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‭DAT Bootcamp High-Yield Taxonomic Classification | Bootcamp.

‭Phylum (class)‬ ‭Examples‬ ‭Tissue organization‬ ‭Coelom‬ ‭Circulatory‬ ‭ ervous‬
N ‭Respiratory‬ ‭Digestive system‬ ‭Excretory system‬ ‭Embryonic‬ ‭Body‬ ‭General characteristics‬
‭system‬ ‭system‬ ‭system‬ ‭development‬ ‭symmetry‬

‭Sessile, filter feeders, aquatic‬

‭ o true‬
N ‭None‬ ‭None‬ ‭habitats, can produce asexually‬
‭Porifera‬ ‭Sponge‬ ‭-‬ ‭None‬ ‭ igestion (via‬
d ‭None (diffusion)‬ ‭-‬ ‭Asymmetrical‬
‭tissues‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭(budding) or sexually‬

‭ ydra,‬
H ‭Aquatic habitats, some have stinging‬
‭jellyfish,‬ ‭None‬ ‭None‬ ‭cells (cnidocytes), some have life‬
‭Cnidaria‬ ‭Diploblasts‬ ‭-‬ ‭Nerve net‬ ‭ avity (two-way‬
c ‭None (diffusion)‬ ‭-‬ ‭Radial‬
‭sea anemone,‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭cycle with polyp stage (non-motile,‬
‭coral‬ ‭mostly asexual reproduction)‬

‭ latworm,‬
F ‭Reproduce sexually‬
‭trematoda,‬ ‭(hermaphrodites) or asexually‬
‭ one‬
N ‭ nterior‬
A ‭ one‬
N ‭cavity (except‬
‭Platyhelminthes‬ ‭fluke,‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Acoelomate‬ ‭Protonephridia‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭(regeneration), parasitic lifestyles,‬
‭(diffusion)‬ ‭ganglia (brain)‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭tapeworms absorb‬
‭tapeworm,‬ ‭most primitive triploblast,‬
‭planarian‬ ‭have organs‬

‭ oundworm,‬
R ‭Some have cuticle to prevent‬
‭Alimentary canal‬
‭hookworm,‬ ‭degradation by host digestive‬
‭ seudo-‬
P ‭ one‬
N ‭Nerve cord‬ ‭ one‬
N ‭(one-way digestion‬
‭Nematoda‬ ‭trichinella,‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭None (diffusion)‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭system, longitudinal muscles, no‬
‭coelomate‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭and ring‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭with mouth and‬
‭ascaris‬ ‭circular muscles, parasitic, not‬

‭Cerebral‬ ‭Reproduce sexually or asexually‬

‭ seudo-‬
P ‭ one‬
N ‭ganglia (brain)‬ ‭ one‬
N t‭hrough parthenogenesis, mostly‬
‭Rotifera‬ ‭Rotifer‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Alimentary canal‬ ‭Protonephridia‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬
‭coelomate‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭with body‬ ‭(diffusion)‬ ‭freshwater environments, very small‬
‭nerves‬ ‭(less than 2 mm)‬

‭Segmented bodies, septa divide‬

‭Closed‬ ‭ nterior‬
A c‭ oelom, sexual (hermaphrodites)‬
‭ arthworm,‬
E ‭ one‬
‭Annelida‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭circulatory‬ ‭ganglia‬ ‭Alimentary canal‬ ‭Metanephridia‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭and asexual (regeneration)‬
‭leech‬ ‭(diffusion)‬
‭system‬ ‭(brain)‬ ‭reproduction, longitudinal and‬
‭circular muscles‬

‭ lam, snail, slug,‬

C ‭Alimentary canal‬
‭squid, octopus,‬ ‭ ainly open‬
M ‭and accessory‬ ‭ antle releases calcium carbonate‬
‭Mollusca‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭Brain‬ ‭Gills‬ ‭Nephridia‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬
‭cephalopod,‬ ‭(hemocoel)‬ ‭organs (digestive‬ ‭to form shell, have radula (tongue)‬
‭gastropod‬ ‭tract)‬

‭Chitinous exoskeleton, jointed‬

‭Open‬ ‭Spiracles‬
‭ nt,‬
A ‭appendages, three pairs of legs,‬
‭Arthropoda (Insecta)‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭circulatory‬ ‭Fused ganglia‬ ‭and tracheal‬ ‭Digestive tract‬ ‭Malpighian tubules‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬
‭grasshopper‬ ‭more species than any other‬
‭system‬ ‭tubes‬
‭phylum, segmented body‬

‭Open‬ ‭Chitinous exoskeleton, jointed‬

‭Arthropoda‬ ‭ pider,‬
S ‭Trachea or‬
‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭circulatory‬ ‭Fused ganglia‬ ‭Digestive tract‬ ‭Malpighian tubules‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭appendages, four pairs of legs, land‬
(‭ Arachnida)‬ ‭scorpion‬ ‭ ook lungs‬
‭system‬ ‭habitats, segmented body‬

‭ obster,‬
L ‭Open‬ ‭Chitinous exoskeleton, jointed‬
‭crayfish,‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭circulatory‬ ‭Fused ganglia‬ ‭Gills‬ ‭Digestive tract‬ ‭Excretory glands‬ ‭Protostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭ ppendages, aquatic habitats,‬
(‭ Crustacea)‬
‭crab‬ ‭system‬ ‭segmented body‬

‭ tarfish,‬
S ‭Open‬ ‭Water vascular system, sexual or‬
‭None‬ ‭Bilateral‬
‭Echinodermata‬ ‭sea urchin,‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭circulatory‬ ‭Nerve ring‬ ‭Digestive tract‬ ‭None (diffusion)‬ ‭Deuterostome‬ ‭asexual reproduction, closest related‬
‭(diffusion)‬ ‭Adult: Five-fold‬
‭sea cucumber‬ ‭system‬ ‭major phyla to chordates‬

‭Closed‬ ‭Notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord,‬

‭See other‬
‭Chordata‬ ‭Vertebrates‬ ‭Triploblasts‬ ‭Coelomate‬ ‭circulatory‬ ‭See other table‬ ‭See other table‬ ‭See other table‬ ‭Deuterostome‬ ‭Bilateral‬ ‭pharyngeal gill slits, muscular‬
‭system‬ ‭post-anal tail‬
‭DAT Bootcamp High-Yield Chordata Classification |‬
‭Circulatory‬ ‭ ervous‬
N ‭Respiratory‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Subphylum‬ ‭Class‬ ‭Examples‬ ‭General characteristics‬
‭system‬ ‭system‬ ‭system‬ ‭system‬

‭ unicate‬
T ‭Cephalochordata:‬
‭Urochordata: Heart‬ ‭Alimentary‬ ‭ ame developmental characteristics as other chordates, but lack‬
‭(urochordata),‬ ‭None (diffusion)‬
‭Invertebrates‬ ‭N/A‬ ‭Cephalochordata:‬ ‭Primitive‬ ‭ anal, filter‬
c ‭vertebrae. Cephalochordata (lancelets) keep notochord through‬
‭lancelet‬ ‭Urochordata:‬
‭No heart‬ ‭feeders‬ ‭adulthood, urochordata (tunicates) only have it as larvae.‬
‭(cephalochordata)‬ ‭Gills‬

‭ amprey,‬
‭ gnatha‬
A ‭Two-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬ ‭Cartilaginous skeleton, respirate via countercurrent exchange‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭hagfish‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Gills‬
‭(jawless fishes)‬ ‭heart‬ ‭tract‬ ‭through gills‬

‭Chondrichthyes‬ ‭Shark‬
‭Two-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭(cartilaginous‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Gills‬ ‭Jaws and teeth, cartilaginous skeleton‬
‭heart‬ ‭tract‬

‭ almon,‬
‭ steichthyes‬
O ‭Two-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭halibut‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Gills‬ ‭Scales, bony skeleton‬
‭(bony fishes)‬ ‭heart‬ ‭tract‬

‭ adpole, frog,‬
T ‭No scales. Tadpoles live in aquatic habitats, have tails and no‬
‭Three-chambered‬ ‭Juvenile: Gills‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭Amphibia‬ ‭toad, newt,‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭legs. Adults live in land habitats and have two pairs of legs. Frogs‬
‭heart‬ ‭Adult: Lungs‬ ‭tract‬
‭salamander‬ ‭and toads lose tails.‬

‭ uckbill platypus,‬
‭ ammalia‬
M ‭Four-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭spiny anteater‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Lungs‬ ‭Warm blooded, feed young with milk, only egg-laying mammals‬
‭(monotremes)‬ ‭heart‬ ‭tract‬

‭ angaroo,‬
‭Mammalia‬ ‭Four-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭opossum‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Lungs‬ ‭Warm blooded, feed young with milk, carry young in pouch‬
‭(marsupials)‬ ‭heart‬ ‭tract‬

‭ at, whale,‬
‭Mammalia‬ ‭Four-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭mouse, human‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Lungs‬ ‭Warm blooded, feed young with milk, fetus supported by placenta‬
‭(placentals)‬ ‭heart‬ ‭tract‬

‭Turtle, snake‬
‭Three-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭Reptilia‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Lungs‬ ‭Land habitats, leathery eggs, internal fertilization, cold blooded‬
‭heart*‬ ‭tract‬

‭Eagle, blue jay‬

‭Four-chambered‬ ‭Digestive‬
‭Vertebrata‬ ‭Birds‬ ‭Complete, brain‬ ‭Lungs‬ ‭Warm blooded, eggs in shells‬
‭heart‬ ‭tract‬

‭*Crocodilians have four-chambered hearts‬

‭DAT Bootcamp High-Yield Plant Classification |‬
‭Clade name‬ ‭Key phyla‬ ‭Examples‬ ‭General traits‬ ‭Keywords‬

● ‭ ametophyte dominant life cycles‬
‭●‬ ‭Reduced sporophyte is dependent on gametophyte for‬
● ‭Flagellated sperm‬
‭Nonvascular plants‬ ‭Hornworts, mosses,‬ ‭●‬ ‭ hizoids anchor‬
‭Bryophyta‬ ‭●‬ ‭Sporophyte consists of seta, foot, and sporangia‬
‭(bryophytes)‬ ‭liverworts‬ ‭gametophytes, no roots‬
‭●‬ ‭Rhizoids anchor gametophytes, no roots‬
‭●‬ ‭Do not have vascular tissue‬
‭●‬ ‭Have very little vertical growth‬
‭●‬ ‭Exist in moist habitats‬

● ‭ lagellated sperm‬
‭●‬ ‭ oots: Structural support‬
‭●‬ ‭Exist in moist habitats‬
‭and water absorption‬
‭●‬ ‭Heterosporous‬
‭Seedless vascular plants‬ ‭Club moss, quillworts, fern,‬ ‭●‬ ‭Lignin: Helps support‬
‭Lycophyta, Pterophyta‬ ‭●‬ ‭Independent gametophyte and sporophyte life cycles‬
‭(tracheophytes)‬ ‭horsetail‬ ‭vascular tissue‬
‭●‬ ‭Vascular tissue (xylem and phloem), water and nutrient‬
‭●‬ ‭Leaves: Improved‬
‭transport makes survival in more arid environments‬

● ‭ nprotected seeds‬
‭●‬ ‭Non-flagellated sperm‬ ‭●‬ ‭ ollen: Improved‬
‭ ir, spruce,‬
‭●‬ ‭Heterosporous‬ ‭fertilization efficiency‬
‭Gymnosperms‬ ‭aspen, redwood,‬
‭●‬ ‭Pollen carried by wind‬ ‭●‬ ‭Seeds: Improved dispersal‬
‭pine, conifers‬
‭●‬ ‭Ovules‬ ‭and durability‬
‭Seeded vascular plants‬ ‭●‬ ‭Vascular tissue‬
● ‭ eeds protected in fruit (ovaries)‬
‭●‬ ‭Most abundant type of plant‬
‭Flowering plants,‬
‭Angiosperms‬ ‭●‬ ‭Non-flagellated sperm‬ ‭●‬ ‭Flowers and fruits‬
‭●‬ ‭Exhibit double fertilization‬
‭●‬ ‭Vascular tissue‬

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