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Q.No. Sub Questions MaRKS



1.1 T B clinic is an example of

A) General clinic B) specific clinic C) MCH Clinic D)under five clinic

1.2 Which of the following chemicals is used in purification of water

A) alcohol B) chlorine C) bleaching powder D) None of these

1.3 Following articles are found in the nursing bag except

A) thermometer B) radiant warmer C) betadine

D) kidney tray

1.4 Which of the following disease occurs due to deficiency of thiamine.

A) Pellagra B) Beri-Beri C) Scurvy D) Anaemia

1.5 Causative organism of Diphtheriais

A) M . tuberculosis B) M.laprae

C) crynebacterium diptheriae D) E .coli


2.1 During lactation, nutritional needs of a woman decreases. False

2.2 Acid rain is an side effect of water purification False

2.3 Home visit should be goal oriented True

2.4 TB is an non communicable disease False

2.5 Assessment is the first step of community health nursing process True


3 .1 An ANM is supervised by Female health assistance..................

3.2 Group of people livingin in a defined geographical area.. community..................

3.3 Household wastes without sewage is known as... sullage...................

3.4 WHO was established in the year 7april 1948......

3.5 Additional kalories requirements of a pregnant women......350kcl................


4.1 Explain various methods of wastes disposal

Ans . There are a number of concept about waste management which vary in their
usage between countries or religion.some of the most general widely used
concepts includ.

 Dumping
 Landfill
 Controlled tripping or sanitary land fill
 Inceneration
 Composting
 Manure pit
 Burial
 Feeding animals
 Dumping =open dump refers to uncovered areas that are used
to dump solid waste of all kind tge waste is uncovered and
 Landfill=land fill generally used in unbar areas in this the wasts
are dumped in a land and after the landfill is full the areas is
covered with a thick layer of mud and the site can thereafter
be developed as a parking lot or a park
 Controlled tripping=A alternate to landfill which will solve the
problem of leaching to some extent is a sanitary landfill which
is more hygienic and built in a methodical manner.
 Incineration= this process burning waste. In large furnaces is
known as incineration.
 Composting=composting is an effective method of solid waste composting biodegradable material break down
through natural process and produce humus.
 Manure pit=this method is similar to burial method in this all
domestic refuse cow dung etc.are put only into a pit dug up in
the background.
 Burial= a burial trench 1.5 mit broad 2mit deep is dugbrefuse is
put into it and then covered with a 20-30cm thick layer of soil.
Feeding the animal= uncontaminated food stuff like remaining food etc
can be fed to animals.

4.2 Explain about referral system

Ans.Referral system

Referral is an process of referring a paitent from one centre to another centre to

receive advanced treatment.

Levels of referral

Teaching hospital/ speciality hospital

District hospital

Community health centre.


Village level

Categories of patients=

 First category/ Fatel this category patients come who cannot
survive despite the best treatment made available to send the patient is
necessary without wastage of time.
 Second category/serious patient=patient condition will be serious but
immediate treatment can save the life before sending for referral.
 Third category/ general patient = in this category when disease may be
serious but patient condition is normal and delayed treatment may not
threaten to his life .

Features of good referral_

 It will be defined package of service

 Availablity of resources
 Responsive to local situation
 Communication
 Involvement of agencies
 Standardized referral format
 Documentation
4.3 Types of clinics and their functions

Ans.. Types of clinics and their functions

 On the basis of ownership

Private clinics= run by private agencies and take charges for providing
Government clinics= run by government and provide services at free of cost

 On the basis of functions

a. Specific clinics = these clinics are provided care on one specific
aspects example Tb clinic,MCH clinic, diabetes clinic, under five clinic
b.General clinic= these clinic are providing care on several aspects such
as fever , typhoid, pregnancy, problem of childrens etc

4.4 Write about principles of home visit

Ans.Principles of Home visit

 Home visit should be regular

 It should be planned before visiting
 Home visit should be flexible
 It should be convenient
 Good relationship
 Home visit should be based on scientific principles
 Home should be educative to the community members can be get
some information
 Every time home visit should be evaluated to check the
effectiveness of care.

4.5 Write the role of a community health nurse in family health services

Ans.Role of a nurse in family health services

Community health nurse plays and important role in planning and implementation
of family health services_
 Obtain detailed information about the family
Number of members in the family
Type of family
Socio economical status of the family
Availability of other resources she is collecting other detail
information of the family
 Assessment of health needs
Community health nurse identify health needs and problem of
the family members through conversation and observation
 Implementation of services
After assessment community health nurse make a plan and
implement health services based on the identified needs
and problems of community members .
 Health education
Health education is an important aspects of family
health services a community health nurse provide
health education regarding following topic such as
antenatal care postal care of newborn family planning
hygiene etc
 Supervision
Community health nurse supervises her sub
ordinate health workers and provide necessary
instructions for insuring proper planning and
implementation of good quality of familial services.
 Evaluation
Community health nurse evaluate the
effectivity of health care services provided to
the family member.
 Recording and reporting
Recording and reporting also an integral
part of family health services she records
all the activities carried out but by her and
report to the other members of healthy.
4.6 Female health workers female health worker is posted at sab centre and she is expected to cover
a population of 3000 to 5000 see carried out following activities_

 Maternal and child health services including care during antenatal

period care during alternative period and clear of postnatal
 Immunization see in source all the infant children's and pregnant
womens in her area as per immunization schedule are immunized
or not
 A female health worker ensure star availability of family planning
services in her area such as a availability of contraceptive devices
to eligible couples and creating awareness in community members
regarding small family norms.
 A female health worker Focuses on prevention of communicable
diseases she uses appropriate majors for prevention and control of
various communicable diseases.
 Aap female health worker provide health education to the people
regarding maternal and child health care immunization family
planning adequate nutrition hygiene etc .
 Primary medical care she provides care of minor ailments
 A female health worker is responsible for proper maintenance of
sub centre where she is posted
 Female health worker maintains weather records and reports at
her sab
 She supervise the other health care workers working under her
 A female health worker promotes food supply and adequate
nutrition at her area.

4.7 Explain the water purification at small scale

Ans.Purification of water at small scale

=Household purification of water

Household purification is an small scale water purification.

In this various methods are used such as


Disinfection with chemicals

Filteration by clothes
Domestic filters

=Disinfection of wells

Although water of the wells are purer than the water of rivers,lakes,ponds etc but
it is not 100% time to time its disinfection is essential.

Following are the steps for disinfection of wells

_ Measuring the volume of water in the well

_ Calculating the amount of bleaching powder

needed for disinfection

_Preparing solutions of bleaching powder

_ Mixing of bleaching powder solution in the water of well


5.1 Define epidemiology uses of epidemiology and write about the basics tools of 30
measurement in epidemiology.

Ans. Epidemiology=The study of the distribution and determinants of health

related states or events in specified population and the application of this study to
the control of health problems.

Usage of epidemiology=

Historical study of disease in the population

Community diagnosis

Estimate the risk

Planning, implementatiing and evaluation of services

Completing the clinical picture of a disease

Identification of syndromes

Search for course

Tools of measurement in epidemiology=

There are various measurements which are used in epidemiology

Are as follows

 Measurements of mortality
 Measurement of morbidity
 Measurement of disability
 Measurement of health related needs
 Measurement of distribution of disease
 Measurement of various environmental factors
 Measurement of health services available for community
 Measurement of consumption of rate of health services

5.2 Define home visit and explain the steps of home visit

Asn.Home visit( Definition)

Home visit health services are provided to individual and family in their place of
residence for purpose of promoting and maintaining or restoring health.

Steps of home visit

5.3 Explain role of community health nurse

Ans. Role of a community health nurse

 Health care provider=community health nurse provide direct care

in the community
1. Implement and follow of orders of physician
2. Provide nursing procedures
 Health educator=educate individual family and community for the
principals and community health nursing practices
 Collaborator=community health nurse work in the collaboration
with other health workers of government or NGOs in community
 Counselor=community health nurse conduct the counselling of
individual to solve their problems
 Advocate=community health nurse work as a advocate for the
community and participate in different government meetings and
talk on the problems of community members
 Researcher=community health nurse work hard for searching new
methods of care an application of new community health nursing
 Manager= A community health nurse work as a manager to
manage all the activities of her centre as well at Village.

5.4 Define community health nursing and principles of community health nursing and
explain functions of a community health nurse

Ans.. Definition -A/c to ANA. Community health nursing is a synthesis of nursing

practice and public health practice applied for promotion and preservation of

Principles of community health nursing

 Before planning collect all information regarding community

 Based on identified needs
 Should be accessible to all the community members
 Health services should be planned as per the availability of
 There should be well defined goal and objectives
 Active participation of community members
 There should be continuity in the implementation of services
 Technically sound and well skilled
 Good professional relationship
 Not receive any gift or bribe
 Proper recording and reporting
 Available and affordable
 Foucus on all aspects of health services such as preventive,
promotive, curative and rehabilitative services

Functions of a community health nurse

 Assessment of community members to identify the needs and
 Planning for providing nursing care such MCH services,
immunization, family planning services,etc
 Implementation of health care services to the people as per
their requirement us an important functions of a community
health nurse.
 Evaluation once all nursing activities have been carried out the
nurse complete an evaluation to find out effectively of nursing
 Works as a administrative to supervise all the services
 Perform teaching on various aspects
 She provides information to the people regarding health
services, health programmes,and schemes.
 Research participates in health realated research works

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