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Departmen Common to all
Subject Name : Statistics and Numerical Methods :
t branches
Subject Code : MA3251 Year : I
Date : 07.06.2024 Semester : II
Time : 09:00 am - 10.30 am Max.Mark : 40
Batch : 2023 – 2024 Duration : 01:30 Hrs
Assessment : UNIT-1 Revision test B.E/B.Tech : B.E/B.Tech
Regulation : R -2021 : April /2024
Students will be able
C110.1: Apply the concept of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in real life problems.

C110.2: Apply the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments in the field of agriculture.

C110.3: Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and
integration for engineering problems.
C110.4: Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations.

C110.5: Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with
engineering applications

Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT): 1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying 4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating

Part A – (4×2 =8 Marks) Outcomes
Answer all the Questions CO PO
01. Define critical value of a test statistic. 2 C110.1 1

02. Write any two characteristic of Chi-square test. 2 C110.1 1&5

03. Define students t-test for difference of means of two samples. 6 C110.1 1&5

04. State the important properties of F-distribution. 1 C110.1 1

Part B – (4×8 = 32 Marks) Outcomes Marks

Answer all the Questions CO PO
05. A machine produced 20 defective units in a sample of 400. After 2 C110.1 1,3 08
overhauling the machine, it produced 10 defective units in a batch
of 300. Has the machine improved in production due to
overhauling. Test it at 5% level of significance.
06. Two independent samples of sizes 9 and 7 from a normal 2 C110.1 1,9 08
population had the following values of the variables:
Sample I: 18, 13, 12, 15, 12, 14, 16, 14, 15
Sample II: 16, 19, 13, 16, 18, 13, 15
Do the estimates of the population variance differ significantly at
5% level.
07. 4 coin were tossed 160 time and the following results were 2 C110.1 14,11 08
obtained: Under the assumption that the coin are unbiased, find the
expected frequencies of getting 0,1,2,3,4 heads and test the
goodness of fit.
No of heads 0 1 2 3 4
Observed 17 52 54 31 6
08. Mechanical engineers testing a new era welding technique, 1 C110.2 1,2 08
classified welds both with respect to appearance and an X-ray
inspection. Teat for independence using 0.05 level of significance.
X-ray Bad Normal Good

Bad 20 7 3
Normal 13 51 16
Good 7 12 21

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