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It is a matter of great contentment to be able to complete this internship report in

duetime. My endeavor will be considered successful if the internship report is of

any help toyou. At the very outset, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to
almighty Allah forgiving me the capacity to complete this report.I would like to
place my humble gratitude to my respected supervisor Mr. Omar NasifAbdullah,
faculty and assistant proctor of North South University who gave me hisvaluable
time, commitment, guidance, patience, and stimulation along with the course
ofaction.I would like to avail the opportunity of expressing my deep gratitude and
regards to Mr.Tanvir Rahman

Marketing Executive, Suzuki, Rancon Motor Bikes Ltd. In addition, allthe other
employees for providing me with his experience and practical knowledge in

Executive Summary
Rancon Motor Bikes Limited, one of many sister concerns and a strategic business
unitof RANGS Ltd, has established itself since 2014 as the official representative
of SUZUKIin Bangladesh

from importing disassembled motor bicycle parts to suppling road-readytwo-
wheeler motor vehicles all the country through its vast network of dealers.Overall,
Rancon Motor Bikes Limited has 86 dealers all over the country, and that
includenumerous service centres and service caf
. The numbers are growing on daily basis. Inaddition, the market has great
potential as they are still scratching the surface. .In addition, political stability and
steady economy growth have made Bangladesh ahotspot for local and foreign
investment. There are slow but definite changes in everysphere of life of average
Bangladeshi-better standard of life, increasing literacy, growingmiddle classes,
greater consumer buying power etcetera. One of those changes in growthof greater
and faster personal mobility especially, motor bicycle. Emergence of app-basedride
sharing service, and subsequent TAX and VAT reduction have contributed in
massivegrowth of the market. Moreover, personal mobility gives its owner
freedom andindependence to go virtually anywhere and anytime. According to a
report, since 2017the market has grown 50 percent 1 and still growing fast.To
capitalise the opportunities, Rancon Motor Bikes Limited has established an
assemblyunit spanning more than 1.5 lakh square feet in Gazipur as well as has
been expandingnetwork of dealers and service centres, partnering with banks to
arrange EMI, sellingthrough e-commerce sites, striking deals with ride sharing
service providers, runningaggressive promotional campaigns and so on.
RANCON started its journey in 1979 with RANGS Limited. It became very
successful andthey expended their journey with RANGS Industries Limited back
in 1985. In 1990, theyhave started RANGS Properties Limited. After huge success
with RANGS, RANCONstarted to established themselves as an exclusive brand.
So, they have started to hostworld-class brand like Mercedes- Benz under
RANCON Motors Limited since 2002. In2004, another division was launched
called RANKS Petroleum Limited and they haveintroduced Shell Lubricants in
Bangladesh. In 2012, RANCON become the host of SuzukiMotorbikes under
RANCON Motorbikes Limited. In 2018, RANCON launched Fuso
underRANCON Trucks and Busses. Currently, RANCON has 14 strategic business
units. (needin text citation from issuu bookmark)




British Motors Industries Architects
Trucks & Buses Properties Developments
Car Hub Petroleum Hospitality Garda Shield

Since I have been working under Suzuki, Rancon Motorbikes Limited as a

MarketingIntern. This rest of the report is focused more on Rancon Motorbikes
Limited. RanconMotor Bikes Ltd (RMBL), is a concern and a strategic business
unit of Rancon HoldingsLtd. The company had started its journey as a part of the
RANGS Group which has beenoperating in Bangladesh since 1979. Rangs Group
is one of the biggest conglomeratesin Bangladesh, headquartered at Tejgaon,
Dhaka. At the very beginning in 2013, RMBLcommenced with a team of only 3.
The first shipment of bikes was due to arrive in 2014.Fast forward to 2018, with a
team of 290, SUZUKI Bangladesh has been importing andassembling different
types of bikes in Bangladesh in its own state-of-the-art factory inGazipur including
commuter bikes, sports bikes, scooters and recently has introducedcruiser bikes.
They are now moving towards manufacturing Suzuki Bike in Bangladesh.
: Be the trend-setter in all business we operate.
We set our vision to be a leader and role model in diversified business sectorsthat
cater to every growing human need.

Leadership, to Rancon, leadership isn't simply driving a group of individuals and
gettingwork done but it should make an environment for knowledge so that people
involved cangrow personally and professionally.

Think Out-of-the-Box, from the very beginning, Rancon holds a firm belief that
doingthings differently and efficiently will set them apart in the industry.

Passion to excel, Rancon strives to success whatever business it does. Passion
andhard-work are absolute must for success.

Keep Learning, RMBL never ceases to learn from its competitors e.g.

Have Mutual Respect, RMBL nurtures a healthy and respectful working
environment.Enjoy What You Do, the company preaches the idea of having
passion for whatemployees do.

Swot Analysis

Part of influential and powerful parent company.2.

Massive customer base.3.

Representing powerful brand like SUZUKI.4.

86 strong dealer networks.


Fewer service centers dotted around the country.2.

Servicing and spare parts are expensive.3.

SUZUKI Bikes are slightly over- priced than its competitors in similar
segments,especially HONDA.
1. Huge demand for lower CC bikes.2. Emerging app-based ride sharing service.3.
Relaxing CC limitation opened up new customer base.4. Reduction of import duty,
attracting new customers.
Other Japanese bike manufacturers have introduced cheaper and more

SUZUKI, constantly facing challenges from HONDA, YAMAHA,

Limitations of the Study
Due to some legal obligation and business secrecy, Rancon
Motor Bikes Limited wasreluctant to provide some sensitive
data. Thus, this study limits only on the availablepublished data
and certain degree of formal and informal interview and limited
survey.Although the particular study is extensive in nature, hard
effort was given to make thestudy worthwhile and meaningful
even then there are some limitations. As a whole, the
internship period in Rancon Motor Bikes Limited was not free from restrictions. I
facedsome challenges during the period, which I am mentioning below

Limited Time
I was in RMBL for three months so within this short period of time it is very
difficult to befamiliar with all the activities of RMBL.
Confidential Information
There are types of information that the employees are not allowed to disclose due
to thesecrecy and other corporate obligations.
Other Limitation
As I was a newcomer and had no previous experiences in the marketing
department andmany practical matters in the office were in written form so my
own observations mayvary from person to person.

s Efforts to Boost Sales
Internal Process Optimisation
Dividing Local Market into Four RegionsIn order to better understand and to
promote sales, market had been divided into foursectors

North-east, North-west, South-east, and South-west. There are 3 heads who
New Showroom Layout
To attract more customer and sales, a new showroom standard has been proposed

modern, black themed. RMBL is trying to persuade its every single dealer to
decorateaccording to new standard because as a matter of fact, showroom
decoration andenvironment have positive relationship with actually selling bikes.
Easy Finance
To make bikes more accessible, RMBL and City Bank Limited have signed a deal
so thatcustomers can avail loan facilities on SUZUKI Motorcycles from flagship
showroom andother specific dealer showrooms

Faster Settlement
In order for any financial activity to run faster, each employee has been trained to
use IFS(an enterprise software) so that when a requisition or request arrives at
Financedepartment process is half way ready. Moreover, each department deals
with its ownclients

e.g. marketing related payments are partly settled by its own.
Separating Bike and Spare Parts Payments
To fast track the process of providing service & spare parts, two separate accounts
arekept for every dealer. It quickens up the process of taking orders for spare parts.
RMBLbelieves after sales service is a major deciding factor for buyers while
buying bikes.
Employee Training
As demand for bikes is expected to rise and so is the workload, every employee
has togo through advanced software training so that they can do more with less
effort. Forexample, just a few weeks earlier, all the employee went to a seminar
where they weretrained how to write VBA codes and set Macro to reduce manual
Offering Bikes at Dealer Price
As bikes are becoming more and more popular in Dhaka

s dreadful gridlock, RMBL offersbikes at dealer price to its employees so that they
can arrive in time and do not looseworking hour.

Revamped Corporate Sales

RMBL has done some research and realised that making revenue off of selling
only onemodel of bike is dangerous for the future of the company. So they have
opened a newdepartment called

Corporate Sales
the primary focuses of this department is to lookfor tenders, big buyers, and do
negotiation with potential clients. Only recently, OBHAI,an app- based ride
sharing service, has made a deal with RMBL to buy 80-unit of SUZUKIHayate.
There is a huge demand for 100cc-110cc bikes and scooter, and RMBL is on
amission to dominate the segment.
Monitoring Sales Every 10 Days
To monitor and evaluate showroom wise and region wise sales, company briefs
situationreport in every 10-day. This way, they can take swift action if something
is not goingaccording to plan. In the figure below, RMBL has analysed the ratio of
potential buyers visiting in its showrooms and buying. This is one the major
parameters RMBL uses tomeasure effectiveness of its marketing approaches.
Running Campaigns


CampaignThis campaign promotes women to ride and to be more independent. RJ
Taaj, a well-known radio personality, was chosen as a symbol a modern,
independent, and courageous woman of 21st century.

Apparently, women are as enthusiastic as men about bikes. Moreover, this

campaign also promotesroad-safety and encourages people to follow traffic laws

Online Selling
RMBL was the first to sell SUZUKI bikes through online retailer websites. To buy
a bike,buyer only has to choose a bike with preferred colour by going Daraz or
Othoba, setup ashowroom visit, and finally take bike home. As I

m writing the report, Daraz is selling SUZUKIbikes with TK.5000 cashback offer,
and responses are quite positive. Moreover, consumersin Indian sub-continent
predominantly mall goers

they like to go out, roam store-to-store,and buy stuffs they like.
Inking Deal with JAZZ Multimedia
There have been talks between RMBL and JAZZ Multimedia to showcase
SUZUKI bikes inall movie or advertisement it produces. The main target for this
deal is to target lower incomepeople.
New Website
A new website has been in the process of making where buyers can get more in-
depthinformation about SUZUKI bikes, place purchase order or take quick
personality quizzes tofind what bike is best for them.

Regular Roadshow
Every month, two vans exhibit SUZUKI bikes at major hotspots around the
country. Theycover universities, shopping malls, public places of major cities and
towns- ultimate targetsof this roadshow are the youth.
Advertising Campaigns
Hundreds of billboards, police boxes, road blocks, road cones are bearing SUZUKI

spromotional wrapping all over country. Besides, RMBL distributes free
merchandises withtheir bikes e.g. just recently, RMBL has installed 800 pieces of
FASCIA in every dealer andservice points.

Internship was for me an actual life gaining knowledge of experience. It gave me
the tasteof corporate culture and had groomed me for the upcoming professional
entity. It had givenme many opportunities of handling real life situations. It has
removed my indistinct ideasand misconceptions of company environment
enriching new understanding in me.Everything is structured and effortless.Doing
this report, my perception on automobile industry has changed drastically.
Analystshad predicted that biking market would swell but no one could imagine
the growth this marketis experiencing right at this moment- half a fold growth year
by year.Moreover, my knowledge about marketing and customer analysis has
grown considerably.I made myself familiar with numerous formal paper works,
analytical software, and corporateetiquettes. I saw the journey of bike from
opening LC to handing over to its owner, and manyactivities in between.Finally, I
learned that selling product to customers is not an easy task. It takes
brilliantplanning, careful execution, and monitoring with very narrow room for
errors. To reachpotential customers and make them aware of the product that you
are offering are theprimary job of marketing. Clever and frequent marketing
campaigns are absolute must tokeep people informed. This is exactly what
marketing department is doing and helping toachieve RMBL’s strategic objectives

However, I could have written more inside information, most of my internship

period timeare going by staying inside home due to pandemic situation.

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