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Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005


Authorisation for Issue

Amendment Record
Amendment Summary
Distribution List
List of Abbreviations

Paragraph Page

1 Introduction and Scope 1

2 Roles and Responsibilities 1

3 Requirements 1

4 Register of Legislation 1

5 Legislation Change Review Meeting 2

6 Audit 2

7 Mechanism for Change to Process 2

8 Legislation Service Providers 3

1 Key Roles and Responsibilities 1

November 2001 Issue 1 i/ii

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

Authorisation for Issue

Issue Authority
Name: Malcolm Watson

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: HSE Adviser, SBU


Technical Authority
Name: Peter Hewes

Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________________________________

Position: SNS(N) HSE Team Leader

November 2001 Issue 1 iii/iv

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

Amendment Record

For Audit Use

Amendment Incorporated By
Name Signature Date Signature Date


November 2001 Issue 1 v/vi

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

Amendment Summary

Issue No Date Description

Issue 1 November 2001 First issue.

November 2001 Issue 1 vii/viii

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

Distribution List

Holders of Controlled Hard Copy

Copy Copyholder Location

01 Data Control Centre (DCC) ODL, Aberdeen

Virtual Copyholders

Copy Copyholder

01 Document Issue Authority (Malcolm Watson)

02 Document Technical Authority (Peter Hewes)
03 EoS Document Controller (Dave Taylor)
04 EoS Operations Excellence HSE Consultant (David Egan)
05 OOE, Magnus
06 PIA, Thistle
07 Services Co-ordinator, EoS (Alan Beattie)

November 2001 Issue 1 ix/x

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005


The purpose of this document is to explain the requirement for UK Upstream Region Business
Units (BUs) to:
• Identify the Health, Safety and Environment legislation applicable to an Installation, asset,
Performance Unit Leader (PUL) or Business Unit Leader (BUL) (defined as the organisation)
Note: BUs are not natural groupings for Safety Management System purposes.
Each BUL/PUL should decide how best to group the Installations it has. In addition,

the register of licences and consents is more liable to be asset/field based than
PUL based.
• Define how the organisation is organised to comply with the legislation
• Maintain a register of licences and consents applicable to that identified legislation

Review and Update

This document will be subject to 12-monthly review and update, when document holders will
have the opportunity to express opinions and suggest improvements.
However, the document control system allows for continuous update of this document. As
such, any user may at any time identify an error or suggest an improvement using an
Amendment Proposal proforma which is available electronically on the UK Upstream SMS
website, from the Data Control Centre (DCC) Supervisor or from the Technical Authority.
All holders of this document are registered so that they can be sent updates and be kept
informed of changes or reviews.

Responsibility of Copyholders
It is the responsibility of the registered copyholder of controlled hard copy versions to
maintain the accuracy of the document by ensuring that all updates are promptly
incorporated and acknowledged.
Furthermore, the registered copyholder of controlled hard copy versions must at all times
maintain custody of this document unless prior approval is given by the relevant
Technical Authority.
The roles and responsibilities of copyholders and ‘virtual’ copyholders are detailed in Section 1
of the Document Control Procedure (UKCS-DCM-001).

November 2001 Issue 1 xi/xii

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

List of Abbreviations

AL Assurance and Learning

BU Business Unit
BUL Business Unit Leader
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
MNS Mid North Sea
NSI North Sea Infrastructure
ODL Offshore Design Ltd

PUL Performance Unit Leader

SMS Safety Management System
SNS Southern North Sea

November 2001 Issue 1 xiii/xiv

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

1 Introduction and Scope

This document outlines the requirement that processes be put in place to identify,
record and comply with relevant Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) legislation. This
will be identified, recorded and processes put in place to ensure compliance.
This process is applicable to UK Upstream Region operational sites where the BP UK
Safety Management System (SMS) applies. The process managing legislative change is
to be found in UK Upstream Region.

2 Roles and Responsibilities

Key roles and responsibilities are identified in Table 1:

Position Responsibility
Assurance and Learning (AL) Overall accountability for keeping the process
Bookshelf Owner (Issue Authority) applicable.
Southern North Sea (SNS) (N) HSE Identify changes to this process using
Team Leader (Technical Authority) appropriate document change procedure and
ensure update provider (Offshore Design Ltd
(ODL)) updates document appropriately.
Nominated Organisation Champion To ensure suitable processes are put in place to
comply with the requirements of this

Table 1 Key Roles and Responsibilities

3 Requirements
Each organisation is responsible for identifying existing and new legislation applicable to
their activities. This is facilitated via access to two information suppliers (Weston Law
Manual Services and Barbour Index), and from periodic information available via the
Occupational Hygiene Group, BP, Sunbury.
The Nominated Organisation Champion will compile a register of legislation as detailed
in Paragraph 4.

4 Register of Legislation
The organisation shall establish and maintain a procedure in order to identify, and have
access to the legal requirements to which the organisation subscribes (that are
applicable to the HSE aspects of its activities, products or services).

November 2001 Issue 1 1

UKCS-AL-005 Legislation Compliance Process

This shall be achieved by the provision of a register of acts and regulations, and a
register of consents, which will allow checking of compliance with, and promote
awareness of, legislative and regulatory consented HSE requirements. The register is to
be kept up to date. The Nominated Champion is accountable for the upkeep of the
register of legislation and consents.
The register of legislation will identify all regulated areas/activities that are associated
with the organisation. It shall provide at least the following details for each
regulated area:
• Regulated area
• Act/regulation
• Supporting legislation/guidance
• Regulator

• Summary of provisions
• Duties/prohibitions
• Performance standards
• Consents/exemptions/licenses required
• Consent conditions
• Reporting requirements
• Reporting frequency
• Information to be reported
• How to report

5 Legislation Change Review Meeting

Changes to legislation captured by Project HSE Review Process (UKCS-AL-003) will be
incorporated into the register of legislation.

6 Audit
Audit of compliance will be carried out in accordance with Policy for
Monitoring/Audit/Review of SMS Performance (UKCS-AL-001) requirements.

7 Mechanism for Change to Process

Changes to this process will be at the discretion of the Technical Authority in conjunction
with the AL Bookshelf Issue Authority.

2 November 2001 Issue 1

Legislation Compliance Process UKCS-AL-005

8 Legislation Service Providers

Weston Law Manual Services has been selected as the external offshore legislation
update service provider. Mid North Sea (MNS) have procured an electronic CD-ROM
version of the Weston Law Manual, which is available to both offshore and onshore
users via Hays Information Services. Custodian of this service is the MNS HSE
Team Leader.
Barbour Index has been selected as the external onshore legislation update service.
The service is administered by North Sea Infrastructure (NSI) BU with the NSI HSE Team
Leader as single point of contact for communication with Barbour Index, eg for additional
licence requirements. This service is internet based and updated directly by
Barbour Index.

November 2001 Issue 1 3/4

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