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7 questions with Ann Hathaway


Tasks and wordlists

Script/ transcript
[recording crew laughing]
- Hey, Vogue, it's Anne Hathaway.
I hear you have a few questions, so let's get to it.
I love going to Rome
because as soon as I land I just feel joy.
Any stress that I have or any worries
or anything I have that's like kind of just been
racing around my mind,
I just look at the history of the place
that you live with while you're there
and I just go, "Oh, why am I sweating anything?"
When I went to Ethiopia,
that was completely mind blowing.
At that time in my life,
I didn't know the world could be that beautiful.
Recently I went to Kyoto.
I just felt poetry everywhere I went.
I felt very peaceful.
I was there, there was no rushing.
So those are some of my favorites.
I mean, you can't go wrong with water.
If you have it and it's clean, you're very, very lucky.
So hydrate.
I also really love face sheets and eye patches.
The whole thing.
I am the type who does it on a plane.
Absolutely. I've scared many a flight atte
You know I had my Shiseido on just before this interview.
Just like all the time. Whenever I can.
I'm not big on holding things with regret.
My regrets are for like
if I've been stressed and I let that impact someone else.
Like I save my regret for that.
But in terms of outfits, like whatever,
it's all fun, it's great.
And even if it's terrible, it's still kind of great.
I do regret when I show up at a place and I'm overdressed.
There was this one time though,
I remember wearing an outfit
that I still think was very nice.
And I wound up on the worst dressed list.
Script/ transcript
I remember going to visit my grandmother
and she like saved all my press clippings
and she'd cut out my worst dressed list.
See? Like even when it's terrible, it's great.
Oh, what's my number one comfort movie?
"Blades of Glory."
The part at the end when they're chasing each other
but they're wearing skates, but on dry land.
It's like, the physical comedy makes me so happy.
But also like any Will Ferrell movie. Period.
But also that era Will Ferrell, Adam McKay.
Yes. Forever.
My favorite karaoke songs are "99 Luftballoons."
It's really fun.
Makes people happy. Makes me happy.
If you're having a night
where like you're feeling particularly on it,
you can attempt it in German
and usually there's no one around
to tell you that you're wrong.
So just kind of attack it with some cockiness.
What do I wear to feel confident?
Hmm. For me, confidence begins with gratitude.
Like if I'm not connected to my gratitude,
my confidence will not show up.
I just have to say I'm so lucky to be here.
Like, wow.
Just honestly all the way wow.
Knock, knock.
- [Interviewer] Who's there?
- Dwayne?
- [Interviewer] Dwayne who?
- Dwayne the tub. I'm drowning.
[recording crew laughing]
[Anne laughing]
Can you tell I have kids?
Those are some great questions, Vogue.
Thank you so much and I'll see you next time.
[upbeat music]
Answer the questions

1. Why does Ann love Rome?

When Ann says ““you know i hady

Shiseido on just before the
interview”, what does she mean?

What is the genre of Ann’s comfort


4. What’s Ann’s secret to being


Write here the most interesting idea you liked in Ann’s

Write a list of words connected with
feelings (used in the intervie) :

What kind of impression did Ann produce on

you? 💄
(Write your ideas below)
Useful vocabulary

Race around (my mind) - to move

from one part of mind to another one
in a hurried manner

to sweat smth - to worry about


mind-blowing - exciting or surprising

I’ve scared many a flight attendant. -

poetic and emphatic way of saying
that you have scared a lot of people

I’m not big on smth - to like smth very


Knock knock joke - a joke based on a

Conclusion and Next Steps

Please prepare your personal answers to the questions in

the interview

remember to write the new words

down and make your own

Thank you! for Girls only

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