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Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004


Authorisation for Issue

Amendment Record
Amendment Summary
Distribution List

Paragraph Page

1 Objectives 1

2 Process 1
2.1 Business/Delivery/Site Level 1
2.2 Federal Level 1

March 2001 Issue 1 i/ii

Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004

Authorisation for Issue

Issue Authority
Name: Stewart Broome

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: Business Unit Leader, Harding


Technical Authority
Name: Mike George

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: HSE Team Leader, UK and Faroes Exploration

March 2001 Issue 1 iii/iv

Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004

Amendment Record

For Audit Use

Amendment Incorporated By
Name Signature Date Signature Date


March 2001 Issue 1 v/vi

Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004

Amendment Summary

Issue No Date Description

Issue 1 March 2001 First issue.

March 2001 Issue 1 vii/viii

Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004

Distribution List

Holders of Controlled Hard Copy

Copy Copyholder Location

01 Data Control Centre (DCC) ODL, Aberdeen

Virtual Copyholders

Copy Copyholder

01 Document Issue Authority (Stewart Broome)

02 Document Technical Authority (Mike George)
03 Regional Safety Director
04 HSE Team Leader, BBM (Paul Everest)
05 HSE Team Leader, CATS (Ann Rosbrook)
06 HSE Team Leader, CNS Gas (Trevor Stapleton)
07 HSE Team Leader, EoS (Brian Stewart)
08 HSE Team Leader, GFU (Allan McCulloch)
09 HSE Team Leader, Harding (Gordon MacLeod)
10 HSE Team Leader, SNS (Stuart Harrower)
11 HSE Team Leader, Sullom Voe Terminal (John Robertson)
12 HSE Team Leader, UKX and Faroes (Mike George)
13 HSE Team Leader, WoS (Fraser Bell)
14 HSE Team Leader, Wytch Farm (Eamonn Naughton)

March 2001 Issue 1 ix/x

Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004


Review and Update

This document will be subject to 12-monthly review and update, when document holders will
have the opportunity to express opinions and suggest improvements.
However, the document control system allows for continuous update of this document. As
such, any user may at any time identify an error or suggest an improvement using an
Amendment Proposal proforma which is available electronically on the UKCS SMS website,
from the Data Control Centre (DCC) Supervisor or from the Technical Authority.

All holders of this document are registered so that they can be sent updates and be kept
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Responsibility of Copyholders
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The roles and responsibilities of copyholders and ‘virtual’ copyholders are detailed in Section 1
of the Document Control Procedure (UKCS-DCM-001).

March 2001 Issue 1 xi/xii

Interface with the Health and Safety Executive UKCS-AL-004

1 Objectives
BP is committed to building good, open, honest and trusting relationships with the
Regulator, the Health and Safety Executive, for the mutual benefit of both parties to
facilitate continuous improvement in safety performance, awareness and learning within
our business and within the industry as a whole.
The roles, responsibilities and processes outlined below refer to interface arrangements
with the Health and Safety Executive at both a business and federal level.

2 Process
2.1 Business Unit/Delivery Unit/Site Level

Each Business Unit, Delivery Unit and site is responsible and accountable for delivery
and compliance with statutory and corporate Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE)
requirements and for managing relationships with their Health and Safety Executive
Inspectors and other Regulatory Bodies. Each Business Unit/Delivery Unit/site should
appoint a focal point for communications with the Health and Safety Executive; for
multi Delivery Unit Businesses, the focal point may well be by Delivery Unit not
Business Unit. Similarly each unit/site is responsible for sharing lessons learned from
Health and Safety Executive inspections and enforcement action with other
Business Units and for ensuring that they have a process in place to review and
action/track, where required, lessons received from other sites. This will be achieved by
each unit/site networking information/material using existing BP functional networks and
by copying information on Health and Safety Executive inspections and enforcement
action onto a database managed by the Delivery Manager, Bruce on behalf of the
Delivery Managers/OIMs network. The shortcut to this database is
\\euabzs5\public\HSE\2000 HSE Lessons.xls.
The Business Unit/Delivery Unit/site Health and Safety Executive focal points should also
keep the appropriate federal BP Health and Safety Executive relationship representative
(refer to Paragraph 2.2) appraised of any potential federal issues, learning or legislative
interpretation/compliance that needs to form the basis of federal discussions with the
Health and Safety Executive.

2.2 Federal Level

On behalf of the Regional President, Scotland, the Safety Governance Board (SGB) and
all Business Units within UK operations, two nominated representatives from the
Federal HSE Delivery Team (currently HSE Team Leaders UKX and FACTS) will take a
proactive role in building and consolidating federal relationships with the Health and
Safety Executive respectively for offshore and onshore operations.

March 2001 Issue 1 1

UKCS-AL-004 Interface with the Health and Safety Executive

The roles of the two representatives from the Federal HSE Delivery Team are:
• Champion federal BP relationships with the Health and Safety Executive offshore and
onshore sections on behalf of all Business Units (BUs)
• Work with the Director, Scotland, SGB and SGB Chairman (currently Business Unit
Leader, Harding) to take a proactive role in building and consolidating federal
relationships with the Health and Safety Executive with respect to BP’s federal safety
agenda, risk, current issues/performance and Regulator/industry issues
• Liaise with each other to ensure a consistent approach to the Health and Safety
Executive between offshore and onshore operations
• Organise and support the Director, Scotland, SGB and SGB Chairman in arranging and
facilitating quarterly performance review meetings with the Regulator on
BP performance/issues, one such meeting involving cross-BU diagonal slice

representation in the form of an annual review
• Look for opportunities to share learning with the Health and Safety Executive on
BP initiatives, findings, developments and issues
• Maintain an awareness of current safety performance, agenda and issues within BP
by regular communications and dialogue with the SGB Chairman, SGB Project
Manager and all Business Unit HSE Team Leaders
• Provide timely feedback to Regional President, Scotland, SGB, SGB Chairman and
Business Units on federal Regulator meetings, discussions, context, issues,
concerns, messages, and co-ordinate and provide federal feedback to Health and
Safety Executive to ensure ‘no surprises’ on either side and populate the Health and
Safety Executive Interface database accordingly
For related information, refer to Legislative Compliance (UKCS-AL-005) and Strategic
Management of Change (UKCS-CHM-001).

2 March 2001 Issue 1

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