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f.ifrtGT/ 4) &1(~ "Cf?

Iicp - Deo/Mhow/Land/GrassCutting
(Tender Reference No.) ~: 2--b ~fI"·tf~, 2023
f.ifrtGT/ '11&1(if! >fC.IJR - "I&1Pil"

(Tender/Auction Type) (Auction through e-auction portal of Government of

India (
f.ifrtGT/ 4) &1(if! q~fh.f) '< 0 I - WIT
(Tender/Auction Category) (Service)
~/f.ifrtGT/4) &1(Ji"j cpr ~ - ~~
(Form of Contract/Tender/Auction) (Fixed Rate)
~/f.1fcRT/ '11&1(Ji1/"fI"+1<FflTxufr/Cf) 14m li - Cf[C1<lT - I m
(The Schedule for Contract/Tender/Auction Please refer annexure - I
process as follows)
~/f.1fcRT/~/l1Rrffi(~) - 60 (~)
(Contract/Tender/Auction Validity (Days) (60-Days)
~/f.1fcRT/4) &11Ji"j cpr ~ - 60 (~)
(Period ofworkiContract/Tender/ Auction) (60-Days)
~/~ ~/dCf)'11cG1 (Fee/Pre
(No. of Covers) Qualification/Technical)

AAGr/iflcll41 ~ fflrif - ~0500/-(~ -qr-q x=tf ~),
(Tender/Auction Fee/Cost) Rs.500/- (Only five Hundred)
Non refundable
f.1fclGT/'11&11if! ~/xsr=4/1fu:r ~ ~ - ~Iffi ~ ~ ~ ~, cf) ~a1 ~ ~
(Tender/Auction Fee/cost payable to) +f (Defence Estates Officer Mhow Circle, Mhow
Cantt. Payable at Mhow)
~/xsr=4~~~ - ~
(Fee payable Account) (Mhow)
f.1fclGT/'11&11if! ~/xsr=4 +l ~ - ~ (Not allowed)

:fTClR ~/>fC.IJR"CR1./\ 3l~ Cf)I<If&1 <l ~1ffT

(Made of Payment) - ~ ~, ~ ~ +f ~ ~ mxr \jfi1]"
cpxqf ~ t I R.T.G.SIN.E.F.T/Deposit m
Defence Estates Office Mhow through receipt.
tcP fclcRur - 31jm ~Cf) I
Please refer annexure - I for Bank details

~~ - ~o 5,0~0/- (~tft=q ~~),

(Earnest money deposit) Rs. 5,000/- (Five Thousand only)

tffigx ~ cfflT ~ - ~1ffT ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ cf) ~a1

(Earnest money Payable to) +f
(Defence Estates Officer Mhow Circle, Mhow Cantt.)
tffigx ~ \jfi1]"/>fC.IJR - ~
(Earnest money deposit type) Fixed

tffigx ~ \jfi1]" +f tfC - ~

(Earnest money deposit exemption) Not allowed
--------~~~::::;:---p~;;;:;Si;:;::;:;1 o:::;;~--:::;)'?;::;;:ILf;:::;:c-::;cn~~
(Mode of Payment) ~ cB- -qaT <l
Only Demand Draft in favour of Defence Estates
Officer Mhow.


CfiCR ~ >r~ cB- ~ ~/31lq~lICf) fcrcRur cB- ~ 3lji.t§c~Cf) - ~ ~

~~I~\]j/>fq"?f (~- ~/~ See Annexure-II for details.
~/d ¢'11cCI)
(Type of documents required under cover No. 1
i.e. Fee/free qualification/Technical cover)


f.1fclGT / ·-\'1C1141 t!5T4 ctI ~ ~ 500 3lRotto\Jfto~o / ~O~o~otto cf; !rRT ~

(h 1tlfC1 tI cf; m -B \i'P1T ~ ~ ~ cpr fctcRur PI l"1l~ Rsld~ I

"'fT1l XlID ~ 3r~<t>I~

~ lfU\SC1". ~ Urq;fi
m~ 53016620300
~cpr-;:w:r State Bank ofIndia Town Hall Mhow Indore (M.P.)
~cpr~ 030023
3i1~q4Jqf1f1"1 ~ SBIN0030023
(IFSC Code)
~~3iR~ 452002067
(MICR Code)

2 ~ m cpT cf;crc;r ~li 10-s ~ cf; !rRT ~ \i'P1T erR R1 f1 Cf)1 fctcRur P1l"1l~ ftld ~1
~'1106 Fre ~ "ffiGT 31~q)I{I. 1fiI. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~cp,'( qft ~

3 ~-~ -B 1WT ~ ~ ~ fG<rr ~ ~ C1(h;fj<tl '"1"IC1I4""1("CflCR 1) -B ~

~«1I~\i1 3ijm~(h II cf; ~ @ -qn:rr ~ I

Wll ~IRI~~ ~ ~
1 ~ '""I1C1141cf; >I(hI~I" cpr ~ 2-6 /12/2023
2 ~«1I~\i1 -s1\3,,(Yl1-s ~ m cpr ~ U-:, /12/2023 15:00
3 ~«1I~\i1 -51\j'"1('1I-5 m cpr ~ ~ e g /01/2024 17:30
4 ~ «11 ~\i1 \i'P1Tm cpr ~ ~ ("CflCR 01) t e /01/2024 17:30
5 C1(h'"11<$1f.1fcRr ~ cpr ~ 3iR ~ ("CflCR 01) , ~ /01/2024 12:00
6 '"11C1141~ m cpr ~ IS- /01 /2024 12:00

5 \3q'l!.'ICfd ~ ~ cf; '"11C1141 cf; ~ website:- !rRT

-s1\3"C11-s Cf)X ~ ~ I C1(h'"11<$1f.1fcRr ("CflCR 1) ~ ~ f.1fcRr 3l~ ~~f1I~c lR
~ Tf<) ~ cf; ~ ~ erR
I C1(h'"1"I<tl f.1fcRr ("CflCR 01), '"11C11+{1~ cf;
~ ~ ~ "Cfll ~ "Y?Il cpr ~ fcmrr ~ I ~~ ctI ~ ~
WTR ~ ~/dct~I,</LtJ1t "Cfll3iI"C1Il'2" ~ Cf)X fG<rr ~ I

6. !l1f1~'$ -B cm=r "Cfll ~ "$I ~ ~ q ~ ~: ~ .12.2023 >ml: 11:00

~"XIffi"fi"GGT~, ~~, ~ -mcRr, ~ -B mtfu:r §;3IT ~I ~ dct~I'< ~
~ q~ lR ~ ~ ~ (hltlfC1t1 cf; >lffiP1~ cf; ~ ~ "\3"CRl !l1f1~-s -B cm=r
7. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C1(h;fj <tl "CflRUT ~ 31LRt C1Cf)'"11<$1 '"11C11~1 c=r<1 ~ ClcP
~~f1I~c lR ~ -;:fflT Cf)X "YT"ill ill ~ ~ ~ m R1~~I'<
m.rr I ~ ~ C1(h'"11<$1~, ~ ~ cf; ~ <:ffi (hltlfC1t1 R1~~I'< -;:fflT m.rr 1
8 (h14C1t1 <:ffi ~ ~ f$ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '"11C114'1~ ~ ~ ~
f.1<:p:r ~ \3 q ~1 J 1 cf; ~ ~ ~ q RRid ~ ~ ~ <:ffi ~ \i1R"t1T ~ f$ -t '"11C1141
Cf5T ~(iHill'F:~: 1N fcR:r ~ ~ fcnm \Jffi"ff ~ I Cf)1<lc>l1l <:ffi ~
11RCR""qC'ffiT ~ fcn ~ ~ e<:rfcffi -;l ~cilXiI~C: 1N t-~ ~
~ ~ f.n:r1 ~ ~~II Pi chi! Cf5T ~ 3lTUT ~ ~ ~ fB<rr tI ~ ;:11 c>llii"l ~ ~
~ Xiil'il~ 311ft ~cilXiI~C: ~ ~ ~ I

9. ;:11 c>lliii if 1WT ~ ~ xT <:ffi Cf)III t c>lll 1WT WIT fcn ..JIc>l14'l ~ e<:rfcffi -;l ~ Ixi RI'S if
tlTX1 cBT f{~, 3fCR"~ Cf5T ~ \@ Cf)"! ~ Cf5T ~ CfR fu<rr ~ I ...,1c>llii1 if 1WT ~ ~ e<:rfcffi
Cf5T ~ 3i j~11 xi 'i ~ N<ft I 3PR % ~ ~ CI"m"IT ~ c=IT ~ mxT \Jl11T ~ Xl"fu ~
cBT \ITT ~ ~ I

10. FcPm ~ 7:fT ~ "11c>llii1 Cf5T ~ FcPm cmur ~ ~ m Cf)T ~ x=T1Wf

~ cfi "QR1 ~ 1Wrr I
11. ~ Pi ~ ~I Cf) xe-TT ~ Cf)III t c>lll, +=rUT cp11R, ~ ~ t ;:11 c>llsf) Cf5T ~ Xi")q xT
{<lICf)I"!/3ifcflCf)I"! m ~ x=T1Wf ~ ~ I

12. ~ \3 q "<1CKi ~ ftl C"1 ~ Ixi RI\$ if tlTX1 Cf5T ~ Cf)Illt C'lll mxT ~ .-m f.imtt-r w:m cfi
3RX cnTC CfR x~ xT m 1Wrr I
13. ~ Cf)III t c>lll 7:fT FcPm 3R:r Xi "!Cf)I{l Cf)III tc>lll mxT 681 Cf)~ f2: 'S ~ ~ e<:rfcffi 311ft ~
~/t 4lc>llii1 if 1WT ~ cfi 1TI?r ~ ~ I

14. ...,'1 c>llii1 / t ...,1c>llii1 ~ ~ cfi 6fR ~ ~ ~ ~ e<:rfcffi cBT "11c>llsf) ~

Cf)Illtc>lll mxT 'kI1 Cf)I"! ~ 1N ~ mxT ~ cBT Tf<ft ~ Xl"fu Cf)T 25% ~ffI ~I C"1~
(~ Xl"fu Cf5T Xili I <'llfV1C'1 cnm ~) Cf)III tc>lll mxT ~ ftl C"1~ if ~ .-m c=r<:T w:m MJ c=r<:T
~ xT \Jl11T ~ N<ft I ~ \3 q,,! I'fI \JcITf ~ Cf5T 3ijJi! ~ 'i ~ x=T1Wf ~ Cf5T ~

15. ~ ffI R CKi \JIT e<:rfcffi "11c>lI 4'1 ~

3i if 1WT ~ w- t ;:11 c>lliii ~ cfi 6fR
cf>crc;r BW cfi "'il1i 1N ~ c lJ?f \JfTtT fcnm ~ ("fQIT ~ BW e<:rfcffi Cf5T ~ Ixi RI'S. if
tlTX1 Cf5T Cf)c: ClI oi Cf)T ~ 1Wrr I \N1 e<:rfcffi Cf5T ~ ;:11 c>llsf) ~ Cf5T fct5m 3R:r e<:rfcffi cfi
"'il1i 1N ~1'"f1q),,! m/~ m/~ m Cf)T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;:11 c>lI 4'1 cfi w:m 7:fT
~ 6fR LfRlT <mY fcn 41 c>llsf) ~ ~ ~ -;l fct5m cfi tRi:1 "'il1i/~ if ;:11 c>llii"l m ~ 7:fT
\ffi fcRlI 3R:r ~ e<:rfcffi ~ Cf5T ~ CfR ~ <mY ~ 7:fT ~ Cf)Io:¢CfC: t ~ ~c=IT
Cf)lo:¢CfC Cf5T ~ CfR ~ ~ ("fQIT ~ ~ cBT Xl"fu/~ Xl"fu ~ ~ CfR m
~ ~ ~ T1: cBT ~ I ~ 3ifflRCKi ~ FcPm ~ if 3 7:fT 4 ~ ~ ("fQIT
~ e<:rfcffi \N1 ~ cfi ~ cBT ~ R111C"1~ 41 c>llsf) ~ WlT w- ~ \ffi "Cf5"ll cfi q Ii'i "!~ Iq if
~ ~ Xi,,!Cf)I{l W ~ ~ ~ -tCffi CfC'1111~'"'!i xi~RhJ>C:,qj(:~'i"!~lq m (~
~ q Ii'i fi cfi "'il1i m) .311ft ~ m m<T I ~ ~ cfi 6fR ~ fct5m ~ ~ Cf)T
qRClct'i l1Rl ~ 1Wrr I

16. if ~ ~ ~IXiRl,? if ~ tm=r

...,1c>l14'l ~ Cf5T ~ f.i~"ilC"1 ~ 3RX ~ cfi
N<ft I d J>~ I"! \N1 ~ cfi 3RX ~Ixi RI'S if tlTX1 Cf5T ~ cnTC Lffi"fT ~ c=IT \N1 ~ ~ Ixi RI \$ if
tm=r Cf5T 3TCTfu cfi 6fR ~ CfR fu<rr ~ 3fR T1: ~ CfR ~ ~ I

17. d J>~ I"! / e<:rfcffi / ~ ~ IflRI\$ if tlTX1 Cf5T cnrc:cT w:m FcPm m "n
cBT xi"! Cf) xi A:J fffl Cf5T
jCf)XiI'i ~ q§"ilI~llll ~ fct5m m Cf)T ~ jCf)XiI'i "ffirr ~ c=IT dJ>~I"! \ffi 3i1R ~ 1N
ciI 'i ClICf)"! t<rr
I 3R:rQIT ~ 3lftrli" ~ ~ CfR m~ 3fR f.i llli IjXiI "! dJ> ~ I"! cfi >ffil
~ Cf)1<lClH:;"j cBT ~ I

18. x=T1Wf ~ mxT ~ ...,'Ic>llsf) ~ ~ cfi ~ ~ ..JIc>l14'1 "Cf)T 20 ~R1~IC"1 3lftrli"

\Jj li I'i C"1Xl"fu ffI Cfll! R el ("fQIT ~ CfR ~ 31T<:fCR 2.50 % q 3R:r Xi "!"ill \J{ 311ft ~ Cf)III t c>lll if
("fQIT ~ cBT ~ ~ ~ Cf)llltc>lll mxT ~ w:m
if \Jl11T ~ N<ft I
19. d<$~I'</Clffcm/~ ~ ~ ~Ifl~\\? ~ "Elm em- fl'<¢I~ ~ q xfclcnx cpT ~
~ 3lR ~ tr ~ ~Ifl~\\? ~ "Elm t9lCFfr/~ ~ ~ ~ tr ~ ~ I -ma: ~
"¢"'<W "S3lT cym 1l<IT cIT ~ 1fl ~ \\? ~ "Elm (fm 20 ~~ ~Id \Jjli 1'1d ~ m
- 31. ?:1ft dcBcUx ~ t-'i~(>1Isf1 -q '+fTTT ~ W ~ cIT <:rg l1FfT ~ f¢ ~ \j4"{'PfCl ~
WC1T em ~ ~ ~ (l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -q ~ fclCJTG ~ Cf)lx -;ffiT f¢<:rr
32. cfi tffi1T ctT 'i~(>1I~~ cfi ~
!IIXi~~'$'j ~ ~ wrR ~ dcB~I"{~' em Cf)1~~(>1~
Em \ill '{"q~CflR1 ~ f.1rrn ctT ~ "\jCffi '("q~ CflR1 ~ -q ~ l"fq ~ ~ ~ cfi 3RX
ift "\jCffi mill em ~ /~ ~ I 'H1'iI~d: ~ "dX5 ctT 'H'i~lqra ~ tR ~ -;ffiT
f¢<:rr ~ I ~ Cf)lxOlq~1~ \JRiiXd" ~ ~ cIT <:rg ~ xalT ~ ~ cfi Em
Cf>RUT ~ ~ ~ tR eft ~ I

35. "\jCffi qfUh:r 'i~(>1I41 cfi fclcRuT ~ -mIT -q ~ '4T m cfi 4R4d"i cpr ~ xalT
~ ~, ~ ~ ~ >rClR ~~~ICf), xalT ~, ~ m, ~ meAl cfi l1R1
~1A\ J'~
~~, ~mq.:ft
q;<R ~-~ ~ tgrq ~/31lcFl4Cf.1 G'R1I~\l1/JfQ?[ qft ~
(~/~ ~/dCf.l;ftc61) - Plkf~~d t-

1. t)-., ~ "$T I mm
Scan copy of PAN Card.
2. \ilIo~oiTo '{i~fCl'>~c "$T mm I (3PR ~ 51 ill)
Scan copy ofGST Certificate. (CIF available)
3. ~ GT em Cf)f ~ (~OiT031RO) fcrcrxuT "$T m m
Scan copy of Last two year Income Tax return (ITR).
4. ~ ~ >f11TUT-l1?f \iff f$ "'{"l"&1l1 ~ ~ ftlc;rr ~, l>I~II'{i'i ~ <IT
~ 3ltfi&1cP ~ ftlc;rr ~ IDXT ~ f$<rr "§3IT "$T ClJTlfr I m m
Scan copy of character certificate issued form Competent Authorities i.e. District
Magistrate, Executive Magistrates or Superintendent of Police of the concerned

5. f.ifctGT/'i1 C"l14"1 ~ XTlO 5001- \Jllfcp R. T .G .S .IN .E.F.T . IDXT \jjl1f f$<rr -rn:rr 51 <IT
451lIfC"l £I xlffi ~ ~ if \jjl1f "$T ~ 51 ~ ~ /1:fTCRft "$T mm I
Scan copy of R.T.G.S.IN.E.F.T. trasaction receipt or Defence Estates Office Mhow
receipt of tender cost amounting to Rs. 500/- (Onlyfive Hundred)

6. ~ Xl"ftr XTlO5,000/- ~ f'Slilu;S ~ ~ IDXT xlffi ~ 451lIfC"l £I, ~ ~, ~

~~-qarifmm I
Scan Copy of Demand Draft for Earnest money Deposit amounting to Rs. Rs. 5,000/-
(Five thousandonly)in favourof DefenceEstatesOffice,MhowCircle,MhowCantt.
7. 3ljmGCb ~ ~ ~ }ffiti"Cf em <l~ Tf 6ffiTaR ~ m I
Scan copy of duly filled & signed E-tender form as mentioned in Annexure - III
8. ~ ~ if ~ ~ f.n:r1 ~ ~ qft 'fCf ~ >ltd '$T m m
Scan copy of self signed Term/Contract as given in Annexure-I.
9. f.icrrn >f11TUT l1?f / 3mlR m "$T m m I
Scan copy of Domicile/Adhar Card
1O. ~ fcrcrxuT f.ifctGT / '1"1C"ll li1 ~ ~ ~ / d <Pc;: 1'< ~ ~ fcrcrxuT Cf)f ~ ~ Cf1t '$T
m ClJTlfr I
Scan copy of Bank Statement of the tenderer/contractor for the period oflast one year.
11. ~ffl4d >f11TUT l1?f "$T mm I
Scan copy of Solvency Certificate.

Note: - All valid scan documents self attested must be legible clearly.
... III
E - Tender/Auction Form Passport size
~ WtrGT (#llIf<.'1l1, ~ ~, ~ ~
Defence Estates Office Mhow Circle. Mhow Cantt. Photograph duly
self attested

- ~ '!:llfl~'$ -B trrn * f.i«1lxOI ~ ~ -B

Name of tender/auction Diposal of Boria Grassbir situated in Tehsil Betma
Indore M.P.(Area 82.10 Acres)
~~-~-:pmR Earnest Money - Rs. ----------------------------Mode of
~IWPR ~ ~liIO;S ~ IDXT Payment Demand Draft

f.ifcrGT~ >rR')q Cf5T ~ - ~ Cost of Tender Form - Rs. --------------------------Mode

:pmR ~IWPR 3fR.-tr.vfr.~./"CA".~. of Payment - RTGSINEFT/Office of Defence Estates
~.-tr Cfll LlTC'lLI "{an ~ 3lmRr Office

~Jd~cH'( "q'iAT
~ -B ~ m~ tJ5"4/
d$G Ix Pt~fcl~C1 WAT3IT "CflT '4T >NgC1" qR I
The Bidder should also furnish the following information:

1 f.ifcrGT/ ~/d $ GIx/tJ5"4 Cf5T '1ll1

Name of the Tender/Applicant/Contractor /Agency/
2 '«II ffl6:v PI ~ ~ICfl~ Cf5T '1ll1
Name(s) of the proprietors/DirectorlPartners

3 ~ -qcrr, ~ 11R" CI?ts ct ~

Permanent of the address & mailing address with PIN
Code etc.
~"~ ,
<.>1i4)"i/4iicill~C'l ~
TelephonelMoblie Number
Fax No.
4 ~ - ~ -qcrr
E- mail Address
5 f.1fctGT /~/d$G I'< ~ fttm cpr "fTl1, ~ qm ci>
Parentage of Tender/Applicant with Mailing address.
6 tR ~ x=f&:rr
PAN Card No.

7 ~ ~ \illiT m
Cf5T fctcRur
Details Earnest Money Deposit
~ ~liIO;S~, ~ cpr '1ll1, ~
Only Demand Draft, Bank Name. Date
~/~ ~ ~ +fJ't:1:Il1 ~ &RT ~ ~ t fcp ~~ 'X!ffi ~ Cblllh.'1l1 ~ &RT
~ ~/'1lC"llsfi cBT x:r4T W -qct ~ cnT ~ ~ -qq;T 3lR ~ twIT ~ 3lR
• XlIffl1 ~ / ~ Pl~~ICb ~ XlIffl1 ~ cBT fitgffi ~ \jqxl'"'d-gr ~/'1lC"lIJil >fT1{f

~ I ~ 'X!ffi ~ CblllrC"lll &RT ~ .m ~ 3lR 3l-.=tl x:r4T W ~ L!TC'Ff ~ ~ ~

>rCbR cBT 3lT4"fffi ~ ~ I

I1We hereby declare that IlWe read out Tender Form and fully understood all the
terms and conditions laid down by the Defence Estates Office, Mhow and accordingly
accepted & signed by me/us. and I have been made clear and understood that the contract
would be given to me after sanction of the Defence Estates Officer/Principal Director Central
Command Mhow/Competent Authorities. I have no objection to the condition and would
abide by them and other condition which the Defence Estates Office Mhow would like to
~ em- ~ FcPm \ilTffi ~ fcp Cf)1<:!l(>l<:!X&lT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ -B ~ ~ l:l1f1~;S cfi ~'«1I\(°1 ~ ~ CZIFcl'd£l'iftli1=T ~ ID"'<T
'+lRCf mcf>'R * ~*lfJUIl1~t-.1~(>lllfl(e-auction)~c.BT
\1lT(fi ~ I '1~(>lI~ c.BT ~ q fctcRuT ~ ~61f1I~C: "QX ~ ~ I
~ I~ "Cf)T fctcRuT ~ hiF&1 Rsl d ~ :-

W11 IIRt~~ ~ wm
1 ~-'11 C'11~1 "* ~Cf)I~I~ "Cf)T fG;:ITcn 2.--6 I 12 12023
2 G«1I~\Jl ;S1\3~~'I;S ~ ~ "Cf)T ~ '2--b I 12 12023 15:00
3 ~«1lq\TI ~1\j'1C'1I~ ~ "Cf)T ~ ~ c g 101 12024 17:30
4 G. ~ Iq \Jl \JlllT ~ "Cf)T ~ fG;:ITcn ("CPCR 01) tt)/01 12024 17:30
5 d CP'1~~ ~ ~ "Cf)T w=r<:J -J11'C:1 G." iqJ ("(f)CR 01) It.-/01 12024 12:00
6 ;:ft(>ll~ ~ ~ "Cf)T ~ ItS'"" 101 12024 12:00

\3q~l<m l:l1f1~~'$ ~ -B t:rR1 em- ~ c.BT~ w=r<:r q ~ ~: ~ .01.

2024 ~: 11:00 ~ "'<"lID~ Cf)1£IT(>l£I, ~ ~, ~ -B ~ ~3lT ~ I ~ d~GI\(
~ w=r<:r q ~ "QX ~ ~ ~ c6
Cf)1<:!f(>l<:! ~Rt~~ * ~ \jff"Cf)"X \1cfCf l:l1f1~;S
-B t:rR1 em- ~ ~ ~ I

(~"dR IDES)
~ - Deo/Mhow/Land/Grass Cutting/ ",<"IID~~
~ : 2. 6.12.2023 ~~,~~

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