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Ths case carlFod ; dole + : Dad ) Dre E 45a consunvabeue force Beid then WurlE xd 3A consurvaleye ere Led ge also calted Frogairone veckor: | force. ‘ell ¥y fe drcé atna con sustali D Batudte fre here Fe Orage and yew? nihe vy plane for wow) oud) ts the cune eevire? oe oye tyy fay —plane-e-eh df = det + dy? edt eWay tT) lat tyD Fidt edaepdy, Oo gtong he cawe de os : dy cord : \ GaP = obbL LE = [Edt ue hes cy = [wary CP) 5adt t ae A at maty ‘ 4, ET a0 Ore (sty -onr ty up | nawale JF “dt ~Aleng dhe cue yee Id ty- aA forp Ctri) to (2/8) = (sty GOT + (oq ut) Taw tyy iy _ plane vel dv Sanuk tant ET B dé <(sey ~64)7 +(y mut) T (aT tdy®) E.dfv= (sey -GHde + (2 Yr addy) -niong the ede Yow ey pig dy = etn earths ite 9 UL ale .dy “ LL = [tse C18)- 6] dh + fand-ax) sede 2 zl (st! 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Qe FS P+ Ph Y+kk where Risto ka are conktoous differentiable veckos FunclFoo Baye then gamface Prtegtal =fewds = fie dydet isda dt ay day 3 S$ tor ctnpiPealton oP gusface nleqaal we baveto bate the profecton oP the. susface Pn the comdrrate planes @ when 5, 16-+the poofedifon of & on ty pane then the Ba [EROS fer ote sl ; } lene] 4 & D.tohep so Ps the paofectron of son YE-plene” st adt-ies = fs Bn dude. j a \e-7 6 when ss % the paofection °F 8 &y af si=fprds Jiro ate Yo sa j~— 7] ) evalute SES ds these Fe va vat Bayz J+ 2ekK ind 8 45 the question positon of the plane Yt =) included % -the Brst obtained: Given F= loeyte aye P+ ate S5=(Fpds J > Lek Padtyeeet 4€ 28 Vp= TDF ae tk Se td =T0) 430) +E) rea ug HTH Onl, wormal fecha to the Sug Pace | ft &1 caer [s Greig F- 3427 +o 2k]. 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Hari du: 2449449 any Si foe ane - aA FJ dt! ed ca 9 tyatuale the Sustace Ynlegaat J F.nAs - ~— 4 ae S uthene Fatty2T- a1F4+ay2i© and F % susPare pane WAY +REE Fatt yt-2ait yee WY HT + TOT FCs) sy = oF +P +28 Wag 2 ore Pe te vel pea ele ~L OFT +88) Fut = [ae YT —90F poyre-L LF +T +98) HE [a(atyd- autuyzy n : 45 [oy 2? ph tage] En = gly ay RPS a projection ob son ty -plane f9) : “ontytae eS antyet fFnas = ff 45 Tey? uy 2) andy Ss R [nel af Jou soyce- arte i}: aes V5 n \ vt “AL he by Ne Fas 8 y : i ad erage a ft scemdaewaie” be ecOn lbs of an > (3A) AG Ae 1 = See =) Eee aay. = Beg a 1 y : ; = fea- O( a6 — pun au) de ! 3 > enh eA ic A eat sie Bee Pa Eel 4 a Oe Srl \ ton ¥ 1 er NB GUE gic eth aed Sa ic iieye ee Hf] 4 G4] 1 Ao 49S BETAS: Sis \ ce OY \) a edu iesit aid ob LET Grauss —diverqene Dee shea seo Lansformatfon bin surface avcturne Freya statinenk + tek x! bea closed surkace enclostoy arolume ‘@ ik) PLRP+ RT thse : : Ts 9 confoous apRreok al vector pore t-Funatron Hee fare dv = ~ fF Aids here B= ori outward Gaal wector. catlagon Hheorend4+- FohrthT+he tw a ‘esramotls gppereniral neckor Punch?on: The “OT % evdlutedl ts - f Ae es Le Sgs (8, +e + Ma ansades f SJhedyae + Betledt t Rady, ae iB, Gauss deverqence. Feld ya? Yr pag Taten er Surkace RL the cube bounded by She, pane Leyer=a ad ercoord’nale plang yet = a Fe (ab yaar- oP yr tet "Gauss divergence Th San Favs J Fnds v 3 Les. vs, atu Edy 7 art J dry Fay Bp tet 2a =J55 to nada rae iE Bish" seb gS gb ee fe BaP al fewanatdsa : ig re Siers Hie vd ars pital a3 e320 eet) Cr), ay iz SHAG Por SAeT ha ~Jacoatafan’ ee fae a one Lat Beeb. .y im za fovea =a? (a4 Sa \EPa a? “el Shyhar Fe 83 My onFace S3fOEFG PO OM Face sub OP-Be F : daedady REQ Won Fare Sep ABEF vl a7) 00 Fawk Se (OcDG Re! foes (Poor face si= Bre TF dsadydt. t= 9.5. 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HAS, gon ote SB + ysweyee Jewryrs XE )Tds= i) Jace Vere) dudyde 5 bebe Osc ¥. a =I cae aedrdyde 4 Lfrlss e-otou Wy 216. vlir ih) etal a. iPyco PWVab SY eeye ] y ae ay Sv C - Cygd ays Re yu eu aA (2492) dadyde Je 0 3c ° arte aH J Ret? de ° may [AVE ale Pro b =Ry [ot asta! (¥))-0 © [ace]. F1Gen fe Devertty dWerqence theorem for Fa ay tT PFeuty over the megfon of Fersk oblatned of the. cytinder Wrw=eq and W=R

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