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We will use the Carousel Ad type to create our real estate Listing Ads.

We’ll need to set up our Campaign and Ad Set Structure and Saved Audiences before we can create and publish
Ads. Revisit the guides from Chapter 19 and Chapter 20 of the course if you haven’t completed these steps yet.

Many of the steps below are the same as the steps for Lead Ads, covered in Chapter 21 of Sell It Like Serhant: Social
Ads Course. In fact, the main differences are in the Ad Setup and Ad Creative sections. We’ve repeated the same
sections here in case you come right to this guide to learn to set up Carousel Ads.

Now, let’s jump in to creating your ads.


1.) Navigate to the Ads tab within the Ads Manager.

2.) Select Create.

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3.) Select the Campaign and Ad Set your new Ad should belong to. Name your Ad. Click Continue.

4.) In the Identity section, ensure the correct Facebook Page and Instagram Account are selected for your ads.

5.) Select Carousel for Ad Type.

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6.) It’s now time to upload the content of your Ad in the Ad Creative section. You can use up to 10 images or videos
within your Carousel. For best practice, click Add Media until you have the number of Carousel Cards you’d like to use
for your ad.

7.) Deselect Automatically show the best performing cards first. You want control over how you tell the story of
your listing.

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8.) Card-by-card, select each Image and write each Headline and Description.

9.) Write your ad’s Primary Text and select the appropriate Call to Action.

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10.) Under Question Format, select Instant Form and then Create Form.

11.) In the pop-up dialog box, type in your Form Name and select Higher Intent. The Form Type question is really
a question about lead qualification. We recommend selecting Higher Intent here to add an extra step in the form
submission process (the Review Screen) to qualify buyers most likely to have real interest in your listing. If you prefer,
you can select More Volume to get more leads.

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12.) Under Intro, select Use the image from your ad and type a Greeting Headline (another call to action) and a
Description to add context.

13.) Under Questions, add a Description to remind leads what they’re getting when they sign up for when they submit
their contact information. We recommend using Email, Full Name, and Phone Number under Choose the type of
information you need. Although we’d expect fewer leads to come through if they’re required to submit their Phone
Number, those who do submit Phone Number are likely to be better-qualified for your listing.

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14.) Facebook requires you add a link to your Privacy Policy. If you have a website, you should already have a Privacy
Policy on your website, and you can use that link here. If you don’t have a Privacy Policy specific to your business, you
may be able to link to your brokerage’s Privacy Policy. As with all legal matters, consult an appropriate advisor such as
an attorney or your broker. Privacy laws vary by jurisdiction.

15.) Set what happens after someone submits your form in the Completion section. Since this is a Listing Ad, you should
tell your leads how you’ll get in touch with them to talk more about the property. For example, you might tell them that
you’ll call them within 24 hours. Use the Call-To-Action Button and Text to send leads back to your listing page where
they can see more details while they await your outreach.

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16.) When you are finished, click Publish at the bottom-right corner. You’ll be taken back to the main Ad setup page.

17.) Finally, click the green Publish button in the bottom right corner. Now, your ad is ready to run!

Repeat this process for each ad variation within your ad set and for each ad within your multiple ad sets.

Copyright © 2020 Serhant Media Group, LLC. All rights reser ved.

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