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1.1 Background of the Study

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this study is to analyze power quality improvement strategy and solution to
Long power outage in Ekiti state. The specific Objectives are:
1. to identify the root causes of long power outages in Ekiti state;
2. to propose a power quality improvement strategy;
3. to recommend specific solutions for mitigating long power outages and enhancing
the reliability of the power supply in Ekiti satate.

1.3. Statement of the Problem

Ekiti State, Nigeria, faces a significant challenge in the form of persistent power outages
and poor power quality, which have profoundly impacted the state’s economic, social,
and developmental landscape. The inadequacy of the power supply has resulted in a
myriad of issues that have hindered the state’s progress and the well-being of its

1.4. Scope of the Study

This study will investigate the power quality issues and long power outages affecting
Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State, with a focus on understanding the causes, impact, and potential
solutions. The research will assess power quality metrics, analyze power interruption
data, and identify the root causes of the problems. Based on the findings, the study will

recommend practical solutions to improve power quality and reduce power outages,
aiming to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the power supply and promote
economic development in the region.

1.5. Significance of the Study

1.6 Definitions Of Terms

1. Power Quality (PQ): The degree to which electrical power conforms to established
standards, ensuring reliable and efficient operation of electrical equipment.
2. Power Quality Improvement Strategy (PQIS): A comprehensive plan to enhance
the reliability, efficiency, and overall performance of the power supply system in
Ekiti State.
3. Long Power Outage (LPO): An extended interruption in electricity supply,
exceeding 2 hours, affecting households, industries, and businesses in Ekiti State.
4. Renewable Energy Sources (RES): Natural resources that can be replenished over
time, such as solar, wind, and hydro power, used to generate electricity.
5. Power Supply System (PSS): The infrastructure responsible for generating,
transmitting, and distributing electricity to meet the energy demands of Ekiti
6. Power Outage Reduction (POR): The decrease in frequency and duration of long
power outages, ensuring a more reliable and efficient power supply system.

1.7. Organization Of The Study

Chapter one gives a background of the study and introduces the subject matter of the
project. It also explains the purpose and objectives of the present work.

Chapter Two explains the literature of the work and gives some of the information that
Already exist.
Chapter three is Methodology which describes the research design, approach, and
methods used to collect and analyze data, explains the selection of variables, data
sources, and sampling procedures discusses the ethical considerations and limitations of
the study And construction of the prototype.
Results and discussions is presented in chapter four. The project ends with chapter five
where a final conclusion on the entire project is made and recommendations for further


2.1 Introduction
The town of Ikere Ekiti in Ekiti State, Nigeria, is grappling with a pressing issue – frequent
and prolonged power outages that have become a major hindrance to economic growth,
social development, and environmental sustainability. The power sector in Nigeria is
faced with numerous challenges, including inadequate generation, transmission, and
distribution infrastructure, resulting in a significant gap between electricity demand and
This chapter aims to address the power quality improvement strategy and solution to
long power outages in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State. The focus is on identifying the underlying
causes of power outages, assessing the current power infrastructure, and proposing a
comprehensive solution to improve power quality, reduce power outages, and promote
sustainable energy development.
Power outages have severe consequences on the community, including economic losses,
disrupted social services, and negative impacts on healthcare, education, and overall
quality of life. The lack of reliable power supply also hinders industrial and commercial
activities, leading to reduced productivity and competitiveness. Furthermore, the
reliance on alternative sources of energy, such as generators, contributes to
environmental pollution and health problems.
To address these challenges, it is essential to develop a sustainable and efficient power
supply system that meets the growing demand for electricity in Ikere Ekiti. This chapter
will explore the power quality improvement strategy and solution, incorporating
renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and grid modernization to
ensure a reliable, efficient, and sustainable power supply system. By doing so, it will
contribute to the economic, social, and environmental development of Ikere Ekiti and
serve as a model for other communities facing similar challenges.
2.2 Power Quality
Power quality refers to the degree to which electrical power conforms to established
standards, ensuring reliable and efficient operation of electrical equipment. Power
quality issues include voltage sag, harmonic distortion, and frequency deviations,
leading to equipment failure, reduced lifespan, and increased energy consumption.

2.3 Causes of Long Power Outages in Ekiti State
The main causes of long power outages in Ekiti State include:
1. Aging and inadequate infrastructure
2. Transmission and distribution losses
3. Overloading and poor maintenance
4. Natural disasters and weather conditions
5. Inadequate generation capacity.

2.4 Power Quality Improvement Strategies

To mitigate power outages and enhance power quality in Ekiti State, the following
strategies can be employed:
1. Grid Modernization: Upgrading the existing grid infrastructure to a smart grid,
enabling real-time monitoring and control.
2. Renewable Energy Integration: Incorporating solar, wind, and hydro power to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve power quality.
3. Energy Efficiency Measures: Promoting energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting,
and smart buildings to reduce energy consumption.
4. Demand Response Management: Implementing demand response programs to
manage energy demand and reduce peak load.
5. Energy Storage Solutions: Utilizing batteries and other energy storage
technologies to store excess energy for use during outages.
6. Power Quality Monitoring: Implementing advanced power quality monitoring
systems to detect and analyze power quality issues.
7. Grid Resiliency Measures: Implementing redundant systems, backup power
sources, and grid segmentation to reduce the impact of power outages.
8. Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: Encouraging the adoption of electric vehicles and
developing supporting infrastructure.
2.5 Solutions to Long Power Outages

To address the persistent challenge of long power outages in Ekiti State, several
solutions can be implemented:
1. Grid Expansion and Reinforcement: Upgrading and expanding the existing grid
infrastructure to increase capacity, reduce congestion, and improve reliability.
2. Distribution Automation and Smart Grid Technologies: Implementing advanced
technologies like smart meters, automated fault detection, and predictive
analytics to optimize grid operations and minimize outages.
3. Microgrids and Mini-Grids: Establishing microgrids and mini-grids to provide
reliable power to critical infrastructure, communities, and industries, reducing
dependence on the main grid.
4. Energy Storage Systems: Utilizing energy storage solutions like batteries and
capacitors to store excess energy for use during outages, reducing the burden on
the grid.
5. Backup Power Systems: Implementing backup power systems like generators and
inverters to provide reliable power during outages, ensuring continuity of critical
6. Renewable Energy Integration: Incorporating renewable energy sources like solar,
wind, and hydro power to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve power
7. Grid Resiliency Measures: Implementing measures like redundant systems, backup
power sources, and grid segmentation to reduce the impact of power outages.
8. Advanced Metering Infrastructure: Deploying advanced metering infrastructure to
monitor and manage energy consumption, reducing energy waste and improving
grid efficiency.

2.6 Case Studies

The Nigerian government’s power sector reform and privatization, supported by the
World Bank and African Development Bank, has led to significant improvements in
efficiency, reliability, and access to electricity. The initiatives demonstrate the
effectiveness of strategic planning, policy reforms, and private sector involvement in

addressing complex development challenges. Key factors include strong political will,
effective regulatory frameworks, and a commitment to transparency and accountability.

1. International Energy Agency. (2020). Nigeria Energy Outlook.
2. The Guardian. (2020). Generator usage in Nigeria’s state house.
3. BBC News. (2019). Junior World Cup disrupted by power outage.
4. Federal Republic of Nigeria. (2010). Vision 20:2020.
5. Ekiti State Government. (2019). Power sector reform.
6. Ekiti State University. (2019). Power quality improvement strategy for Ekiti State.
7. International Energy Agency. (2019). Energy and Economic Growth.
8. National Grid Corporation. (2019). Overloading and Power Outages.
9. International Association of Generators. (2020). Generator Usage and Power
10. Environmental Protection Agency. (2019). Environmental and Health Impacts of
11. Ekiti State Government. (2020). Power Quality Improvement Strategy Report.

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