A will get the 50% of the sum of money that
is sent by Party B as the compensation for breach of contract. Party A
would consider Party B forsake this right if it is expired, and the payments
of goods will not be returning to Party B.

第六条 司法管辖及争议解决
Article VI: judicial jurisdiction and dispute resolution
1.this contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of China, any of both two parties shall accept Chinese Court ' s

2.Any dispute arising about fulfilling this contract shall be solved by the two
parties on the principles of honesty, equality and concession. If both two
parties fail to resolve the disputes, both parties reach an agreement on
suing one of the Party to the Chinese People's Court where the Party A is
located to solve the problem.
第七条 约定事项
Article VII: covenant items


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1. The signature of the contract shall be valid after the signature of Party A
and Party B, which shall be part of this contract. This contract is in duplicate
and is executed immediately after the contract signed by both two parties
and payment terms executed by Party B. Both two parties have one copy of
2. This contract is executed in English and Chinese. If there is any
discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the Chinese shall

乙方于 年 月 日,缴纳加盟费 / 元,合同履约金

元,店面装修押金 元,货柜 元,货品 元,大写:(

) 共计: 元,大写: 。
3. Fees will be paid at the date of the contract :
Party B pays performance bond (RMB) ; the decoration deposit
(RMB); the counters: ___ ; ( RMBper square meter ) the
products :_____________, (at least 4000 RMB per square meter)
Total amount :_________


甲 公 司 名 称 义乌鸿米贸易有限公司
方 The name Yiwu Hongmi Trade Co, Ltd.
P of the
A company
R 地 址 浙江省义乌市北苑街道丹溪北路 731 号(义乌市大大箱包材料
T address 有限公司内)
Y NO. 731, Danxi North Road, Beiyuan Street, Yiwu City,


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

Zhejiang Province
A 授权委托人 签约日期
Authorize Date of contract
d principal
乙 开店地址
方 The site of
P the store
A 授权委托人 签约日期
R agent Date of contract
T 联系电话 身份证号
Y contact ID number
签约地点:广东省广州市天河区珠江西路 5 号 IFC 广州国际金融中心 1802-1803 单

The place where we signed the contract : 1802-1803 Units, Guangzhou
International Finance Center, NO.5,Zhujiang West Road, Tianhe District,
Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province

Notes for Party B
In order to avoid various interpretations, please read the following clauses
carefully before signing the contract :
全款到帐后确认下单以后的 3~15 个工作日。平面图、效果图、施工图出图时间为 5
天,货柜组装时间为 5 天,产品陈列时间和人员培训时间为 3 天。注意:由于物流
1. The delivery time
According to the ordering processes of the company , so the time of
delivery is within 8-15 days after you confirm the orders . The shipment
takes around 15 days under normal circumstances while the expected
opening time will be added the contract notes if special circumstances


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

occur . It takes 5 days to make plane graph , renderings and construction
drawings , 5 days to assemble counters , 5 days for displaying the goods
and training the personnel. Notice : we can not guarantee the delivery
time, as the logistics are not estimable ,we can not ensure precise arrivals .

2.Shipping address : all products will be delivered at the distribution center
of the warehouse which is located in Yiwu city . Please make reasonable
arrangements through consideration on the freight and arrivals .

3.payment methods
(1) It is payment before delivery , and that is to say , the delivery is carried
out only after full payment or full counter have been received .
(2) Others : cash on delivery , pay by installments , logistics on behalf of
collection. (which are the ways we do not have )

4.counters and decoration
(1)the counters which are provided by the company do not include the
material of basic decoration( walls 、 ground 、 ceiling 、door 、head 、
(2) The company will not assemble the counters . You need to assemble
your counters by yourself in the local place according to the drawings , after
receiving the counter materials purchased from the company , if you
require site guidance by the construction supervisor of our company ,
please consult the cost of construction supervisor at store for all the related
costs ,it includes the visa fee、the car charge 、and the fee for room and
board , such costs will be covered by Party B , Party B needs to make an
appointment in advance .


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

(3)Party B can consult the issues about basic decorations with the
engineering department through the phone .

店面 150 平方米以下预付 2 万,150 平方米以上预付 3 万,在督导完成下店工作后,
( 1 ) Party B shall apply the supervisors to go to Party B's store to
serve before store opening, Party B needs to make a reservation one
week in advance, and Party B will be responsible for all the costs which
include visa fee, travel expenses, insurance, food cost and
accommodation fee. Please make a reservation ahead of time. All the
costs need to be paid in advance. If the store area is less than 150 square
meters, the pre-pay cost is 20,000 RMB. If the store area is more than
150 square meters, the pre-pay cost is 30,000 RMB. After supervisors
complete all the duty, the pre-pay balance will be paid to either side.
Any excess payment shall be refunded and any deficiency repaid.

(2)The service scope of the supervisor : supervisor is mainly responsible for
staff training and the guidance before opening , excluding counter
assembling and products display . Please advise personnel to cooperate
with him to finish assembling containers and products display as soon as
possible .

6.The precautions for opening the store : Party A will have one-to-one
customer service to serve you after the store is open, please contact with
your CS staff if you have any questions .


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

7. Complaints suggestions: every customer has his own order platform ,
account number of choosing products , the platform has four hundred
complaints phone numbers.


方支付标签费用 元/个。

8.if Party B needs Party A to put up lables , Party B is responsible for

translating , Party A is responsible for printing lable and labling , Party B
needs to spend RMB for one tag , paying the money to Party A .
I have read and understood all above contract clauses , here you can
confirm to sign it : _____________

In order to standardize XIMIVOGUE uniform quality of the decoration
standards and maintain a unified image of XIMIVOGUE brand. For the

investors and franchisee’s responsible attitude, the following

decoration standards are specially formulated, so that investors and
franchisees shall abide by strictly:

1.门头装修要求:32 丝 0.4 厘米厚的纯白色高光铝塑板,拼接处不留缝隙,细小

缝隙用白色玻璃胶勾缝。门头两灯箱间距 10 厘米,电线严禁裸露,灯箱四周用玻璃
1.Requirements of Door head decoration:
32 wire 0.4 cm pure white high-gloss aluminum-plastic plate, splicing
without gap, small gap with white glass glue hook. Two light boxes on


咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

door spaces 10 cm, the wire is strictly prohibited exposed, the light
box is surrounded by glass glue and sealed to prevent rain into.

2.背景墙:26 丝 0.4 厘米纯白色高光铝塑板包边,要求折角圆韵无裂缝,马赛克

用铝塑板折成 2 厘米*3 厘米压条(背景墙公司只提供白色马赛克砖,其它要基础装
2. Backdrop:
26 wire 0.4 cm pure white high-gloss aluminum-plastic board edge, the
requirements of the corner of the rhyme without cracks. Mosaic can be
pasted with the white structure adhesive paste, requiring paste flat,
brick aligning. Strip can be made of aluminum-plastic plate folded into
2 cm * 3 cm pressure bar (the background wall Party A’s company only
provides decoration of model posters, the other to basic decoration is
completed by Party B).

地砖:纯白的 60*60 或 80*80 地砖(广东产的),要求铺装平整,无空鼓。注意收

2. Floor tiles:
60 * 60 or 80 * 80 white tiles (produced in Guangdong), requiring
pavement smooth, no hollowing. Note reserving a threading tube below
the cash register.

3.吊顶:国际轻钢龙骨吊顶,距墙边 33 公分中线加固木工板以便固定边距。
International light steel keel ceiling is 33 cm from wall of center line
to strengthen the wood board in order to fixed margin.

4.墙面:所有墙面刮 2 片腻子刷乳胶漆,边距无背板。柱子镜面或广告面画加 3 公


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All walls scrape 2 pieces of putty brush, latex paint and margin without
backplane. Pillar mirror or advertising picture embeds 3 cm white

5.线路:采用 2.5 平方国标塑铜线,空调用 4 平方以上塑铜线。监控线用网线,

100 平方内 4 个摄像头,一个专照收银台。音响喇叭开孔 16 公分,100 平方内室内
外各 2 个。装修时同步做好线路布置。
4. Circuit:
employing 2.5 square meters national standard plastic, copper wire, air
conditioning using more than 4 square meters of plastic, copper wire.
Monitoring line is the network cable; four cameras is within 100 square
meters; a standard checkout counter. Hole of audio speakers is 16 cm and
each 2 audio speakers locate inside and outside 100 square meters room.
The layout of the line shall be synchronized with decorating.

6.灯光:筒灯 24 瓦以上、外壳纯白色、白光;轨道射灯 30 瓦以上、外壳纯白色、黄

5. Light:
more than 24 watts of downlight with pure white shell and white light;
more than 30 watts of track lights with pure white shell and yellow
light; (Party A’s company customizes all lights in the shop).

7.电视机:客户自行购买电视机吊架;网购 42 寸以上通用吊架在 60 元左右;要求

6. TV:
Party B shall buy his own TV hanger, shop 42 decimeters or more of a
general hanger in 60 CNY online and require a white porcelain brush into
white. and



咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

7. Installation of the counter:
Installation requires horizontal and vertical; advertising painting
installs normatively, which installs inside the column and parallels to
lattice box as well as prohibit attach the front of the column (Party B
can apply Party A’s company for a professional engineering staff going
to the shop, which is responsible for guide and installation of counters
to avoid unnecessary time loss, and Party B shall consult Affiliate
Marketing Personnel about all cost.)

In order to protect your decoration deposit and refund it in time to
avoid unnecessary losses, please strictly decorate your store according
to these terms , and details refer to construction drawings and
renderings of store. Please contact the Ministry of Engineering in time,
if you have any question when decorating, Tel: +8613777511845, (I wish
XIMIVOGUE Families commence the business auspiciously, and treasures

fill the home. )

If Decoration construction is not in accordance with the construction
drawings and renderings strictly., Party A’s company will not allow
Party B to open its own store until Party B decorate the store according
to requirement of Party A,and refund your decoration deposit. Please be
sure to attach great attention!



咨询热线:+86 400850 5888

I have known and been willing to comply with all content of
decoration standards of XIMIVOGUE Store. signature:


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