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Departmen Common to all
Subject Name : Statistics and Numerical Methods :
t branches
Subject Code : MA3251 Year : I
Date : 29.05.2024 Semester : II
Time : 08.15 am - 11.15 am Max.Mark : 100
Batch : 2023 – 2024 Duration : 3:00Hrs
Assessment : Model Examination B.E/B.Tech : B.E/B.Tech
Regulation : R -2021 : April /2024
Students will be able
C110.1: Apply the concept of testing of hypothesis for small and large samples in real life problems.

C110.2: Apply the basic concepts of classifications of design of experiments in the field of agriculture.

C110.3: Appreciate the numerical techniques of interpolation in various intervals and apply the numerical techniques of differentiation and
integration for engineering problems.
C110.4: Understand the knowledge of various techniques and methods for solving first and second order ordinary differential equations.

C110.5: Solve the partial and ordinary differential equations with initial and boundary conditions by using certain techniques with
engineering applications

Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT): 1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying 4. Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating

Part A – (10×2 =20 Marks) Outcomes
Answer all the Questions CO PO
01. Define student’s t-test for difference of means of two samples. 2 C110.1 1

02. Write the conditions for applications of 2 C110.1 1&5

03. Why a 2 x2 Latin square is not possible? Explain. 3 C110.2 1&5

04. What are the basic principles of design of an experiment? 1 C110.2 1

05. Write the condition for fixed point iteration method. 3 C110.3 1

06. What is the criterion for convergence in Newton-Raphson method? 3 C110.3 1&12

07. Give the Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula. 1 C110.4 1

08. 2 C110.4 1
State Trapezoidal rule to evaluate .

09. 3 C110.5 1
Given with initial condition y=1 at x =0, find y for x = 0.1 by
Euler’s method.

10. What are single step method and multi-step method? 3 C110.5 1
Part B – (5×16 = 80 Marks) Outcomes
BT Marks
Answer all the Questions CO PO
11.a(i) Time taken by workers in performing a job are given below: 2 C110.1 1,3 08
Type I: 21 17 27 28 24 23
Type II: 28 34 43 36 33 35 39
Test whether there is any significant difference between the variances
of time distribution.
11.a(ii) From the following information state whether the condition of the child 2 C110.1 1,9 08
is associated with the condition of the house. Use

Condition of house
Clean Dirty Total
clean 69 51 120
Condition Fairly 81 20 101
of child clean
Dirty 35 44 79
Total 185 115 300
11.b(i) Two sample of size 9 and 8 give the sum of the squares of deviations 2 C110.1 2,12 08
from their respective means equal to 160 and 91 respectively. Can they
be regarded as drawn from the same normal population?.

11.b(ii) A test of a breaking strengths of 6 ropes manufactured by a company 2 C110.1 1,5 08

showed a mean breaking strengths of 3515 kg and a SD of 60 kgs
whereas the manufacturer claimed a mean breaking strengths of 363l
kg. Can we support the manufacturer’s claim at the level of significance
12.a(i) Analyze the following RBD and find your conclusion. 2 C110.2 14,11 16

T1 T2 T3 T4
B1 12 14 20 22
B2 17 27 19 15
Blocks B3 15 14 17 12
B4 18 16 22 12
B5 19 15 20 14
12.b(i) Analyze the following Latin square experiment. 2 C110.2 2,3 16
A(12) B(20) C(16) D(10)
D(18) A(14) B(11) C(14)
B(12) C(15) D(19) A(13)
C(16) D(11) A(15) B(20)
13.a(i) Find the real positive root of by Newton’s method 1 C110.3 1,9 08

correct to 6 decimal places.

13.a(ii) Using Gauss-Jordan method solve the following equations 1 C110.3 1,2 08

Solve the system of equations by Gauss-Seidal method 2 C110.3 1,2,11 08


13.b(ii) Using power method, find all the Eigen values and the corresponding 1 C110.3 2,9,12 08

eigen vectors of

14a(i) Given: 3 C110.4 1,2 08

X 0 2 3 4 7 9
Y 4 26 58 112 466 922

Find using Newton’s divided difference formula.

14a(ii) 3 C110.4 2,9 08

Evaluate: by using Simpson’s one-third rule, dividing the

range into 8 equal parts

14b(i) The following data are taken from the steam table: 2 C110.4 1,2,12 08
X 140 150 160 170 180
Y 3.685 4.854 6.302 8.076 10.225

14b(ii) 3 C110.4 2,9 08

Evaluate numerically with h = k = 0.25 using
Simpson’s Rule.

2 C110.5 1,2 16
If , y(0) = 1, find y(0.1), y(0.2) and y(0.3) by
Taylor series method. Hence find y(0.4) by Milne’s predictor –
Corrector method.

15b(i) Using Modified Euler method, find y(0.2), given that 1 C110.5 1,8 08

15b(ii) Using Runge-Kutta of fourth order find for the initial value 3 C110.5 2,9 08

Prepared By Verified By Approved By
Subject Faculty Dept. Exam Cell In-Charge HOD

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