English project, Class 10

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Movie Review: The Diary of Anne Frank

Name of the Movie: The Diary of Anne Frank

The Director of the Movie: George Stevens

Character Analyses and Development:

The movie "The Diary of Anne Frank" tells the story of Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl hiding
from the Nazis during World War II. Anne, played by Millie Perkins, starts as a cheerful and
lively teenager but grows more thoughtful and serious as she deals with the harsh reality of
hiding. Her father, Otto Frank, is a kind and supportive figure who tries to keep the family’s
spirits up. The movie shows how everyone in hiding with Anne changes and adapts to their
stressful situation.

Unpack the Film's Themes:

The main themes of the movie are hope, growing up, and the cruelty of war. Anne’s hope shines
through even in the darkest times. She writes about her dreams and thoughts in her diary. The
movie also shows how Anne loses her childhood innocence and becomes more aware of the
dangers around her. The constant threat of being discovered by the Nazis highlights the
harshness of war and prejudice.

Tone & Story Structure:

The tone of the movie is mostly serious and sad, but there are moments of happiness and
humor from Anne’s perspective. The story follows the order of events from when the Frank
family goes into hiding until they are captured. Anne’s diary entries guide the story, giving
personal and emotional insights.

Genre & Plot:

The movie is a historical drama based on real events from Anne Frank’s diary. It shows the daily
lives of Anne, her family, and others in hiding. The plot includes their fears of being caught, their
struggles with living in a small space, and their attempts to keep some normalcy despite their

Difficulties Faced by Anne Frank:

Anne Frank faced many challenges while in hiding. She lived in constant fear of being found by
the Nazis. The small, crowded living space was hard to endure, leading to tensions with those
she lived with. She missed her freedom and the chance to experience a normal teenage life.
Anne’s diary entries reveal her feelings of loneliness, fear, and her efforts to stay hopeful and
human despite the terrible circumstances.

In summary, "The Diary of Anne Frank" is a moving film about a young girl’s strength and hope
during the Holocaust. It shows Anne’s life in hiding, the people she lived with, and the powerful
impact of her words and story.

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