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5th Semester B. Teci.


Title: Digital Communication

Course Code: EC-301 Course
Max. Marks: 40
Time: 03:00 Hours

Allquestions are compulsory, and marks are indicated.

Note: Q.6(b) are choice-based questions.
Q.3(b), Q.4(b), Q.6(a), and
Assume suitable missing data, if any.

and demodulation of the

Q.1(a) Draw the block diagram of modulation
sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) system. Discuss the effect of
Discuss the effect on the
despreading on narrowband interference.
processing gain reduces
probability of error for the DS-SS signal when the
the mean jamming power.
register. The initial
Q.1(b)(i) Fig.l shows a four-stage feedback shift
the shift register,
state of the register is 1000. Find the output sequence of
and run properties
and show that the output sequence satisfies the balance
of amaximum length sequence. (2C07)


Clock Sequence

Fig. 1: A four-stage feedback shift register

Q.1(b)(ii) Explain the operation of Scrambler and Unscrambler. [2[CO3]
Q.2(a) Determine and sketch the matched filter's output for the
following signal: [31[COS]
S) = UstsT/2
T/2 <tsT
Q.2(b) Fig. 2 shows the waveforms of three signals S, (t), S,(t), and
S,(t). Using the Gram-Schimdt orthogonalization procedure, find the
orthonormal basis functions for this set of signals. Also, represent these
signals in terms of orthonormal basis functions. [4][C04)
2 3

0 1 3

Fig. 2: Waveform of three signals

Q.3(a) Explain he modulation and demodulation of minimum shift
keying (MSK) using the block diagram. Derive the average probability of
symbol error for the MSK using the signal space diagram. 3|[CO6]
Q.3(6) Discuss theblock diagrams for the generalized binary receiver
for the noncoherent orthogonal modulation using matched filters and
correlator receivers. 31[CO6]
Derive the output SNR of the matched filter receiver. Determine the
probability of error based on the output SNR for the unipolar NRZ signal
(S,(t) = 0; 0 <t<Tand Sz(t) = A; 0 stsT). [3|[CO5]
Q.4(a) Given the input binary sequence 1100100010, sketch the in
phase and quadrature-phase components of a modulated signal obtained by
using the QPSK system. Sketch the QPSK waveforms. [3][CO6]
Q.4(6) Derive the probability of error for the 16-QAM in terms of
energy per bit, Eb: [4||CO6]
Explain and derive the expressions for a maximum-a-posteriori (MAP)
detector with zero mean additive white Gaussian noise.
Q.5(a) An FSK system transmits binary data at the rate of 2.5 X 106
bps. During the course of transmission, white Gaussian noise of zero mean
and power spectral density of 10-20 WN/Hz is added to the signal. In the
absence of noise, the amplitude of the received sinusoidal signal for bit 1
or 0is 1 mV. Determine the average probability of symbol error for the
following system: [3]|CO6]
() Coherent BFSK, (ii) Coherent MSK, and (iii) Noncoherent BFSK
Q.5(b) Consider the optimum binary detector as shown in Fig. 3. The
received signal r(t) = S(t) + n(t)corresponds to the bits 0 and 1 which
have equal energies. The signal S(t) is antipodal
are equally probable and (t) =ACos (,t); 0 <t T)
(So(t) = -A Cos (o,t); 0<tsT and S,
additive white Gaussian noise (A WGN)signal with zero
where n(t) is the
two-sided power spectral density of No/2. The optimum
mean and a (T) and Vnt and decides that bit 0
detector for these signals compares r.
transmitted when o (T) <Vnt , and that a bit I was transmitted when
Determine the average probability of crror along with the
To(T)> Vopt: 14]|CO5)
optimal threshold voltage.

r(t)=S(t) +n(t) Decision
S(t) =$,(t) or S,(t)
Optimal Threshold ( )
Fig. 3:Optimum binary detector
differential-PSK (DPSK)
Q.6(a) Draw the block diagram of the
applied to the DPSK
transmitter. If the binary sequence 1100100010is and write the
transmitter, then draw the waveform of the DPSK
transmitter phase.
density of the OPSK and M-ary
Derive the expressions for power spectral
signal. Compare the bandwidth efficiency for M-ary PSK with M-ary
2,4, and 8. [3|[C06]
FSK signals over the values of M=
PAM signal is to be transmited over a baseband
Q.6.(b) A binary
an absolute maximum bandwidth of 75 KHz. The bit duration
channel with
draw a raised cosine spectrum that satisfies these
is 10 uS. Find and [3|CO31
the destination SNR for the linear delta
Derive the expression for [3|CO1, C02)

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