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Course Code ITC122


Assignment No. 1

Research the Following:

1. Implement Mobile Device Management
2. Implement Secure Mobile Device Connections

 Indicate your answer below.
 Create a folder to gdrive: LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME
 Upload your assignment.
 Deadline: June 11, 2024

1. Implement Mobile Device Management

Mobile Device Management (MDM) is the process of implementing software solutions
to manage and protect mobile devices (such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops)
inside an enterprise. MDM allows IT managers to remotely setup devices, enforce
security policies, distribute software, and track device use. It assures compliance with
business standards, improves data security, and makes device administration easier. The
key phases are to investigate MDM options, analyze organizational needs, pilot, plan
rollout, train, and monitor continuously.

2. Implement Secure Mobile Device Connections

Implementing secure mobile device connections entails developing protocols and
technology to keep communications between mobile devices and business networks
secure against unwanted access and data breaches. This involves using virtual private
network (VPN) connections, encryption standards, and authentication processes to
safeguard data transferred via wireless networks. In addition, installing mobile device
management (MDM) solutions may assist enforce security regulations, monitor device
usage, and remotely control devices to reduce security threats. Organizations may
protect sensitive information, maintain regulatory compliance, and reduce the hazards
associated with mobile device use in the workplace by establishing secure mobile device

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