Mechanics of Solids (S-21)

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Summer 2021 597 598 Mechanics of Solids

SUMMER 2021 Load at ultimate point = 75 kN

MECHANICS OF SOLIDS (MC 403) Neck diameter = 10.56 mm
Answer Five questions, taking ANY TWO from Group A,  Cross sectional area of neck
ANY TWO from Group B and ALL form Group C. 3.14  (10.56) 2
Figures in the bracket indicate full marks. = = 87.54 mm2
Group A Load at yield point
Q. 1 (a) A mild steel specimen of 12 mm diameter is tested in a (i) Yield strength = Original cross sectional area
laboratory and the following observations were made:
45 kN
Gauge length 5d =  0.3977 kN/mm 2
113.143 mm
Load at yield point 45 kN
Load at ultimate point
Load at ultimate point 75 kN (ii) Ultimate strength =
Original cross sectional area
Load at breaking point 50 kN
Final gauge length 73.8 mm 75
= = 0.6628 kN/mm2
Final diameter at neck 10.56 mm 113.143
(iii) Breaking stress
Calculate (i) Yield Strength (ii) Ultimate Strength (iii) Breaking
Stress (iv) Percentage Elongation and (v) Percentage reduction in Load at breaking point
= Original cross section area
area. 910)
(b) An overhanging beam of length 6 m is loaded as shown in 50
Fig. 1. Draw the Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams. Also = = 0.4419 kN/mm2
locate the point where the maximum bending moment occurs and (iv) Percentage elongation
point of contraflexure. (10) Final length – Original length
=  100
Original length
73.8  60
=  100  23%
(v) Percentage reduction in area
Original cross sectional area – Cross sectional area at neck
Fig. 1 =  100
Sol. (a) Given; d = 12 mm Original area
113.143  87.4
d 2 3.14  (12) 2   100  22.75%
 Cross section area =  = 113.143 mm2 113.143
4 4
(b) The load diagram is shown in Fig. 2. (a)
Gauge length = 5 d = 5 × 12 mm = 60 mm
Load intensity, w = 10 kN/m.
Load at yield point = 45 kN
Let us first calculate the reaction at supports A and B.
Final gauge length = 73.8 mm
Applying MB = 0
Load at breaking point = 50 kN
Summer 2021 599 600 Mechanics of Solids

10  5  – 25 × 1 = RA × 5
or RA × 5 = 100, or RA = 20 kN
R B = Total load – RA = 10 × 5 – 20 = 30 kN
Shear force diagram
At A, Vx = Rx = 30 kN
Vxx between A and B = RA – 10 × x (i)
V B = 20 – 10 × 5 = – 20 kN
when Vx = 0, 20 – 10x = 0 or x = 2 m.
Between B and C the shear force is constant and is equal to 25 kN.
Accordingly shear force diagram drawn in Fig. 2 (b).
Bending moment diagram:
Mb at a distance x from A (between A and B)

= RA × x – 10  x 
or Mb = 20 x – 5 x2 ...(ii)
When x = 0, Mb at A = 0
When x = 5, Mb at B = 20 – 5 × 52 = – 105 kNm
There is parabolic variation of Mb between A and B.
Mb at C = 0, Mb at and between B and follow straight line law
i.e. Mb at B = – 105 kNm
Fig. 2
Maximum Bm at x = 2 from A = 20 × 2 – 5 × 22 = 20 kN
Q. 2. (a) Write down the equilibrium equations and
The point of contraflexture is where Mb changes it sign. compatibility equations in two dimensions. (5)
Putting Mb = 0 equation (ii) (b) At a section in a beam, the tensile stress due to bending is
20x – 5x2 = 0 or x(20 – 5x) = 0 50 N/mm2 and there is a shear stress of 20 N/mm2. Determine from
 x=4 the first principle the magnitude and direction of the principal stresses
and calculate the maximum shear stress. (15)
Thus point of contraflexture is at a distance 4 meter from A.
Sol. (a) Refer Q. 8. (c) Summer 2017 and Q. 9. (iv) and (v) Summer
According bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 2. (c), point 2015.
C1 is point of contraflexture. (b) The given problem is schematically shown in Fig. 3.
Summer 2021 601 602 Mechanics of Solids

(iii) Proof Stress and Yield Stress.

(iv) Elasticity and Plasticity
(v) Fatigue and Creep.
Sol. (a) Refer Q. 4. (a) Winter 2017 and Q. 3. (a) Summer 2018.
(b) (i) Ductility : Refer Q. 1. (d) Winter 2012.
Malleability: Refer Q. 1. (b) Winter 2018.
(ii) Hardness and Toughness: : Refer Q. 1. (c) Winter 2011, Q.3.
Fig. 3 (a) (iv) Summer 2018 and Q. 1. (a) Winter 2012.
Resolving in the direction AB : (iii) Proof Stress (Offset yield
 sin  = 50 sin  + 20 cos  strength): Non-ferrous metals and alloys, 0.1% PROOF LOAD-OD
or  – 50 = 20 cos  ...(i) and the harder steel do not show well defined
yield point. In such cases the term proof A ELASTIC
Resolving in the direction BC :
cos  = 20 sin  stress is used. (Fig. 4)

or  = 20 tan  ...(ii) Proof stress is the stress required to PARALLEL LINE
produce a permanent extension equal to a
Multiplying corresponding sides of equations (i) and (ii)
specified percentage of length i.e., using
( – 50) = 202 cot  · tan 
50 mm specimen length : 0·1% proof stress
or  –50  – 400 = 0 is the stress required to produce a permanent O B EXTENSION
50  10 (25  16) 50  64 extension of 0·1% i.e., 0·05 mm. 0.1% OF LENGTH
or  = = = 57 or – 7
2 2 Taken OB = 0·1% of length. From B Fig. 4: Proof stress
i.e. the principal stresses are 57 N/mm2 tension, 7 N/mm2 draw a line parallel to elastic portion line.
compression, the third being zero It cuts the curve at C. From C draw the line CD. Now, OD is the 0·1%
 57 7 proof load. This is divided by original cross-sectional area, gives 0·1%
tan  =  or proof stress. For most ductile materials, proof stress is generally taken
20 20 20
as 0·2% permanent set (or elongation).
When tan  = ,  = tan–1 2·85 = 70·65° Yield strength or yield stress: It (yield stress) is the stress at
20 which the material elongates without an increase in load. The point C,
When tan  = – 7,  = tan–1 (– 0·35) = 160·8° obtained when a considerable elongation (straining) occurs without
1 1 further increase in stress is called yield point.
Max. shear stress = (2  1 ) = [57  (7)] = 32 N/mm2
2 2 Load at yield point
and the planes of maximum shear are at 45° to be principle planes Yield point stress y =
i.e. 0 = 25·66° and 115·8°. (Ans)
Also refer Q. 3. (a) (i) Summer 2018.
Q. 3. (a) Draw the stress strain diagram for mild steel specimen
(iv) Elasticity: It is the ability of material to resume its original
tested under tension test in the laboratory. Show the all salient points size and shape, after the deforming force is removed. Some materials
and explain how the toughness and resilience can be obtained. (10)
are more elastic than others, but there is no material which is perfectly
(b) Explain the following properties of materials in brief: (10) elastic throughout the entire range of stress, i.e., upto rupture. Steel is
(i) Ductility and Malleability. elastic upto considerable range of stress. Elasticity is mostly measured
(ii) Hardness and Toughness in terms of stress or elastic limit. Elastic limit is the maximum stress
Summer 2021 603 604 Mechanics of Solids

that a material is capable to withstand, without permanent deformation. deformation of the material with time under a constant stress. Creep
The more elastic material will have higher value of elastic limit. deformation is a function of stress level and temperature. Therefore,
In accordance with the concept of elastic behaviour, a quantitative creep deformation is higher at higher temperature and creep becomes
measure of the elasticity of a material might be expressed as the extent important for components operating at elevated temperatures. Creep of
to which the material can be deformed within the limit of the elastic bolts and pipes is a serious problem in thermal power stations. The
action. Since the engineers usually think in terms of stress rather than material of steam or gas turbines blades should have a low creep rate,
of strain, a practical index of elasticity is the stress that marks the such that blades can remain in service for a longer period of time before
effective limit of elastic behaviour. having to be replaced due to their reaching the maximum allowable strain.
Elasticity of solids has its origin in the existence and stability of These blades operate with very close clearances and permissible
interatomic and intermolecular bondings e.g., steel, rubber. Higher the deformation is important consideration in their design. Design of
value of modulus of elasticity more elastic is the body. components working at elevated temperature is based on two criteria.
Plasticity: It is the ability of material to be permanently deformed Deformation due to creep must remain within permissible limit and
without fracture even after the removal of force. All materials are plastic rupture must not occur during its service life. Based on these two criteria,
to some extent. Plasticity is other extreme opposite of elasticity. Metals there are two terms, creep strength and creep rupture strength. Creep
possess more plasticity at high temperature. Lead is plastic even at strength of the material is defined as the maximum stress that the material
room temperature while cast iron does not possess enough plasticity can withstand for a specified length of time without excessive
for forging operation even at very high temperature. deformation. Creep rupture strength of material is the maximum stress
Plastic deformation will take that the material can withstand for a specified length of time without
place only after the elastic range rupture.
has been exceeded. A general Q. 4. (a) What is the impact toughness? (2)
expression of plastic action (b) Differentiate between Charpy Impact Test and Izod Impact
would involve the time rate of Test. Sketch the specimens used. (10)
strain since the plastic state (c) Sketch the fractured surface of specimen after fatigue test.
materials can deform under (4)
constant sustained stress. (d) Draw the creep curve showing the salient points. (4)
Figure 5 shows both elastic Fig. 5
Sol. (a) Impact toughness indicates toughness of a material to
and plastic range.
permanently deform using the value of impact energy absorbed by the
Plasticity is of importance in forming, shaping and extruding material during fracturing under impact. The impact toughness of a
operations. Some materials are shaped cold, e.g., the deep drawing of the material is determined by measuring the energy absorbed in the fracture of
sheets, many materials particularly metals are shaped hot, e.g., the rolling the specimen on applying stress.
of the structural steel and the forging of certain machine parts. Materials (b) Charpy test: Refer Q. 9. (a) Appendix page No. 16 and
such as clay, lead etc. are plastic at room temperature, and steel is plastic Q. 4. (a) Summer 2018.
when at bright red heat. In general, plasticity increases with increasing Izod test: Refer Q. 9. (ii) Winter 2012 and Q. 9. (a) Appendix page
temperature. No. 14.
(v) Fatigue : Refer Q. 9. (i) Summer 2014. (c)
Creep: Refer Q. 4. (a) Summer 2014.
When the component is under constant load, it may undergo
progressive plastic deformation over the period of time. This time-
Fig. 6. The fractured specimen after the fatigue test
dependent strain is called creep. Creep is defined as slow and progressive
Summer 2021 605 606 Mechanics of Solids

(d) Refer Q. 4. (c) Summer 2016. When compressive stress in tube is 30 N/mm2
Group B 156.25
Q. 5. (a) A steel tie rod 25 mm diameter is placed concentrically r =  30 N/mm 2 = 9.76 N/mm2
in a brass tube 3 mm thick and 40 mm mean diameter. Nuts and  Now when tensile load of 45 kN is applied to the rod then external
washers are fitted on the tie rod so that the ends of the tube are tensile load
enclosed by the washers. The nuts are tightened to give a compressive 45
stress of 30 N/mm2 in the tube and a tensile load of 45 kN is then = N/mm 2 = 0.0917 kN/mm2 = 91.7 N/mm2
applied to the tie rod. Find the resultant stresses in the tie rod when  Resultant tensile stress in tie rod
there is no change of temperature. (12)
= Initial + External = 9.76 + 91.7 = 101.46 N/mm2
(b) Explain the generalized Hook’s law statement. Express
(b) Refer Q. 4. (b) Summer 2010 and Q. 5. (b) Summer 2019.
stresses in terms of strains. (8)
Q. 6. (a) The cylinder of a hydraulic ram is of 60 mm internal
Sol. (a) diameter. Find the thickness required to withstand an internal
pressure of 40 N/mm2 . If the maximum tensile stress is limited to
60 N/mm2 and the maximum shear stress is 50 N/mm2. (10)
(b) How the radial stresses and hoop stresses vary in a solid
rotating disk. Obtain the expressions and sketch the variations.(10)
Sol. (a) Solution : Given :
Internal diameter d2 = 6 cm
 Internal radius r2 = 3 cm = 30 mm
Fig. 7
Internal pressure p = 40 N/mm2
Given; Maximum tensile stress fx(max) = 60 N/mm2
Diameter of rod = 25 mm or Maximum hoop stress
 2 2 2 Maximum shear stress max = 50 N/mm2
 Area rod = Ar =  (25) mm  156.25 mm
4 Refer to Fig. 8.
Mean dia of brass tube = 40 mm
and thickness = 3 mm
Inner diameter, Di = 40 mm – 3 mm = 37 mm
and Outside diameter, D0 = 40 mm + 3 mm = 43 mm
 Cross sectional area tube
At = ( D02  Di2 ) =  (432 – 372) = 480  mm2
When the nuts are tightened the tube will be compressed and rod
will be elongated. Initially when there is no external load. Fig. 8
Tensile load on rod = Compressive load on tube Let the external radius be r1 mm. Let the radial pressure and hoop
r × Ar = t × At stress at any radius x be given by
or r = A  t b
r px = ...(i)
Summer 2021 607 608 Mechanics of Solids

b Now consider the equilibrium of the element ABCD of radius ‘r’

and fx = a ...(ii) radial width ‘dr’ and thickness ‘t’ subtending an angle d at the centre
as shown in Fig. 9.
At x = 30 mm, px = 40 N/mm2
The forces acting on the element are:
From equation (i), we have
(i) Radial force on face CD and equal to r × r d × t,
b (ii) Radial force on face AB and equal to (sr + dr) (r + dr) × d × t.
40 = a ...(iii)
302 (iii) Circumferential force on face BC = c × dr × t
At x = 30 mm, fx = 60 N/mm2 (iv) Circumferential force on face AD = c × dr × t
From equation (ii), we have, (v) Centrifugal force = m × 2 × 
where m = mass of element =  × volume of element
60 = a ...(iv) =  × (r × d × dr × t)
 Centrifugal force = ( × r × d × dr × t) × 2 × r
Solving equations (iii) and (iv), we have,
= r2 2 d dr × t
a = 10, b = 45,000
The forces in circumferential direction will be equal and opposite.
We also know that,
At x = r1, px = 0
From equation (i)
0 = 2 a
b 45, 000
or  r12 =   4,500
a 10
 r1 = 67 mm
Thickness of metal = t = r1 – r2 = 67 – 30 = 37 mm Ans.
(b) In case of thin disc, only two stresses namely circumferential
and radial stresses exist.
A thin disc of inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 rotating about its
axis is shown in Fig. 9.
Consider an element ABCD of the disc at a radius ‘r’ of radial
width dr and thickness ‘t’. Let the element subtends an angle d at the Fig. 9
centre. It can be show that general expresstion for radial stress (r ) and
Let r = Radial stress on the face CD, circumferencial (c) stress is given by
r + dr = Radial stress on the face AB, C1 C2   2  r 2
 c = Circumferential stress on faces BC r =   (3  ) ...(i)
2 r2 8
The forces due to these stresses along with centrifugal force acting
on the element are shown on the enlarged view of the element. C1 C2   2  r 2
c =   (1  3) ...(ii)
2 r2 8
Summer 2021 609 610 Mechanics of Solids

From equations (i) and (ii), it is clear that the stresses set up in a At the outer radius, radial stress (r ) is zero, but circumferential
rotating disc will infinite at the centre of the disc where r = 0. But the stress is not zero. By substituting r = r 2 in equation (iv), we get
stresses at the centre, can not be infinite. Hence C2 should be zero. circumferential stress at outer radius. This is equal to
Substituting C2 = 0 in these equations, we get   2
c at outer radius = [(3  )r22  (1  3) r22 ]
C1   2  r 2 8
r =  (3   ) ...(i)
2 8   2  r22
= (1  ) ...(vi)
C1   2  r 2 4
and c =  (1  3 ) ...(ii) The variation of circumferential and radial stresses are shown in
2 8
The value of C1 will be obtained from boundary condition. Fig. 10.
At the outer radius, r = 0. This means at r = r2, r = 0
Substituting r = 0 at r = r2 in equation (i), we get
C1   2  r22
0=  (3  )
2 8
  2  r22
or C1 = (3  )
Substituting the value of C1 in equations (i) and (ii), we get
  2  r22   2  r 2
r = (3  )  (3  )
4 2 8
  2
= (3  )[ r22  r 2 ] ...(iii)
  2  r22   2  r 2
and c = (3  )  (1  3) Fig. 10
42 8 Q. 7. (a) A hollow steel shaft has to transmit 6000 kW power at
  2 110 rpm. If the allowable shear stress is 60 N/mm2 and inside diameter
= [(3  )r22  (1  3) r 2 ] ...(iv)
8 of (3/5) of outside diameter. Find the dimensions of the shaft and
At the centre, r = 0, substituting r = 0 in equations (iii) and (iv), angle of twist on a 3 m length. Take G = 80000 N/mm2. (10)
we have (b) A close coiled helical spring of circular cross section extends
  2 1 cm when subjected to an axial load of W and there is an angular
r = (3  ) r22
8 rotation of 1 radian when torque T is independently acts about its
  2 axis. If D mean coil diameter show that
and c = (3  ) r22 T D 2 (1   )
8 = Where µ is poisson’s ratio.
Hence maximum stresses are at the centre and they are equal W 4
Sol. (a) Given;
2 3
 (r )max = (c) max =    (3  ) r22 ...(v) P = 6000 kW = 6 × 106 W, N = 110 r.p.m., Di = D0
Summer 2021 611 112 Mechanics of Solids

G = 80000 N/mm2 Q. 8. (a) If the principal stresses at a point are 2f tensile, f

2NT tensile and (1/2) f compressive. Calculate the value of f at failure
Since P = using all five theories of failure. Taking  y = 200 N/mm2 and µ =
P  60 6  106  60 0.3.
 T=  = 521134.9 Nm
2N 2  100 (b) Determine the deflection at the free end of a cantilever
This is mean torque beam as shown in Fig. 11. using Castigliano theorem.
Taking maximum torque = 1.2 Tmean
 Tmax = 1.2 × 521134.9 = 625361.89 Nm
 ( D 4  Di4 )
Now Tmax =  max  0
16 D0
Fig. 11
As maximum shear stress is 60 N/mm2
 4  3 4  Sol. (a) We have 1 = 2f, 2 = f, 3 =  f
 D0   D0   2
   5    y = 200 N/mm2, µ = 0.3
 625361.89 =  60  = 0.19625 × 0.8704 D03  y 200
16 D0
Safety factor S.F. = 
625361.89 1 2 f
or D0 3 = = 53109.29 Let us take a safety factor
11.775 F.S. = 3
D0 = 3 53109.27 = 37.59 mm (i) Maximum principal stress theory
3 3 As per this theory
Di =D0   37.59 = 22.55 mm 200 200
5 5 or 3 = or f= = 33.33 N/mm2
Now polar moment of inertia 2f 6
  (ii) Maximum principal strain theory:- As per this theory
J = ( D04  Di4 ) =  0.8704 D04 (as above)
32 32 y 200  1 
 =1 – µ (2 + 3) or = 2f – 0.3  f  f 
=  0.8704 (37.59) 4 = 170524.92 mm4 F .S . 3  2 
32 or 66.00 =1.85 f 2
or f = 37 N/mm stress
Now we know
(iii) Maximum shear stress theory: As per this theory
= or  = y
J L JG 1 – 3 =
Here T = Tmax = 687898 Nm, L = 3 m = 3000 mm F .S .
 1  200
625361.89  3  1000 2 f  f  =
  = = 0.014 radian = 0.088°  2  3
170524.92  80000
(b) Refer to solution of Q. 8. (b) Winter 2012. or f = 66.66 or f = 26.6 N/mm2
Note: put  =  = 1 radian, instead of 0.5 radian you can get
(iv) Maximum strain energy theory: According to this theory
T D 2 (1  D ) 2
=  y 
W 4 12  22  212 =  
 S .F . 
Summer 2021 613 614 Mechanics of Solids
2 Putting a = 2m, b = 1 m and l = 2 + 1 = 3 m
200 
or (2f2 + f2 – 2 × 10.3 × 2f · f) =  
 3  W 22  12 4W
66.66 We have c = 
or 1.8 f2 = (66.66)2 or f = = 37N/mm2 3· EI  3 9EI
Group C
(v) Maximum shear strain theory: As per this theory
Q. 9. Answer the following in brief:
2 2y (200)2 (i) Free body diagram.
12  22  212 = or (2f)2 + f2 – 2f·f =
( S .F .)2 (3)2 (ii) Statically determinate structure.
or 3f 2 =(66.66)2 or f 2 = 1481.18 or f = 38.48 N/mm2 (iii) Hogging and Sagging Bending Moment.
(b) Fig. 12 shows a simply supported beam AB of span l carrying (iv) Visco-elastic behaviour of materials.
a concentrated load W at C.
(v) Elastic limit and Proportional limit.
(vi) Relationships between elastic constants.
(vii) Thin and Thick Cylinders.
(viii) Disk of uniform strength.
(ix) Stresses in the close coiled helical spring.
Fig. 12
(x) Strain Energy.
Let AC = a and BC = b Sol. (i) Refer Q. 1. (a) Winter 2014.
Wb (ii) Refer Q. 5. (a) Summer 2009 and Q. 2. (a) Winter 2018.
Reaction at A = RA 
l (iii) Refer Q. 9. (ii) Summer 2017 and Q. 2. (b) Summer 2019.
Wa (iv) Refer Q. 9. (A) (ii) Winter 2010
Reaction at B = RB 
l Anelasticity and Visoelastic Properties: In general it is assumed
The strain energy stored by the beam AB that elastic deformation is time independent but in most engineering
Ui = strain energy stored by AC + strain energy stored by BC material however, there will also exist a time-dependent elastic
a 2 2 strain component. That is elastic deformation will continue
 Wb  dx b  Wa  dx
=   l x  2 EI   0  lx  2 EI after the stress application, and upon load release some finite
0    time is required for complete recovery. This time dependent
behaviour is known as anelasticity, and it is due to time dependent
W 2b2 a3 W 2 a 2b3 W 2 a 2b2
=   (a  b ) microscopic and atomistic process, that are to the deformation.
6 EI l 2 6EI l 2 6 EI l 2 For metals the anelastic component is normally small and often
since (a + b) = l neglected. However for some polymeric materials its magnitude
W 2 a 2b 2 is significant in this case it is termed as visocelastic behaviour.
 Ui 
6 EI l (v) Refer Q. 1. (a) Summer 2009
 Deflection under load W is given by
(vi) Let, E = Young’s modulus, G = Shear modulus of Modulus of
U i 2Wa 2b2 Wa 2b 2 Rigidity, K = Bulk modulus and µ = Poisson’s ratio.
c =  
W 6 EI l 3EI l
Summer 2021 615 616 Mechanics of Solids

Then we have
 2
E = 3K  1   = 3K (1 – 2µ) ...(i)
 m 
 1
E = 2G 1   = 2G (1 + µ) ...(ii)
 m
Thus we have from (i) and (ii)
3K (1 – 2µ) = 2G(1 + µ)
or 3K – 2G = 2(3K + G) µ
3K  2G
or µ = 2(3K  G ) ...(iii)
Substituting µ from (iii) in (i)
Fig. 13
 (3K  2G ) 
E = 3K 1  (ix) Let D = mean diameter of spring coil, d = diameter of spring
 3K  G 
wire, W = Axial load of spring.
 E= 1. Torsional shear stress 1 =
3K  G d 2
(vii) Refer Q. 9. (iv) Winter 2009 and Q. 5. (a) Summer 2014. 4W
(viii) Disc of uniform strength 2. Direct shear stress due to load W, 2 =
d 2
A disc which has equal values of circumferential and radial 3. Stress due to curvature of wire = 1 + 2
stresses at all radii, is known as disc of uniform strength. Hence The positive sign is used for the inner edge of the wire and negative
for a disc of uniform strength, r = c = constant =  for all sign is used for outer edge of the wire, therefore maximum shear stress
radii. The thickness of the disc of uniform strength will not be induced in the wire
constant. It will be varying as shown in Fig. 13(a). 4. Maximum shear stress
Consider an element of the disc of uniform strength at a distance = Torsional shear stress + Direct shear stress
‘r’ from the axis of rotation and of radial width dr as shown in
Fig. 13 (a). The same element ABCD along with radial and 8W .D 4W 8WD  d 
=   1
3 2 3  
2D 
circumferential stresses (r = c = ) is shown in Fig. 13 (b). d d d
Let t = Thickness of element at radius r 8WD  1  8WD
t + dt = Thickness of element at radius r + dr = 3 
1   KS 
d 2C  d 3
 = Stress in radial and circumferential direction 1 D
d = Angle subtended by faces AD and BC with centre O KS = shear stress factor = 1  ,C=
2C a
 = Angular speed of rotation. (x) The strain energy stored in a body is equal to work done by
t0 = Thickness of element at radius r = 0. applied load in stretching the body.
For detail: Refer Q. 8. (a) Summer 2009.

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