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In this guide, we’re going to walk through setting up an ads campaign in Facebook Ads Manager.

Remember: A campaign is a SINGLE marketing objective. So, if you’re going to run both lead ads and listing ads, you
will need a separate campaign for each type of ad, as your objectives are different.

Important note on terminology: Throughout the social ads course, we make a distinction between Lead Ads and Listing
Ads. To Facebook, both Lead Ads and Listing Ads have the same campaign objective: Generate Leads. So, don’t get
caught up in the difference between the distinction we’re making as real estate agents between lead ads and listing
ads vs. what Facebook calls a Lead Generation Objective.

The instructions below apply to both lead ads and listing ads. You’ll create a separate campaign for each type of ad
within your Facebook Ads Manager. For the purpose of illustration, this guide will generally refer to “setting up
a campaign.”


You’ll recall from Chapter 5 of Sell It Like Serhant: Social Ads Course that a campaign is broken down into three levels:
Campaign (where you set GOALS); Ad Sets (where you set PLATFORM and TARGETING); and ADS (where you set
the CONTENT). This is the GPC framework.

Campaign (First Level):

A Marketing Campaign is a set of messages with a single business objective.

An objective is what you want to accomplish with your ads, such as generating leads for your real estate business or
traffic for your listing.

You’ll set the Facebook Special Ads Category for Housing at the Campaign level. Here, you’ll also enable Campaign
Budget Optimization and set your daily campaign budget.

Ad Sets (Second Level):

This is where you’ll choose:

• Where your ads appear (PLATFORM)
• Audiences (TARGETING)
• Ad schedule

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Individual Ad (Final Level):

This is where you define what appears in your ads as well as test ad variations.

We use this GPC framework campaign structure to make it easy to test and optimize your ads. For example,
if you run a lead generation campaign, you could test the responsiveness of different audiences at the ad set level
as well as different photos, videos and messages at the ad level. With the Facebook Ads reporting tools, you can
see which audiences respond most and which ads perform better, so you can make specific choices to optimize
your marketing spend.


Facebook has an ad feature known as Lead Ads. We’ll be using Lead Ads through the rest of our how-to guides. Please
don’t confuse Lead Ads with the Lead Ads or Listing Ads we refer to in the course.

Facebook’s Lead Ads feature is simply a Facebook ad connected to a form your prospective leads will fill out to give
you their contact information. In Chapter 6: Anatomy of an Ad, we show you how the ad works with the form.

In brief, here’s a reminder of how Lead Ads work:

1.) Someone clicks on the Call to Action on your ad

2.) A form pops up that’s pre-populated with contact information from the lead’s Facebook profile.

3.) The lead submits their information to you.

Read more about Facebook’s Lead Ad feature within Facebook’s documentation here.

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We’re now ready to build an ad campaign.

1.) Click on Ads Manager on the left side of your Facebook Ads Manager account.

2.) In the Ads Manager, in the Campaigns tab, Click the green Create button.

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3.) Choose Lead generation as your objective. You may Name Your Campaign here or in the next step. Note:
When you create a new Campaign, you will automatically create one Ad Set and one Ad. You’ll be able to create
more Ad Sets and Ads later on. When you’re ready to move on, click Continue.

4.) Set Special Ad Category to On and select Housing.

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5.) Set Campaign Budget Optimization button to On and define your Daily Campaign Budget. We review how
to consider your budget in Chapter 9 of Sell It Like Serhant: Social Ads Course. Use a Campaign Bid Strategy of
Lowest Cost.

6.) Click Next in the lower-right corner.


Here, at the Ad Set level, we will set the targeting for your Ad Set as well as configure some other settings. For
illustration, we will set up one Ad Set, though keep in mind campaigns usually have multiple Ad Sets. You’ll use the
same process as the one outlined below to set up each Ad Set.

1.) Name your Ad Set. We recommend naming the Ad Set based on the targeting you’re using in the Ad Set. The
specific naming format does not matter as long as you remember what it is. For illustration, we’re setting up the
Business Interest here.

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2.) Select Instant Forms as your Lead Method. Again, this is Facbook’s Lead Ad feature.

3.) Choose the Facebook Page you plan to use for the lead ad. This is either your Business Page or Personal Page,
depending on how you’ve decided to frame your ads. Recall from Chapter 2 of Sell It Like Serhant: Social Ads Course
that you need to define your brand before you can set your specific ad tactics.

4.) Select your Audience target for your Ad Set. You have two options here: Create New Audience or Use Saved
Audience. If you’ve been following the Sell It Like Serhant: Social Ads Course chapters in order, you should have
created your Saved Audiences in the previous chapter. If you didn’t, you may Create New Audience now. Note: If
you’re using a Saved Audience, your Locations and other targeting settings will update based on the characteristics
of your Saved Audience. Remember, some targeting capabilities such as Age and Gender as well as Location more
specific than a 15-mile radius are not available when using a Special Ads Category.

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5.) Finally, we’ll select our Ad Placements. We recommend choosing only Feeds for Facebook and Instagram
under Manual Placements. This is where we have seen the best performance. Though, if you’re new to advertising or
want to test your message in more placements, choose other options or let Facebook use Automatic Placements.

6.) Click the green Publish button in the lower-right corner.

You Ad Set is now ready to be used! Repeat this process for each Ad Set you’d like to include in your overall
Campaign. In the next guide, we’ll create the Ads that will run within your Ad Sets.

Copyright © 2020 Serhant Media Group, LLC. All rights reser ved.

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