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Here are some improved collocations you can use for your introduction in an IELTS Writing

Task 2 essay, focusing on positive or negative development:

**General Introductions**:
- In recent times, [Topic] has become a matter of considerable debate, with some arguing that it
is a positive development, while others claim it is negative.
- The issue of [Topic] has sparked a heated discussion about whether it is a step forward or
backward for society.
- Over the past few decades, the emergence of [Topic] has raised questions about its impact on
society, with opinions divided on whether it is a positive or negative development.

**Stating Positive Opinion**:

- I believe that [Topic] represents a significant advancement/improvement in [Area].
- I am convinced that [Topic] has had a profoundly positive impact on [Area].
- In my view, the introduction of [Topic] has undeniably led to remarkable progress in [Area].

**Stating Negative Opinion**:

- I contend that [Topic] has resulted in a substantial decline/deterioration in [Area].
- I hold the view that [Topic] has contributed to numerous detrimental consequences for [Area].
- I am of the opinion that [Topic] has introduced considerable drawbacks and challenges in

Using these collocation suggestions will help you craft a well-written and coherent introduction
for your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay on positive or negative development.
Here are some sample introductions using the provided collocations for both positive and
negative opinions:

**Positive Opinion - Online Education:**

In recent times, online education has become a matter of considerable debate, with some arguing
that it is a positive development. I believe that the introduction of online education has
undeniably led to remarkable progress in the accessibility and flexibility of learning

**Negative Opinion - Fast Food Popularity:**

The issue of fast food popularity has sparked a heated discussion about whether it is a step
forward or backward for society. I contend that the rise of fast food has resulted in a substantial
decline in the overall health and dietary habits of individuals.

**Positive Opinion - Remote Work:**

Over the past few decades, the emergence of remote work has raised questions about its impact
on society, with opinions divided on whether it is a positive or negative development. In my
view, remote work has had a profoundly positive impact on work-life balance and employee

**Negative Opinion - Social Media Influence:**

In recent times, social media influence has become a matter of considerable debate, with some
arguing that it is a negative development. I hold the view that the widespread influence of social
media has contributed to numerous detrimental consequences for mental health and interpersonal

Remember to adapt these examples to fit the specific task you are given in IELTS Writing Task
Here are some improved collocations you can use in the body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing
Task 2 essay when discussing the positive and negative aspects of a topic:

**Body Paragraph – Positive Aspects:**

- One undeniable benefit of [Topic] is its ability to [Benefit].
- [Topic] contributes significantly to [Positive Development] by [Example/Explanation].
- The introduction of [Topic] has led to substantial progress in [Area], as evidenced by
- Proponents of [Topic] argue that it is a key driver of [Positive Change] due to

**Body Paragraph – Negative Aspects:**

- A major drawback of [Topic] is the [Negative Consequence] it brings about.
- [Topic] raises concerns about [Negative Development], which can be seen in
- The prevalence of [Topic] has resulted in a decline in [Area], as demonstrated by
- Critics of [Topic] contend that it introduces significant challenges in [Area], such as

**Body Paragraph – Discussing Both Sides:**

- On one hand, [Topic] offers benefits such as [Positive Outcome], while on the other hand, it
presents challenges like [Negative Outcome].
- Despite its positive aspects, [Topic] also has some downsides that should not be overlooked,
including [Drawback].
- While [Topic] contributes to [Positive Development], it also raises questions about [Negative

Using these collocations will help you effectively discuss both the positive and negative aspects
of a topic in the body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here are additional collocations for discussing positive and negative aspects in the body
paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Body Paragraph - Positive Aspects:**

- An undeniable advantage of [Topic] is its contribution to [Positive Outcome].
- [Topic] plays a pivotal role in [Positive Development] by [Example/Explanation].
- The impact of [Topic] on [Area] has been profoundly positive, as seen in
- Supporters of [Topic] emphasize its potential to drive [Positive Change] through

**Body Paragraph - Negative Aspects:**

- A significant concern surrounding [Topic] is its link to [Negative Outcome].
- [Topic] has been found to contribute to [Negative Development], as illustrated by
- The negative consequences of [Topic] in [Area] are evident, particularly in terms of
- Critics argue that [Topic] poses considerable risks/challenges in [Area], such as

**Body Paragraph - Discussing Both Sides:**

- While [Topic] offers numerous benefits, it also presents notable drawbacks, including [Negative
- Despite its positive aspects, [Topic] raises questions about its impact on [Area], particularly in
terms of [Drawback].
- On one hand, [Topic] leads to [Positive Development], while on the other hand, it contributes to
[Negative Development].

By incorporating these collocations, you can strengthen your argument and effectively discuss
the positive and negative aspects of a topic in the body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in body paragraphs for the topic "working
from home" in an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Body Paragraph - Positive Aspects:**

One prominent advantage of working from home is the increased flexibility it offers employees.
This can be exemplified by the ability to set one's own working hours and take breaks as needed,
which has been shown to improve work-life balance.

**Body Paragraph - Negative Aspects:**

A notable drawback associated with working from home is the potential for social isolation. This
is exemplified by employees who report feeling disconnected from their colleagues and
experiencing a lack of informal social interactions, which can contribute to feelings of loneliness.

**Body Paragraph - Discussing Both Sides:**

While working from home has been instrumental in improving work-life balance for many
employees, it has also given rise to issues such as social isolation. Although the flexibility
offered by remote work is beneficial, the drawbacks, including reduced opportunities for social
interaction, must be considered when evaluating its overall impact on employee well-being.
Here are improved collocations for discussing positive and negative aspects of a topic in the
conclusion of an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Summarizing Positive Aspects:**

- To summarize, [Topic] offers clear benefits, such as [Advantage], demonstrating its positive
impact on [Area].
- In conclusion, the merits of [Topic] are evident, particularly in terms of [Positive Outcome].
- The advantages of [Topic], including [Benefit], clearly outweigh its downsides, making it a
positive development.

**Summarizing Negative Aspects:**

- To summarize, the drawbacks of [Topic] are clear, with [Negative Consequence] serving as a
prime example.
- In conclusion, the negative implications of [Topic] cannot be overlooked, as demonstrated by
- The disadvantages of [Topic], including [Negative Outcome], highlight its overall negative
impact on [Area].

**Balancing Both Sides:**

- In conclusion, while [Topic] introduces benefits such as [Positive Development], it also
presents challenges like [Negative Development], making its overall impact a matter of
- To summarize, the advantages and disadvantages of [Topic] are multifaceted, with [Benefit]
contrasting with [Drawback].
- In view of both the positive and negative aspects of [Topic], it is essential to strike a balance
between [Positive Outcome] and [Negative Outcome].

Using these collocations will help you effectively summarize your discussion on the positive and
negative aspects of a topic in the conclusion of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in a conclusion for the topic "working from
home" in an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Summarizing Positive Aspects:**

In conclusion, working from home offers clear benefits, such as increased flexibility and
improved work-life balance, demonstrating its positive impact on employee well-being.

**Summarizing Negative Aspects:**

To summarize, the drawbacks of working from home are clear, with social isolation serving as a
prime example, highlighting its overall negative impact on employee mental health.

**Balancing Both Sides:**

In view of both the positive and negative aspects of working from home, it is essential to strike a
balance between the flexibility it offers and the potential social isolation it may cause, ensuring
that employees can reap the benefits while mitigating the drawbacks.
Here are some improved collocations for introducing an advantage or disadvantage in an IELTS
Writing Task 2 essay:

**General Introductions:**
- The topic of [Topic] has sparked a debate about its merits and demerits.
- In recent times, the concept of [Topic] has garnered attention, with arguments both for and
against it.
- The issue of [Topic] raises questions about its advantages and disadvantages.

**Stating Advantage:**
- A compelling argument in favor of [Topic] is the [Benefit] it offers.
- Proponents of [Topic] emphasize the [Advantage] it introduces in [Area].
- One undeniable merit of [Topic] is [Positive Outcome].

**Stating Disadvantage:**
- A significant argument against [Topic] revolves around the [Drawback] it presents.
- Opponents of [Topic] highlight the [Disadvantage] it poses in [Area].
- One clear demerit of [Topic] is [Negative Outcome].

Using these collocations will help you effectively introduce the advantages or disadvantages of a
topic in your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here’s an example of how to use these collocations in an introduction for the topic “public
transportation” in an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**General Introduction:**
In recent times, the concept of public transportation has garnered attention, with arguments both
for and against its widespread adoption.

**Stating Advantage:**

A compelling argument in favor of public transportation is the reduction in traffic congestion it

offers, which can lead to smoother and more efficient commuting.

**Stating Disadvantage:**

A significant argument against public transportation revolves around the inconvenience it may
pose for individuals who live in areas with limited access to public transit options.
Here are improved collocations for discussing advantages or disadvantages in the body
paragraphs of an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Body Paragraph - Advantages:**

- One undeniable benefit of [Topic] is its ability to [Benefit]. This is exemplified by
- [Topic] contributes significantly to [Positive Development], as demonstrated by
- The introduction of [Topic] has led to [Advantage], which is evident in [Example/Explanation].

**Body Paragraph - Disadvantages:**

- A major drawback of [Topic] is [Drawback]. A case in point is [Example/Explanation].
- [Topic] raises concerns about [Negative Development], as illustrated by
- The prevalence of [Topic] has resulted in [Disadvantage], which can be seen in
Using these collocations will help you effectively discuss advantages or disadvantages in the
body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in body paragraphs for the topic "public
transportation" in an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Body Paragraph - Advantages:**

One undeniable benefit of public transportation is its ability to reduce traffic congestion. This is
exemplified by cities with well-developed transit systems, such as Singapore, where road traffic
is significantly smoother due to widespread public transportation use.

**Body Paragraph - Disadvantages:**

A major drawback of public transportation is the limited access it may provide for individuals
who live in remote or underserved areas. A case in point is rural communities, where public
transit options are often scarce, forcing residents to rely on private vehicles for their
transportation needs.
Here are improved collocations for discussing advantages or disadvantages in the conclusion of
an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Summarizing Advantages:**
- In view of the aforementioned benefits, it is clear that [Topic] has a positive impact on [Area].
- The advantages of [Topic], such as [Benefit], make a strong case for its
- To summarize, [Topic] offers significant merits that cannot be overlooked, including

**Summarizing Disadvantages:**
- In light of the drawbacks discussed, it is evident that [Topic] has a negative impact on [Area].
- The disadvantages of [Topic], particularly [Drawback], raise questions about its
- To conclude, [Topic] presents substantial demerits that must be considered, such as

**Balancing Both Sides:**

- In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of [Topic] must be carefully weighed against
each other to make an informed decision on its implementation/continuation.
- To summarize, while [Topic] offers benefits such as [Positive Outcome], it also introduces
drawbacks like [Negative Outcome], making it essential to consider all aspects before reaching a

Using these collocations will help you effectively summarize your discussion on the advantages
or disadvantages of a topic in the conclusion of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in a conclusion for the topic "public
transportation" in an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:

**Summarizing Advantages:**

In view of the aforementioned benefits, it is clear that public transportation has a positive impact
on urban mobility and environmental sustainability.

**Summarizing Disadvantages:**

In light of the drawbacks discussed, it is evident that public transportation has a negative impact
on individuals living in remote or underserved areas.

**Balancing Both Sides:**

To summarize, while public transportation offers benefits such as reduced traffic congestion and
lower carbon emissions, it also introduces challenges for individuals with limited access to
transit options. It is essential to consider all aspects of public transportation before reaching a
conclusion on its overall effectiveness.
Here are improved collocations for introducing a discussion essay in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**General Introductions:**
- The topic of [Topic] has sparked considerable debate, with differing perspectives on its impact
and implications.
- In recent times, the issue of [Topic] has garnered attention, raising questions about its
significance and potential consequences.
- The concept of [Topic] has generated discussions on its merits and drawbacks, with varying
viewpoints on its relevance and effects.

**Stating Both Sides:**

- On one hand, proponents of [Topic] argue that it leads to [Positive Outcome], while on the
other hand, opponents claim that it results in [Negative Outcome].
- The perspective on [Topic] is divided, with some asserting that it introduces [Advantage], while
others contend that it brings about [Disadvantage].
- There are differing opinions on [Topic], with its advocates emphasizing the [Benefit], while its
critics focus on the [Drawback].

Using these collocations will help you effectively introduce a discussion essay on a given topic
in your IELTS Writing Task 2.
Here’s an example of how to use these collocations in an introduction for a discussion essay on
the topic “social media” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**General Introduction:**

In recent times, the issue of social media has garnered attention, raising questions about its
significance and potential consequences in contemporary society.

**Stating Both Sides:**

On one hand, proponents of social media argue that it fosters global connectedness and provides
a platform for self-expression, while on the other hand, opponents claim that it can contribute to
mental health issues and diminish face-to-face communication.
Here are Improved collocations for discussing both sides of a topic in the body paragraphs of a
discussion essay for IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Side A:**

- Proponents of [Topic] argue that it leads to [Benefit], as demonstrated by
- Advocates of [Topic] emphasize its role in fostering [Positive Development], which can be seen
in [Example/Explanation].
- Those in favor of [Topic] highlight its potential to introduce [Advantage], as illustrated by

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Side B:**

- On the other hand, opponents of [Topic] assert that it results in [Drawback], as exemplified by
- Critics of [Topic] argue that it contributes to [Negative Development], which is evident in
- Those against [Topic] emphasize its association with [Disadvantage], as demonstrated by

Using these collocations will help you effectively present both sides of a discussion in the body
paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here are additional collocations for discussing both sides of a topic in the body paragraphs of a
discussion essay for IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Side A:**

- Advocates of [Topic] maintain that it fosters [Positive Change], citing [Example/Explanation]
as evidence.
- Those who support [Topic] contend that it drives [Advantage], which is highlighted by
- Proponents of [Topic] emphasize its potential to contribute to [Benefit], as seen in

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Side B:**

- Conversely, opponents of [Topic] argue that it introduces [Drawback], as illustrated by
- Critics of [Topic] emphasize its role in promoting [Negative Development], as demonstrated by
- Those who oppose [Topic] assert that it is associated with [Disadvantage], citing
[Example/Explanation] as proof.

These collocations will further assist you in presenting well-structured arguments for both sides
of a discussion in the body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in body paragraphs for a discussion essay on
the topic “vegetarianism” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Side A:**

Advocates of vegetarianism maintain that it fosters environmental sustainability by reducing the

carbon footprint associated with meat production, citing the lower greenhouse gas emissions
from plant-based agriculture as evidence.

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Side B:**

Conversely, opponents of vegetarianism argue that it may introduce nutritional deficiencies, as a

plant-based diet may lack certain essential nutrients found in animal products, such as vitamin
B12 and iron. This is demonstrated by some studies showing that vegetarian populations are
more prone to these deficiencies.
Here are improved collocations for concluding a discussion essay in an IELTS Writing Task 2:
**Summarizing Both Sides:**
- In conclusion, the debate surrounding [Topic] highlights its multifaceted nature, with arguments
both for and against its [Impact/Implications].
- To summarize, the discussion on [Topic] reveals that it presents both [Advantage] and
[Disadvantage], making it a complex issue.
- In view of the arguments presented, it is clear that [Topic] has the potential to drive both
[Positive Change] and [Negative Change], requiring careful consideration of its pros and cons.

**Stating Personal Opinion (Optional):**

- While acknowledging the merits of [Topic], I believe its drawbacks must be addressed to fully
realize its benefits.
- Despite its challenges, I contend that [Topic] has the potential to contribute positively to [Area],
provided its shortcomings are mitigated.
- In my opinion, [Topic] represents a step forward in [Area], as its advantages outweigh its

Using these collocations will help you effectively conclude your discussion essay in IELTS
Writing Task 2, summarizing both sides of the argument and potentially stating your personal
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in a conclusion for a discussion essay on the
topic “working from home” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Summarizing Both Sides:**

In conclusion, the debate surrounding working from home highlights its multifaceted nature,
with arguments both for and against its impact on employee well-being and productivity.

**Stating Personal Opinion (Optional):**

While acknowledging the merits of working from home, such as increased flexibility, I believe
its potential drawbacks, including social isolation, must be addressed to fully realize its benefits.
In my view, encouraging regular virtual team-building activities and providing mental health
resources can mitigate these challenges and ensure a positive remote working experience.
Here are improved collocations for introducing an opinion essay in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**General Introductions:**
- The issue of [Topic] has been a subject of debate, with varying perspectives on its significance
and implications.
- In recent times, the concept of [Topic] has garnered attention, raising questions about its merits
and drawbacks.
- The topic of [Topic] has sparked discussions on its impact and relevance in contemporary

**Stating Opinion:**
- In my opinion, [Topic] is a positive development as it contributes to [Benefit] and fosters
[Positive Development].
- I contend that [Topic] is detrimental due to its association with [Drawback] and potential to
cause [Negative Development].
- From my perspective, [Topic] represents a step forward in [Area], as it offers [Advantage] and
promotes [Positive Outcome].

Using these collocations will help you effectively introduce an opinion essay on a given topic in
your IELTS Writing Task 2.
Here are additional collocations for introducing an opinion essay in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**General Introductions:**
- The question of [Topic] has become increasingly relevant, prompting discussions on its
consequences and significance.
- In today’s world, the matter of [Topic] is of paramount importance, with its impact on [Area]
being a key point of contention.
- The topic of [Topic] has garnered debate in recent times, with varying viewpoints on its merits
and demerits.

**Stating Opinion:**
- I firmly believe that [Topic] is beneficial as it offers [Benefit] and contributes to [Positive
- In my view, [Topic] is problematic due to its potential to result in [Drawback] and foster
[Negative Development].
- From my standpoint, [Topic] represents progress in [Area], as it introduces [Advantage] and
facilitates [Positive Outcome].

Using these collocations will further assist you in presenting a strong introduction for your
opinion essay in IELTS Writing Task 2.
Here are six example introductions using the provided collocations for an opinion essay on the
topic “vegetarianism” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

1. **General Introduction + Stating Opinion:**

The issue of vegetarianism has been a subject of debate, with varying perspectives on its
significance and implications. In my opinion, vegetarianism is a positive development, as it
contributes to environmental sustainability and fosters healthier dietary choices.
2. **General Introduction + Stating Opinion:**

The question of vegetarianism has become increasingly relevant, prompting discussions on its
consequences and significance. I firmly believe that vegetarianism is beneficial, as it offers a
more sustainable alternative to meat consumption and promotes animal welfare.
3. **General Introduction + Stating Opinion:**

In today’s world, the matter of vegetarianism is of paramount importance, with its impact on
health and the environment being key points of contention. From my standpoint, vegetarianism
represents progress in the way we approach food consumption, as it introduces a healthier and
more sustainable lifestyle.

4. **General Introduction + Stating Opinion:**

The topic of vegetarianism has garnered debate in recent times, with varying viewpoints on its
merits and demerits. In my view, vegetarianism is problematic due to its potential to result in
nutritional deficiencies and create challenges in maintaining a balanced diet.
5. **General Introduction + Stating Opinion:**

The concept of vegetarianism has garnered attention, raising questions about its merits and
drawbacks. I contend that vegetarianism is detrimental due to the potential social implications, as
it may create divisions among people based on dietary choices and complicate social events
centered around food.
6. **General Introduction + Stating Opinion:**

In recent times, vegetarianism has sparked discussions on its impact and relevance in
contemporary society. From my perspective, vegetarianism is beneficial as it fosters a sense of
mindfulness about food consumption and encourages individuals to make more conscious
choices about their diets.
Here are improved collocations for discussing your opinion in the body paragraphs of an IELTS
Writing Task 2 opinion essay:

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Your Opinion:**

- One key reason for my belief is that [Topic] leads to [Benefit], which is exemplified by
- I contend that [Topic] contributes to [Positive Development], as demonstrated by
- From my perspective, [Topic] plays a crucial role in fostering [Advantage], which can be seen
in [Example/Explanation].
**Body Paragraph – Addressing Counterarguments:**
- Although some may argue that [Topic] results in [Drawback], I believe the advantages far
outweigh this concern, particularly when considering [Counterpoint].
- Despite the potential for [Negative Development], I maintain that [Topic] ultimately leads to
[Positive Development], as evidenced by [Example/Explanation].
- Although [Topic] may have some downsides, such as [Disadvantage], these can be mitigated by
[Solution], ensuring that the overall impact remains positive.

Using these collocations will help you effectively discuss your opinion and address
counterarguments in the body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 opinion essay.
Here are additional collocations for discussing your opinion in the body paragraphs of an IELTS
Writing Task 2 opinion essay:

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Your Opinion:**

- One compelling argument in favor of [Topic] is its ability to drive [Benefit], which is
highlighted by [Example/Explanation].
- It is evident that [Topic] fosters [Positive Development], as demonstrated by
- From my standpoint, [Topic] contributes significantly to [Advantage], as shown by

**Body Paragraph – Addressing Counterarguments:**

- While it is true that [Topic] may introduce [Drawback], this concern is outweighed by the
potential for [Positive Development], particularly when considering [Counterpoint].
- Despite the possibility of [Negative Development], the overall impact of [Topic] remains
positive, as illustrated by [Example/Explanation].
- Although [Topic] has some limitations, such as [Disadvantage], these can be mitigated through
[Solution], ensuring that its benefits are fully realized.
Using these collocations will further assist you in presenting well-developed arguments
supporting your opinion and addressing counterarguments in the body paragraphs of your IELTS
Writing Task 2 opinion essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in body paragraphs for an opinion essay on
the topic “online learning” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Body Paragraph – Supporting Your Opinion:**

One compelling argument in favor of online learning is its ability to provide flexible and
accessible education to individuals worldwide. This is exemplified by massive open online
courses (MOOCs), which allow learners from various backgrounds to access high-quality
education without geographic or time constraints.

**Body Paragraph – Addressing Counterarguments:**

Although some may argue that online learning lacks the face-to-face interaction found in
traditional classrooms, this concern is outweighed by the potential for personalized learning
experiences. Online platforms can utilize adaptive technologies that tailor instruction to
individual student needs, ensuring a more effective learning process.

Here are improved collocations for concluding an opinion essay in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Summarizing Your Opinion:**

- To conclude, it is clear that [Topic] offers significant [Benefit], making it an essential aspect of
- In summary, [Topic] has proven to be a driving force behind [Positive Development],
highlighting its importance in contemporary society.
- Based on the arguments presented, I firmly believe that [Topic] contributes positively to [Area],
as demonstrated by [Example/Explanation].

**Restating Your Opinion:**

- In view of the points discussed, I reiterate my stance that [Topic] is a valuable tool for
[Purpose], and its advantages far outweigh any potential drawbacks.
- To sum up, my conviction that [Topic] has a positive impact on [Area] remains steadfast, as its
contributions to [Positive Development] cannot be overlooked.
- In closing, I stand by my assertion that [Topic] is instrumental in fostering [Advantage], and its
importance in [Area] should not be underestimated.

Using these collocations will help you effectively summarize and restate your opinion on a given
topic in the conclusion of your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in a conclusion for an opinion essay on the
topic “renewable energy” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Summarizing Your Opinion:**

To conclude, it is clear that renewable energy offers significant environmental benefits, making it
an essential aspect of the global transition towards sustainable development.

**Restating Your Opinion:**

In view of the points discussed, I reiterate my stance that renewable energy is a valuable tool for
combating climate change, and its advantages far outweigh any potential drawbacks. It is crucial
to continue investing in renewable energy technologies to ensure a more sustainable future for
generations to come.
Here are improved collocations for introducing a problem-solution essay in an IELTS Writing
Task 2:

**General Introductions:**
- The issue of [Problem] has become increasingly pressing, prompting concerns about its impact
on [Area/Society].
- The challenge of [Problem] has garnered attention in recent times, raising questions about its
consequences and potential solutions.
- In today’s world, the problem of [Problem] is a significant concern, necessitating the
exploration of effective strategies to address it.

**Stating the Problem:**

- One major problem that needs to be addressed is [Problem], which can lead to [Negative
- A pressing concern that must be tackled is [Problem], as it has been shown to result in
[Negative Development].
- A critical issue that demands attention is [Problem], which has been associated with

**Suggesting Solutions:**
- To address [Problem], it is essential to implement [Solution], which can help alleviate
[Negative Development].
- One potential solution to tackle [Problem] is [Solution], as it has the potential to mitigate
[Negative Outcome].
- In order to effectively combat [Problem], [Solution] should be considered, as it can directly
address [Drawback].

Using these collocations will help you effectively introduce a problem-solution essay on a given
topic in your IELTS Writing Task 2.
Here are additional collocations for introducing a problem-solution essay in an IELTS Writing
Task 2:

**General Introductions:**
- In recent times, the predicament of [Problem] has become increasingly apparent, urging the
need to identify potential solutions.
- The obstacle of [Problem] has become a significant challenge, highlighting the importance of
addressing it with effective strategies.
- The matter of [Problem] has emerged as a significant concern, emphasizing the necessity of
exploring viable approaches to tackle it.
**Stating the Problem:**
- A crucial issue that needs attention is [Problem], which has been linked to [Negative
- One pressing concern that must be acknowledged is [Problem], as it can lead to [Drawback].
- The issue of [Problem] requires immediate attention, as it has been shown to result in [Negative

**Suggesting Solutions:**
- A possible strategy for tackling [Problem] is the implementation of [Solution], which can help
minimize [Negative Development].
- To effectively address [Problem], it is essential to consider [Solution], as it has the potential to
directly impact [Drawback].
- One viable approach to combating [Problem] involves the adoption of [Solution], which has
been demonstrated to reduce [Negative Outcome].

Using these collocations will further assist you in presenting a strong introduction for a problem-
solution essay in your IELTS Writing Task 2.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in an introduction for a problem-solution
essay on the topic “traffic congestion” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**General Introduction:**

The issue of traffic congestion has become increasingly pressing in urban areas, prompting
concerns about its impact on the environment, productivity, and quality of life.

**Stating the Problem:**

One major problem that needs to be addressed is the excessive reliance on private vehicles,
which has been shown to lead to increased air pollution, longer commute times, and reduced
overall well-being.

**Suggesting Solutions:**

To effectively combat traffic congestion, it is essential to consider the implementation of efficient

public transportation systems, as they can help alleviate these issues by reducing the number of
cars on the road and providing a more sustainable mode of transportation.
Here are improved collocations for discussing problems and solutions in the body paragraphs of
an IELTS Writing Task 2 problem-solution essay:

**Body Paragraph - Exploring Problems:**

- One significant aspect of [Problem] is [Issue], which can lead to [Negative Outcome].
- Another consequence of [Problem] is [Drawback], as demonstrated by [Example/Explanation].
- [Problem] has been linked to [Negative Development], which in turn can result in further

**Body Paragraph - Discussing Solutions:**

- A viable solution to [Problem] is [Solution], as it can help mitigate [Negative Development].
- To address [Issue], [Solution] should be considered, as it has the potential to reduce
- One approach to effectively combat [Problem] involves implementing [Solution], which can
directly target [Negative Outcome].

Using these collocations will help you effectively discuss problems and suggest solutions in the
body paragraphs of your IELTS Writing Task 2 problem-solution essay.
Here are additional sentence starters to help you discuss the positive and negative aspects of a
topic in an IELTS Writing Task 2 essay:
**Positive Aspects**:
- The emergence of [Topic] has undeniably led to [Positive Outcome].
- One undeniable benefit of [Topic] is that it [Advantage].
- A crucial advantage associated with [Topic] is its ability to [Benefit].
- Remarkably, [Topic] contributes to [Positive Development].
- Proponents of [Topic] highlight its potential to [Benefit].

**Negative Aspects**:
- The rise of [Topic] has inevitably resulted in [Negative Outcome].
- A potential pitfall of [Topic] is [Drawback].
- Critics contend that [Topic] contributes to [Negative Development].
- An important downside of [Topic] is its link to [Negative Consequence].
- Unfortunately, [Topic] is associated with several drawbacks, including [Disadvantage].

**Discussing Both Sides**:

- While the introduction of [Topic] has led to [Positive Development], it has also resulted in
[Negative Consequence].
- Although proponents of [Topic] emphasize its [Benefit], critics argue that it leads to
- It is clear that [Topic] is a double-edged sword. While it [Positive Outcome], it also [Negative
- The multifaceted nature of [Topic] is evident. It [Advantage], but at the same time, it

Using these sentence starters will help you effectively discuss the positive and negative aspects
of a topic in your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay.
Here's an example of how to use these collocations in body paragraphs for a problem-solution
essay on the topic “obesity” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:
**Body Paragraph – Exploring Problems:**

One significant aspect of obesity is its impact on overall health, as it has been shown to lead to a
higher risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Another consequence of
obesity is decreased quality of life, as individuals may face limitations in their physical activities
and experience social stigmatization.

**Body Paragraph – Discussing Solutions:**

A viable solution to tackle obesity is the promotion of healthier diets through educational
campaigns and improved access to nutritious foods. By raising awareness about the importance
of balanced nutrition and making healthier options more accessible, individuals can be better
equipped to make informed choices and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Additionally, encouraging
regular physical activity through initiatives such as community exercise programs can help
address the issue of obesity and promote overall well-being.
Here are Improved collocations for concluding a problem-solution essay in an IELTS Writing
Task 2:

**Summarizing Problems and Solutions:**

- In conclusion, it is evident that [Problem] poses significant challenges, such as [Issue] and
[Drawback]. However, by implementing [Solution], it is possible to mitigate these negative
aspects and foster a more positive [Area/Society].
- To summarize, [Problem] has been shown to lead to various complications, including [Negative
Outcome]. Nevertheless, the adoption of [Solution] can help address these concerns and
contribute to [Positive Development].
- In closing, while [Problem] represents a pressing concern due to its association with [Negative
Development], the potential of [Solution] to effectively tackle this issue should not be

Using these collocations will help you effectively summarize the problems and solutions
discussed in your IELTS Writing Task 2 problem-solution essay, as well as provide a concise
Here’s an example of how to use these collocations in a conclusion for a problem-solution essay
on the topic “climate change” in an IELTS Writing Task 2:

**Summarizing Problems and Solutions:**

In conclusion, it is evident that climate change poses significant challenges, such as rising sea
levels and extreme weather events. However, by implementing renewable energy sources and
promoting sustainable practices, it is possible to mitigate these negative aspects and foster a
more environmentally stable world. While the transition to a greener future may take time, the
potential of collective action to effectively tackle climate change should not be underestimated.

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