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Springdale Sharing The Planet

International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)


Sharing The Planet

Subject Year Start date Duration

Bangla, English, Pre Kindergarten Week 1, January 9 weeks
Mathematics, ICT/STEAM,
Performing Arts , Visual Arts

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living
things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict


Transdisciplinary Theme

Sharing the planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and
with other living things

The Central Idea

Living things have certain requirements in order to grow and stay healthy.

Lines of Inquiry
- Characteristics of living things
- Our needs and the needs of other living things
- Our responsibility for the well-being of other living things

Student questions
- Do all animals live at the farm/zoo?
- What are the things you need every day to stay healthy and happy?
- Why is it important to take care of plants and animals?
- What can we do to help them stay safe and happy?
- How do you feel when you see someone littering or harming nature?
- What can we do to be responsible and protect living things?
- How can a plant be living things?
- Do all living things eat the same thing?

Teacher questions
- Where do we live?
- What do we need to stay healthy?

Springdale International School

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Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

- How do we grow?
- Do you know plants are livibng things too?
- How can you take care of living things?
- PSPE: As a living thing, how do you take care of yourself?
- PSPE: What nonliving things are used in sports ?
- Visual Arts: What living things do we see around us?
- Visual Arts: How can we help in growth of living things?

Learning Goals

Connections: Transdisciplinary and Past


1. Mathematical Patterns in Nature:

a. How do patterns in leaves, flowers, and animal markings demonstrate mathematical principles such as symmetry and
b. What mathematical relationships can be observed in the arrangement of petals, the number of leaves, or the symmetry
of natural objects?
2. Measurement in Natural Systems:

a. How can measurement concepts such as length, height, and width be applied to study and understand the proportions
of living organisms and their surroundings?
b. What role does measurement play in tracking natural phenomena, such as the growth of plants or the migration
patterns of animals?
3. Human Impact on Natural Patterns and Measurements:

a. How do human activities affect the natural patterns and measurements in ecosystems?
b. Can mathematical concepts be applied to analyze the impact of human interventions on the environment and its living


• observe and describe the characteristics of living and non-living things

• observe the needs of living things that enable them to stay healthy

• take responsibility for living things found in his or her environment.

Visual Arts:

Students can be

• more observant about their surroundings

• drawing subjects by observing real-life

• creative by being observant

Springdale International School

Page 2 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)


• While using the sports equipment students learn how the non living things are used for learning purpose .
• How to take care of non living things .
• students will learn about healthy habits, such as nutrition hydration and exercise to stay healthy .

Bangla: Through a story "Hasher paye ghuri" children will be able to relate their real life with living and non living things.they
will do a project on that story.

Learning Goals and Success Criteria

Learning Goals:

1. Understanding Characteristics:

a. Identify and describe basic characteristics that distinguish living things from non-living things.
b. Recognize and name common characteristics shared by humans, animals, and plants.
2. Awareness of Basic Needs:

a. Identify and list the basic needs of humans, animals, and plants for survival and well-being.
b. Understand the consequences of unmet needs for living things.
3. Responsibility Towards Living Things:

a. Recognize the concept of responsibility towards living things.

b. Identify simple actions that demonstrate responsibility in caring for the environment and living organisms.
4. Observing Growth and Changes:

a. Observe and describe the growth stages of a plant or an animal.

b. Understand that living things undergo changes as they grow.

Success Criteria:

1. Characteristics of Living Things:

a. Students can correctly identify at least three characteristics that are common to humans, animals, and plants.
b. Students can provide simple examples of how these characteristics help living things survive.
2. Needs of Living Things:

a. Students can list three basic needs of humans, three for animals, and three for plants.
b. Students can explain, in simple terms, what might happen if one of these needs is not met for a living thing.
3. Responsibility Towards Living Things:

a. Students can express the idea that people have a responsibility to take care of animals and plants.
b. Students can suggest at least one action they can take to show responsibility towards living things.
4. Observing Growth and Changes:

a. Students can correctly sequence at least three stages in the growth of a plant or an animal.
b. Students can use age-appropriate language to describe changes they observe in living things as they grow.

Springdale International School

Page 3 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Scope & Sequence


Pattern and Function

Overall Expectations

will understand that patterns and sequences occur in everyday situations. They will be able to identify, describe, extend
and create patterns in various ways.

Conceptual Understandings

Patterns and sequences occur in everyday situations.

Patterns repeat and grow.

Learning Outcomes

When applying with understanding learners:

When constructing meaning learners:


Oral language - listening and speaking

Overall Expectations

show an understanding of the value of speaking and listening to communicate. They recognise that sounds are associated
with objects, or with symbolic representations of them. They are using language to name their environment, to get to know
each other, to initiate and explore relationships, to question and inquire.

Conceptual Understandings

Spoken words connect us with others.

People listen and speak to share thoughts and feelings.

People ask questions to learn from others.

Learning Outcomes

tell their own stories using words, gestures, and objects/artifacts

use single words and two- word phrases in context

understand simple questions and respond with actions or words

follow classroom directions and routines, using context cues

realize that people speak different languages

use the mother tongue (with translation, if necessary) to express needs and explain ideas

Springdale International School

Page 4 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Visual language - viewing and presenting

Overall Expectations

show an understanding that the world around them is full of visual language that conveys meaning. They are able to
interpret and respond to visual texts. Although much of their own visual language is spontaneous, they are extending and
using visual language in more purposeful ways.

Conceptual Understandings

Visual language is all around us.

The pictures, images, and symbols in our environment have meaning.

We can enjoy and learn from visual language.

Learning Outcomes

attend to visual information showing understanding through play, gestures, facial expression

reveal their own feelings in response to visual presentations, for example, by showing amusement, curiosity, surprise

Written language - reading

Overall Expectations

show an understanding that print represents the real or the imagined world. They know that reading gives them knowledge
and pleasure; that it can be a social activity or an individual activity. They have a concept of a "book", and an awareness
of some of its structural elements. They use visual cues to recall sounds and the words they are "reading" to construct

Written language - writing

Overall Expectations

show an understanding that writing is a form of expression to be enjoyed. They know that how you write and what you
write conveys meaning; that writing is a purposeful act, with both individual and collaborative aspects.

Performing Arts


Overall Expectations

show an understanding that the different forms of arts are forms of expression to be enjoyed. They know that dance,
drama, music and visual arts use symbols and representations to convey meaning. They have a concept of being an
audience of different art forms and display awareness of sharing art with others. They are able to interpret and respond to
different art forms, including their own work and that of others.


Overall Expectations

show an understanding that they can express themselves by creating artworks in dance, drama, music and visual arts.

Springdale International School

Page 5 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

They know that creating in arts can be done on their own or with others. They are aware that inspiration to create in arts
comes from their own experiences and imagination. They recognise that they use symbols and representations to convey
meaning in their work.

Specified and Additional Concepts

Specified Concepts

Concepts Key questions and definition Rationale Subject Focus

How does it work? Students will embark on an exploration of the Mathematics,

The understanding that everything characteristics of living things with a focus on Science
Function has a purpose, a role or a way of function. This learning experience involves
behaving that can be investigated. introducing them to basic structures in familiar
living organisms, such as plants and animals,
and elucidating how these structures serve
specific functions essential for survival.
Through hands-on activities, simple
experiments, and engaging discussions,
students will identify, observe, and recognize
patterns in the relationship between the
structures and functions of living things. The
goal is to cultivate an early understanding of
the interplay between form and purpose,
encouraging students to express their
comprehension through drawings, verbal
descriptions, and discussions. This
foundational knowledge lays the groundwork
for a more nuanced understanding of life
sciences in subsequent years.

Why is it as it is? Students will investigate the cause-and-effect

The understanding that things do relationships between the requirements for their
Causation not just happen; there are causal own well-being and those of other living
relationships at work, and that entities. Through hands-on activities and age-
actions have consequences. appropriate discussions, students will identify
the causes behind the fulfillment of basic
needs, such as nutrition, shelter, and care. The
focus will then shift to understanding the impact
of human actions and environmental changes
as potential causes affecting the well-being of
plants, animals, and ecosystems. By exploring
these causative relationships, students will gain
insights into the interconnectedness between

Springdale International School

Page 6 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Concepts Key questions and definition Rationale Subject Focus

their actions and the needs of living things

around them. This approach will foster a sense
of responsibility as students begin to grasp the
consequences of their actions on the broader
natural world, laying the groundwork for
developing empathy and ethical consideration
for the needs of all living entities.

What are our obligations? The learning experience will begin by fostering
The understanding that people a sense of empathy towards living organisms
Responsibility make choices based on their through age-appropriate stories, discussions,
understandings, beliefs and and observation activities. Students will explore
values, and the actions they take the concept of responsibility by connecting it
as a result do make a difference. to their actions and their impact on the
environment. Through simple tasks, such as
caring for plants in the classroom or observing
the needs of class pets, students will learn that
they have a responsibility to contribute
positively to the well-being of other living
things. Engaging discussions and activities will
emphasize the ethical aspect of responsibility,
encouraging students to consider the
consequences of their actions on the natural

Developing IB Learners

Learner Profile





Students will develop knowledge by exploring the characteristics, needs, and responsibilities of living things, with a specific
focus on their interconnectedness. Through hands-on activities, stories, and discussions, students will gain an understanding of
their role in caring for the well-being of other living entities.

Springdale International School

Page 7 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)


As students engage with the unit, they will progressively embody the learner profile attributes: they will become knowledgeable
about the natural world, demonstrate care and empathy towards living things, and reflect on the impact of their actions, fostering
a sense of responsibility from an early age.


students can be encouraged to be reflective by engaging in class discussions about the well-being of living things,
maintaining observation journals to record their observations, incorporating storytelling and imaginative play to evoke

Springdale International School

Page 8 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

empathy, using visual aids for expression, and fostering peer discussions to share experiences. These practices help
students develop a thoughtful awareness of their responsibility for the well-being of other living things, promoting a
reflective approach to their actions and choices from an early age.

ATL Skills

Approaches to Learning

Thinking Skills

- Critical thinking - Analysing and evaluating issues and ideas, and forming decisions


Observe carefully in order to recognize problems.

Consider meaning of materials.

Take knowledge or ideas apart by separating them into component parts.

Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.


Organize relevant information to formulate an argument.

Evaluate evidence and arguments, and associated decisions.

Recognize unstated assumptions and biases.

Consider ideas from multiple perspectives.

Synthesize new understandings by finding unique characteristics; seeing relationships and connections.

Test generalizations and conclusions.

Identify obstacles and challenges.

Forming Decisions

Develop contrary or opposing arguments.

Propose and evaluate a variety of solutions.

Revise understandings based on new information and evidence.

Draw conclusions and generalizations

- Creative Thinking - Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives

Generating novel ideas

Use discussions and diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries.

Practise “visible thinking” strategies and techniques.

Springdale International School

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Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas.

Design improvements to existing products, processes, media and technologies.

Considering new perspectives

Ask “what if” questions and generate testable hypotheses.

Apply existing knowledge to design new products processes, media and technologies.

Consider multiple alternatives, including those that might be unlikely or impossible.

Practise flexible thinking—develop multiple opposing, contradictory and complementary arguments.

Practise “visible thinking” strategies and techniques.

Generate metaphors and analogies.

Research Skills

- Information literacy - Formulating and planning, data gathering and recording, synthesizing and interpreting, evaluating
and communicating

Data gathering and recording

Gather information from a variety of primary and secondary sources.

Use all senses to find and notice relevant details.

Record observations by drawing, note taking, charting, tallying, writing statements, annotating images.

Evaluating and communicating

Draw conclusions from relationships and patterns that emerge from data.

Present information in a variety of formats and platforms.

Understand the significance of academic integrity and intellectual property rights.

Create references and citations, use footnotes/endnotes and construct a bibliography according to recognized


Student-initiated Action
• Taking care of the class pet
• Planting seeds and watering everyday
• Being more helpful to all living things.
• leaving a water bowl outside their home for birds

Assessment & Resources

Ongoing Assessment

Springdale International School

Page 10 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

MAR Living things (UOI) Summative

7 Summative Classroom Activity Thursday at 11:50 AM

Students discussed about the features of living and non living things. They shared their understanding of the unit and
were asked to draw and talk about the feature and needs of any living things of their choice and how can they take
care of the living thing.

Making flexible use of resources

• Different learning corners

• Differentiated instructions
• flexible grouping/ seating arrangements
• scaffolded learning: Break down complex concepts into smaller, manageable steps, providing support as needed.
• Smart board
• Task sheets
• open ended tasks
• students choice of picking a learning corner

Student Self-assessment and Peer Feedback

Peer Assessment:

We brought a lot of objects and asked the students to sort them out as living and non living and explain their choices to the
class. They were assessed by their peers in giving correct answer.

Self Assessment:

During the student led confernece the students explained their learning to their parents in our living and non-living things corner.
They explained the feartures of living things and how they should take care of other living things around us.

Learning Experiences

Designing engaging Learning Experiences

Tuning In (Exploration and Engagement):

Objective: Develop curiosity and awareness of living things.


Weeks 1-2: Tuning In

Objective: Spark curiosity and engage students in the topic.

(Week 1):

• Start with a nature walk around the school or local area.

• Collect various items from nature (leaves, flowers, small rocks).
• Group discussion: What did you observe? What do living things look like?

Springdale International School

Page 11 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Springdale International School

Page 12 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

(Week 1):

• Create a nature table display with collected items.

• Storytime: Read a simple story about plants or animals.

Make a story board

• Small group discussions: What do you think living things need to grow?

(Week 2):

• Hands-on activity: Planting seeds in small pots.

• Discuss and record predictions: What do plants need to grow?
• Document observations in a class journal.
• STEAM: Learn the characteristics of different living and living things.Show audio books

Bangla: Students listened to a story" হাঁসের পায়ে ঘুড়ি"where they have learned new Bangla words and different names of living
and non-living things and unit related bangla words.

PSPE: Students learned how different animals move, such as monkeys walking, kangaroos hopping, penguins waddling, and
bunnies hopping. They enjoyed the activity.

Weeks 3-5: Finding Out

Objective: Investigate the characteristics of living things.

• Class 1 (Week 3):

◦ Observe and record plant growth from the planted seeds.

◦ Introduce simple living/non-living sorting activities.
◦ Class discussion: What do all living things have in common?
• Class 2 (Week 4):

◦ Hands-on activity: Visit a local petting zoo or have a guest speaker bring in small animals.
◦ Discuss observations: What are the similarities and differences between plants and animals?
• Class 3 (Week 5):

◦ Science experiment: Set up terrariums to explore the needs of living things (light, water, air).
◦ Document and discuss observations.
◦ STEAM: Play a sorting game on living and nonliving things.

Week 6: Sorting Out

Central Idea: Living things have certain requirements in order to grow and stay healthy.

• Synthesize information about the characteristics and needs of living things.
• Explore the concept of responsibility towards living things.
• Activities
◦ Interactive Chart: Create a class chart comparing the needs of different living things (plants, animals, humans). Include
needs such as light, water, air, and food.
◦ Group Sorting Activity: Students work in small groups to sort images or models of different living things based on their
needs. Discuss as a class.

Springdale International School

Page 13 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

◦ Class Discussion: Talk about the similarities and differences between the needs of plants and animals. How do we
meet these needs?

Week 7: Going Further

Objective: Deepen understanding of how we can take responsibility for the well-being of living things.

• Research Project: In small groups, research a specific living thing (a plant or animal) and present its needs and how
humans can care for it. Use books, videos, and the internet for research.
• Field Trip: Visit a local botanical garden or animal shelter to observe how these organizations care for living things. Discuss
the responsibilities involved.
• Role Play: Act out scenarios where students care for different living things (e.g., watering plants, feeding pets).

Week 8: Making Connections

Objective: Connect knowledge of living things' needs to everyday actions and choices.

• Action Plan: Create an action plan for the classroom or home to care for a specific living thing. For example, setting up a
schedule for watering classroom plants or feeding a class pet.
• Guest Speaker: Invite a veterinarian, gardener, or environmentalist to talk about their work and responsibilities in caring for
living things.
• Art Project: Draw posters or create visual reminders about how to care for plants and animals. Display these around the
classroom or school.

Week 9: Taking Action

Objective: Implement and reflect on actions taken to care for living things.

• Class Project: Implement the action plans created in Week 8. For example, students can start a small garden in the
schoolyard or take turns caring for a class pet.
• Reflection Journals: Students document their experiences caring for living things over the week. Encourage them to write
or draw about what they did, what they learned, and how they felt.

Supporting Student Agency

• Students wanted to plant and grow a seed to sprout.
• They wanted to expericence taking care of a living organism and we got a class pet (fish). Each day they took turns in
watering the plants.


General Reflections

Looking Back

Springdale International School

Page 14 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Sharmin Sarah May 29, 2024 at 2:30 PM

The learning journey was a fun one. The students thoroughly enjoyed the unit.
- Formatives and ongoing activity (Planting a seed, feeding and cleaning the fish bowl)

-Summative Assessment

- Anecdotal Notes

Students were able to understand the differntiation between the living and non living things. They are more knowleagable
now in being more caring towards other living things.

Looking Forward
Sharmin Sarah May 29, 2024 at 2:31 PM

Unit went well. We could arrange a field trip to the zoo to make the leanring more interesting.

Additional Subject Specific Reflections

Aziza Sharmin May 29, 2024 at 9:01 AM

STEAM:Students have enjoyed playing sorting games .

Ummey Tyeba May 29, 2024 at 2:15 PM

PSPE: Students have enjoyed the animal movements games

Stream & Resources

Link Resources
Maliha Rahman | Maliha
Posted video on Feb 1, 2024 at 8:03 AM

The three little pigs

Springdale International School

Page 15 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

Maliha Rahman | Maliha

Posted photo on Jan 31, 2024 at 1:41 PM

Missing number 1-30

Students filled in the missing numbers.


Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod

Posted video on Jan 27, 2024 at 11:14 AM

The Smartest Giant in town

A story about a giant and his encounter with multiple animals. He helps them selflessly in numerous ways.

Sharmin Sarah
Posted 1 file on Jan 23, 2024 at 3:25 PM

Living Things Book let

800 KB PDF Document

Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod

Posted 1 file on Jan 15, 2024 at 12:51 PM

14th Jan
First day of school. We made the children make winter hats, practice numbers from 1-20 and go over the letter sounds from
letter a to p

100 KB Image File

Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod

Posted 1 file on Jan 15, 2024 at 12:43 PM

Math Missing Numbers

As revision work we did missing Numbers 1-20

Springdale International School

Page 16 of 17
Sharing The Planet
Springdale Sharing The Planet
International Jaen Tuli, Sumaya Era, Vanisha (Vanisha) Vinod, Aziza Sharmin, Sharmin
School Rahman, Sharmin Sarah, Ummey Tyeba
(Pre Kindergarten)

500 KB PDF Document

Springdale International School

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Sharing The Planet

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