Mock Test 02

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Q1. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in indirect speech.

The professor said to the media persons, “From our research we have
come to the conclusion that there is life on that planet.”
a) The professor told to the media persons that from your research you
have come to the conclusion that there is life on that planet.
b) The professor informed the media persons that from our research we
have come to the conclusion that there had been life on that planet.
c) The professor said to the media persons that from their research
they had come to the conclusion that there was life on that planet.
d) The professor said to the media persons from our research you had
come to the conclusion that there was life on that planet.

Q2. Fill in the blank with a suitable word to make the following sentence a
meaningful one.
The festival is a three-day-long celebration that combines ______ feasts
as well as ______ fasting.
a) unornamented, resolute
b) paltry, obstinate
c) scanty, parsimonious
d) sumptuous, rigid

Q3. In the following items, a pair of words is provided. You are required to
select the option that most appropriately describes the meaning of
both the words.
'Discomfort' and 'Discomfit'
a) Discomfort means disturb and discomfit means unfit
b) Discomfort means unease and discomfit means to embarrass
c) Discomfort means to embarrass and discomfit means unfit
d) Discomfort means unfit and discomfit means to make comfortable
Q4. Choose the most appropriate one word for the given group of words.
A formal statement testifying to someone's character and
(a) Document
(b) Affidavit
(c) Testimonial
(d) Manuscript

Q5. Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.
The magazine house was expecting unpublished authors for their
forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
a) Unpublished authors will be expected by the magazine house for
their forth coming exclusive issue on new trends.
b) Unpublished authors were being expected by the magazine house for
their forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
c) Unpublished authors was expected by the magazine house for their
forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.
d) Unpublished authors were expected by the magazine house for their
forthcoming exclusive issue on new trends.

Q6. Choose the most appropriate one word for the given group of words.
One who interferes in the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons.
(a) stranger
(b) interpreter
(c) interloper
(d) foreigner

Q7. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.

a) Cancerous
b) Fissiparous
c) Quarrelsome
d) Ferocious

Q8. In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word
opposite in meaning to the word given.
a) Blasphemous
b) Holy
c) Pusillanimous
d) Sacred

Q9. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given situation.
Aurangzeb, the famous Mughal ruler, found that he had caught
someone more powerful than him in the form of the brave Maratha,
a) Nipping in the bud
b) Changing the hands
c) Catching a tartar
d) Blazing the trail

Q10. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange

the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent
a) Some residents saw this as an opportunity for growth and
prosperity, while others feared that it would destroy the town's
unique character.
b) The small town of Millfield was known for its charming Main
Street, where locals and visitors alike could stroll among the
quaint shops and cafes.
c) The debate grew heated, and tensions rose as the town
struggled to decide its future.
d) One day, a large corporation announced its plans to build a
massive shopping centre on the outskirts of town.
(a) BDAC (b) CBDA
(c) DCBA (d) BACD

Q11. Select the option that will improve the underlined part of the given
sentence. In case no improvement is needed, select 'No improvement
He indicated that a vigorous recovery programme was being carried
out; 90,000 reminders had been issued and thousands of
summons sent.
a) has been issued and thousands of summons sent
b) No improvement required
c) has been issued and thousands of summonses sent
d) had been issued and thousands of summonses were sent
Q12. Choose the most appropriate antonym of the underlined word.
His perspicacity was remarkable.
a) smartness
b) dullness
c) dedication
d) deviousness
Q13. Choose the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
a) Pargola
b) Antagonistic
c) Preventive
d) Progressive

Q14. Spot the error in the given sentence, Select No error if the given
sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
The bane of Indian hockey today is (A)/ lack of interest by the part of
the public (B)/ which In turn is fuelled by the perception that (C)/ it
doesn’t pay to take up the sport as a career (D)/ No error (E)
a) it doesn’t pay to take up the sport as a career
b) lack of interest by the part of the public
c) The bane of Indian hockey today is
d) which In turn is fuelled by the perception that

Q15. Select the correctly spelt word.

a) parapharnelia
b) parsimonious
c) peccadilo
d) peadiatrics
Q16. Select the most appropriate idiom for the underlined segment in the
sentence given below.
Richa was provoking her neighbours against her maid Shanta who
spoke against her but none of them responded .
(a) Smelling a rat (b) Egging on
(c) Carrying the conviction (d) Rising like a phoenix

Q17. Select the sentence that has the correct use of words and spellings.
a) The novel, with its intrcate plot and multifaceted characters,
captivated readers and left them pondering its deeper themes long
after they finished reading.
b) The novel, with its intricate plot and multifaceted characters,
captivated readers and left them pondering its deeper themes long
after they finished reading.
c) The novel, with its intricate plot and multifacted characters,
captivated readers and left them paundering its deeper themes
long after they finished reading.
d) The novel, with its intricete plot and multifacted characters,
captivated readers and left them pondering its deeper themes long
after they finished reading.

Q18. Spot the error in the given sentence, Select No error if the given
sentence is grammatically and contextually correct.
The cascading effect of economic slowdown (a)/ has brought a much
unnerving gloom (b)/ to the real estate industry last year (c)/ but the
industry is looking up this year (d)/ No error (e)
a) but the industry is looking up this year
b) has brought a much unnerving gloom
c) The cascading effect of economic slowdown
d) to the real estate industry last year

Q19. Select the most appropriate options to fill in the blanks.

The police took it _______ themselves to first surround the terrorist
________ all directions, before closing _______ further.
a) in; to; across
b) on; from; in
c) up; at; to
d) with; for; on
Q20. Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange
the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent
A. It included a carbon tax on fossil fuels and incentives for
businesses and individuals to adopt green practices.
B. The new policy aimed to reduce carbon emissions and promote
renewable energy sources.
C. However, supporters of the policy argued that it was necessary
to address the urgent threat of climate change and create a
sustainable future for the planet.
D. The policy faced opposition from some industries and political
groups who argued that it would hurt the economy.
(a) BADC (b) BCAD (c) DABC (d) DACB

Cloze Test
In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the
passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each
The rate of utilisation of productive capacity in an economy is an
important information for economic policy making. An estimate of
capacity utilisation (CU) measures the extent of unused productive
resources, i.e., economic slack, and helps assess the (1) __________ demand
conditions and economic activity in the economy. Under rising demand
pressure, productive units may increase the utilisation of installed
capacity through higher use of (2) ___________ resources and less productive
factors of production, which may lead to a rise in the unit cost of
production, hence output prices and (3) ___________. Official agencies,
however, rarely compile statistics on capacity utilisation (CU). The limited
official statistics on CU often also suffer from the limitations of low
frequency, inadequate coverage and (4) __________ time lag. Researchers
sometimes address this data gap issue indirectly through several
alternative techniques. First, methods under the popular ‘trend through-
peak’ approach are applied. These methods assume that output would have
achieved full capacity levels in the past, when output correspondingly (5)
__________ witnessed local maximum.

Q21. a) overall b) minute c) specific d) Narrow

Q22. a) extraordinary b) best c) important d) Inferior
Q23. a) inflation b) reduction c) abridgment d) Shrinkage
Q24. a) insignificant b) substantial c) miniature d) Little
Q25. a) will have b) may have c) might have d) would have
Answer Key
1-C 2-D 3-B 4-C 5-B
6-C 7-C 8-A 9-C 10-A
11-D 12-B 13-C 14-B 15-B
16-B 17-B 18-B 19-B 20-A
21-A 22-D 23-B 24-B 25-D

Q2. (D) Sumptuous & rigid is most appropriate group of words to make the
sentence meaningful.
Sumptuous: impressive in a way that seems expensive
Scanty: limited or less than sufficient in degree, quantity, or extent.
Parsimonious: very unwilling to spend money or use resources.
Q4. (c) Testimonial - a formal statement testifying to someone's character
and qualifications
Document - a piece of written , printed, or electronic matter that
provides information or evidence or that serves as an official record
Affidavit - a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for
use as evidence in court
Manuscript - a book, document, or piece of music written by hand
rather than typed or printed
Q6. (C) Interloper
Interloper - One who interferes in the affairs of others, often
for selfish reasons
Stranger - a person that you do not know
Interpreter - a person whose job is to
translate what somebody is saying immediately into another
Foreigner- a person who belongs to a country that is not your
Q7. (C) Quarrelsome is most appropriate synonym of the given words.
Cantankerous: bad-tempered and complaining most of the time
Fissiparous: inclined to cause or undergo division into separate parts or
Q8. (A) Blasphemous is most appropriate antonym of the given word.
Sacrosanct: thought to be too important or too special to be changed
Blasphemous: showing lack of respect to God or to a religion
Pusillanimous: showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Q9. (c) Catching a tartar - to attack or oppose someone too strong for
Nipping in the bud: showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Blazing the trail: to do something that has never been done before.
Q11. (D) “Thousands of + Plural Subject + Plural Verb” is the
correct grammatical structure for the given sentence. So use
‘had been issued and thousands of summonses (Plural Subject)
were (Plural Verb) sent’ .
Q12. (B) Dullness is most appropriate antonym of the given word.
Perspicacity: the ability to understand things quickly and make
accurate judgments.
Deviousness: the quality of being dishonest or tricking people, but
often also being clever and successful:
Q13. (C) preventive is most appropriate synonym of the given word.
Prophylactic: done or used in order to prevent a disease
Q14. (B) Use Preposition ‘On’ in place of ‘By’
Q15. (B) Correctly spelt word is ‘Parsimonious’ that means not willing to
spend money or use a lot of something.
Correct spellings of other words are :
Paraphernalia: a large number of different objects that you need for a
particular purpose
peccadillo: A relatively minor fault or sin.
paediatrics: the area of medicine connected with the diseases of
Q16. (B) Egging on - to encourage or provoke someone to do something.
Q17. (b) The novel, with its intricate plot and multifaceted characters,
captivated readers and left them pondering its deeper themes
long after they finished reading.
‘Intricate’, ‘Multifaceted’, and ‘Pondering’ are the correct spellings.
Q18. (B) use ‘had brought’ in place of ‘has brought’.
Q19. (B) (on; from; in) is most appropriate words to fill in the given
• The most appropriate preposition for the first filler is 'on' because
'took on' is a phrasal verb. It means 'to accept the entire burden of
something on oneself (किसी चीज िा पूरा बोझ खुद पर स्वीिार िरना)'.

• 'closing in' is a phrasal verb. It means 'come nearer to someone being

pursued'. (किसी िा पीछा िरने िे िरीब आना)

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