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Class 9th Science

Q.1. Tick the correct answer from the given choices. Each correct answer gives you +1 mark and each
incorrect answer gives you -0.5 marks.

1. Basic unit of living body:

a) Small room b) Tissue c) hairs d) cell
2. ________ is not unicellular organism
a) Cactus b) chlamydomonas 3) paramecium d) bacteria
3. Human body is originated from _____
A) Mother b) stomach of mother c) single cell d) none of them
4. Cell is seen under a _____
a) Microscope b) telescope c) thermometer d) none of them
5. _______ is a cell organelle
A) Amoeba b) bacteria c) cytoplasm d) Plasmodium
6. Who discovered the cell?
a) Robert Brown b) Virchow c) Robert Hooke d) Camillo Golgi
7. Which of the following is a cell organelle having double-membrane covering?
A) Ribosome b) lysosome c) Mitochondria d) Nucleus
8. A cell wall will swell up if:
A) It is kept in isotonic solution
B) It is kept in hypotonic solution
C) It is kept in hypertonic solution
D) None of the above
9. Chromosomes are made up of:
a) DNA b) protein c) DNA and protein d) RNA
10. Which of these is/are not the function of ribosomes?
a) Helps in protein manufacture
b) Helps in manufacture of enzymes
c) Helps in lipid synthesis
d) Helps in manufacture of starch molecules
11. Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in detoxification of drugs?
A) Golgi apparatus b) lysosomes c) vacuoles d) SER
12. Membrane biogenesis is carried out by :
A) Mitochondria b) ER c) ribosomes c) nucleus
13. Which of the following is the function of vacuole?
a) Storage b) Providing rigidity and turbidity to the cell c) waste excretion d) Locomotion
14. Kitchen of the cell is:
a) Mitochondria B) ER c) Chloroplast d) Golgi apparatus
15. Lipid molecules are synthesized in which of the following:
a) SER b) lysosome c) plastid d) nucleus
16. The largest cell of human body is:
a) Ostrich egg b) Neuron c)human egg d) Liver cell
17. Cell wall of plant cell is formed of :
a) Cellulose b) Peptidoglycan c) Lipoprotiens d) Chitin

18. Ribosomes are centre of:
a) Lipid synthesis b) glycogen synthesis c) protein synthesis d) cell division
19. Chemically, the plasma membrane is:
a) Lipoproteinous b) glycoproteinous c) phospholipids only d) chromoproteinous
20. Units of heredity are:
A) Cells b) nucleus c) chromosomes d) genes
21. When a plant cell is placed in hypertonic solution, it undergoes:
a) No change b) plasmolysis c) deplasmolysis d) replasmolysis
22. Amoeba takes the food by the process of:
a) Diffusion b) osmosis c) exocytosis d) endocytosis
23. Which of the following is involved is membrane biogenesis?
a) Ribosomes b) ER c) Golgi body d) Peroxisomes
24. Cell secretions are done by:
a) Golgi apparatus b) RER c) SER d) Lysosomes
25. In the cell, complex sugars are made from simple sugars by:
a) Nucleolus b) Mitochondria c) Golgi apparatus d) ER
26. The cell organelles having their own DNA and ribosomes are:
a) ER and Lysosomes b) Mitochondria and plastid c) Golgi apparatus and Plastid d) ER
27. Functional segments of DNa are called:
A) Genes b) ribosomes c) RNA d) Chromosomes
28. The plastids which are coloured, green and colourless are known respectively as:
a) Chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts
b) Chromoplast, chloroplasts and leucoplasts
c) Leucoplasts, chloroplasts and chromoplasts
d) Leucoplasts, chromoplats and chloroplast
29. Which of the following substance in gaseous state should be called a vapour?
a) Helium b) nitrogen c) carbon dioxide d) sulphur
30. In which state of matter, diffusion is faster?
a) Liquids b) gases c) solids d) semi-solids
31. Evaporation is called as:
a) Surface phenomenon b) bulk phenomenon c) both d) none of the above
32. Intermolecular forces of attraction are least effective in:
a) Solid b) liquid c)gases b) plasma
33. Which of the following requires heating:
a) Fusion b) condensation c) vaporization d) solidification
34. The property to flow is unique to fluids. Which of the following statement is correct?
A) Only gases behave like fluids
B) Gases and solids behave like fluids
C) Gases and liquids behave like fluids
D) Only liquids behave like fluids
35. During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the phenomenon of:
a) Diffusion b) transpiration c)osmosis d)evaporation
36. Which of the following is not a matter?
a) Air b) chair c) smell d) cold drink

37. The boiling point of water at normal atmospheric pressure is:

a) 273 K b) 373 K c) 100 K d) 0◦C
38. The physical state of water at 10◦C is:
a) Solid b) liquid c) gas d) may be solid or liquid
39. Which of the following has highest intermolecular force of attraction?
a) Liquid water b) liquid ethyl alcohol c) gaseous CO 2 d) Solid CO2
40. The three states of matter can be arranged in the decreasing order of interparticle forces as:
a) Solid>liquid>gas b) Solid>gas>liquid c)Liquid>solid>gas d) Gas>liquid>solid
41. When water solidifies to ice, then heat is
a) Absorbed b) evolved c) heat may be evolved or absorbed d) No change in heat
42. Every matter has its own……………… and………….
a) Mass, volume b) Weight, mass c) Brittleness, tough d) Shape, shadow

43. Matter is classified on the basis of………….

a) Physical and chemical properties
b) Physical and biological properties
c) chemical properties
d) Biological and characteristical properties.
44. With increasing kinetic energy …………………….
a) Pressure increases b) Temperature increases c) Temperature decreases d) Pressure decreases
45. It is not the state of matter
a) Solid b) Liquid c) Soil d) Gas
46. Eraser, book, slate is solid matter which does not has.
a) Definite shape b) Distinct boundaries c) Fixed velocity d) Fixed volume
47. Liquid are not rigid but can be…………………
a) Gas b) Solid c) Water d) Fluid
48. Gaseous are…………………. Than solids.
a) Converge b) Compatible c) Compressible d) Columnar
49. Full form of LPG.
a) Liquid petrol gas
b) Liquefied petrol gas
c) Liquefied petrochemical gas
d) Liquefied petroleum gas
50. Full form of CNG.
a) Compressed nature gas b) Compressed nurture gas c) Compatible natural gas d) Compressed natural gas


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