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Accounting Cycle

Exercise 3.1 Manual Journal Entry

Financials > Journal Vouchers

Transacti Date Particulars Amount Entry

3.1 A Janua An investor paid the company for Php Dr. Cash on Hand 500,000
ry 01, shares of stock as an initial 500,000 Cr. Aquino, Capital
20XX investment. 500,000
3.1 B Janua Purchased office equipment for gPhp 75, Dr. Office Equipment 75,000
ry 02, cash 000 Cr. Cash on Hand
20XX 75,000
3.1 C Janua Payment of 1-year rental for cash Php Dr. Prepaid Rent 60,000
ry 07, 60,000 Cr. Cash on Hand 60,000
3.1 D Janua Paid business registration and Php Dr. Taxes & Licenses 13,000
ry 10, municipal tax 13,000 Cr. Cash on Hand
20XX 13,000
3.1 E Janua Rode a taxi to get the supplies to Php 2,000 Dr. Transportation 2,000
ry 13, the main office Cr. Cash on Hand 2,000
Post the following journal entries:
After performing the exercises, please put the screenshot of the journal entry for each transaction in
the boxes below.

Output Screenshot- Exercise 3.1

Transaction 3.1 A
Output Screenshot- Exercise 3.1

Transaction 3.1 B
Output Screenshot- Exercise 3.1

Transaction 3.1 C
Output Screenshot- Exercise 3.1

Transaction 3.1 D
Output Screenshot- Exercise 3.1

Transaction 3.1 E

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