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Andres Bonifacio Campus


“Ducere qum Phronesis”

AUVISIT: A Web-based Visitors Log and Guide

Application Using QR Code for Arellano University –
Andres Bonifacio Campus



This chapter discusses the research project overview. It is made up of a problem statement that
includes the specific questions that need to be answered in this research. This section also
includes the objectives of the study, a summary of the various goals of the project. A conceptual
framework illustrating how the system works is also included, followed by the scope and
delimitation of the project and the significance of the study, and finally, a definition of words used
in this research.

Web-based technologies are becoming a crucial part of many organizations since they offer
streamlined and effective solutions for their daily operations in the digital age. It has been an
open resource for everyone who can access the internet with their employment, entertainment,
education, government, and others. [1] This web-based technologies uses the internet to
interconnect networks to their users and have the capability to store data and information into
different databases like the cloud. [2] Any device such as mobile devices, desktop computers,
laptops, and even tablets with an internet connection can easily access these web-based
system or applications whenever or wherever possible. Developers of web-based technologies
have also realized the importance of accessibility with users that has limitations, hence they
have adjusted their systems that adheres to the rights of every citizen to information. [1][3] The
present developments, such as websites and applications, have lessened the manual work of
an individual that comply with the international standards of accessibility. [1]

A visitor log system is one example of a web-based technology. A visitor management system,
according to studies [4] - [5] substitutes the manual technique of logging or gathering a visitor’s
information, including personal information, the person they are visiting, and even the visitation
and checkout times while visiting any facility. This is for a reason that an institution wants to
protect those who are already in their vicinity, such as employees and students, from an
unauthorized person who can possibly cause unfavourable incidents that may endanger
people’s lives. In this case, manual visitor information logging is time-consuming for the staffs
and is inefficient for tracking visitors. Natural or man-made disasters could also result in the loss
or damage of hard copies of the visitor’s log. Taking this into account, a visitor management
system using computer technology is useful to replace the traditional approach.

Statement of the Problem

In some educational institution’s campus, parents and inquirers with academic concerns are the
usual visitors who need to fill out logbooks before entering the premises. If the management of
visitor logs of these institutions are done manually, this can be both time-consuming and error
prone. To address this issue, a study is undertaken to develop a web-based visitor log
management system that can completely transform how an educational institution collects and
handles visitor data.

Specifically, the following are the questions that the study seeks to answer:

1. How does a web-based system operate to serve as a modernized approach in collecting

visitor information?
2. How does the system’s generation of visitor reports aid the records management of an
educational institution?
3. How does the utilization of QR codes in the web application improve the current manual
visitor logging procedure?
4. How can a web-based visitor’s log and guide application promote relevant connections
with visitors?
5. How will the assessment criteria of ISO 25010 be used in terms of:
A. Functional Suitability
B. Performance Efficiency
C. Usability
D. Security

E. Portability
6. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:
A. Gender

Objectives of the Study

The primary reason for the study is to create a web-based visitor log management system that
can totally change how an educational institution gathers and handles visitor information. The
goals are the following:

1. Design a web-based system to serve as a modernized approach in collecting information

related to visitors of an educational institution.
2. Generate reports from a web-based visitor log management system.
3. Make use of QR codes to improve a web-based visitor logging procedure.
4. Promote goodwill between an educational institution and its visitors.
5. Use ISO 25010 standards in the evaluation of the web-based visitor log management
6. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of (a) Gender.

Conceptual Framework

The researchers used the IPO Model to describe the framework of the study, as well as the
system development of the project. This visual diagram, which is used in various fields of study,
focuses on how the inputs are being processed to generate results. [6] It is composed of the
input or the requirements needed, the processes or procedures, the output or desired result,
and feedback.

Figure 1. Input- Process- Output Model


· Allows admin (Security Personnel) to input the purpose of the visitation;

· Admin (Office Staffs) will provide background details of their offices and buildings;
· Provide the requirements of each process of their respective offices;
· The personal information of the users (visitors) is one of the requirements.


· Allows admin (Security Personnel) to scan QR Codes of the visitors;

· Admins are allowed to manage (Create, Read, Update, Delete) the system records such
as visitors, visit logs, purpose list, office and building lists;
· Users can generate their unique QR Codes from the personal information they provided
after verifying their email addresses.


· Reports Generation can be viewed in the admin dashboards;

· All data entered in the system are recorded and can be managed by the admin;
· QR Codes can be downloaded by the users upon its generation;
· A guide map for the visitors will be provided in the web application;
· Informative pages about the university offices can be viewed by the visitors.

Scope and Delimitations


The scope of the study is to design and develop a web-based log and guide application for
visitors of an educational institution using computer technology.

The following are the functionalities of the system:

· Registration Management:
a. User-side: This feature allows the users to provide their respective information such
as names, address, phone number, email, and others.
b. Admin-side: This feature allows the admin to register a user’s information that is
needed by the system when a user does not have enough knowledge in utilizing the
· QR Code Generation
a. User-side: The feature allows the users to have their own QR code after their
registration and it can be downloadable as a reference for their next visit.
b. Admin-side: The feature allows the admin to scan the QR code of the visitors on
their next visit.

· Records Management System – This feature allows the admin to have a clear view of all
the recorded visitor’s information alongside their purpose, time, and date of their visit
including the office that they will visit.
· Facilities’ Guide Map – This feature allows the users to have an image guide map of the
location of each facility that they want to visit in the university.
· Offices’ Informative Pages
a. User-side: This feature allows the users to be aware of the offices and the
requirements that they need to bring upon their inquiry.
b. Admin-side: This feature allows the admins to provide an up-to-date information
about their offices.
· Admin Dashboard – This feature allows the admins to have a clear insight of the reports
being generated by the system.


The delimitations of the project are as follows:

· Offline access of the web application is not supported;

· The system is not available in any device without browsers;
· The system does not include appointment system feature for the institution;
· Requesting of documents is not included in the system;
· System does not have a built-in map Integration (e.g., Google Maps) for the guide map
Significance of the Study

The web-based system project plays an important role for different types of stakeholders. It
introduces a positive act of catering manual services, such as a Visitor’s Log, to an internet-
based platform by using technological advancements. This is very beneficial in the new normal,
amidst pandemic, where people interactions are still limited in the country. Generally, this project
helps the stakeholders in digitalizing records management as well as to guide visitors inside the

The Web Application Project is seen as beneficial to the following:

 University Personnels: Employees, such as security personnels will also benefit in this
project. Digitalizing the processes in their work will make the procedures easier and the
management of visitor information more convenient. The records of the visitors are also
safer inside a cloud-based database than in logbooks.
 University Visitors: The visitors in the university are usually composed of the student’s
parents, inquirers, and other outsiders with different purpose of visit. This web application
project will be able to provide digital identification card (ID) for these visitors, with the use

of QR Codes. With this, visitor’s waiting time in the institution’s gateway – caused by
manually writing logs – can be shortened and hassle-free.
 IT/CS Professionals or Students: These people are proficient in a variety of IT-related
topics which are relevant to the subject under study in this paper. With their expertise, they
will be able to understand the development process of the system, review system
structure and give their feedback to the researchers.
 Future Researchers: This project will be important to the future researchers as they study
related concepts and develop similar system project. All data and insights provided in this
paper may serve as reference or additional information to be able to support their own

Definition of Terms

· Web-based Visitors Log Management System- A software solution that collects and
manages visitor data on an online-based platform.
· ISO 25010 (2011)- A quality model that evaluates characteristics or properties of a
· Reports Generation- The collection, measurement, analysis, and reporting of data to
obtain insights and make informative reports. In this project, the data can be seen in the
dashboard of the web-based visitor log monitoring system.
· Admin- A person or a group of people who manages the system functionalities.
· QR Code (Quick Response Code)- It is a two-dimensional digitally generated code
containing information which can be read by machines. It is faster to scan, more reliable,
and more accessible to users than one-dimensional barcodes.
· Guide Map- A blueprint map of the institution’s facilities which will provide images to
guide visitors in their visit.



This chapter presents a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and studies conducted
by the researchers concerning the study. The information provided in this chapter helps to
acquaint the reader with facts relevant to the current study.

Related Literature

Visitors’ records management is a procedure that are still done traditionally or manually in the
country. Organizations usually do not prioritize the digitalization of logbooks or do not have the
monetary resources for it. However, everyone should realize that ineffective visitor management
creates an unsecured facility for both visitors and employees. Some risks of using the manual
way of visitor management includes: its time-consuming nature; records are easily damaged;
and using paper and pens are costly and may create issues for people who are environmentally
conscious. [9]

In the Philippines, the use of technological advancements as a solution to problems are yet to
be normalized. Securing data records (e.g., visitor records) through technological advances is a
significant leap towards a more digital-driven community. For a developing country that
experiences various natural disasters each year, digitalization needs to be implemented for data
records security. This is one of the risks that shows the disadvantages of using the traditional
way of handling visitor records, which also highlights the importance of a fully developed visitors
log management system.

The rise of technology undoubtedly made various tasks easier for all, one being visitor
management for universities. Some notable advantages of creating a system for visitor
management in universities are as follows – proper resource utilization, ease of use, reduced
maintenance, and speed. It minimizes the possibility of human error and make the process of
ensuring visitors safety both easier and faster. Overall, visitor management technology will
make life easier for everyone involved in the process. [10]

An educational institution, being the stakeholder in this study, will benefit greatly in the
advancement of visitor management through the system project. One advantage is the fact that
it will reduce expenses for the institution by transforming the use of logbooks into a paperless
procedure. In addition, this management system will make things easier for both the institution’s
personnels and visitors. To be specific, it will make records management for personnels easier,
and the logging procedure of visitors more accessible through their personal smartphones and
faster because of the integration of QR Codes.

For its beneficial aspects, scanning QR Codes is becoming more and more common in visitor
management operations. With its utilization, visitors can instantly record their arrival without
having to fill out manual papers or endure protracted check-in procedures. Information about
visitors is also accurately captured when QR codes are scanned. The system will then be able
to automatically extract pertinent information such as a visitor's name, contact information, and
the reason for their visit. This lessens the possibility of errors during manual data entry. [11]

The web-based system in this project involves QR Code generation and scanning because it
was seen advantageous in the automation of the visitor management procedures. With this
feature, the improvement in the visitor registration, check-in, or the overall visitor experience in
Arellano University is expected. Other than the accurate data recording, it will also help in
reducing the use of resources such as papers and pens. These are the pros in utilizing QR
Codes for data capture and security which supports the integration of the feature being tackled.

An article published on the website of Ateneo De Manila University tackled about the use of QR
Codes in schools’ activities amidst the pandemic. QR Codes integration in the academic

institutions to make daily operations easier are normalized, such as in registering to school-
related events, enrolments, submissions, etc. However, like other technological advances, it is
accompanied by risks in privacy and data of the student users. Hence, it was emphasized that
before scanning QR Codes, one must make sure that it was only generated by a trusted source.

Educational institutions are heavily affected by the recent pandemic restrictions. Hence, the
utilization of QR Code as a security measure in an academic institution is undeniably a smart
choice, with its conveniency and contactless interaction. However, it was emphasized that
caution must be practiced when using Quick Response Codes to secure the data of the users.
With this, the project will develop a safe and trusted QR generating and scanning system for the
visitor management of the client institution.

Related Studies

A study was conducted in Indonesia for their tourist spots in the Weh Island where the admin
may also clearly see the total number of monthly visits. [13] In-depth information on each tourist
destination's location has also been provided by the study. In accordance with the results of the
study, managing tourist information in Indonesia may be done effectively with a web-based
visitor management system that incorporates QR codes.

The study is also beneficial in the suggested system because both have the same objectives in
mind when it comes to keeping track of records and going through reports of the number of
visitors that come to the institution each day as well as the offices they have visited. Apart from
that, the suggested system includes a guide map that can show guests where to find the
university offices they are looking for. Additionally, it offers details on the offices, the documents
required for their transactions, and guidelines for completing their tasks in the office.

Visitors’ information will be saved in a QR Code that can be swiftly decrypted when security staff
scan the generated code by the visitors. The two-dimensional code’s 360-degree and high-
speed data scanning capabilities enable smartphones to read it from any angle. [14] This
approach has the potential to promote the institution on a variety of levels.

As a result of that, the web-based visitor log management system makes use of the QR code
that visitors can generate after registering their information. It is also convenient because it may
be downloaded or saved on the visitors’ mobile device without causing any harm. The visitors’
information can easily be retrieved on their next visit once the QR code is scanned at the main
gate. Due to their widespread adoption today, using QR codes is more practical.
In accordance with a study [15], accurate information can aid in the efficient operation of an
institution. As a result, the developed visitor management information system has addressed the
primary problem that confronted the SEAFDEC (Southeast Asian Fisheries Development
Center) Aquaculture Department in the Philippines pertaining to the management of daily
visitors who must manually fill out the visitor's log at the main gate. The visitor management
system has assisted them in managing their visitors' information as well as gaining insight into
the quantity of visitors each day.

The suggested system also seeks to automate the manual process of gathering visitor
information prior to their visit to the university. It takes little time to launch the website, complete
the online registration form, and create and download one's own QR code. As the data is saved
in a database, this can steadily improve its accuracy, security, and retrieval.

A public library in Novaliches, Quezon City, has acknowledged the necessity to be productive
with the usage of various technology-based tools to enhance their library services, and has
implemented a visitors’ management system as a result. Every organization needs records
management to protect its data from loss or damage. As they keep track of the visitor's details,
including the office they'll visit, their purpose, and the time in and time out, it also assures the
safety of everyone on the property. [16]

Accordingly, the proposed system has features for knowing the purpose and the office a visitor
will visit. This can help in tracking visitors’ information when unforeseen events happen at an
institution for fast investigation and productivity. Also, the institution can make a better
connection with their visitors, as it will showcase that the institution is safe to entrust their
children to.



This chapter describes in detail the methodologies used in the research. It contains research
design, system development life cycle model used in the development of the project,
development tools that includes database design, UML use-case diagram, software
development tools, hardware requirements, evaluation tools, sampling techniques in choosing
respondents, respondents of the study, evaluation procedure used in the study, and the
statistical tools used in the study are explained.

Research Design

The researchers applied a quantitative approach to get an accurate result from the quantifiable
data of the sample respondents that will be analyzed and interpreted.

Data Collection Method

The researchers will utilize survey questionnaires and interviews as primary sources to gather
necessary data. Secondary sources that are helpful in the study such as online journals,
articles, and web pages are consulted and cited in the review of related literature.

System Development Life Cycle

The researchers used a methodology called SDLC or System Development Life Cycle as a
guide in developing the software project. It ensures the development of a high-quality system
output – that is both topnotch in functionalities and aesthetic – while minimizing risks. This
approach consists of seven (7) stages namely: Planning & Analysis; Define Requirements;
Designing; Development; Testing; Deployment; and Maintenance [17].

Agile SDLC Model

Agile Model is an incremental and iterative framework which arranges SDLC phases into a more
change-driven approach of software development. [17] It enables a close relationship between
the developers and the stakeholders through constant feedback. The phases of Agile SDLC
Model involve: Planning; Requirement Gathering; Design; Development; Testing;
Implementation; and Maintenance [18]. The proponents of this study strongly believed that
through this methodology, the software being developed will meet the needs of the client

Figure 2. Agile SDLC Model

The figure shows the visualization of the different stages in the Agile SDLC framework. Starting
from the planning stage to the gathering of project requirements, designing or prototyping,
moving on to the developing phase, conducting testing procedures, the implementation or

deployment, and towards the maintenance – before it iterates again. With this methodology, the
developers will be directed throughout the whole process of software development.

In this project, the planning phase involves the creation of a roadmap containing the timeline,
main objectives, stakeholders, and scope of the undertaking. The researchers conducted
several group meetings through various communication platforms (e.g., Google Meet,

Requirement gathering is where the researchers need to collect information about the project,
including client requirements and drawbacks, which will later define the system’s features. In
this stage, interviews with the people involved – security personnels – were carried out to be
able to understand the visitor logs procedure.

In the third stage, the software design is made with regard to the client needs and the essential
features gathered through the preceding phase. The proponents of the system created
necessary diagrams to foresee the software’s result and assess the features’ feasibilities. These
diagrams include: Wireframes for UI designs; Flowchart for system flow; and ER (Entity-
Relationship) Diagrams for the database design.

The software development period involves programming with relevant languages. This is where
the developers write codes for both the front-end and back-end structure of the web-based

The next phase is called Testing which involves finding system bugs and fixing errors to ensure
client satisfaction. This is also where Pilot testing, Alpha Testing and Agile testing will be carried
out for better end-product. Pilot and Alpha Testing is done to evaluate system components
before its deployment, while Agile Testing is a practice that adheres to the fundamentals of
Agile Software Development with its continuous cycle of development and testing [19].

The implementation stage includes the full-scale deployment of the web application project after
passing all tests. The team of developers or the researchers of the study will release the
software to a larger number of users (visitors and admins) who will be the source of feedback.

The last phase is the maintenance of the system with regards to its functionalities, security,
reliability, etc. This period covers making certain of the components updates for smooth
software experience. Maintaining the system’s overall condition is very important for the
software development process.

Database Design
A data set plan is a gathering of tasks or techniques that work on the preparation, creation,
execution, and upkeep of an organization data management system. An efficient data set plan
further develops information consistency while bringing down maintenance costs. It affects
financial estimates concerning disk capacity. The planner should stick to the constraints and
guarantee that the components relate to make an effective and productive idea while creating
an information base.
Context Diagram

Figure 3. System Context Diagram

The figure above shows how the web application interacts with the external entities: visitors;
office admin; and the security personnel. The system provides the features map guide and office
information to the visitors. Also, it generates unique QR Code to each visitor upon getting their
personal details, which will then be scanned by the system whenever they visit the institution.
The visitors are also able to retrieve their generated QR Codes in the system. The office admin
of the system on the other hand manages the credentials of the admin accounts and the
information of the offices and buildings that are viewed by the visitors. Lastly, security personnel

manage visitors’ information and the visit details, such as the visitation purpose to the institution.
In addition, the system creates and present reports to both the admin and the security

Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4. Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

The DFD depicts the data flow in the web-based visitors’ log and guide application. Visitors
register their personal information to generate a QR code. They can also view different
information from the Home, Office, and Guide Map tab. The admin scans QR codes, leading to
the application decoding the QR code and providing access to visitor information and guide
details. The application also logs visitor information and offers guide information based on
inputs. The QR code can be retrieved though email as well.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 5. Entity- Relationship Diagram

Figure 5 shows the logical structure of the relational database of the web application project in
the 3rd Normal Form. The researchers used an ERD (Entity- Relationship Diagram) to effectively
explain the cardinalities of the relationships, the data and its datatype, as well as the primary
and foreign keys on every table. There are a total of seven (7) tables namely: Admin; Visitor;
QR Code; Visit; Purpose; Office; and Building. Each table is normalized to avoid duplication of
data and unnecessary dependencies with each other. This is done to organize data, ensure its
integrity, and to optimize the database storage more efficiently.

Use Case Diagram

Figure 6. UML Use Case Diagram

The diagram is a visual representation of how visitors and admins can use the system. For
instance, visitors can register their information, verify their emails, and retrieve and download
the QR code specifically generated for them. The system also provides them with information
about the offices and even a guide map that includes office and building images.

As for the administration, they are categorized into two - security and offices. Both share a
handful of similarities with regards to how they can utilize the system, their only difference is that
security can manage visit records, purpose list, and scan QR codes while office admin can
manage office/ building content as well as the management of accounts credentials and system
information. In addition, the latter can also download generated reports of the system. Their
shared uses are as follows - they both view reports and log in and out of the system.

Development Tools
The development of the web-based application used different software applications,
programming languages, as well as available libraries relevant to the system features. In
building a web-based system, markup language and stylesheets are necessary, hence the
developers used Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Stylesheets (CSS), and
Bootstrap (front-end framework). The integration of some JavaScript libraries, such as
Instascan, also helped in building a functional web application specifically in accessing the
camera of the devices. As for the scripting language, PHP was integrated in the HTML to make
the webpages dynamic and interactive. This language is widely used by developers because of
its open-source and general-purpose attribute which is ideal for web development [20]. In the
back-end part, the database language used to manage the relational database of the system is
the SQL or Structured Query Language.

Different software tools played a significant role in the creation of the system project. The writing
of code was made possible by the utilization of the text-editor Visual Studio Code. The
developers also used XAMPP, a cross-platform web server, to be able to host the written code
locally. To view the result of the web programming, the developers used browsers (e.g., MS
Edge, Chrome, Opera, etc.) and optimized its various available developer tools for easier
debugging. As for a database administration tool, phpMyAdmin was used which allows the
administration of the operations for database system MySQL. With the aid of the
aforementioned technologies, the development of the web application become feasible.

Hardware Used/Requirements
The hardware used throughout the software development includes Computer and Web Camera:

 Computer Requirements

 Processor - Intel/AMD, at least 2.0 GHz, Dual Core or higher

 RAM - 4GB or higher
 Storage - 500GB HDD/ SSD
 Resolution – 720p (1280 x 720 pixels) or higher

Evaluation Tools

Method for Evaluating the System

The system is evaluated using ISO 25010 that provides a standard for assessing the system’s
quality with the following criteria: [8]

 Functional Suitability – The system provides functions that meet stated and implied
needs when used under specific conditions (Completeness, Correctness,
 Performance Efficiency – The system’s performance relative to the amount of resources
used under stated conditions (Time Behavior, Resource Utilization, Capacity).
 Usability – The system can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with
effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use (Appropriate
Recognizability, Learnability, Operability, User Error Protection, User Interface
Aesthetics, Accessibility).
 Security – The system protects information and data so that persons or other products or
systems have the degree of data access appropriate to their types and levels of
authorization (Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity).
 Portability – The system can be transferred from one hardware, software or other
operational or usage environment to another (Adaptability, Installability, Replaceability).

Evaluation Procedure

The study’s evaluation process is designed into three sections to gather necessary data from
the respondents:

 Section 1: Socio-demographic information

This section includes information needed such as name (optional), gender (Male or
Female), and the type of respondents (Users and/or IT student/Professionals).

 Section 2: Technical Evaluation Questionnaire

This section includes questions for each criterion under the ISO 25010 standard namely:
Functional Suitability, Performance Efficiency, Usability, Reliability, and Portability.

 Section 3: Additional Questions

This section includes additional questions about the website’s advantages that is
answerable by yes or no.


 Name (Optional): _______________________
 Gender: O Male O Female
 Type or Respondents
O Users O IT Students/Professionals
Legends for the evaluation are the following:

SA – Strongly Agree (4); A – Agree (3); D – Disagree (2); SD – Strongly Disagree




1. Functional Completeness. The users can effectively

utilize or control the website.
2. Functional Correctness. The system displays entered
information correctly.
3. Functional Appropriateness. The system functions
appropriately its specified tasks and objectives.

1. Time Behavior. The system does not have a slow

running time and operates smoothly.
2. Resource Utilization. The system uses resources
through the internet to help users in accessing
reliable information.
3. Capacity. The system’s maximum limits of parameter
meet requirements.

1. Learnability. The system is easy to learn, use,

operate, and control.
2. User error protection. The system provides clear
warnings and instructions to avoid errors.
3. Accessibility. The system is available to all types of
SECURITY 4 3 2 1

1. Confidentiality. The system ensures that data are

accessible only to those authorized to have access.
2. Integrity. The system prevents unauthorized access
to, or modification of user data.
3. Authenticity. The system verifies the registered
visitor’s identification through email verification.

1. Adaptability. The system works in browsers for

computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
2. Installability. The system can be installed easily.

3. Replaceability. The system can replace another

software product for the same purpose in the same
Table 1. Evaluation Form

III. General Questions (For All Types of Respondents)

1. Does the web-based system effectively serve as a modern approach in

collecting information related to visitors of an educational institution?
O Yes O No
2. Does the system promote relevant connections with visitors?
O Yes O No
3. Does the use of QR Codes in the system improve the current manual
visitor logging procedure of the institution?
O Yes O No
4. Can the system generate visitor reports thus aiding in the reports
management of the institution?
O Yes O No

Respondents of the Study

The study has two groups of respondents: user and technical. These respondents are selected
because of their user experiences for the user group and those with background in information
technology or exposure to system development for the technical group. The user group is made
up of 60 respondents while the technical group is made up of 40 respondents for a total of 100
respondents made up of male and female genders. In selecting a sample, the study used simple
random sampling technique. The formula used to get the number of samples is called the
Slovin’s Formula as shown below:

n= 2
(1+ N e )

Figure 7. Slovin’s Formula

n : Sample size
N : Population size
e : Acceptable margin of error
Sample Computation

n= 2
1+135 ( 0.05 )

¿ 100 samples

Respondents Distribution

Respondents No. of Respondents Percentage

Users 60 60%
IT background/Professionals 40 40%
Total 100 100%

Table 2. Respondents of the Study

Statistical Tools
The statistical tools utilized in this study are the frequency percentage and weighted mean.

Frequency Percentage

This method was used to determine the relative distribution of the respondents which
indicates the percentage of observations according to their gender.
P= ∗100

Figure 8. Frequency Percentage Formula

P = percentage
f = frequency/number of respondents voted for an item
n = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean
Weighted arithmetic mean is used to determine the central tendency of the set of
observations when not all the quantitative measurements are equally significant. Each
observation needs a weight that reflects its significance in relation to other observations.
Essentially, the total of observations multiplied by their weights divided by the sum of their
weights is what is known as the weighted arithmetic mean. [21]

∑ (w n x n )
∑ wn

Figure 9. Weighted Mean Formula

X = weighted mean
Ʃ = summation
w n = individual weights
x n = repeating values

Likert Scale

The 4-Point Likert’s Scale is used to analyze and interpret the data gathered from the
respondents with the help of the weighted point and scale as shown in the table below:

Weighted Point Scale Difference Verbal Interpretation

4 4.00 – 3.00 1.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.99 – 2.00 0.99 Agree

2 1.99 – 1.00 0.99 Disagree

1 1.00 – 0.99 0.01 Strongly Disagree

Table 3. Four-Point Likert’s Scale



This chapter includes the presentation and statistical analysis of data gathered. The findings
were based on the data gathered from the respondents.

Project Description

The output of the study is a system called AUVISIT: A Web-based Visitors Log and Guide
Application Using QR Code for Arellano University – Andres Bonifacio Campus. The system
uses QR code to help the university streamline and modernize their process of collecting visitor
information, provides a guide map that is helpful in locating offices in the university, and allowing
admin personnel to access reports generated by the system. The QR code is a digitalized aid to
easily track and manage visitor's information once they visit the university as it records the time-
in, time-out, purpose of visitation, and the office that they want to visit as it is required before
entering the premises. The system is built using the following development tools and languages
such as: Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and Bootstrap
(front-end framework); JavaScript, PHP, and SQL or Structured Query Language. Agile
application testing methodology is used in testing the functionality and performance of the
application. Its compliance with the standards and compatibility with computer devices likewise
undergo testing procedures.

Technical and Functional Specifications

System Flowchart

Figure 10: System Visitor Flow Chart

The illustration above presents the flowchart on the visitor side of the AUVisit system. This
shows the features such as browsing through the guide map, viewing office informative pages
and visitor registration. The guide map and the informative pages about the offices will show
details about the university facilities including their respective images. In the registration, the
visitors must input their personal information and verify their email before the generation of their
unique QR Code. Upon successful registration, a copy of the QR Code will be downloaded in a
PDF file.

Figure 11: System Admin Flow Chart

The admin flowchart shows how the system works on the side of the admin office and security
personnel. After successful log in, the security personnel and the office admin will be able to
navigate throughout the system. The security personnel can add visit records by scanning the
QR Codes of the visitors, manage the visit, visitor, and purpose list, and view the reports
generated by the system. On the other hand, the admin office can manage its own account and
the security personnel’s. The management of the information shown in the informative pages on
the visitor side is also managed by this admin. The CRUD in the illustration pertains to the
Create, Read, Update, and Delete features that are usually done when managing data.

HIPO Chart

Figure 12: The HIPO Chart

The HIPO chart shows a comprehensive interaction between the user and the admin using the
website. It also shows the different system procedures. The user can register an account to get
their own QR code that will be useful for their next transaction in the university. Additionally, the
users can retrieve their QR code once they accidentally deleted it in their devices. Moreover,
they can view the different contents of the website. While, the admin can manage their own
account as well as the users account, the content, and the reports the system can generate.
And the admin can scan the QR code of the visitors and update their purpose of visitation and
the office that they want to visit.

System Architecture

Figure 13: System Architecture

The illustration shows the architecture of the system where a user uses a personal computer
and/or mobile device to access the web application. The front-end will connect to the backend
via the server when a user requests certain data. Then, the backend will respond to the request
after the query and receive data from the database which will be displayed for the user.

Network Topology

Figure 14: Network Topology

The network topology for AUVisit at Arellano University’s Andres Bonifacio Campus likely
involves a client-server architecture, internet connectivity, a local area network, wireless access
points, a database server, QR code scanners, and robust security measures to ensure the
application’s functionality and data security. This infrastructure enables visitors to access the
application, log their visits, and receive relevant guidance through QR code interactions.
User Interfaces (UIs)


Figure 15: Home Page

Figure 15.1: Home Page - FAQs and Footer

Figure 16: Offices Tab

Figure 17: Guide map Tab

Figure 17.1: Guide map Pin Modal

Figure 18: Registration Tab

Figure 19: Email Verification Using OTP

Figure 20: QR Code Retrieval

Figure 21: Download QR Code

Figure 22: View QR Code


Figure 23: Admin Login

Figure 24: Admin Dashboard

Scan Visitor QR Code

Figure 25: Security Personnel - QR Code Scanning

Figure 25.1: Security Personnel – QR Code Scanning - Time In

Figure 26: Visit Logs

Figure 27: Visitors List

Figure 28: Security Personnel – Purpose List

Figure 29: Security Personnel – Office List

Figure 30: Office Admin – Office/ Building Management

Figure 31: Office Admin – Reports Management and Generation

Figure 32: Office Admin – System and Account Management

Project Testing

Agile Application Testing Methodology is used to test the application. The areas covered in the
testing processes are Application Functionality, Performance, Compliance and Compatibility.
The functionality is checked for errors that will affect the capabilities of the application.
Performance is checked to determine the speed in loading the application in a compatible
device. Compliance and Compatibility is checked if the application can run on required
hardware configuration.

Project Evaluation Results

The system is assessed in two ways: evaluations made by (a) user respondents, and (b)
technical respondents. The evaluation by the user group focused on the acceptability and
usability of the system as per user experiences while the other group, the technical
respondents, fixated on the technical worthiness and performance of the system from their
technical point of view. The two evaluations activities utilized ISO 25010 criteria.

Tables 4 to 6 presented the demographic profile of the respondents (user and technical) such as
their groupings and genders using size (n) and its corresponding percentages.

Respondents Size (n) Percentage

Users 60 60%
Technical 40 40%
Total (n) 100 100%

Table 4: Distribution of the Respondents

Table 4 shows the total number and percentage of respondents who participated in the
evaluation activities. There are 60 User respondents or 60% of the total, and 40 Technical
respondents or 40% of the total who joined the evaluation of the application.

Respondents Size (n) Percentage

Male 37 61.7%
Female 23 38.3%
Total (n) 60 100%

Table 5: Gender of User-Respondents

Table 5 shows the gender of User-respondents. There are 60 respondents. Thus, 37 are male or
61.7% of the total and 23 female or 38.3% of the total User-respondents.

Respondents Size (n) Percentage

Male 27 67.5%
Female 13 32.5%
Total (n) 40 100.0%

Table 6: Gender of Technical-Respondents

Table 6 shows the gender of Technical-Respondents. There are 40 respondents. Thus, 27 are
male or 67.5% of the total and 13 female or 32.5% of the total Technical-Respondents.

Tables 7 to 12 presented the evaluation results of the user-respondents. Data was quantified,
described, and interpreted. The weighted mean of each criterion was taken and given their
specific verbal interpretations based on the four-point Likert’s scale. The evaluation was

conducted to determine the user’s acceptability of the web-based system. Table 13 shows the
results of the user respondents’ evaluation of the benefits of the system.

Evaluation of User-Respondents on Functional Suitability

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
1. Functional Suitability WM VI WM VI
1.1 Functional Completeness. 3.7 SA 3.7 SA
The users can effectively
utilize or control the website.
1.2 Functional Correctness. The 3.5 SA 3.7 SA
system displays entered
information correctly.
1.3 Functional Appropriateness. 3.8 SA 3.7 SA
The system functions
appropriately its specified
tasks and objectives.
Overall Average Mean (Gender) 3.6 SA 3.7 SA

Table 7. User-Respondents Functional Suitability Results.

Table 7 shows the evaluation of User-Respondents on Functional Suitability. Male user

respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female user respondents have an
overall average mean of 3.7 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All user respondents
strongly agreed on the functional suitability of the system.

Evaluation of User-Respondents on Performance Efficiency

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
2. Performance Efficiency WM VI WM VI
2.1 Time Behavior. The system 3.6 SA 3.6 SA
does not have a slow running
time and operates smoothly.
2.2 Resource Utilization. The 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
system uses resources
through the internet to help
users in accessing reliable
2.3 Capacity. The system’s 3.6 SA 3.6 SA
maximum limits of parameter
meet requirements.
Overall Average Mean (Gender) 3.6 SA 3.7 SA

Table 8. User-Respondents Performance Efficiency Results.

Table 8 shows the evaluation of User-Respondents on Performance Efficiency. Male user
respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female user respondents have an
overall average mean of 3.7 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All user respondents
strongly agreed on the performance efficiency of the system.

Evaluation of User-Respondents on Usability

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
3. Usability WM VI WM VI
2.1 Learnability. The system 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
is easy to learn, use,
operate, and control.
2.2 User error protection. The 3.5 SA 3.7 SA
system provides clear
warnings and instructions
to avoid errors.
2.3 Accessibility. The system 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
is available to all types of
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.8 SA

Table 9. User-Respondents Usability Results.

Table 9 shows the evaluation of User-Respondents on Usability. Male user respondents have an
overall average mean of 3.6, while female user respondents have an overall average mean of
3.8 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All user respondents strongly agreed on the
usability of the system.

Evaluation of User-Respondents on Security

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
4. Security WM VI WM VI
4.1 Confidentiality. The 3.5 SA 3.8 SA
system ensures that data
are accessible only to
those authorized to have
4.2 Integrity. The system 3.5 SA 3.8 SA
prevents unauthorized
access to, or modification
of user data.
4.3 Authenticity. The system 3.7 SA 3.8 SA
verifies the registered

visitor’s identification
through email
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.8 SA

Table 10. User-Respondents Security Results.

Table 10 shows the evaluation of User-Respondents on Security. Male user respondents have
an overall average mean of 3.6, while female user respondents have an overall average mean
of 3.8 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All user respondents strongly agreed on the
security of the system.

Evaluation of User-Respondents on Portability

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
5. Portability WM VI WM VI
5.1 Adaptability. The system 3.5 SA 3.9 SA
works in browsers for
computers, tablets, and
mobile phones.
5.2 Installability. The system 3.4 SA 3.7 SA
can be installed easily.
5.3 Replaceability. The 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
system can replace
another software product
for the same purpose in
the same environment.
Overall Average Mean 3.5 SA 3.8 SA

Table 11. User-Respondents Portability Results.

Table 11 shows the evaluation of User-Respondents on Portability. Male user respondents have
an overall average mean of 3.5, while female user respondents have an overall average mean
of 3.8 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All user respondents strongly agreed on the
portability of the system.

The following tables show the summary of evaluations of both the User-respondents and
Technical-respondents as well as a comparison of the evaluations of both groups.

Summary of Evaluation of User-Respondents

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
Criteria WM VI WM VI
1. Functional Suitability 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
2. Performance Efficiency 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
3. Usability 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
4. Security 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
5. Portability 3.5 SA 3.8 SA
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.8 SA

Table 12: Summary of Evaluation of User-Respondents

Table 12 shows the evaluation of user respondents' assessment of the system in accordance
with the ISO 25010. Male user respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female
user respondents have an overall average mean of 3.8 and both are interpreted as "Strongly
Agree." All user respondents strongly agreed that the system adheres to the aforementioned
IS025010 criteria.

Summary of Evaluation of User-Respondents on Additional Questions

Respondents (60)
Male (37) Female (23)
6. Additional Questions YES NO YES NO
6.1 Does the system effectively 97% 3% 100% 0
serve as a modern approach in
collecting information related to
visitors of an educational
6.2 Does the system promote 100% 0 100% 0
relevant connections with
6.3 Does the use of QR Codes in the 100% 0 100% 0
system improve the current
manual visitor logging process?
6.4 Does the system generate visitor 95% 5% 100% 0
reports, thus aiding in the reports
management of the institution?

Table 13: User-Respondents Additional Questions Results.

The table 13 in question 1 shows that 97% of the male user respondents have answered “yes”
to the system’s effectivity to serve as a modern approach in collecting a visitor’s information
while 100% of the female user respondents agreed. In question 2, 100% of the male user
respondents agreed that the system can promote relevant connections between the institution
and the visitors, while 100% of the female user respondents agreed. In question 3, 100% of the
male user respondents agreed that the use of QR codes can improve the institutions current
visitor logging process, while 100% of the female user respondents agreed. Lastly, in question
4, 98% of the male user respondents agreed that system can generate visitor reports to help in
the institution’s report management, while 100% of the female user respondents agreed.
Overall, all user respondents have agreed that the system is effective to use in the institution.

Tables 14 to 19 presented the evaluation results of the technical respondents. Data was
quantified, described, and interpreted. The weighted mean of each criterion was taken and
given their specific verbal interpretations based on the four-point Likert’s scale. The evaluation
was conducted to determine the technical respondent’s acceptability and usage of the web-
based system. Table 20 shows the results of the technical respondent’s evaluation of the
benefits of the system.

Table 21 shows the comparison of the user and technical respondents’ evaluation of the system.

Evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Functional Suitability

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (13)
1. Functional Suitability WM VI WM VI
1.1 Functional Completeness. 3.6 SA 3.6 SA
The users can effectively
utilize or control the website.
1.2 Functional Correctness. The 3.6 SA 3.9 SA
system displays entered
information correctly.
1.3 Functional Appropriateness. 3.7 SA 3.9 SA
The system functions
appropriately its specified
tasks and objectives.
Overall Average Mean (Gender) 3.6 SA 3.8 SA

Table 14. Technical-Respondents Functional Suitability Results.

Table 14 shows the evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Functional Suitability. Male

technical respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female technical respondents
have an overall average mean of 3.8 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All technical
respondents strongly agreed on the functional suitability of the system.

Evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Performance Efficiency

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (13)
2. Performance Efficiency WM VI WM VI
2.1 Time Behavior. The 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
system does not have a
slow running time and
operates smoothly.
2.2 Resource Utilization. The 3.7 SA 3.6 SA
system uses resources
through the internet to
help users in accessing
reliable information.
2.3 Capacity. The system’s 3.5 SA 3.6 SA
maximum limits of
parameter meet
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.6 SA

Table 15. Technical-Respondents Performance Efficiency Results.

Table 15 shows the evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Performance Efficiency. Male

technical respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female technical
respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6 and both are interpreted as "Strongly
Agree." All technical respondents strongly agreed on the performance efficiency of the

Evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Usability

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (27)
3. Usability WM VI WM VI
2.1 Learnability. The system is 3.7 SA 3.7 SA
easy to learn, use, operate,
and control.
2.2 User error protection. The 3.6 SA 3.5 SA
system provides clear
warnings and instructions to
avoid errors.
2.3 Accessibility. The system is 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
available to all types of
Overall Average Mean (Gender) 3.6 SA 3.7 SA

Table 16. Technical-Respondents Usability Results.

Table 16 shows the evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Usability. Male technical
respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female technical respondents
have an overall average mean of 3.7 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All
technical respondents strongly agreed on the usability of the system.

Evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Security

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (27)
4. Security WM VI WM VI
4.1 Confidentiality. The 3.5 SA 3.6 SA
system ensures that data
are accessible only to
those authorized to have
4.2 Integrity. The system 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
prevents unauthorized
access to, or modification
of user data.
4.3 Authenticity. The system 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
verifies the registered
visitor’s identification
through email
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.7 SA

Table 17. Technical-Respondents Security Results.

Table 17 shows the evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Security. Male technical

respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female technical respondents have an
overall average mean of 3.7 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All technical
respondents strongly agreed on the security of the system.

Evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Portability

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (13)
5. Portability WM VI WM VI
5.1 Adaptability. The system 3.5 SA 3.6 SA
works in browsers for
computers, tablets, and
mobile phones.
5.2 Installability. The system 3.6 SA 3.5 SA
can be installed easily.
5.3 Replaceability. The 3.4 SA 3.6 SA

system can replace
another software product
for the same purpose in
the same environment.
Overall Average Mean 3.5 SA 3.6 SA

Table 18. Technical-Respondents Portability Results.

Table 18 shows the evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Portability. Male technical

respondents have an overall average mean of 3.5, while female technical respondents have an
overall average mean of 3.6 and both are interpreted as "Strongly Agree." All technical
respondents strongly agreed on the portability of the system.

Summary of Evaluation of Technical-Respondents

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (13)
Criteria WM VI WM VI
1. Functional Suitability 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
2. Performance Efficiency 3.6 SA 3.6 SA
3. Usability 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
4. Security 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
5. Portability 3.5 SA 3.6 SA
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.7 SA

Table 19: Summary of Evaluation of Technical-Respondents

Table 19 shows the summary of evaluation of Technical-Respondents based on the criteria of

ISO25010. Male technical respondents have an overall average mean of 3.6, while female
technical respondents have an overall average mean of 3.7 and both are interpreted as
"Strongly Agree." All technical respondents strongly agreed that the system adheres to the
aforementioned IS025010 criteria.

Summary of Evaluation of Technical-Respondents on Additional Questions

Respondents (40)
Male (27) Female (13)
6. Additional Questions YES NO YES NO
6.1 Does the system effectively 100% 0 92% 8%
serve as a modern approach in
collecting information related to
visitors of an educational
6.2 Does the system promote 100% 0 92% 8%
relevant connections with
6.3 Does the use of QR Codes in the 96% 4% 92% 8%
system improve the current
manual visitor logging process?
6.4 Does the system generate visitor 100% 0 92% 8%
reports, thus aiding in the reports
management of the institution?
Overall Average (Gender) 99% 1% 92% 8%

Table 20. Technical-Respondents Additional Questions Results.

The table 20 in number 1 shows that 100% of the male technical respondents have answered
“yes” to the system’s effectiveness to serve as a modern approach in collecting a visitor’s
information while 92% of the female technical respondents agreed. In number 2, 100% of the
male technical respondents agreed that the system can promote relevant connections between
the institution and the visitors, while 92% of the female technical respondents agreed. In number
3, 96% of the male technical respondents agreed that the use of QR codes can improve the
institutions current visitor logging process, while 92% of the female technical respondents
agreed. Lastly, in number 4, 100% of the male technical respondents agreed that system can
generate visitor reports to help in the institution’s report management, while 92% of the female
technical respondents agreed. Overall, all technical respondents have agreed that the system is
effective to use in the institution.

Comparison of Evaluations of User & Technical-Respondents

Respondents (100)
Criteria Users (60) Technical Personnel (40)
Male (37) Female (23) Male (27) Female (13)
1. Functional Suitability 3.6 SA 3.7 SA 3.6 SA 3.8 SA
2. Performance Efficiency 3.6 SA 3.7 SA 3.6 SA 3.6 SA
3. Usability 3.6 SA 3.8 SA 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
4. Security 3.6 SA 3.8 SA 3.6 SA 3.7 SA
5. Portability 3.5 SA 3.8 SA 3.5 SA 3.6 SA
Overall Average Mean 3.6 SA 3.8 SA 3.6 SA 3.7 SA

Table 21: Comparison of Evaluations of User and Technical-Respondents

Table 21 shows the comparison of evaluations of User and Technical-Respondents. Male users’
overall average mean is 3.6 interpreted as “Strongly Agree” while male technical respondents’
overall average mean is 3.6 interpreted as “Strongly Agree”. Female users’ overall average
mean is 3.8 interpreted as “Strongly Agree” while female technical respondents’ overall average
mean is 3.7 interpreted as “Strongly Agree”. All respondents (users and technical) strongly
agreed on the acceptability and usage of the application.

Summary of Findings

The web application AUVisit is designed and developed to improve the management of visitors
in Arellano University, Andres Bonifacio Campus. Its general objectives are to modernize the
whole process of visitor management and promote the educational institution with an
informative digital platform. With the integration of QR Code generation and scanning, the
processes of managing visitor logs are expected to be faster and more secure. Likewise, ISO
25010 evaluation format is used by users and technical respondents in the evaluation of the
acceptability and usability of the application. This study is significant to Arellano University,
Andres Bonifacio Campus, specifically for their security personnel, as the system output is
expected to improve their visitor management from manual logs to a digitalized web application.
In addition, the system will reduce the visitors’ waiting time on manually writing logs before
entering the campus facilities and guide them throughout their visitation.


The study is able to identify the genders of the respondents as male and female. Evaluation
results showed that all respondents, both users and technical staff regardless of their gender,
strongly agreed with the acceptability, usability, technical merit, and performance efficiency of
the AUVisit web application. All respondents, both male and female, also had positive feedback,
saying that the system can serve as a modernized approach to collecting visitor information,
promote connections between the university and its visitors, improve the current logging
process with the use of QR codes, and generate reports that are relevant to the institution.


The web-based system does not only benefit the university and its visitors but also future
researchers by the following recommendations:

1. Integrate the system with other existing digital platforms of the institution such as their
main website, learning management system, and others.
2. Enhance the project by adding a feature that collects feedback to be able to help them
improve the system and overall user experience.
3. Enhance the guide map for visitors to easily locate an office that they are looking for.
4. Integrate the system as a mobile application for more convenience for the users.

5. Add more security such as two-factor authentication since visitor’s information is
collected by the system.


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