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SESSION = 2022-2023
NAME OF THE BOOK = India And Contemporary World - II
CHAPTER I = The Rise Of Nationalism in Europe
Questions And Answers

1 What are the differences between nation state and modern state ?

Nation state Modern state
a) In a nation - state, majority of a) In modern state, a centralized
its citizens, and not only its rulers, power exercised sovereign control
came to develop a sense of common identity over a clearly defined territory.
and shared history or descent. This
commonness was forged with Imperialism.

b) National states came into being through b) Modern states had been
diverse processes in 19th century Europe. developing in Europe for a period
For example,Germany and Italy. before 19th century. Modern states
were Multinational dynastic empires. For
example kingdom of Austria and

2. What is Liberalism?

Ans: The term 'Liberalism ' derives from the Latin root Liber, meaning free. For the new
middle classes Liberalism stood for the individual and equality of all before the law.

3. Give the political and economic implication of Liberalism.

Ans: Politically, liberalism emphasised the concept of government by consent.

In the economic sphere, Liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of
state- imposed restrictions on the movement of goods and capital.

4. Who were conservatives?

Ans: Conservatives believed that established, traditional institutions of state and society- like
the monarchs, the Church, social hierarchies, property and the family- should be preserved.

5. When France sneezes , the rest of Europe catches cold" - Justify.

Ans: France was the political nerve centre of the rest of Europe. Ever since the French
Revolution, the political developments in France had direct impact on the rest of the
European continent. The Austrian Chancellor Metternich felt that the political developments
in France were stimulative to other countries of Europe like the ideas of liberty , equality
and fraternity.
6. What was the significance of cultural development in the field of creation of Nation States?

Ans : i) Culture played an important role through poetry , stories and music
which helped express and shaped nationalist feelings.
ii) Romantic artists and poets criticized the glorification of science and
reason and focused on emotions , intuition and mystical feelings.
iii) They wanted to create a shared collective heritage , a common
cultural past as basis of nation.

7..Metternich described him as ‘ the most dangerous enemy of our social

order ’ – Discuss .
Ans : i) Great Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Mazzini , was born in Genoa in 1807, became
a member of secret society.
ii)He founded two underground societies – Young Italy and Young Europe .
iii) He believed that God had intended nations to be the natural units of mankind.
Unification alone could be the basis of Italian liberty .
iv) Following his models , secret societies were set up in Germany , France ,
Switzerland and Poland .
v) Mazzini’s relentless opposition to monarchy and his vision of democratic
republics frightened the conservatives .

8.How was the history of nationalism in Britain unlike the rest of Europe ?

Ans:i) There was no prior British nations but only British Isles which were ethnic ones..
ii) English nation steadily grew in power and established its influence.
iii) In 1688, English Parliament seized its power from monarchy.
iv) The Act of Union ( 1707) between England and Scotland resulted in
formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain . v) In 1801 , Ireland was forcibly incorporated
into United Kingdom and
new British nation was formed.

9.How Balkan tension finally led the way to First World War?
i) Balkan was a region of geographical and ethnic variation whose
inhabitants were mostly known as Slavs .
ii) The spread of ideas of Romantic nationalism in the Balkans together
with the disintegration of Ottoman Empire made this region very explosive .
iii) One by one , European subject nationalities broke away from its control
and declared independence.
iv) Balkan area became an area of intense conflict as Balkan states were
fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense
of others .
v) There were intense rivalry among the European powers over trade and
colonies as well as naval and military might. Each power was keen on countering the hold of
other powers over the Balkans . This led to a series of wars in the region and finally the First
World War.

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