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Project Handover Checklist for a Successful Transition

Hannah Donato

January 31, 2024

A project handover is a vital aspect of project management that is just as important as

planning and execution. It ensures a smooth transition from one project phase to
another, and provides a clean conclusion upon project completion.

In this article, we shared several pieces of advice and guidelines that can help you plan
and implement an effective project handover.

What is a Project Handover?

Project handover is a crucial part of the project management process that involves
transferring control, responsibility, and ownership of a project to another individual or
organization. This handover can be temporary, such as when a team member takes
over while someone is on leave, or it can be permanent, when a project is transferred to
a different department or company.

The duration of the handover process varies depending on the complexity and scope of
the project. In some cases, it may only take a few weeks, while in others, it can take
several months to maintain a smooth transition of duties and ensure the project’s
continued success.

Importance of Project Handovers

Seamless Project Transition
A well-executed project handover allows for a smooth project transition. Part of the
handover process is turning over relevant credentials, information, and documents and
making sure they are easily accessible to the next project team or owner. This is highly
important as it ensures continuity and minimizes any disruptions that may occur during
the transition phase.
When there’s comprehensive handover documentation and clear communication,
whoever takes over the project is able to quickly familiarize themselves with its specifics
and pick up where the previous owner left off without issues.

Clarity on Project Status

Project handovers provide clarity on current progress and any pending tasks. This is
essential for effective collaboration and decision making, as it enables stakeholders to
align their efforts and resources with the project’s objectives.

Additionally, project handovers help to identify any potential risks or challenges,

allowing for proactive measures to be taken to mitigate them. This establishes the fact
that project handovers play a vital role in ensuring transparency, accountability, and
successful project outcomes.

Clearance from Legal Issues

Project handovers play a huge role in making sure legal accountability is clear. When
the responsibility and ownership of a project is transferred to another party, it should
cover legal obligations and requirements. By doing so, a clear chain of accountability is
established, ensuring all parties are aware of their duties and making it easier to
determine whom to be called upon should legal issues arise.

Team Alignment
Project handovers serve as a point of alignment for all parties involved, directing them
toward a common goal. Having a unified vision reduces misunderstandings, conflicts,
and delays. By establishing a shared understanding of the project’s purpose and
desired outcomes, project handovers create a solid foundation for success.

The Project Handover Process

The project handover process varies depending on the project and the industry, but it
typically involves three parts: preparation, project handover, and post-handover.

Identify Objectives and Key Stakeholders
Preparation for a project handover starts with identifying the objectives and key
stakeholders. By clearly defining the objectives, the individual or team taking over the
project will understand what needs to be achieved.

Additionally, identifying key stakeholders allows for effective communication and

collaboration throughout the handover process. These stakeholders may include project
sponsors, team members, clients, or other relevant parties who have a vested interest
in the project’s success. Involving stakeholders from the beginning helps in managing
their expectations and addressing any potential challenges or risks.
Collect and Organize Project Details and Documents
The next step is to collect and organize all the necessary details. These include project
scope, deliverables, timelines, and budget estimates. Project-related documents like
contracts, agreements, and technical specifications should also be gathered and
arranged in a systematic manner.

Doing these steps enhances collaboration, streamlines communication, and ensures the
smooth execution of the project.

Design the Transition Plan

Once all the stakeholders have been identified and the project objectives and
documents have been finalized, designing a transition plan for the project handover

The transition plan outlines the steps and actions that need to be taken to ensure a
smooth transfer of responsibilities and deliverables. It should include clear timelines,
roles and responsibilities, as well as any training or support that may be required.

A carefully designed transition plan minimizes disruptions and delays that may occur
during the handover process and prepares everyone involved for the change.

Communicate and Get Sign-Off

Completing the preparation phase is communicating the project plan to key
stakeholders and getting their approval. This sign-off signifies that all parties are in
agreement with the plan and are ready to move forward.

Project Handover
Set Handover Meetings and Trainings
When initiating a project handover, it is essential to begin with a meeting that provides
an overview of the whole process. This serves as an orientation session to make sure
everyone is on the same page and understands their roles and responsibilities.

Following the initial meeting is a series of handover sessions, knowledge sharing, and
trainings. These sessions will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills required for
the successful execution of tasks and serve as an avenue to address questions and
concerns, ensuring smooth transition and minimizing disruptions or gaps in knowledge.

Transfer File Ownership and Credentials

Proper turnover of files and credentials guarantees that the new project team has all the
tools and information they need for the next phase of the project. This can be done
either in one fell swoop, where all files and credentials are transferred at once, or
incrementally as the handover progresses.
Transferring information at once is more efficient and less time-consuming but can be
overwhelming. On the other hand, transferring them incrementally allows for a more
gradual transition, reducing the chances of confusion or mistakes.

Either way, it is important to approach the process strategically. Ultimately, the goal is to
complete the transfer smoothly without causing unnecessary stress or disruption.

Document Handover Process

Keeping track of what information has been received, which files have been shared, and
which documents have been handed over provides a valuable resource for those who
might be left behind. This documentation serves as a reference point to jog their
memory and ensure a smooth continuation of work.

Additionally, documenting the handover process allows for the creation of clear and
concise reports to be provided to upper management. It also serves as proof of all
transactions that have taken place over the course of the handover process, which
comes in handy when addressing issues or concerns.

Ask for Feedback
Once the project handover is complete, seeking feedback from the client or
stakeholders comes next. This is an effective way to gain valuable insights into the
success of the project and identify areas for improvement.

It is important to ask specific questions about what worked well, what was lacking, and
what can be done to refine the process. Feedback helps the team understand the
client’s perspective, identify gaps and shortcomings, and deliver better results in future

Provide Support
Allocating some time to monitor the progress of the new team that has taken over the
project makes it easy to course correct and make necessary adjustments before any
major problems occur. This step demonstrates the team’s commitment to the success of
the project.

Project Handover Checklist

Creating a project handover checklist before you create your project handover plan
ensures that you have all your bases covered. A project handover checklist is different
for every project, and the amount of time you need to create it will vary depending on
your project’s complexity. However, it’s advisable to avoid procrastination and prepare it
as soon as you can.

Here are general categories to consider when putting together a checklist:

Project Details and Documents: These include the project scope document, project
schedule, resource allocation and utilization, project budget, project forecasts, contact
details of point persons, and key meeting dates.

Contracts and Agreements: These are official legal documents, permits, certificates,
or licenses with crucial parties and stakeholders that the next project team can use
should they encounter issues. Employing a good compliance management
system makes the compilation and turnover process smoother.

Billings, Warranties, and Receipts: These documents will help the next project team
maintain equipment and organize finances accordingly.

Files and Credentials: These provide access to necessary tools, files, and information
to the next project team so they have everything they need to continue running the
project smoothly.

Meeting Minutes and Other Information: Meeting minutes help the next project team
stay aligned with the outgoing project team by allowing them to backtrack past
conversations and interactions. Other intangible pieces of information such as client
preferences also belong in this category.

Project Deliverables: Whether the project handover is done mid-project or at the end
of the project, turning over past project deliverables would be ideal.

Depending on the complexity of your project and the industry that you’re in, the specifics
for your project handover list would vary. But once you have all your bases covered, you
can be more confident in pitching your plans for approval to relevant stakeholders.

Common Challenges and How to Address Them

As with any project endeavor, project handovers come with challenges. Below are
common challenges faced during project handover and how project managers can
avoid or mitigate them.

Challenge: Uncertain Initiation

One common issue that arises during project handovers is the lack of clarity on when to
initiate the transition, which often leads to delays and confusion among team members.

How to Address: Establish clear guidelines and define specific milestones that indicate
when the project is considered complete during the project planning phase. It is also
important to determine when the transition process will begin and communicate this
information properly to concerned parties to avoid disruptions or delays in project

Challenge: Lack of Documentation or Poor Document Management

Effective documentation is essential for smooth project handovers; however, it can be a
daunting task if there is no proper project documentation or if the documents are not
organized properly.

How to Address: Utilize a reliable project management tool or document management

system throughout the project’s duration. These tools enable easy compilation and
organization of documents for a seamless transition.

Document management systems also provide good security, guaranteeing that only
authorized parties have access to important files. Additionally, it is crucial to write
documents with the end user in mind and make sure they are easy to understand. This
enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire process.

Challenge: Poor Coordination

Poor coordination is a common challenge that often results in delays,
miscommunication, and ultimately, project failure.

How to Address: Identify stakeholders early on and establish a clear communication

plan for the project handover. When stakeholders know what their responsibilities are,
they become more proactive in fulfilling their roles. This collaborative approach fosters
accountability and ensures that each team member understands their part in the project
handover process.

Challenge: Time Constraints

Project handovers are often overlooked or rushed due to the multitude of tasks and
deadlines that need to be met. However, it is essential to recognize the importance of a
well-executed handover process in ensuring smooth transition of responsibilities and
knowledge transfer.

How to Address: Treat the handover process as an integral part of the project
schedule. By dedicating enough time for the handover activities, project managers can
ensure that this critical phase is given the attention it deserves.

Moreover, it is crucial to align the time allotted for the handover with the project scope
and intricacy. For projects with a large scope, it is advisable to conduct the project
handover over a longer period to ensure effective information transfer and retention.
Planning the project handover early on helps to accurately assess the effort required
and avoid any unnecessary delays or complications.

Challenge: Absence of Planning and Direction

Project handovers, if not done properly, result in wasted time and effort.

How to Address: Create a detailed project plan that outlines the steps and activities
involved in the handover process. It is also important to be clear about the objectives of
the handover, whether it is to transfer knowledge or deliver completed work.
Prepare a checklist to ensure that all necessary tasks are completed, and use project
management tools to streamline the execution of the handover.

Challenge: Client Resistance

When project handovers need to be done before the project is completed, it is not
uncommon for clients to resist this change due to the potential inconveniences it may

How to Address: To minimize client resistance, communicate with them ahead of time
and provide support during the transition. It is of high importance that they understand
the benefits and reasoning behind it.

For project handovers done mid-project, properly introducing the new person or group
taking over the project to the client helps build trust and confidence. It is also essential
to have open discussions with the client to determine their expectations and what
deliverables they would like to receive from the project manager before their departure.

For handovers done at the end of the project life cycle, treat it as part of the project that
needs to be considered even in the early stages of planning, ensuring to explain its
benefits. This way, it won’t come as a surprise for clients and management.

Challenge: Unwillingness for the Project to End

Managing emotions within project teams can be a complex task due to the fact that
project teams are composed of individuals with their own emotions and feelings. This
becomes even more challenging when projects are of long duration, as there may be a
general reluctance for the project to come to an end. It is not uncommon for both project
teams and clients to develop a sense of attachment to the project, especially when it
lasts for an extended period.

How to Address: Establish from the very beginning that projects are time-bound and
temporary. This awareness helps team members and clients better manage their
emotions and expectations throughout the duration of the project. By acknowledging the
temporary nature of projects, it becomes easier to navigate through any emotional
challenges that may arise along the way.

Challenge: Project Team Pride

Pride can be a significant obstacle when it comes to project handovers, as some
perceive it as a personal affront if the new team surpasses their achievements. While
this sentiment is understandable, it is rarely a good thing.

How to Address: Influence the team to recognize the value of seamless handovers
and the opportunities they present for growth and improvement. Tim Collins, in his
book Good to Great, highlights how successful leaders distinguish themselves from
their less effective counterparts by ensuring a smooth transition and empowering their
Wrapping Up
Project handovers are a critical part of project management. While they can be
challenging due to the complexity of projects and the different stakeholders involved,
with careful preparation, the entire process will run smoothly. It is pivotal that the
handover is done properly as it helps the new team to continue the work seamlessly
and achieve the goals set at the beginning of the project life cycle.

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