Personal hearing format under service tax or GST

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Arnrit M AV


w-mrqfdq- o frqnccrqETq/ suB-oFFtcE @ vtsAKHApATNAM
drqrae,Sqrg-orfo,q-t-t02, ffi
- 5 3 o 03 5
tfrQtffi/TELEpHoNE No. 0891 -2568839:,tfro/evnt-

elfiefiiAppeal No 42t2O24 (VSp) ST fr{io Date:11 06.2024


,ly'|ls NK Desronee
v Prop. Satya#nda Kishore Rambha,
50-94-1t2, 7 6fis ctss d-dRr By SPEED poST //
'l'r Floor, Shantipuram,
Visakhapatnam-53001 6.

rf (rl Gentlemen,

Es-+ - g* s"r - fs$ (ES lM

Fr-rr Ercr 3rfrf, - EqFd-rra gd-dr+ fir qq-dr
(qr'E-1) - +ititr d'r
Subject: - Service Tax - Appeal filed by M/s NK Designee - lntimation of
Personal Hearing (PH-l) - Reg.

i,?rq 6T s6rqfr Jtstrfr, fir6rdrsr dr$rrs& Bfiqa, o.tto 16-23-62t1, (stl IiBd,
ilrEA Bftlr cEf,a{rq a-rrr, or6rar$ - 533001 rqrrr qrta rrisr-FT-3ifrft-ilfr d'.
,u72923-245X(rff{R(rdl+'*-S^rstr Edis' 08 ol 2ora ;; fu-sm dRr{ Jfid ama E+rq.
15.03.2024 +t vrqa 6rr qrt
The Appeal Memo filed againsl the Order-in-Original No. 7612023-24/GSRN/KKD/ST
dated 08.01.2024 passed by the Assistant Commissioner of Central Tax, Kakinada CGST
Division, D.No. 16-23-62/1 , 2nd Floor, GST Building, Nagar, Kakinada- 533001 was
received on 1 5.03.2024.

firr sla. 3il-{ itrff{ 6{ sE-rd (3rfro il ffiB'a 3{fut + +idtr d zs.oo.zozq
si dc6{ 12.10 ilS aqE-;rrra srsd *l 3r+gt Fqr H 3itT tr-+tur gm r+x t:

2. The Commissioner of Customs & Central Tax (Appeals) has accorded Personal Hearing
opportunity on 25.06.2024 al12.10 PM in respect of the following appeals and the details are as

Appeal Numbers and Name Appeel No 4212024 (VSP) ST

of the Appellant M/s NK Designee

Adjudication Numbers & Order-in-Original No 7 612023-24/GSRN/KKD/ST dated

Date 08.01.2024
Officer facilitating PH and Shri B Radheshyam, Superintendent,
mail-id for correspondence 949 1 321 293 (whattsup) 91 82308464
vtza a il. com
eqR-iFTd ga-d$ ffiBd q-i qt srdB-a fir dra-rt
Sffr qroq- 3fu it'Aq s-{ JB+d (3{trd),
fi.i'.e-ao-rs, fu+ tE,
aqlrrd a-rrt T({-522ooo t:mt ciaD

3. The Personal Hearing will be held at the following address.

O/o The Commissioner of Customs & Central Tax (Appeals),
D.No.3-30-1 5, Ring Road,
Navabharat Nagar, GUNTUR-522006(A.P.)

qrfufiq qr, cil q6qrd wr, eiTFirrrd €a-dd d fir4 ti Erd EqFd * FT&
d'd-r, +-s *.ra-a :itr frBd crgF-af nfuc Fc t r.dr a-w t mr"a-a Er snaftt qo
sgtq t t+. kdr ffi :rsq-ildr *' gd-dr€ jl a+ra it r

4. Authorisation letter, photo identity card, the contact numbers of the person attending the
Personal Hearing, case laws and written submissions shall be submitted well in advance. lt is
requested to attend the Hearing without fail.

Yours srncerely,

k <"^+wn
1fr nrhqrfrl
(8. Radheshyam)
3Trfrqrfi (3r+fr)
Superintendent (Appeals)
ufr vqa fir er$
Copy submitted to:
1. The Principal commissioner of central rax, Visakhapatnam CGST commissionerate,
GST Bhavan, Port Area, Visakhapatnam - 530 035 (By name to the superintendent-Review
Section with duplicate copy of the appeal).

2. rhe Assrstant commissioner of central rax, Kakinada CGST Division, D.No. 16-23-
6211,2^d Floor, GST Building. Pallamraju Nagar, Kakinada- 53300.1.

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