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Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 1 Subject: PE Week: 6

Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Unit 1:
Session : 11
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Do a standing vertical jump
Do a standing
Hop on 1 leg
II. Teaching content:
III. Time:
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Students’ assumed knowledge:
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome SS
1. Warm up Play the Freeze game
(10 mins) Do warm up learnt from previous lessons
The standing long jump is widely applied to assess lower body strength in children and adolescents.
How to do a standing vertical jump
Here is a step-by-step guide into how to do a standing vertical jump.
Spread your feet slightly.
Crouch slightly at the knees.
Keep your back straight.
( mins)
Push up explosively through the balls of your feet.
Throw your hands up to help with momentum.
Land on the balls of your feet, then your heels.
Crouch slightly and repeat the exercise.
Power Jumps
Props: A mini trampoline (optional)
Tell the children: Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
Bend your knees and sit back into a squat.
Then push up using your legs to move through a standing position, jump up as high as you can.
Use your arms to create momentum. As you land, bend your knees to soften the landing and lower your
hips into a squat.
Repeat this exercise as 5 times as you can.
( mins) Jump-Ups
Props: A step or low bench for each participant
Tell the kids: Stand facing a step, with your arms at your sides.
Bending your left leg, place your left foot in the middle of the step.
Keep your weight evenly distributed over the balls of your feet.
Push off with both feet, jumping straight up as high as you can. Let your arms swing up overhead.
Pause between jumps only long enough to maintain balance.
Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 1 Subject: PE Week: 6
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
180-/360-Degree Turn
4. This jumping activity will help children understand how to turn while jumping.
( mins) To make it easier, I recommend setting a visual target on each side for the children to focus on.
Divide the group into pairs or have the players choose partners.
Jumping helps kids understand their body better. They develop better coordination overall and
4. Wrap-up (5’)
lead a rewarding life. Both sides of the brain and body work together to maintain balance and
5. Home link (5’)

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