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Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 1 Subject: PE Week: 8

Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:

Unit 1:
Session : 16
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Listen and move to a whistle during movement
Know what mark to jump from in long jump

II. Teaching content:

III. Time:
IV. Teaching aids:
V. Students’ assumed knowledge:
VI. Procedures
Stages / Time Activities and Presentation Ss’ Grouping Teaching aids
Welcome SS
Play the Freeze game
Do warm up learnt from previous lessons
In sports, rules are in place for safety of the players, integrity of the game and to create as fair a competition
as possible.
1. Warm up Respect Your Opponent. ...
(10 mins) Don't Argue With The Referee. ...
Listen to Your coach. ...
Take Health and Safety Seriously. ...
Be a team player. ...
Act Mentally Tough. ...
Enjoy The Wins and Learn from the Losses.
What are the basic skills in athletics?
Fundamental movement skills are basic movements such as throwing, kicking,running, jumping, hopping
and catching.
Flag Tag
In its essence, Tag may be the simplest but most athletically beneficial of all games. When it comes to
developing a wide range of athletic skills, the game of Tag is unmatched. First, kids intuitively understand
2. how to play Tag without any formal instruction. They love that rush of implied danger from being tagged,
( mins) and the game requires nothing more than open space.

Here is a list of some of the other skills developed during Tag: decision-making skills, tracking, evasion,
tactics and strategy, acceleration, deceleration and change of direction, reaching, and changing body
position. Let’s not forget Tag’s amazing cardiovascular benefits and, as you will see in the Flag Tag version,
its development of accuracy.

3. Power Ball
The game is simple: The offensive player on each team has 30 seconds to score three separate balls into a
( mins) bucket. The player can only hold one ball at a time. If that player gets tagged by a defender before they
Teacher: Andrew Class: Grade 1 Subject: PE Week: 8
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
score, that ball is out for the remainder of the 30 seconds.
The setup is key in this game. There will always be one more bucket to score than the number of defenders.
For example, if there are three players on a team, they will have to defend four buckets. This forces the
defenders to really work together and hustle to cover all the buckets. Offensively, the scorer is always
searching for an open scoring opportunity by working off their teammates’ actions.

Remember: There will always be one open bucket on the floor, but that will change depending on the
defenders’ positions and where the offense is trying to score. The development of skills like
evasion/invasion, tracking/tagging, defensive sliding/shuffling, and vision/perception/decision-making are
applicable to many sports, and this is why a game like this is so beneficial to young athletes. We can
develop usable skills in a competitive situation.

( mins)
4. Wrap-up (5’) Cool down and go over why and what Athletics is all about

5. Home link (5’)

Reflection HoDs signature

....The primary goals of sports activity for toddlers and young children should be playfulness, experimentation, exploration,
and having fun............................................................................................................................................................................
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