Ncr Final q1 Eng10 m6 Val

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10 Department of Education

National Capital Region


First Quarter-Module 6
Evaluating Reading Texts using a Set of Criteria

Writer: Myriam R. Dela Cruz

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas
Layout Artist: Arneil A. Pagatpatan
Good day Grade 10 learners! In this module, you are going to learn how to:

Evaluate and make judgements about a text using a set of criteria.

You can say that you have understood the lesson in this module if you can

1. note details in a text read;

2. identify useful criteria in evaluating a text read;
3. use appropriate language structures in evaluating and making judgements
about a text read;
4. evaluate/judge a material read using a set of criteria.

Recall a story you have read in class or during your leisure time. Identify the theme
of the story and explain the universality and timelessness of the theme by answering
the two questions below.
1. What is the title of the story? What is its theme?

2. Is there a universality in the theme of the story? Please explain.


3. Is the theme of the story considered timeless? Please explain.

Lesson Evaluating a text read using a set of
1 criteria

What’s In
In your previous lessons, you have learned different terms related to literature.
In today’s module we will try to recall some of these terms by working on the crossword
puzzle below.

1.It is the challenge the main characters 1. It refers to persons or
need to solve in a story beings in a narrative
3. existing everywhere or involving everyone 2. central idea or message
5. the time and place the story happened of a story
6. an idea or opinion about something/someone 4. unchanged by time;
7. a contagious bacterial disease 8. referring to the types
characterized by delirium and spots of literary texts

Now that you have identified the words, you need to remember them because
they will be useful in the proceeding activities as we learn how to evaluate and make
judgement about a text.
I am sure many of you are fond of watching K-Dramas. Certainly, you did not
miss to watch a very popular Korean Rom-Com (Romantic Comedy) entitled “Crash
Landing on You”. Let us read the statements made by some teenagers about this K-

This is an The plot of the whole

unforgettable tale of drama might be too
forbidden love between fantastic for some people,
lovers from South and but it doesn’t affect the
North Korea. romance inside. It let me
believe in one thing- that
love is the greatest power
of all.


I will never forget Se-ri. She
is a woman who was about
to ascend to a powerful
It reminds me of the Sarah
position in the business
classic Romeo and Juliet
but with a happy ending. world of South Korea, yet
she chose to abide by how
women live in North Korea.
Call it love!


Daniel Kathryn

Let’s analyze the statements of the teenagers by answering the following

1. What is the topic of each statement?

2. What is the purpose of each statement?


3. If you have also watched “Crash Landing on You”, who among the four teens do
you agree with? Why?
The statements given by the teenagers about the Korean series “Crash Landing
On” are example of reviews. Through the reviews, the teenagers came up with their
evaluation or judgement of the K-Drama. When we evaluate, we give our comments
on the quality of something or someone. In evaluating, there must always be a set of
criteria as basis. Let us look again at the evaluation of the teens and find out the criteria
they have used in evaluating the K-Drama “Crash Landing on You”.

Mateo and Sarah focused their comments on the human experience in the story
which most people can relate to and be interested about. Aside from falling in love, what
other human experiences are present in Crash Landing on You?

Daniel evaluated the story based on the universality and timelessness of its
message. This means that the message of the story is something that many people from
different parts of the world can relate to (universal) and it is a message that people from
different generations-the young and the old- can connect to (timeless). The story showed
that love transcends cultural background and the power of love will always be around
even if there are some factors that might block it.

Kathlyn focused her evaluation on a character, Se-ri, who created an impact on

her. This character was able to create an impression on viewers. It is possible that
each time Se-ri’s name is mentioned, people will remember a fashionable woman with a
promising career who fell into a forbidden love and gave up everything for love. Aside
from the characters, what other parts/elements of the story do you think can create an
impact on readers or viewers?

To summarize, remember these questions when making judgments about a

text/story read:
o Is the story presenting real human experiences?
o Is the message/theme of the story something that people from different
parts of the world and from different ages can relate to?
o Are the elements of the story (ex: characters) able to create an impression
on the readers or viewers?

Remember: evaluation of texts differs from one person to another. What is

important is that the evaluation we make are based on a set of criteria. Also, it is
important that we can give proofs to support our evaluations or judgments of the story.
In the activities that follow, practice your skill in evaluating and making
judgement about a text based on a set of criteria. Ready…set…go!

Activity 1. Whip It!

Below is a story divided into four parts. After reading each part, answer the
questions you will find to show how well you understood the details of the story.

The Plague (A Summary)

A novel by Albert Camus
Part 1

In the town of Oran, thousands of

rats, initially unnoticed by the
population, begin to die in the streets.
Panic developed afterwards, causing the
local newspapers to report the incident.
Authorities responding to public pressure
order the collection and cremation of the
rats, unaware that the collection itself
was the start of the spread of the bubonic
plague- a disease which easily spreads
from one person to another.
The main character, Dr. Bernard Rieux, lives comfortably in an apartment
building when strangely the building's concierge, M. Michel, a confidante, dies from
a fever. Dr. Rieux consults his colleague, Dr. Castel, about the illness until they
concluded that a plague is indeed sweeping the town. They both approach fellow
doctors and town authorities about their theory but are eventually dismissed based
on one death. However, as more deaths happen, it becomes apparent that there is
an epidemic. Meanwhile, Rieux's wife has been sent to a hospital in another city,
to be treated for an unrelated chronic illness.
Authorities of the city are slow to accept that the situation is serious and
quarrel over the appropriate action to take. As the death toll begins to rise, more
desperate measures are taken. Homes are quarantined; corpses and burials are
strictly supervised. A supply of plague serum arrives, but there is enough to treat
only existing cases, and the country's emergency reserves are depleted. When the
daily number of deaths jumps to 30, the town is sealed, and an outbreak of plague
is officially declared.
1. What caused the pandemic called the Bubonic Plague?
A. dogs B. mosquitoes C. birds D. rats

2. Which of the following best describes the reaction of the town authorities during
the start of the plague?
A. alert C. unconcerned
B. quick D. frightened
3. When the number of the dead rose, what solutions did the authorities enforce?
A. cleaning and vaccination C. Martial Law and sanitation
B. quarantine and cleaning D. quarantine and vaccination

Part 2
The town is sealed off. The town
gates are shut, travel is prohibited, and Ma’am, please insert a drawing of
all mail service is suspended. The use of three persons treating a sick patient.
telephone lines is restricted only to Make them look like people in the 19th
"urgent" calls, leaving short telegrams century.
as the only means of communicating
with friends or family outside the town.
The separation affects daily activity and
depresses the spirit of the townspeople,
who begin to feel isolated, and the
plague begins to affect the people’s

One character, Raymond Rambert, devises a plan to escape the city to join
his wife in Paris after city officials refused his request to leave. He dealt with some
criminals so that they may illegally take him out of the city. Another character,
Father Paneloux, uses the plague as an opportunity to advance his popularity in
the town by suggesting that the plague was an act of God punishing the citizens'
sinful nature. His sermon falls on the ears of many citizens of the town, who turned
to religion in droves but would not have done so under normal circumstances.
Cottard, a criminal, becomes wealthy as a major smuggler. Meanwhile, Jean
Tarrou, a vacationer; Joseph Grand, a civil engineer; and Dr. Rieux, exhaustively
treat patients in their homes and in the hospital.
Rambert informs Tarrou of his escape plan, but when Tarrou tells him that
there are others in the city, including Dr. Rieux, who have loved ones outside the
city whom they are not allowed to see, Rambert becomes sympathetic and offers to
help Rieux fight the epidemic until he leaves town.

4. Which is NOT an effect of the quarantine to the people of Oran?

A. Some characters planned to escape from the place.
B. People became religious and prayerful.
C. A character used religion as an opportunity to gain popularity.
D. They became respectful and obedient to the authorities.

5. How did the criminals in the story react to the arrival of the plague?
A. They see it as an opportunity for illegal activities.
B. They joined the anti-plague effort so they will not be caught.
C. They planned to escape the quarantine at once.
D. They felt fearful about getting sick just like the other citizens.

6. Is there an act of kindness present in this part of story?

A. Yes, people became more prayerful.
B. Yes, some characters like Dr. Rieux treat patients selflessly.
C. No, many characters chose illegal ways to survive.
D. No, many characters felt alone in the story.
Part 3
In mid-August, the situation in
Oran continues to worsen. People try to
escape the town, but some are shot by
armed sentries. Violence and looting
break out on a small scale and the
authorities respond by declaring martial
law and curfew. Funerals are conducted
with more speed, no ceremony and little
concern for the feelings of the families of
the deceased. The inhabitants passively
endure their increasing feelings of exile
and separation. People suffer
emotionally as well as physically.
In September and October, the town remained at the mercy of the plague.
Rieux heard from the hospital that his wife's condition is worsening. He hardened
his heart regarding the plague victims so that he can continue to do his work. After
extended negotiations with guards, Rambert finally had a chance to escape, but he
decides to stay, saying that he would feel ashamed of himself if he left. Towards
the end of October, Castel's new anti-plague vaccine is tried for the first time, but
it cannot save the life of a young boy who suffers greatly.

7. Why did the authorities declare martial law and curfew in Oran?
A. Crimes grew in number and people became violent.
B. People wanted to overthrow the government.
C. People lived in isolation for fear of being infected.
D. Authorities cannot handle the treatment and burial of infected people.

8. What human value was shown by the actions of Dr. Rieux and Rambert?
A. gratitude B. generosity C. selflessness D. courage

9. What details from this passage will prove that Rieux’s dedication as doctor was
A. He proposed the quarantine.
B. He wanted to leave Oran to attend to his ailing wife.
C. He continued to serve the sick while his wife’s health worsened.
D. He found time for relaxation like watching an opera or go swimming.
Part 4
People who recovered from
the plague also decided to volunteer
in fighting it. Joseph Grand catches
the plague and nearly died.
However, Grand makes an
unexpected recovery, and deaths
from the plague start to decline. By
late January the plague is in full
retreat, and the townspeople begin
to celebrate the imminent opening
of the town gates. Despite the
epidemic's ending, Tarrou, Dr.
Rieux’s close friend contracts the
plague and dies after a heroic
struggle. Rieux is later informed via
telegram that his wife has also died. In February, the town gates open and people
are reunited with their loved ones from other cities.

10. What is the author trying to tell the readers of the story?
A. The author wanted to show that there is hope and solution to problems.
B. The author invented a story to scare people about pandemic.
C. The author wanted the readers to study the cause of the pandemic.
D. The author simply wanted to tell a story that he believes people will like.

Activity 2. Check and List

Evaluate the story “The Plague” by putting a check mark on your chosen column
(Yes/No). Do not forget to write your reasons and specific details in the story to prove
your evaluation.

Title of the Story: The Plague by Albert Camus

YES NO My reason

1. The characters and events in the story are

realistic and believable.

2. The story presents real human experiences

and human attitude/nature.

3. The message of the story is still applicable at

present time.

4. The message of the story is a universal truth

which is true to all races and culture of people.

5. Specific characters the story created an

impact that readers will remember for a long

6. The different events (plot) of the story makes

the readers feel hooked/interested.
Based from your answers in the table above, what can you say about the story
“The Plague”?

In this lesson, we focused on evaluating and making judgement about

reading texts using a set of criteria. Express what you have learned about this
module by answering these questions.
1. What is the meaning of evaluating a story?

2. What are some criteria when evaluating a story?


3. How can we make our evaluations of stories more meaningful?


Apply what you have learned about evaluating and making judgements about a
text by doing the activity that will follow.

1. Recall a story you have read that created an impact on you. It could be a story
read in class (English or Filipino) or a novel that you really like.

2. Evaluate it using the checklist in Activity 2 (p.9).

3. After evaluating, think of how you can encourage other people to read it by
showcasing its good features. You can present it by choosing from the different
forms of media such as:
● vlog
● poster
● video presentation
Read the summary of the story “Federigo’s Falcon” written by an Italian writer
named Giovanni Boccaccio. Afterwards, answer the questions that will follow.

Federigo’s Falcon (A Summary)

A short story written by Giovanni Boccaccio

Once, in the town of Florence in

Italy, there lived a rich, young man
named Federigo. He was a man
admired by all for his skill in battle
and his courtesy. Federigo fell in love
with a woman named Giovanna. In
order to win her heart, Federigo
spent his riches in feasts and
celebrations. However, Giovanna was
not impressed with these shows of
wealth and she turned down
Federigo’s proposal. Spending
without control made Federigo a poor
man; indeed, he can no longer afford to live the way he used to. He decided to go
to the province and live in a simple farm he owned together with his pet falcon, an
animal he trained and used as a companion when hunting.

Giovanna eventually married another man and they had a son. Sadly, the
husband died from a disease and Giovanna was left a widow. During that time in
Florence, it is the tradition that widows must first spent a year of mourning in the
province. This Giovanna did and she and her son transferred to a house which by
accident is very close to the farm owned by Federigo! Giovanna’s son soon became
friends with Federigo, and the boy became impressed with the falcon. Seeing the
falcon fly filled the boy with happiness and he very much wanted it as his own.

After some time, the boy got ill, and Giovanna was in distress for he was her
only child. She spent long hours on his bedside, asking him what he wanted in the
hope that this can make the child feel better. Giovanna’s son admitted shyly that
he very much wanted to have Federigo’s falcon and he believes he will feel better if
he had the bird. Giovanna hesitated. She couldn’t simply ask Federigo so big a
favor knowing that the bird is very precious to him. Still, Giovanna’s love for her
child prevailed and she went, together with a maid, to Federigo’s farm to ask for
the falcon.

Federigo welcomed Giovanna and her maid humbly. Giovanna told him that
she wished to dine with him and talk. The love that he feels for Giovanna and his
inborn courtesy prevented him from declining her invitation. Federigo told
Giovanna and her maid to wait while he prepared food for them. Alas, he has
nothing worthy to serve so great a lady as Giovanna! In his desperation, Federigo
took his precious falcon from its cage, killed it, roasted it, and served it at the table.
After dining, Giovanna told Federigo the real reason for her visit. Federigo wept not
because he doesn’t want to give the falcon but because he cannot do anything to
help her. Federigo admitted that it was the falcon that he cooked and served to
Giovanna left Federigo’s home in sorrow, but her visit let her see Federigo in
a new way. She realized that despite the misfortune that happened to his life, the
greatness of Federigo’s spirit, his generosity and kindness to her did not change at
all. After a few days, her son passed away. Giovanna returned to Florence and after
some time, when all her sorrows and bitterness have disappeared, she was urged
by her brothers to marry again. She said to her brothers that she doesn’t want to
marry anytime soon, but if someday, she decides to marry again, it will only be one
man and that man will be Federigo.

Evaluate the text by answering the questions below.

1. Are real human experiences showcased in the story of Federigo and his falcon? If
yes, which of these human experiences are found in the story?
i. the love of a man to a woman
ii. the loyalty of a servant to its master
iii. the love of a mother to a child
iv. the care and affection of man to animals

A. i only C. i and iii

B. i and iii D. i, iii, and iv

2. Which of the statements below best expresses the message of the story?
A. A mother will do everything for her child.
B. Money is the root of man’s suffering in life.
C. Sometimes, love can make a person sacrifice even his most precious
possession just to make the beloved happy.
D. Happiness in love cannot be achieved only thru material wealth; a couple
must also have trust and respect for one another.

3. Do you think the message of the story is universal? Why?

4. Do you think the message of the story is timeless? Please explain your answer.

5. Is there a character in the story that made an impression on you? If yes, who is
he/she and why?
A good reader can connect what he knows with what he has just read. He/she
can connect it to past experiences, people, other stories, and of course real-life events
that happened.

In this activity, you will practice making connections in the stories you have read.
Choose between “The Plague” by Albert Camus or “Federigo’s Falcon” by Giovanni
Boccaccio and accomplish the graphic organizer by showing how you can relate to a
story. See the sample answer below.

TITLE OF THE STORY: My Connections to the Text

“The Plague” by Albert Camus
A. Text to text Example answer:

1. How is the story similar to Albert Camus’ “The Plague” reminds me

other stories you have of the movie entitled Contagion because just
read/watched? like “The Plague”, Contagion is also about a
deadly disease that spread to thousands of
people. Also, just like “The Plague”, the
different characters in the movie Contagion
reacted in different ways to the disease.
Others became helpless while others used
the plague as an opportunity to do harm to
other people.
B. Text to self

2. Do the events in the story

remind you of something that
also happened to you? How
about the characters? Do the
characters remind you of any
person you know personally?

C. Text and world

3. How is the conflict like what is

happening at the present
1. Picture of Crash Landing On You

1. Evaluating a text

2. Some general criteria for evaluating a text

3. Summary of The Plague from

4. Summary of Federigo’s Falcon based from the copy of the text present in
Celebrating Diversity through World Literature: English 10 Learners’ Material.
Department of Education.
Development Team of the Module

Writer: Myriam R. Dela Cruz (MHS)

Editor: Cyril P. Santos (SEHS)
Internal Validator: Janet S. Cajuguiran- EPS-English

External Validators: PNU Professors

Illustrator: Marexcza Z. Salinas (PHS)
Layout Artist: Arneil A. Pagatpatan (NHS)

Management Team:

Sheryll T. Gayola
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Elisa O. Cerveza
Chief, CID
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Janet S. Cajuguiran

Ivy Coney A. Gamatero


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Schools Division Office- Marikina City

191 Shoe Ave., Sta. Elena, Marikina City, 1800, Philippines

Telefax: (02) 682-2472 / 682-3989

Email Address:

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