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Project Assessment Pack
Pre-Assessment Checklist: Skills Test
The purpose of this checklist
The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The
trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the
assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the
requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment
task before undertaking it.
Section 1: Information for Students
☐ Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.
☐ Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
☐ Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
☐ Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
☐ Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the
assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your
☐ Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the
☐ Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Assessment Task.
☐ The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.
☐ In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an
assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling and compassionate
circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your
assessment work.
☐ The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date.
Section 2: Reasonable adjustments
I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria and
attached relevant evidence as required.
In submitting this assessment task, I confirm that:
• The purpose and procedures of this assessment task has been clearly explained to me.
• I have been consulted about any special needs I
might have in relation to the assessment process.
• The criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have the consequences
and possible outcomes of this assessment.
• I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the Macallan
College Student Handbook.
I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other arrangements for this

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Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:

Skills Test
Assessment type

• Skills Test - Develop and implement business plans

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

• This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
• This assessment task is a Skills Test.
• This assessment task consists of five (5) practical demonstration activities.
▪ Activity 1: Prepare to develop the business plan
▪ Activity 2: Develop the business plan
▪ Activity 3: Implement the business plan
▪ Activity 4: Monitor and respond to business performance
▪ Activity 5: Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business
• You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your
trainer/assessor when your results are available.
• You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your
competence in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:
• This skill test is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you are
able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test).
• You will be assessed independently on this assessment task.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills,
techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
• Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task

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Resubmissions and reattempts:
• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
• The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing this
task and require reasonable adjustments.
• For more information, please refer to the Macallan College Student Handbook.

• This assessment task may be completed in:

☐ a classroom
☐ learning management system (LMS),
☐ workplace,
☐ or an independent learning environment.

• Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential to
develop and implement the business plan in a range of contexts and industry settings.

• Skill to analyse and research business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals,
competitors, financial targets, management arrangements and marketing approaches
• Skill to write a business plan, including:
• description of the business
• products and services
• financial, physical and human resource requirements
• regulatory requirements
• marketing strategy
• financial indicators
• productivity and performance targets for key result areas
• Skill to monitor and respond to business performance, including evaluation of performance
against key results indicators
• Skill to consult, communicate with and report to relevant stakeholders
• Skill to provide analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business plan.

Task instructions

• This is an individual assessment.

• The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge and skills
essential to develop and implement the business plan that addresses the goals and
objectives of a business.
• The student will take on the role of the ‘Operations Manager.
• The trainer/assessor will take on the role of the General Manager.
• The trainer/assessor will allocate the role of the stakeholders specified in the activities to
the staff member/students.
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• The student will have the responsibility to manage
the team members.
• For meetings: o If the meeting is a face-to-face meeting
The trainer/assessor will supervise/observe the meeting as well

The student must complete the meeting agenda, meeting minutes and

associated templates
o If the meeting is conducted online
The student must use video conferencing tools such as zoom

The student must record the meetings and send the recorded meetings to the

▪ The student must complete the meeting agenda, meeting minutes and
associated templates
▪ The trainer/assessor will assess the meeting based upon the recorded
meeting and the templates completed.
• The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
• The student must follow the word-limits specified in the templates.
• The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist provided.

Workplace or simulated environment requirements

This assessment task will be completed in a workplace setting or an environment that accurately
represents workplace conditions.

The simulated environment must meet the following requirements:


The simulated workplace environment consists of:

● A safe environment for the student to complete the assessment task

● Standard operating/workplace procedures.

● Your trainer/assessor to provide you with assistance throughout the assessment activity.

● Resources specified above

● Templates to complete this assessment task (Provided in assessment activities)

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The simulated workplace environment must meet the
following criteria:

Are there opportunities for students to: Yes/No/NA

Follow standard operating/workplace procedures

Use up-to-date software and equipment

Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines

Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple


Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies

Workplace environment to work with others in a team

Resources specified in the simulated workplace requirements

Workplace environment sufficient to work independently and manage


Assessment Task: Skills Test

Case study:


“Online Media Solutions” is opening a new small business in Melbourne, Australia. From idea to design,
development and marketing, the company will achieve results for its clients and grow their business.

Our business will venture into the web service industry to offer superior and unique services to small
businesses and institutions. Our experience and expertise in web sales and e-commerce will give us the
backing to provide solutions that are currently lacking in the market.

There is an all-time high demand for web development and marketing for small businesses with signs of
rising further. Interestingly, few web developers have taken advantage of this opportunity, leaving the
industry with no dominant participants.

The projects’ high costs and the focus on bigger companies and institutions could be the contributing
factor as to why this market remains untapped. We will have a system that will reduce the project costs
dramatically, giving us the opportunity to offer quality services at reduced costs.

Company details:

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Company name: Online Media Solutions, Pty. Ltd

Company address: 2/10 Lawn court, Craigieburn, 3064, VIC


• Provide best-in-class design services

• Make a positive impact on our customer businesses

• Be respected and admired by peers

Our vision

To provide best-in-class web design and development services in a manner that is simple, effective and
cost-effective to the target audience.

Goals and objectives

The goals and objectives of Online Media Solutions are as follow:

• To generate revenues of $800,000 by the end of our first year of operations.

• To attain a net profit of 18% in the first year and 30% in the second year.

• To have a 60% gross margin by the end of the first year.

Keys to Success

• We will offer quality web services to small businesses and institutions at affordable prices.

• To build and tailor our services to small businesses.

• Positioning as a viable solution alternate to more established brands

Products and services

We will offer the following products and services to our clients:


• Interface and Web Design

• Graphics design

• Website development

• Domain and web hosting

• Video editing

• Blog development

• Search engine optimisation

• E-commerce Products:

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• Web templates

• CMS templates

• Graphic templates o Brochure o Flyers o Business cards

• Logo templates


● Quality service to our clients

● Integrity & Accountability

● Reliability

● Quality

● Innovation

● Respect

Organisational structure and management arrangements

The foundation team will have 15 team members. In its initial start-up, the business will have three (3)

● IT department

● Marketing department

● Sales department

Other work-related financing and human resource work will be outsourced.

All three (3) departments will be managed by Managers who are well experienced and experts in
commercial web development and business-to-business sales.

The organisation has the required human resources for the management structure and some other staff
members to run its operations. The management is further making arrangements for the following new

● Word press developer: Full-time position

● SEO Analyst: Part-time position

● Customer service representatives: Part-time position

All the departmental managers will report to the General Manager (Owner). Start-up


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Online Media Solutions will incur the following start-up

● Deposits for office rents and utilities

● Furniture and fixtures

● Computer hardware and software

● Development of the website

● Stationery and brochures

● Legal fees regarding business formation, creation of standard client contracts, and other general

Start-up Requirements summary

Start-up Requirements Summary

Start-up expenses

Legal $2500

Stationery $1500

Insurance $2000

Rent deposits $25000

Website development $10000

Recruitment $10000

Software and hardware $25000

Marketing and advertisements $20000

Total Start-up expenses $96000

Start-up assets

Cash required $100000

Other current assets $25000

Long-term assets $150000

Total assets $275,000

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Total requirements $371,000

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Sources of finance for required liquidity according to business goals and objectives and
workplace procedures

• The owner of the business will raise 20% of its total capital

• The rest of the 80% will be raised through loans from banks and other financial institutions

Business model

“Online Media Solutions” is a full-service web solutions provider for businesses. The company offers
both services and products through the mode of its B2B and B2C engagements. The product and
services into divided into two (2) broad categories of business engagement.

B2B services:

“Online Media Solutions” service portfolio includes Web Design, Graphics design, Website development,
Domain and web hosting, 2d & 3d animation, Blog development, Search engine optimisation and
Ecommerce. The project cost will be estimated by the appropriate number of hours needed to complete
the project.

The sales team will aggressively track prospective clients and sell the services provided for businesses.

B2C Products:

“Online Media Solutions” product portfolio includes Web Templates, CMS Templates, Graphics
Templates, Brochures, Flyers, Business cards and Animated logo templates. The prices are typically
listed on the online shop where customers can either take monthly subscription or pay per download as
per need.

The business will have a database that will act as the repository for all the products.

Operational model and strategies

The Operations for “Online Media Solutions” are categories into the following engagements:

B2B engagements

Lead generation – Lead generation refers to creating and generating prospective consumer interest or
inquiry into a business’s products or services. This will be done by building a database of prospective
customers using social networks, business listings, internet search etc.

Sales pitch – A sales pitch is a line of talk that attempts to persuade someone or something with a
planned sales presentation strategy of a product or service designed to initiate and close a product and
service sale. Sales professionals prepare and give a sales pitch using the following methods:

• Face to face meetings

• E-mailing marketing contacts from the leads

B2C engagements

The B2C engagement is primarily done through a dedicated online shop where customers can browse
through the repository, select designs or templates or download. The steps in the process are as follow:

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Sign up
Browse Select Sign up Pay/Subscr Download

Market opportunity


There is an all-time high demand for web development and marketing for small businesses with signs of
rising further. Interestingly, few web developers have taken advantage of this opportunity, leaving the
industry with no dominant participants.


The high costs of the projects and the focus on bigger companies and institutions could be the
contributing factor as to why this market remains untapped. We have a system that will reduce the
project costs dramatically, giving us the opportunity to offer quality services at reduced costs.


We will target the small businesses, assess their needs and provide them with quality services at
reduced costs.

We have systems in place and global contacts that will help us beat competitor’s prices.

Marketing objectives

• To generate 60-70% revenue from small businesses and institutions

• To increase brand awareness in the market

Market approaches

The company will focus on small businesses and institutions that are looking to develop or upgrade
their web presence.

Our approach will be step-by-step, starting with a simple, basic website and improving it to meet their
changing needs. Our service will bring onboard any small business that needs an internet presence, but
we will concentrate more on those that need more details about their operations online.

Such companies will most likely go for all or some of the following services:

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• A shopping cart or e-commerce.

• Dynamic features and content.

• Aggressive marketing of products online.

Expected costs, profits and sales

As the organisational pricing strategy, Online Media Solutions will charge for its services on an hourly

Expected costs to develop products and services

Following are the expected costs associated with the production and delivery of its products and

• Expected costs for its products and services:

o Labour cost: $35/hour o

Indirect costs: $40/hour

• Expected time to develop its products: 10-15 hours.

Expected sales and profits:

We are projecting sales of $800,000 by the end of the current year and $1.2 million in next year. We
expect to attain a net profit of 18% in the current and 30% in the next year.

The majority of the expenses will be salaries, contractor payments, operating and office expenses.

Expense Summary:

• Salaries will be 33% of the total expenses.

• Contractor payments will be 20% of the total expenses.

• Operating and office expenses will be 47% of the total expenses.

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Financial Highlights by Year

Financial Plan

Revenue by Month

Expenses by Month

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Net Profit (or Loss) by Year

Simulated workplace scenario

‘Online Media Solutions’ is starting its business operations. The organisation wants the Operations
Manager to analyse and research business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors,
financial targets, management arrangements and marketing approaches and develop and implement
the business plan.

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Your role and responsibilities

You are working as Operations Manager in ‘Online Media Solutions’. The management wants you to
develop and implement the business plan.

As part of your job role to develop and implement the business plan, you have the following

• Analysing and researching business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors,
financial targets, management arrangements and marketing approaches

• Establishing the business plan

• Monitoring and responding to business performance, including evaluation of performance

against key results indicators

• Consulting, communicating with and reporting to relevant stakeholders

• Providing an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business plan.

Skills Test:

This assessment task requires you to demonstrate skills to develop and implement the business plan.

In the course of the above, you must:

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• Analyse and research business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors, financial
targets, management arrangements and marketing approaches

• Write a business plan, including:

o description of the business o products and services o

financial, physical and human resource requirements o

regulatory requirements o marketing strategy o financial

indicators o productivity and performance targets for key

result areas

• Monitor and respond to business performance, including evaluation of performance against key
results indicators

• Consult, communicate with and report to relevant stakeholders

• Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a business plan.

To do so, you must complete the following activities:

• Activity 1: Prepare to develop the business plan

• Activity 2: Develop the business plan

• Activity 3: Implement the business plan

• Activity 4: Monitor and respond to business performance

• Activity 5: Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan

The roles and their responsibilities: Relationships with stakeholders such as staff members
and General manager

The assessment task requires you to communicate with a number of organisational stakeholders. The
main roles applicable to the assessment task includes:

Role number 1: General Manager: The General Manager is the individual who supervises or is in
charge of the organisation. They belong to a higher rank or status. Their job role and responsibilities

• Assign a team to you to complete the project

• Assist you in understanding the task requirements

• Provide you information about job roles and responsibilities

• Supervise you completing the assessment task and requirements

Role number 2: Stakeholders (IT Manager, Sales Manager and Sales Manager): The team
members are student’s co-worker or workfellow. They are associates that the candidate works with.
Their job role and responsibilities are:

• Assist you in completing the project on time

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• Help you to research and identifying relevant information

• Participate in a healthy and open discussion

• Communicate and collaborate with you for the required activities


• The trainer/assessor will take on the role of General Manager.

• The trainer/assessor will assign the roles of team members for each activity.

• Each student will be assessed individually for all assessment activities.

Timeframe to complete the project:

Two weeks (You have two weeks to complete the project)

Task requirements

• You will be assessed on your technical knowledge and skills to complete this project

• You will be assessed on working in a team environment and meeting your job role and

• You must follow the instructions provided by the General Manager.

• All individuals must complete their role and assigned responsibilities and meet the specified

• The task must be completed in the specified timeframe

Activity 1: Prepare to develop a business plan

This part of the activity requires you to prepare to develop a business plan for Online Media Solutions.

To prepare to develop the business plan, you need to arrange a meeting with the Senior Management
team, clarify the organisational and legislative frameworks relevant to the business plan’s development,
and consult them about developing performance objectives and measures for the business plan.

The following are the Senior Management members that you need to arrange a meeting with:

• General Manager

• IT Manager

• Marketing Manager

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Roles and responsibilities during the meeting:

Senior Management (General Manager, IT Manager, Marketing Manager)

• The trainer/assessor will take on the role of the General Manager.

• The trainer/assessor will allocate the IT Manager and Marketing Manager’s role to the
students/staff members.

• The Senior Management will collaborate with the student to clarify the organisation’s mission,
visions, values and goals and establish key performance objectives and measures for the
business plan.

• The Senior Management will provide feedback, opinions or views on the key performance
objectives and measures for the business plan.

Student (Operations Manager)

• Clarify the organisation’s mission, visions, values and goals/objectives

• Consult and seek advice from the Senior Management regarding the key performance
objectives and measures for the business plan.

• Use listening and questioning to elicit feedback and opinions from the Senior Management.

Before the meeting, the student is required to:

• Review the case study information and analyse the organisation’s mission, visions, values and

• Create an agenda for the meeting that encourage the participants to discuss the key points
regarding the following:

o Business vision, mission, values and objectives for input into the business plan.

o Performance bjectives and key performance indicators to assess the achievement of the
objectives of the business plan.

During the meeting, you must:

• Welcome the participants

• Provide an introduction to the meeting’s purpose

• Discuss and explore the business vision, mission, values and objectives for input into the
business plan.

• Consult with them and seek their advice on the performance objectives and key performance
indicators to assess the achievement of the objectives of the business plan.

• Provide an opportunity for discussion.

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o Listen and comprehend information from a variety of spoken exchanges with the

participants of the meeting o Provide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions o

Respond to questions.

o Acknowledge and respond to differences in opinions.

Close the meeting:

• Summarise the agreed outcomes using the meeting minutes template provided

Activity 2: Develop a business plan

This activity is a continuation of Activity 1.

This activity requires you to develop a business plan that addresses the goals and objectives of Online
Media Solutions.

When developing the business plan, you must incorporate the outcomes of Activity 1 and analyse and
research business vision, mission, values, objectives, goals, competitors, financial targets,
management arrangements and marketing approaches.

You must develop the business plan using the template provided in “Appendix-A: Business plan

Word-limit to prepare the business plan is 1200-1500 words.

To develop the business plan, you are required to:

• Analyse the information given in the case study.

• Identify organisational frameworks, including mission, vision, values, and objectives relevant to
developing a business plan. (Based on Activity 1)

• Identify the legislative frameworks, including:

o Licence and permit requirements o Legal requirements for selling

products and services o Regulatory requirements

• Identify and assess marketing requirements, marketing objectives and established plans
(Marketing analysis and operational strategy) based on the information given in the case study
and conduct research to develop the marketing strategy.

o Identify the target market

o Conduct market analysis and document marketing activities and

strategies relevant to operational strategy and marketing objectives

• Conduct research, identify any three (3) competitors in the market and conduct competitor
analysis to identify the competitive advantage.

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• Document productivity and performance targets for key result areas based on the consultation
conducted in Activity 1

• Identify financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business based on the
information given in the case study

• Identify and document the financial indicators assessing the performance of the business based
on the information given in the financial analysis in the case study.

• Develop a business plan using the template provided in “Appendix-A: Business plan”.

The business plan must be prepared using “Appendix-A: Business plan template” and include the
following details:

• Description of the business

• Mission, vision, values and objectives of the business plan.

• Products and services

• Legislative and regulatory requirements, including:

o Licence and permit requirements o Legal requirements for selling

products and services o Regulatory requirements

• Marketing strategy.

o Target market o Market analysis.

o Marketing strategy and activities

• Competitor analysis.

• Financial (including forecasted profit and loss statement), human and physical resource
requirements for the business

• Financial indicators to assess the performance of the business

• Productivity and performance targets for key result areas

After preparing the business plan using “Appendix-A: Business plan template”, you are then required to
send an e-mail to the General Manager (Trainer/assessor) and request the business plan’s approval.

When writing the e-mail, you must follow the e-mail guidelines.

E-mail guidelines:

• Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.

• Use business style writing.

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• E-mail must have an appropriate subject

• E-mail must provide a summary of the attachment. • E-mail must request the business plan



To: Team Management

Subject: Final Business Plan
Dear Management Team,
Attached you will find the approved
business plan 2021 -2024 for Ozhouse
Clean. The plan is
now ready to be implemented
To: Team Management

Subject: Final Business Plan

Dear Management Team,

Attached you will find the approved business plan 2021 -2024 for Online media solutions. The plan is

now ready to be implemented.




Activity 3: Implement the business plan

Activity context:

The business plan has been approved. The Senior Management wants you to implement the business
plan, handle the key operations, and report its key aspects.

Description of the activity:

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This activity requires you to implement the business plan. To do so, you are required to complete the
following six (6) parts:

• Part A: Communicate the business plan to the stakeholders

• Part B: Prepare an action plan for implementation of the business plan

• Part C: Confirm skilled labour is available to implement the business plan.

• Part D: Test performance measurement systems and refine, where required.

• Part E: Prepare reports on key aspects of the business

Part A: Communicate the business plan to the stakeholders

This part of the activity requires you to communicate the business plan prepared in Activity 2 to the
following stakeholders:

• IT Manager

• Marketing Manager

Roles and responsibilities during the meeting:

Stakeholders (IT Manager and Marketing Manager)

• The trainer/assessor will allocate the IT Manager and Marketing Manager’s role to the
students/staff members.

• The students/staff members will be the same participants who participated in Activity 1.

• The IT Manager and Marketing Manager will collaborate with the student to clarify key
business plan elements.

Student (Operations Manager)

• Communicate the key elements of the business plan to the stakeholders

• Clarify the key doubts of the stakeholders and answer the questions asked.

• Use language and features appropriate to the audience to present the business plan.

• Use listening and questioning to elicit the views of others and to clarify or confirm

Before the meeting, the student is required to:

• Create an agenda for the meeting that encourage the participants to discuss the key points
given in the presentation.

• Print out and hand out the print outs of the business plan to the stakeholder.

During the meeting, you must:

• Welcome the participants

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• Provide an introduction to the meeting’s purpose

• Discuss the following elements of the business plan o Mission, vision, values and objectives of

the business plan.

o Legislative and regulatory requirements, including:

▪ Licence and permit requirements

▪ Legal requirements for selling products and services

▪ Regulatory requirements o Marketing strategy.

▪ Target market

▪ Market analysis.

▪ Marketing strategy and activities o Competitor analysis.

o Financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business o Financial

indicators to assess the performance of the business o Productivity and performance

targets for key result areas

• Clarify their understanding.

• Provide an opportunity for discussion.

o Listen and comprehend information from a variety of spoken exchanges with the

participants of the meeting o Provide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions o

Respond to questions.

o Acknowledge and respond to differences in opinions.

Close the meeting:

• Summarise the agreed outcomes using the meeting minutes template provided


Meeting/Project Online media solutionds

Date of Meeting: 25/02/2024 Time: 11:00 am
Meeting Ananth sidda Location: Grenfell street adelaide

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1. Meeting Objective
To Communicate the key elements of the business plan to the stakeholders

2. Attendees

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

Akhil Marketing manager 0451544852
Bharath IT manager 0435587488

3. Meeting Agenda

Topic Owner Time

Presentation of the projects to the attendees, company Operational 11:30AM
and representatives of the project manager
The vision of the project, the scope we want with the Operational 11:30AM
project and the objectives of the project. manager
Risks and evaluation of each project Operational 11:30AM

4. Pre-work/Preparation (documents/handouts to bring, reading material, etc.)

Description Prepared by
Each project was tested and carried out with the workers. Operational manager
The project will take place during the next week. Operational manager


Meeting Minutes:

Date of Meeting: 25/02/2024 Time: 12:00 PM

Minutes Prepared ANANTH SIDDA Location: Grenfell street
By: Adelaide
1. Meeting Objective

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Communicate the key elements of the business plan to the stakeholders

2. Attendance at Meeting

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

Akhil Marketing manager 0451544852

Bharath IT manager 0435587488

3. Agenda and Notes, Decisions, Issues

Topic Owner Time

IT manager 12:10 PM

Websites and developer for the project.

Influence in social networks. Marketing 12:15 PM

4. Action Items

Action Owner Due Date

Hire a person with IT knowledge as this will avoid IT manager 08/03/2024
problems with email overload.
Work with influence in social networks with the help of Marketing 08/03/2024
our services manager

5. Next Meeting (if applicable)

Date: 15/03/2024 Time: 11:am Locatio n: Adelaide campus

Objective: To review on the action plans discussed in the
previous meeting.

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Part B: Prepare an action plan for implementation of the business plan

This part of the activity requires you to prepare an action plan for the implementation of the business

To prepare an action plan, you are required to document the following for implementation of the
business plan using ‘Template 1:

• Activities to be undertaken.

• Objectives.

• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

• Timeframe.

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Template 1: Action plan

Action plan

Activities to be undertaken. Objectives. Key Performance Indicators Timeframe.


Site creation and development. Website development to Website developer 20 days

create content on different
social networks.

Creation of the email campaign The design and creation of Email campaign 20 days
as well as creation of the the campaign was
advertising campaign. approved by the manager.

Staff with experience in the The new hire is very High staff performance 20 days
advertising campaign. knowledgeable and
experienced and works
with Jessica and they make
a good group
Part C: Confirm skilled labour is available to implement the business plan.

This part of the activity requires you to confirm the availability of the following skilled labour to
implement the business plan:

● Word press developer: Full-time position

● SEO Analyst: Part-time position

● Customer service representatives: Part-time position

To do so, you are required to:

● Prepare job descriptions for the above-given positions using ‘Template 2’.

● E-mail the position descriptions prepared to the labour-hire agency and request confirmation of
skilled labour.

Note: The trainer/assessor will provide the e-mail address of the labour-hire agency.

When writing the e-mail, you must follow the e-mail guidelines.

E-mail guidelines:

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Version Number: 1 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: BSBOPS601

• Ensure the text written in the e-mail is grammatically correct and free of errors.

• Use business style writing.

• E-mail must have an appropriate subject

• E-mail must provide a summary of the attachment.

• E-mail must request the confirmation of skilled labour.

Template 2: Job descriptions

Job description 1: Word press developer

Organisational position descriptors

[Word press developer]

Formal position title.

Reports To

The word press developer will report to Marketing manager.

Job Overview

Are you a wordsmith with a passion for storytelling and a knack for SEO? We're seeking a
talented Digital Content Writer to join our team and craft compelling narratives across our pet
and business insurance verticals. In this role, you'll be the voice behind our digital platforms,
creating informative and engaging content that resonates with consumers while adhering to SEO
best practices.
Responsibilities and Duties

 Produce high-quality and engaging website copy for pet and business insurance products,
integrating best-practice SEO keywords.
 Collaborate closely with product teams and external stakeholders to ensure content
accuracy and timely publication.
 Edit, proofread, and provide constructive feedback on cross-team content.
 Research industry issues and analyse data to inform content creation.
 Utilize WordPress to publish content on the website platform


You should hold a formal qualification in journalism, communications, marketing, or a related

field, coupled with a minimum of two years' experience in digital content creation, specifically
focused on SEO writing. Strong project/time management skills will be key for juggling multiple
tasks and meeting deadlines.

Additionally, you must possess excellent English language skills with a knack for creative writing
and the ability to communicate complex information effectively to various audiences. Experience
working both independently and collaboratively within cross-functional teams will be highly
valued in this role.

Job description 2: SEO Analyst

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Organisational position descriptors

SEO Analyst

Reports To

The SEO Analyst will report to Marketing manager.

Job Overview

Perfectly placed for an SEO specialist who loves both technical implementation and on-page SEO,
Digital Next requires an experienced professional to join our agency and work amongst some of
the brightest sparks in search.

Supported by a team of designers, developers, link builders, content writers and of course, your
fellow SEOs, exceptional knowledge-sharing is the lifeblood of Digital Next and we operate
uniquely to support that. We're an agency that values quality workmanship and delivers value for
our clients.

Responsibilities and Duties

 Implementing SEO strategies as directed by the strategy team.

 Collaborating with content teams to secure exceptional backlinks.
 Managing CMS-based websites including WordPress and Shopify.
 Uploading and optimising SEO content.
 Create new website components using CMS builders.
 Implementing technical SEO such as schema markup.
 Utilising the resources around you to drive better efficiencies
 Reporting to your strategists on workloads


 Values exceptional quality work.

 Has at least 3 years of experience in an SEO role.
 Has operated within an agency environment.
 Understands technical SEO.
 Has prior experience using major CMS platforms.
 Has the ability to think laterally about requirements.
 Has experience with Google’s suite of tools.

Job description 3: Customer service representatives

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Organisational position descriptors

[Customer service representative]

Formal position title.

Reports To

The Customer service representative will report to Operational manager.

Job Overview

As a Customer Service Representative supporting the Department of Home Affairs team, you will
be providing support services to customers in relation to visa, citizenship, trade and customs
related matters.

Every customer interaction is unique and you will impart your passion for problem solving and
superior customer service and use empathy to deliver optimum outcomes and service for the

With access to knowledge content, extensive training and leadership support, you will work in a
fast paced, but rewarding role where each call enables you to help a client become more self-
Responsibilities and Duties

 5-star Customer Service.

 Organizing the day-to-day operations
 Promote and sell Budget products and services.
 Achieve Targets and KPIs.
 Preparation of daily, weekly and damage reports
 Maintain daily activity of fleet.
 Complete other job duties as assigned by Branch Manager.


 Applicants must hold a current driver’s licence.

 Work a rotating roster that includes alternate weekends and Public Holidays.
 Basic computer skills with ability to learn.

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EMAIL WITH A positions Skill labour:

To: Team Management

Subject: Final Business Plan
Dear Management Team,
Attached you will find the approved
business plan 2021 -2024 for Ozhouse
Clean. The plan is
now ready to be implemented
To: labour-hire agency

Subject: position descriptions for the skilled labour

Dear sir/madam,

Attached you will find the position descriptions for the skilled required for Online media solutions.

Please confirm us about the availability of the workers.




Part D: Test performance measurement systems and refine, where required.


‘Online Media Solutions’ have the following existing performance measurements systems:

• The organisation has a financial management system that keeps track of the monthly revenue
generated by business operations. However, the existing system does not keep track of the
operating expenses and further sales and profit projections based on previous data analysis.

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• A balanced scorecard that quantifies business
performance by Financial, Customer, Internal processes and Learning and growth measures

• Customer relationship management (CRM) system to measure business performance and track
customer satisfaction by measuring the interactions and relationships with existing or potential
customers and tracks sales activities, customer service and support

• The organisation uses a 360-degree review system to include peers, stakeholders, and
subordinates in the review process annually. The existing system does not capture real-time
performance data.


This part of the activity requires you to test performance management systems based on the
information given in the ‘Context’ provided above and complete ‘Template 3’ suggesting the
refinements to the existing performance measurement systems.

Template 3: Refinements in the existing performance measurement systems

Two (2) refinements in the existing performance measurement systems (100-200

Start by analyzing where the employee's performance level is currently at.

It provides a baseline or reference point to measure improvement in performance. A baseline helps

you know if performance is improving, constant, or declining.

Use these methods to get your baseline:

 An initial evaluation: Measure the employee's performance. Assess their current work
and contributions against the organizational expectations for their role.

 Past performance reviews: Analyze historical records of (360°)

feedback and performance rating scales.

 Skill assessment and tests: Evaluate the employees' current knowledge and skills in
various aspects of their job.

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Part E: Prepare reports on key aspects of the business


After three (3) months of implementing the business plan, a review of performance was conducted.
Following are the outcomes of the review conducted:

• The graphic templates (Brochure and business cards) designed by the newly recruited web
designer has failed to meet the client specifications and had some errors in their formatting.
This is due to the failure of the quality management system. The organisation does not have a
formal system of quality checking.

• The operating costs have increased by 5% for the first quarter due to clients requesting re-work
on a number of projects.

• The performance management system has failed to keep track of real-time performance and
provide training on the areas of improvement. Therefore, leading to performance issues.


This part of the activity requires you to report on key aspects of the business and make variances to
the business plan.

The report must be prepared using ‘Template 4’ and must be 400-500 words in length.

To complete this activity, you are required to:

• Analyse the information given in the ‘Context’.

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• Analyse system failures, product and service
failures and identify variances to the business plan based on the information given in the

• Prepare a report using ‘Template 4’. Include the following elements in the report:

o System failures o Product and service failures o Variations required to the

business plan and reason for variations o Recommendations to address system

and product and system failures

• Revise ‘Business plan’ prepared in Activity 1.

o Include a section for performance management and training o Document a

quality management strategy

o Revise budget targets. Include 10% extra in operating expenses for quality
management and training of staff.

o E-mail the revised business plan to the trainer/assessor.

Template 4: Report (400-500 words)

You must use the attached report template to complete this activity:

Report on current processes and systems

Case study

Online Media Solutions is a marketing and web development business based in Adelaide, Australia.
From idea to design, development and marketing, we achieve results for our clients and grow their
business. We have ventured into the web service industry to offer our superior and unique services
to small businesses and organisations. Our experience and expertise in web sales and e-commerce
give us the backing to provide solutions that are currently lacking in the market. There is an all-
time high demand for web development and marketing for small businesses with signs of rising
further. Interestingly, few web developers have taken advantage of this opportunity, leaving the
industry with no dominant provider. The high costs of the projects and the focus on more prominent
companies and organisations could be the contributing factor as to why this market remains
untapped. We have a system that will reduce the project costs dramatically, giving us the
opportunity to offer quality services at reduced prices.


Our professional team of specialists with industry expertise deliver solutions not only for leading
brands but also for non-profit organisations and innovative start-up businesses. We aim to reach
success by providing unique yet creative solutions to our customers that will elevate their online

Our vision

Quality web solutions with a sound technical foundation that enable our clients to impress their
customers and improve their online image worldwide. We want to make our customers stand out in
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the online environment and become the leading provider of online services for small and medium-
sized businesses.

Keys to success

• We will offer quality web services to small businesses and organisations at affordable prices.

• Customised and tailored services.

• Establishment of alliances and partnerships with internet service providers and organisations
involved in computer consultancy.

Services offered

We offer the following services to our clients:

• Interface and Web Design Services

o E-commerce o Web development

The main body of the report covering the following topics:

• System failures

An airline facing a computer outage caused by a fire impacting its data centre at the group’s

• Product and service failures

Such incidents have the potential to cause severe financial, operational and reputational problems
for the organisation, including high costs associated with managing the fallout.

• Variations required to the business plan and reason for variations

Consumer reactions and regulatory responses to a system failure can result in lost customer
revenues and substantial reputational damage. News of the failure can spread extremely quickly on
social media, and at the same time regulators’ expectations are increasing. As a result, effective
and rapid situational response and crisis management need to be a strategic priority.

• Recommendations to address system and product and system failures

While it may not be possible to eliminate the risk of system failures, there are steps you can
take to minimize them. Regularly update your software and operating system to ensure you
have the latest security patches and bug fixes. Use reputable antivirus and security software
to protect against malware. Back up your important data regularly to an external source or
cloud storage. Maintain proper system hygiene by cleaning up temporary files, optimizing
storage, and organizing files. Finally, handle hardware with care, and ensure proper cooling

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and ventilation to prevent overheating.

Summary and review

The business plan has been revised and updated as per the above changes.




To: Team Management

Subject: Final Business Plan
Dear Management Team,
Attached you will find the approved
business plan 2021 -2024 for Ozhouse
Clean. The plan is
now ready to be implemented
To: Team Management

Subject: Revised Business Plan

Dear Management Team,

Attached you will find the revised business plan 2021 -2024 for Online media solutions. The plan is now

ready to be implemented.




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Activity 4: Monitor and respond to business performance

Activity context:

The business has completed its first year of operations. Following is a brief summary of the business
performance in the initial year of its operations:

Performance reports:

• The operating expenses exceeded by 5% due to the establishment of quality management and
performance management system.

• The net profit margins have decreased by 5% due to an increase in the operating costs.

• Sales targets have been achieved.

• The business has established its name in the market and is expecting to exceed the sales
projected sales target for the next two year by 10%.

Employee performance:

Further, the performance management system’s outcomes have shown that the Sales Manager lack
interpersonal skills to communicate with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)

Description of the activity:

This part of the activity requires you to monitor and respond to business performance, including
evaluating performance against key results indicators, coaching underperforming staff, and establishing
an ongoing review process.

To do so, you are required to complete the following three (3) parts:

• Part A: Revise business plan

• Part B: Identify and coach underperforming staff

• Part C: Establish ongoing review processes

Part A: Revise business plan

This part of the activity requires you to revise the business plan. To do so, you are required to:

• Analyse performance reports given in ‘Activity context’ against planned objectives (Objectives of
the business plan prepared in Activity 1)

• Review performance indicators against performance reports.

• Revise the business plan using “Appendix A: Business plan” based on the analysis conducted:

o Revise financial reports considering the analysis of performance reports.

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o Revise the performance indicators based on

the analysis of performance reports

• Submit the revised business plan to the trainer/assessor.

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Part B: Identify and coach underperforming staff

This part of the activity requires you to identify and coach the Sales Manager on the interpersonal skills
to communicate with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

To do so, you are required to conduct a coaching session with him.

Roles and responsibilities during the coaching session:

Sales Manager

• Participate in the coaching session.

• Collaborate with the Operations Manager in the preparation of the learning plan.

• Discuss the difficulties he faces when communicating with people from Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds.

Student (Operations Manager)

• Consult them regarding the difficulties they are facing.

• Conduct the coaching session.

• Prepare a learning plan for the Sales Manager considering learning needs and improvements.

When conducting the coaching session, you must:

• Welcome the participants

• Provide an introduction to the coaching session purpose

• Discuss the difficulties they are facing and the learning requirements

• Discuss the strategies to communicate with people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
(CALD) backgrounds.

• Collaborate with them and prepare a learning plan that includes the following:

o Areas of improvement o Learning activities o Desired outcomes o

Expectations/Key Performance Indicators

• Provide an opportunity for discussion.

o Provide an opportunity for the audience to ask questions

o Respond to questions.

o Acknowledge and respond to differences in opinions.

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After the coaching session:

• Complete ‘Template 5: Learning Plan’.

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Template 5: Learning plan

Learning plan

Areas of improvement Learning activities Desired outcomes Expectations/Key

Performance Indicators

Verbal communication Most workplaces require efficient Positive feedback from the Employees
verbal communication in employees
meetings, 1:1 conversation,
small group discussions, and

The way you write influences the Sales manager

way others perceive your
 Use grammar or
abilities, so you want to
proofreading tools to demonstrate strong writing skills.
quickly identify and
correct spelling,
punctuation, and
grammatical errors.

Written communication
 Read your work aloud to
catch awkward or run-on
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Page 41 of 53

Part C: Establish ongoing review processes

This part of the activity requires you to establish an ongoing review process for monitoring the business
plan outcomes.

The ongoing review process must be prepared using ‘Template 6’ and include the following:

• Stages of the ongoing review process

• Explanation of each stage

• How will they monitor the ongoing performance of the business plan?
Template 6: Ongoing review process
Ongoing review process

Stages of the ongoing review process

Project documents. - Meetings every month. - Feedback from the meeting and all comments. - Email
- Comments and suggestions from guests.

Explanation of each stage (30-50 words each)

Project documents: The business plan has been emailed to the stakeholder on very stage for review.

Meeting: Minutes of meeting has been conducted at every stage of work. The feedback has been
received from the employees.

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How will they monitor the ongoing performance of the business plan? (100-150 words)

1. Define your objectives

Start by clearly sketching out the particular objectives and goals of your trade. Recognize the key
ranges you need to screen and progress, whether it's deals execution, client fulfillment, or
operational productivity.

2. Distinguish your KPIs

Once your destinations are characterized, pinpoint the KPIs that adjust with each objective. These
measurements give quantifiable information to track advance and victory.

3. Select suitable instruments

Investigate and select the correct execution checking apparatuses that suit the special needs of your
trade. From analytics stages to committed execution administration program, the advertise offers a
assortment of arrangements. Consider components such as adaptability, user-friendliness, and
integration capabilities to guarantee consistent usage and utilization.

4. Collect information on your KPIs

Build up vigorous forms for collecting pertinent information related to your chosen KPIs. This may
include joining information sources, setting up following instruments, and guaranteeing information
exactness. The adequacy of your execution checking pivots on the quality and consistency of the
information collected, making this step significant for significant experiences.

5. Set up standard measurements

Some time recently jumping into dynamic checking, build up pattern measurements for each KPI.
This serves as a point of reference, permitting you to gage execution advancement or distinguish
regions of concern. Clearly understanding where your commerce stands at the start gives setting for
future examination and decision-making.

6. Set objectives for your KPIs

Characterize satisfactory edges and set achievable targets for each KPI. This step includes a layer of
setting to your checking endeavors, empowering you to rapidly recognize when execution goes astray
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from the required way. Limits act as early warning signals,
provoking convenient intercessions and alterations.

7. Track your advance over time

Coordinated real-time checking capabilities into your framework to keep a beat on your business's
execution. Tracking your advance permits you to create choices that are continuously significant and
up to date.

Activity 5: Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan

This activity is a continuation of Activity 1-4.

This activity requires you to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business plan.

To analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business plan, you need to:

• Analyse the information given in the different ‘Activity contexts’ in Activity 1-4.

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• Assess the revisions you have made to the business
plan based on the implementation and monitoring conducted in Activity 3 and 4.

• Provide an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business plan using
‘Template 7’.

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Template 7: Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business plan
Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing business plan (200-300 words)

our business strengths and weaknesses are the ranges in which your trade exceeds expectations and
those where you drop behind the competition. They can incorporate anything from your item to your
forms, supply chain or company culture. They can moreover alter over time as your commerce
develops and the advertise advances.

Business strengths and weaknesses are regularly thought of in terms of SWOT examination – a
arranging procedure that looks at strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. But your
strengths and weaknesses are the foremost crucial portion of any business examination, since once
you are in control of your inside forms, you're way better arranged to confront outside challenges
and turn them into openings.

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Appendix A: Business plan (Word-limit: 1200-1500
Section 1: Description of the business

“Online Media Solutions” is opening a modern little trade in Adelaide, Australia. From thought to plan,
improvement and showcasing, the company will accomplish comes about for its clients and develop
their trade.

Our trade will wander into the net benefit industry to offer prevalent and one-of-a-kind
administrations to little businesses and educate. Our encounter and skill in web deals and e-
commerce will give us the backing to supply solutions that are right now missing within the
advertise. There's an all-time tall request for web advancement and promoting for little businesses
with signs of rising encourage. Interests, few web engineers have taken advantage of this
opportunity, clearing out the industry with no prevailing members.

Company details: Company name: Online Media Solutions, Pty. Ltd

Company address: 50 Grenfell Street Adelaide, 5000

Section 2: Mission, vision, values and objectives of the business plan

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 Give best-in-class plan administrations.

• Make a positive affect on our client businesses.
• Be regarded and respected by peers.


To provide best-in-class web design and development services in a manner that is simple, effective
and cost-effective to the target audience.


Respect: Taking time to get it and esteem each individual and regarding their choices.

Responsibility: Acting with judgment towards our staff, our clients, the community and the

Caring: A obligation of care for our staff, clients and the environment.

Excellence: To continuously see to supply the finest quality encounter with respects to our cleaning
and our client service.

Integrity: To act with trustworthiness, openness and do what we say we are going to do.

Innovation: To be industry pioneers.

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The goals and objectives of Online Media Solutions are as follow:

• To generate revenues of $800,000 by the end of our first year of operations.

• To attain a net profit of 18% in the first year and 30% in the second year.
• To have a 60% gross margin by the end of the first year.

Section 3: Products and services

We will offer the following products and services to our clients:

Services: • Interface and Web Design • Graphics design • Website development • Domain and web
hosting • Video editing • Blog development • Search engine optimisation • E-commerce

Products: • Web templates • CMS templates • Graphic templates o Brochure o Flyers o Business
cards • Logo templates

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Section 4: Marketing strategy

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Section 5: Legislative and regulatory requirements

Licence and permit requirements

ISO 9001 Quality Administration Standard ISO 9001 may be a quality administration standard
which is outlined to assist, and association meet the needs of clients and partners and bargains with
the fundamentals of quality management frameworks and the necessities that an association should
meet in arrange to full fill endorsed quality guidelines. At First class Cleaning and Natural
Administrations Ltd, we pride ourselves on giving brilliance as standard and the most elevated
conceivable levels of personal attention to our clients, and amazing cleaning measures.

Legal requirements for selling products and services

OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety

Elite Cleaning and Environmental
Services Ltd conform to the Health
and Safety management
OHSAS 18001 accreditation with the
intention to control occupational
health and safety risks,
to improve health and safety
management procedures within each
of our client locations
OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety
Elite Cleaning and Environmental
Services Ltd conform to the Health
and Safety management
OHSAS 18001 accreditation with the
intention to control occupational
health and safety risks,
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to improve health and safety
management procedures within each
of our client locations
OHSAS 18001 Health and safety Management

18001 accreditation with the deliberate to control word related wellbeing and security risks, to make
strides wellbeing and security administration strategies inside each of our client areas.

Equal opportunities in the workplace

- Privacy act 1988

- Work health and safety act 2011

- The fair work act 2009

Regulatory requirements

ISO 14001 Environmental

ISO 14001 accreditation ensures full
compliance with best practice and
business processes
and ensures compliance with
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legislation, regulations and
environmental requirements and to
continually strive to create a better
ISO 14001 Environmental Management ISO 14001 accreditation ensures full compliance with best
practice and business processes and ensures compliance with legislation, regulations and
environmental requirements and to continually strive to create a better environment.

Macallan College is a trading name of Macallan College Pty Ltd. RTO No.: 41030 | ABN: 36 165 356 141 | CRICOS 03468F
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Target market

We are going center our promoting endeavors towards pulling in associations and little businesses.
We come to

this choice after completing a careful advertise examination and distinguishing the requirements of
this showcase

portion. The tall request for web administrations by this showcase is an opportunity that will not

costly promoting to pull in.

Most businesses are moving to the web at a quick rate. Little businesses have too made their

online nearness a beat need that makes a tall request for our administrations.

Market analysis

Online Media Arrangements will center on little businesses and associations that are looking to
create or

update their web nearness.

Our approach will be step-by-step; beginning with a basic, fundamental site and making strides it to
meet the

client's changing needs. We'll service any little trade that needs an online nearness, but we

will concentrate more on those that require more subtle elements around their operations online.

Such companies will most likely go for all or a few of the taking after administrations:

• A shopping cart or e-commerce.

• Energetic highlights and substance.

• Forceful showcasing of items online.

Marketing strategy and activities

Macallan College is a trading name of Macallan College Pty Ltd. RTO No.: 41030 | ABN: 36 165 356 141 | CRICOS 03468F
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Put each up and coming email impact on the calendar.

• Make a calendar with benefit advancements and convey it over the company.

• Plan a least of five design per particular advertisement campaign, which is able incorporate a

focusing on potential clients as well as a retargeting campaign.

• Set up email autoresponders to provide the pamphlet with the coupon code upon sign up.

• Have web designers set up pop up for mail opt-ins.

• Communicate with each other around status twice week after week

Section 6: Financial, human and physical resource requirements

Financial requirements

Projected profit and loss statement

Profit and loss Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

$800k $1M $1.5M

Macallan College is a trading name of Macallan College Pty Ltd. RTO No.: 41030 | ABN: 36 165 356 141 | CRICOS 03468F
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$600K $700K $900K

Profit/loss $200K $300K $600K

Human resource requirements

One of the foremost striking changes within the industry is the mass movement online. Little
businesses look for emigrate or upgrade their destinations, since in this way little businesses
will start to adjust to the unused changes. Little and huge companies look for to carry out
their everyday operations online. Common operations have been exchanged to the Web
and an advance improvement in this zone.

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Section 7: Competitor analysis

Three (3) competitors

Direct competitors
Indirect competitors

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Competitor advantage

We can sell the same service

offered by them at lower price.

Section 8: Financial indicators to assess business performance

 Website development
 Social medial engagement
 Email campaign
 High staff performance.

Section 9: Productivity and performance targets

Macallan College is a trading name of Macallan College Pty Ltd. RTO No.: 41030 | ABN: 36 165 356 141 | CRICOS 03468F
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Only media solution is a company that its clients are small and large companies in order to develop
and improve their presence in the web application, for this reason only media solution created a
project that is being directed by Ananth sidda in order to increase participation of interest groups as
well as to increase income by 15% in the next 3 months.

Section 10: Sign-off

Relevant authority: ANANTH SIDDA

Signature: Ananth sidda

Date: 03/03/2024

Macallan College is a trading name of Macallan College Pty Ltd. RTO No.: 41030 | ABN: 36 165 356 141 | CRICOS 03468F
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