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Q1. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

a) wild
b) quick
c) hungry
d) angry
Q2. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the
sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent
A. Fort Hare was more than that: it was a beacon for African scholars
from all over Southern Central and Eastern Africa.
B. Until 1960, the University College of Fort Hare, in the municipality
of Alice, about twenty miles due east from Healdtown, was the only
residential center of higher education for blacks in South Africa.
C. For young black South Africans like myself, it was Oxford and
Cambridge, Harvard and Yale, all rolled into one.
D. The regent was anxious for me to attend Fort Hare and I was
gratified to be accepted there. I felt that I was being groomed for
success in the world.
(a) BACD (b) BCAD (c) CABD (d) BDAC
Q3. Choose the set of word for each blank that best fits to the meaning of
the sentence as a whole.
The Internet is a medium where users have nearly _________choices and
constraints about where to go and ___________what to do.
a) unbalanced, non-existent
b) Embarrassing, no
c) unlimited, minimal
d) Choking, shocking
Q4. Select the one which best expresses the same sentence in
Passive/Active Voice.
The scheme permits investors to buy the shares from foreign
a) Under the scheme the investors may be permitted to buy shares
from foreign companies.
b) Under the scheme the investors have been permitted to buy shares
from foreign companies.
c) Under the scheme the investors are permitted to buy shares from
foreign companies.
d) Under the scheme the investors were permitted to buy shares from
foreign companies.
Q5. Choose the most appropriate one word for the given group of words.
A hunting weapon which comes back, used by Australian Aborigines
(a) harpoon
(b) cutlass
(c) slingshot
(d) boomerang
Q6. In the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an
error. If there is no mistake, the answer is 'No error'.
The ruling party stood (a) / for implementation of the Bill (b)/ and was
ready to stake their political existence (c) / No error (d)
a) The ruling party stood
b) for implementation of the Bill
c) and was ready to stake their political existence
d) No error
Q7. Identify the word with the incorrect spelling:
a) Disappear
b) Bizzare
c) Millennium
d) Committee
Q8. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
A fire in someone’s belly
(a) one who is energetic and enthusiastic about something
(b) one who is rich and powerful and exploits the poor
(c) one who comes from a middle class background
(d) one who continues to work without wanting a reward
Q9. Choose the set of word for each blank that best fits to the meaning of
the sentence as a whole.
The British retailer, M&S, today formally______ defeat in its attempt to
_____ King's, its US subsidiary, since no potential purchasers were
ready to cough up the necessary cash.
a) admitted, acquire
b) conceded, offload
c) announced, dispose
d) ratified, auction
Q10. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
a) minute care
b) relevant
c) destructive
d) vigilant
Q11. Choose the most appropriate one word for the given group of words.
The study of ancient civilisations and cultures by examining their sites
(a) Archaeology
(b) Entomology
(c) Etymology
(d) Arachnology
Q12. Select the option that will improve the underlined part of the given
sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select 'No
improvement required’.
She had no sooner taken a few steps forward that she suddenly
a) No sooner had she taken a few steps forward than
b) She did no sooner taken a few steps forward than
c) No improvement required
d) She did no sooner took a few steps forward than
Q13. Select the most appropriate Direct/indirect form of the given
The reporter said,"We have been following the matter closely for a
a) The reporter said that they had been following the matter closely for
a month.
b) The reporter said that we had been following the matter closely for a
c) The reporter said that they have been following the matter closely
for a month.
d) The reporter said that they has been following the matter closely for
a month.
Q14. The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of them may
contain an error. Select the part that contains the error from the given
In the recently concluded Paris Climate Agreement, / India will agree
to reduce / its carbon emission intensity / by one-third from the 2005
a) In the recently concluded Paris Climate Agreement
b) by one-third from the 2005 levels
c) India will agree to reduce
d) its carbon emission intensity
Q15. Choose the most appropriate Antonym of the given word.
a) Gentle
b) Persuasive
c) Sensitive
d) Caring
Q16. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Back in saddle
a) Learn how to ride
b) Resume duty
c) Teach someone riding
d) Put a new saddle
Q17. Identify the word with the incorrect spelling:
a) Conscience
b) Maintenance
c) Pronounciation
d) Separate
Q18. Select the option that will improve the underlined part of the given
sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select 'No improvement
They decided to have a meeting to discuss about the project.
(a) to discuss through the project
(b) to discuss the project
(c) to discuss over the project
(d) to discuss beyond the project
Q19. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the
sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent
A. A fox, hearing the cock and thinking to make a meal of him, came
and stood under the tree.
B. As the night passed away and the day dawned, the cock, according
to his custom, set up a shrill crowing.
C. A dog and a cock having struck up an acquaintance, went out on
their travels together.
D. Nightfall found them in a forest, so the cock, flying up on a tree,
perched among the branches, while the dog dozed below at the foot.
(a) DCAB (b) CDBA
(c) BCDA (d) CABD
Q20. Choose the most appropriate Antonym of the given word.
a) calm
b) responsive
c) large
d) insane

Cloze Test
Superheroes are fictional characters with 1) ________ powers who use their
powers to fight crime and protect the public. Some popular superheroes
include Superman, Batman, Spider Man and Wonder Woman. Superheroes
often have backstories that 2) ________ how they have gained their powers, 3)
________ being born with special powers, being bitten by a radioactive spider
or being exposed to cosmic radiation. They usually have a specific outfit or
clothing that they wear to hide their identity and protect 4) ________ while
fighting crime. Superheroes have been a staple of popular culture 5) ________
decades, appearing in comics, movies, television shows, and video games.

Q1. (a) extraordinary (b) pragmatic (c) hereditary (d) Familiar

Q2. (a) explaining (b) was explain (c) explain (d) had explain
Q3. (a) therefore (b) subsequently (c) instead (d) such as
Q4. (a) themselves (b) ourselves (c) herself (d) Himself
Q5. (a) for (b) on (c) under (d) above
Answer Key
1-C 2-A 3-C 4-C 5-D
6-C 7-B 8-A 9-B 10-C
11-A 12-A 13-B 13-C 15-C
16-B 17-C 18-B 19-B 20-A
21-A 22-C 23-D 24-A 25-A

Q1. The most appropriate synonym for "voracious" is ‘hungry’
"Voracious" describes someone or something that has a very eager or
insatiable appetite for something, typically food or knowledge.
Synonyms for "voracious" include words like "hungry," "ravenous," or
"Wild" (a) means untamed or uncontrolled, not directly related to
"Quick" (b) means fast or speedy, which is unrelated to voracity.
"Angry" (d) means feeling or showing anger, which is also unrelated to
"Hungry" (c) directly relates to the voracious appetite or desire for
food, making it the most appropriate synonym in this context.
Q3. (C) unlimited, minimal is most appropriate group of words to fill in the
given blank.
"Unlimited choices" suggests that users have a wide range of options or
possibilities on the Internet.
"Minimal constraints" indicates that there are few restrictions or
limitations on what users can do.
Q5. (D) The most appropriate one-word answer for the hunting weapon used
by Australian Aborigines that comes back to the thrower is ‘boomerang’
A boomerang is a curved throwing stick that can be thrown in such a
way that it returns to the thrower.
(a) harpoon: a spear-like weapon used in fishing or hunting aquatic
animals, not known for returning.
(b) cutlass: a short, curved sword typically used by sailors, not used as
a hunting weapon.
(c) slingshot: a handheld projectile launcher using elastic bands, which
does not return like a boomerang.
(d) boomerang: a curved throwing stick used by Australian Aborigines
for hunting, known for its ability to return to the thrower if thrown
Q6. (C) use ‘Its’ in place of ‘Their’ to make the sentence grammatically
Q7. (B) The correct spelling of "bizarre" is with a double "z" and only one
"r." Therefore, option B, "Bizzare," is the word with the spelling error.
Q8. (A) The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "a fire in someone’s
belly" is one who is ‘energetic and enthusiastic about something’.
Q9. (B) conceded, offload is most appropriate group of words to fill in the
given blanks.
"Conceded defeat" means to admit that you have been defeated or
unsuccessful in achieving something.
"Offload" in this context means to sell off or dispose of something,
especially a subsidiary or asset.
Q10. (C) The most appropriate synonym for "pernicious" is destructive
"Pernicious" means causing great harm or damage, often in a subtle or
gradual way.
Synonyms for "pernicious" include words like "destructive," "harmful,"
"damaging," or "dangerous."
"Minute care" (a) means careful attention to small details, which is not
related to perniciousness.
"Relevant" (b) means closely connected or appropriate to the matter at
hand, which is unrelated to pernicious.
"Destructive" (c) directly relates to causing destruction or harm, which
aligns with the meaning of pernicious.
"Vigilant" (d) means keeping careful watch for possible danger or
difficulties, which is not directly related to perniciousness.
Q11. (A) The most appropriate one-word answer for the study of ancient
civilizations and cultures by examining their sites is ‘Archaeology’.
Archaeology is the scientific study of ancient human cultures and
civilizations through the excavation and analysis of their artifacts,
structures, and other physical remains.
(a) Archaeology: This is directly related to the study of ancient
civilizations and cultures through archaeological sites.
(b) Entomology: This is the study of insects.
(c) Etymology: This is the study of the origin and history of words.
(d) Arachnology: This is the study of spiders and related animals.
Q12. (a) ‘No Sooner……..than’ is a fixed conjunction pair.
Here ‘that’ must be replaced with ‘than’ & ‘No sooner had she taken a
few steps forward than’ becomes the most appropriate answer.
Q14. (c) 'India will agree to reduce' will be replaced by 'India has agreed to
Q15. (C) The most appropriate antonym (opposite) of "callous" is Sensitive
"Callous" means showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard
for others.
Antonyms (opposites) of "callous" include words like "sensitive,"
"caring," "gentle," or "compassionate."
Among the given options:
"Gentle" (a) means mild, tender, or kind, which is an antonym but not
as directly opposite to "callous" as other options.
"Persuasive" (b) means convincing or able to persuade, which is
unrelated to callousness.
"Sensitive" (c) means responsive to or aware of feelings and needs of
others, which directly contrasts with callous.
"Caring" (d) means showing concern or kindness, which is also directly
opposite to callous.
Q16. (B) The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "Back in saddle" is
Resume duty
The idiom "Back in saddle" refers to returning to a position of
responsibility or authority after a period of absence or interruption.
(a) Learn how to ride: This is not the correct meaning of the idiom.
(b) Resume duty: This accurately reflects the idiomatic meaning of
returning to work or responsibility.
(c) Teach someone riding: This does not relate to the idiom's meaning.
(d) Put a new saddle: This is a literal interpretation and does not fit the
idiomatic usage of the phrase.
Q17. (C) The correct spelling of "pronunciation" does not include the letter
"o" after "n." Therefore, option C, "Pronounciation," is the word with
the spelling error.
Q18. (b) To discuss the project We do not use ‘about’ with the verb ‘discuss’
as it is a transitive verb that requires a direct object.
Q20. (A) The most appropriate antonym (opposite) of "delirious" is calm:
"Delirious" means in a disturbed state of mind characterized by
restlessness, illusions, and incoherence.
Antonyms (opposites) of "delirious" include words like "calm,"
"composed," "sane," or "clear-headed."
"Calm" (a) means peaceful, tranquil, or free from disturbance, which
contrasts with the disturbed state of mind associated with delirium.
"Responsive" (b) means reacting quickly and positively, which is
unrelated to delirious.
"Large" (c) means big or substantial in size, which is unrelated to
"Insane" (d) means mentally ill or exhibiting extreme irrationality,
which is somewhat synonymous with delirious, not its direct opposite.

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